RBN Authentic News (19 August 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots




➡ Jim Fetzer on August 19, 2024, discusses how a potentially tumultuous week in American history is expected due to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The city is preparing for large-scale protests, particularly from anti-Israel groups, which could lead to clashes with law enforcement and the National Guard. Tensions within the Democratic Party over the Israel-Hamas conflict are also rising, and there are concerns about potential violence due to the mysterious appearance of pallets of bricks on city streets. Meanwhile, international issues are escalating, with Ukraine allegedly provoking Russia and the U.S. threatening Iran with severe consequences if it attacks Israel.
➡ The US is prepared to defend Israel against potential attacks from Iran, while Hamas has rejected a US cease-fire proposal due to demands from Israel. The UK government is considering treating extreme misogyny like terrorism, potentially requiring professionals to report suspected cases. An economic alliance of 159 countries is planning to create an alternative to the SWIFT payment system, which could have global implications. Lastly, the Democratic National Committee has released a 2024 platform that still names President Joe Biden as the party’s nominee, despite his campaign’s end.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including concerns about law enforcement, the potential impact of Kamala Harris’s policies, and allegations of fake videos being shared. It also mentions various services and products, such as tax avoidance help and essential oils. The text ends with a reference to a past interview of Trump on The View.
➡ The text discusses a television appearance by Donald Trump, where he talks about his potential presidential run and his views on the country’s economic state. It also mentions JD Vance’s debate about Kamala Harris’s role as the border czar and her policies. Lastly, it discusses the struggles of Kamala Harris’s campaign, including her inconsistent messaging and lack of a clear plan to win.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including a politician’s fluctuating stance, a new tool for meat processing companies, a health tea with numerous benefits, positive reviews of a product called Extendivite, and allegations against President Biden for abusing his office for personal gain. It also mentions a new show called War Strike and criticizes popular figures like Alex Jones, Jimmy Dore, and Joe Rogan for not telling the “actual truth of history”.
➡ Some people are considering voting for Harris due to their dislike for Trump, while others are questioning Trump’s stance on immigration. There’s a debate about whether legal immigration could lead to an influx of people from India, which some fear could change the demographic balance in the U.S. There’s also a discussion about the potential impact of the election on the future of America, with some callers expressing concern about the rise of globalism and neoliberalism.
➡ The speaker discusses the political situation in Palestine, comparing the number of Palestinian deaths during Trump’s and Biden’s presidencies. They criticize the Democrats for pretending to support the Palestinians while giving Israel a free pass. They also express frustration with the disproportionate attention given to Trump’s actions compared to the larger death toll under Biden. The speaker encourages keeping things in perspective and not falling for political duplicity.
➡ A Ukrainian force of 1,000 troops ventured 60 miles into Russia, resulting in the death of 700 soldiers. This action, possibly orchestrated by US intelligence using AI, has escalated tensions, with Russia potentially viewing this as an act of war. The remaining 300 soldiers’ whereabouts are uncertain, with possibilities including being prisoners of war or having returned to Ukraine. This failed mission aimed to secure a Russian nuclear power plant to use as leverage, but instead, it may lead to Russia taking control of Ukraine.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including their concern about the U.S. government’s support for groups with Nazi ideologies, the potential collapse of the dollar due to countries abandoning the SWIFT financial system, and the influence of the Rothschild banking empire. They also mention a book about the death of Paul McCartney and the influence of the Tavistock Institute on popular culture. Lastly, they discuss the current state of England, including a rise in violent crime and dissatisfaction with the monarchy.
➡ The speaker discusses various issues including the perceived threat to white people in Europe and the US, the political situation in the US, and the potential for violence in Denver due to Venezuelan gangs. They also mention the Supreme Court’s decision to block a federal gender rule, and the potential for chaos in Chicago. The speaker encourages listeners to spend time with loved ones and support their network.



Easy way out now she was a day trip up. One way to get it took me so long. Well, this is Jim Fetzer, your host on authentic news, right here on RBN Live this 19th day of August 2024, initiating what may be the most traumatic week in american history. Hundred thousand anti Israel protesters whom I support have, are set up flying Chicago during the Democrat convention. But you can anticipate there’s going to be a massive assault, not from the city, where the mayor appears to be open to protest, but from the governor Pritzker, who I guarantee is going to bring in the National Guard.

And we may have something far more bloody and messy than Kent State as a Democrat. National convention kicks off in Chicago. And by the way, C SPAN is already broadcasting. The city is bracing for massive protests that could overshadow the event. An estimated 100,000 anti Israel demonstrators are expected to descend upon the city, staging marches and rallies aimed at pressuring the Democratic Party over its stance in the ongoing conflict in Israel. The protests are set to take place across seven major events, with unpermitted rallies likely to add to the chaos. The largest of these, a march on the DNC 2024, is scheduled for Monday and Thursday with an expected turnout of around 30,000.

The rallies, organized by a coalition of 125 anti Israel groups determined to send a message to the Democrat leadership. Three key points leadership in the crosshairs. The protests are being driven like figures like Hat Tim Abadai and chair of the US Palestinian Community Network, who has coined terms like genocide Joe and killer Kamala to contend the administrators straight policies. Abu Dhai and other organizers are targeting the Democratic Party for what they see as complicity in Israel’s actions, despite Vice President Harris now heading the ticket after Biden recent withdrawal from the raids. Security concerns. With tens of thousands of protesters expected, Chicago’s newly elected mayor Brandon Johnson has assured the public the city is ready for this moment.

Johnson’s emphasized the need for the protests to remain safe and peaceful, though the sheer scale of the expected demonstration poses a significant challenge for law enforcement and city officials, who I reassert are going to be preempted by the governor and the National Guard. A divided party the Democrat Party’s internal divisions over Israel conflict with Hamas have been laid bare, with many on the left pushing for an end to the war in Gaza, a position that could leave Hamas a designated terrorist organization but wrongly in power. This opposition that this tension threatens undermining the parties representing united front as Hamas formally as Harris formally accepts the nomination for president.

But let’s not get ahead of the plan, Dave Hodges believe they’re going to be a coup to Dom to which I shall return. Meanwhile, surprise, surprise. Pallets of bricks delivered ahead of Chicago DNC as antifa prepares for a summer of rage Chicago as a DNC approaches commencing today, Chicago noticed a concerning trend that’s raised alarm among residents and law enforcement. Pallets of bricks have mysteriously appeared on street corners, sparking speculation a city could experience a new wave of organized chaos similar to other violent protests of previous years. The presence of these bricks is not an isolated incident, but a strategy with a well known history.

In the summer of 2020, nicknamed the summer of Love, similar deliveries reported in various cities across the United States, including Minneapolis, New York and Portland. These cities experienced protests against police brutality that turned into riots. Authorities and citizens connected these ballots and Brexit groups at Gen T Va, alleging the group used them to arm protesters and stoke violence under the guise of legitimate demonstration. Have no doubt the pallets are brought compliments at George Soros or his son. What the city ought to do is to seize them immediately. The mayor ought to seize the pallets of bricks, put them in storage, use them ultimately for public construction, not allow them to be publicly available.

And as though all the Hamas, Kamala and other controversies were bad enough, Planned Parenthood offer free vasectomies and abortion during the DNC study a Planned Parenthood clinic will be offering people free vasectomies and abortion during the Democrat National Convention. Planned Parenthood, Rate Rivers, the Chicago Abortion Fund and the Weiner Circle will be providing free vasectomies and medication abortion at Planned Parenthood Great Rivers mobile Health Clinic announced in a post on X Queen of the New York Times, the mobile health clinic will be set blocks away from the DNC. Can you imagine a free abortion clinic? Just imagine what mayhem that all by itself could generate.

We shall return to what’s happening in Chicago and politics of the United States. Meanwhile, Belarus reports Ukraine is pushing Russia to use nuclear weapons. KM have launched a cursed conversion to provoke a drastic race, while Moscow President Alexander Lukashenko believes Ukraine’s incursion internationally recognized russian territory looks like an attempt to compel Moscow to use nuclear weapons, which would irrevocably damage its image globally, belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has reported in an interview with Russia won the issue aired on Sunday. Lukashenko warned that he has operation in the Kursk region, the largest cross border assault by Kiev since the outbreak of the conflict pose enormous risk to global security.

The danger is this kind of escalation on the part of Ukraine isn’t it tapped up with Russia into asymmetric action, for example, the use of nuclear weapons, the belarusian leader said, adding such a move would be a pr bonanza for both Kiev and its western backers. Then we would probably have hardly any allies left. Since Belarus is aligned with Russia, there’d be no sympathetic countries left at all. Explaining this reaction would be based on the universal reversion to fallout that would be caused by nuclear weapons. He’s no doubt got it right. Meanwhile, Moscow says Ukraine destroyed a russian bridge with western provided missiles.

That’s not going to endure NATO to Vladimir Putin, the russian foreign ministry said Friday. Ukrainian forces use western provided missile to destroy a bridge in the Klushkovsky district of Russia’s Kurtz gold blast. The russian foreign ministry spokesman Maria Zakarova said the missiles were launched, likely launched using us provided him our rocket systems which the US has been supplying to Ukraine since 2022. For the first time, the curse region was hit by western made rocket launchers, probably american hitmars Zakarzai wrote on Telegram. As a result of the attack on the bridge, it was completely destroyed and volunteers who were assisting the evacuated civilian population were killed.

Another bridge in Kursk was reported to be hit by Ukraine forces on Sunday, according to russian state news site mash. Both bridges were targeted with us provided him hearts very, very bad. Meanwhile, Ukraine fails to force an ultimatum on Russia following its August 11 attack on a cursed nuclear plant. Most of the equipment has already been destroyed. Russian chief of general staff Valerie Gerasimov is challenging Ukraine’s plan that it’s achieving a successful offensive and cursed. After the ukrainian armed forces decided to seize russian territory on August 6, Gorbachev reassured the world Russia will defeat the enemy and reach the state border.

Russian armed forces have reportedly entered the Kursk city of Sudha, which is not controlled by Ukraine. There are, however, clashes every day between the two sides, according to Abdi Aldenov, commander of the Akron special forces, in a statement of russian media today. There are units of the russian defense ministry in Zudavov said there’s an enemy around and in some parts of the city there are active clashes there every day. The enemy cannot say that he completely controls Sudha because he does not really control it. No doubt. Meanwhile, preface and development Putin has signed a decree providing assistance to an offering a safe haven for foreigners trying to escape the western illiberal ideals.

Really fascinating. In fact, even Alex Jones has tweeted about this. What’s going on here? Pretty damn interesting. Let me see. Pull up a bit of what Ukraine has what Putin has to say. Under the document, foreign nations will have the right to apply for temporary residents in Russia outside the quota approved of the russian government without providing documents confirming their knowledge of russian language, russian history and basic laws. Moscow, August 19 that’s today. Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideal being put forth within their country to move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin.

This is wonderful. Application may be based on the rejection of their country’s policies aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people which run counter to traditional russian spiritual and moral values. What a coup. That’s fantastic as a PR event. Meanwhile, the United States has threatened Iran with cataclysmic consequences if it strikes Israel. This is really very, very troubling because we have no idea who’s actually running our government or how such a declaration could be made without the consent of Congress. A US official threat around Friday it would face cataclysmic consequences if it attacked Israel in response to the israeli killing of the Hamas political chief in Tehran.

A senior official told AFP that the US would encourage the Iranians, and I know there are many, not, to move down that road because the consequences could be quite cataclysmic, particularly for Iran. The US has vowed to defend Israel if it faces a major attack from Iran and its allies, and has deployed more military assets of the region for that purpose. Meanwhile, Hamas has rejected a new US cease fire proposal, including Yahoo demands. Hamas said Sunday it rejected a new Gaza seat fire proposal from the US because it includes demands from israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that are meant to sabotage the chances for a deal, obviously with success.

After being briefed by the mediators about what happened in the last rounds of talks in Doha, we once again came to the conclusion that, yeah, I was still putting obstacles in the way of reaching an agreement, setting up new conditions and demands with the aim of undermining the mediators efforts and prolonging the war. No doubt the palestinian group that a proposal does not include a permanent ceasefire or israeli withdrawal from Gaza. It also includes conditions for Israel to maintain control of the Netzerian corridor strip of land, separate northern Gaza from the rest of the Strip and the Gaza Egypt border known as Philadelphia corridor.

Amos said a proposal also reverses previous concession made by Israel regarding the release of palestinian prisoners. We have no doubt net Yahoo does not want a peace deal. Meanwhile, the leftist UK government to treat extreme misogyny, misogyny, of course, being anti woman in this case, misogyny anti women behavior statements conduct like terrorism the new labor government planning on treating extremistogeny in the same manner as terrorism amid a supposed rise of radicalization of young men on the Internet. Sounds like nonsense to me. Teachers, health care professionals and local officials in Britain may become legally obligated to report young men to the government prevent counterterrorism program in the same manner as islamic terrorism or far right radicalism if they are suspected of extreme misogyny, the Telegram reports.

Wow. Talk about carrying your thought control to an extreme. Under the program, those referred to prevent or assess by police and their local authority to determine if they’re need of de radicalization training. Think about it, de radicalization training. And just bear in mind what happens in the UK is a precursor of what’s going to come to the USA. Meanwhile, and in my opinion, this is devastating, 159 countries are set use BRICS swift replacement I mean, the alliance continued ever to create a swift alternative. The economic alliance has sought to create its very own BRICS payment system.

It will play a major role in the alliance trade dealing, specifically allowing unilateral settlement to be done without the need for the us dollar. The move is poised to be vital for the bloc and participating nations, and it appears there will be a lot of them. According to one russian BBC official, there are already 159 countries seeking to adopt the system. Currently, with a potential lodge coming in October. It could have massive global ramifications without any doubt. And here we have a BBC report about it. 159 countries set to adopt Rick’s new pavement. Fascinating. When you talk about the end of the dollar, there it is, taking place before your very eyes.

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Further developments include democratic convention they published their platform, but it still says Joe Biden is running to finish the job. Stand by. That’ll be a neat trick, given he died on the way into Las Vegas. But of course, they got the new Joe four inches taller. Here’s what we got. The Democrat National Committee released a 2024 platform Sunday, just before the kickoff of the party convention in Chicago this week, and it still names President Joe Biden as a party’s nominee. The DNC said that the platform was passed by the platform committee on July 16, five days before Biden announced the end of his campaign and endorsed Vice President Harris.

Democrat Party delegates will vote on the Biden centered policy platform of the convention on Monday evening. Tonight, despite Democrats rallying behind a new candidate, President Biden voice President Harrison Democrats are running to finish a job the DNC platform states to grow our economy from the middle out at bottom up, not the top down. To reward work, not wealth. To lower costs. To tackle the climate crisis, lower energy costs and secure energy independence. To protect communities and tackle the scourge of gun violence. To secure the border and fix a broken immigration system. To advance the president’s unity agenda to strengthen american leadership worldwide.

And we all know it needs strengthening. The document also refers to Biden’s second term. How are they going to campaign on securing the border when they’re the ones who have opened up border? And Harris has declared she’s all for it. Meanwhile, here’s what they claim deploying on us soil. This is dated today from RSNHE, which is, of course, a left wing venue. How Trump would use soldiers against riots, crimes and immigrants trump the former president’s vision of using the military enforce the law domestically would carry profound implications for civil liberties. It’s not even constitutional. We have posse comitatus act that forbids using military force to perform police functions.

It can’t even be done. So where in the world are they coming up with this? During the turbulent summer of 2020, President Trump raged at his military and legal advisors, calling them losers for objecting to his idea of using federal troops as oppressed outbreaks of violence during the nationwide protests over the police murder. George Floyd well, the Floyd murder was political theatrics. It didn’t actually happen the way it’s advertised, if the guy’s even dead at all. And of course, the National Guard should have been called out. But Walsh didn’t do it in time to make a difference.

The idea of the government dealing with what might potentially now be characterized as a form of insurrection, though that may again be stretching the term, might be a good or open question. Not the only time Trump was talked out of using the military for domestic law enforcement, a practice that would carry profound why aren’t they mentioning posse comitatas? Profound implication for civil liberties and traditional constraints on federal power. He repeatedly raised the idea of using troops to secure border states. Now that’s a matter of national security and even shitting both violent protesters and undocumented migrants in the legs.

In his first term, Trump never realized his expansive vision of using troops to enforce law on us soil. But as he has sought a return to power, he’s made clear he intends to use a military for arrangement domestic law enforcement purposes, including patrolling the border suppressing protests that he deems to have turned into riots and even fighting crimes in big cities run by Democrats. Well, that’s those are views are attributing to Trump. But as I observed, there are legal impediments, in particular posse comitatus. And what are the Democrats going to do in Chicago when the riots go way out of hand? And it’s going to happen right off the bat today already, I predict.

Meanwhile, Democrat fear overconfidence will destroy the Harris campaign. Sounds ridiculous. Democrats fear smug overconfidence within the party during the Kamala Harris honeymoon period will turn her chances of withstanding bruising attacks in November. They’re going to ruin. Democrat strategists understand Harris, who’s a far left radical, will eventually have to answer about her record and survive any October surprise or opposition research, which will be you are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot did you know the IR’s publicly admits that income tax is collected by voluntary compliance? Get the information you need to help you avoid income tax with these five easy steps.

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Email tom t o mpublicbroadcasting.org dot help. Somebody help. Not just anybody help. You know, I need someone help. When I was younger, so much younger than today. I never need help in any way now. But now these days are gone and I’m not so self assured. Well, fading in and out, I don’t like that. But there it is. We have swami offering suggestion to Trump as to how to handle things. Even in polls that show are alleged to show Kamala leading Trump. Trump is leading on the top issues. A Franklin Marshall survey found Kamala three in Pennsylvania, but found 51% said Trump was better on the economy, compared to just 39.

For Harris, 47 said the family was worse off today than four years ago, just 16% better off. They show Kamala may hold the lead due to sugar high on the part of an electorate. Cena is a shiny new toy, but what he suggested is focus on the issues. Focus on the issues, go down the list and say here are the policies Kamala has stood for in the past and she’s actually taken step to implement. I think we can win this thing not only by a small margin, but still in saying it resembles a landslide. I think he’s got it right.

Ram Swine said he communicated directly to Trump and who, according to Ram, as Swami, appeared receptive. Ramos Swami, in my opinion is by far the smartest, the most intelligent political figure out there on the scene today, including any other comparison. Trump has a gift for politics and connecting with the public, but in terms of intellect, Ramaswami beats them all. Meanwhile, Harris reveals her first policy plan, which would destroy America. She wants to control inflation by price rigging, fixing the prices. But you got to be very serious. This is a kind of thing that’s been attempted in other countries with disastrous consequences.

Vice President Harris was slammed Wednesday after her campaign maintained she’d be revealing price control measures terrain in inflation. Harris will propose stiff penalties in the food industry. Kamala is literally proposing price controls on food, said real clear politics senior writer Mark Hemingway. This is literally what the Soviets did, and the results will be scarcity and higher prices. Here’s Helen Rawley tweeting, government imposed price controls is a terrible idea. It makes the economy worse by causing shortages. Everyone who survived socialism, communism knows it. If the store shelves are empty, it doesn’t matter how low the government claims the price of bread to be.

Got it? Right. But she’s an idiot. She’s a complete moron. Here’s David Hodges, very smart guy. He’s asking, is it possible to fix stupid before November? Then he’s got a meme, a woman drinking a cup of coffee. Democrats screaming vote for Kamala because she’s a woman, yet they can’t define what a woman is. That’s the state of politics in America with his Democrat party. Absolutely stunning stuff. Meanwhile, he also writes in update Dave Hodges believes there’s going to be a coup against Kamala in Chicago at the DNC, and I’m not betting against him. Here’s one of the comments on his show.

The illegals don’t need to physically vote to cast a ballot. It’s called mail in ballots. All the cheaters need is the name and address of the illegal. Fill out a ballot for them, mail it and count it. How do they get the name and address of the illegals? One way is through the DMV. A lot of them have driver’s licenses, and with a driver’s license, they can vote legally or illegally, knowingly or unknowingly. Then there’s a swing vote going through electronic ballot counting machines. And by the way, Kamala will not make it through the DNC convention process.

Too many people hate her, but she’s an idiot. Meanwhile, here we have more report Kamala Harris related accounts caught sharing fake Trump crowd videos. They’re playing Trump crowd videos as though they were Kamala. Wow. Have you seen a bunch of videos like these. People claiming the recent Trump Valley, Washington, less than half people leaving early like this one. Ah, but they’re doing, they’re fabricating. This is what they’re doing. And dozens more like these. Well, it turns out they are fake. Want the real footage? Here’s the truth, side by side comparison, showing the fake much earlier in the day videos versus real videos during the rally.

Here. Colin Rug. New Kamala Harris affiliated accounts are sharing video footage from trip rally before it began and are pretending it’s a footage Kamala’s, Kamala’s wins on X was caught sharing footage from Trump before a rally in Wilkes barrel, Pennsylvania, began. And there he got it before. And of course, I’ve already reported how they are showing footage faking crowds for Kamala, for example, landing at an airport. There’s a crowd, it might be 10,000 on the tarmac in the hangar. Wow. But the game becomes, can you spot how you know it’s fake? Well, number one, it turns out the plane had no tail number.

But number two, more tellingly, there’s no reflection in the plane on the painting in the side of the airplane. And in fact, I do a show with Dave Zublik where I reported this. Dave lives in Detroit. He called out to the airport. No one, no pedestrian, no spectator is allowed on the car. Mac, totally fake. Totally fake. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, here’s Joe Rogan dropping a flashback video of Trump on the view in the past. Let’s, let’s see what happens here. Everybody used to like Trump, like the show. You ever seen, like, videos of Trump on the View with Barbara Walters back when you liked him? Ever seen that? Yes, but I can’t remember what you’re referring to.

You should see it because it’s bonkers. This is. Watch this. This is bonkers. Go full screen. This is literally bonkers. And a television star. But does he really want to add president of the United States to his resume? A lot of people would like him to. Please, let’s find out. And please welcome my friend, Donald Trump. My friend, my friend. Watch this. Just watch this. This is nuts. We’re in an alternative universe, okay? Because this is not that long ago. Go standing. Oh, bro. Watch this. Just watch how this goes. Watch this. So she’s a Republican.

That’s easy. Yeah, but everybody else. Good. Joy. Can’t wait to get a hug in. Yeah. Everyone’s hugging. Look at this. Look at this. Kisses, hugs, kisses to whoopi. Everybody. Hugs and kisses. Even joy Behar. Hugs and kisses. Hugs and kisses. See? Now watch this. So I’m going to take you at your word that you have not decided yet when you’re going to run. But you’re thinking about it and you’ve expressed some of your views, which are controversial and in many ways. Yeah. But all to her. Well, not to her. Okay, you’re a Republican, so let’s say that you do decide in the spring, right.

And your ideas resonate so much. On the other hand, you know, we saw Newt Gingrich apologizing for his marriages and divorces. You’ve had three marriages, two sort of uncomfortable divorces. Do you think that the, do you think getting laughs right away, that would bother anybody? I think the country is doing so badly, they want somebody that’s going to help it. I think the country has never been in a position like it is right now. It’s being ripped off by every nation, every intelligent nation in the world, whether it’s China, they’re taking our jobs, they’re making all our product, and then they loan us back the money we pay them.

Interesting. Whether it’s OPEC. That’s crazy. Let’s watch this field day right now. How about the Arab League? They say, we want you to go in and attack Libya. These are the wealthiest countries in the world. Why aren’t they paying us? No, I did answer your question. I really think people, I think maybe ten years ago it would have mattered five years ago. The fact is, I think people want somebody now that’s going to protect them and protect this country, because we’re not going to be a great country for long if we keep going the way we’re going right now.

The audience cheers. Yeah. When we have France. France leading the charge. Okay, France. This is our new leader, by the way. They led for about 2 hours. After that, nobody’s seen them. I don’t know if you know that or not geographically. Let me just ask a follow up question to get a lead is the point. Follow up question to that. Let’s say you run. You’ve given a lot of thought for this. Who would you like as your vice president? Possibly Sarah Palin. Well, I think it’s far too early even to discuss that. I’m going to make a decision sometime prior to June.

I’m thinking about it very strongly. I think I do a really good job. I think I’d protect this country like it’s not being protected now. It’s funny, so many of the things I say now, politicians are saying, hey, that’s right. Why don’t we, like, why aren’t they paying us? If you look at North Korea, South Korea, we’re protecting South Korea. They’re making a fortune, let’s call it hundreds of billions of dollars of profit on us. We have 25,000 soldiers over there protecting them. They don’t pay us. Why are they paying us? You’ve been treating us like a business.

No, no, a business with heart. Believe me, there’s a lot of heart. It’s a business, but it’s also a business with heart. We will destroy this country. Won’t be a war. If the economics of this country keep going the way they’re going, we’re not going to have a kind of a social liberal, Donald, you know, you’re a social liberal. Could you actually get the base to vote for you in the primary? Well, every poll is saying that I’m the one that does the best. You know, they’re doing polls. They actually have you a higher approval rating than Mitt Romneyton, Pawlenty’s John Boehner.

So let’s just pause and think. Just, he’s very poised. He’s listening. He’s like the 180. Yeah. That the media has taken on him since he decided to be president. When you see the machine go after a guy, we’ve never seen the machine go after someone as bold faced. You know, the prosecutions, the Russiagate stuff on television every night, all of it. And then to see just a few years ago, they loved it. Yeah. What wonderful reporting by Joe Rogan to dig up that old appearance on the View. How wonderful. Meanwhile, JD Vance left a journalist squirming over a brutal fact about Kamala Harris.

Vance is very good at debating. I don’t fault him there. When he takes on this guy waltz, it’s going to be slice and dice. Time walls is not going to emerge on skate. Vance is going to take him down. What do we have now? He was asked about former President Trump plan for the mass deportation of illegals. Well, John, we have to start with the fact that we have a wide open southern border because our border czar actually set a lot of open border policies. Man said, you know, she’s not actually, she wasn’t a border sar.

Karl, fall back, man. Snow. The media gave her the title border czar when she was appointed by his Biden point person on the border in March of 2021. I know, but, but Scarlet threaten. The mediaev is trying to rewrite history to falsely claim that aborters. Our title was an invention of the Republicans. Oh, that was what the media called her. She assumed the title event said she had control over a lot of our border policy at the time when they were suspending deportations. Carl interrupt had trying to defend her. Well, it was the root cause of the migration from.

Let me finish, John. At the time they were suspending deportation, they stopped Trump’s remaining Mexico policy. They reinstituted catch and release. They basically threw open the gates of our country. And now we have a ton of, ton of evil suffering and of course, I would add an invading army. Meanwhile, there’s a piece on the unraveling of Kamala Harris. There’s going to be a lot of this. Kamala’s history, political history, is actually sorted if you get down to it. Let’s see what we have to say here on hex. There’s a report they obtained the resignation letter of the Harris campaign state operations director who is now joining the Bloomberg campaign.

She wrote, it is unacceptable that with less than 90 days until Iowa, we still do not have a real plan to win. Our campaign for the people is made up of diverse talent, which is being squandered by indecision and a lack of leaders who lead. Molly, that is rough. You wrote a fantastic cover story on Kamala Harris about a month ago or so. I’m sure based on what you’re reporting has been a lot of this isn’t really a surprise to you. No, what’s a surprise is that she has failed to turn it around despite literally months and months and months of hearing this kind of frustration.

And you hear it, you know, it’s reporters, it’s people inside the campaign. It’s people outside the campaign. It’s pretty much every voter that you meet on the campaign trail who goes to see her. And the common theme is people want to like her and then she doesn’t close the deal. She’s not able to articulate a consistent and compelling message that makes those voters who show up for her, who are interested in what she’s selling, that makes them decide, yes, this is the candidate I can commit to. And the time story and a post story today have really laid out this frustration, especially within her team, that she hasn’t been able to make those decisions and she’s been all over the place in terms of message.

Here’s a clip to show some of her kind of all over the place messaging. Truth, justice, decency, equality, freedom. Our mother would sit up trying to figure out how to make it all work. That’s something most Americans know all too well. And that’s what my 03:00 a.m. agenda is all about. He’s tearing us apart. She’ll bring us together. This is Trump. And in every possible way, this is the anti Trump. And now to her, one of the messages is she’s the one who can bring back the Obama coalition in the way that Obama had it in 2007.

Yeah, they’ve tried out a number of different messages over the past several months and just tried to see what has stuck. And it’s been difficult to follow her campaign because there have been so many different messages. And one of the biggest debates that she’s having internally is whether she wants to be sort of a progressive, left wing California liberal or whether or not she wants to be more of a moderate. And both of those lanes are currently clogged up. And the fact that she’s kind of vacillating between the two of those makes it difficult for any voter to stick to her when there are other, so many other options.

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Call 1877-992-8822 or visit extendivite.com. that’s xtendovite.com. extend your life with extend here comes the sun. I say it’s alright. Four final stories, one of which just reveals how Israel won’t tolerate any hesitation. If you’re not 100% pro genocide, you’re anti Israel. And I think that’s getting pretty close to the heart of the matter. Biden Harris betrayal of Israel for political gain uncovers deep concerns. That’s israeli inspired propaganda. New audio reveals Las Vegas Metro BD discussing Biden’s emergence. And remember, he actually died on this particular trip. Now he’s been replaced by a guy who’s four inches taller.

Supreme Court upholds block on entirety of federal government title nine gender rule the Supreme Court is blocking implementing those rules that allow boys to participate in girls sports, access to girls lockers and all that. Good for the Supreme Court. And House drops its Biden impeachment report, and it’s damning. The report describes in detail Biden’s abuse of power, foreign entanglement, corruption and obstruction of investigations. House oversight, ways and means and judiciary committees brought their nearly year long impeachment, probably President Biden, to an end Monday, concluding that the Democrat who unwittingly make Kamala Harris second presidential bid possible has engaged in egregious and impeachable offenses, according to the investigation.

Nearly 300 page report. That’s one you’re going to want to obtain from the government. Overwhelming evidence demonstrate that Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family. Let me repeat, overwhelming evidence demonstrates that Biden participated in a conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family. Among other aspects of this conspiracy, the Biden family and their business associate received tens of millions of dollars from foreign interest by leading those interests to believe that such payments would provide them access to and influence with President Biden, bank records reportedly show.

When accounting also for Biden family, business associates and their companies, the international influence peddling scheme totaled over 27 million from foreign sources alone between 2014 and 2023. Contrary to the repeated suggestion by Biden in his boosters that he had no hand in his son’s shady dealing with foreign national from Ukraine, China, Russia, Kazakhstan and elsewhere. The report, meaning Biden knowingly participated in this conspiracy, that it is inconceivable that President Biden did not understand that he was taking part in an effort to enrich his family by abusing his office of public trust. Right back. Take your calls.

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Look at you. See the love that sleep. You’re back, Jim. You’re back, Jim. Welcome back to the second hour of authentic news, where I take your calls on this 19th day of August, 2024. There’s so much going on. First up, Jan and Washington. Join the conversation. Daniel, Dan just dropped. Dan dropped. Okay, Rick in Arizona. Rick, glad to have you back, friend. Give us your thoughts. Are we having a problem with the line, Julie? Yes, apparently. Hold on. Yeah, Dan, call back if you’re listening. Rick, call back. If we lost, you call back. We’ve got Lane in Texas.

Yes, Lane, go right ahead. Lane, welcome to the show. Thank you. I thought I was going to have a long wait, but it worked out okay. Well, I tell you, I’ve been listening to everybody on talk shows like yours and anybody who really thinks they’re getting their panties in a wad with Trump or Trump against Trump or Harris against Trump against Harris, just look at the last, last time around. Everybody knows Trump won the last election, but is he president? No. If they want Harrison, she’s going to get it. If they want Trump in for a good cop, now he’s going to get in.

So I don’t even know why anybody’s even concerned about. I’ve talked to a guy and a friend of mine, he says, well, voting is our last option. I said, well, not according to Joseph Stalin. That’s right. Cast the votes. Who counts them? You got it exactly right, Lane. Well, I do. I do expect the possibility of ceteris and this wall sky are so ridiculous. They were just time killers anyway. They’ll probably put somebody else in on the ticket. That’s my guess, but that remains to be seen. But anyway. Okay, well, that’s really what I wanted to talk about, Jim, so take care, please, to hear from you, Elaine, call again.

Dan in Washington. Welcome back. Let’s get you on the air. Dan, the mic is yours. Change the ringtone on when you call in. Now. I actually like it better when you can listen to the show while you’re calling in. Yeah, yeah. I don’t know, man. I honestly, I think there’s, there’s a new. I just wanted to plug a new show called War Strike. War strike. It’s got Eric Striker and Warren Balog, and they’re on odyssey and it shoots a. And there’s also white rabbit radio. And I don’t know, I, you know, when I’m listening to a lot, I, I don’t listen to Alex Jones, Jimmy Dore or Joe Rogan because they’re not really telling you all the truth.

You know, as far as how America, you know, World War Two, I don’t want to hear about Margaret Sanger or Joseph mingle or any of this crap. I’d rather actually hear the actual truth of history. Right. So I, I don’t hear any of these guys supporting Trump, you know, and so you have a lot of people that are going to vote Harris just because they hate Trump. But then you have a huge chunk of the alt right nazis, whatever you want to call us, that are not going to vote Trump, Trump either. So I don’t, I don’t know.

I could actually see. Harris just. Rick, Rick, why, why would there be a segment on the right that would not vote for Trump? Tell me. Speaker four well, did you see his speech with Shadow Adelson’s wife talk basically promising to destroy Iran? You got, he came out of basically saying he would stamp a green card to every foreigner that american community college. Rick, Rick, are you, are you telling. Yeah, I saw somebody couldn’t believe that Trump was somehow supporting migration. Is that what you’re telling me? Yeah. How can that be? I mean, the bottom is going to fall out of his support.

If he’s for open borders, to hell with Trump. Yeah. He was on a video conference, I forget with you, I think one of these mostly jewish billionaires saying, yeah, we need massive immigration. You know, as long as it’s legal. You know, so, and he’s not even really talking. Okay, that’s okay. If he’s for legal immigration, we’re all for legal immigration because it’s legal. It’s illegal. That’s a problem. But sounds to me like this. Not if they want to let in 100 million Indians. I mean, legal immigration is a problem, too. Where that hundred million Indians idea coming from, that’s just what I see happening.

I think these guys want to let in. Why would you think that would happen? Because Vance’s wife is from India. That’s going to open the Republican. Yeah. Yep. The Jews. I mean, the main priority of these, you know, is to make white people a minority. So they’ve already given every hotel and mini mart to Indians. I could just. They’ve done it in Canada. I think that seems to me to be quite a leap in logic, Rick, to say because Indians run a lot of businesses, hotels, motels, that we’re going to have 100 million Indians migrate to the US.

To me, it does not follow. What, why do you want to promote that idea? Why do you endorse it? Because I think that’s what the basically Jews want for America. I mean, they do what the Jews, what the Jews want is 100 million Indians to migrate into the USA. Yeah. Interesting. That would help me. That would destroy white America and Canada, and it would turn America into like a South Africa situation. Okay, Dan, look. Damn. Thanks. Thanks, Rick. Thanks for tossing that into the hopper, my friend. You got a final thought? Well, I mean, if you’re concerned that ni support your point of view.

And I think you’ve done a great job picking up for the, you know, Palestinians. And a lot of the hosts aren’t on Republic, aren’t even against the genocide here. But, I mean, I don’t know how you could support Trump if you’re against the genocide of Palestinians at this point. I know it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s looking at which candidate can do the best, the most good for America. It’s not whether you endorse every policy they embrace. Obviously, I don’t. I’m hoping Trump’s in office, that that’s all going to turn out to be public relation to get him into office.

That’s my honest hope here, Dan. That is just bullae. Look, thanks very much. Yeah, real, real quick. I think Pamela Harris, she picked like a white german guy. Yeah, I know he’s weird, he’s liberal, but he’s gonna, I think, beat pants in, in any kind of debate because JD Vance is kind of a slime ball, too, so. Oh, man, look in the camera and splinter eyes and then that guy will be the attack debater. And I think they could beat Trump and Vance. Honestly, maybe there’s enough people that don’t like Trump. Not a. I think when it comes to debate, Vance is going to take down waltz and turn him in a pile of poop.

I don’t have any real doubt about it. Thank you. Thanks for the call, Dan. Thanks for the call. Tom in Florida. Tom. Go for it. Tommy there. Julie, did we lose Tom? Clock. He’s there. It still does. He’s not there. Wow. Let’s see. JP in Chicago. JP, you always have something intelligent to say. Join us. Yeah. From communist Central, home of the DNC and the future. Fireball. Chicago. Chicago. Tell us what’s going on. Well, I have to correct. I misspoke before about the mayor Johnson, and he’s going to get rid of the shot spotter. That’s the radar system that allows the police to detect where shootings are coming from.

Well, they did an emergency extension. I think the Secret Service and National Guard took over and they extended the shot spotter till September. So it won’t be the Wild west in terms of shooting. Okay, if people think that’s going to happen. But, hey, I’d like to comment on some of the other guys, you know, the guy from Washington, Dan, I think it was, a lot of people have that attitude against Trump, you know, and it’s like, you know, like I said, that you’re voting between a turd sandwich and a shit sandwich and a douchebag, I think that was.

But the problem is, it’s more than just what we have right now. We have a globalist campaign as the fourth reich that’s taken over the world, the Carl Schwab’s. And they’re using communism and socialism as a mechanism to brainwash people. And that Joe Rogan piece you put on earlier is a perfect example of how people change. You know, I used to be a liberal. You were probably a classic liberal back in the day, too. But those were the good guys, you know, believed in everybody’s free rights and, you know, but it’s changed now. The liberals. The liberals are demon communists.

One world order, you know, sit you down, stick you with the jab. Abortion clinics on the move. These are neo. These are the neoliberals where Putin’s now open the door of Russia and say, you’re going to provide shelters who want to escape from neoliberalism. These are lunatics, JP. I can’t begin to tell you the Democrat party is just a bunch of lunatics. It’s unreal. Yeah. I’ll never vote Democrat again. And I’m sorry, again, from Washington. You got it wrong, bro. There’s a lot of disinformation set up against Trump. It’s a Trump derangement syndrome. Remember how all the people were freaking out with the pink hats? It was Madonna out there threatening to turn down the White House? That’s mind control, bro.

That’s what they did. They turned everybody. They were for Trump. And then when Trump went against the deep state and the big boys, the Zog, the Fourth Reich. Okay. Zionist occupied government. When he went after those guys, they took. Yep. They went after all his lawyers, and then they’ve been attacking him ever since. And if you think that’s theater and he was just made up. Well, you know, you’re. You’re watching. You’re drinking the Kool Aid a little. Watching too much. Yeah. JB, you’re in the middle of a hotspot. Make sure you wear your vest when you go out.

It’s illegal now. You can’t have a vest in the city. I have your store minus storage. No, you can’t have a vest, man. They made that illegal. I used to carry one in my car all the time, but I can’t now because I’m not a qualified bodyguard or a police officer. You know, citizens aren’t allowed to defend themselves from bullets. God, that’s what they want to bring. That’s the democrats platform, right? There. They want you weak, they want you cuck, they want you eating GMO’s, taking the shots and watching the idiot box 24/7 that’s their plan for us.

People listen, this week I speak especially. This week especially, I want you calling every day with an update of what you see going on around you in the city. Okay, I’ll keep, I’ll keep up and give you. No problem, sir. Good. JB, thank you for the call. Thank you for the call. Joe and Tennessee. Joe joined the conversation. Joe. Hey. Hey, Jim. First of all, for some reason, I hadn’t been able to call for over a month. I don’t know, somewhere somebody has been blocking me, but I’m glad to get through finally. I tried this morning and it worked.

So there’s a couple things I’d like to talk about. There’s some. One of my favorite things is don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good. Right? And in politics, you really have to think like that. And another one of my heroes is St. Thomas more. And one of his lines was, when you’re in a bad storm and the winds are not favorable and you’re going to go in a bad direction here, so you make you go the left bad, you know, because even in a bad storm, even when the winds are against you, you can steer.

So you do the least amount of harm. And I think that’s the way to look at this election. The least amount. Yeah. On almost every other issue, all your callers would agree with. But for some reason, everybody in this calling in is so hung up on the palestinian issue. And I mean, yeah, there’s somewhat of a genocide going on there and it’s a terrible situation. But I’d like to call your attention to one thing first, and that is during Trump’s presidency, I think, you know, he’s president for four years. There might have been probably less than 100 Palestinians during that time killed by the Israelis.

And now under the three and a half years of biden, probably over 100,000, probably 200,000. Start getting the bodies buried under the rubble. Yes. You know, so, I mean, sometimes you got to look at the practical numbers. I called in back when Mike was running the show about the anti war position, and people were always oh, so mad about Trump, about Solomonia. You know, he bombed that iranian general, which I didn’t like, but I used to say, how many, how many people have been killed over there since Trump’s been president? How many Americans have died over there since Trump’s been president? How many Iraqis I mean, the death call with Biden and in particular Ukraine is stunning.

Over a million people probably easily over there, yet, you know, oh, Trump, this deranged that I hear all the time. It’s really sickening. It’s so out of proportion. It really annoys me. It angers me to the point I can’t sleep because I get so mad about it. Yeah, keep it into perspective. I mean, the whole thing about Palestine, let’s face it, it’s a wash. You’re going to get the same thing, basically with Trump, probably, as far as you know, the difference between Trump is Trump. He always has. He’s not changed. The difference between Trump and the Republican and the Democrats is the Democrats pretend like they’re, you know, going to try to help the Palestinians.

I mean, the Palestinians and the Arabs and the Muslims, they vote for the Democrats, you know, and yet they’re the duplicitous ones. They’re the ones that take the support from the Palestinians and the Arabs, they’re the ones that take campaign contributions from the Democrats. I mean, the Arabs and the Muslims, yet they turn around and give Israel a free pass. Now they’ll sit there and pretend like, oh, the outrage, and we’re going to hold up the bomb shipment. But, you know, they send Blinken over there when he lands, the first thing he says is, I come here as a Jew, not as a secretary of state.

I mean, so it kind of reminds me, as a union member, NAFTA, when Bill Clinton was president. Bill Clinton should have stopped NAFTA. He was the labor president. Labor supported him. Labor gave him money. Yet he sold us out. Yes, Democrats are the real sellouts. They’re the real snake. They’re the real, you know, double dealers in this on the palestinian cause. One more thing. You are making so many terrific points. I’m really impressed. You gotta call in more often. Don’t be shy. I haven’t been able to call. I haven’t been able to call for a month, but I have a lot of ideas in my head.

You paid up for a lot of lost time. Thanks, Joe. You call again soon. Down to his knee. Get more tank will save you money every month on gas. I’m Dave von Kleist, and I noticed increased performance after my first tank of gas. My mileage increased by two and a half miles per gallon, and I’m saving money on every fill up. Yet more tank is american made, is used by trucking companies and heavy industry, and is now available to the public. Yet more tank works in any gas or diesel engine cleans your engine, improves performance, reduces emissions, and you’ll feel it every time you step on the gas.

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be glad to help you out. Be glad to answer your questions. That’s what we’re here for. No pressure, just good, hard common sense. The decision then becomes up to you. Sadeena. Rick in Arizona, join the conversation. Rick, let’s hear from you again, my friend. Yeah, how’s it going today there, doctor? Good. A little over. We’re coming on two weeks. When I made the comment that Iran is not going to attack Israel and see it or believe it when you see it. You can take whatever excuse you hear in the media why they haven’t attacked them. But I’ll give you my reasoning behind my statement.

There’s no way Iran can attack Israel without inflicting a lot of american casualties. There’s just too much of an american presence over there. And so if there’s any real retaliation, Americans are going to get killed. And at this point in the game, like I said the last time I called, that they cannot have Americans coming back in, you know, flagged rape casket. That’s doomsday for the ruling class in this country. Now, I want to redefine what Trump derangement syndrome is. Trump derangement syndrome is the people that stick with Trump. I’m not voting for any of these people.

Okay? But look it, everybody. You can vote the way you want to vote, but I’m going to tell you something that people do not. And they can’t see this because they don’t know real history. But Harris is pulling a lot of phraseology out of the national Socialist. You know, the national socialists controlled prices by placing the middlemen under arrest. Okay? The middlemen are the people that created the supply chain shortages during COVID Okay? They lop off so much profit by the time it comes from China to here, and they control the shipment. All that kind of jazz that they’re the ones who are making all the money.

They’re the ones that are going to cause the supply chain disruptions if they put in price controls. But you see, Harris says we are going to use the Federal Trade commission to go after the middleman. She used the word middleman, which was used in placement of the word jew in the late twenties with the national Socialist. They toned down their rhetoric, and they used speculator and middleman to replace the word jew. So Harris is pulling some rabbits out of the national socialist hat. I’m going to say that I think Harris can win because people are fed up with Wall street and all the bf that they’ve had to go through over the years.

268 times the average salary of a Fortune 500 company CEO makes over the worker. So don’t blow this smoke up my rear end maga. When it comes to, like, you know you’re going to bring down costs. Please spare me that. Thanks for taking my call. Yeah, Rick, thanks. No one cares about Kamala. They’re faking that crowds are doing it. Bye. Photoshopping at a real event here. And guess what? Only a few dozen people turn out for caught. Total turnout, 109. It’s just ridiculous. She’s not going anywhere. I don’t think she going to survive that convention. I think Dave Hodges has it right.

They’re gunning for her and I don’t believe she will be the nominee. We’ll find out. Meanwhile, Thomas and Omaha Thomas joined the conversation. Hello, professor. How are you doing today? Good, thanks, Thomas. Well, you know, unfortunately I did not hear your first hour, which I believe is the best hour of the Jim Fetter program is the first hour. I love it. But unfortunately I had stuff to do and I couldn’t listening to it today. Well, I’ll tell you this. I was. I’m going to ask you what is the newest news on the 1000 troop ukrainian forces that went 60 miles into Russia? Now, I had heard 700 hundred of the thousand died.

What is your latest update on that? Yeah, they were decimated. It appears this whole lot was done by us intel maybe using AI to find a weakness on the russian border. But it was an improper intrusion right into russian soil. It’s not going to be forgiven. There’s going to be very serious consequences. In effect, I think Putin is no longer regarding this as a special military operation, but as a war with Ukraine. I believe he’s going to be forced to take all of Ukraine and it’s going to happen pretty rapidly. In my opinion. It was a gamble.

They wanted to secure a nuclear power plant in Russia and hold it as ransom to gain concession. But it didn’t happen. It flopped. Failed. So, Tom, that’s the latest. Okay, my next question is, if there’s 1000 troops that went over there and 700. Excuse me, 700 of them died, where are the 300 that are left and what’s going to happen to them? Well, Thomas, I can’t answer that question. They might be POW. Some of them may have scattered. They may have gone back to Ukraine. I can’t answer that question. But I will tell you, ukrainian troops have been happy to surrender to the Russians because they’re treated better by the Russians as prisoners than as they are by their own officers in the ukrainian army.

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Keith, welcome to the show, my friend. Well, Jim, I just want to. This isn’t anything because you really like that. It’s just this, it’s this constant Kabuki theater. Anyone, and I mean anyone can Google un forced immigration, go there and read a it, download the PDF, it tells you all about what they’re going to do. The government’s are in on it, all the governments. The Kabuki theater is just all these stupid politicians that keep lying to you about what they’re going to do. This is all the same thing. Remember Trump in his latest speech there talked about how AI was coming and he wanted the immigrants.

He’s just going to get the bad ones out. And of course this is where that new biosecurity stuff is coming in. Everyone would be screwed, glued and tattooed with a new biometrics where they do the facial scan. This is all getting ready for this new digital banking system. They’re rolling out one program after another. And then, I know it was kind of cute there, but your video there that you like so well of Musk and Trump dancing around like that, you know, it’s like I say, it’s a kabuki theater. They’re keeping you entertained while all this other stuff is going on in the background.

They’re not doing anything for the country, they’re doing things for corporations. Anyone can get out there and Google US businesses in China there’s over 350. And you can go down through a list alphabetically from a to Motorola to whatever like that. You know, they want the cheap slave labor. So when China, when Trump is sitting there saying, well, China’s took our labor, well that’s because us corporations went over to supply that jobs for that because they’re not going to pay Americans decent wages, they’d rather pay slave labor. Just like the immigrants coming in here. They’re already talking about how they’re getting all these cush jobs and stuff.

Remember Carol Baker, CDC and all this stuff, you know, we’ll just get rid of the whites. We are basically systematically being destroyed. And it’s the same thing over there in UK, over there we’re supposed to through tolerance, except all the immigrants and stuff. These are for wars that have been provided by Israel, of course, destroying the entire Middle East, Africa for resources through Kissinger’s NSS, m 200 there because the United States will require large, vast amounts of resources, you know, so they move people off the ground like that so they can go in there and they can start stealing the lithium.

You’ll notice everything in the news is about minerals and, and stuff like that. I see chips. It’s all designed to sit there and facilitate commerce. That’s all it is. And they don’t care about the people. They will care about how much they have to pay them. And this is why for years, the FBI, CIA, and those guys who hired Nazis and KKK, they shot union leaders, civil rights workers. Same thing down in Colombia. Over 2000 civil rights workers have been killed and stuff. You know, anyone that demands a higher wage, Elon Musk isn’t going to pay that.

He’s not going to unionize. These other big corporations aren’t going to unionize. They’re not going to do anything for the people. You remember back in the seventies, we had strong union jobs, 40 hours a week, paid health care, overtime, sick leave, the pregnancy leave, vacation leave paid. None of that’s around anymore. You’re going to work part time jobs, massive debt, enslaved to that debt. So what? I just saw an ad where it says a certain vehicle was $500 a month. Well, that sounds good there. Well, who’s got $500 a month? They’ve destroyed the entire economy. That’s only a few people that could afford that.

And that’s why you see these automakers and stuff that are going tips up. You know, they. No one can buy anything. They haven’t created any infrastructure, whether it’s for the immigrants. And I’ll do. I like to take the word illegal out because they’re all being sponsored by the United States and other governments. Remember I sent you that thing where the US brokered that deal with Venezuela for 450,000 Venezuelans. And of course, a lot of Chinese were in there, too. But the point is, those, all this stuff, you know, they give you the Kabuki theater. Well, Mexico is pissed off because of the having to get paid or wanting more money or something like that, you know? Well, the banks are all facilitating this.

Meanwhile, people that need money and stuff to refinance where they get because of the economy, well, we’re just supposed to blame Putin. You know, it’s all kabuki theater. Keith, that was just sensational. I loved every word of it. I. You know, the Saturday night fever thing is just such a wonderful, light touch. That’s kind of a relief from the tedium of all the depressing news. Of course, it’s a distraction, Keith. I’m telling you, I liked having that distraction, okay, because all the news is so grim that you’ve outlined here. So I’m just explaining why I like it.

I recognize the realities we’re up against, which you’ve delineated so very clearly. Here. I thank you for that. A final thought. I got one more for you. Yeah, I got one more for you. You know, I grew up in Las Vegas. There, all my kids and friends I hang around, hung around with like that. You go into their house. Now, this is important, Jim. You’re military. You go into their house, and there’d be photos all across the wall of. Of the. The kid’s father, his grandfather. All these guys that’s proudly served in the us military, their entire family line, all these guys folded flags, all this stuff like that.

And as I asked you before, is this the country you fought for? We’re actually not. Of course not. Right? Of course not. We all know the answer. We all know the answer, Keith. Yeah, but we’re watching a us government supporting nazis that a lot of people in the military whose grandfathers fought and died to stop, that they’re actually supporting. Their latest interviews there of these ukrainian soldiers, they’re tattooed so far up with these nazi swastika tattoos and stuff like that. Yeah, government supporting. You know, it’s. Right. It’s like pissing on the graves of veterans. Keith, I get it.

All right? I get it. Well, you said it very, very well, my friend. Thank you for sharing all. That was wonderful. Mitchin, Michigan. Michigan. Thank you. Thank you, Keith. Mitchin, Michigan. Join the conversation. Hey, there. Earlier, you. You cited 159 countries involved with the swift, going to the bricks out of swift, right? Okay, well, Swift is going to be a big part of that, right? No, no, no, it’s replacing swift. It’s replacing swift. It’s an alternative to swift. Swift is a western trade financial currency exchange system dominated by the dollar. It’s being abandoned by 159 countries are abandoning swift.

And that means that collapse of the dollar is going to have catastrophic consequences for the standard of living of us here in America. So, those countries, would you say that they all possess or utilize a private central bank? Most of them do. One of them, Rothschild, it’s a gigantic octopus. It’s the octopus, Mitch. We know. Yes, yes. The Rothschild banking empire. It’s a tiny number of countries that don’t have Rothschild central banks are the ones that get targeted with wars like Libya or Iraq or Iran. So you’re spot on. Yeah. Continue. Okay, so all I’m getting at here is it’s.

It’s authorized, promulgated, perpetrated by the Rothschild bank of England. And like the priory of scion, you know, those various secret society think tanks are all intimately connected to that. By the way, did you ever interview a John Coleman, PhD who was a World War two paratrooper. And he’s the guy that created the Weather Channel. John Coleman, PhD. I found his book conspirators hierarchy, the committee of 300 on Amazon a couple years ago. And my conclusion was that it’s a super stellar collectible heirloom edition for 2600 buckaroos, 26 benjamins. And it’s mine. All right, well, Coleman cited the fact that everything that goes down throughout the spectrum is.

Is deliberately orchestrated. It’s. It’s. It’s premeditated, orchestrated events. And I found a documentary, by the way, I got to give AJ credit, I’m not a fan altogether, but it was he who interviewed Coleman back in 2010. Alex Jones interviewed John Coleman before he died. Super, super stellar interview. Okay, well, I found a documentary for all the. All the election enthusiasts on YouTube. This is the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta stone. To comprehend the most intimate characteristics of these election cycles. And it goes by the title, on YouTube. Antichrist unveiled sun rising in the west. Antichrist unveiled sun rising in the west.

And the YouTube channel is 73 Mar Bren. Like Brent Musperger, minus the T. Mar Bren. 73 Mar Bryn on YouTube. Antichrist unveiled sunrise in west. I want it all your scholarly participants to go watch that. I really want to hear their. Their analysis of it, okay? Including you, professor. I want to hear your analysis of it. Unless. Yeah, hang on a sec. It’s interesting, Mitch, that I just finished a book called Forbidden Fruit by a woman using the name Shannon Clemens about the death of Paul McCartney, which I’m surprised to learn didn’t occur on 911 1966, but instead earlier, 28th August, right here in the USA.

It was no accident, but she has many citations to John Coleman’s book on the committee of 300. In her book, where she talking about the role of the Tavistock Institute and others in attempting to influence popular culture through musical groups. So it’s very interesting you bring him up when I’ve just finished a book, brand new with some, to me, very surprising, unexpected information about a subject that I’ve long found fascinating, the death and replacement of Paul McCartney. So I think you’re. I think you’re. I think you’re spot on, Mitchell. I think you’re spot on. Well, brother, you know, what can I say? Thank you for that.

And Paul McCartney, the real original Paul McCartney, I suspect he got onto the Tavistock endeavors. Okay. And he was a rugby. He was a rugby player. And I. I’ve known rugby players. I’ve played rugby. Tough game. Yeah, I think. I think he decided to oppose it and they took them out because of that. That’s my theory. That’s that. Listen, listen, what you’re saying is actually consistent with a book. So let me reciprocate by, encourage you to read forbidden fruit by the Shannon Clement. Fascinating, fascinating, wonderfully written. I can’t believe what a good book it is. Mitch, I’m real pleased with your call.

I’m real pleased with your call. I want you to call again. Okay. And one last thing real quick. On the subject of a book, there’s a super brilliant jewish attorney, Steve Machat, M A C H A T, I think it is. He authored a book, unraveling the Bible. And I heard this interview back in February, coast to coast. And after the 02:00 a.m. commercial break George Norrie asked this guy, super eloquent guy, what, what’s your takes, Steve, on the palestinian terrorist terror campaign? That’s how he, that’s how George Norrie worded the query. And the author of unraveling the Bible said, well, George, you and your audience aren’t going to like my response, but the Palestinians, he said, I’ve got all the evidentiary proof.

They are the real true modern day Israelites, not the Jews of Israel. Yes, Mitch, that’s a great addendum. I like it. I like it. I agree with that. I think you had a wonderful call here. I’m real pleased you call again, Mitch. Thank you for that, Tom. And Tom in Florida. Tom, the floor is yours. Yeah, a lot of good calls today. Everybody in RV and yeah, Jim, I just want to say it begins in the city of Chicago. It’s the beginning. The Communist Marxist Party platform has started, you know, and so, you know, it begins.

But we’ll see how this is going to play out with these Palestinians and all these discombobulated morons. Well, we’ll see how it plays out. But uh, yeah, Jim, and as far as teeth goes, I remember back in the day, uh, hey, I talked too much about immigration. Somebody said that. Well, you know what, I was glad that people are picking it up because I can tell you that’s the number one issue. It ain’t, it’s economy. Yeah, but it’s really immigration, Jim. And by the way, did you see what happened last night in England? Have you been paying attention to that? You cover that story today.

I didn’t know if you did or not. Tell us him. Tell another stabbing. A woman got stabbed to death in Manchester and I got older. Gentleman got stabbed. He’s in critical condition and a 16 year old girl got stabbed, and she’s in critical condition. So it began. See, they took. They took. They took guns away. So they’ve had an epidemic of stabbings. And then they took knives away. And I said, what’s next? Potato peelers? And believe it or not, yeah, they made potato peelers illegal, too, Tom. I mean, it’s reduced. Ridiculous. England is falling apart. They’re trying to suppress it.

They won’t let people even talk about. They’re worried about the whole country unraveling. And I frankly think it’s happening, whether they want it to or not. Yeah, well, you know, right now, they’re going to be. There’s a big protest going to happen at Buckingham palace because they want the monarchy of the Charles and the king and all those version of the royal crown. I think they’re in jeopardy. I really do, because the people in England are saying, you’re not defending us. You’re bringing in a whole different group at the group of people. We don’t have our religion.

There’s more. Mock generous Angelica churches. The whole thing is unraveling in England. Like you say. I believe it, Tom. I believe it. I believe it 100%. Go on. I think. I think England’s going to have a bolshevik revolution like they had in Russian, 1917. I think England. Well, the funny thing. But, Tom, Tom, Tom. The problem with that hypothesis is England’s polygon. They got people from every nationality. There’s no uniformity. You don’t have, like, a group of jewish Bolsheviks who going in to slaughter the czar. You got people. No, Jim, I didn’t mean it like that.

What I meant is. What I meant is the viking blood of England getting fed up. The white viking blood of England is getting fed up. I. I wanted to kill the break. Julie, I guess, didn’t get the message we want. There we go. Go ahead, Tom. Go ahead. Go ahead. No, Jim. I think the Viking. The viking blood that’s in England, that made England the greatest country at one time. Those are nordic men. Those are norsemen. And they’re fed up. Their white skin’s in jeopardy. They know they’re in jeopardy. In England. They know they’re in jeopardy.

In Russia. They know they’re in jeopardy. All over Europe, Germany, France, they know they’re in jeopardy. And I think, really, the linchpins been pulled out of the hanger day, and it’s gonna be a disaster for Europe, and it’s gonna be a massive disaster for United States. Go ahead. I have to disagree with Rick about Kamala Harris. She is a marxist communist. There’s no other way to put this broad, okay? And yeah, Trump is a fumbling, mumbling mumbler, but not like Biden. But Donald Trump is at least trying to steal the border. He’s the only guy that ran for office to talk about it like that.

I agree. I agree. Tom, we’ve agreed, we’ve agreed on this many, many times over. We will continue to agree. He’s deeply flawed. But as an earlier caller, don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good. He’s better than the Democrats can provide. I don’t think there’s any question about it. He is better. So we damn well better support him and get him in office, or we are screwed. We’re doomed. We’re doomed. Jim, look it. Did you see the footage of Denver, Colorado, with the venezuelan gangs taking over black, black neighborhoods? No. They’re going crazy. And yes, in Denver, Colorado, look it up on YouTube.

And all the blacks in Denver are going nuts. And I think they’re going to start riding in Denver. Well, are they going to have to get armed and go up against these venezuelan gangs? I mean, you’re talking about what’s going to happen all over the country. Tom, we’re going to have replications of this all over the USA. It’s going to be like the measles breaking out all over the body politic. Tom, great call, great call. Great call. Final thought. Yeah. There’s a lot of measles in outbreak with diseases all over the big cities where they bring these illegals, tuberculosis, measles and.

Jerry, Chicago knows and JB knows. Yeah, Chicago’s a disaster area. Right. I mean it symbolically. Chris, call again tomorrow. Tom, thanks for being here. Chris in Alabama. Chris, join the conversation. Hi, Jim. We don’t have much time. I thought you were talking about Paul McCartney. Have you ever heard of Mike Williams and the Sage Equator podcast? I don’t think I’ve ever listened to it, but I know. And Clemens talks about him and has several citations to him in her book. You’re going to like this book, forbidden Fruit. Brilliant. But go ahead. I was just saying maybe you could do a show with Mike Williams.

He does really great presentation. He’s a musician. He’s a big Beatles fan, about 64 years old now. And he goes into. He discovered that he thinks the Beatles were a put up band by Tavistock. Yeah, basically, they didn’t write their own music for most of their career, especially up through 1966. I’m not discord and break up the, you know, the traditional value idea. Good idea. I’ll see if I can track him down and do an interview. Thanks for the suggestion. Anything more, Chris? That’s it for now. Thank you. Thank you for the call. John in Colorado.

John, join the conversation. John, are you there? Julie, do we have John? No. John, let me just turn to the Supreme Court. I’m holding a block on the federal government title ix gender rule. Listen to this. The US Supreme Court ruled five to four to reject the federal government’s bid to partially enforce the title ix rule in ten republican led states. In a ruling handing down on August 16, high court left intact two separate lower court decisions that blocked the entirety of the rule in Louisiana and nine other states that had challenged it. At the center of the disputes are three provisions, which include one declaring that the existing federal law against sex based discrimination in education settings also prohibits discrimination based on sex orientation and gender identity.

The rule addresses gendered pronouns in sex separate spaces like bathrooms, locker rooms and shower areas, clarifying that schools and colleges could lose federal funding if they don’t address students by their preferred pronouns or allow them to use facilities corresponding to their gender identity rather than their biological sex. The federal government asked the Supreme Court to lift those orders, a relief that would serve the three key provisions, sever the three key provisions while allowing the others unchallenged for justice. It would let part of the rule take effect, but the full branch agreed. The key changes the government has sought, including the redefinition of second base discrimination to include gender identity and the restriction on maintained separate sex basis, should remain blocked.

Good for the Supreme Court. Maybe there’s some life in our judicial system, in our constitution yet. Pay attention. What’s going on in Chicago? I predicted this is going to be the most traumatic week in american history. They’ve already got the Brooks in place. They got the protesters streaming in for every direction. Planned Parenthood is offering free vivisections and abortions. It’s going to be chaos. So stand by. What’s going to happen? Remember Cease Mandev? Cease man is already reporting from Chicago. Check it out. And I want John JP in Chicago and others. I really like that call from Mitch and Michigan and others we had today.

Keith was outstanding today. You’re doing a great job. Callers, keep them coming. Keep them coming. I really appreciate your being there and what’s going on here with RBN. Spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left and support RBN. Thank you, Jim. You got Julie. Good evening. Bye. I want somebody to love oh, I can buy help from my friends gonna try a little help from my friends yes, I can find a little help from my friend with a little help from my friend.


See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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