Are these guys lying or are they grossly ill informed? No, they’re lying. We have a new word we should put in the dictionary. Getting blinkened. I’ll show you an example of blinkened. Ray McGovern has failed in his quest to become a black woman. Now I’ve set up something that’s absolutely untrue and there’s no way that it can’t be true. But because I say it, boy, that shows you how the Russians have failed.
So you don’t even use any criteria to arrive at this definition of what constitutes failure. So I suppose the fact that Russia has killed ten to one ratio of Ukrainians to every Russian lost, that they have steadily pushed back the Ukrainians in their much ballyhood counter offensive, the Russians actually defeated that and that they can bomb at will throughout Ukraine without ukrainian zero defense able to stop them.
Now if that’s the definition of success, I don’t know too many people who’d sign up for it. .