RBN Authentic News (16 August 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On August 16, 2024, Jim Petzer discussed the situation in Kursk, Ukraine. He highlighted that Ukraine’s military operation in Kursk, which aimed to capture the Kursk nuclear power plant, failed. The operation was allegedly supported by the US and NATO, but resulted in heavy Ukrainian casualties. The situation remains difficult but manageable, with Russian forces gaining the upper hand.
➡ The Saudi Crown Prince fears assassination due to his efforts to normalize Saudi-Israeli ties. Meanwhile, Jordan is using new cybercrime laws to suppress pro-Palestinian sentiment, according to Amnesty International. In other news, the U.S.’s global leadership is being questioned, with some arguing it’s more about bullying than leading. Lastly, the city of Chicago is preparing for potential chaos and mass arrests during the 2024 Democrat National Convention due to expected pro-Palestinian protests.
➡ The speaker believes that antisemitism today is a reaction to issues caused by Jews, particularly those in influential positions in the United States and Israel. They argue that Jews, despite being a small percentage of the population, hold significant power in the media, government, and banking sectors. The speaker also mentions a Jewish friend who agrees with these sentiments. The conversation ends with a reminder to spend time with loved ones due to the uncertain times following NATO and the US’s invasion of Russia.
➡ The Trump family is reportedly frustrated with the internal conflicts within their campaign team. In response, they are trying to bring back their 2016 team, including trusted old school loyalists. Meanwhile, former President Trump has pledged to restore the influence of the Israeli lobby over Congress, a move that has sparked controversy. In other news, there are ongoing debates about the closure of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate due to road closures by the Secret Service.
➡ A debate between Senator JD Vance and Minnesota Governor Tim Walls is set for October 1. The Kamala Harris campaign requires its workers to be up-to-date on COVID vaccines. A report on the attempted assassination of former President Trump reveals serious lapses by federal authorities. A Trump supporter injured during the assassination attempt has spoken out for the first time, and Trump has warned Democrats against using the assassination attempt to push for gun control.
➡ The text discusses a variety of topics, including the use of artificial intelligence in creating realistic images, the importance of understanding Jewish power in politics, the rise of LGBTQ+ identification among younger generations, and the potential scam of investing in Iraqi dinar. It also mentions the selling of gold bars as a safer investment, the persecution of patriots by the government, and the questioning of the Sandy Hook incident. Lastly, it touches on the politics within Trump’s team and the potential clash between Corey Lewandowski and Susie Wiles.
➡ The text discusses a radio show where callers discuss various political topics, including a controversial project called Project 2025. One caller questions Trump’s knowledge and stance on this project, suggesting he might be lying or senile. The host doesn’t have an answer but hopes another caller might. The conversation then shifts to a discussion about past presidents, particularly Eisenhower, and his approach to leadership and international relations.
➡ George Kennan believed that the Soviet system would collapse on its own, and it did. Eisenhower, understanding economics, cut spending and reduced the armed forces, despite opposition. He also supported Austria’s neutrality after World War II, which has led to Austria’s prosperity today. The text also discusses a claim that a recent attack by Ukraine had signs of being a NATO and US operation, suggesting a potential shift in Russia’s view of the west.
➡ The text discusses concerns about potential conflicts involving Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and the United States. It suggests that the U.S. government’s actions could lead to dangerous retaliation from other countries. The speakers also express frustration with political figures and discuss various news stories, including a report about U.S. intelligence officials visiting Iran. They end by discussing the potential impact of this visit on Iran’s actions towards Israel.
➡ The text discusses the importance of not generalizing all Jews as being part of a political military movement driven by greed and power. It emphasizes that it’s wrong to blame all Jews for the actions of a few, and that many Jews have significantly contributed to the development of America. The text also touches on the history of North America’s inhabitants and the influence of different cultures. Lastly, it encourages open conversations and understanding among different religious and cultural groups.
➡ The conversation involves various individuals discussing their views on topics such as the origins of Jewish people, the influence of Israel, and the political implications of these issues. They also touch on other topics like military strategy, social security, and media bias. The discussion is heated and involves a range of opinions, with some participants expressing skepticism towards mainstream narratives and others advocating for a more nuanced understanding of complex issues.


This is Jim Petzer, your host, on authentic news right here on RBN Live. This 16th day of August, 2024. You’ll get an impression of what happened in Kursk. Kursk information war us line about involvement in curse blood river of blood in cursed Kursk offensive devastates Ukraine it was a blunder. Let’s start with Colonel McGregor with his thoughts about what happened in Kursk. Here we go by a supposedly crack or top team of ukrainian soldiers. I think the Ukrainians received some good intelligence from us. Remember, we have space based surveillance. We can see most everything most of the time, especially in Russia and Ukraine.

I’m sure that we have our eyes on the front line trace and also the russian border. And they identified an area that was very, very weakly defended with only 30, 40, 50 policemen, and said, this is an opportunity for you to storm across the border into an area where there’s really nothing to stop you and demonstrate that you can penetrate into Russia itself. And this will create the illusion that there is still life left in the ukrainian military and that everybody should contribute money to you. I think that that was the idea. Yeah, it was a pr campaign.

Here’s more about it. But we got a deal with the too many political campaign commercials these days. Here we go in Ukraine, and we should probably start off with the situation in Kursk, the operation Ukraine military operation in Kursk, and then we can talk about the situation that is unfolding in Donbas. So let’s start with Kursk and what’s going on there. The latest reports are that Zelenskyy is he’s going to create a buffer zone. Alexander civil administration and create a buffer zone. This is an amazing, an amazing information war that the collective west has carried out in Kursk.

But. But that’s where it ends for the collection. And we’re going to now talk about reality as to what is going on in Kursk. So what’s the situation? Well, I think you described it exactly correctly. There is an information war. There is a massive propaganda effort, and then there is the reality. The reality is not always easy to discover, work out, because the. The amount of misinformation and propaganda is on such a scale now that it’s sometimes very difficult to get a true sense of what’s going on. And one does need a very level head. There’s a number of things I would like to say.

First of all, the first point is that the Russians have pretty much officially now confirmed that the original objective of this operation, when it was launched last week, was to capture the Kursk. Nuclear power plant and the town of Kurchatov. Now that operation was supposed to have been completed by the 11 August. Today is the 15 August. They haven’t got there. We’re getting lots and lots and lots of satellite pictures now showing the Russians have built lots of big fortifications in that precise area. They sent troops there and all that. I think that by this point we can say confidently that that part of the operation, the operation to capture the Coors power station has failed.

Yes. Yes, it has failed indeed. Meanwhile, RT is reporting the US has been lying about its involvement. You heard the colonel saying we provided them with intel. That’s exactly what the Russians have concluded. Not good. Kiev would never have staged an operation such as the incursion into Russia’s cursed region without US and NATO support. Former security council secretary Nikolay Patrushev has insisted accusing washing up playing a role in the attack. Last week, Ukraine launched its largest attack on russian territory since the outbreak of the conflict in February 2022. Western officials have voiced their support for the incursion into Kursk, but denied any prior knowledge the us leadership claim of non involvement in Kursk action.

Kiev’s actions in the Kursk region do not correspond to reality. Without their participation, direct support KioP would not have ventured into russian territory, Pustrev told is Vesta in an interview published on Friday. Undoubtedly he’s got it right. Meanwhile, the truth seeker reports river of blood and cursed iranian invasion force decimated over 2000 dead there will be no mercy. Moscow declares Russians american generals plan the operation of the Ukrainians according tightens around the ukrainian invasion force as Russia armies, air force, artillery and drone destroy more than 220 armored vehicles would keep casualties now exceeding 2000 men. The situation began to stabilize gradually with russian forces attempting to cut off and encircle a ukrainian invasion force.

The upper hand slowly and steadily appears to be gained by russian forces in the areas invaded last week by ukrainian and western well trained commandos. There is no stable front line in the Kursk region. The enemy is trying to gain territory in some areas, but ukrainian troops have been successfully blocked. An official close to the governor of the Russian Kurst Providence announced Indiana the situation remains difficult but controlled and manageable. Individual groups of enemy troops are destroyed and fighting continues in several areas. When Russia declares there will be no mercy, you can anticipate that will carry over to the United States.

Meanwhile, we have another report coming from the truth seeker. Kursk offense devastates Ukraine NATO admits collapse here. Here’s a video report about Ukraine has been launching a literal invasion into Russia for now, what will be likely over a week once you all watch this video. And this invasion, which of course is rubber stamped by NATO, has injected a level of enthusiasm not seen since the western mainstream media hyped up the 2023 counteroffensive, which ended up failing. But really we haven’t seen this kind of enthusiasm for a literal action, one that is undergoing an operation that is ongoing since the 2022 offensive launched by Ukraine, which saw Russia have to pull back from many key areas of the front line.

And of course, now we know that this was part of Russia’s overall strategy, but then it was seen as a major loss from Russia. But this invasion by Ukraine is into the Kursk region, okay? Which is across the ukrainian russian border about parallel with a ukrainian territory called Sumy. And it is said that Ukraine had been making, beginning at the end of the first week of August when they launched this operation, several over a dozen kilometers of progress into this region. And there was also reports that missiles Ukraine was launching, NATO sorties at the Kursk power plant, nuclear power plant, which Russia struck down.

But if it would have hit, we would have had something much bigger than Chernobyl on our hands. That’s how very good. Yes, very good. And that’s how serious it all is. I agree. Meanwhile, get this, a former IDM rabbi has admitted that October 7 was an inside job, that Israel orchestrated it. Watch what steak we gotta. Why do people lose weight? Sorry about this. It’s an inside job for sure. Don’t be foolish that all of a sudden they broke in 15 different places in the fence. Nobody showed up for 8 hours. No intelligence, no radars, no police showed up, no army showed up.

Nobody came. No air force. It takes three minutes for an helicopter to come from a base into the border. Three minutes. I was in the air force. F 16 in 1 minute is up. From the minute there is a siren in 1 minute the f 16 is already up, ready to shoot anyone. And the helicopter is faster right away. Nobody showed up. No helicopter, no f 16. Nothing. Has to be inside jobs, lefty. Liberals are the big enemy. I’ve been saying it for more than 20 years. You exaggerate everything I tell us. That may be the most honest and candid admission about October 7 we’ll ever get.

Meanwhile, the numbers show the Gaza war is one of the bloodiest in the 21st century. The numbers are staggering as it causes death to approach at 40,000. Honestly, I think it’s closer to 200. Perhaps examines the data from a global perspective. The rate and pace of deaths as well as living conditions of those still alive overshadow the conflicts in Iraq, Ukraine and Mymar one of the favorite arguments that PM minister Mitanya, who and other Israeli spoke people is to accuse the international community of hypocrisy concerning the war in the Gaza script and claim it’s ignoring other conflicts and humanitarian disasters.

Where was South Africa when millions were killed or expelled from their homes in Syria? Said Yahoo in January on a cold examination of the numbers killed in the Gaza Strip reveals this is one of the bloodiest wars since the beginning of the century, especially if you examine the rate of mortality. Out of the total population, close to 40,000 have been killed in the Gaza Strip since October 7. I reiterate, I think it’s much, much higher. In percentage terms, that’s 2% of the population of about 2 million. In terms of the total number of dead, I assume Gaza won’t be among the most ten most violent conflicts of the 21st century, professional professor Michael Spaggott of the University of London told Harett’s.

But compared to the percentage of the population killed, he assumes it’s already in the top five. Spagit is a researcher of war non conflict monitors a number of casualties and conflicts. If we factor in the amount of time it took to kill 1% of the population, then it could be unprecedented. The rate of death. Meanwhile, the saudi crowned prince tells the US he fears he will be assassinated for normalizing saudi israeli ties. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is telling us lawmakers here feels they’ll be assassinated. We’re selling out the arab world by normalizing ties with Israel.

From Politico, Saudi Arabia is de facto ruler. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, MBS, as he’s known, knows a thing or two about assassination later lately has been telling us lawmakers he has risk himself. The saudi royal has mentioned a member to Congress. He’s putting his life in danger by pursuing a grand bargain with the US and Israel. That includes normalizing saudi israeli ties. On at least one occasion is invoked Anwar Sadat, the egyptian leader slain after striking a peace deal with Israel. Asking what the US did to protect Sadat. He’s also discussed the threats he faced, explaining why any such deal must include a true path to a palestinian state, especially now that the war Gaza has heightened their fury toward Israel.

He’s speaking the truth. Meanwhile, Jordan, which turns out to be an israeli ally using cybercrime laws against pro Palestine sentiment. Amnesty International reports jordanian authorities are using the country’s new cybercrime law to stifle expression, particularly pro palestinian sentiment. Leading human rights organization. The leading human rights organization, Amnesty International, has found at least 15% have been prosecuted under the law after criticizing authorities online. The cybercrime law enacted on the 13 August 2023, introduced several amendments to the existing 2015 law, including allowing the prosecution of individuals without a personal complaint when the offense is related to governmental figures or entities.

The scope of crimes is also deemed broadsecuted for accusations such as spreading fake news, provoking strife, threatening societal peace, and contempt for religion. Under the pretext of protecting the digital space, jordanian authorities have escalated their blatant assault on the right freedom of expression, association of peaceful assembly in the country using overly broad provisions, said eye international deputy director for the Middle east and North Africa. They’ve got it right. Any kind thoughts you may have had toward Jordan, you want to qualify. Meanwhile, here’s Colonel MacGregor on western leadership, or the pretense thereof. General, welcome to the show.

Hey, thanks for inviting me. We’re certainly living in interesting times and the world is, I guess we both know, is at a very critical juncture. How much of wear out, colonel, is due to maybe a lack of leadership from the west? Well, I don’t know. It depends on how you define the leadership. Usually in the United States, we define leadership as bullying other countries into doing what we would like them to do. And I think that’s been largely the case since 1965. People would argue that we engaged in some of that in the fifties, and I think that’s partially true.

But in the fifties, we were normally acting to prevent communist parties from seizing control in places like Italy or Greece or Iran or other countries. Sometimes the intervention made sense and sometimes it did not. But we were not actively bullying people into a particular strategic direction at the time. We didn’t have to because we were effectively the last man standing at the end of the second world war. Everyone else was exhausted and worn out. We represented something like 60 70% of world gross domestic product. Today, it’s down to, I think, 30%. It was a very different world, and it was only natural and hopeful, frankly, that the rest of the world would eventually recover from the destructive experience in the second world war.

I think that’s happened. We’ve never adapted to that and we have chosen to ignore it because we don’t like it. Whatever we can’t control and dominate, we tend to treat as either an enemy state or a potential adversary that’s been going on since we intervened in Vietnam. So I think that’s one of the big problems to the United States. You can be friends with us. As long as you don’t dispute anything that we do, and you do pretty much what we prefer that you do. And when you don’t, you’re in trouble. We use our global financial prowess to punish you.

We use the swift system to punish you. We enact sanctions against you. So when you talk about the leadership from the west, I don’t think there’s leadership anywhere else but from us. But it’s bad. Whatever leadership we used to get, I think, pretty much ended with Harold McMillan in Britain. He was the last one who made any sense and stood up and said, have you lost your minds? Why are you going to Vietnam? If you think we’re going to follow you, you’ve got another thing coming. That’s when de Gaulle was in France and effectively said the same thing and said, this NATO plan has no long term future.

Get out of France. We get down the list. You know, we had a different set of actors with a different set of values and experience. You know, all the things that we talk about. National level health. Simple with Kalwada Shilaji fact bit number three. Shiloji is the supreme yoga baha within Ayurveda, Shiloh ji is the singular substance that towers above all other herbs, herbal minerals and earth made adaptogens. Yogavaha refers to substances that have the ability to synergistically make better and carry other substances to its prescribed destination. In the case of Shiloh ji, Mostani herb food or mineral is amplified with ionic potential, superimposing superior efficacy with increased cellular energy and absorption rates.

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They are going to make a mega present. Meanwhile, Chicago braces for chaos courtrooms prepared for mass arrests as Chicago police expect as many as 100,000 pro palestinian protesters during the DNC. The 2024 Democrat National Convention is scheduled to take place from August 19 through the 22nd. The event will be held in Chicago. The convention is expected to celebrate Kamala as a presumptive Democrat nominee for president and Tim Walsh as a nominee for vice. However, the city is bracing for what could be a perfect storm of chaos with a possibility of up to 100,000 pro ho moths, really anti genocide, flooding the streets.

The Chicago Police Department is preparing for the worst. I hate when they spin it and misrepresent the american people who are objecting to genocide as being there for bro Hamas. According to WGN, nine leaders of four muslim organizations either expecting upwards of 100,000 demonstrators to take part in a number of protests during the Democrat National Convention. You can anticipate it is going to be mayhem. Meanwhile, Corey Lewandowski has returned to the Trump campaign. Here’s a question article about what it means. The veteran 2016 bare knuckle tactics are back in style. Corey Lewandowski is back in the headline after the 2016 campaign manager was tapped as a senior advisor Thursday in a move that puts a hard charging politico back in the frayen alongside senior advisors Chris La Siveta and Susie Wiles.

The move has been brewing for some time. The Trump family had expressed growing frustration with a slow response to the Democrats bait and switch candidate swap and jealous competing power centers within the mid level ranks of the campaign have only added to the irritation. Las Vegas and Wells still have their jobs and avoids public approval of the new hires. But it’s hard to miss that the two veteran politico promised an orderly operation and thus far have not delivered. While talks to bring in Lundwask Lewandowski were in motion this past weekend have quickly progressed toward action. The new edition began making moves Thursday to reassemble his 2016 team, tapping original talent that had been boxed out or moved on in the hope of recreating the team of old school loyalists, former President Trump trusts and building and the campaign’s internal muscle.

This is, in my opinion, a good move, much deserved because the Democrats are cheating in every possible way. Here’s a report I don’t like at all. Trump pledges to restore israeli lobby’s power over Congress. You’re going to have the president. Okay, bad, bad, bad. Former President Donald Trump pledged to restore the power of the israeli lobby over Congress during a fighting anti semitism event with pro israeli mega donor Miriam Adelson on Thursday. Let’s listen. And if you said, let’s say 15 years ago, maybe not even that long, anything bad about Israel or jewish people, you were finished as a politician, right? You were finished.

You wouldn’t do that, congressman. You wouldn’t do, you wouldn’t do it anyway. But nobody would do it. The most powerful lobby in this country by far was Israel and jewish people today. It’s almost like what happened? What happened? What happened to Schumer? What happened to all these people? Schumer’s like a Palestinian, right? It’s a Palestinian. You got to remember that the power Miriam is lobbying is powerful and it was for good, not for Badlandhouse being jewish and of Israel. And unfortunately, they’re not necessarily the same because you have jewish people living in New York who really don’t support.

You look at the New York Times and they do not support Israel. And I don’t think they support jewish people. You want to know the truth? And you wonder where it all came from. But why did it come? And they have to get together. They have to be strong because it’s never been under attack like this. It’s never been under siege like this. 15 years ago, it was the absolute most powerful. You couldn’t have an AOC plus three, they wouldn’t have a chance of being elected anywhere. And today you have AOC and some of these people, and they’re pretty violent.

They’re pretty violent and they hate Israel and they hate jewish people. And you’re going to end up winning because you’re going to have the president, okay? So you’re going to end up winning. But you do have people and it’s amazing, just terrible. They’re going to have the present. Any criticism of Israel that is warranted is welcome, welcome here. We’re all Palestinians today. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting network. Real news, real talk, real people, because you can handle the truth. Hey there. This is Sheila with hempase by my nutri. Why is hempase better than other CBD options on the market? It’s important to point out that the common CBD oil does not contain CBDA or CBGA, and they’re only found in fresh or raw hemp products like hemp paste.

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Pay somebody $50 to get a can of spray paint and put up a swastika so they can claim there’s anti semitism. They’re manufacturing 99% of it themselves. Count on the Washington Post. UCLA must ensure protesters don’t block jewish students access to campus. No one gives a damn about who was jewish or non jewish on the campus. As I guarantee you, it has never been an issue. A federal judge has forbidden the University of California, Los Angeles from permitting campus protests that block jewish students access to the school grounds. But if they blocked, it had nothing to do with jewish students.

In a preliminary injunction issued Wednesday, Judge Mark Scarcey determined the university could not allow any activities or programs or access to parts of campus if those activities, programs on parts of campus were not accessible to all students, including jewish attendees. Scarcey was appointed by former president Donald Trump, made his ruling in a lawsuit brought by three jewish students who had sued the university for its handling of a rash at pro palestinian protests in the spring. Well, they have not handled the protest well because they’ve been criticizing sincere students objecting to genocide. If you cannot speak out against genocide, what is it you can speak out against? This is just awful.

Meanwhile, the question rises, pro palestinian campus protests, what have they achieved so far? Middle East I reported the war on Gaza set in motion amass Palestine solidarity movement among university students in the US that eventually spread across the globe. While it’s difficult to track precise numbers, Harvard’s identified protest activity over 525 different academic institutions, universities and school district offices in the US, which I applaud. They estimate encampments were presented, more than 130 of them good. Figures from the Guardian show a total of 36 encampments were set up across England, Wales and Scotland. An interactive map tracking student protest suggested 174 encampments were erected.

247 protest actions were held across 35 different countries. All good. The more the better. Meanwhile, and this is, to me, almost bizarre, targeting Trump Palm beach mayor explores closing Mar a Lago how bad is this? So it seems we’re onto the left’s latest attempt to arrest President Trump. This time it comes in the form of Palm Beach Mayor Daniel Moore. The supposed issue is that the secret Service closed South Ocean Boulevard, which runs along Trump’s estate, Mar a Lago. Yet the club remains open, and Mayor Moore doesn’t like it. She has actually directed the town council to research whether it could close Mar a Lago until the road reopens.

Note the boys and girls language. Here’s a tweet about it. I don’t like this at all. Breaking the mayor of Long beach is considering shutting down Mayor Olago and kicking Trump out of his own home. In my mind, if the road is closed, the Mar a Lago club is closed. And we can’t have it both ways, boys and girls. Mayor Deanna Morris. Unbelievable. Disgusting. The Democrats will stoop to nothing. Meanwhile, Vance and Walz agree to an October 1 debate. That should be interesting. Believe me, Vance will slice and dice this guy. So there’s nothing left but a pile of putty.

I guarantee you this Waltz is a complete nut job. A left wing lunatic. While I’m not enthusiastic about Vance, he has an incisive mind. And I guarantee you there’s going to be nothing left of walls after this exchange. Thus, a must anticipate debate between Senator JD Vance and Minnesota Governor Tim Walls appears to be on it. Both vice presidential candidates have agreed to a CB’s proposal for October 1 face off. The network issued a statement on August 14 that it had invited both VP candidates to take part in a debate in New York City, presenting both campaigns with four dates.

Waltz accepted the invitation and message on X writing, see you on October 1, JD. That should be something. Bring your popcorn and beer. That’s going to be a doozy. Meanwhile, get this. I’m not sure if any of my readers want to apply to join the Kamala Harris for president campaign? However, if you are considering applying, be aware the campaign requires its workers to be COVID vaccine up to date on all the COVID shots. How great is that? Join the Harris campaign and get the death shot. Terrific. I don’t know how many of those campaign workers are going to be around for very long.

Bad, bad. Meanwhile, Higgins report on the attempted assassination part two covering the water tower and the second shooter theory. A preliminary report on the July 13, 2024 assassination attempt on former President Trump reveals disturbing lapses by federal authorities. There a serious question about integrity of the investigation. Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana, member of the House task Force on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, authored the report after spending 20 hours on the ground in Butler County, Pennsylvania, meticulously examining the crime scene. The report takes August 12 and addressed to task force Chairman Mike Kelly, exposes a series of alarming actions or inactions by the FBI that appear to undermine investigation credibility.

In other words, the FBI isn’t going to cooperate because the FBI was complicit in setting it up. This may even have been an FBI op. That’s what this really is telling us. Have no doubts about it. The FBI, in the Secret Service, in my opinion, collaborated together for this effort, and it was only because the Trump campaign learned about it and was able to flip the script that the guys survived, my opinion. Meanwhile, men who survived Trump rally shootings weeks out for the first time a Trump supporter injured during the assassination attempt is spoken out for the first time.

David Dodge, a Pennsylvania native and former US Marine, issued a statement via attorney saying he was grateful for the support he’s received as he recovers from severe injuries suffered at the hands of would be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks. Mister Dutch was placed in a medically induced coma after ongoing surgery for severe damage to his chest and liver. And if this is all legitimate reporting, and I will grant that more was going on than I’ve been inclined to believe, Dutch was struck by Crockett’s book Crooks bullet while positioned behind the stage at the Pennsylvania van, along with 74 year old James Copenhaver, who was shot twice.

Mister Copenhaver is still recovering. Both men have retained attorneys to help them navigate a challenging period of their lives. Yes, we’ll see how that plays out. Meanwhile, a Secret Service agent left her post to breastfeed during a Trump campaign event in Asheville, North Carolina. Get that? She left a breastfeed. Secret Service is investigating report a female agent left her post that Trump campaign event in North Carolina to breastfeed. The Secret Service acknowledged the allegation and issued a statement of Fox saying an investigation was underway. Obviously, that’s not part of the protective policy from presidential candidate. Meanwhile, Trump has put Democrats on notice about using the attempt to assassinate him as an excuse to push gun control.

Democrats live by the motto never let a crisis go to waste. It’s especially true when it comes to mass shootings of any kind of firearm related tragedy. And Donald Trump put Democrats on notice about using his assassination attempt as an excuse to push gun control. He almost lost his life on July 13, or so we’re given to believe. When an assassin fired a bullet at his head, he turned at the last second, causing a bullet to just miss. Since it would be assassin was a 20 year old male alleged to have used an AR 15, it didn’t take long for Democrats to start pushing their agenda.

I wouldn’t just Biden coin for gun control. During an appearance late night with Stephen Colbert, US Senator Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas urged her colleagues to ban so called assault weapons in a show of unity. Absurd. It’s not an assault weapon. Which are fully automatic in the first place. Plus, the Supreme Court has already ruled that even military weapons are permissible for ownership by american civilians. That’s what the Second Amendment was all about. All they had in the days of our founding fathers were muskets that were military weapons. And the second Amendment was deliberately intended to cover ownership by the people, which could serve as an emergency army to come to the nation’s defense in a time of emergency.

FBI finally probes alleged iranian attack. A hack on Trump. Listen, none of this iranian stuff is bona fide. None of it is real. It’s all part of a net Yahoo attempt to demonize Iran. Meanwhile, here we have what’s supposed to be the untold story behind Biden’s sudden accent. That Pelosi issued a ruthless ultimatum to Joe Biden. Bullshit. This is utter nonsense. Pelosi had nothing to do with it. Joe died flying into Las Vegas. Or should I say the fake Joe died flying into Las Vegas. It’s only afterwards that we got the unexpected letter withdrawing from the race, not on White House stationery with a Ford signature, remember? And then they trotted out the new fake Joe Biden, who’s four inches taller.

Remember? Remember? Jimmy Dore called it out, just as I have called it out. Chicago and Grand Rapids. In Chicago, it’s stand up and a live panel show. Go to Jimmy dore.com for a link. For tickets and make sure you go to Jimmy Dore.com. so I’m going to show you this video and you tell me what seems odd about it. So here comes Joe Biden. First of all, he’s walking really briskly. And is it me or is he six inches taller than he normally is? He looks about six, because he’s supposed to be 6ft tall, but his wife usually isn’t that short.

Remember? I mean, Joe’s dead. So they had to get a new Joe and they had to fabricate a cover story. Here. We even have infowars asking, how many Joe Biden’s are there? Pretty good question, all things considered. How many Joe Biden’s are there? Meanwhile, Representative James Comer has been tweeting about the Biden cover up. A State Department sat on information related to the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes for years. Just a week after dumping Joe Biden, they’re starting to calm, clean. How disgusting is that? How disgusting. Meanwhile, the feds planted the pipe bomb on January 6.

Get this very interesting development. Why? Why were these individuals, let’s start with Thomas Crooks. How did Thomas Crooks get the training to build pipe bombs? That’s a huge question. And I’ll tell you, as soon as I found out, as soon as they reported that he had explosive devices, I went, here we go. Same thing as Gretchen Whitmer. Recalling Gretchen Whitmer. Benny that as this group that they had targeted started to fall apart, they embedded an undercover FBI employee who posed as an explosives expert and to show the guys, hey, we can really do this. We can blow up Gretchen Whitmer, this bridge leading to her house, you know, so law enforcement can’t get there.

They showed in September of 2022 the group of targets. They showed a video by this FBI undercover employee, and this is important, of an suv being blown up. You know who produced that video, Benny? Yes, the FBI. FBI did. This is the extent that they will go to really endangering people. Gretchen Whitmer should be high rate at the FBI because you have this group, you’re goading and goading, and then at the end here, we can make explosives. We’re going to go buy all the elements to do it. Of course, the same thing now with j six and now the Thomas Crooks thing.

How did this 20 year old kid. And now they don’t have any chat messages. They said he had an encrypted chat app, but, oh, we can’t get into it. Baloney. I’ve seen this in j six. This is impossible. We’re supposed to believe there is. Benny, there is no doubt in my mind that Thomas Crooks was in communications with probably an FBI informant, undercover agent, or an asset from another department, including DHS. He was. That’s further confirmation of my suggestion, my conjecture that the FBI and secret Service were in on it at Butler. Meanwhile, here’s an interesting piece from the epic times.

Fake images are everywhere. Here’s how to spot. Definitely worth watching. Remember we reported how that huge crowd on the tarmac in Detroit greeting Kamala Harris plane when David Zublik, who lives in Detroit, called out to the airport. Pedestrian civilians aren’t even allowed on the tarmac. And they must add a group. They had a group of many thousand that were photoshopped in. It’s disgusting. Here’s the article. A bit as artificial intelligence continues to develop, it’s getting harder and harder to tell it. With green real photographs and AI generated images, AI can create everything from stunning landscape to lifelike portraits in a matter of moments.

And at first glance, they may appear perfectly legitimate. In this age of misinformation, how can you discern if the images you’re seeing are real or fabricated? And they discuss subtle clues that enable you to draw the difference. That’s where a wedding has been. Lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? All the love keyboard. Otzman says the essence of jewish power is the ability to prevent the discussion of jewish power. Jewish power requires anybody in politics to understand it and know about it, but never talk about it.

My awakening really sums up with the very best evidence, the facts and the truth about race, and the fact that race drives history and the truth about the jewish question. The younger you get, the greater the percentage of people who identify as Alphabet soup. You know, LGBTQ rs. This woman, she’s like, oh yeah, I identify as a cool two years ago, and I’m like, what? Koala? What? Maybe if it was quickie koala, that might be cool, but otherwise, how about an inward pass? Have you ever received an inward pass from any of your black friends? Biden invited a drag queen to come for the signing of the Respect for Marriage act for anal sex act.

So, I mean, let’s just call it like it is. Patrick and Jeremy show Tuesday at nine Central and Wednesday at one central. Do you truly want to stay out of the system? Are you prepared to buy into the biggest scam since the iraqi dinar? If not, then put your money where it belongs, in your possession, not in the hands of an international MLM cartel. At Kettlemarine Limited, we will provide you with the finest Swiss minted detachable gram sheets of pure 24 karat gold for hundreds of dollars less than the so called privately issued credit cards with elusive gold backing.

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Let me mention this is entitled the Judicial Blundering of Doctor James H. Fatzer, co editor and co author of the book nobody died at Sandy Hook by Ronald F. Avery. It’s inexpensive, very good, you’ll find the link there. And if you want about what it’s about, the SgT report is simply excellent about my case. Here’s how it begins. Watch what protein shakes do we once we skip. You’ve got almond butter. Almond. This guy’s good. Did you see this man in that court in Madison, Wisconsin? Oh sure. And of course during the oral deposition I was there the whole time.

That took over 3 hours. And when the trial for damages, he was in the courtroom with me too. He was there at the table for the plaintiff. Okay, so this Mandev purported to be Leonard Posner, was in Madison, Wisconsin, in court with Fetzer. But then 60 minutes pedals this guy out and tells the american people, that’s Leonard Posner. Is that. Did that actually air on 60 Minutes? Did they ever broadcast? Oh, sure. Absolutely. 100% yes, it did. Hey, friends, welcome back. Thank you so very much for click and play. Sean from Sgt. Report here. That was my friend Doctor James Fetzer, another persecuted patriot.

He joins a long list of patriots now being persecuted by a criminal government. Doctor Fetzer is being persecuted for daring to question what happened at Sandy Hook elementary in December of 2012. And this one has a couple of absolutely mind blowing moments in it, information that you’ve never heard that will make you think this has to be an episode of Black Mirror. Buckle up. I think this is an extremely important broadcast, and I thank you for tuning in. Before we start, just a quick word about our sponsor. Let me just say this was a wonderful interview, and I enjoy, I encourage everyone to check it out.

It’s on my twitter account at Jim, that’s on my bitch, you channel. Jim. That’s, of course, everywhere Sgt. Report is published. It’s the latest. Truly, truly excellent. Going through the major reasons that I was deprived of my right to a trial by jury because the judge systematically denied admitting the proof I had that exonerated me from the beginning. This should never have gone to a summary judgment because of the massive disputed facts. You’ll read about it, you’ll learn, and you’ll weep at the state of the judiciary in Wisconsin today. Need someone to love to be anybody I want somebody to love oh, I can buy some help from my friend.

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And finally, our hook tumbler will keep your hooks clean and polished. Easeoff.com we make pigs fly cows, too. Ease off, LLC 417-932-6419 I’ll be there. Jane. You’re listening to the Republic Broadcasting Network because you can handle the truth it gently beeps at the fall and I see it needs sweeping still my guitar taking weep welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live, where I take your calls this 16th day of August, 2024. We begin with Laura in Michigan. Laura, join the conversation. Yes, sir. I just want to say that name that you said during your monologue.

Susan Wilds, was it? She’s the bad. She’s the one that Kelly Nelson said was so bad as advisor. You watch. She and Corey Lewandowski are gonna get into it. She’s gonna try to get rid of Corey. Ah, very, very interesting, Laura. Very interesting. Right. I think, uh, that’s very instructive. It may be why Trump has brought Corey back, that she’s actually. This is Susie Wiles. Is that who you’re talking about? That’s right. Exactly. Tell me more about her. She’s in the un. She’s in the die or whatever. All that, yeah, all that, yeah. Oh, that’s terrible.

All around. How did she get in that position in the first place? I have no ideas. Who knows how Trump picks people? Yeah, I’m troubled by that. She really admired him or something, you know? Yeah, but blowing smoke just doesn’t cut it. I think it does with him, though. Yeah. Well, maybe. Maybe we’ll just watch, see if they don’t clash or she tries to get rid of him. Okay. Okay. I think it’d be more likely Corey would get rid of her, actually, Laura. That would be my guess. Yeah, you’re right. You do better get back the old gang, you know? Yes, yes, yes.

You can’t get back Bannon because he’s in prison. Right? Give us more. Give us more thoughts, Laura. All I got to say is that article about that 1995 was the horse, you know, semen that comes up. So my son figured it out with Wal’s age. We thought maybe it was going to be some kind of kid prank or something. The guy was 31 years old when this happened. What was going on? What was he doing committing such an absurd feat? Drinking horse semen? Tell me, Laura. You got me. You got me. I have no idea. Just embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing.

I have democrats. Yeah. Unreal. Unreal. Lord. Comes up 3rd. 3rd. When he put. Put it in. So he was 31 years old. It makes a big difference. My son said, well, maybe if he was a kid, it was a dare or something. You can understand it. Not when you were 31. Yes, yes, yes. Laura, thank you. That was very appropriate. I’m glad you added all that. Okay, thank you. Now, listen, the lines are open. We have one other caller standing by, but the lines are completely open. If you’ve never called before, this is a great time to call in.

If you got something on your mind you want to get off your chest, great time to call in. Meanwhile, Francis silly girl in North Carolina. Join. Join the conversation. Hey, young man, I’m out shopping at the moment, so you have to overlook me for one thing. Yes, the silly viking gal at your service. And yes, I’m out shopping at the moment. So, yeah, those are looking sounds of not so nature, but civilization process. There’s a lot going on with that political scene and so forth. But I have to admit, there was one thing that was brought to my attention recently that really got my goat, as it were, dare I say, a lot.

Various doctor hos do not like to address this thing about the project 2025. And on top of that, Trump likes to distance himself from it and so forth, which is like, really ridiculous. But you know something? When I’m just trying to figure out one thing they said about that genocide, Joe was senile or mentally incompetent or whatever have you to be running for office. And thus they were promoting Harris. Now, my question is this, if that was the case and yet trying to promote this thing of 2025, which basically would violate freedom of religion, freedom of, you know, freedom of the press or whatever, freedom of speech and so forth, then I’m curious about one thing.

Is Trump either really stupid or senile, or a liar, for that matter, regarding that situation? Because he has to pick one or the other, as far as that goes, because people say, well, you know, you have no choice but to pick him. Pick him. Excuse me, but he is not the next best thing since Slime’s branch, especially for someone who’s either lying and he knows nothing about it, or is either senile himself or whatever the case is, or mentally incapable of deciding it, has to have someone else to do it for him and so forth. There are a lot of the politicians up in the district, criminals that are more than capable of running for office.

It’s just a matter of which multi billionaire whatever is backing them up financially and promoting them. Like, I don’t know what. So I’m just curious as to what your sentiment is about that, because when I saw that and heard about it and looked it up, research, I was like, this really is golly. Well, repeat, repeat what? What it is he think you lead here. It’s led you to think he’s lying or senile. Well, his response in light of Project 2025 is supposed to go into effect the moment or the day that he is inaugurated or wins the vote or whatever the problem is, is that it’s already been put in place and everything.

There is an interview going that occurred with one fella that is dealing with this. His last name was Vaught, v o u g h t. I’m trying to remember what his first name was, and basically talks about what is going on, what’s to happen and, and so forth. And quite frankly, it’s very telling who would be affected, who would not be affected. And so basically comes down to is that if you’re not of a certain ethnic background, a certain religion and so forth, then you need to vacate the US. You would be removed. You would have to be kicked out of the US.

Now, let me get this straight. As far as ethnicity goes, the US is a mixed bag or a melting pot of a lot of different cultures and people. As far as religion goes, if I recall, there was freedom of religion. And when people start talking about what the father founding fathers were, yes, there may have been one or two christians in that batch, but the rest were deities, if not atheists, if not gnostics or so forth. So this whole aspect of, you know, this being a one religion nation, excuse me, I don’t think so. If that was the case, and they should have stayed in back in England, period, it was only one religion.

That’s it. You know, I mean, start to think about logically. This is defying logic. So. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Listen, Laura, I don’t know the answer on this project, 25. Perhaps another caller will, but I appreciate hearing from you, and I wish you well in your shopping venture. Take care of, and you have a fun weekend. Thank you. Thank you, Francis. Take care. Well, meanwhile, while we’re waiting for other callers, let’s pick up on Colonel McGregor talking about western leadership, long term future, get out of France. I could get down the list. You know, we had a different set of actors with a different set of values and experience.

You know, one of the things, if you talk about leadership, the national level, and I often do, I sometimes say the last president who really had a grasp of all the things that are important to be a good president was really Eisenhower. Now, Eisenhower was not a particularly good general. In fact, I think he was a pretty poor general, didn’t do very well during the second war. But then again, we had a very weak bench. We didn’t have much talent. The most talented and intelligent man who had the best grasp strategically of everything was Douglas MacArthur.

And FDR did everything he could to minimize him and stuck him out in the western Pacific in the hopes that the world would not hear much from him. But Eisenhower was sort of a debutante. He was somebody that looked good. He modeled well on the stage. He wasn’t the only one. And Marshall picked him and sent him over. But Marshall had a lot of trouble with him. But the thing that distinguished Eisenhower from many of his peers was that Eisenhower learned from every mistake he made. He learned about how things really operate in the international system.

He began to understand the people that he was dealing with. So when he became president of the United States, he was really ready to handle the job. And you’ll recall that he ran specifically on a platform that implied he would end the korean war. He never said he would do that, but that was the implication. And of course he said, I will go to Korea and I will have an answer, and I will do what is in the interest of the american people. So he did. He got over there and he was immediately given a briefing by General Mark Clark, one of the people that emerged from the second world War as a four star.

And Clark gave him this briefing in 1952, early 53, actually, and said, well, mister president, what we need now are 890,000 troops so that we could launch a major invasion of China, march in through Manchuria and around and down into Beijing, and we will win the war. And Eisenhower listened politely. And then he walked out of the tent with his military assistant. He said, marcus lost his mind. The american people have absolutely no interest in a major war with China. In fact, someday we may want to get along with China regardless of what the government is at the moment.

We don’t want a war with the Chinese. So Bill, Jerry said, he said, sir, what are you going to do? He said, well, I’m going to politely end this the best way I possibly can. So he immediately said, forget it. Well, of course, the opinion polls at that point in the United States, about 58, 59% were adamantly opposed to the war and said, what the hell are we doing there? We had no business being there. This is when most Americans paid attention and thought that we belonged in the western hemisphere. Novel idea. And Eisenhower tended to agree with that.

But Eisenhower understood. We inherited a lot of obligations for the second war, and we couldn’t just pack up and leave everywhere. But he came to a resolution of the conflict. It wasn’t easy. We got out and we left very few forces behind, and we set up what turned out to be a relatively stable situation on the peninsula. And then subsequently, when he signed on for NATO, he said, if NATO still exists ten years after we found it, it’s a failure. Because, he said, this is not the way forward with the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union will inevitably change.

He, of course, had listened to George Kennen, and George Kennan told him, no, we don’t want to go to war with the Soviets, but we want to wait them out. The system itself will implode. Of course, I think he and others thought it would implode a little sooner than it did, but ultimately it did implode on its own. All this business about Ronald Reagan beat the Soviets and won the cold wars along crap the soviet system was destined to do. Anybody who studied it knew that. It was just a question of when. So, you know, we misinterpret things to flatter ourselves.

And George Kennan said, most of what we do in foreign policy is designed to flatter ourselves. And we suffer from an acute case of national narcissism. In fact, I think it’s as bad, if not worse, than the case that once afflicted Britain during the outbreak of World War one. The same sort of mentality. We’ve got the men, we’ve got the ships, we’ve got the money, too. Kind of nonsense. But Eisenhower understood that. He did understand economics. He understood what had to happen. And so he cut spending, he cut back on the armed forces at a point in time when everybody insisted we had to spend more.

And he used to hold very interesting sort of seminars once a month with the joint Chiefs, and they hated to meet with him because he’d been a four star. Generally. He knew what went on in the Pentagon. And they would sit there and they would say, one said, well, sir, we need 26 divisions to deal with the Soviets when they attack in Europe. And then he said, well, that’s interesting. How many ships do you have and how many aircraft do you have and how many troops can you ship over there in time to beat the threat if it materializes? So they said, well, I don’t know.

So we go back and find out. Well, he returned and said, well, we could move 15,000 men. He said, good, that’s your requirement. Shut up. And of course, he was first to point out that how are you going to get across the Atlantic with the Soviets? You know, they had these things called submarines everybody had forgotten from 1939 to 1943. How many years is that? Four years to defeat the german U boat threat. Today, the threat is infinitely greater and more potent. So how are you going to reinforce anything? So he had, you know, he was a practical man, and he was looking for practical solutions.

He wanted to keep things not necessarily in a frozen state, but stable. And he strongly supported Austria’s bid for neutrality. You remember, of course, Austria broke away from Germany after World War two. And finally Kraiski, who was Bruno Kraiski, was the chancellor, said, it’s time for us to get these Russians out of here. How do we get the Russians out? They said, we become neutral, and they put together a very good treaty. The treaty was circulated to Eisenhower. He looked at it, they circulated to Moscow. Moscow agreed. Eisenhower agreed. You know what Eisenhower said? Well, thank God that’s a front we don’t have to worry about.

And he said, perhaps we should neutralize more states in eastern Europe because we Americans can’t possibly defend them all. Hey, what a novel way to think. You know, he did not see any danger whatsoever to neutrality in that sense. He saw it as a positive thing. And, of course, austrian neutrality has worked very well. And that’s one of the reasons that you go to somebody like orban in Hungary. It says you’ve lost your minds. There’s no reason to fight these people. I know these people. We could have had Ukraine neutralized, just as Austria was. And Austria has arrived as a result of neutrality.

They have a higher standard of living now for the first time in their history than Germany. The Germans always look down on the Austrians. As you know, they’re the alabama. They’re the poor southerners. Not anymore. They live back. Let me say, I love the colonel, and we’ll return to him if we have not more callers, but I’m thrilled to have Joe here from Florida. Joe, your calls are always welcome. The floor is yours. Hey, Jim, thanks for taking my call. Yeah. So I wanted to point your attention. I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet, but Scott Ritter had an amazing interview on RT this afternoon, and what he’s saying is this about the cursed attack? Now, you know, he was a marine military intelligence officer, so he knows a lot of this stuff.

He says that this attack by the Ukraine government forces is all the hallmarks of a NATO and a US operation. In other words, the signs of it, the way they get the data and the coordination of it, is just not at all something that Ukraine forces could have done on their own. Yeah. And. And so he says, and this is, to me, I don’t know why. This isn’t the headline. This should be the headline on every newscast, on every newspaper, on every call in show, on every media outlet, and Scott Ritter says, quote, the NATO and the US have invaded Russia.

Yes. And it’s a good point to be aware of because you know the way this Psyop media world that we live in, right. It’s like what they do with Israel, right? You never report when Israel bombs Palestinians. When the Palestinians respond, oh, my God, Palestinians are initiating an attack. Right? The same thing with Ukraine. Okay? Now this is a NATO us attack. Now, if they have invaded Russia, which it is, Kursk, is Russia proper, there’s no reason in the world that Vladimir Putin does not have a right to bomb the United States. Okay? I mean, that is an absolute right.

We have invaded NATO and us pretending that it’s kiaz and somehow people are unaware of it. I’m shocked. What do you think? Oh, I think you’re making a great point, Joe. Scott Ritter is so aware of these matters. I’m a huge fan. I’m really glad you’re bringing this up, Joe. Stick around. We got a break. I want to bring you on. Keep us going. Hang on. Tahibo Tea Club’s original pure poudiarco super tea comes from the only tree in the world that fungus does not grow on. As a result, it naturally has antifungal, anti infection, antiviral, antibacterial, anti inflammation and anti parasite properties.

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Now these days are gone, and I’m not so self assured. Joe, you’re making such important points here, or should I say conveying important points Scott Ritter has made. Yes. This is likely to change the whole equation as to how Russia looks at the west. If Russia is actually invading Russia, that’s a matter of national security. They could launch a full blown nuclear attack on all NATO countries, including the United States, in retaliation. Exactly. Exactly. And they would be justified. They’d be justified. Oh, I just want to, I just want to make a note to my good friend, my buddy Tom from Florida, a little bit south of me, who said the other day, I agree.

Almost everything Tom says, we talked about. He was saying that attitudes like, oh, I don’t care what’s going on in Ukraine, I don’t care what’s going on in Israel. Well, you know, my friend Tom, I don’t speak to him, but to everybody, I feel the same way. I’m in America first. Why do I have to be concerned with all these other countries? But the fact is, these Jews. Yes, I said it. That are running our State Department and our whole government are causing problems all over the world that is going to kill Americans. I mean, it’s only a matter of time.

If you invade Russia, okay? Which we’ve done. If you invade Russia, you’re putting a great risk. And I might just point out, last I heard, I don’t know if they’re still there, but there was. Not that long ago, Russia had nuclear enabled ships over in Havana, which is only about 90 miles away from my friend Thomas. Just as an FYI. I think that’s the reason why I. We pay attention to these things. I think Putin has been so patient with the west. We’ve live cheated, deceived. The Minsk agreement. A perfect illustration. Claiming to negotiate in good faith while we were arming Ukraine for an invasion or attack of Russia.

I think he may be running out of patience, but he knows the consequences are going to be so enormous, I think the west may be giving him no options, Joe. We may give it no options then to attack us. We’re doing it. Speaker one, this is exactly right. The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you. That’s american foreign policy. Right? Somehow, right? If Putin sent a missile to London or somewhere. Oh, then all of a sudden they’re going to be the victims. London’s very involved in this, too, and the US. So somehow we’re going to be victims.

After we’ve been provoking him for two years and now literally invading. It’s an important point to remember. These are not borders of border regions which are being fought. This is the actual territory of Russia that we have invaded. It’s an outrageous provocation. Yes. Did you know, did you catch this story that Trump is pledging to restore the israeli lobby power over a congress that you’re going to have the President Trump saying that? It is unbelievable. I tell you. I tell you, Jim, I heard that clip and I thought, I don’t want to hear this. But it pushed me so far because now, honestly, I’m at the breaking point.

That was so disgusting. Here he is bowing down to Miriam Adelson, the sickening jewish mafioso woman, right? She’s carrying on the bloodthirsty legacy of her disgusting jewish mafia husband, right. And saying, oh, it’s our duty to go to war against Iran. Yeah. Miriam Adelson, where are your army boots? Where? Where are you putting on your boots? Right? Are you gonna go fight? I don’t think so. I don’t know what to do about this. This is so awful. I’d have friends suggest if the Democrats are smart, they’ll enlist RFK junior as their nominee. That might change everything.

I just, I don’t know. I said I’m disgusted with these statements by Tron and I’m discussing with it party. What, what the hell do we do, Joe? Speaker two yeah, I, you know, I am hesitating to say who I’m going to vote for because in the end, you know, if it’s the lesser two evils, I mean, I couldn’t imagine voting for Kamala Harris. But let me say so I’m totally discussing. We’ve all just one other point I wanted to make was another news story which is also seems to be disappearing. So I want, and I did see this also on RT.

So here’s the story. So Fox News on the website, apparently today for only an hour, put up a story reporting the following that I don’t know, very recently in the last few days or whatever, us intel officials flew into Iran for 2 hours, went into Tehran. Now, this is a story that may give you some hope that there are maybe just possibly some sane people still left within the infrastructure, not necessarily of the State Department, but maybe intelligence circles or the military. So the story is that several intelligence us intelligence officials flew into Iran and delivered to the iranian, some iranian officials the names of ten Hamas agents that were directly connected to the assassination of Ismail Hania, who are living in, who are in Iran.

In other words, Hamas agents who are in Iran? Maybe. I don’t know. Are they in the government? But they’re obviously infiltrated into Iran. And the story is that the you, these us intelligence officials gave them these ten names of Hamas officials as a way of trying to dissuade Iran. I guess from a military tax saying, look, the us officials saying, look, here are the ten people, you don’t know them. They are Hamas agents in your country, maybe in your foot, Joe. I love it. Thank you for the call, my friend. I look forward to many more.

Excellent, Joe. Excellent. We’ll be right back. You are tuned in to the Republic broadcasting network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot. My name is John. I’m the founder of Blackout Coffee. And I started blackout because I really love coffee. I’ve always loved coffee. And after traveling so much to Europe, South America, and trying so many different coffees that were so good, and every time I came back to the US, I was so disappointed with the coffee. So I figured that I had to do something about it. The biggest difference really is on the beans and the roasting process, how we roast it and how fresh it is.

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They have to have Mossad operators in Iran who were responsible, responsible for the assassination. And that’s what the us intel are flying in with that information, which could be a good way to pacify Iran over attacking Israel. Layla is here. Layla, welcome back to the show. Your thoughts? Yeah, I think it’s a good thing that you mentioned Mossad, just as you need also to mention Zionism and all the other military zionist gangs that created the artificial state of Israel. I think it is wrong, cruel and unpatriotic as an American to keep saying Jews, Jews, Jews. It is not all american Jews that is unkind in the extreme.

But even worse, you’re pushing them into a sense of defensiveness where they’re going to feel that they are under attack simply for being Jews. You’ve got to be specific. You mentioned Miriam. What was her name? That. The woman that. Sheldon Adels widow. Yeah. Speak of the. When you speak of the devil, say the devil’s name. Don’t just generalize about evil, in which is all over the world, in every color of skin, in every nation, there are evil who are usually atheists. There is a God, whether or not you know it, and that God has benevolent and wonderful influence, but it must be enacted by people who recognize one another as individuals.

You’ve got to this. I should be among the first to condemn all Jews, and I have made that mistake many times. I have fallen into the Jews. Jews, Jews. It is not the Jews. It is a political military movement that is based on greed and a lust for power. And it happens to be that they used the original concept of the jewish ideology, jewish in the modern sense. It was from a region called Judah, which had many tribes in it, and in each tribe there were many families. So it is far too diverse even in its origins to be able to now condense it, synthesize it into one word, Jews.

It is not the Jews of the world. It is not the Jews of America. On another point, without jewish talent, there were a lot of people in the russian empire, in Germany, in Europe, who were very sophisticated, very intellectual, very culturally talented. They contributed significantly to the development of America. Think of the money that they brought in. They did not. Yes, the atheists, Zionists brought it in to try and control another empire because America was never truly separated from England. There may have been documents that declared independence, but paper, a piece of paper, does nothing. Americans have always been enthralled by Europe, enthralled by England.

This concept that we are descended from white Europeans. The hell you are. The white Europeans are from all over the world, including the arabian, what we now call the arabian peninsula. They were originally from your. My own ancestry. Prove that. But anyway, I just think that’s a terrible mistake. Excellent points, Layla. And coming from you, they have a special authority. I think you’re completely right. I’m glad you’re making that point of clarification. It’s a common failure. Even I have fallen intuitively. We all do. We hear things and we just repeat them, sometimes without thinking. And the thing is that the american Jews are.

Many of them are just as loyal or more loyal than non Jews. And if they have their religion, we have no right to judge it, just as they have no right to judge Christians, Christianity, or anything else. Everyone has their own set of spiritual beliefs, and we’re entitled to that. It’s part of our ancestry. But meanwhile, while we are living on this landmass, that, let’s face it, really is a north american union, whether you like it or not. And that goes back formally to Vicente Fox in Mexico, Stephen Harper in Canada, and George W. Bush in 2005.

That is when the North American Union was formalized, even though it was never put in paper. Just like you may have a constitution on paper, just as you may have a declaration of independence on paper. But none of it was more than simply words on paper. It is actions that determine what ultimately occurs. And the other thing I keep thinking while we’re talking about the invasion of these aliens who are coming to steal our lunch, I wonder how the people who were here before, and by the way, there were caucasoid nations here 20 to 30,000 years ago that will eventually become common knowledge.

But the Mongoloids were not the first to inhabit North America by coming by the beringian strait, and one proof of that is Kennewick Mandev, which the Indians managed to because of NAGPRA. N as in Norman ag p as in Paul ra. NaGpra prevented the investigation of that man’s body. His skeleton was found in. It wasn’t altogether, but they found all the parts of his skeleton, and his haplogroup was x two. A. My haplogroup is x two, so it originated in the Near east, so they came, according to some archaeologists who dare break against the dogma and jeopardize their careers.

They may have come here during the so called floods, when many land stones were submerged during the great flood, and many of them migrated in boats or whatever, to the east of the east coast of North America, and they inhabited North America and South America, possibly 30 to 40,000 years ago. So the whole world were all inter. Sorry, I don’t mean to go ahead. I don’t mean to go on too long. No, wonderful stuff. Just, we had kind of an odd laps and callers, and all of a sudden I got a half a dozen lined up.

Now, I just want to say how much I appreciate your call, I think, extremely timely point at. Very, very appropriate. I look forward to our next conversation amongst ourselves. If Jews want to join with us as Americans, North Americans or whatever, with. With the value for our western culture, let’s not alienate them. Yeah, okay. Well said. Very well said. Kevin in Seagun, Texas, join the conversation. Kevin? Yeah. Saguin, my friend. Thank you, Doctor Betzer. You’re doing great. Unbelievable energy you have, sir. Let me see. I want to pick up what Layla said, something she said, because there are some excellent jewish scholars out there.

Ron arms is doing great stuff, and Henry McCaw, great stuff, and, you know, and both of them actually expose the evil jews, right, the ones that are doing evil. But I want to share one little thing. You know, in the book of Revelation, there’s a thing called the Harlot, the great Harlot, and she is in revelation, chapter 17, and she sits on a beast, right, and she’s drunk with the blood or the martyrs of Christ. Now, what happened in the Bible is, you know, it begins in Genesis and ends in revelation, and the idea of a seed, you know, so in the beginning, it’s like when God was done dealing with Israel, around 700 bc, he said, you know, through I, you know, how has the faithful city become in harlot? So the city of Jerusalem, actually, I’m talking 700 bc, in God’s eyes, was a harlot.

They were taken away to Babylon. They picked up all the babylonian magic and all that stuff. And that’s how you. The Talmud is a mixture. The kabbalah is a mixture of pagana, magic, etc, etcetera. Now, what happens is, you know, when a. When a. What is it? A grain is in the air and it becomes a droplet, and like a snow will gather around that particle. Are you there, Jim? Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay, guys, whatever I got cut off. Yeah. So I’m just saying what it is, is there’s an accumulation. There was a seed, and it came to the time of Christ when Jesus came time for the Jews to receive their messiah.

Many of them did, many of them didn’t, and from there on, they became like this gathering point, okay. Of evil. Okay. That’s why you get it talked about this, how the. Some of the people from the Canaanites took on the identity of the Jews, some of the hazars, they took on the identity of the Jews. So maybe, you know, maybe it’s just this accumulation, but the key point is they rejected. That’s the thing, Kevin. Good stuff, good stuff, good stuff. Today, kind of jam packed. I appreciate the call very much. Joe wants to make a correction.

Joe, I think we already caught it. That you didn’t mean a network of a mosque. You met a network of Mossad. Thanks, Jim. As usual, you’re way far ahead of me. Yeah. Massad agents that were working in Iran. And you’re exactly right. Maybe this is an attempt to dissuade Iran from attacking and starting world War three. Right. That’s very key information. The other thing, I’ll say real quick, I don’t want to get into a big debate, but when I say the Jews, just for Layla, anybody else, I’m not talking about all Jews, okay? Yeah. The fact is that these people are Jewish.

They don’t want us to called them Jews, they want us to call them Zionists. We have to break the jew taboo. And the final thing I’ll say is this. So if I said to you, Italians like pasta, could you present ten or 20 or 100 Italians who don’t like pasta? You probably could, but that wouldn’t change the fact to say Italians like pasta is true. And that’s why I say the Jews are the problem. Joe, you and Layla, I think, are both right, and it’s a kind of a tough nut to crack. But I appreciate your calling back with that clarification, which we had sorted out.

You make a very interesting point. Pacifying Iran by giving them a network of Mossad and Iran who were responsible for the assassination. That was a good move, Joe. Thanks again for that report. JP and Chicago. JP joined the conversation. Yeah. You know, I don’t agree with Layla and Joe on everything, but I agree with the first amendment right and their right to say what? Whatever. They leave, God bless them. One thing about the JQ, and I’ll just do a real quick summary. That word came up in the King James Bible. Around the 18th century, the people of ancient Judea were one of twelve tribes of the tribes of Israel.

Israel’s conquered two, three times throughout history. We go back into history, but the Jews are kind of a fake name. Half of them come from like Layla said, the genetic line is asian. The Ashkenazi out of Kazarian were really hated around that area. But they were forced to find a religion between the Muslims and the Christians. They were hated because they were robbing and stealing everybody. The ancient Kazarians, that’s up by China there, the ancient Mongolians and they just took on Judaism and they started intermerian with Jews from Africa and different places. But their genetic line is asian and mongolian and Turkish.

That’s it. So they have no connection to Israel. And that’s where a lot of them are just lying their pants off. So I won’t go all day long with that. But Jim, I liked your interview. Sgd report, good man, good interview. Good. I like this Sean. He is so good. And he added that clip from 60 minutes where you see the fake Leonard Posner presented after he’s had all the work done on his face. Isn’t that an amazing story? God, nothing like him. And you know, that guy’s from Wisconsin, so I respect them. Sean. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

JP, thank you for the call. Thank you for the call. Real quick, just. Yeah, go ahead. I sent you an email on my ukrainian report, shows all those ukrainian soldiers, tanks getting blown up. I have video footage of it all Wu Wei report on JP watchmen. And I may be able to put it in on Monday’s show. Thank you, JB. Good stuff, good stuff. Renee joined a conversation. Renee today, a little concise. Go ahead, Renee. Oh, high five, Layla, high five. I agree with you. The thing is, you know, everybody’s talking about the 2%, the 2% and how can they control exam.

I’m put this in military terms, maybe you boys can understand. Let’s say you have a battle of 100 people, okay. And not okay. There’s two people on one side. Two people, okay. On this side is 98. Well, let’s say now I’ll get you some sight. Not even 98, maybe 80, maybe 60, maybe 50. I’ll go down to 40. Okay. What chance do those two people have against 40? Unless the other people, those 40, are complete idiots or corrupt sellouts or whatever. If you people that understand military stuff, there is no way they could have controlled everything without a lot of cooperation from people.

Now I want to talk about what Francis brought up. There is yet on joy rude read, but don’t listen to what she says. It’s the, it’s the video that they have exposed. Project 2025 co author caught on hidden camera confirming Trump’s support. He’s trying to distance help and wait. It’s worse than that. There is a second document that’s worse. Okay. So they’re hiding what’s in it and they plan on giving it to Trump on the first day of he holds on. Renee, what are the, what are the key, what are the key elements of this project 2025? What are the key elements we need to understand long to get into? Y’all have to go look for yourself.

But these people, like Cynthia mentioned that pilgrim society, the people in the pilgrim society, this heritage foundation, look, their wet dream is a country that is a cross between the handmaid’s tale and the Hunger Games. They’re crazy. Okay, the thing is, I know you depend on your Social Security and Medicare. Trump, when he left office, he signed cuts to Social Security and Medicare. And if those people get him in, they’re going to cut it some more. Okay. The thing is, y’all, I understand y’all need to just quit getting your news just from right wing sources. You have to.

I don’t, I don’t, I don’t. You wouldn’t believe how much I’m exposed to the left. My wife is addicted to MSNBC. Renee, I get it coming out my ears. Well, the thing is, and Jimmy Dore had this great woman on two where she’s come out with a book called Americans Anonymous, and she made the same point Layla did. And I’m hearing this more and more how I heard in her interview, she kind of wonders, there are a lot of people that are suspicious. We’ve never really cut ties with England, like paper and stuff, but they are, they’re still pulling our strings.

And, and the thing is, I’m hearing this from multiple sources that this is the case. I’m highly suspicious. It’s called Americans Anonymous. And I agree with many ways nation. We need a national narcissism recovery program because it’s a weekend and I got three others. I want you to go back Monday. I’ll give you more time. Renee, I like your calls. James in Charlotte. James, join a conversation. James. Yes. Good afternoon, Doctor Fetzer. I was going to call when you were saying that there was a very, you have a very slack day, but phone lines filled up fairly quickly.

Let me just, let me pose a question to you that was posed to me a while back. And, you know, you either answer now or give it some thought and come back and answer sometime later, knowing what you know, knowing what we all know about the attacks of 911, if you could travel back in time to a few days before the attacks, what evidence would you gather that would completely falsify, completely debunk, completely destroy the official story? And how would you go about gathering that evidence? You know, James, I published two books on 911. I mean, I’ve done all these videos on 911.

You could go on to my bitch, you channel Jim Fetzer and just look at my 911 special and you’ll see how to debunk the whole official narrative. James, not. Not good for today when we’re so blessed with time. But believe me, I’ve laid it all out in spades. And I appreciate the call, but the answers out there. I’ll return to this on another occasion. James, thank you for the call. Dave in Michigan. Dave in Michigan. Join the conversation. Uncle Fetzer, thank you for taking my call. So I know we’re running short, so I’ll just stick to one thing.

Laura, thank you for breaking the story about old walls and his horse semen. Now I was. I was calling in so I didn’t get to hear the whole thing that she was talking about, but I don’t know if she covered it. You asked how did you know? Why was he drinking horse? He wasn’t drinking it, Jim. He was swallowing it right from the horse. Now you’re kidding me. You’re kidding me. You’re telling me he was giving a horse a blowjob? Yes. Oh my God. It’s a. It’s a ritual. A satanic ritual. He’s a faggot. Now they say that he quit the.

The army and joined. He didn’t quit the military. What he did was he joined the homosexual brand of the military, it’s called. Send me some sources on this. I’m getting reports that it’s a fabricated story, but I’d like to pursue it further. Could you send me some links or. I can’t. I can’t. I’m blind. I don’t. I don’t. You’re right. Rents was the one who broke the story. He found the article in the Minnesota newspaper. Now the branch of the military that walls he joined was called Seahorse seamen. Okay, I’ve got the story here and it appears to be from a fake publication.

Dave, I’ll follow it up. I’ll follow it up. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Dave. Alexander in Canada. Alexander, you don’t have a lot of time, but the time is yours. Go ahead, sir, I want to make a couple points just to react to what Layla said and Renee said. She said we should not attack all Jews. All Jews. And she gets upset when she does that. We’ll see. I just want to tell her that people get upset with that. That’s too bad. They get upset. So let me explain. Am I saying that every jew is a bad person? No, but see, sir, Israel speaks in the name of all the Jews.

So, see, it’s the Israelis who started the problem. People are reacting to what Israel is doing. And Israel says that it’s a jewish state that represents the jewish people. It represents the jewish religion, the jewish culture, whatever. It’s their fault. You see? You see, sir? So I don’t understand. For the life of me, Laila says, oh, look, we should not attack any Jews. We should not be attacking Jews. Well, see, it’s their fault that people attack Jews. And you have to understand something, that Zionism and Judaism are the same. People like her believe that Zionism is this something that came out of the blue.

No, it came from the religion. Now, Caesar, this whole Zionism, Judaism issues is a big. Is long and complicated. I’m not going to talk about that. Now. Obviously, you don’t have enough time. Yeah, my main point is that the antisemitism today is rational anti semitism. It’s a reaction to all the problems that the Jews have instigated, which a lot of them are Israelis. And also, see, sir, the Jews in the United States as well, you have the anti defamation League, the Jews in the New York Times, the Jews attacking the culture, the Jews in Hollywood, the Jews in LGBT, and on and on.

So, Cesar. And by the way, sir, I know a jewish guy, I have a jewish friend. You know what he said? When people attack Jews, they deserve it. It’s all the Israelis fault. So, Caesar, even Jews themselves understand why they get attacked. Yeah, and Caesar. And Caesar again, here we go again with Renee, who doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She says she’s comparing the Jews, who are 2% of the population, with two people in an army. Caesar, the 2% of the population have the most money in the country. They control the media, they control the government, they control the banks.

How many times I have to tell this woman? When is this woman going to be educated? Jews are the most powerful ethnic group, United States of America. Nobody can dare touch them. See, sir, when. When Netanyahu came, the United States government, everybody bowed down to him and given. Thanks, Alexander. Thanks. Well, Nate, you’ll have an opportunity for a rebuttal on Monday. Meanwhile, everyone have a great weekend. Spend as much time with your family, your friends or people you love and care about. Because literally, especially after NATO and the US have invaded Russia, we do not know how much time we have left and support RBN.

See you then. Help from my friends gonna try a little help from my friend with a little help from my friends.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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