Gold Mini Squeeze Suggests Firm Bottom Bitcoin Triple Top | Rafi Farber

This week’s Endgame Investor report highlights gold’s rising value as the Federal Reserve cuts its balance sheet by $123 billion. Short sellers are losing money, pushing gold prices up. Meanwhile, Bitcoin is worth more in gold than ever before, and Japanese interest rates are climbing to levels not seen in 25 years. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Bond Yields Have Not Done This in 43 Years And Trump Will be Blamed | Rafi Farber

Rafi Farber talks about how in a surprising twist, interest rates are being cut, but long-term rates are going up, something that hasn’t happened since 1981. The speaker worries about President Trump’s grasp of the economy and expects criticism from the media. He shares mixed feelings about Trump’s team but feels relieved about his election. Support his channel for more insights! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Rafi Farber – Heres When I Admit I Was Wrong About Bitcoin and Repos Are Now Welded to Equities

Tanner Fitzgerald is starting a new business to help people borrow money using Bitcoin. Rafi, an expert, thinks Bitcoin might not be safe during a financial crisis. He suggests gold is a better choice. Meanwhile, banks are changing how they handle money, which could cause problems if they run out of cash. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

The Comex Shell Game our Era of Political Revolution and Upheaval – Bitter End Game Draught | Rafi Farber

Rafi Farber talks about the comex shell game of our era

Rafi Farber from the Bitter Endgame Draft podcast talk about their worries about the economy and what might happen if Harris becomes president. They fear government control and think investing in gold and silver is smart. They feel hopeful about Trump’s leadership and want changes in the Senate to help solve the economic problems. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Silver Smashed!? Not Really. Silver Nears 2011 High vs Commodities

This week’s silver report explores how falling reverse repos might spark another banking crisis. It dives into silver’s historical ties to 19th-century drug wars and its current role in medicine. With Trump’s election, markets shifted, boosting risky assets while gold and silver dipped. The report also predicts rising 10-year bond yields and potential economic changes. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Rare Coins Dealer: DONT Buy Numismatics For Investment. And Trump in a Landslide | Rafi Farber

Rafi Farber talks about rare coins and trump

Rafi Farber with Brian Kuzmar, a Fort Lauderdale store owner, notices fewer people buying gold and silver, even though prices are high. He thinks this is because many don’t understand their value. He predicts that when younger people learn more, they might start buying, boosting the market. Despite political worries, his rare coin business is thriving with young collectors. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Rafi Farber – Bank Reserves About to Fall Below $3 Trillion Bank Crisis Level

The article explains how the central bank’s assets might lose value, causing prices to rise quickly. It talks about how more dollars are being backed by losses and how Bitcoin is still not at its highest value. It also predicts a banking crisis and suggests that gold and silver might become more popular soon. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Goldman Sachs Gets Repocalyptic – Overnight Rates About to Spike | Rafi Farber

Rafi Farber talks about how goldman sachs gets apocalyptic over night

Rafi Farber talks about how Goldman Sachs says overnight lending rates might go up because of a big $531 billion Treasury auction. This could mean less cash for overnight deals, making them more expensive. It’s like what happened in September 2019, which could mean trouble for the financial world. Stay tuned to see how this unfolds! …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Reverse Repos Finally Bottoming Out Final Financial Crisis Just Ahead

“Rafi Farber predicts a big money problem that could change prices of things like gold and silver. He says there’s too much money being made, which could hurt stock profits. He also talks about a possible shortage in palladium, a metal, and that platinum is cheaper than silver right now, which is unusual.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

Bank Of America – Monetary Plumbing Crisis Imminent

In this video, Rafi talks about how the 2020 health crisis might have been used to make more money. He warns us about possible problems in the financial market, like what happened in 2019. He also talks about a rise in a special rate that could mean the market isn’t stable. He’s worried a key tool might not be working right. …Learn More, Click The Button Below.

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