RBN Authentic News (13 May 2024) | Jim Fetzer

Posted in: Jim Fetzer, News, Patriots



➡ On May 13, 2024, news broke that Russia has started a new offensive in the northern part of Ukraine, near the city of Kharkiv. In response to this, President Putin has replaced his defense minister with a civilian economist, aiming to improve Russia’s defense strategy. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Israel’s offensive in Rafah is seen as a strategic mistake, with experts suggesting that it will only strengthen Hamas politically. Lastly, there’s controversy over a potential UN resolution recognizing Palestine as a state, with Israel’s envoy suggesting the US should stop funding the UN if it passes.
➡ The article discusses the perceived rise of anti-Semitism in the United States, with critics arguing that this narrative is being used to justify special protections and restrictions on free speech. It also questions the authenticity of some reported incidents of anti-Semitism. The article further delves into the controversial topic of the Holocaust, with some claiming it was a hoax. Lastly, it touches on the treatment of Christians in Israel and the closure of UNRWA’s Jerusalem headquarters following arson attacks.
➡ Jim and Julie are thanked for their support of RBN. There’s a suggestion for a commercial featuring a new song by Phil Collins. The speaker plans to find and send the song.
➡ Students across the U.S. and globally are protesting against their institutions’ investments in companies profiting from Israel’s actions against Palestine, facing violent responses and criticism. Meanwhile, a report suggests China’s military spending is three times larger than reported, indicating China’s military efficiency and growing global influence. Former President Trump criticizes President Biden’s decision to halt bomb deliveries to Israel, accusing him of siding with Hamas. Lastly, there’s a growing movement to recognize Palestine as a state, with Slovenia and Ireland considering recognition, and Palestinians in the U.S. seeking an end to support for Israel’s actions in Gaza.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including allegations of anti-Semitism on campuses, potential bribery of Speaker Johnson, legal issues facing former President Trump, and the upcoming 2024 election. It also mentions controversies surrounding President Biden and his administration, as well as the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Lastly, it brings up a claim about Pfizer employees receiving a different COVID vaccine than the general public.
➡ This text discusses various topics including the benefits of hemp paste over CBD oil, the launch of a new social media platform called TLB Talk, positive reviews of a product called Extenavite, concerns about a potential bird flu outbreak, and the rejection of the World Health Organization pandemic treaty by Slovakia. It also mentions a coffee brand called Blackout Coffee and ends with a discussion about the potential political outcomes if RFK junior were to run for president.
➡ The text discusses a political conversation where the speaker expresses dissatisfaction with the current political choices, suggesting that many people are not committed to either Biden or Trump. The speaker also criticizes the financial and political corruption in Washington, D.C., and expresses support for alternative candidates. The conversation also touches on issues related to free speech, the military, and the treatment of Palestinians.
➡ The speaker discusses a variety of topics, including their belief in free speech, their criticism of certain politicians, and their support for a Michigan militia. They also mention a Colorado-based company that sells a natural healing remedy called Shiloji, and a service called Wild Pastures that delivers pasture-raised meats. The speaker also shares a caller’s theory about the 1918 pandemic being a result of a vaccination campaign, not a virus.
➡ The discussion revolves around the idea of finding a military veteran with academic experience and a deep understanding of the constitution to run for president. The speaker believes that the current system of electing presidents is unconstitutional, as it should be the electors, not the public, who choose the president. They also discuss the idea of challenging wrongful foreclosures and the importance of maintaining the homeowner’s rights. Lastly, they express skepticism about the situation in Ukraine and Russia’s military tactics.
➡ The text discusses various viewpoints on the war in Ukraine, with some suggesting it’s a ploy for corporations to gain control of fertile land. There’s also a critique of a caller’s communication style, and a discussion about political labels and their divisive nature. The speaker expresses dissatisfaction with both Democrats and Republicans, suggesting they’re both guilty of creating current issues. The speaker also shares their ranking of potential leaders, with Jill Stein as their top choice due to her non-Zionist stance and support for ranked choice voting.
➡ The text is a compilation of various callers discussing their views on different topics, including government institutions, online trolls, the influence of wealthy individuals like Bill Gates and George Soros, and conflicts in Israel and Ukraine. Some callers also express their opinions on politicians and religious beliefs.


This is Jim Fetzer, your host, on authentic news right here on RBN Live this 13th day of May, 2024, simulcasting on speak free radio. Unsurprisingly, the russian northern offensive has begun. There’s no question that Russia has essentially won the war. We have breaking news out of the Russia Ukraine war. Russian forces have, for the first time in a long time, opened a new front in the northern part of the country around the city of Kharkiv. Russian forces have, as this tweet has shown here, have launched an armored ground attack and has already gone at least a kilometer into the country near the town of Volvo in the northern part there.

This is the long awaited offensive action we’ve been talking about for a long time now. It appears that it has finally launched in there. And in fact, we actually had President Zelensky just a couple of hours ago address it before his public. Russia has begun a new wave of counteroffensive action. Ukraine met it there with our troops and gains on artillery. It is important they can increase and increase their strength in this direction. This is a fact. Our military commander knew about it and calculated their strength in order to resist the fire of the enemy. Pretty much meaningless drivel, but is far more striking and interesting.

Daily Mail reports Putin fires his bungling defense minister parachutes in Kremlin poppet with zero military experience inside Russia’s hardline president wants to take personal charge of the Ukraine war. Vladimir Putin has fired his bungling defense minister, replacing with a public with zero military experience. In a wide ranging reshuffle of his most serious cronies, Putin sacked his long time friend Sergei Shogu, 68, instead shifted him into the role of secretary of Russia’s national security Council. Reports say he has proposed little known civilian economist Andrei Belasov, 65, to replace Shogu as defense minister in his new government. Kremlin press minister Dmitry Peskov explained the timing of the decisions that it needed the defense ministry to stay innovative and better utilize defense expenditures to win in Ukraine.

The move appears to be an astonishing snub to Shogu, the man Putin put in charge of his war. Close ally and Russia’s longest serving minister until now, Putin stood by Shoguru is, despite a string of military setbacks in the first year of the campaign, in his public feud with Wagner, mercenary chief Evegne Prigosian, who launched a bloody insurrection last year calling for Shogu’s removal. Reshuffle is the most significant moon has undertaken since his full scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022. Remember, that was a defensive action he launched a protect the people of the Donbass, who had been undergoing constant artillery shelling since the coup of 2014, which replaced the Russia friendly president of Ukraine with a western stooge, of whom Zelensky is the successor, using 5 billion of your and my taxpayer dollars in order to orchestrate the coup.

Artillery barrages upon the Donbass began shortly thereafter, and around 2000 had been killed by the time of the intervention, which Putin launched because it was about to be a massive incursion to slaughter them all in Donbass, Ukraine’s version of what’s happening in Gaza, which continues unabated. Scott Ritter reports that Israel’s Rafa offensive is a strategic blunder with dire consequences. You know, Israel will seek to destroy, but they won’t seek to destroy it based upon assessments of Hamas as an above the ground organization, when the reality is Hamas will go underground and Rufa and will continue to resist.

The Hamas model is as it’s currently structured and as it currently operates is it cannot be defeated by Israel. Israel’s goal and objectives of physically eliminating Hamas as a military organization are unobtainable. That’s just not me saying this. This is something that’s echoed by israeli generals, men who, although they’re not in active duty today, recently, were recently, are totally familiar with Israel’s military capabilities, their plans, their methodologies. And they’ve said that Israel can’t win this war. Not only Israel can’t win this war, Israel is losing this war. The Mossad, former Mossad leaders, make the same assessments.

Any military analyst who understands both israeli military capability and Hamas military capability, and it has to be a military analyst that also knows that you can’t separate the military from the political. That war is an extension of politics by other means. And that when examining israeli military capabilities, you have to link it to the political reality that exists in Israel at the time. And when you talk about Hamas military capabilities, you have to link it to the political reality as it exists for Hamas at the time. Hamas, another goal of the Israelis was to nullify Hamas as a political entity.

They failed on that. So Hamas continued military resistance only strengthens Hamas as a political entity. Israel’s failure to accomplish their stated objectives of eliminating Hamas, both as a military and political entity, weakens Israel politically. And there’s more here we have from the listening post discussion of Israel’s reckless invasion of Rafael. This is pretty good stuff. Al Jazeera gets shut down in Israel just as israeli forces move into Raqqa. Is Italy’s Prime Minister Georgia Maloney out to turn state owned television into state controlled television. And halfway through India’s six week long election process, we examine the narratives both in the mainstream media and on the social side.

Past week offered a brief moment of hope for the approximately 1.5 million Palestinians trapped in Rafa, supposedly the last safe space for civilians in Gaza. Hamas had accepted the terms of a ceasefire agreement. It looked like lives would be saved. But on Tuesday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the proposal fell short of Israel’s key demands. And now an assault on Rafah is underway. Coinciding with all of this has been the closure of Al Jazeera’s news operation in Israel. Our news coverage, tv broadcasts and website are all blocked there. That measure may shield Israelis, at least temporarily, from the horrors that are being inflicted on Rafa, but it will not stop this network from covering the story.

What it does signal to the world, though, and the Netanyahu government’s allies abroad, is that Israel’s so called democracy is not what it’s cracked up to be. Israelis are trying to sort of portray this kind of like an endgame. This is sort of the last bastion city in the Gaza Strip where they’re claiming that the military operation is not complete until the army goes in with troops to what they described as dismantling Hamas remaining infrastructure. The reality and practice of this is that, that Rafah is right now the only hub for palestinian life and society and refuge for people who’ve been displaced for the past seven months from the northern strip all the way down to the south.

Rafa was supposed to. It’s really shocking what’s taking place here because, of course, the Israelis, by conducting their operation from the north, forced everyone south. All of palestinian refugees gathered their own, over a million in Rafa. So if this goes forward and it apparently is taking place as we speak, the potential for slaughter, mayhem and death is immense, simply immense. Meanwhile, an israeli envoy talk about Chutzpah, says the US must cut UN funding and palestinian statehood is endorsed. I mean, who are these people to tell the United States what it can do as though we were their vassals? The problem being we act as though we are here.

We have from the times of Israel. Israel envoy says us must cut UN funding if palestinian statehood is endorsed. Ambassador to UN Galad Erdan says a draft general assembly resolution recognizing Palestine as qualified to become a full UN member goes against a founding UN charter and would give the Palestinians a de facto status and rights of a state if it is approved. I expect the United States to completely stop funding the UN and its institutions in accordance with american law, noting that adoption by the General assembly would not change anything on the drown right. Israel continue to violate international law, the Geneva conventions, the UN Charter on the ground.

But they’re insisting that if there’s recognition of Palestine as a state, the US will adhere to law and stop funding the UN. Under us law, Washington cannot fund any UN organization, grant full membership to any group that does not have the internationally recognized attributes of statehood. The US altered funding in 2011 for the UN cultural agency UNESCO after the Palestinian became a full member. UNESCO, mind you, has always been, in my experience, one of the most successful of the United nations. Meanwhile, Holocaust remembrance is exploited to promote the politics of Israel. Glenn Greenwald how to set up a doorbell camera for free in just 30 seconds without an existing doorbell.

Home surveillance companies how to set up a doorbell camera for free. They’re running them and they’re doubling them over. Very clever companies. Here we go. So one of the things we have been trying to emphasize is that so many of these recent abridgements of free speech and civil liberties is accompanied by a fear mongering campaign trying to institute a moral panic in the United States, which is based on the idea that there is now a minority group in the United States that is in grave danger, that has no safety any longer in the United States, that is vulnerable to all kinds of attacks, namely american Jews.

This narrative of minority groups being endangered by systemic bigotry in the United States, by unsafe rhetoric that’s inciting violence against them, by the desire of people to attack black people or trans people, is one that has provoked the scorn of almost everybody on the right when offered by literally any other group. And now suddenly, that same narrative that has received so much contempt from so many, virtually everybody is being offered, but this time in defense of a minority group that a lot of people on the american right feel an empathy toward or a connection to. And now suddenly, all of this victimhood narrative, this safety ism narrative, this need for special protection for a minority group, the same script that the right has been scorning for a decade now suddenly is being accepted in almost every establishment faction in Washington.

Here was speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who, along with Joe Biden, went to the Holocaust remembrance ceremony. And here’s what he said about the alleged rise of this epidemic of anti semitism in the United States. Well, we can’t hear him say it. We’re suddenly expelled. We’re like those at Stroudsburg were at the heart of Renaissance and intellectual life. But it was at those same elite centers of learning where jewish faculty and students were suddenly expelled, where anti jewish courses were introduced, and where professors performed horrific pseudo science experiments on jewish people. Do you understand what Mike Johnson is saying here? It’s so offensive when you think about it, both in terms of its intellectual dishonesty but also its moral offense.

He’s speaking at a Holocaust memorial ceremony, and he’s talking about the nazi attack on jewish students and jewish professors. And he’s trying to equate that to what’s taking place in the United States today. There are no jewish students being expelled. There are no jewish members of the faculty being expelled. There are no jewish students being violently attacked. In fact, he cites one example, which you’re about to hear, that is a complete hoax. And the fact that the only example he can cite of supposedly having jewish students attack violently on american campuses is a hoax, that that’s the only example he has just proves the entire narrative that both he and, as you’ll see, Joe Biden are both trying to push.

But to equate what’s happening on american campuses, where american students are exercising the First Amendment on the right to protest against their own government and the israeli government’s war policies, and trying to tell american Jews that they face a second holocaust in the United States, and therefore the government has to step in with all these special protections and abridgments of free speech, is obnoxious and dangerous and deceitful. Were suddenly expelled, where anti jewish courses were introduced and where professors performed horrific suits, pseudoscience, experiments on jewish people brought from nearby concentration camps. We remember what happened then.

And now today, we are witnessing american universities quickly becoming hostile places for jewish students and faculty. The very campuses which were once the envy of the international academy have succumbed to an anti semitic virus. Students who were known for producing academic papers are now known for stabbing their jewish peers in the eyes with palestinian flags. Okay, that is an absolute lie out of Mike Johnson’s mouth. First of all, he used the plural. Bill, I’m on the air. Jewish students are being stabbed in the eye with the palestinian flag. There’s one instance where that claim was made, and once people saw the video, they realized it was a total hoax perpetrated by Barry Weiss’s free press and by the claims of this student.

This showed you the. This is what our government is descended to. Liar, liar, pants on fire. Phony. Fabricate. This holy ghost remembers days all abroad anyway, because the Holocaust was a fabricated event. If you want to check it out, here are a couple of links. The Holocaust narrative politics from science for a short take on the government ragged. Included in the notes for today’s shows and the official world War two narrative historical factor, mass illusion over a I think it’s about an hour and 20 video where I lay out all the evidence exactly what was taking place, where you can review the map of Auschwitz, for example, and find it out.

Woodworking shop. It had a symphony hall. It had a hospital with Ob gyn. Vasilis. Oh, you didn’t know. Hundreds, even thousands of babies were born in these camps. It even had a brothel because in general, it convinced Hepler the men would work harder if they knew they’d be rewarded with sex. Yes, work harder. They weren’t putting anyone to death because you can’t get work out of a court. These were labor camps, and the Germans were using their prisoners for slave labor. That is true. 6 million total hoax international committee of the Red Cross recalibrated the number.

In 1993, a total 296,081 died from all camps combined, none of whom, none of whom were put to death in a gas chamber. It’s also outrageous, but they protect it with great zeal because jewish political power is rooted in a western sense of guilt over the Holocaust, so that they worry if it’s exposed, they’re going to lose their political influence. We even had a minister, former minister of education with Amy Goodman years ago when Amy said, what about criticism of Israel? And she said, well, it’s a trick. In Europe, we talk about the Holocaust. In America, anti semitism.

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Who is it for all? Where do they all come from? Four stories about the despicable actions of Israel in the case of christians hospitals, the refugee organization of the UN. How does the government of Israel treat christians? Christian leaders, in the words west should care. UNRWA closing Jerusalem headquarters after israeli settler arson attacks Middle East I reports how Israel turned hospitals into military targets by lying about international law. Mondo Ice destruction in Gaza side by side area look at the israeli Hamas wars devastating damage. That’s from ABC News. The electronic intifada has several speakers about how the student into FaTa has slept us campuses across the US and around the world, student faculty have been engaging in a wave of protest demonstration encampments on their campuses to demand their institution divest from companies profiting from Israel’s apartheid and genocide.

The students have been met with violent repression from police, smears from their university administration, corporate media, pro genocide lawmakers who seem to appear in superabundance, and zionist groups. In early May I, this was Nora Burrows. Friedman was joined by four students and a professor from universities across the US have been part of the encampment. While organizing their campuses to demand divestment, they experience firsthand not just arrests and violations of their civil rights, but the broad growing support of their communities and by palestinian civil society as well they should. Meanwhile, UC protest is a University of California protest the limits of the zionist fiction on April 30, the mob of zionist vigilantes descended onto UCLA’s Palestine solidarity encampment, besieging it and waging horrific violence against students for hours throughout the night.

On May 1, UCLA called in the LAPD to clear the encampment by force, unleashing yet another brutal attack on student before the blood from the previous night had a chance to dry. On May 2, UCLA chancellor Gene Block posted at town hall for UCLA alumni, during which he glossed over the horrific events that took place on campus under his watch. This grieves me, especially because both of my parents graduated from UCLA. Meanwhile, there’s a question here about american defense spending. It’s enormous, overwhelming in its amount, not in terms of the value return. The American Enterprise Institute released a report estimating the people’s Republic of China true military spending at 710.6 billion, three times larger than the PRC self reported total, several billion higher than estimates from us intel.

It’s been interpreted as good news, demonstrating the Chinese Communist Party assertion about how much its fans cannot be trusted. All this aspect may be true. It misses the most important point, the obvious entitlement of the US defense acquisition community, whether acquisition officials in the DoD or the big five primes of the private sector that BRC continues to out produce the United States and military hardware, for instance. If each side is spending roughly the same, then the crucial issue is what each side is getting from money spent on research and development, manufacturing, training, main personnel and equipment.

In this regard, fundamentally, the BRC is more efficient in its military, is winning, and this has been able to alter the military bounds of power not just in the Indo Pacific but increasingly around the globe. The BRC doesn’t have to deal with a corruption of defense officials here in the United States, which benefits from producing subpar products where they can then get maintenance contracts that may exceed the profits they made on the original. Meanwhile, and this grieves me greatly, I’m really upset about having to report Trump slams Biden for halting bomb deliveries Israel inciting with Hamas present former President Trump is criticizing President Biden decision to halt delivery of bombs to Israel, accusing him of a taking side of the Hamas terrorists.

He calls them I say they’re freedom fighters. Trump claimed that delaying Whitmanship was a victory for Hamas, which had previously attacked Israel in what was clearly a false flag and ranged event where Israel let it happen and appears to have contributed to the carnage. Trump further accused Biden of siding with terrorists and questioned the safety of american hostages being held by Hamas. Biden reportedly warned Israeli BM net you against launching the offensive in Rafael, right back I want the truth. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic broadcasting network, real news, real talk, real people because you can handle the truth.

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Email tom.org t o mpublicbroadcasting.org dot here come old flat top he come grooving up slowly he got juice eyeball he want holy roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what it does, please. I must admit sometimes even I have trouble putting two and two together to get four. The reason the war being fought in Ukraine, even though they’re losing massively, is because Israel needs Ukraine to be the new Israel. We’ve all heard that the new world order cannot move forward without Ukraine. That’s because it cannot move forward without Israel.

The plan for the new world order is for Israel to rule the world. From Jerusalem, it was an associate of mine deep into intel who pointed out to me, if you go to Isaiah 56 66, the plan for the new world order is laid out there for all the resources, all the value, all the treasury of the world must be given to Israel. All the kings of all the nation of the world was bowed down to Israel or lose their hands. Jerusalem is to be the capital of the entire, in this case, new world order. Yes, that’s what’s going on.

I mean, ask yourself, when cloud swabs comes out, talks about new world order, from where would it be governed? We now know the answer there is how we put the numbers together and it spells catastrophe. Is it going to play out? Well, history seems to be against it, not only because the Russians are winning the war in Ukraine, which basically has already been lost by Ukraine, but other nations are moving to recognize Palestine. And Israel, of course, by virtue of the slaughter, has become the most nation in the world. The Slovenia to recognize palestinian state by mid June.

Ireland considers 21 May to recognize palestinian state. Meanwhile, right here in the US, June 10 Amel’s court here biden genocide case. Palestinians seek end to us support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Another freedom of expression at stake in DC. Appeals court hearing a case targeting academics advocating for palestinian rights. What could be more uncontroversial than to advocate for palestinian rights? But in a world where Israel dominates with a zionist agenda, where our congress is israeli occupied territory, american traditions, the american constitution, american right, don’t matter. They’re going to impose their view. They’re going to dictate what they want.

That’s how you get absurdities like Israel telling the United States to stop funding the UN, to give it the boot if there’s recognition of a palestinian state. I mean, just think about that. How can one nation have the right to tell another nation what to do? Meanwhile, Glenn Greenwald, whom we all admire, defending your human right of freedom of expression. Yes. Turns out now there’s a report here that Speaker Johnson, and you heard him in that outrageous making up stories about the attacks on jewish students. No one knows who students are jewish. I spent 35 years on campuses, Kentucky, Virginia, twice, Cincinnati, North Carolina, Chapel Hill, New College, University of South Florida, University of Minnesota.

No one cared if a student were jewish or not jewish. They didn’t care then and they don’t care now. This is all part of a mass propaganda campaign to make it out that they’re somehow being isolated, identified and threatened. It is total bullshit. Total bullshit. Meanwhile, is this true? Speaker Johnson was bribed to send money to Israel? Could that be the case that he was actually bribed? Well, Jimmy Dore, May 11 in Denver, Colorado. Go to Jimmy dore.com for a link for tickets. People were wondering why the new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who said he didn’t want to fund the Ukraine wars, and he was a real solid guy on free speech and why he flipped so easily.

By the way. It’s because he took all money from a pack. He took it for his pack. That’s right. Speaker Mike Johnson received a $95,000 payment from a lobbying group shortly after passage of the $14.5 billion military aid package last year. So, boy, he does look like he takes, takes it hard in the pack, am I right? That’s a guy just took it right in the back. Look at that haircut. That’s a guy with a swollen, gaping pack. I can’t sit down right now. My pack is, my pack is $95,000 up that thing. And that’s all it took.

That’s it. Maybe a bit obscene, but there it is. What’s going on in Washington is obscene. Meanwhile, we have Joe Biden admitting he’s buried Trumpet legal problems on Tuesday, former white out press secretary Jen Masaki state one of the biggest obstacles for the Biden campaign right now is navigating its legal cases, its legal cases against former President Donald Trump. Masaki pointed out that this is a unique challenge for the 2024 reelection campaign as Trump, the presumptive gov nominee in the race, is in a courtroom facing a criminal indictment. The New York trial relating to the hush money payments by Trump is a verse of four indictments resulting from him facing 88 criminal charges.

Three got booted. It used to be 91. Masaki pointed out. While the case in New York is unprecedented, yes, they had to be very imaginative to fabricate charges against Trump that were absurd. That the Department of Justice and the FCC had already rejected is not appropriate for pursuit. It’s also an important news story creating a problem for Biden’s legal cases are blocking out the sun. The MSNBC host that was psyche noted because of the legal cases, there was not a lot of room for report on other issues. This was unconventional for a time when candidates are debating Social Security and other issues.

She, of course, is one more of the propagandists that speak up for Biden. Meanwhile, political hitman Jack Smith has admitted violating the same laws that January 6 defendants were sent to prison for years. In August 2022, Trump reported believe the FBI stole his will during the Biden endorsed raid on Mar a Lago. They also stole 1800 other items that were not documents that belonged to President Trump. This was not lawful or necessary. It’s also widely known at this point that Joe Biden ordered the FBI to access Trump’s documents at Mar a Lago and Trump personal belongings.

Judge Cannon has revealed it was Joe Biden in pages two and three of her latest ruling. Yeah, that’s what you got in this president. I say, well, then we know he’s running a crime family. What’s new? Then this is what they would do. Meanwhile, Bragg’s paralegal, get this, admits his office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels lawyer and Michael Cohen. Get this, President Trump was in court once again Friday for Alvin Bragg’s soviet style stormy Daniels hush money lawfare trial. Trump was accused of paying porn star Stormy Daniels, aka Stephanie Clifford, her real name, hush payments through his then attorney Michael Cohen has schemed to silence her and stop a story about their alleged affair from being published in the National Enquirer.

Payments made to Stormy did not come from Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. The payments were made through internal business records. There was no tax deduction taken. There was no obligation to file with the fecal. According to Trump attorney Joe Tacopina, Bragg alleged Trump had committed fraud because the payment was labeled legal fees rags biased. Prosecutors called in the final witnesses to testify Friday after Stormy blew it on the witness stand this week. One of Bragg paralegals also took the witness stand Friday. Jardin Jarmell Schneider testified Bragg’s office deleted three pages of phone calls between Stormy Daniels lawyer Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen.

Hey, the case ought to be thrown out on that grounds alone. Meanwhile, get this, cashing out on getting Trump, Michigan governor Whitmer fight like hell Pac and the Arizona Democrat Party retain judge merchants daughters authentic campaign services as Dem mega donor Alex Soros, that’s the son of George, meets with Whitmer and other key swing state debs. It seemed the left hold fundraising strategy is built on a get Trump platform. Governor Whitmer’s fight like hell pack and the Arizona Democrat Party retained Judge merchant daughter firm Authentic campaign Services for November’s election. The Senate Majority pack, which Shermer uses to get Senate Democrats elected or reelected, has also contracted services with authentic campaigns.

Congressman in California, US Senate candidate Adam Schiff, another athletic campaign client, recently boasted support for Judge merchant. Now. Wow, wow. Laura Loomer exclusively Roy Judd merchants daughter Lauren is the partner and bar donor of Authentic Campaigns, a firm whose featured client is the Biden Harris campaign. Yeah, no doubt. No surprise there. Meanwhile, in spite of it all, Trump leading in five of six swing states, the Daily Wire reports, New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer Scenic College polls, new surveys conducted by the New York Times, a Philadelphia inquiry and Scenic college. So former President Trump leading Biden in five of six swing states.

In a two man race between Trump and Biden, Trump leads 51 to 38 among likely voters, a whopping 13 points, 51 to 38 in Nevada, 649 to 43 in Arizona, 950 to 41 in Georgia, three in Pennsylvania, 48 to 45. One in Wisconsin, 47 46. While Biden clings to a one point margin in Michigan when dirty party candidates like RFK junior are included, his lead soared to nine points in Arizona, 14 in Nevada state, almost the same made in Georgia. In other words, Trump really has this one wrapped. Meanwhile, Washington is, of course, weaponizing the media.

Biden panders to pro Israel Jews who are as reactionary on Israel as evangelists, evangelicals, Mondois reporting. How’s this? Democrat representative hands out cards with instructions to help illegal aliens avoid law enforcement and deportation. Another fighting campaign and Democrat officials preparing for protesters and chaos at their Chicago convention. Good luck. Chicago City faces a shortage of police officers, are you surprised? Here’s much of the story as summer and the DNC approaches, a Democrat hell hole of Chicago is facing a crisis with a major shortage of police officers. At a public forum with a commission for public safety and accountability, Chicago police Superintendent Larry Snelling said, what we’re doing right now is making the best with a number of officers that we had, Snelling added.

We’re down. We’re down close to 2000 officers, CB’s two reported. Rico said. With just under 2000 officers short, the department will pull from special units. First, units that normally supplement those officers now become the officers doing the patrolling, he said. And as Chicago prepares to host at least 50,000 in August for the DNC, Rico believes a shortage only adds to the challenges. It’s going to take a lot of manpower. There’s experience. That’s another thing. A lot of these officers, they’re hardworking and there’s no substitute for experience to a lot of a lot of these officers are yawn.

They certainly don’t have experience with these types of incidents. Chicago cops are already under extreme pressure as they contend with escalating crime and bro hamas protesters who have promised to protest the DNC en masse wreaking havoc across the city. As well they should. Meanwhile, and this is a doozy, Pfizer internal email shows employees received a separate COVID vax. Have you ever wondered why we never hear about Pfizer employees being injured by the mRNA COVID shots they should be dropping like professional soccer players, since the company vaccinated its entire workforce. But they’re not. And there’s a reason why.

A whistleblower has leaked an internal email from Pfizer dated January 8, 2021. And guess what? None of Pfizer employee were given the same russian roulette death shots as a general public, they got a special separate vaccine. If you think back to late 2021, there was a shocking incident where Pfizer CEO Albert Borlaug was invited to Israel to meet with government officials. No one could travel in or out of Israel without proof of vaccination. Burla sheepishly admitted he was unvaccinated. The guy trying to get every government around the world to mandate his safe and effective product hadn’t even taken the shot himself.

Now we’re learning that even when Pfizer employees were vaccinated, they did not receive the same shot as everyone else. Leaked email does not specify how the shots were different. Are you one of the millions of people who feel like there is a dark cloud hanging over their heads whenever they’re using pharmaceutical drugs? For some, the short term relief can turn into an opioid addiction nightmare. Have you ever wondered why CBD oil heat oil is a billion dollar industry? It’s because it works better than opioids and is actually healthy for you. However, CBD oil is stripped of all other helpful compounds found in the hemp plants.

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To order, call 187-792-8822 or visit extendivite.com. That’s x t e n dash vite.com I never needed anybody’s help in any way now these days are gone and I’m not so self assured now I find a chain of mind I’ll open up the doors help me if you can I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being bound help me get my feet well if you thought COVID was bad the first time around, prepare. Brace yourself. It’s going to be deja vu all over again. American preparation for mass bird flu vaccine this is Doctor Peter McCulloch, a wonderful guy, a great, outstanding expert cardiologist, has more citations than any other physician in America.

Please enjoy this highly grassic review with iconic news anchor Lou Dobbs. A recent development concerning highly pathogenic avian influenza, h five n one bird flu and the one man who contracted conjunctivitis in West Texas and drew attention to a jump of the virus from animals to humans. Frankly, I’m not at all sure it’s even possible. The government response to bird flu appears to be three fold. One, destroy flocks or herds of livestock, calling when animals turn h five n one pcr positive. It’s a fake test so they can get any outcome they want by testing and claiming they’re positive.

Then they destroy the whole flock or the whole herd. Second, possible ill advised mass vaccination of poultry following the failed chinese model. Third, preparing for mass human vaccination with repurposed pre purchased CSL Saguras cell based avian influenza vaccine technology with the FDA approved Audan’s influenza monovalent vaccine. This is going to be a horror story all over again. They’re going to try to pull it all off again. Let’s see what Lou Dobbs has to say. I can pick it up otherwise. Another european country has rejected the WHO pandemic treaty, which is all good thing. Reports indicate Slovakia, a member of the European Union, will reject the World Health Organization pandemic treaty Peter Kotlar slovak government plenty potentiary for the COVID-19 pandemic informed that Slovakia would not support the current version of the new pandemic treaty or the draft amendment to the international health regulations.

Radio Slovakia International reports Slovakia rejects the World Health Organization accord. Good for them. That’s the right move. Remember, this treaty puts a World Health organization in a position to control the governments of the various countries who endorse it. Be right back and take your calls. Oh, I’m gonna try a little help for my friends I just need someone to love to be anybody I want oh, I can find I’m gonna try a little help from my friends yes, I get five a little help from my friends a little help from my friends my name is John.

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We have a good number already lined up on the queue. Sammy from Las Vegas. Welcome back, Sammy. Your thoughts? Hi, professor. How are you? Good, good. Sammy, I’m glad to have you back. I’m feeling good, too, professor. I got to go see the stones Saturday night. That’s probably the last. Yeah, it was okay. I mean, Mick ain’t moving like he used to, but he still jumps around there for 2 hours. 81 years old. But the reason I called. Yeah, go ahead. I know you were into the Beatles. So was I, professor. I like John Lennon so much when I was younger and he divorced his wife and married Yoko, I started dating asian women.

I thought that was so cool. I’ve been married. I’ve been married to a. To a chinese woman for over 30 years. But that’s neither here nor there. The reason I really called. You got to see this professor. I don’t think you saw it or you would have said something about it. Tucker’s got an article out on YouTube. It’s where he goes through it for 15 minutes. And the name of the article is Kennedy wins. Tucker broke down the, you know, the odds. In a two men race, in a three man race, in a three man race, Kennedy wins.

Between Trump or Biden, Kennedy wins. Now, the Tucker sanitizer, people might start believing me. Well, Sammy, I actually reported the survey last week that he wipes out Biden, but we’re RFK junior versus Biden. He wipes him out by, I don’t know, around 170 electoral votes. And if it’s. If it’s. If it’s RFK junior versus Trump, eeks out 270 to 268. But the point, really, you’re making, or Tucker is in a three man ways race, he can win. I’ll tell you why I don’t rule that out. Even though Trump is ahead in six of the seven swing states and all that, even though it ought to be a walk, a cakewalk for Trump.

I’ve said before, and I say again, only Trump can stop Trump. In my opinion, coming out so wholeheartedly in favor of genocide is a fatal blunder for Donald Trump. He clearly is a zionist at heart. He doesn’t give a damn about the Palestinians. And once he signed on with Mike Johnson to go ahead and fund Ukraine and Israel without getting any funding for our border, at a single stroke, he made what’s going on in Gaza, Trump’s genocide, what’s going on in Ukraine, Trump’s war, what’s happening at our border, Trump’s fiasco. So, Sammy, I have been repulsed by his recent actions.

I mean, it’s just disgusting. As Jimmy Dor says, Trump used to be America first, but he’s actually Israel first. He’s only occasionally America first. So I don’t rule out that RFK junior actually could win. The problem he has, Sammy, he’s not on all the ballots on all the states. He was offered the opportunity to run as a libertarian, which has secured him on the ballots of every state. I, in my opinion, he ought to have done that. So I think that’s a mistake. Now he’s got to make his way onto the ballots. If he can’t do that, there’s no way he can win more.

He says he can. He says he can be on every ballot. Is it, you know, is this with Tucker interviewing RFK Junior? That was the interview. No, he doesn’t actually interview. He may have a clip in there of Bobby Kennedy, but he’s mostly talking about, like, a favorability rating, the favorite. If you take the favorability rating, it’s like 27% of the people favor Biden, and around the same number favor Trump. That leaves, like, 65% of the people that don’t like either one of them. That would leave up to 46 not committed, tried nor Biden or Trump.

And at this point, I mean, if you’re not committed to Biden or Trump by this point, Sammy, I mean, I think you’d be up for grabs for RFK Junior. I think you’re raising a very important alternative possibility most of us haven’t taken seriously up until now. Good. I think the most important part, professor, we’re supposed to be this free country and free this and free that. Look at this. With the Democrats and the Republicans, we get to choose between two Zionists. That’s our choice. You can choose this Zionist Joe Biden or this Zionist Donald Trump. What kind of.

What kind of country did we turn out to be? Come on, professor. You know that we’re a conquered nation. Yes, yes, yes. Sammy said, did you see, or did I hear it from you, where the speaker of the House got $90,000 dropped into his account the day after he. That was in our stories today, Sammy. Okay. Yeah. These guys are all paid off, man. And the laws were written to make it legal for them to do this. 95 grand in this day and age means he’s cheap. He’s a cheap buy. Politicians. No, no, no. That’s what’s on the books.

That’s what you can see on the books. I bet there’s a lot. Agreed? Agreed. They’ve got these accounts in Switzerland and here and there, where they’ve got literally millions they can touch if they need it. That’s a very good point, Sammy. I like that. You’re absolutely so. I don’t want to take all your time. I know you’ve got other callers, but. But check that out for what Tucker’s saying. Sammy, I’m pleased you call. I like hearing from you, Sammy. I look forward to our next conversation. Thank you. I love the way your show is going, professor.

It’s really starting to change. I really appreciate that. Thanks. Sammy, I appreciate that, too. Thanks a lot. Francis, North Carolina, what’s up, girl? Hey, young man. Oh goodness, where do I start? Well, for one thing, have I wishing you and all a great week. Yeah, this whole thing is getting ridiculous as far as the political scene goes and so forth. I have to agree with the sentiment about Jill Stein as far as a possible candidate or whatever, but there’s also another one that a lot of people have overlooked or haven’t even gotten considered. Marjorie Green. I mean, basically, maybe she’s doing it for a show, but I don’t think so.

How she was basically addressing the political scene with the financial and sexual shenanigans in DC and so forth ad nauseam. That takes a lot of balls for a woman to do that, especially in the political scene. I can see why Cynthia McKinney said, enough of this crap. Now, whether or not doubting that Marjorie Green has dual citizenship, I hope she doesn’t, given how she is standing out there and laying it on the table like it is as far as the various shenanigans there in DC is concerned. And Adam. But we’ll see what happens. And quite frankly, for the palestinian folks, that is reprehensible.

Also, I did send some information to the board operator there to forward to you that you can send me a note because unfortunately I am not able to send an e message to you or an email to you. There is a photo that I wish to forward to you that I come across. I’ve been eyeing this for some time that’s been displayed lately here locally where I live at. And I have no problem with speech as far as people wanting to display the israeli flag, you know, blah blah blah blah blah, jewish flag, whatever you want to call it.

But there was one thing that they did recently that totally infuriated me, that they made a change on it. And I have to agree with my other half that, you know, if they wanted to display two different flags separately from each other, that’s one thing. But when you bring two flags and merge them together, that for me was blasphemy, indignant, totally unprofessional and a disgrace. You said you couldn’t, especially for us citizens, it’s an insult, a blatant insult I’m having. I had to go by there and try to see if I can contact whoever owns the property that displayed that thing so I can address them about the issue.

But I have a photo of it I can forward to you. I just have to get written message from you so I know it’s a clear connection. So other than that, well, Francis needed. Do you just need an email address? No, no, no, no. The, the information I sent to you contact wise, I just need a written message from you at that number. Okay, well, I’ll see what I can do. Francis, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Anything else you’d like to add today? Final thoughts? Well, for one thing, it’s about the folks at the various colleges and university that are protesting slaughter and genocide of the palestinian folks and so forth, are being attacked and so forth.

Yes, that’s illegal. And one, they can also sue if they actually have an attorney or lawyer that’s got balls enough to handle it to start with. But as far as the aspect I heard him mention about the Soros was behind the whole fiasco, well, you know what? That would make perfect sense. And you know why? For one thing, he has a ridiculous amount of financial resources. And being psychotic as he is, he’s going to fund both sides of the fence. One way or the other, he’s going to do it because he’s getting off on it. As far as being a small brat that he is.

So it’s a disgrace. And quite frankly, these students deserve better than that. I mean, as far as their higher education goes and being slandered and being blackballed and so forth, far as their record is concerned at the university or college and so forth. So question is, if they’re going to get an attorney to handle those legal problems with those universities or colleges. So go figure. My thoughts are with them. Meanwhile, my thoughts and my heart goes out to the palestinian folks because they deserve better and they’ve been through too much anyway. Yeah. Thank you. Big shout out.

High five to Layla, Renee, Lauren, you name it, you name the gal. Oh, and to think of Peter in Los Angeles or in California and so forth, Paul. And you name it. I know there are other fellows too. High five to you. Go for it and have a great week. Play hard. Thank you. Thanks a lot for the call. Booba in California. You’re on booba. Give us the latest. Rev in Colorado. We ain’t moved because we can’t. And I was able to get a lot of your broadcast that I’ve been on. See, we use this and how they people didn’t hear a lot of what Bo scout Reb said because you kept cutting us into our dialogue and we’re using this.

I was supposed to do 2 hours Wednesday through Friday night, ten to midnight Central. This mic board operated and I had a witness on the phone. Plus it was punched into the Pentagon. So we all monitor this. I said, this is how they talk about free speech as they chop you up and they don’t let you talk. Like one of the things I was saying, give us your website. I try to tell, I’ve told you since the beginning in 2017, I got on some program, we don’t write anything on the Internet for the public. There’s not a damn thing there.

Because what’s the point? They all got, they’re stupid. But the point is everything’s for the military. When you say Woodrow, it’s for the military. Everything we do is for the top level of the Pentagon. It was, our accounts were run by the Defense intelligence Agency when General Flynn was in charge. If General Flynn contacted Bo in 2016, he never would have gotten indicted. These are goofballs. And finally arcet phones me, the secretary of the army. This is all being gathered in. So I said, well, we had the 2 hours. We let everybody on the radio, I don’t care what you talk about.

I know most of them said, you know, the ids did it. I said, the ids did it again. Oh, we can’t stop that and never stops with the Yids. And we let him talk about anything because I talked to the Grays and, you know, they were involved with the German Imperial army that defeated Eisenhower in 1953 when he surrendered and they took over Antarctica. I let that on. I said, well, they’ve been around a long time and they know how to fight. I just humor everybody. Nobody gets cut off with whatever they say. But I notice on these broadcasts, a lot of them, they rant and rave and jump up and down and pulling their beards out or something and they’re having a fit.

They’re not going to fix anything, so they let them talk. But people who actually got to the top of the US government votes count and have facts. They don’t want to hear the facts. So you get all the truth you want. None of the facts. I even heard. I don’t even want to repeat some of the things they said on this radio station. But you’re allowed to. I told Mike we actually had 2 hours one time. Me and this observer wasn’t part of the Bob scout rep team, but I just let them all on at once.

I don’t care what they talk about because if you really believe and not censoring, what do you care? And they give you, you know, when we went in the woods last week and we had a conference with a big footed man, well, we learned a lot, you know, really, you know, I think. Yeah. Can you. Can you tell us? Well, he said, keep it secret. Well, I respect that. See how we play it out, we don’t argue, and we never did. We had people calling in, never argued. I said, put them all on at once. So I figured that’s the way to run a free speech network.

But if you’re cutting us off and you’re saying, give us your website, I tell you, just say, bubba, scout, Reb. The enemies around the world cringe in fear. I just harassed the two congressmen in the 80232 district. Patterson. Brittany Patterson, a goofy soccer mom who has nothing better to do since he got into Congress in 2022. And then this other one has been old lady for decades. There’s only this Diana Dikette. So those are the ones we harass. And also, we’re getting troops here. We’re going to get it done. But that’s what I believe. Rant and rave all you want.

The id did it. Let’s hear tonight’s edition of the Yidz did it. They use the J word. It’s amusing in a sense, but it’s not getting anything done. And the only ones we ever found that are broadcasting that actually could get something done is in Michigan. Militia. They got an army, they got tread vehicles, they got aircraft, they got all this firepower, and they’re going to take it away from the enemy. So all I do is try to ask, well, what are you waiting for? And then they cut you right off. You can’t get an answer out of them.

I said, you’re in Michigan. And he said, you’ll start killing the same ones we want dead. Well, go for it. And then he even said, the ones around America will go to Michigan to fight with them. I said, that’s even better. See, we’ve never said we have to do the job. We said, anyone that can do this, swell, and we never cut anybody off. But that’s the big difference between us. And this is what we point out to people at top levels of military. Well, here I’m on this broadcast. What did they cut you off for? I don’t know.

It just goofy. But we were supposed to have 2 hours a night, ten to midnight central time, like at least Wednesday through Friday. But he gave it to someone else, and they said they’re going to mention us. They didn’t mention us. And we even said, hey, play that song, bad moon rising. They should play that a lot. It’s actually what’s happening right now. Thanks for listening, bubba. Scout, Rev, we’re doing our job. Helena Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been, lives in a dream, waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door, who is it for? Hello, hello, hello from beautiful Colorado.

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She’s a radio show host out of Utah. And some months ago, maybe two years ago, she explained that she had done a deep dive into the 1918 pandemic and went, oh, this was a fraud, really. What happened was our government started a vaccination campaign, and only where the people were vaccinated were they dying. And the countries that refused the vaccination, they didn’t see a pandemic. I happened to have lost a relative in that it was a doughboy in the 1918 issue. So God forget in that game, they were not able to farm our family farm because the only man in the family died.

As far as I’m concerned, all these wars are efforts. The last 150 years or more have been efforts to kill white christian men, frankly. Well, I think there’s a lot of, I think there’s a lot of merit to your argument, Cynthia. And indeed, when Tony the rat did an investigation of spanish flu, they found that the overwhelming majority of deaths weren’t from the flu. It was from bronchial pneumonia, which was promoted by wearing face masks because a mask recycle, you know, waste products and promote pneumonia. So the whole idea of wearing face masks was just another way to promote the death of a large segment of the population.

I don’t have any argument with what you’ve said here so far. Continue. Okay. So in issues of who I would like to vote for for president, there isn’t a single candidate out there that I want to see. I’m concerned that Jill Stein is actually a communist. Okay. He might be a very nice person. You’re concerned that who is actually a communist? Jill Stein. Oh, Jill Stein. Okay. Okay. Go ahead. Go ahead. I want the military vets to start networking to find someone who has become. Who has military experience and became an academic is not a bar attorney.

Okay? That’s really important. Because of the original 13th amendment, bar attorneys are compromised and they need someone who understands the history and the constitution. And let’s get the vets to back him or her. Okay. And say what? They. They don’t actually have to be on the ballot. They have to be presidential electors on the ballot. It will require a campaign to explain to the state legislators that they are in violation the constitution because they’re supposed to be voting for a presidential elector. Electors tend to declare they are for somebody, but they can’t be held to that.

You can’t compromise your presidential electors. So even though the Republican Party has their set of presidential electors, their democratic party is their set of presidential electors. That whole arrangement is not constitutional. They started networking with the state legislatures back around about that time. Lincoln was elected with a very small minority of the vote because the presidential electors were apparently being compromised by that time. So this is doable. I would like a military vet who hates war and understands the constitution in our history, somebody, an academic, to show there have been a serious student. And I would like.

I would like you to spearhead that campaign. Y’all find somebody that we can stand behind who is constitutional, because when they sign things like the UN treaties and we join the UN, that’s not constitutional. They cannot sign up to any kind of international agreement that compromises our sovereignty. They cannot do that. They’ve done it, but it’s not constitutional. Cynthia, would the idea be to find a decent candidate and then make them a write in candidate and as everyone would write in their name, if they’re not going to be printed on the ballot, because they’re not going to be printed on the ballot.

So is that the idea? The idea is that we’re supposed to be voting for the presidential electors. The name of the electors is supposed to be on there, not the presidential candidate, because it’s the electors that vote that determine who is the president. Well, each state has its own method of determining the electors. I mean, it’s delegated by the Constitution to the states, but the electors names have to be on the ballot and they haven’t been on the ballot. I don’t believe that’s correct. It’s delegated by the Constitution to the states that determine the way in which the electors will be selected.

What was going on on January 6 was you had disputed slate sub electors. And the question that was supposed to be resolved by Mike pants was which should be accepted, or whether they should be sent back to the states to clarify who were their electors in January 6 was intended to miss that all up so that there never was a resolution of this question. And I have no doubt that Mike Pence was just as much implicated in this mess as Nancy Pelosi, the mayor, bowser and the rest. I mean, it was a huge scam to deprive the american people of their right to select a president of the United States.

Go ahead. Well, for a few more minutes. We’ll be right back. You are tuned in to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Visit our website by going to republicbroadcasting.org dot homeowners, if your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home. If you’ve already lost your home, are in foreclosure, or even in good standing, you can challenge the mortgage transactions illegal issue and your property can be restored to you and your foreclosure can be stopped or reversed and the mortgage transaction declared unenforceable.

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Start your day and be prepared so give a listen or a call to your mid weekdays on our behalf until not the end. We turn off from seven to ten, we coffee cup to end. Wake up with a living man. There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done, nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game. Cynthia, continue briefly, Cynthia. All right, take a look at the constitution. They have never constitutionally changed the right to vote for the presidential elector, one for every 30,000 persons. That also happens to be the same ratio for the member of the House of Representatives.

Congress unconstitutionally decided to change it in 1929. And we can demand that they return to the constitution and we have a right to choose our presidential electoral. Well, I think the reason they changed from 30,000 was with a growing population, you’d be dramatically increasing the number of representatives. I mean, it was a matter of maintaining a certain stability of the number of members of the House. Yeah. It requires an amendment to the constitution and didn’t do that. Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised. I think, Cynthia, it’s not the only case where we have amendments that were not properly, you know, certified.

Look, you raised a lot of good issues, and I appreciate the call. Give me a final thought. Yeah. I hope you interview Kate Dowley, and I’m looking forward to your interview of Michael McKibben on revolution radio. Thanks. Thanks, Cynthia, very much. All right. Okay. Bye bye now. Rick in Arizona. Rick, join the conversation. Yeah. Hopefully, I don’t forget what I was going to say. But she’s right. It’s 30,000 people. You get a new representative, but they changed it so, because it would be too many people to bribe. And that’s true. It’s 30,000, you get another representative.

So, you know, Doctor Fetzer, I’m not buying into this new Israel thing with Ukraine. I know jewish people. I’m an expert with these people. They are not going back to that frozen tundra, the gloomy cloudy days. They go to Florida. They’re in the Middle east and the desert along the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. They’re not going to relocate to that. That’s no way. Now, after I’ve said that, I want to ask you one quick question, doctor. What is probably the oldest military tactical information there is? I mean, what is. What is the most common military maneuver? And what is the most well known military maneuver? You go back thousands of years, I’ll just make it easy for you.

It’s the element of surprise. That is what you have to have when you’re on an offensive movement. Now, you take the Ukraine war, where Putin stuck his army on the border of Ukraine for six weeks and let everybody talk about it while Zelenskyy dug in. You know, Putin could have went in there at dawn and captured Zelenskyy, killed off the jewish mafia, and ended the whole thing within 24 hours. But this whole thing is so suspicious because the minute Putin went and crossed the border, COVID went off the map overnight. So I find this whole thing very suspicious.

I can’t figure it out. I’m not on the ground over there. But, you know, we hear all these stories that they’re going to nuke the NATO states or they’re going to nuke London. What is Russia talking about? Why don’t they just kill Zelensky and kill Kolomovsky? This is all B’s in my mind. This money is going somewhere. I don’t know where it’s going. Maybe it’s before the corporations want that farmland over there. Maybe we are basically making it capable for these corporations like Monsanto to get their hands on that good farmland. Used to be owned by the state, but it’s now being privatized by Zelensky.

So, I mean, Putin doesn’t make sense. Zelenskyy doesn’t make sense. So whatever we’re being told about this war, you know, Scripps news has a documentary about the women on the front lines for Ukraine. They got a 19 year old girl, single mother, sniper. I mean, this is absolute B’s. Nothing of this war in Ukraine makes any sense. I think it’s more about getting. Corporations are getting their hands on that very productive land. Maybe they want to get their hands on it to limit the production for future, you know, food shortages. But I can’t make any other sense of this is that, you know, Putin is not who he says he is or doing what they say they’re doing.

Can’t believe any of it. Hey, thanks for taking the call. Oh, it’s good stuff, Rick. It’s good stuff. There are a lot of people who think that Putin mismanaged the Ukraine intervention, that he should have been far more aggressive from the beginning, very much along the lines usage. And I have a hard time arguing with you. I like your presenting an alternative point of view. I believe, though, that there’s been a long feeling. Even Henry Kissinger said over ten years ago that Israel only had ten more years to survive and that they needed a new homeland.

And since most of the occupants of Israel today are Kazarians, their descendants of the same region that is today modern day Ukraine, they would be returning to their homeland. So while we disagree, I like your expression, very articulate of your point of view. Good call, Rick. Good call. Jerry in Chicago. Jerry, join the conversation. Doctor Fetzer, thank you very much for taking my call. And I know how you do not like callers calling in about other callers, and I’ll be as kind and nice as I can. Okay, bubba, Reb, that calls in, I come to the conclusion why I can’t understand anything he says.

Is that the period at the end of the sentence he does not pause. Okay, so it sounds like one long story with a whole bunch of different avenues, and I can’t keep up with them, and I would love to keep up with him, but he seems to get a good five to six minutes every single day when he calls in, and I don’t think I’m the only one that doesn’t understand them. Yeah, I get it. I get it. I mean, I. I don’t know if he’s. He’s. He’s ex military or he’s a veteran or he’s talking for someone else or he’s.

He’s part of a bigger picture or a smaller picture, whatever. But maybe you can just slow him down the next time he starts and just to say, listen, we’re all interested in what you have to say, but please, can you just talk in a manner. I don’t know if he moves his phone back and forth from his mouth or what the deal is, but he fades out. He fades in. You know, he’s back and forth. And as I would really love to hear what he has to say, and I still can’t figure out what his handle is.

His name, his website, anything else like that. Okay, Jerry, I get it. I get it. I’ll see what I can do. Anything else, Doctor Fetzer, have a great show. Thank you. Oh, Jerry. That was it. Okay, I got the message. Thank you very much. I’ll see what I can do about it. Renee in North Carolina, the mic is yours. Yes. You know, we have to be so careful. As soon as we start using any of the isms, we’ve set our foot in their trap. I don’t care if it’s capitalism, communism, socialism, Democrat, Republican. As soon as we assign a label to ourselves and a different label to someone else, you just stepped in the trap for divide and rule.

Okay? People need to get that. You know, I was trained in the old days of alternative right wing radio and like, I think it’s been a long time. I think it was maybe the history professor Anthony Sutton that they used to have on a lot who since passed away that communism was actually created by capitalist men because they had to have a boogeyman. Okay? So people need to remember that. So that, because they say so. Whenever I hear somebody start with that label stuff, I immediately discount what’s coming out their mouth because I realized they stuck their foot in the trap.

What I want is good, honest, just not corrupt government. You know? And as soon as we start using those words, game over, you know, the fight begins and, you know, it just disintegrates. But I can tell you, I will never vote for a Democrat or Republican again because both of these crime syndicates and I’m not going to sign because both of them are guilty, both of these crimes. Because when you start going, yeah, but mine’s the lesser of two evils. It’s over. It’s over. You just started it. The thing is, they’re both guilty of making this mess and they just keep flipping us back and forth.

So the thing is, the only thing I would consider is somebody other than Democrat and Republican. If I was to, if we had ranked choice voting, this is how I would do it. In fourth place would be Biden because he’s been a career government official who has made the biggest mess, okay. Third would be Trump, because he only had four years, okay? He hasn’t done near the evil that Biden has done, okay. Second would be RFK junior, okay? Because at least he’s not a Democrat or Republican. He’s never really kind of been in office and. But he still is.

There are three Zionist, okay? And my first choice, but like I say, I know in this genre, because of the bias of people at this point, because she’s on the ballot in 40 states already and is not a Zionist, would be Jill Stein. I’ve listened to her on YouTube. I would want more clarification on some of the greener energy issues for the simple reason I think she’s a good person, but for the simple reason I know often people who use that green stuff as kind of like a trojan horn horse is kind of like they, you know, it’s kind of like a caca M and m.

You know, there’s candy coated shell, but it’s poop on the inside. Okay. I mean, they use these so called good things to actually slip in bad stuff. They do this all the time. So I would want more details on that. But she’s for ranked choice voting. She’s for a lot of good things, and she’s not a zionist. And like I said, she morally is way ahead of all three of those men now. But I know in this genre, she’s got two strikes. She’s a woman and she’s a jew. So they just don’t. But I just want to point out to people the double standards they use.

Can you imagine? Oh, the switchboard would explode with hate. Okay, if I brought up, like, you know, Dick Cheney, the bushes, Biden gates. Well, Trump is white without all the orange and the dyed buffon hairdo on top. But the thing is, all of those are white men. Can you imagine if I said, oh, well, you know, if I said, well, oh, no, we can’t vote. We can’t trust. I couldn’t trust you or some other white men because those are bad white men. I mean, what if I use Dick Cheney or the bushes or the gates to judge other white men? I’m not kidding you.

The switchboard would explode with hate. They’d have to buy a new one. But the thing is, I hear this kind of stuff done routinely by other people. I think that woman should be judged on her deed. Okay, Renee, I like, listen, listen. I like all this. And your position is totally reasonable. And your examples of bad white men are very good examples. And I’d go on further if I didn’t have four other callers for today. But I think you state your case, and you always have, very clearly, and never more clearly than today. I thought this was just excellent, Renee.

Give me a very concise final thought. Well, you know what I want. I like Sammy’s calls. In fact, the calls have been good today. People are actually trying. They’re not just spreading divisive hate. They’re trying to, you know, I want the people who try to lift the bar on your show instead of lower the bar, okay? Because we’re in real trouble. Our food is poisonous. Our drugs are poisoning us. The enemy is within. I’m more concerned about like, say, and it is the people, both Democrats and Republicans, who’ve allowed all this to happen. I mean, it’s like they are supposed to regulate these people and they, they don’t.

All our institutions, banking, medicine, they’re all right. And it’s because the government has not done their job. Renee, I like your calls. I look forward to the next. This was excellent. Thank you for today. Alexander. Alexander and Canada. Join the conversation. Alexander. Yes. Hello, sir. Respond to what Dan from Washington said. Like, I was going to say the same thing, that I was attacked by Renee. She was calling me a tranny and attacked by, sorry, I was attacked by Laila and attacked by Renee. You are, you are, you are not a tranny, are you? Alexander? No, I’m not, sir.

I’m just for the record. Go ahead, Alexander. Go ahead. I love, I love women a lot, but not obviously respond to what you said that like, like last week, you were talking to Tom and about him got, it’s true that Tom got banned because of what he, because he repeats the same thing. But Caesar, if he’s going to be banned for saying the same thing over and over again, then all the trolls should be banned. People like hijacker, because these are people going to call in to damage the network. And also, sir, I. And also, Cesar, I wasn’t banning.

I wasn’t banning anyone. I mean, was I? I mean, I think it is true that Tom is highly repetitive, but I mean, you know, that’s just a fact. Go ahead, Alexander. This is, I’m just saying, like people, like, if you’re gonna ban, if you’re gonna ban somebody because you repeat the same thing over and over again, then all the trolls should be banned. Like, so, like you have the same standard, so. Course. But I, I don’t know. I’m not aware that I’m banning anybody. So go ahead, Alexander, finish the thought. And the, that’s all I had to say.

Just, and also just 1 second. Like, just to respond to what popper, New Jersey said. You see, sir, he talked about Bill, Bill Gates and George Soros. Bill Gates having more money than Soros. But yeah, that’s all true. But Cesar George Soros has a much bigger advantage than Bill Gates. He has the media on his side. He has the ADL on his. And that gives them a bigger advantage that they are both despicable human beings. Alexandra, thanks for the call. Good stuff. Good stuff. Thank you, Keith. Keith from Montana. Join the conversation, Keith. Okay. There we are.

Hey, I want to be fast here. Your fourth caller back there, if he looks up the article, leaked report that Israel acknowledges that Jews, in fact are Khazars with a secret plan of reverse migration. This is why to Ukraine. This is why in the so called peace talks that Crimea has to be included. That’s why you’ll see that they couldn’t get the Jews to migrate from Israel back to Ukraine because they wouldn’t have any sunny beaches and stuff. Putin knew this. This is why they broke the mince two accord that the United States and also Boris Johnson did.

And this was to rearm that. And also Putin knew that Israel was arming the Azov battle Italian, which are Nazis. There’s plenty of articles about that. But anyway, it’s a big stall. I realize that. But the point is this is to grind out the military industrial complex to rearm all this stuff because of the war with China that they have planned. But anyway, that’s not what I called about. You know what, Jim? If you compare the attic of prison riot with what we see over in Gaza, for a long time, the prisoners had revolted, seeking better living conditions.

And there’s a caveat to this, too. You may have remembered, you know, the Attica. Attica. Well, this massive prison riot led to a lot of deaths and stuff. But one key feature about this whole thing, it says Rockefeller had used this to go into prison to meet with the prisoners after the uprising was suppressed and said that the prisoners, prisoners came out of the cold blooded killings that had threatened at the outset. There was nothing. It was all written in paper and stuff with their demands were and stuff like that. Same thing the Palestinians have been doing.

The medical examiners confirmed that all but the three deaths of the officer and three inmates were caused by law enforcement gunfire. This is the israeli police state over there. The caveat here is that these prisoners were all convicted of crimes. The people in Gaza are guilty only because of the fact that they were born there and have been occupied their entire life. That’s all I have. Oh, that’s excellent, Keith. That is excellent. That’s a great comparison. I like the way you distinguish the cases. Very, very good. Excellent, Keith. Thank you for that. John in Missouri. John, join the conversation.

Good afternoon. James Fesser. Yes. You know, I just want to comment, you know, on a couple things, and I’ll, first, I’ll start off with Renee thinking that she would just like to, you know, vote for somebody on what they’ve done. Well, every single politician who works in the district of Columbia, who works for the queen has shown that they can’t be trusted. And so, no, we can’t. We can’t do that. Because if they pretend to do a good job, and then when they get in there and lie to us, like, every single time, that’s naive and that’s foolishness.

But the main reason why I wanted to call is because I wanted to get a background check on King James. All these people. You need to wake up and realize that Christianity came from Catholicism. The Catholics, the Hebrews got it right. You better listen to Moses. And there was no j before 1500. So where these Jews come from? Well, it was the Chaldeans, also known as the Catholics, created your jew boys. And I’m telling you now. And also, maybe the lady that’s running for president, who’s a jew, maybe she can get that jewish rabbi who owns Pornhub to be her vice president.

But the Jews are a big problem. I’m here to tell you right now. Yeah, uh, like I said, Jim, if you can do a background on King James, he was a. He was a homosexual. Thanks. Yeah, thanks. Good stuff. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We got Joe in Florida. Joe, you’re on the air. Hello. Hey, Jim, thanks for taking my call. Sure, yeah. So, real quickly, so two things about Israel, okay? There’s this fake narrative the mainstream media is pushing out. Oh, is Israel going to go in and do a ground invasion or.

It’s a total distraction. Okay, first of all, Israel, we know the way Jews fight. They’re cowards. Okay, all right. Yeah, I said it. The Tories let you and them fight. Israel does not have the ability to do a ground invasion. That’s the reality. I heard a fact that there’s only about 25% of Hamas fighters that they defeated in seven months. So guess what? I fog of war. Right? Guess who’s actually winning this war. Thanks, God. You know, we’ve been watching this outrageous, moral, disgusting thing go on for seven months. I think we’re looking at a de facto end of this war.

I’m praying it’s true, because they’ll fake it up like, oh, well, you know, Joe Biden didn’t send in the weapons, and so therefore they couldn’t do the invasion. Oh, and Donald Trump will say, oh, yeah, yeah, if I was there, I would have given them the weapons and they would have finished it. It’s all phony, right? The fact is that they’ve already been defeated. Thanks, God. Right? But I hope that’s the case. I wouldn’t put a passion to try and continue carpet. That’s what they do. They carpet bomb. They don’t fight. They don’t do ground division.

And the other thing I was like, real quick was, in contrast to Rick, I agree with what Keith was just saying. So there are these people who are self suspicious of everything, right? And they love to put down President Putin. Okay? The man is a devout Christian. Okay? And he has had this war, this conflict against his own cousins. He’s also a brilliant historian, and he knows you cannot wipe people, your own cousin, out overnight. Oftentimes, like, the Jews are drinking Gaza. He will not do that. And it’s a stupid move. Anyway. The other thing that Rick from Arizona forgot, it’s not that he parked troops for six weeks.

It’s that there was a treaty already signed between Russia and Ukraine, and they double crossed. There was a signed treaty in March and April of 2022. Oh, Boris Johnson comes over and says, oh, no, no. You got to keep fighting, killing ukrainian people because I need a new beach house on the French Riviera, you know, or whatever they say, you know? So I want to just establish that as a. These are great. These are great points. These are great points, Joe. I really like this call. Those are really excellent points. Just nail them. God bless you.

I’m sorry to get you on Colton early tomorrow. Tomorrow I’ll get you on for sure. As much time as you can with your family, your friends, and people you love to care about because we. And support RBN. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Julie. Somebody suggested that you do a commercial with Phil Collins. What was. It’s a new song. I think I’ll have to find it. I’ll find it again and send it. Okay. Let me know. Okay, let me know. Thank you. Bye.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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China's underreported military spending controversy over Holocaust authenticity Israel's offensive in Rafah Phil Collins new song commercial Putin replaces defense minister rise of anti-Semitism in US Russia's new offensive in Ukraine 2024 student protests against Israel investments treatment of Christians in Israel Trump criticizes Biden UN resolution recognizing Palestine UNRWA Jerusalem headquarters closure

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