RBN Authentic News (14 August 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ Jim Fetzer talks about how on August 14, 2024, news broke of the Taliban parading with US military equipment left behind after the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the US and NATO’s failure to address warnings about the munitions industry led to a shell shortage in Ukraine, shifting the war in Russia’s favor. Iran has signaled a step back from its plans to attack Israel, while the US approved a $20 billion arms deal for Israel. Lastly, there are reports of Americans involved in the Ukraine war against Russia, and a tragic case of a child’s death due to electronic torture in Gaza.
➡ On December 5, 2023, a family in Palestine was attacked by Israeli soldiers, leading to a tragic incident. Meanwhile, peace talks are ongoing, with mediators urging Israel to respect previously agreed terms. In Yemen, the Houthis are using drones to retaliate against the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, causing significant damage and leading to peace talks. Lastly, there is a growing concern about the economy, with many Americans feeling stressed about inflation, rising prices, and lack of savings.
➡ I can get some assistance from my buddies with a bit of help from them.
➡ The article discusses various global issues, including concerns about illegal immigration and its potential impact on national security, the plight of Sudanese refugees fleeing to Libya, and the use of social media in political discourse. It also mentions a new tool that can increase production and lower maintenance costs for meat processing companies, and the potential for wrongful foreclosure on homeowners. The article ends with a discussion on the influence of big tech on elections, and the possibility of Elon Musk serving in a new administration to eliminate wasteful government spending.
➡ The text discusses various political events and theories, including a claim that the current President is not the real Joe Biden, but an actor. It also mentions allegations of Kamala Harris lying about her military service and suggests that the Democratic party is trying to manipulate the electorate by speeding up the naturalization of immigrants. The text also includes various conspiracy theories and criticisms of different political figures.
➡ The text discusses various topics including the popularity of Trump, the benefits of hemp paste and a special tea, the positive effects of a product called Extenavite, the discovery of nanobot entities in Covid mRNA shots, and the quality of Blackout Coffee. It also mentions a plane crash involving doctors and scientists, and the installation of tampon dispensers in boys’ bathrooms in Chicago public schools.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the importance of border security, distrust in the government, and the presence of foreign students in American universities. They express concern about potential threats due to open borders and question the government’s honesty. They also mention that foreign students, particularly Asians, pay higher tuition fees, contributing significantly to the universities’ income.
➡ The speaker shares his journey from being pro-abortion to anti-abortion, influenced by his friend’s death and his own research into the abortion industry. He also discusses his belief in reincarnation and the birth of his son. The conversation then shifts to various topics, including school policies, health reports, and political opinions. The speaker ends by emphasizing the importance of personal health and lifestyle choices.
➡ The speaker believes that Obama influenced Trump’s decisions during his presidency and that Trump didn’t fulfill some of his promises, like building the wall. They also speculate that Trump was threatened into saying positive things about Hillary. The speaker suggests that Trump’s choice of JD Vance as a running mate was a mistake and that Vance might have ulterior motives. They also discuss the possibility of American citizens in Israel voting in the U.S. elections.
➡ The text discusses a controversy from 2020 where Minnesota police used paintball guns against people breaking curfew, with no investigation into the incident. It criticizes Tim Walls for not addressing the issue and suggests he may have ordered the action. The text also criticizes Kamala Harris for her choice of candidate and suggests that George Soros has undue influence over the Democrat party. It ends with a discussion about Elon Musk’s political involvement and a call for him to support RBN.
➡ The text discusses the U.S.’s support for Israel, the Pilgrim Society’s alleged aim to bring the U.S. back under British control, and concerns about the UN’s potential impact on American independence. It also touches on the Ukraine war, perceived corruption within the FBI, and the belief that the current U.S. administration is effectively a continuation of Obama’s presidency.


This is Jim Fetzer, your host, on authentic news right here on RBM Live this 14th day of August 2024. We begin with news from the Taliban holding a parade of us military equipment. A tweet by Colonel McGregor. Very embarrassing stuff. Let’s see what we can pick up here. There it is. Eight and a half billion worth of military equipment the US left behind. The Jagdagata, the personal. Wow. Just impressive. I mean, here, of course, President Biden always said that he wants you to be the last person in the room, particularly for big decisions, just as he was for President Obama made a really big decision.

Afghanistan. Yes. Were you the last person in the room? Yes. And you feel comfortable? I do, yes. There you go. So on the eve of the third anniversary of Biden and Kamala’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban are parading around Megraham air Force base, which they abandoned for no reason, with a actually 80 billion of american military gear they left behind. Reminder that Kamala said she was the last person in the room making the decision on the Afghanistan disaster. She deserves full credit. Meanwhile, Reuters reports years of miscalculation by US and NATO led to a dire shell shortage in Ukraine since Russia seized Crimea in 2014.

Policymakers in America and Europe repeatedly failed to address warnings about the sorry condition of the west munitions industry. The result? An inability to adequately supply Ukraine with key weapons and a shift in the war in Russia’s favor. No doubt about it. Another story about it, this time from responsible statecraft. Why Russia is far outpacing us, NATO and weapon production. No forward thinking and defense industry that only thinks of profits are a bad mix. Since the end of the Cold War, defense industries have not been doing much reduction work for the department, declared William A. LeBlante, under secretary of defense for acquisition and Sustainment at the center for Strategic and International State Global Security Forum in April.

A shocking statement from La plant jibes with a response we’ve seen from US NATO defense industrial base to the russian invasion of Ukraine, a response which has been underwhelming to say the least. Indeed, I Russia is out reducing all of data and the US in terms of ammunition, rockets and tanks, despite having a 2023 defense budget of just 100 billion, a GDP of 2 trillion, compared to the combined US NATO defense budget of 1.47 trillion, and a combined GDP of about 45 trillion. How can this be? Well, it’s called profits and corruption. Plus, the us military industrial complex likes to produce inferior equipment, so they get maintenance contracts that double or even triple their profit margin.

Meanwhile, in a significant development Iran signals it’s climbing down from its israeli attack plans two weeks after the Henya killing we reached two weeks since the July 31 assassination of the Hamas leader in Tehran. And Iran’s anticipated major retaliation on Israel, which its leaders had been threatening, still hasn’t come. On Tuesday, Tehran leaders appear to be walking back their threats. They won’t launch an attack based on key conditions, they say. Reuters and Times of Israel cited three iranian officials who said an iranian attack on Israel could be delayed amid hope for negotiations later this week for a hostage relief since fire deal in Gaza, indicating that a successful deal could hold Iran back from direct retaliation against Israel for allegedly assessing a Moss terror chief Ishmael Hanya on its soil.

So now the pressure is on to at least claim the beginning of a deal by week’s end, which has already happened several times before, after which ceasefire agreements ultimately collapsed based on wrangling over details and timing. Actually, Israel has no interest whatsoever. Meanwhile, US approved 20 billion more in arms for Israel. RT reporting. The armed package includes a dozen fighter jets as well as mortar and tank ammunition. The us government, really. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, there were no government in the United States today. They’re just various sections of the executive branch operating autonomously has approved more than 20 billion in new arms sales despite pressure on the Biden admin and the bloodshed in Gaza.

And of course, there is no Biden. There’s an actor in a Biden mask in a series of notification of Congress state and said Washington is committed to the security of Israel. Oh yes, because this is going to Israel. It’s blinken calling the shots in relation to Ukraine. It’s Austin commitment to the security of Israel at vital to us national interest to deploy and maintain a strong and raised self defense capability. The main part of the package, where’s about 18.8 billion, consists of 50 new f 15 a fighter jets and the upgrade at 25 of the aircraft already in service.

Israel also intends to buy medium range air to air missiles for the jets, nearly 33,120 millimeter TAC cartridges and up to 50,000 high explosive mortars and new military cargo vehicles. And just who do you think all those weapons are going to be used against? Yes, their great enemy, palestinian people. Meanwhile, Ben Gurb says changing the status quo at al Casa is our policy and the latest provocative visit to the religious site very, very bad. On Tuesday, Israeli Minister of national Security Itman Ben Guver made another provocative visit to the Alaska mosque in occupied east Jerusalem, known as Temple Mount to the Israelis and rejected statements from Prime Minister Netanyahu that the status quo at the sensitive religious site hasn’t changed under a decades old status quo agreement at al Oscar, non Muslims can visit the site but cannot pray there.

Van Gogh made two visits last month and declared jewish prayer was allowed both times. Net yacht quickly released a statement saying the status quo had not changed. Undeterred and curved, said Tuesday it was our policy to allow jewish prayer at Alaska. There’s great progress here on sovereignty and rule. Images of Jews praying here. As I’ve said, our policy is to allow prayer, he said in a video with the al Oscar most dome of the rock in the background. Not good. This could eventually precipitate a religious war where millions of Muslims would swarm into Israel and they would take no prisoners.

Meanwhile, we have a video reporting about torture, how the israeli torture regime continues. Very serious stuff. This is with Judge Napolitano shortly on the Israelis and torture the Americans and torture and the Geneva conventions, which we wrote. But first, this, you all know that I am a paid spokesman in Russia, was planned and plotted by NATO, trained in Poland for a couple of months, and that russian surveillance has picked up, America, has picked up english speaking voices amongst the invaders, and some were identified by a russian surveillance as having american accents, as they call it, and some of them are dead.

Does any of this surprise you? No, that sounds all correct, judge. That sounds all correct. And thank you for the kind words. And thank you for having me back on. And yes, certainly the surveillance is there. We know that the United States provides all kinds of intelligence to Ukraine regarding Russia. I mean, you can’t argue that at all. That’s just the way it is. The training is there. We know that the United States and NATO have been conducting all levels of training at various places throughout NATO, including here in the US, for Ukrainians who either are the individuals or small units or large units are going to fight the Russians.

And we’ve also known for the entirety of this conflict, now even predating Russians invasions. In February of 2022, westerners were going over to fight for Ukraine. There were Americans who were going to fight in the Donbas against the Russians. That’s been known for more than a decade now. What we’re seeing here is it all put together in one nice display of where this war is heading towards when it is put out. This clearly, as the Russians are doing so logically, so flows in such the manner as you know, we were just described it, that information is dynamite.

It’s dynamite. Might not be dynamite to us here. It might not affect, as Larry Wilkerson calls them the wooden heads at the state Department of CIA and National Security Council, Pentagon. It might not affect, you know, in London, may not have an effect in Brussels or Warsaw, Berlin, wherever, but it will have an effect on the russian people. And that’s what we have to always remember is a lot of times we think they’re talking to us and many times they’re talking to their own folks. So what he’s reporting is actually, that was Americans involved in the war in Ukraine against Russia.

He went on to talk about the israeli torture regime. Here we have a very troubling case. Electronic torture survivor finds the corpse of his four year old son. How tragic. All of us who are fathers grieve with him. This is a tragic story of Darwish Gwendol, a 46 year old friend of my father. I recounted in Darwish’s words, my siblings and I live in a three story house in ghanaianas we stayed there despite the bombing and explosion we heard around us from the actions of the israeli military. There are 28 in the house, including five women, 18 children and five men.

Around 09:00 a.m. on 5 December 2023, we were surrounded by a barrage of gunfire and ran to the basement. We realized israeli soldiers had stormed the house. We heard voices speaking in Hebrew and gunshots in the Abraham hunt. They continued firing for 15 minutes. As gunfire intensified, sounds of explosion surrounded us. The women started screaming and the children crying. The israeli forces relied people were in the basement. So they descended and began firing in the basement, my elder brother began shouting loudly, we have children and women. One of the soldiers responded, how many of you are there? At that moment, a soldier who spoke Arabic ordered us to come out with our hands raised, with women and children exiting.

First, the women and children were placed in a room on the ground floor. My four brothers and I were put under the staircase. Our hands were tied with plastic cuffs, our eyes blindfolded with a cloth. There were at least 20 soldiers. They put me in the basement bathroom bound and blindfolded, set me on a bathroom stool. When the soldier took me to the bathroom, they slapped me in the face and told me to shut up. They removed my shirt, leaving me in my pants. Well, it goes on to describe the torture to which he was subjected and the tragic finding of the corpse of his son.

Meanwhile, how Israel thwart sees fire talking before they even begin. Coming from the Palestine Chronicle, I think what Hamas is doing is something they should have done a long time ago. There was indeed an agreed upon proposal. The Palestinians have accepted with no precondition, no changes, no alterations. Mediators in the seat fire negotiations should make it very clear Israel should respect what has already been agreed upon. In a proposal submitted back on July 2, palestinian analysts and editor of the Palestine Chronicle Ramzi Baroud has said, but of course the Israelis aren’t going to do that. They’re going to sabotage all.

Their objective is to kill every man, woman and child in Palestine. Meanwhile, yes, the Middle east is at a very crucial juncture. It is coming from strategic culture. The first thing that comes to one’s mind when analyzing conflict is that the US and its allies do not want to notice that the world is no longer the same. It will be just enough to have a brief look at the main hostilities and military development since October 7 to realize extreme intensification in threats, genocidal killings and the extent of fighting in the Middle east. The terror unleashed by Hamas on October 7, really, it was basically a false flag run by Israel to create a pre tax and talking about how the slaughter has increased in intensity.

But the world no longer looks favorably upon Israel or the United States, its ally, because the slaughter has become too massive and impossible to miss. Meanwhile, Yemen’s inexplicable drones are wreaking expensive havoc. I so admire the Houthis as the United Arab Emirates in Saudi Arabia continue to conduct siege warfare in Yemen. The Houthis threatened to use drones to attack the United Arab Emirates in Saudi Arabia if the blockade and daily bombardment of Yemen continues. In October of 2019, the Houthis used ten drones to attack the Saudi Aramco facility, knocking it offline for days, causing the global oil market to spiral for weeks after the attack.

A few months later, in January 2022, the Houthis launched a sophisticated drone attack on the illustrious UAE capital of Abu Dhabi. The attack on Abu Dhabi seemed to shake the emirates into rethinking their war strategy in Yemen, and less than a month later, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the UAE were locked in peace talks. More recently, Houthis have used drones to form a blockade of the Red Sea, throwing a stick into the spike bike blades of a global trade. According to the armed conflict location event data project, Operation Prosperity Guardian has been successful in knocking down roughly 75% of the Houthi drones launch into the Gulf of Aden in the Red Sea.

The problem is the missiles they are using to shoot down the Houthi drones cost millions, while the Houthi drones cost thousands. Legacy media spew a common misconception that the Houthis are getting these drones directly from Iran, despite the fact that UN panel of experts on Yemen concluded that components to build the drones are smuggled in from abroad and manufactured locally in Yemen. When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody. Find your inner rebel at Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store located in travelers rest, South Carolina. The anti white, antichrist, anti southern world ends at the asphalt welcome to God’s country.

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You know I need someone. When I was younger, so much younger than today I never needed anybody’s help in any way now but now these days are gone I’m not so self assured now I find a change of mind I’ll open up the doors help me if you can I’m feeling war stories coming from Germany issuing its first arrest warrant in the Nord stream sabotage investigation. You would think it was about time. Zero heads reports the Nord Stream pipeline explosion was one of the largest acts of industrial sabotage of modern history. Nearly two years later, speculation continues to swirl about who is behind the attack.

Well, we know who Joe Biden said it wouldn’t be allowed to go forward. Victoria Nuland confirmed that it was the US. Was it the CIA? As famed journalist at Bulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hirsch has claimed. Did the Russians blow up their own undersea pipeline in the Baltic Sea? Or it was a ukrainian commando with a sailing yacht? How absurd is that? A new report service Wednesday released by several german media outlets, including Ard, Sudan, Zendayk, and detailed how german officials obtained an arrest warrant for a ukrainian citizen named Voldemort Z in June, was living in Poland at the time.

What an absurd story. Meanwhile, Britain is proof of the globalist plan to use migrants as a mercenary army against the west. Let me say Uber driver right here in the US has reported he was driving an illegal to explain he was a mercenary here being paid by the United nations. Others who’ve been apparanted at the border have been telling you’re in for a big surprise. Namely that this army is invading us. And I’m telling you they’re going to be at least a million militants are going to have weapons supplied to them by Obama and Biden, I guarantee you.

So why do western officials insist on gaslighting the public on illegal border crossing? Why do they attempt to destroy anyone who publicly opposes mass immigration from the third world? The laws on the books support the public’s majority position on immigration. Come here legally or don’t come at all. In Europe, the UK, us polls show the majority want a reduction in immigration and better border security. Yet government officials who often claim to be protecting democracy, brazenly ignore the majority concerns. Why? For many years I’ve offered a specific theory on the true agenda. I believe this theory answers most questions.

The common claim in the liberty movement is it’s all part of the clower proven strategy to use large scale relocation to society to destabilize the nation. The goal? The import people with an incompatible or hostile ideology and eventually the target culture will break down. My theory goes beyond Clarence proven. However, I think of the deeper and more sinister purpose I have mentioned in previous articles. Continue to believe one of the main purposes is to leave borders open. Entice illegals is to create a migrant army, a situation in which millions of illegals will be offered easy citizenship in exchange for service.

Also believe this migrant army will be used against the american people, though real citizenry, to impose martial law in the wake of a national disaster. Well, somewhere there is the truth. Have no doubt about it. Meanwhile, the question becomes in relation to England, will opposing illegal immigration be declared a thought crime too? It is Italy’s deputy Prime Minister Mateo Salvini has spoken out on the dire state of free speech in the UK, asking how long it is before opposing illegal immigration becomes a thought crime too. Doesn’t. If not, hundreds have now been arrested over social media posts commenting on the unrest.

In some cases they have included violent threats or incited violence against others. Yes, absolutely. It’s going to be a thought crime, no doubt. Meanwhile, alarm raises 100,000 sudanese flee to Libya via the Sahara desert thousands of desperate sudanese refugees are fleeing violence in Sudan and seeking relative safety in war torn Libya. That’s quite something because Libya is not a safe place to be. Tens of thousands of desperate Sudanese are fleeing violence in Sudan for the relative safety of war torn Libya, where an emergency situation has been declared. Around 96,000 refugees have reached Libya since war broke out in April of 2023, making the treacherous journey via the parched landscape of the Alcove region, where thousands of women and children require urgent medical and humanitarian support.

Yes, no doubt. Meanwhile, military tests are going to decide whether cognitive tests are troops exposed to military gunfire flow check Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been lives in a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door who is it for? All the lonely people you are tuned in to the Republic brand network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot what would you say if I told you we have a new tool that will increase production and lower maintenance costs for your meat processing company and it would pay for itself in just six weeks when pigs fly.

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The return of Donald Trump to Twitter was not celebrated. The subsequent conversation between Musk and Trump wrote records and people turned in from all over the globe to listen. Thanks to a program called Leaflet, we can see that the audience was indeed global people in Australia, the UK, South America, Japan, and more. Tuning in. The most impressive part is the number of people who ultimately tuned in, exposed it. From the time they went live to the time they ended, 73 million had viewed the space 4 million and posted about it, amounting to a total of just over 1 billion views.

1 billion views. Meanwhile, Musk exposes how big tech is interfering with the election attempts at Olivia Red with rage. Musk is looking pretty good in these circumstances. Elon Musk is exposing big tech’s latest election interfered attempt, which I’ll leave you red with rage. Google has demonstrated, repeated they will alter search results whenever they want. They were busted by same people searching for crisis pregnancy centers to Planned Parenthood. Now they’re determined to bury the truth about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump or any information about Donald Trump. Americans often turn to Google to search for what happened with a hit on Trump.

Now Elon Musk has blown the whistle. He’s posted how Google shadiness. Last week he warned Google was up to no good. He wrote. Wow, Google has a search ban on President Donald Trump. Election interference, no doubt about it. Meanwhile, Trump indicates where he wants Elon Musk to serve in a new administration. Let’s see what he has to say. A few minutes later, must have Trump if he agreed it was time to create a government efficiency commission to eliminate wasteful spending. To which Trump responded, yes, I think it would be great to have a government efficiency commission that took a look at these things and ensures that taxpayer money, the taxpayer hard earned money is spent in a good way.

Let’s add it a few minutes later. I’d be happy to help out if I were, if it were formed, I’d love it. You’re the greatest cutter, meaning a vision is the expert. What a good idea. Meanwhile, CNN’s top polling analyst Trump likely doing a lot better than polls indicate. I guarantee you these polls are rigged, CNN’s top polling analysts said Tuesday Republican nominee Trump was still very much in the presidential race in terms of how close he is to Kamala in current polling. Harry Inten said during this segment. Looking back at 2016 and 2020, the bulls were significantly off in representing Trump support.

So August 13, how far off were the bulls in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? And this is in 2016 and 2020. Take a look here. In 2016, the average poll in those states I mentioned, those Great Lake battleground states, Trump was underestimated by nine points on the average. How about 2020? It wasn’t a one off. He was underestimated by five on the average, suggesting he’s being grossly underestimated today. What’s happening, of course, is they’re inflating Kamala. Meanwhile, who is running America? Zero hedge ass disclosing Lloyd Austin ordinary deployment or conflict zone, which he does not have the authority to do.

A Monday New York Times report revealed Lloyd Austin recent phone call with an israeli counterpart, job Gallant. In an unusual disclosure, it said Mister Austin had ordered a submarine to the Middle east. This line alone begs a question. Where is the elected civilian authority of the executive branch, the commander in chief right now? And where is congressional authority and oversight to wage war and put troops in harm’s way? New York time described further during the call, Austin reiterated the United States commitment to take every possible step to defend Israel. Well, there is no president of the United States.

There’s an actor wearing a Joe Biden mask, just as it was before. Only the earlier actor died on the way to Las Vegas and it was after his body was returned to Washington. We had the statement of his withdrawing from the race, even though it was not on White House stationary. It had a Ford signature and the introduction of a new, far more robust and four inch taller version of Biden looks like a basketball player. Where? I’m given a couple of suggestions about who it might be, including Jim Carrey, the Hollywood actor. Meanwhile, the Demoncrats ticket from hell, swamp rats doing the Harris waltz.

You can find this on my blog. Joaquin has been published in a series of really quite brilliant pieces on domestic politics. Here’s how it begins. I abhor the fake world of us politics and it’s ultra corrupt elections because in banana Republic USA, the divide and rule fix between the Dems and the rhinos is permanently in. It’s all bullshit with our unit party do polite system owned, operated and controlled by the same people, the same perps busily trying to kill us as a human species. But with only two and a half months left until November 5 payday, the controllers are once again cramming it down our throats on steroids so we don’t realize through the misdirection how much they’re censoring the actual truth these days.

The fascist leftist media, so focused trying to prop up this disastrous Harris Waltz abomination ticket from hell that no one in their right coherent mind could actually like the crackling queen Kamala, who’s never legitimately been elected to any high office as vice president, has nothing positive to show on her scandalous track record. She’s never received a single vote for president, not one. Meanwhile, Jim Jordan is raising hell after exposing a terrible failure by Kamala Harris. And you can well imagine what we’re talking about. Illegal aliens on the terror watch list are being released into the United States.

Believe me, this is as serious as it gets, short of nuclear war. Meanwhile, the Kamala campaign makes a major confession regarding 911 disinformation. What bothers me about Nim Waltz is this stolen valor garbage. Do not pretend to be something you’re not. So declared Trump’s running mate JD Vance, with regard to the vice presidential choice of coronated Democrat candidate Kamala Harris, Tim Walshe, in his alleged service to the nation in battle, Waltz claimed he was inspired to fight in war following 911 terrorist attack in an obvious attempt to appeal to America. Still impacted except like Biden, walts tend to remember military matters a bit different than reality, which is why cackling Kamala recently had to admit walls had indeed lied.

As noted by the Daily Mail, the Kamala campaign had been forced to admit vice President walls nominee walls candidate walls lied about fighting in a war just days after the campaign inadvertently drew attention to his false statements. The Minnesota governor had deployed in the aftermath of the September left as part of operation enduring freedom, but never saw combat. He actually dropped out of the military when it was ordered to Iraq. Meanwhile, Tucker has left viewers jaws on the ground, exposing the real Kamala. Wow, that ain’t hard to do, though, I gotta admit. Senator Mike Lee was interviewed by Tucker on August 2, the topic of the race for president.

During the discussion, Carson brought up Harrison’s position on abortion. He noted, when Harris was in law school, Roe v. Wade was taught as nearly Holy Brit. It was accepted as gospel truth. I personally believe Roe v. Wade was properly founded. Let’s hear what Tucker has to say about it. Did you read the Cy Hirsch piece about how Biden was driven out of his job? Yeah. So I read a summary of it. I have not read the piece itself. I just read it this morning. Here’s just, here’s the cliff notes. Obama colludes with Nancy Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries and Schumer and calls Sunday morning, calls Biden and says, you’re done.

Kamala is going to 25th amendment you and you got to step aside. And who places the call? Obama. Obama does. So Obama calls the sitting president and tells him, you’re done, then tells, I mean, that’s what the piece says. Tells Kamala Harris, okay, you’re going to be, you’re going to be the nominee, but if you don’t gain traction, if you’re not popular, we’re going to take you out, too. Now that’s very interesting because that could still happen at the DNC. I don’t think she’s gaining any traction. How could anyone? But this is most interesting. I’ve said before, and I say again, I do not believe this knucklehead could pass off a bar exam.

And in fact, it turns out she failed her first bar exam. I believe this would be my conjecture. She hired someone to take it for her the next time. There’s no way someone as brainless as Kamala Harris could pass the bar. Here’s really serious now, among the most important stories I’m presenting, New York Times feds accelerate naturalization of immigrants to reshape the electorate. Paul Joseph Watson reporting. The New York Times says the federal government is accelerating the naturalization of immigrants in America as part of a process of reshaping the electorate. Merely months before a pivotal election, the federal government is processing citizenship requests at a faster clip and a decade moving rapidly through a backlog built up during the Trump admin and the coronavirus pandemic.

One honduran woman marveled at the fact that authorities were able to process and approve her in as little as six months. This highlights how many of these new citizens will immediately become eligible to vote in key battleground states, including Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Count on that. They’re not only bringing in an army that’s going to be at least a million strong, but they’re going to have them voting as well. Meanwhile, a burglary has been reported at Trump’s campaign office. Exactly what’s going on here is not at all obvious, but that it’s taken place is worth noting.

Here. We have a further extent of the COVID story about Biden being forced out by Nancy Pelosi and others. I guarantee you that’s just a story. They had to explain what happened. And they’re not going to admit he’s dead, that their fake Biden is dead after the real one died in 2017. A fake they’ve been using for so long died in 2024. And now they got a third phony in there. Disgusting. Meanwhile, Minnesota representative Elon Omar. What a reelection. But then why was her district delaying the result? This is suspicious. I happen to like the squad.

I like Elon Omar. I’m upset Cory Bush was squeezed out. We need alternative voices here. We have a tweet about it. Elon Omar just went from 5% rewarding to 95% within an hour, giving a 56.2 to 42.9 victory. How is this possible? Not a single other district in Minnesota close to 95 in yet. How were they able to count this fast? It sure would be a shame if this went viral. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were stealing elections for her in that district. Meanwhile, more proof of an inside job. Thomas Matthew Crook shared a gun range with the Department of Homeland Security.

A month later, we’ll still learning new and extremely unsettling details about the Trump assassination attempt, with the latest revelation that the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, trained alongside Department of Homeland Security employees at a gun range. The range in question, Clairton Sportsman Club in Pennsylvania, was used by Crooks roughly two months before the shooting. One day later, DHS used the same range for a police training exercise. Mind you, crooks is really just a patsy. But I’m convinced there was a real, there was a real plot to assassinate Trump. But where Trump got wind of what was going on and flipped the script to turn himself into an heroic figure.

Having survived an assassination attempt rather than a dead dog, I certainly prefer that outcome. Meanwhile, Paul Greg Roberts writes, America is entering end times. Does anyone remember the 2020 presidential campaign? Trump campaign widely had massive audiences. Enthusiasm everywhere. Biden ventured out of the basement a few times. No one attended his campaign rallies. Trump got more votes in the 2020 election than he got in the 2016. But Biden got more votes than any president history. Somehow, the people elected an invisible candidate in the swing state. Vote counting was stopped in the middle of the night while truckloads of boxes arrived, some from out of state in Democrat controlled vote counting centers.

The votes were almost entirely for Biden, and when counting resumed, Trump’s lead had disappeared. The same thing would happen this November. Trump supporters, clearly a majority, think Trump is going to win, but stand by for the outcome. It’s not what you want. Hey there, this is Sheila with hemp paste by Myneutra. Why is hempace better than other CBD options on the market? It’s important to point out that the common CBD oil does not contain CBDA or CBGA, and they’re only found in fresh or raw hemp products like hemp paste. Hemp paste contains the entire plant, minus any stems.

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Here comes the song, here comes the song. It’s all right. Two final stories that are going to curl your hair Japanese scientists find horrifying nanobot entities in Covid mRNA shots if you are one of the billions who was either tricked or coerced into taking one of the mRNA Covid shots from Pizarro Moderna, you might want to sit down as you read this. Many will probably read it and dismiss it as a conspiracy theory because they won’t be able to wrap their minds around the horror of it all. Japanese scientists have discovered ultra microscopic things in the COVID shots when they put them under 400 plus magnification.

We call them things because we don’t really know what else to call them. The scientists call them entities. The japanese scientists finding were just published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research. Their study is titled real time self assembly of stereo microscopically visible artificial constructs in incubated specimens of mRNA products, mainly from Pfizer and Moderna. A comprehensive longitudinal study, the discovery of these entities by scientists at Okinawa Christian University can only be described as an unauthorized, undisclosed, and illegal ingredient. Pfizer and Moderna both included in their Covid shot without telling public health regulatory agencies like the FDA.

We haven’t even heard of technology capable of what these things do. So the fact that rival companies Pfizer and Moderna both use them in their shots suggests a coordinated effort from globalists who outrank Big Pharma, in other words, a conspiracy to kill human beings on a large scale. And guess what? Doctors who are going to vow to release evidence linking the modified mRNA vaccine to turbo cancer have died in a plane crash. Are you surprised? The COVID ups must continue when it comes to all things slow kill bioweapon vaccines with the latest assassination of doctors willing to expose the global PsyOP Eugenics project being yet another case in .2 wit in the recent airplane crash in Sao Paulo, Brazil, six prominent scientists were among the victims.

The crash occurred on August 9, involved a volpass ATR 72 twin engine carrying 61. Among those who perished were eight doctors heading to an oncology conference, including the six scientists they included a senior radiologist who had a significant impact on the field of radiology, an intensivist and the adult ICU of Western Panama University Hospital. Another from the cancer hospital. Another, a professor of physical education. A professor of agricultural engineering. Someone to love to be anybody I want somebody to love? Oh, I can find a little help. My name is John. I’m the founder of blackout coffee, and I started blackout because I really love coffee.

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First up, Jerry in Chicago. Jerry, join the conversation. Well, thank you very much for taking my call, Doctor Fetzer. Good afternoon. And I wanted to touch on what was talked about maybe the last two days. Tampon Tim walls, he’s not the only one. It appears that all these Democrat run cities are just, they’ve gone crazy. The Chicago public schools, which I do a whole lot of work in, the engineers started receiving huge cases with tampon dispensers back in December, and they were told by the time school opens in September or late August this year, they all have to be installed in the boys bathrooms.

This is high school and grammar schools. Talk about weird, queer strange about that. Weird, weird, weird that they were saying all the time on the media the other day about Trump. Well, anyway, that’s one thing. And you had Cynthia call in and she was talking about during the days of Lincoln, she had a whole bunch of Europeans that offered their services to the blue coats. Okay, Lincoln side, what was it? The. It wasn’t the Republic. Union. The union. Union army. Okay. I kind of wish the Confederates really won that war. But anyway, she didn’t touch on that close to a half a million Germans who tried to defeat the Kaiser.

I think within eight years of our civil war, moved over here to America, and they offered their military skills. And I think the south would have won if it wasn’t for the 500,000 Germans coming over. Yeah, could well be. Could well be object of endless speculation. Give us. Give us more, Jerry. I mean, what a waste of money to put tampons in boys rooms. I mean, are they really that insane? Do they really think boys. Men straight? Give me a break. I mean, how ridiculous is this? Well, okay, a lot of these schools are in bad neighborhoods.

So I’m thinking maybe if there was a brawl, a fight, you got your nose busted open, you slip into the bathroom, shove a tampon up your nose. Yeah, yeah. That’s so rare and incidental. And, you know, you wouldn’t go to all that time and expense. They have. They have medical. You know, they got nurses at schools that take care of minor problems. I mean, it. It’s just ridiculous beyond belief. They’re fostering off their absurd failure to distinguish elementary biological facts, differentiating men from women. It’s just part of a massive psyop to create chaos in society to distract us while they do the more serious business of bringing in millions who are going to be used as an army against us and a vote Democrat.

It is disgusting beyond words. Well, you know, it’s funny, you touch on that with the. With the mercenaries. I brought that up to. I worked at a high school back around January, February, and I brought it up to the ROTC commander in chief of the school, and I brought that up to him. I said, so what do you think? I mean, I says, you lock your truck door when you pull into the parking lot over here, not just because it’s a bad neighborhood, because you probably lock it when you get home, right? And he says, yeah.

I says, our borders are wide open. Okay? So you’re not protecting your country. You’re not protecting your home, you’re not protecting your car. You’re not protecting anything. Bye. Leaving it wide open, number one. I said, and stop and think about something. I said, have you seen the pictures of these people that they show? I says, 80% of them are men, and 80% of them are at that age where they could be in the military. I said, now, what if they were mercenaries and just waiting for the day where they’re given the order, hey, listen, shoot the kill.

And you can have. You can have Jerry’s house. If you can kill Jerry and take his keys away from him, that’s your house, that’s your truck, that’s your car, you know, and he says, wow, you know, I don’t think that would happen. I says, okay, let’s put it this way. You’re younger than I am. I said, this government has never told me the truth in my entire lifetime, okay? And I’m 64. I said, so you’re younger than I am. Tell me a time when they told you the truth and you got these people standing there and they’re thinking, and they’re thinking, and they can’t come up with a time that they recall that their government has told them the truth.

They lied to us about 911. They lied to us about Kennedy. They lied to us about Robert Kennedy. They lied to us about Martin Luther King. They lied to us about the Vietnam war. I mean, go just look at all of the top headlines over the years, and they lied to us. Hey, how about the sinking of the Lusitania? No, it didn’t have armaments on, you know, to help Europe and Britain. Jerry, you write about every single one of those cases. And the main two in Havana harbor. Yes, the Lusitania was actually transporting arms, which made it a legitimate target for the german U two s.

We’re never told that fact, but you got it, right, Jerry. Hey, Doctor Fetzer, thanks for giving me the time, and let’s get to the next caller. Excellent, excellent call, Jerry. Thank you very much, Laura in Michigan. Welcome back, Laura. Hello. Hello, Mister Fetzer. About to make you more disgusted. I knew this information Monday. I didn’t want to say it until there was proof. I didn’t want to give false witness to somebody. This is about walls. Rents found that newspaper article in 1995 at a hospital in Nebraska. His family was called in because he had to have his stomach pumped out.

They’re like, wow, why did it get his stomach pumped out? He’d been. He’s been drinking horse semen. He made a habit of it. What in God’s name is that all about? You know, I. I heard some reference, uh, horse semen before. Lord, I couldn’t figure heads or tails. This is Tim Walsh drinking horse semen. Right. What kind of demanded wackos are we dealing with here? What. What was a circumstance weird? He calls Vance Weird. You know, is it bizarre? This is just bizarre. Laura, what do you make of this? I can’t even hardly could say it.

You know, this is just sick of. I’m not wild about Vance, but he’s not a lunatic. On the order of Walzer Harrahs you good gravy. Right, right. This is awful. Awful. You’re gonna have to get this. That is so repulsive. I understand why you hesitated reporting it yesterday. Yeah, awful. Laura, give us. You got more, you got more today. Well, I’ve got, you know, we got two guys stranded up in the space, space station. Yeah, because the Boeing ship isn’t working to get them. And also they got a SpaceX space dragon or whatever it’s called. Can’t get them till February.

But guess what? We’re left with. Only people can go get them right now. Is Russia. You bad to make war against Russia, huh? Is Russia going to do it? They might do it as a humanitarian gesture. They’re going to have to make the offer. There are those who’ve been skeptical about the very existence of the space station, thinking it could be a fraud on the order of the moon landing hoax. I’ve, I’ve always assumed there was a space station up there. If Russia goes to save them, that’ll certainly be confirmation. Laura, what else you got? Actually, I saw it one time going over my house.

Did you really? Yeah. So it’s a service space station. Fascinating. The news that it was going to call me over Michigan. So I went outside and looked and I saw it. What’s in low earth? It’s in lower, it’s in low Earth orbit, so there shouldn’t be any reason why that it wouldn’t be physically possible to put it together. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re not having to deal with a van Allen radiation belt. Correct. Right. I gotta keep it lower, but. Oh, the only other thing I. Once again, Donald Trump picks horrible people to advise him. What is he crazy? I mean, I bothers the hell, that bothers the hell out of me too, Laura.

I mean, like, picking pants to be his vp now picking pants. I don’t like either of them. And, and, you know, still, he seemed to be our only hope for, you know, saving the nation unless we all band together and undertake a revolution. And it, it’s hard to do without leadership. I think Trump could provide the leadership. We may need it, which is another reason why this judge may toss him into Rikers, so he couldn’t provide it when we need him most. Laura, thanks. Thanks for all that good stuff. Wait a second. The advisor he’s got right now, her name is the woman and she.

Kelly Nelson from news with you said she’s. You ran all the way and all that. She’s just. She’s a bunch of groups that are horrible. Why Trump doesn’t see this? This is a Trump advisor. This is a Trump advisor. Lord, that’s awful. He needs to pick Kelly Nelson. She knows all the bad people are. Yeah, no, he won’t. Other bad advisor. This doesn’t auger well for the future of our nation. Laura, thanks for those reports. All of them. Okay, thank you. Bye bye. Now. JP in Chicago. Join a conversation. JP. Well, I’m not sure about JP, but.

Oh, Francis, I was gonna call on you after. JP. Is JP there? JP, are you there? Testing, one, two. Sorry, Francis, I didn’t mean to cut in. Hey, real quick. I like to back up my Chicago Brewster friend about the ROTC program. I went to Morgan Park Military Academy four years. ROTC, drill team, rifle team, expert shot. What happened to me is I was an international exchange student. That’s why I don’t have that Chicago brogue. But I was studying in Germany. And, you know, that woke me up going to Germany, because they had computers back in the eighties, Jim.

I was on the Internet before existed. Also, my brother worked at the University of Chicago, so I’d like to agree to disagree with you, though, Jim. I was a professor at the University of Wisconsin, the music department. Continuing education. I love Wisconsin. It was one of my favorite states. I’ve been all over. But the one thing about the Asians, the reason they’re there, Jen, is because they pay three times the tuition. And I dated one of these really intelligent asian academics. She had a master’s in accounting. I mean, she did have 150 iq. She’s called me dummy, right? I was in the top 10%.

Affectionately, she called you that affectionately, right? Yeah, but she. She screwed like a bunny rabbit. Boy, I tell you, she had a. She had a really nice bedroom style about her. But the thing about Judy Jumia, I used to call her. Her parents were part of the princelings. And she could have went back to China, but she chose not to because she went back to China. It was a patriarchal system, just like the muslim system. They would have subjugated the women. She would have been forced into marriage. And she chose to stay in Chicago and continue her education.

But really bright woman, really smart. But one thing I learned, they’re ripping them off, man. They’re paying three times the tuition. So if an asian person comes over at UW, you know, they pay 150,000 instead of 50. How does that work? How does that work? You know, I learned that because they’re foreign students are paying a special tuition rate. Yes. That’s what’s happening. So they love some because they’re paying so much more. Yes. But they are smart, too. You know, when they come over here, they’re the cream of the crop. They’re the princelings are the ones that got the money.

They’re the ones that got that good genetics. So the ones that come over here are the best of the best compared to our people. I mean, with Dei and all the sports scholarships, I mean, they excel way above everyone, but they’re also paying $150,000 for their tuition. Compared to american, that pays 50,000. So that’s the real deal. And I just. And I also want to disagree with you on the abortion thing. Roe v. Wade was. I believe in reincarnation. You know, I’m kind of a newer, new age Christian, but I believe in reincarnation. I believe the soul comes into the earth at conception, and the Holy Spirit breathes life into that soul.

And the reason I say this is because I. I was pro abortion. I was a liberal, like, two years ago. But when my best friend in the army, Sergeant Horvat, died from a gang shooting, he told me right before he died, don’t do abortion. He said, they’ll chop up the baby. They’ll use the baby parts. I mean, he was telling me this shit back in the nineties. I was like, no way. But I did the research, and I found out, yeah, they were taking the stem cells. You’re selling baby organs. It’s really strong on the black market, so they’re making money from the abortion, especially late term abortion.

And I’ve. I fought against it with my ex, and I tell you, she had her baby on right to life day. And my son was born, and he’s. He’s irish, indian, and german, and he’s a german jew, believe it or not, but he’s. He was born on right to life, Dave. And he’s a big, healthy, strong boy today. So I’m glad I listened to my buddy, Sergeant Horovat, and didn’t do the abortion. I respect your beliefs 100%. I’m glad. When you call in, do you have something to add, a final thought? Well, we got a vote for Trump.

I just sent you a video, a Trump train video. It’s a funny video of him and Elon doing the disco dancing. Okay. Thank you for the call. Thank you for the call, Francis. Come on in, silly girl. Hello, there, young man, misses silly viking gal at your disservice. And that, that was worth the wait. That was really worth the wait. So my head’s off to him. There’s so many quick points that I can touch upon. I know you’ll probably have to carry me over, for that matter, just so you have a heads up. But for one, I’ll have a fun weekend coming up, not otherwise.

Several quick points. One, I think that the reason why they’re doing that’s just rhetorical, mind you. The reason why they’re putting tampons in the little boys room at school is so they can let their gals, their girlfriend know that, hey, I. You have a strange odor or whatever. Here, give yourself a good cleaning or whatever, because I cannot picture a young boy sticking one of those things up their backside. I just cannot picture that. That’s just nauseating. Being nauseating. I just hope that whenever Laura had made that report about the horse fluids and so forth and someone having their stomach pumped out or whatever, I hope nobody was eating at that moment because that.

I’m glad I already ate a earlier that was a governor of Minnesota who’s a running mate with Kamala. Just disgusting as it gets. All they got to do is one commercial about him drinking horse semen and it’s all over. Okay, that was more information than I needed. Okay, now I definitely need to get a drink after that. Anyway, as far as these entities that was mentioned about in the blood or whatever, after someone’s had a shot jab or whatever, I think the terminology, or one possible terminology for that is called nanite, for that matter. Go figure.

I mean, it’s been reported about a long time ago, along with the arteries being clogged up and everything from. For people doing embalming and so forth, which is getting really getting carried away, for that matter. As well as the aspect that one, I didn’t realize one thing. Apparently crooks, whatever his name is, which I find to be an ironic last name to begin with from the get go, he must have been paid really well, along with everybody else that took part in that fiasco in Pennsylvania with that supposed shooting of Trump. I hear it. Hang on, Francis and I’ll have your final thoughts right after this break.

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I don’t play anything past those Alphabet soup groups. Lastly, except for a shout out for the palestinian folks, more power to you. Get on with life. Let me do this for r1. Quick second for you, a long distance hug and kiss to Tom in Utah for his last moment call this past Friday. He nailed the situation down so well. It was like, I can’t believe someone actually did say that. If people are so concerned about their ethnicity in the US here, maybe you need to consider the aspect of minding what you should have been doing decades ago about what you eat, what you drink, and what you put into the body, either outside of the body or directly by yourself into the body.

Because otherwise they’re complaining about, well, our ethnicity is being eradicated, it’s being decimated and so forth and so on. Well, you know what? If people actually start behaving with how they take care of their health and the immune system, you wouldn’t have that problem with reproduction. Duh. Anyway, enough out of me. Have a great week later. Thank you, Francis. Frank in New York. Join the conversation. Frank. Hey, Jim, thanks for taking my call. You know, Jim, before Laura was wondering why Trump puts all of these people around him, you know, the swamp creatures. Okay. You know, people got to go back in 2016, two days after the election, he and Obama had the one on one meeting.

Their presidents always have going in and going out. Nobody else, just those two. Okay. This leads to they generally last ten or 15 minutes. More formalities, I guess, maybe a little information. But this thing went on for an hour and a half. Okay. And when Trump. When Trump went in, you know, Jeff Florence had a full tape, you could see he was happy. His eyes were smiling. When he came out, he looked like he saw a ghost. Okay? I think that’s when he got compromised. I think Obama told him, here’s what you’re going to do, or we’re going to do this or do that or expose this or whatever.

I mean, I think Obama gets his orders from the CIA and the Mossad, okay? He’s giving them to the White House right now. But I think he threatened Trump and, you know, Trump shortly thereafter came out and said, okay, well, no, Hillary, they’re good people. And you know what I mean? He never did get the wall built. And there’s other things, too, but, you know, he’s our only hope. I mean, you know, we can’t vote the other way. And I think the other way, you know, they brought that guy on from Minnesota. I mean, that guy’s a dirtbag.

I think they brought him in just to St. Kamala’s, you know, campaign. I mean, that might sound crazy. I know all the polls are saying, oh, she said she’s in. We all know that’s bullshit. You know what I mean? But could you find a worst candidate? I mean, you know, it’s crazy. And, you know, Gerald Felinty was talking about the Trump. Why did he pick Vance? Vance, you know, he had won Ohio the last time around. He should have went for one of those, you know, states that are toss ups and try to grab somebody there who might be popular.

But anyway, you know, also, Jim, there’s a organization called Jews for Trump, I think. I forwarded an email to you. Maybe you saw it, maybe. I’m sure you get tons of it. But anyway, they are encouraging people in Israel, dual citizens, okay, who are Americans over there, there’s half a million, and they set a bullet of groundwork. They go to all the sites, they can go to links or whatever, and they’re telling them come on board, you know, just fill out a few things and they’ll get a form. Okay. And I didn’t know that they could actually vote in other countries, american citizens, but apparently they can because they’re not coming back to vote.

But they are going to be getting voting. You know, they’re going to be getting ballots to use. And to me, I mean, you know, I never heard of that before. But apparently it’s okay and they’re going to take advantage of it. You know what I’m saying? Yeah. Did I put you to sleep, brother? I get it, Frank. No, I think you got it. You got it. I think you got it. He should have picked the best qualified person to succeed him. And it’s obviously not JD Vance. I mean, I find it embarrassing, very disappointing. I don’t like the guy at all.

Well, I’ve heard he’s been to seven different Bilderberg meetings, you know, and remember Trump coming out and saying, I’m a nationalist, you know, we’re going to take down the internationalists and this and that. And I mean, you know, that this guy’s one of those, one of them I mean, you know, and we bring him on board, you know, I mean, we gotta vote for Trump. You know, I voted for him last two times. Last time I held my nose when I did it. But, I mean, like you said, you know what? We can roll the dice with him.

Okay? I mean, I think he broke about a dozen promises the first time around, but, you know, what do we got as the alternative? But I’m still thinking that, Jim. I think they’re going to try to knock Kamala out and bring, bring somebody in. I’m surprised that her ratings are that high. You know, they’re artificial. Those polls are phony. It’s just like, for her. Events are photoshopped. Yeah, they got one. That is so absurd. You can’t believe they got a plane with no tail number. And the crowd is humongous. Just everywhere, totally phony. There was nobody there.

There was nobody photoshopped in this huge crowd. I think they were just making a joke out of it. There was so many people. They’re packed in like sardines. It was embarrassing. Well, you know, I tell you, they’re pulling out all the stops. You know what I mean? I hope Trump does seek revenge. I mean, if he does seek revenge, I don’t know what the deal is, but hopefully he’ll, you know, take care of some business for us. Shut the border down. That’s what they fear. Thanks. All right, Jim. I hear the music. You have a good day, brother.

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Getmortank.com love, love nothing you can say sing the comfy song. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game easy. Well, RBN fans, anyone who’s ever wanted to make a call, I have one caller standing by and the lines are open. So today’s a perfect day to call in if you’ve ever been hesitant. If you want to make a first time call, today is a great day to do it. Meanwhile, Paul in New Jersey. Join the conversation. Paul. Hello, Mister Fetzer, concerning our two vice presidential picks, or at least the main vice presidential pick for one.

If I was Donald Trump and wins and I won the election, I’d be very careful sleeping at night. I’d keep an eye on JD vance. You know, he’s very deep status. I would suggest he might try to pull a Lyndon Baines Johnson or George Herbert Walker Bush routine. Yeah. On Mister Trump within a few months. You know, this guy, so deep status, he might just want to murder his way to the top. Well, and think, and Paul, think how many out there would be glad to advance a seed to the presidency? And, you know, he wouldn’t even have to be motivated.

The others would want to move him up because they’re so upset with Trump. Who’s shaking, you know, everything up in Washington, DC during things inside out, ending the gravy train. Trump’s going to do a lot of good, but selecting this guy put him in himself in a precarious position. I agree 100%. Yeah. Now, I don’t think Kamala has to worry about Tim walls as much, although. Did you hear about the latest controversy, Jeff? Well, back in 2020, Minnesota police were going around with paintball guns, shooting at people who broke curfew on their doorsteps and their porches.

Who were sitting out at their porches. No. Yeah. Now, the question is, here’s the problem with this. Not only. Well, I’m not sure, and it hasn’t been established whether it was because the COVID curfew or whether it was the George Floyd riot curfew. Yeah. Here’s the real issue. If police are running around with paintball guns, and you should see the video, it’s on YouTube. And basically they’re walking by and they say, hey, you got to get in your house. Get inside. And they say, give me a minute, or whatever. They’re drinking their beer and the police says, light them up.

And they basically are shooting at people’s houses and hitting people with paintballs, which are painful, but the disgrace of it, all of it, is it’s been four years since then. How come Tim walls never held hearings on the issue? Why didn’t they investigate the police who did this? Why did they have, you know, like, why has it been silent until now? That he finally has Paul, is because it was his order. He gave the order to do that, I’ll bet you anything. Exactly. Exactly. And here’s the thing, too. Why is it not only brought up now and I understand, on the opposition party, but he really takes a sick mind to give the order or to approve of such a thing because you could hit somebody in the eye with that.

Knock their eye out. Sure. Break their windows. You’re getting paint all over the place. The people that does damage to the property. It’s, I agree. It’s this. And by the way, it’s the sickest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s not paintballs at a protest because I could understand when you got riots, the cops might want to shoot a paintball. So it marks a really bad character. So then they can maybe track them down and arrest them later because of the pain signature. Right. But the, but the fact that they would actually do this to people who are just sitting out on their I porch.

Right. And it’s extra judicial. There’s no hearing for it. It’s just the police are like shooting at them on their property. And remember, they’re on their porch. That’s their property. They’re not in the public. They’re not out in the street. And this is such a disgraceful thing that could ever happen. And to let it happen and not investigate it, not approve, really shows this. Tim Walsh has got mental health issues. And it also shows that Kamala Harris and her lack of judgment to choose this guy as her candidate. So, you know, he’s one heartbeat away from the presidency.

It’s just the great disgraceful on both of them. It’s just, yeah, I agree. I agree. But we’re in such a sham situation. It’s all lies. It’s all theater. It’s all smoke and mirrors. I’ve never been more disappointed in the United States than I am today. We just haven’t lived up to our expectations. And the Democrat party, I’m convinced, Paul, that George Soros bought the DNC. And one of the indications that happened is that Alexander Soros, his son, announced that Kamala would be Joe Biden’s running mate. There wasn’t any caucus, there wasn’t any votes about it. There wasn’t any primary that led to that result.

He simply appointed her and they bought it hook, line and sinker. And if you look at the way the country’s been destroyed, that’s all completely consistent with George Soros plan for America. It’s his wet dream that America should be destroyed before he dies, which can’t come soon enough if he’s already dead. I’m glad for it. He’s just a disgrace. But there it is. I think the Democrat party has just turned into a massive pile of dog do. Just disgusting. But listen, it’s amazing to me, and I made a call about this in the past about how Soros is able to do this on such a small budget, you know, because in billionaire terms, I remember looking up, he’s rated, whatever, the 120th richest billionaire in the United States.

Right? And I brought up the point, well, if he’s the 120th richest billionaire, that means there’s 119 even richer billionaires who don’t do anything to counteract George Soros. Now, maybe this is what Elon Musk is trying to do, but with his purchase of Twitter and him trying to, you know, get out there in public now, and he’s become surprisingly politicized, which is interesting to observe, you know, because he’s so, you know, overtly political now when he wasn’t for decades until now. So maybe we have a bit of a champion on the alt right in the sense of Elon Musk to help us out.

But, Elon, if you’re out there, how about sending a nice check to RBN and fund them for the year? That’s a nice thought, Paul. Nice thought. And on that note. Yep, you’re. You’re. You’re welcome to continue. I don’t have any callers after you, Paul, if you want to use this opportunity to expound, you go right ahead. Well, I have a ton. I didn’t line up my material because I wrote a lot of my material, you know, to myself, emailing myself. So, yeah, topics. I could pull it up. Go ahead. Go for. Go for it. Ball. I’m giving you a blank check.

I really am not prepared. I have to go through it. I got to sort it out. I don’t want to worry. Okay. All right. But another. Yeah, I got a story here then. Thank you, Paul. That was an excellent call, Paul. Craig Roberts writes about the EU Commission showing its totalitarian colors. Terry Brighton, one of the tribunes who composes the European Commission, has ordered Elon Musk to censor harmful content in his interview with US President candidate Donald Trump. Or basically, he use full toolbox of legal repercussions. Brett warn musk the EU would be closely monitoring his interview with Trump.

What the hell is this? So here we have it. A two bit punk piece of EU excrement ordering the censorship of an interview of an american presidential candidate. Imagine a member of the EU Commission, a collection of unelected tyrants allowed to set themselves up in arbitrary power by utterly stupid european governments, claiming authority to censure an american presidential candidate in order to conduct to protect Europe against a dissemination of illegal content and the sweat of disinformation. In other words, a tyrannical, two bit punk is asserting the authority to deprive an american presidential candidate of free speech and Elon Musk the right of a free press.

Another two bit, tyrannical punk, Bruce Daisley wrote in, you guessed it, the Guardian, a newspaper committed to guarding against free speech, that Elon Musk should be arrested and detained for refusing to censor right wing content. Right wing content is whatever is at odds with official explanations, Daisley laments. A free speech idealism must brought to Twitter when he purchased the organization and fired Daisley. Bretton, Daisy epitomize political and media leaders in the west who are determined to destroy truth and substitute in its place their fictional world of official narratives. Creatures such as Breton and Daisley are, in my opinion, mankind’s worst enemies.

We do have another caller here now, Sean from Hawaii. Sean joined the conversation. Hello, sir. Love the show. I think we gotta. We gotta remember that Israel’s the only democracy in the Middle east. But it isn’t. But, you know, it isn’t a democracy. I mean, they had to decide whether they were gonna be a jewish state or a democratic state, and they voted to be a jewish state, and so they’re an apartheid state. They are not a democracy. But we’re told. We’re told endlessly, but. But it’s not the case. Yeah, go ahead, John. Yeah, yeah. I’m just being.

I’m just being silly. But did you hear that there’s actually. There’s actually very high level politicians that have openly said they support state sponsored raping. Wow. Raping of people. I mean, their politicians are openly saying. One of them actually said, this will be a good deterrence if you do something they don’t like. So now we’re supporting a state that is openly saying we’re raping you. I mean, if we need to, we’re going to rape you. I mean, this is incredible. I think you’re talking about prisoners. That prisoners are being raped. Yeah. And that they’re endorsing. I agree.

It’s horrific. Unbelievable. Violation of human rights. Hank convention, Geneva Convention, international law. These are war crimes. Crimes against humanity. Disgusting. Yes. History is going to be terrible. I mean, if it’s documented correctly. I mean, these people are openly saying the most craziest things in the world. It’s true. And they believe them, sad to say. And they’re even in a position to implement them. Yes, go ahead, Sean. Give us more. Yeah, I mean, I just, I don’t understand how the Muslims are gonna just let this just be the law. I mean, this is crazy if you have a neighborhood who openly thinks that they can rape you.

I mean, it’s just, there’s such a hypocrisy in these people. It’s the israeli way. And the US is saying they’ll support Israel all the way. So the US is implicitly endorsing raping prisoners, Sean. It’s just disgraceful. Disgraceful. It should be the press, the press conference question every day. Are we still supporting this state? Are we fully supporting standing with Israel? When they say this now? I mean, I agree. I agree. I agree with you. Okay. That’s all I can think of right now. Glad you called, Cynthia. Cynthia from California. Go ahead, Cynthia. Lay on. Hello, Professor Fouser.

You know, I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever heard you discuss the pilgrim society that was founded in 1902 in an american branch in 1903, and its express purpose was to bring the United States back into the fold of the british colony. And most of the presidents in the last 120 years have been members. And many american military brass have been members or them or their offshoot organizations. And Kissinger and all, all kinds of people that, you know, we read off the names and you’d know them. And we were taught to think of them as patriotic Americans, but they were part of an organization intended to bring the United States back under the british monarchy, the city of London and the british monarchy.

So I had this discussion with Robert David Steele by Internet, and I put it, I heard that Eustace Mullins was afraid to even talk about this organization for fear of being assassinated because it was such a bookmash thing. Yes. Now, Michael McKibben, who. Right. You may have interviewed. Right. And his group. They’ve investigated this group, and they actually found one of their member, one of their investigators actually found original paperwork on some of these, some of their offshoot organizations. Like, they were responsible for a conference, a world conference in 1909, where they brought together newspaper people from all over the british possessions, all over the world, actually, and recruited them all to become spies.

So that express control of our papers, major newspapers, has been under their control all along. So I just wanted to know if you had heard of the british, of the Pilgrim Society and whether you’ve ever discussed it and whether you want people to call in to discuss it. Yeah, I’m glad. I think it’s a good idea. I’ve only recently learned of the pilgrim Society, but they appear to be devoted to sabotaging America and putting it back under the control of the crown. And it’s very bad. Everything I’ve heard about the pilgrim Society. So, Cynthia, I’m glad you brought it up.

I’m glad you brought it up. Thanks. Good. Good call. JP, you’re back. Go ahead, JP, give us more thoughts. Yeah, you had some open air, so I had to come back in, say I’m going to be doing a next Wui report on my rumble page. JP watchman. But I want to ask your opinion about this new kursk invasion. Because what I readdeze is there’s a lot of Romanians, there’s a lot of mercenaries in there. I originally thought they were going to use the women and the old man, you know, the young kids. That’s who they’ve been sitting in the front now, they lost over a million casualties, ukrainian casualties, maybe half a million Russians.

Who knows what the real numbers are? But from what I’ve been studying is, uh, they got some hope. Take a deep breath. We will be right back with you. Hope. Hang on. Hey there. This is Sheila with hempase by my nutra. Why is hempace better than other CBD options on the market? It’s important to point out that the common CBD oil does not contain CBDA or CBGA, and they’re only found in fresh or raw hemp products like hemp paste. Hemp paste contains the entire plant, minus any stems. This means the product retains the complete genetic coat of the plant, which also includes those two vital cannabinoids, CBGA and CBDA.

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Now I find a chamomile, I’ll open up the doors. Help me if you can. I’m feeling down. Doctor Rima Labo has convinced me the UN is a major menace to society. It appears, as I mentioned already, we had an Uber driver who’s illegal. He was driving, said he was a mercenary being paid for by the UN. We’ve had previous reports the UN and DHS has been funneling all the migrants into America. She’s worried that there’s going to be a major agreement, an international agreement that can affect our lives profoundly. That would deprive us of our automobiles, of our weapons, and our right to live independent lives under the constitution.

Thus, I encourage everyone to check out her 10 million patriot challenge. 10 million patriot challenge. I promised her I’d mention it on all my shows until this happens. A couple of weeks help hints, and I’m going to invite Rima on the show myself. 10 million patriot challenge. Check it out. JP, go right ahead. Yeah. Hey, Jim, I’m going to be on israeli news live this weekend and I just. I want to remain neutral. And that’s the whole thing. When I do my Wu Wei reports, I try to remain neutral. I try to give out the facts.

And for a long time the Russians have been kicking butt. I mean, they had air superiority, they were killing seven to one ratio. And when the Air Force young kid came out, whistleblowed about it, how Ukrainians are losing. You know what? He got court martialed and thrown in jail. So you got to be real careful what you say today. Look at Scott Ritter. I mean, the FBI came to his house because he was working too close with the rusties, you know, RT News. So do you really want JP, what happened? He was just truthfully reporting on the Ukraine war and the administration didn’t like it.

And they’re using the FBI for all kinds of dirty work these days. The FBI has to be completely reformed, if not abolished. I think that’s one reason they appear to have been thrown in on this assassination attempt. They want Trump out. They’re scared shitless. What’s going to happen when he comes into clean house because they’re going to be among the targets. Deservedly so. Deservedly so. Continued. I’ve had relatives are FBI. I know FBI lady I talked to is retired. And, you know, they’re not all bad. They know what’s going on. It’s corruption at the top. Yes, I agree with that.

It’s the Obama administration. You know, the comey, all those people that put in there, that, that strange guy. Yeah, yeah. And you’re just like, oh, what, what are these guys doing, really? Going after Trump, going after the patriots, locking up everyone on January 6. I mean, they remind me of East Germany sausage. Really? Yeah. Yeah. So I was, I was mentioning earlier today, I was talking to Jack Knifequest on John Moore show. And now Jeff Nyquist writes a lot of books about the conspiracy of communism and he really gets down to the minutiae of everything. But we’re talking about how this is Obama’s third term and if kamala gets in, it’ll be Obama’s fourth term.

JP, you got it right. I appreciate, I appreciate your calling back. Meanwhile, everyone spend as much time as you can with your family, your friends, and people you love it, care about because we do not know how much time we have left and support RBN. I can find a little help from my friends with a little help from my friends.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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