RBN Authentic News (15 August 2024)

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On August 15, 2024, the conflict in Ukraine escalated with a Ukrainian military column being destroyed by former Wagner fighters, leading to a faster Russian advance. A Ukrainian soldier claimed they were ordered to fire on civilians during the attack. Meanwhile, there’s speculation about Ukraine’s motives and how they managed to cross the border without resistance. In other news, talks have collapsed, Biden has cancelled a trip, and there are rumors of a planned attack on NATO by Russia if forced.
➡ The article discusses the escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly between Iran and Israel. It suggests that regardless of who is in office in the U.S., conflict in the region is likely. The article also mentions Iran’s potential nuclear capabilities and the possibility of Russia siding with Iran. Lastly, it touches on the U.S.’s diminishing military influence worldwide and the rise of other global powers.
➡ The text discusses concerns about increasing crime rates, weakening police forces, and the potential need for self-defense in the United States. It also mentions the founder of Blackout Coffee, who emphasizes the freshness and quality of their coffee. The text further discusses Shilaji, a substance in Ayurveda that enhances the effectiveness of other substances. Lastly, it talks about political issues, including alleged illegal activities by Democrats, concerns about President Biden’s leadership, and fluctuating poll results between Vice President Harris and former President Trump.
➡ The article discusses various political and economic issues in the United States. It criticizes the Biden administration for economic problems, including the closure of over 300 Big Lots stores and a 10% decrease in sales. It also mentions a potential coup against Kamala Harris within the Democratic party and criticizes Minnesota governor Tim Walz for his handling of the 2020 protests. The article ends with a warning about a new health emergency declared by the World Health Organization due to the spread of a disease called monkeypox.
➡ The text discusses a tea that boosts the immune system and can help those with serious illnesses, available for purchase online. It also mentions a product called Extendivite that has helped a man with heart disease. The text then discusses a report about nanotech entities in Covid-19 vaccines, causing disease and death. Lastly, it talks about a law that once prevented propaganda within the U.S., a challenge to stop a deal that could limit car ownership, and a call for unity among people with differing views.
➡ The text discusses the conflict in Ukraine, accusing Zelensky of sending troops into Russian territory and causing significant casualties. It also criticizes the evacuation of Jewish people from Ukraine and the conscription of Christian men for the war. The text further discusses the situation in Israel, condemning Netanyahu’s actions and suggesting Israel may become Palestine again. The speaker emphasizes the power of prayer in achieving peace and criticizes the potential for World War III. The text ends with a discussion about a tragic incident in Michigan involving a white man named Nathan Morris.
➡ A man named Nathan Morton was shot and killed in a suburban Michigan neighborhood after an argument with his neighbor, Deborah Chris ever Johnson, over his daughter touching the mulch in Johnson’s yard. The incident shocked the community, which hadn’t seen a crime in 35 years. The text also discusses a social media platform called TLB Talk, which promotes truth, liberty, and balance, and is funded by donations and merchandise profits. Lastly, it mentions Wild Pastures, a company that delivers high-quality, pasture-raised meats to customers’ doors.
➡ The speaker expresses strong views on immigration, suggesting stricter measures and criticizing current policies. They propose that conservative billionaires should buy a major news network to influence public opinion. They also discuss environmental concerns related to population growth. The speaker criticizes the use of stolen Social Security numbers to protect illegal immigrants. They suggest a large-scale protest in Washington DC to pressure the government on immigration issues. The text ends with a discussion on foreclosure lawsuits, essential oils, and a product called Get More Tank that improves engine performance. A caller then discusses the draft, the misuse of drugs, and the need for local action against federal overreach.
➡ The discussion revolves around the idea of protecting individual rights and sovereignty, the controversy of U.S. funds being sent to Israel, and the impact of immigration on the U.S. economy. It also touches on the potential increase in crime rates due to immigration, the influence of Western culture on immigrants, and the role of the militia in controlling immigration. The conversation ends with a claim about the origins of communism and the Republican Party.
➡ This text is a compilation of various callers discussing their views on a radio show. Topics range from historical events, the influence of pornography, supremacy clause in the constitution, bankruptcy of 1933, and the potential threat of Chinese influence in America. The host encourages listeners to spend time with loved ones and ends the show with a humorous video of Trump and Elon Musk.


This is Jim Tetzer, your host, on authentic news right here on RBN Live, this 15th day of August 2024. We begin with reports from Ukraine. Zelensky’s current rate is backfired. Entire ukrainian BTR four e three column destroyed by former Wagner fighters. Russian advance accelerates the report destruction of a column of ukrainian BTR four e armored personnel carriers by former Wagner PMC fighters highlights the ongoing conflict and the devastating impact. Meanwhile, Russia’s advances in the east add further complexity to the situation. Here’s a tweet about it. The utterly unsustainable insanity of a Zelensky curse grade is laid bare.

An entire column of seven ukrainian BTR four e armored personnel carried were wiped out by former Wagner PMC fighters in the village of Gur in the Kursk region, while the russian advance accelerates. Meanwhile, ukrainian soldiers were ordered to fire on civilians during the Kursk attack. A report from one of them himself rt a ukrainian military commander ordered the men to kill armed civilians and wound unarmed Menta while operating in Russia’s cursed region, a captured shoulder has claimed during an interview last week. Despite suffering setbacks elsewhere on the front line, Kiev launched a major cross border military operation into Russia.

Moscow security service be released footage Monday showing a man who claimed to have been captured during the hostilities. The prisoner of war identified himself as Rusyn Kaltralski, 26, say was an active duty member of Ukraine’s 80th Air Assault Brigade. His unit was given instructions on how to act on russian soil by an officer he knew under the call sign Strizz swift and Russian, who presumably commanded the squad in which he served. The commanders specifically told us to shoot men in the legs, throw them into root cellar basement, kill them if they were armed. As for prisoners of war, there were no instructions.

Most likely we were supposed to take no prisoners at all. That sounds right. Meanwhile, Douglas Macgregor asked, was Russia involved in the invasion? Did he actually participate? We got an audio report. Time to commit. Are you talking about the city of Kyiv? I’m talking. Well, Kiev is a separate question. Mister Medvedev raised that issue. Shouldn’t we really storm Kiev now? But that is not what this is, Gilbert. Doctor Rowe, not I’m talking about Kursk. And Kursk. This area that they have invaded has very low population in Italy. All of that has been evacuated. And so the Russians prepared the possibility of total destruction of anything in the area that’s called the area of occupation by the Ukrainians.

The most interesting thing about all of this, because there’s been tremendous speculation in both major media and in alternative media on what were Ukraine’s motives, what they hoped to achieve and how this will end up. The interesting question from the very beginning was how could it happen that this expeditionary force, initially of 1000 now is said to be 10,000 or 11,000 ukrainian soldiers? How is it that they could cross the border and stage this raid, a raid which became an expedition without being stopped, without being encountering a russian response. And we know from reports in the Financial Times, people who interviewed the soldiers who participated in day one of this incursion that they encountered no one.

In fact, the Financial Times had a most curious feature of its article, interviewing these soldiers with us, where the Ukrainians said, well, we crossed over, we were very surprised. We were not met by any resistance. We proceeded into a forest. There we encountered a group of russian soldiers sitting around having coffee. Remember, this incursion occurred very early in the morning. They were unarmed and we shot them all. Well, this curious of the Financial Times thought it proper to put on its front page a narrative that is a war crime. But that’s a separate issue. Why? What appears to have happened is that us intel detected a soft spot in the russian lines and instructed the Ukrainians where they should invade.

Meanwhile, state of the nation has a nice piece about the satanic global power structure and the khazarian overloads who rule the realm. There’s quite a lot here, just a bit about it. If ever there were a time to correct, understand how the world is really run, that time is now. Since the fate of humanity and future of planet Earth now lie in the very delicate balance, these revelations are more important than ever. Only a truly aware and knowledgeable populace can make informed and wise decisions about everything. A detailed report posted below only discloses information about many well concealed mafia families of which kazarian cabal’s international organized crime syndicate is composed.

It does not reveal the other much larger and more powerful sectors of the global power structure that, colluding together in a highly coordinated fashion, completely rule this entire planetary civilization. In other words, this essential expose does not provide the most crucial info data regarding the radical translation of the world that has taken at breakneck speed since the Federal Reserve act of 1913. An unconstitutional piece of subversive legislation and de facto coup against a federal government at the United States of America by the kazarian cabal. Yes, they owned and operate much of the american republic before that treasonous act, but they became the official owners of the US Corporation on December 23, 1913, giving themselves in effect, a gigantic Christmas present meanwhile, talks collapse.

Biden cancels trip. Iran plans Dex. Russia leaks plan to attack NATO if they’re forced to do so. Here’s a bit about World War three update. Dex is approaching. I’m going to start off with the big picture bird’s eye view perspective, and then we’re going to break it down into the microscopic bits and pieces of all the data that have aggregated for you today. Things that you are not going to hear anywhere else, certainly not in one place, and certainly not woven into a fine avant garde tapestry of speculation as you are accustomed to. Now, yesterday, I made a video called Day X.

I would encourage you to go and watch that video because it explains why there is this postponement and why there is this patient amongst the adversaries of the United States who should have probably acted a long time ago, but haven’t. And it’s because they know that a day is coming where synchronized attacks against the United States, which are going to blindside the transatlantic alliance, are in the cards. This is what Alexander Vusik, the president of Serbia, was warning us about two months ago when he said that world War three is probably going to start in three months.

Well, we’re almost there. Everything seems to be converging in September as a timeline. General Soleimani, before he died, had the dream, or the vision of a synchronized attack by the entire axis of resistance throughout the Middle east on the United States and its israeli vassal, or vice versa. Whatever you want to say. Everybody’s got a different theory about that. That was his plan, okay? To have all of the Axis act in unison. Now, you’re noticing right now that there’s a lot of quiet on the entire front, almost as if everybody is getting ready for a major conflict within the region.

All of this talk about ceasefire negotiations, it’s all just sanctimonious bluster by the west to try to paint the Iranians as the aggressors and vilify them more when they do inevitably retaliate for having somebody terminated on their sovereign soil, which, of course, I think any country would likely want to retaliate for that. What they’re going to try to do now is hype up this so called peace negotiation, which, I should add, the Iranians have indicated that they’re willing to send a delegation there. However, the Israelis have said that they’ll back out of the peace negotiations if the Iranians are there.

So the whole thing is just doomed to failure. It’s all just a show that proves that it’s all a show. This is why Anthony Blinken has canceled his trip to the Middle east, and he cited concerns about security. This is not something that typically happens. Okay? Now, if the axis of resistance does a coordinated attack against all american bases, against the Israelis, that is going to be unexpected, because we’ve become accustomed to doing these wars in a way which is sequential as opposed to all at once. But if there indeed is, if this vision of the late Soleimani is finally realized and all of the Axis right now is finally prepared.

And the reason why Iran has not struck yet is because, as I indicated in that video yesterday, they’re not preparing for a strike against Israel. They are preparing for the war, the massive war that ensues thereafter. And in fact, the IRGC has said as much, that they’re preparing for a long battle. What they’re doing right now in Iran is running a series of exercises. Every day it’s another exercise. And the whole purpose of this is subterfuge. It’s to create white noise so that the intelligence gatherers on the other end can’t ascertain whether it’s real world or exercise.

And this lends more credence to my saying, there is no military exercises, only world war three disguises. This rings true perfectly. Today. In the age of satellite surveillance, the only way to effectively conduct subterfuge is to do it in such a way where it appears as though you’re constantly getting ready to attack and that you hope that the adversary becomes complacent or confused, and so they never know the exact moment that attack is going to come. Now, the reason why the Iranians have to act, okay, is because Trump very well could be coming back to office.

It doesn’t matter who gets into office. There’s going to be a war in the Middle east. Because remember, all of this. I mean, Iran attacking Israel has happened on. And Israel, of course, attacking Iran has happened on. The Democrats watch all of the escalation that we’ve seen. So left or right, it doesn’t matter, guys, okay? In fact, I want your candidate to win, no matter who it is I wanted to win, just so you can see that nothing fundamentally will change. The system has to crash. Trump could be coming back to office. So the Iranians know that a fight is coming.

If Trump gets back in office, there will 99.999% chance be a war with Iran. There’s no doubt about it, because, of course, they have a warrant for his arrest. They still have been biding their time and wanting retribution for Suleimani’s death. Covid happened. Recall, if Covid did happen, something probably would have continued to escalate with respect to that situation. But Covid, through everything for a loop. Now, Iran has claimed that they’ve rejected calls to de escalate, and it’s important to understand Hania, the guy who was assassinated in Iran. The Iranians don’t particularly care about that, okay? They care about the fact that Israel is trying to start a fight.

And why Israel is trying to start a fight is, you know, that’s a subject of debate. But I think that it’s because they realize that Iran, as I stated in my video yesterday about Day X, is about to achieve what I called escape velocity, meaning that they’re an emerging power in the region. And the point in which you’re able to quell them is there’s a very short window left to do that. And if you don’t act now, they’re going to achieve escape velocity. And this is due to a variety of factors, things which were not the case five years ago.

Okay, let me say that’s Canadian Prabhak. What a brilliant guy. There’s more to come where it appears that Israel has threatened to attack Iran with nukes and Iran has responded. Here it is. Former iranian diplomat. Iran has been threatened with a nuclear strike since. Admiral. Amazing. For the first time, I will inform you and your esteemed audience that Iran has been threatened with a nuclear strike. I will not discuss Iran’s response to that. But it affirms that we’re at hit with a nuclear weapon. Its deterrence would match the severity of the attack. The message has been relayed to the concerned parties.

I hope you disregard tweets like, Iran is a coward. Iran is scorned. To be honest, such stories are worthless. Those who conveyed the threats have received responses much fiercer than the threats. And let’s leave it at that. Let’s leave it at that. Well, there’s a bit more to it. Namely that when they say Iran is going to respond in kind, that means. That means that Iran has nukes, and Iran would respond with nukes. So this seemed to me to be huge. I’m very, very glad that Iran is acknowledging having nukes. Very important. Meanwhile, we have reports about Russia siding with Iran.

Russian Fm arrives in Iran for talks. Kremlin arm dealers deal occurs amid tensions after Iran’s threat doth strike Israel. Russia allegedly transferred his scander missile and Murmans BN systems to Iran transfer using an Il 76 military transport making multiple flights. Well, there’s more. But the bottom line is Iran has affirmed. It will respond in equal proportion if Israel attacks them with nukes, which confirms what I’ve reported before, to wit, that Iran has nukes. And frankly, this is great. This is a key to peace in the Middle east. We had over 40 years after world War two of international stability between the two world superpowers, the United States and the USSR, because each side had a massive supply of nukes sufficient to obliterate the other.

So both sides knew that initiating a war would bring about their own destruction. Israel has now got that message from Iran. I’m glad this really changes the equation in the Middle east in a highly significant fashion. Meanwhile, State Department approves over $20 billion baggage for Israel. You might ask, how can that happen? Well, there’s no president of the United States. Lloyd Austin over at defense and Anthony Blinken at state are running their own shops, but it’s helping anyway. Now. But now these days are gone and I’m not so self assured. Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina.

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It’s not so much a story, it’s something I wrote years ago. Read your history, people. Stock markets collapse on Friday. Bank seizures, closures, holidays take place after business hours on Friday. Do currencies or governments also collapse on Friday? Tomorrow’s Friday. Will the end come on this Friday or will the inevitable collapse hold off for a while? The next round of the worst financial crisis in a hundred years is coming, people, and the government is out there. Make you and I pay for it. Will your savings survive a global banking wipeout? What happens when the US sees hyperinflation? What if taxes soared? Not only for the rich can you survive the stock market tanks? Look between a stock market wipeout, waves of bank failures, soaring government spending that will lead to hyperinflation and the destruction of the dollar’s value, isn’t it time that you prepare for the uncertainty which lies ahead? Protect your money now or forever kiss it goodbye.

My friends, I offer you over six decades experience of hard asset ownership and knowledge. Can I prepare to handle the smallest detail in the balanced protection of your portfolio? For as the future of uncertainty continues to blanket this nation of ours, I believe that I can offer you the privacy, safety, security, and possibly some profitability which you deserve. And so I invite you to visit Sierra monitory precious metals.com for further information regarding protecting your wealth. Or call me Jeffrey Bennett at 602-799-8214 or by email at kettlemarine limitedococcs.net for private consultation. Once again, our phone number 602-79-9821 it’s almost Friday.

Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding is. Four more stories in this segment. Jordan ready to shoot down any iranian missile breaching its airspace. Obviously that makes Jordan complicit with Israel. Damascus calls on occupying us forces to stop bombing syrians and to leave the country. This is going to continue to happen all over the world. American forces are no longer going to be welcome. We have what around 700 bases anticipate in a year or so, that’ll be down to 503 hundred. The us military influence, indeed political influence, indeed economic influence worldwide is going to continue to shrink.

How BriCs in the Shanghai cooperative are remaking the world order. That’s a significant story here. Very important. And a lot of this came about because of the US abusing the international monetary system. So China, Iran, Russia. Steve Turley talks about how the world is shifting from being dominated by one superpower to having multiple powerful nation. The change is evident in rising groups like Bric, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and the Shanghai Cooperative Organization, which are challenging traditional power structures. These groups, which include emerging economies predicted to be globally dominant by 2050, are growing and could potentially form a military alliance.

The shift is causing tension could lead to significant changes in global politics and economics. Take that to the bank for a certainty. Meanwhile, the far left governor of Oregon is Senate’s national guard. 230 guards went to Iraq and Syria amid soaring tension to the Middle east. What a bad example. The US is pledging to defend Israel from an expected iranian reprisal attack. The US has about 2500 troops in Iraq and 900 occupying eastern Syria. The Oregon guardsmen are likely being sent out on a regular rotational deployment. But the move comes as the US leaves up its presence in the region.

Mind you, the United States cannot make its recruiting goals, not even the Marine Corps, which means the United States is weakening. It is shrinking. Its military is being reduced in size daily. Subbing by sending off National Guard is an Agni admission that we cannot sustain our own military and weakens our capacity to deal with issues right here at home. If we have a million un illegal immigrants constituting a terrorist army right here in the United States, if we have sent our national Guard from various states off to distant lands, that means they’re not here to protect and defend the United States.

So whether by intent or coincidence, the situation is growing more and more grave. Yes, we have millions, hundreds of millions, over 100 million. I’d guess around 150 million armed Americans. But I tell you, we are not, for the most part, an organized armed force. And what is required here is going to require a lot of sophistication and organization. So I say, brace yourself. It may be the militia, the militias, the Democrats left them align, or what will save our nation. I can only tell you if you can’t defend your own home, if you don’t have the weapons, if you don’t know how to use them, we’re going to have crime extending out into the suburbs from the urban centers, which are going to become controlled by gangs.

Police are being weakened. They grow weaker every day. Gangs grow stronger. The wealthy are losing, leaving these communities. The elegant businesses that use to provide a lot of tax revenue are closed. Our cities are in a state of decadence, and it’s growing worse. And the gangs are going to begin extending their reach out of the urban areas they’ve already looted and polluted in order to reach the suburbs with new targets. And your home and your possession are going to be among them. So I encourage each and every one of you, if you aren’t already armed, find weapons that you’re comfortable with.

Learn how to use them. Stock up, lock and load. Because I guarantee you, our having to defend ourselves is going to come super than you can imagine, quicker than you can imagine. And it’s going to be not just a question of convenience. It’s gonna be a matter of life and death. Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door. Who is it? For all you are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network.

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Email Tom t o mpublicbroadcasting.org dot talk about appalling news. Breaking event Social Security numbers allegedly stolen over 2.7 billion records taken. You think it’s just a coincidence that’s happening when the Democrats are bringing in millions of illegals? I have no doubt about it. They’re going to give them all kinds of Social Security numbers, are going to make it far more difficult for them to be tracked down. This is dirty dealing by the Democrats, who don’t give a damn about average Americans or the well being of the nation. They only want to retain power. Meanwhile, find Zay wall week highlights concerned about presidential fitness and leadership, Joe Biden has been quite the elusive figure of late, demonstrating an uncanny knack for avoiding a public eye.

That’s, of course, because he’s grown four inches. It’s not the same guy. Last week’s activities included rather forgettable meeting with Americans involved in a prisoner exchange and a phone call to the king of Jordan, leaving many to wonder who’s actually steering the ship of state. A gadget observer might find it hard to believe that the nation commander in chief has a time to vacate to his beach property while the world teeters on the brink of various crises. Some might even call it a classic example of the slow coup orchestrated behind the scene by those polina strings.

Yes, don’t have any doubt about it. Meanwhile, Kamala has an ace upper sleeve that has left Donald Trump speechless. What in the world would that be? Democrat group registering psychiatric hospital patients in a swing state? That’s quite an ease. That fits. Pennsylvania, with its 19 electoral votes, is the most important swing state. Both presidential campaigns are preparing for an expensive contest. Former President Trump won Pennsylvania by a little over 44,000 votes in 2016 before it flipped a Biden in 2020 by about 81,000. I manipulating the vote? An ally of Harris has launched an unthinkable mode to help me carry Pennsylvania.

Doctor Alastair Martin, who is a White House fellow to Harris, founded a nonprofit that uses doctors to register their patients, a vote she founded vote er, using doctors who are working with vulnerable patients in places like psychiatric hospitals and assisted living facilities in a Democrat voter registration drive in Pennsylvania that fits the Democrats are not called demon rats for nothing. Meanwhile, Trump has seen a poll that’s going to horrify Kamala. Pollster Scott Rasmussen’s latest survey found Vice President Harris leading Trump by one point in a head to head match and in an expanded ballot test with independent candidate RFK junior, a sharp reversal from a week before that found Harris Lane dropped by five points, 47 to 41.

In other words, that tide is already turning, and the more you learn about Harris, the more you realize she’s utterly incapable of holding the office. Meanwhile, other polls are showing that Trump is taking the lead in relation to economic issues edging past Harris. No doubt about it, national political polls are experiencing what can only be described as a chaotic carousel, particularly under the drastic upheaval of a revived Democrat ticket. However, two polls, one from CNBC and Rasmussen, suggest voters are leaning back toward the familiar face of Donald Trump, leaving Harris scrambling to keep up. According to CNBC’s top currently enjoys a slender edge over Hera, two points, 48 46, while the margins thin comfortably within the margin of error.

Telling concerns about the economy are driving many to reconsider their options. Voters, particularly middle aged, seem to buy into the idea of the former president of better grasp on economic matters than his current counterpart in the White House or his Democrat alternative, as things now stand. Meanwhile, Elon Musk has posted what’s being called a bizarre AI video. But I like it. Let me play it. This is Trump and Musk dancing to Saturday fever. And of course it’s an animation, but it tells us something. New York oh, I love it. I love it. It’s wonderful. What it says to me is Trump has a really good friend in Elon Musk.

I mean, this was just very touching, very amusing, well done, enthusiastic, joyful. I’m really tickled that anyone would call it bizarre. Indicates of me they don’t have any comprehension of human relations. Meanwhile, the economy is suffering major discount retail chains plan to close over 300 stores economic woes under the Biden administration american discount retail giant Big Lots has announced it plan to close over 300 locations across the United States, a spokesperson said, taking decisive action to operate efficiently and reviewing our store footprint on an ongoing basis to make sure we’re best positioned to serve our customers and businesses.

The move comes as a company report a 10% decrease in sales $205 million loss in the last quarter. But that’s just what you’d expect under Biden. Under here would be worse. Meanwhile, Dave Hodges reports a Democrat party coup against Kamala is underway. Here’s a summary of Biden Harris accomplishments. Allowed 15 million unvetted illegals into the country historic inflation crisis record high gas prices in all 50 states record high consumer debt release terrorists into the country Ukraine Russia war Israel Hamas war disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan violent crime skyrocketing tried to jail political rival the name of democracy lied to american public about Joe’s decline declared war on american energy record low test record low test scores for kindergarten through 12th grade student.

Most unpopular president and VP in history. Yes, yes. That’s their party platform. If you want to know why Kamala hasn’t put one up is because it would read like that. Meanwhile, a CNN host accidentally lets a cat out to bag on a bad secret about Tim walls. And the more I learn about him, I mean, it is disgusting. Vice President Harris completed the Democrat ticket when she picked Minnesota governor Walls. Democrats celebrate because he’s gone further in supporting their woke agenda than the other finalist, Josh Shapiro. Pennsylvania Waltz is almost completely unknown on the national scene.

A bullshit 71% of the country had never even heard of him before. That means Democrats and their media allies had a chance to define him for voters. He’s a former high school teacher and football coach in rural Minnesota who launched his career with a run for Congress in 2006. He want to present as a folksy midwestern dad who helped, who can help Democrats speak to working class voters. But David X arrived who served at a talk advisor. Obama discussed Walt steering an appearance on CNN. Brianna Caller asked him if the image that’s being presented by Waltz would be able to mask his whole extreme track record.

He just looks kind of like everyone’s uncle, right? He just kind of has a sort of appeal to him, Keller said. And I wonder if you speak to that because right now you see that Trump campaign and allies trying to define him. And David, there’s some things they can work with. I mean, if they look at things about his response to the riot, the protests in 2020, he admitted there was a lot of delay in calling out the guard. Walts waited days while Minnesota was looted and burned to the ground by Black Lives Matter Ntiva in the wake of the 2020 death.

Much more to that. Much more. All bad. Meanwhile, after letting our city burn, former federal prosecutor who charge BLM riders says Walt is not fit to be vice president. Joe to a former federal prosecutor who charred BLM rioters spoke to Vox about what Minnesota is really like under walls field leadership. It came to cracking down on regular citizens. He was such a tyrant during the pandemic he ordered police to shoot resident with paintballs if they dared to leave the confines of their home to sit on their own porch. All’s even bragged about leaving. His 87 year old mother had just undergone heart surgery alone in the home to fend for herself.

Successful bar owner Lisa Zarzo was forced into bankruptcy because of his draconian rules. Waltz felt no such need to crack down on BLM rioters as they burned Minneapolis. JD Vance said of him, I think it’s interesting they make an intriguing team because, of course, Tim Walls allowed voters to burn down Minnesota in the summer of 2020, and Kamala helped bail out the few who were caught. Well, sad. Meanwhile, Dave Hodges asks, is a mainstream media the enemy of humanity? I think he’s got something to it. Maybe we can pick it up a bit, but we gotta deal with.

There we go. Hey, guys, Donald Trump Junior here. Let me ask you worse than what we’re being told? That’s because, you know, I got to make this perfectly clear, and I know for a lot of you. Come here, you’ve already figured this out, but I stand to expose the unholy, the satanic, the illegal, and the unconstitutional. And then we hope to give solutions to bring hope and unity and collective action against the tyranny of the bolshevik communists that have taken us over. That’s our mission here. And along those lines, I’m going to talk about something we encounter every day.

And I’m going to issue the most grave, the most stark warning I can. And I’m going to be as blunt as I can. And I hope that these words are taken seriously. And I hope that many of you can redirect your viewing and listening habits based upon what I’m going to expose. My name is Dave Hodges. I am the host of the common Sense show. We are the show that is freeing America one in slave minds at a time. And we need you to amplify our efforts, because we need to put millions of feet on the street to counter this bolshevik communist takeover.

And we’re down to 83 days and counting, and we may not have that long. I mean, once the other side determines that their lies and media manipulation are not going to be enough to carry the election in combination with their gross cheating, well, all hell is going to break loose. And I’m sorry to tell you, there’s no way around this. He’s got it right. I like Dave Hodges. Very sensible guy. Meanwhile, Senator John Kennedy gave the secret Service bad news that set shockwaves around the nation about their failure to perform properly in the past. He’s a good man.

Meanwhile, here’s an alternative view. 23 reasons to suspect Trump assassination attempt was faked and why the organized crime government would stage a fake assassination on their puppet. Well, that’s worth your contemplation. When he got them unwilling to talk about what they were doing, whether it’s the FBI or the secret service, something was going on. Meanwhile, Stephen Colbert’s audience laughed out loud after he told his guests that the channel was unbiased. Everyone knows better than that. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has declared another public health emergency. Are you surprised? Breaking who declares global health emergency over impacts breakout who is declared a global health emergency is impact, previously known as monkeypox spreads rapidly across 13 african countries, including the DRC, where 14,000 cases and 524 deaths have been reported.

Here’s more about it. The announcement came after expert virtually to advise WHO Director general Didro Sanjandro on the outbreak. Yes, stand by. They’re going to pull a Covid on us all over again. It’s already begun. Meanwhile, we had those eight tuba cancer doctors killed in a plane crash. We’re traveling to warn the public about their bombshell discovery. Are you surprised? That’s what happens. Eight out of the 68 who died in the plane that mysteriously dropped out of the sky in Brazil. Or turbo cancer doctors traveling to a major vaccine conference to warn the public of a bombshell discovery they had just made.

The doctors were reportedly aboard the ATR 72 turboprop, grassed in a residential area near Sao Paulo. They were cancer doctors en route to the SBTMO 2024, a cancer and vaccine conference. They’ve been investigating the global surge in turbo cancers in run up to the plane crash. They were originally supposed to be 15 aboard, but seven changed returneraries to take an earlier flight. Got juice? You apple? He want holy roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what it please. Hey there. Are you gonna wait till the cows come home to get your new ease off dropping lift? What in the world is an ease off dropping lift? Our ease off is a new tool to increase production for your meat processing company that will get that whole hog or half a beef on or off your rail with our remote control.

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extend your life with extendovite here come old flat top he come grooving up slowly he got juice holy roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what it please well, we have the Kingston report telling us millions of self assembly nanotech entities or in Covid-19 injections. I reported this before, but I’m glad to report it again August 13, 2024. Before we dive into the details of this newly published, peer reviewed article, I want to emphasize this new scientific analysis is a critical piece of evidence in our battle to stop the extermination level assault on humanity with mRNA nanoparticle technology.

We can’t stop the crime if we can’t identify the weapon. This newly released analysis is further evidence of the toxic, sometime lethal, self assembling AI nanotechnology entities founding Covid-19 vaccine vials. Under the fraudulent promotion of safe and effective, these toxic nanobiotechnology were injected into billions of adults and children around the globe using it, causing an unprecedented level of disease, disability and death. Yes, and the deaths are only beginning to show up. Meanwhile, let me say a rather fascinating move. Crystal Swanee wants to ban propaganda by reinstating the law, commonly known as a Smith Mutt act of 1948, to its original status.

The Smith Mutt act, also known as US Information and Educational Exchange act of 1948, was enacted following World War two. The act was developed to regulate broadcasting program for foreign audience produced under the guidance of the Department of State, prohibiting domestic dissemination a material produced by such programs as one of its provisions. In other words, this was a law that allowed propaganda to be disseminated to other nations, but not within the United States. Barack Obama had the act nullified so that he could unleash propaganda on the United States by the Smith Modernization act of 2012. Just in time to bring a Sandy hook.

It’s a brilliant idea to revert because Obama legalized all these phony stunts and shootings like Sandy Hook. Boston, bombing, Orlando, Dallas, Charlottesville, Parkland, Las Vegas, Uvalde, Nashville. It’s outrageous. Meanwhile, Doctor Rima invites you to join her 10 million patriot challenge. United nations is about to seal a deal that by her interpretation, could exclude us from having our own automobiles or driving them. Basically restrict our lives of 15 minutes, cities or the equivalent. She wants to have it stop and ask you to join 10 million Patriot challenge. I want somebody to love oh, I can buy a little help from my friends gonna drive a little help from my friends yes, I get five a little help from my friend with a little help from my friend hey there.

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See the banners for hemp paste@republicbroadcasting.org. and visit hemphaste.com rbn. Call 855-65-6872 mention rbn. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting network. Because you can handle the truth. Truth, truth, truth, truth, truth, truth. See the love that’s sleeping all jeeps sweeping still my guitar nothing you can sing the comfy song nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game well, welcome to the second hour of authentic news right here on RBN Live, this 15th day of August, 2024. Exactly one caller on the line. Renee, the microphone is yours, girl. Go for it. Okay, well, I tell you what, there’s a reason they don’t have to change the playbook, because people keep falling for the same thing over and over again.

You know, you would think that all these. This is an older audience, all these men, many of them even served in Vietnam, okay? But we. We have, you know, now learned that what they, uh. It was all a lie. It’s all a lie. The thing is, is what did they tell us? Oh, it’s the commies. The commies are coming, and we got to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here. And let me tell you, y’all, when all you have to do is say, comment, comment. And it’s like Pavlov rang a bell.

Y’all are so trained. Your brain, it’s like, you know, the thing is, you know, the fear porn of the right wing. I don’t know, y’all could probably teach Rachel Maddow lessons. Okay? The fear porn has to stop. The only way for us to. To not be completely demolished, as if. Look, the right and left, actually the people, not the damn politicians that work night and day for divide and conquer, you know, trotting out stuff like trans people reading storybook. You know what that is? That’s red meat for republicans to agitate them. That is an intelligence operation.

You hear me? So the thing is, gobble it up like it is, you know, from a steakhouse. So the thing is, the thing is, even. Even like the Democrat politicians are not liberals. Remember, they got rid of Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders. They allowed what happened to Cynthia McKinney, and now Corey Bush. They are controlled opposition to make people think they have a choice. Okay? The thing is. So the thing is. The thing is, when you look at RFK Junior and Dennis Kucinich are against open borders. Both of them have come out, and they’re against it, okay.

Which is why they’ll never win. But the Democrats, actually, the thing was, okay, because they pretend that they give a damn about people, but they don’t. They’re just there to mislead people. So the thing is, you know, you know, y’all, we have to come together on what we have in common. And there’s a lot, okay? Instead of this constant fear porn. Oh, immature name calling, it’s like, that is gonna show. I just want to tell y’all, you know, they probably have a bill with a draft in it. It’s already written, folks. Just like they had that patriot act written before.

It’s already written. And when they come for your loved ones, I want you to go look in the mirror and to see whose fault that is. Okay? Because y’all can’t play well with others who are different. You have to dwell on the 10% that you’re different and keep falling for the fear porn and that red meat. I’m telling you, it’s an intelligence op. The way they, with the transtory hour and the stuff. I’m telling you, it’s the intelligence community that is behind that. It’s the red meat they do to flame y’all. And you keep reacting to it.

Right on cue, Pablo rang a bell. You have to see through that, because if we don’t come together on this, look, it’s getting close. It is the third world war, you know? So that’s my rant. No, Rene, it’s great. I’m delighted. I’m delighted. Anyone out there. Today’s a great day to rant because we got open lines and few collars. We just had Renee have her opportunity. I’m delighted to follow with Joe from Florida. Joe, welcome back, my friend. Hey, Jim, thanks for taking my call. I got a new one today. Can you hear me okay? I’m hearing all, yeah, go ahead.

I don’t know why there’s a little break up there, Joe, but you go for it. We’ll keep you on. I might have been on speaker. Apology. I’ve got a new one for you today. How about this one? We know make America great again. We know make Israel Palestine again? How about make Ukraine Russia again? I love it. I love it. Of course, here’s the thing where we see this Zelensky pulling this stunt. I’m calling it a stunt because he sent troops into Kursk, which, just to be clear, because I wasn’t even clear on this to begin with.

So Kursk is not one of these disputed territorial boundary regions, you know, in the Donetsk and Luhansk. This is above that. If you look at a map, Kursk is Russia proper. Kursk is Russia proper. And so that means it’s russian territory. It’s russian land. So this deranged jewish psychopath, war criminal, Zelensky, sends troops into Kursk. Okay, it was unexpected, and I believe it was caught off guard, but it’s also psychopathic because this is Russia proper. Now, I’ve seen a report that at least 700 of the thousand troops that he sent in are already dead. They were killed almost instantly.

Okay, so what does that mean? That means that Zelensky, as we know, could care less about Ukrainians. He’s only using them as father. Okay, before the war started, or just as it started in 2022, one of the things you may remember this. What does Zelensky do? He did a national airlift out of the Jews in Ukraine. They did it enough. Oh, we’re airlifting out the jewish people. In fact, that outrageous organization that they call christians united for Israel. This is the John Hagee organization. They were running ads, and you may remember this, in 2022. Oh, send us money so we can help airlift the Jews out of Ukraine.

Well, wait a minute. Why are you airlifting the Jews out of. I didn’t get it right. So the minute that was done, what did Zelensky do? He put in a law conscripting every man starting from about the age of 15, and they’re sending men in their fifties and sixties to the meat grinder. Okay, so if this is not an ethnic cleansing of christian men, then what is? Okay, he airlifts all of the Jews. Not that there are many Jews in Ukraine to begin with. It’s 90% christian, but, oh, we have to make sure all the Jews get out.

So they airlift all the Jews out of Ukraine, and then they put in a conscription law where they force every other man that’s left who are all Christian, basically either Russian Orthodox, or some of them are Catholic, Greek Catholic, and they force them to the meat grinder, to the front lines. And by that means, Zelenskyy, the jewish war criminal, has now slaughtered 600,000. 600,000 christian men in Ukraine. It’s a tragedy. It’s a total tragedy, and it’s an outrage. Okay, so let’s make Ukraine Russia again. I mean, they forced it, right? You remember that Vladimir Putin had a peace plan where he would have given Luka and Donetsk to Ukraine, and it could have been a.

I mean, it would have been a separate region and Russia wouldn’t have control of it. But no, they didn’t want that. The people behind Zelensky, like Joe Biden, like Boris Johnson, by George Soros, whose real name is Schwartz, don’t forget that. George Soros, his name is Schwartz. Those are the people that wanted to keep the fighting going, even though it was obvious they could never win this war. And what have they done? They’ve sacrificed 600,000 christian men, deliberately ethnically cleansing Ukraine. I think it’s an outrage. We do have to make Ukraine Russia again. I think Putin may be realizing that, too, Joe, because this was outrageous.

And I think he’s converting the special military operation into a war against Ukraine because they’re going to have to take all of Ukraine. Otherwise this is going to go on and on and on and on interminably. So you make another great point, Joe, and I love your slogans. It was something that they forced Putin to do because they actually had a peace treaty. You remember that? That was already signed by these traitorous Ukrainians, and they doubled back. But Putin was willing to settle for having those two regions be independent and under control. Now, of course, that’s impossible now.

I mean, they were bombing that area even before Putin had moved in. So now, yeah, I would be all for making Ukraine Russia only because that’s what they’re being forced to do. The other one I want to talk about is the other jewish world. Well, before I say that, I want to just mention, you know, that I’m a believer of christians. So in the Catholic Church today we celebrate the feast of the assumption, the feast of the assumption of the Blessed Mother. If there’s any way that peace could ever happen in this country, it’s through prayer in these countries in the world.

Really, I should say I do believe in prayer today. It’s a powerful spiritual day in my church, and we even believe that a prayer to the blessed Mother can stop wars. So I’m urging people to pray. Not that I, you know, I’m calling out the evil forces that are perpetrating these wars. I also strongly believe we can even avert it. Even, you know, there’s supposed to be talking about a ceasefire in Doha today. Well, I’m not even going to rule that out because I believe miracles can happen. That having been said, however, I do want to note, how is it that anybody can have a negotiation with a partner at a ceasefire, alleged ceasefire talk when one of the people are in the middle of murdering the other partners who they’re supposed to be talking to? This is what Netanyahu, the satanic jewish terrorist, has just done.

He has absolutely murdered the person who he was supposed to be negotiating with, Ismail Hania, and then also two of the top commanders of Hezbollah who were also allegedly part of some plan that could lead towards the ceasefire. So the United States, as if it wasn’t diabolical enough, it’s also an embarrassment. How can we pretend that you can negotiate with a psychopath like Netanyahu when even in the midst of what he’s supposed to be? They sent a representative to Doha, but they bombed children last night in communists. How outrageous is this? These people cannot be trusted.

I feel terrible for the jewish people being ruled by a satanic, evil terrorist, Netanyahu, but things can only happen if people change. If they keep up with this murderous genocide, there’s nothing but destruction ahead for Israel. Yes, I think that’s exactly right, Joe. I think that’s exactly right. And Israel may become Palestine again because there’s no more Israel and the land belongs to those who rightfully own it. Let us hope that comes to pass, Joe. It’s so right that that should be the ultimate outcome. You have a final thought? Yeah, go ahead. The final thought is, you know, and some people criticize, oh, I’m naive.

I do believe in prayer. I do even think at the very last moment that we have some kind of peace. I do agree that, look, if people are going to be continue behaving the way they are, then it’s only logical to see that destruction is going to come. But I’m still a man of prayer, and I hope that RBM listeners can take a moment and just say a quick little prayer. So whatever God you believe in, because we’re absolutely on the verge of world War three. I think people could see that. And I’m a believer that only God can we put it in his hands.

Right? Because I don’t want Israelis to be killed. I don’t want Ukrainians to be killed. I don’t want Russia to be killed. And I certainly do never want any American to have to spill their blood for the satanic forces that are trying to put Americans in the way of harm to fight for Israel or to fight for the fake, fake leader, Zelenskyy, who’s not a legitimate leader anymore. That’s my final. Yes, yes, yes. Well said, joe. All of it. Thank you. Thank you. Excellent call, Tom. You’re going to have enough time today to say what you want to say, my friend.

Welcome back. Go right ahead, Tom. Well, yeah, good day, everybody in RvN and to Joe’s point. Yeah, Joe, before we talk about World War three. I think we better look at our own country and look at our revolutions ready to happen here. But that’s what I got to say about that. But I want to say Jerry made a great call yesterday from Chicago. Very good call, Jerry. And I got to say this, Jim, before we go, anything you want to say? A prayer for somebody. Let’s say the prayer for the Morris family in Michigan. His name is Nathan Morris.

Did you hear about the story? Did you report on that story today, Jim? No, Joe. Go ahead, Tom. Well, he is a white male walking around in a predominantly white neighborhood with his little daughter. And his little daughter touched a black man’s mulch. He went, took the daughter home, walked back around the corner, and wanted to confront the black guy and try to make peace with the guy. The guy walks out and blows him away and kills him. Now, the people in the neighborhood are going nuts. It’s predominantly a 95% a white neighborhood. Outside a minute, I think it’s.

I don’t know if Detroit or where it’s at, but is in Michigan. The guy is Nathan Morris. Like Jack Morris, the baseball pitcher for the Detroit Tigers back in when they went to World Series. Now, this guy was murdered in cold blood at 01:00 in the afternoon. The woman drive down, drove, driving down the street. Who witnessed it? She had to get take on, go be taken care of. She went into shock watching a man get murdered in cold blood in broad daylight. Now, if that would have been a white man shooting, a black man would be on every major network, probably.

Riots would be happening all over Michigan. But when it’s a white man gets murdered, nothing happens. He’s just a statistical number. Okay, I want you to look up the story about Nathan Morris and how that man, that sex offender, murdered this man in cold blood because this little girl touched his mulch. Is that what our society’s coming to be? Is that what we’re facing now about Russia? I don’t give a damn about Ukraine. I don’t give a damn about Israel. Right off the bat, Joe. Joe. Tom, Tom, Tom. You’re talking about molts around a tree or a shrub that she just touched the most.

What the hell? What sue gives a damn? Well, she’s a little girl, supposedly, and she picked up the most. I guess she might have threw. It was like playing with her father and dirt. Yeah, well, I don’t know the whole story to detail, but I know the cops were devastated. They haven’t had a crime in that town in 35 years. It was probably the most shocking crime that ever happened in that area of his last name. Nathan. Nathan what? Morris? Like Jack Morris the baseball player or Tom Morris the golfer? Love pad shot dad after daughter touched the malls while on family walk.

Holy crying out loud. The father of two young girls shot dead by a neighbor who angrily confronted him after his daughter touched the mulch in his yard while the family was on a walk in their suburban Michigan neighborhood. Nathan Morton, 35, was on a walk with his wife and daughters, aged two and five, near their home in Canton just before noon Saturday when police said their neighbor Deborah Chris ever Johnson, 47, confronted him and the two got into an argument. We’ll be right back with Tom. Are you sick of censorship? TLB Talk is the cure. TLB stands for truth, liberty and balance.

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Visit republicbroadcasting.org and click the wild pastures banner ad. Secure a shipment today. Beef, poultry, and pork raised the way nature intended. Help. I need somebody help. Not just anybody help. You know, I need someone help. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody’s help in any way. Tom, that’s just a stunning story. I’m just distraught about it. Unbelievable. Apparently this guy who shot him, his name is Johnson, is not a very nice guy, and he’s had multiple assaults on neighbors in the past. Bad news. Bad news, Tom, go ahead. Well, he was a sex offender, supposedly, Jim, but I don’t know.

We’ll find out more details, I think. But what I got to say now, Jim, let’s go back to, let’s go back to George Floyd. This guy George Floyd that was supposedly suffocated by Derek Chauvin. I want everybody in RBN to know this, that governor camp on Kim is the one that gave the Minnesota police the training by israeli special forces to come and treat their, treat their train their police force. And that’s why Chauvin put his knee on his neck. Derek Chauvin’s protocol was not to do that until he was told by the governor of the state of Minnesota to follow the lead of the israeli special forces that when they are teaching the Minneapolis Police Department, and I want everybody to know that this guy, Kampot Kim is a radical wacko.

You talk about, he wants to keep talking weirdo. This guy’s a freak show. And that’s what this whole thing is, a freak show with Kamala and all these criminals. But now, Jim, as crazy that case is, we got to look at the main thing that what the Republican Party should be doing right now, Jim, starting next Tuesday, actually, Monday, Tuesday, the DNC starts their convention. They should have people dressed up and mega Hatsheen, hey, we’re innocent. Hands, hands up. We’re innocent. Like they were trying to blame Donald Trump’s supporters for the Jesse Smollett lynching. And Kamala Harris was right there with Jesse Smollett trying to start an all out race war in Chicago.

I hope Jerry calls in. I hope Jerry or JB and any old Chicago callers call in. I can tell you a lot about Chicago. I was able to live there before these guys were. I can tell you that I was on Ashland Avenue. I live right down in from Wrigley Field when I was a little kid. I was raised right there on, right down the street from Wrigley Field, about a mile away. And I can tell you what’s going on in Chicago should happen. This, this Kamala Harris was actually trying to start all out race work by using two black africans to dress up like Trump supporters.

Go figure. Jim, maybe I should have a drink after this, a margarita after that one. But, you know, I gotta say, Jim, I look at right now all the callers, a lot of callers are calling in about Israel. And I understand how important that could be for a lot of people. But the most important thing facing our country, Jim, is this. These illegal aliens are here by 11 million right now. Do everybody in RBN understand that these people are in the census right now? So the democratic party actually already won because they’re already, they’re already in the census, Jim.

And what do you have to say about that? There are already in the United States census another 11 million people that shouldn’t be here, but they’re going to use it for vote. Now, I want to hear what you have to say about that real quick. Well, of course, Tom, it’s outrageous. No American has a doubt that this is outrageous. This is just a scurrilous Democrats resorting to scraping the bottom of the barrel, bringing in illegals, an army to attack us and to vote Democrat and bribing them up to Gazelle, Tom, is just disgraceful. You know what I have to say about it because I’ve said it before, many times.

Well, you know, you had a caller the other day. I gave you a nice compliment. I appreciate that, Alexander from Canada. I know your country’s being invaded, too, but Alexander, yes. If I was in charge of that wall and I was in charge of immigration, I would be ten times more tougher than Tom Holman. I’d make Tom Holman look like a baby, because I would. I would tell you what, right now, when I say I hear the word illegal, that’s exactly what that means. It’s illegal. You go stealing food out of a store and you get caught because your family’s hungry, you stole $100 worth of food, they’ll put you in jail from some state in California especially, I bet you try to go, yeah, you can steal sneakers and all that, but you go try to supermarket and try steal 100, 203, $500 worth of food, and they’re going to put you in jail.

But where’s the sanctuary for the people who steal food, Jim? This law, a giant, filthy jewish kosher cabal. But they will not allow 10 million Muslims into seeking from Saudi Arabia near Jerusalem. But these same schmucks are telling you to not accept this crap. That’s why I told you, Jim, Elon Musk and NBC has got to be bought out by a bunch of rich, conservative christian billionaires. They have to buy one of the major networks. That’s just only one. That’s all they need is one they don’t need no more. And I would even donate a couple hundred dollars to help cause Elon Musk or Donald Trump or whoever, they get a team of like 30, 40 guys to buy NBC, one of the major news carriers, on daytime tv.

It would shock the world. It would shock the nation. Now, Jim, I just gotta say this. 11 million people on the census, and Donald Trump and JB JD Vance said the first year they’re gonna try to get rid of one to one and a half million. No, that’s not the answer. We want. The public wants here. I want to hear 3 million. It’s just because the environment, mental aspect of all this ecological disaster can happen with all these people coming here, flushing toilets, using toilet paper, and all the other nonsense, we got to just consume like locusts.

We’ve got to stop this at all costs, Jim, and you know this. I was explained before. This theft of all these secret Social Security numbers is to protect the illegals. They’re going to give them phony histories a whole bit. It’s just outrageous. Tom, you’re spot on on your complaints and the democrats aren’t. One more thing. One more thing. Him. One more thing. Say it. Hello. I want you. If we had 5 million people in Washington DC doing like, the January 6 protest, I’ll go and sacrifice myself for this immigration problem. Million people in the mall will crush these democrats.

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Getmortank.com. helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in her jar by the door who is it for? All the lonely people where do they all come from? Cynthia in California, the mic is yours. Hi. Hi, doctor Fetzer, can you hear me okay, clearly. Thank you. Well, I want to address the issue that was brought up by the first caller on the draft. Draft to the military is not a right of the Congress under the Constitution. It may be the right under the state, but it is not Congress.

Right. And people may want to access a color coded constitution where the enumerated powers are more clearly marked for people. And I’ll give that website if you say so. But I want to mention that. Yeah, go right ahead. Think about the way the city of London waged war against China. Right? The opium wars. They brought in opium, and then there’s a long trail of so called improvements where they led to morphine to treat the opium and then heroin to treat the morphine. And now they’ve got the fentanyl. Right. They’ve made it more powerful. So as far back as the 1950s, there was investigation of an african shrub, the roots from the shrub, and that’s called ibogaine.

And ibogaine is psychedelic experience. And you’re left with six months of your opioid receptors being flooded with the ibogaine, and you do not, are not interested in narcotics. Very interesting. There’s a possibility of side effects, but american physicians are not experienced with this because our government made it as schedule one. Think about all the drugs that they suppressed, like the ivermectin, all the safe treatments for Covid, which is not really clear yet what Covid really is. And the weapon really was probably the vaccine, which is not a vaccine, but a genetic modifying system. And we have to start thinking how to protect ourselves from this federal overreach.

And there’s a significant possibility you have to start at the county level, and you need to write a constitution that gives you medical freedom. One of the petitions on that website I’d like to mention is also to get us out of any international organization that interferes with our sovereignty. And obviously NATO does that. They can bring us into a war with their malfeasance. The UN does that through the World Health Organization. So we have to start at the local level. So start addressing your local people, sheriff and your board of supervisors. Are y’all going to permit the federal government to try to draft the citizens of this county? And if they won’t stand up for the constitution, you know, you need to stop that.

Nip that in the bud as quick as you can. Get your ex military, your retired military, to realize that the constitution says that Congress has the right to call forth the militia in case of an invasion or, you know, domestic disturbance. But they’re supposed to have been funding the training and the arming of the militias, and they have not been doing that. So your county is probably going to have to do that and then tender the bill eventually to the federal government once you get a responsible one. So those are my ideas. What do you think, Jim? I think they’re excellent ideas, Cynthia.

I agree with all of it. Write a county constitution. Protect your medical freedom, protect your right to have your militia and the responsibility that they have to initiate the motion, whether the federal government has done its part or not. And they will stand up to drafting of their citizens. Oh, and if you really want to create some interesting constitutional mayhem, go to those crowds of people at the Democratic National Convention and point out to them that every congressperson, Congress critter that voted to send money to Israel actually committed a violation of the oath of office. And within the constitution, there’s no right, there’s no authorization for them to send money to a foreign country.

None. And they all need to be basically accused of treason to kick down office with these people who are protesting, you know, the Democratic Party’s support for sending money to Israel. Would they help us out with that? Ask them for their help, Cynthia. Again, where is the petition to, you know, get out of any organization? It compromises our sovereignty. That is so important. It’s on reclaimingtherepublic.org dot. There’s a petition page, there’s numerous petitions, and then there’s a page that has the color coded constitution, which makes it easier to understand the enumerated powers. Cynthia, thanks. This has been an excellent call, reclaiming the constant the Republic.com.

thanks, Cynthia. Very nice. Yeah, Paul. Paul in New Jersey joined the conversation. Paul well, Mister Fetzer, now, Mister Fetzer in the media, we hear a lot of the terminal concerning the migrants, military aged men. You hear it all the time. Right now, we have to be honest about this because who really is importing these people? Who loves these people coming in here? I’m going to tell you who. It’s american capitalism. It’s the chamber of commerce, it’s the Federal Reserve. They love it, the growth of the economy, and they want cheap labor. Now, if you’re a businessman, would you want to hire an old man or would you want to hire a young military age man to work in your brick making factory? You’re going to want young, strong men, and ideally you’re going to want them to be somewhat ignorant with low expectations and so will readily accept low wages and a low standard of living.

Now, these capitalists, they’re very wily in a sense because notice, they’re not going to hire a young woman, are they, for many of these jobs? Not really. Not if it’s a strenuous job. And with a woman, let’s say they hire Mamacita, senorita Mary, right? And you hire her, and before you know it, she’s pregnant. You got to provide her benefits. You got to provide her leave, maternity leave, and on and on. And as we know, women take up more health care benefits than men do through the course of their lives. So for a business owner, hiring women doesn’t make any sense either.

So that’s why I, these military aged men are the best people to bring in for these corporations. And these corporations love pushing your wages down. They love to get the cheapest labor possible. And what’s great about diversity, and Jimmy doar so wonderfully pointed this out, Jim, when you have a diverse workforce, the employees are less able to form a union because of the ethnic divide. So just like the way the government loves to have diversity, so then you can keep the nation fighting with each other ethnically instead of against the wealthy and against the government. Corporations love the same thing.

They don’t want unions because unions force them to pay better wages, and that’s money out of their greedy pockets. Now, concerning some of these migrants and the effects of these migrants, I’d like to make a few other points. For one, we should all consider this. Since all these military aged men have come up to the United States without their women, we have to realize most of these men are going to have a very difficult time finding a woman to marry and to mate with. And so in a sense, we white guys concerned about these brown migrants, we can at least take a little, you know, we can feel consoled in the fact that geographical distance makes a great form of birth control and that these men, at least for a while while they’re here, are not going to be able to have children.

So in the aggregate, for many of these african migrants going into Europe, their birth rate is going to decline. And that’s just one of these oddball twists of fate when events like this happen. Well, that’s an interesting line of argument. I do think, however, since they’re going to have difficult finding mates, that they’re going to want to have sex and they’re going to have forcible sex. They’re going to, the sex crime rate is going to increase in regions where they predominate, I have no doubt. Rape, sexual assault or I. Yeah, true. And many, and many of these cultures are tolerable concerning, or more tolerable than you think concerning homosexuality.

So there will be a lot of that going along among those men also. Well, my last point I’d like to make, Mister Fetter, is about muslim immigration because I find it very interesting because, you know, we watch these in Europe, the muslim migrants, and the reality is we shouldn’t call a Muslim because I. Just because you’re out, you know, from an arabic country, sure your parents are going to be more apt to be muslim because they fled from either Iraq, Syria, Libya, wherever. But the fact is these french kids were, well, they’re not french, they’re from arabic nations.

These children are brought up on french nihilism, you see, or european cultural nihilism, you see. Just because they’re so called Muslims doesn’t mean like after school in Europe, they come home and watch their television and they’re watching probably the MTV cultural degeneracy. They’re watching western cultural nihilism and they’re getting all these wild ideas about what they’re, you know, and also the cultural marxist racism. So they get swept up in that. So when I see a lot of these kids rioting, the islamic kids in Europe, or should I, again, I’m making a mistake. Arabic kids, I often think actually they’re mimicking more like european french radicals, like there were in the sixties who read Jean Paul Sartre or Mars Marcuse and got all worked up about revolution and Marxism during the sixties.

And so in a sense you could almost say these kids, these arabic kids in Europe are assimilated into european culture, not islamic culture. Very very interesting call, Paul. Highly intellectual. I like it a lot. I appreciate your calls, Paul. Give us a final thought. Yeah, and you know, I’ll admit, like, after 911 for about a year before I figured out it was done by Israel, I was very vocal about not allowing immigrants from islamic countries. And by the way, I’m still against bringing in people from muslim countries anyway because our founders never wanted them here. Our founders say I go along with 95% of what our founders say, so I don’t want them here.

However, from my observation, I would argue unless they’re in enclaves, that’s up in Minnesota, in Elon Omar’s district. Right. Generally, the Muslims seem relatively assimilated. And again, because they’re away from their imams in the Middle east and they’re here in the United States, they get to look around and say, wow, this western tolerance stuff is pretty good. Getting to watch girls on YouTube or whatever, it’s pretty good here. So I think a lot of them assimilate, you know what I mean? I think a lot of them don’t. Once they get away from his, their imams, and many of them are tyrannical, you know, in islamic nations.

They kind of, I think they’re somewhat more similar than we think. Paul, this has been a most interesting call. If I didn’t have several others now standing by, I’d keep you longer. I like calls. Keep them coming. David, Michigan. David, Michigan, joined the conversation. Hey, uncle Fetzer, thank you for taking my call. I got a few comments to make. First of all, Paul, he’s pretty sharp guy. I would dare to say that the retardicans and Democrats alike are forcing this illegal immigration, this illegal alien immigration on us. Both sides want cheap labor. I would beg to differ with, with old Tom.

You know, about the number of, you know, 3 million. There’s 50 million of these scumbags that they brought in here, and we can’t deport them. We would go bankrupt trying to do that. There’s only one way to stop those people from coming back here, okay? And trying to take over this nation. And the only way to stop them is going to be the militia, because the military works for the retardicans and the dummycrats. Now to Renee’s points, you know, fear porn. Are you serious? Communism? Who created communism? The Jews created communism. Now, back in the 18 hundreds, mid 18 hundreds, there was a war going on.

Communists the Jews wanted communized the world back then. They lost. Guess where they ended up? In Wisconsin. And that’s where the Republican Party was started. By those communist Jews. And their first president was Abraham Springsteen. All right, now this is all documented. It’s not publicly documented because the victors write the textbooks. They don’t want us to know any of this stuff. But one of your colleagues, I don’t know if you know him, but Michael Gatty, he’s got a show, the rebel madman. And I’m telling you, he’s a brilliant historian. And he has thousands, tens of thousands of original source documents, letters written by these men from the Revolutionary War through the civil War.

And these men wrote to each other about all of this stuff that we’re talking about. So Hitler, what was he burning? He was burning pornography. The Jews created pornography. They created Hollywood. You know, this is ancient and modern. You know, this pornography is the. It’s the scourge of the earth. And who created it ain’t fear porn, it’s jew porn. And, um. Well, I know you got other callers and there’s several other points I want to make, but, uh, I’m blind and I did. I can’t take notes and read them, so I kind of lost my thunder here, but.

Well, you do well. You do well, Dave. You do well. You keep the cold coming, you keep the calls coming. Thank you, Dave. Okay, let me say one more thing. One more thing, Jim. Just remember, people, if you got questions, ask your favorite relatives. Uncle Sam, an anti Semite, Uncle Ben and Auntie fa. They will tell you it is not real. It is real and it is all by design. Thank you. Thank you, Dave. James and Vancouver James, join the conversation. Yeah, I hate to break it to everybody, but there’s the supremacy clause in the constitution of 1789 that says if there’s a conflict of laws between the various states and Washington DC, then Washington DC will prevail.

Back to you. Oh, that’s your point? That’s. That’s it, James. Okay, that’s supremacy. Cause let me give. Go right ahead, James. I’m on the air bill. Look up, look up. The United States versus Rutherford, 1979. The lay of thrill thing. About twelve or 13 of the states had passed it as legal. The FDA started whining and thorough. Good. Marshall says, well, look here, we justices don’t know what’s the effective, but the FDA do. So we’re just going to go along with the FDA because they’ve been doing a good job so far. There’s the case. I’ll let you go.

Thanks for taking my time. Thank you, James. Thank you, James. John in Michigan. Welcome back, John. Your thoughts? The mic is yours. Thank you, Jim. A couple of things. We are in a bankruptcy. This goes to Cynthia. The Constitution is not here. We’ve been in the bankruptcy of 1933, and I’ve brought this up on your show before. If you go to famguardian.org comma, fam guardian.org, explains the whole situation we’re in. You cannot bring the constitution in a court here in this country because these are administrative tribunals. It has nothing to do with what we’re supposed to be.

And so if she brings it up, Cynthia, I love that fact that you’re versed in it, but it’s not here. We’re a democracy, according to this article@famguardian.org. dot my idea. It’s what is from the bankruptcy. And then as far as the people coming into our country, the Chinese, I don’t think they’re coming to here to be a workforce. That I think is a fallacy. I think the UN will use them, if anything, to take over cities and control cities along with the other terrorists and also the motorcycle gangs that no one’s really paying attention to because all of the elitists at the bottom of their list of what they have is control over a motorcycle gang in this country or in the world, something you have to look into because it is a factor when it comes to chaos.

Who’s going to be there to control it? Well, not good people. So that’s, the Chinese are here for a special purpose. And it’s when you have over 200,000 of them, you have a few. And Michael Yan has talked about this. So is Michael Flynn, as far as the power of these folks. And then all of these ports of ours are controlled by the Chinese. And all of the equipment that they need is probably coming through these ports without a problem at all and put in different places around our country to accommodate the folks when it’s time to take charge of our country.

John, that’s such a great observation. Yes. Having them control our parts gives them an access route to America without any constraint. That’s a wonderful observation, even profound, my friend. Well, well done. Well done. Well, here, here in Michigan, in Grand Rapids, the Devos family and Van Andals, they have amp, they had amway. That was their big moneymaker. And when I did some work down at the airport in the nineties, there was an off limits in that airport. It was because it was Chinese controlled, and that was back in the nineties. And that was because much of the product for Amway does come from China.

So we’re surrounded. And that’s where Bo Greitz said, that’s right where he wanted them because he was quite a warrior and he knew that. And if you were surrounded, you shoot anywhere and take out your enemy. And they’re everywhere in our universities. And it’s going to be very frightening for many people in certain areas when things hit the fan. And I think it probably will more probably than not, I think. Well, John, I just want to thank you for that call and all the other callers today. Simply excellent. I am very, very impressed. We started slow, but we sure got a lot out of mileage out of today’s show.

I want to encourage everyone, of course, once again to spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends and people you love and care about, because we do not know how much time we have left. And I found it so charming. You’re only going to see it when you check out the video version or follow up on the links. But this little video of Trump and Elon Musk doing Saturday night Fever is wonderful. You don’t want to miss it. I’m going to play it again as we end today’s show. Oh, God, it’s so wonderful.

And again, no time to talk. You need less women. Keep the rest. I don’t think you may not see out the way. We can try nothing. Stay in the night, stay in the night, stay the night, stay in the line. What’s more with feeling for me keep the rest I won’t. You may not be out. We can’t make up staying at bringing a little joy to politics. I love it. I absolutely love it. We’ll see you tomorrow and support RBNA.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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