Racial PsyOp: Kamala Is Not Black: Kamala Harris Is Daughter Of Indian Mother Jamaican Father | Stew Peters Network




➡ The Stew Peters Network text discusses concerns about the control of information and money by a small group of people, suggesting a bias towards Israel’s interests over America’s. It also covers recent political events, including President Trump’s near-assassination attempt, Joe Biden’s decision to decline his party’s nomination for president, and his endorsement of Kamala Harris as his successor. The text criticizes Harris, questioning her qualifications and authenticity, and expresses concern about her potential presidency.
➡ The text discusses the author’s skepticism towards the Democratic Party, particularly towards Kamala Harris. The author believes that the party is in disarray and that Harris is not a genuine candidate, but a figurehead for a larger, corrupt system. The author also criticizes the American government’s involvement in foreign affairs, suggesting that it’s a distraction from domestic issues. Lastly, the author questions the accuracy of historical narratives, implying they are manipulated by powerful families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
➡ This text discusses the importance of being financially secure and self-sufficient. It mentions the national debt and suggests investing in gold and silver through Goldco as a safe option. It also promotes a book called “A Navy Seals Bug-In Guide” by Joe Lambert, which provides tips on how to be self-reliant during difficult times. The text encourages not relying on the government for basic needs and taking action now.


We have a big problem. And this is going to continue ongoing. This is an outrage to America. You talked about law. This is a travesty to law. There is no law. Because the information and money are completely controlled by a small group of people. And if you say their name, you’re called an anti-semic. I just don’t understand how you have a country where your politicians have more allegiance to a foreign nation than they do their own. I honestly think that we have literal treason going on right now where Israel’s interests are being put before America’s interests.

Is America a sovereign nation or are we being controlled by Israel? People are always talking about they. They are out of control. They are killing us. We have to identify who the real enemy is. The satanic Jews that control everything and mostly everybody. What difference does it make if it’s a baby or if it’s an adult? It’s the same thing. There’s one little nation state of Israel that everybody’s afraid to talk about. It’ll get you nuked off the internet. It’ll scare advertisers away from doing business with you. If you talk about Zionist infiltration. Are you a Zionist? Yes.

You have to get rid of AIPAC. You have to get rid of the Israeli control over a country. Because they clearly don’t give a shit about it. Are you part of the Jewish conspiracy? What exactly is the… Maybe. I’m Jewish. Those are the words that he told us that he would never use again. Go to occupiedfilm.com for early access to that film, Occupied, coming this fall exclusively to the Stu Peters Network. That’s a game changer. So after an election cycle that has started off pretty slow with two deeply entrenched candidates heading up the tickets of both parties, things have started to change rather quickly.

It was just over a week after the near miss assassination attempted on President Trump, Joe Biden announced that he’s declining his own party’s nomination for president. The nomination he’s been campaigning and raising money for over the past several months. He insists that he isn’t stepping down because of his health, even though he’s likely dead and even though his own family denies this claim. But either way, after making his announcement, Joe Biden issued this half-hearted endorsement of Kamala Harris for president, falling in line with the Democrat power players who’ve all gotten into her corner over the past few days.

Now, it’s worth noting here that Biden didn’t bother mentioning Kamala or anything about her taking his place when he issued this dropout letter. He completely skipped over it. And if we’re to believe the reports have been coming out of the Biden-Harris regime over the past several years, these two aren’t exactly crazy about each other. So it’s pretty safe to say that some staffer or some political operative or some intern had to jump on Joe Biden’s social media accounts and post a few pleasantries about Kamala the camel toe. Because at least for this moment, she’s the presumptive Democrat nominee for president.

I mean, that sounds really absurd, but it’s true. And in the endorsement post, Biden or whoever was logged into his account wrote, quote, my fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all of my energies on my duties as president for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my vice president. And it’s been the best decision that I’ve made. Today, I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee for our party this year.

Democrats, it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this end quote. Now, it’s pretty amusing that this guy would expect anyone on earth to believe that Joe Biden of all people actually chose his own running mate. But apart from that, the fact that Democrats are putting the horse behind this woman is truly remarkable because Kamala Harris is a complete Canadian. I mean, at least Joe Biden is old. At least he’s in severe cognitive decline. So he has a built in excuse for why he can barely talk and why he can’t remember what he had for breakfast this morning or withstand a few questions from the media.

But Kamala doesn’t have those excuses. This is a woman who’s as dumb as a rock and always has been. And now everyone who’s been pretending that this isn’t so is going to get slapped in the face with truth because there’s no hiding it. As the vice president, you can hide behind the president, you can hide behind aides and staffers and all kinds of help and shells of protection around you. Nobody really cares about the vice president nine times out of 10. They’re just an empty suit waiting for the president to die so they can step into his position and do the very same job for the very same donors.

But now she doesn’t have anywhere to hide. And that could be a very dangerous thing for this country. Take a look at this video. This is from a high level United States government meeting where Kamala Harris introduces herself to a room full of people who already know who the hell she is. And then she tells them what pronouns she likes to use and then lets them know that she’s wearing a blue suit. Seriously. Good afternoon. I want to welcome these leaders for coming in to have this very important discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time.

I’m Kamala Harris. My pronouns are she and her. I’m a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit. And so that’s the woman who’s about to be installed as president of the United States. And the only thing that she can do is virtue signal to queers and talk to adults like their babies. And she could pretend to be black. Kamala Harris has risen to the top of the Democrat Party two ways by pretending to be a black woman and by sucking. She’s the daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father. Fun fact when she was born neither of her parents were U.S.

citizens. She’s an anchor baby. She shouldn’t even be eligible to hold the position of vice president. Nobody’s talking about that. Much less be eligible to run for president. But back to the main point. We’re being told that Kamala’s biggest selling point is being a black woman but she’s not not in any American sense of the term. Sure her father may be dark skinned. He may have some African ancestry but while the ancestors of American blacks were being held as slaves Kamala’s family was running a plantation in Jamaica where they owned a ton of slaves. Her dad has been very open about this.

He’s even said publicly that Kamala isn’t black. Doesn’t know that this woman who his daughter is is pretending to be. So while her mother’s ancestors were worshiping cows and eating her father’s ancestors were cracking the whip on their plantation. And this is the woman who’s supposed to be our first black female president. What a joke. But the Kamala Harris racial psyop gets even crazier if you can imagine that being possible because back in 2020 during a Democrat primary debate she told a story about how her Indian mother took her to some civil rights march back in the 60s when she was a baby.

And now Kamala who could barely talk was able to let everyone at the march know that she wanted freedom for black people. Well guess what the story was ripped right out of a speech given by Martin Luther King Jr. over 50 years ago. And the funny thing is back when King gave that speech he was accused of making the story up in the first place. Every single thing about this woman is fake. And when it comes down to it Kamala Harris is just some whore who walked her way to the top. She got on her knees for Montel Williams and for Willie Brown and then she found herself a Jewish husband and made her way to DC.

It’s a classic American fraud story. Kaylee Campbell Layton has been following the Kamala Harris saga and she joins us now for more discussion. Kamala Kamala. I don’t even know. Everything about this woman is almost as fake as Volodymyr Zelensky in the nation state of Israel. Absolutely. She has done nothing but like you said her way to the top. There’s no other way to put it to be honest. She is. She’s been caught on video multiple times repeating the same thing over and over again. She’s accomplished absolutely nothing. Her entire vice presidency. It has no weight being the vice president to begin with.

But if her only selling trait is that she’s a black woman when she’s not even a black woman. Why aren’t people talking about this more? And why did they pick her of all people to jump into place? It seems as if the Democrats are absolutely panicking right now. Their plan with Trump didn’t go through at the last second. You know, he survived and that’s not what they expected to happen. And so now they’re scrambling up everything that they can because we know that she’s been for years talking about how no matter what we have to do, we’re going to beat Trump.

And I take that as a threat. I think many other Americans take that as a threat. And so by lying and sitting her way to the top, she has built this facade of who the Democrats think she is. And now she’s practically their only option when it comes to scrambling whatever’s left of the Democratic Party. Yeah, this woman had 3% support when she briefly ran for president. She picked up absolutely zero delegates. Nobody likes her. Nobody believes her. Everybody knows that she’s a weed smoking everything and anything that she can to obtain positions of prominence and power.

Even her own dad says that she’s a fraud and a liar and that he doesn’t know who this woman is that his daughter is pretending to be. If her own father is saying these things, if his opinion of his daughter is that she’s a liar and a fraud, why can we even be entertaining serious discussions within the realm of the uniparty politics that are being presented on the Fox News Channel to those that are just lapping it up and doing whatever their television tells them to do? We just can’t and it’s it’s all a show.

They are freaking out because they only have four months left to get their together. Essentially, they know they’re going to lose. They killed off Biden for all we know. I think it’s very obvious. We haven’t seen him in five days. Yeah, he’s where is he? The American people. Yeah, the American people have a right to know. But all they did was take him out in the back and get rid of him. So that way their next step of their plan could go through and this was their next step. Putting Kamala in his place. It’s just it’s embarrassing.

And by the way, there’s no reason he didn’t just die either. They killed him. They had to. They had to kill him. Now, there’s thought and speculation surrounding a contested convention where they could vote, you know, force a vote on the floor, bring in somebody like Hillary Clinton or Big Mike Robinson, the guy pretending to be Michelle Obama, and then just have this huge upheaval. And then that person could then pick their own vice presidential candidate, whether it be somebody like Gavin Newsom, or maybe he’s the guy that they nominate. But there’s $250 million already invested into the Biden Harris reelection campaign.

Do you think that they’re just going to forego that? I don’t. I mean, I think that’s a lot of money. Whoever, whoever would be nominated or voted for at a contested convention on the floor there, you know, they would have to start from scratch. But I guess $250 million is just a drop in the bucket, really. For them, for them, if they can send billions of dollars across the world, then I guess $250 million is just, you know, pocket change. And they’ll continue to do whatever they want. And also Soros, you know, the Soros heir, Alexander Soros, he already endorsed Kamala Harris as well.

So I think they’re pretty much going all in on Kamala Harris. Yeah, and then I don’t know why, because if people have been watching Biden’s, you know, rate of whatever it’s called, like drop, then Kamala Harris is 10 times worse. There’s no way anybody is going to get like, I don’t know, any, any sustainable, you know, offer from her. She’s just, she’s not good. Yeah. And the world knows it. And we’re already the laughingstock of all of the adversarial countries. But it doesn’t really matter because there really is not an adversarial country that’s waging war here on the United States or on American citizens.

It’s our own government that has openly declared war against us. These are the people that are stealing hundreds of billions of dollars and sending them to this fake 1991 founded country called Ukraine, led by some Miami native homosexual that plays the piano with his penis that adds a Y to his name every other week. It’s total joke, claiming that Vladimir Putin just woke up one day and decided to go be a war criminal and just arbitrarily invade Ukraine. It’s a total lie. A lot of people don’t know where this war in Ukraine came from. I suggest doing some history.

You know, that you have Israel, of course. And this is the front lines of the military industrial complex where we have spent trillions of dollars fortifying their borders, funding the iron dome. And you know, you’re not allowed to criticize that because apparently this is the Israel of the Bible. And these are the Jews that Jesus was talking about, which is completely fake, but normie Christian, Protestant evangelical, you know, people who are led by Scofield Bible reading false teachers. They believe that you’re not able to question this. You can’t ask any questions about Israel. You can’t question these people who claim to be Jews because then you would be by the lake of fire burning for an eternity while your soul just gets scorched by the devil.

You know, I mean, so this is all fake and it’s the American government and the military industrial complex that has openly waged war using all of the three letter agencies, all of the intel apparatus available at their disposal, all of the web weapons manufacturers, all of the, you know, the Boeing and all of these other people, they’re making trillions of dollars. And how are they making it? They’re not for profit profit businesses. No, they’re stealing it. They’re stealing it from the American people. Ukraine is not a for profit business. It’s a fake country. Israel is not a for profit business.

Also founded in 1948 after the Jews got kicked out of everywhere else that they went. This is a racket. This is a money laundering crime syndicate. And Kamala Harris is just the face. And the reason why they can put her up there and not care is because they’re going to steal the election. If they can get it close enough. I mean, they’re just these people are they’re hubris is just amazing. They’re just openly stealing our freedoms right out in front of us while they tell you that we’re coming for your kids and we’re going to kill you all.

And we don’t care. I agree. And I really think that the stuff going on the Ukraine and stuff going on in Israel was all a distraction for what they were doing behind the scenes the whole time. You know, they spent the past few months pushing the narrative that Biden was going to stay in and Biden was going to be the nominee. And then all of a sudden in two seconds, they flip it on everybody else. And everybody’s like, Whoa, wait, we didn’t see this coming. But the reality was because everybody had their backs turned and everybody was paying attention to everything else going on so that they could slowly work their way up to this whole plan.

And from the outside, it looks very impulsive. It looks very disorganized. And it makes the Democratic Party look very unstable for the next four months. But I think deep down, they’ve been doing this for years as we know. And, you know, it’s just waging the war. We thought we were about to be on a civil war last week when Trump was, you know, we missed the Civil War by a millimeter is what they keep saying. But I think that in order for the Democrats to finally stop what they’re doing, maybe it is time for civil war in general.

Why? Why are we letting this whole thing be a situation where maybe we were about to have a civil war? There’s still every other reason going on that the Democrats have caused to still bring a civil war, you know, to America at this point. Yeah. Oh, but these are the people that are protecting democracy. Well, right. You know, so but I’m just gonna it turns out democracy is some pretty deadly and dangerous that we’ve been spreading around with the military industrial complex. Oh, why did we invade Iraq? Oh, well, we can’t say weapons of mass destruction anymore.

Saddam Hussein ties to Al Qaeda. So we’re gonna invade Iraq and kill everybody after we’ve already invaded the country and killed all these kids and Fallujah and everywhere else. Oh, spreading democracy. Yeah. Why are we in Libya and Syria spreading democracy? You know, why are we in Afghanistan for 20 years, spreading democracy? Oh, just spreading democracy. democracy mean that we’re killing babies and women? Yeah. But don’t pay attention to that. It’s okay. We’re spreading democracy. Kayleigh Camelay. Thank you so much for being here. We always appreciate your conversation. Absolutely. Thank you. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into.

We thought we considered and in some cases completely discarded. As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumb down cartoonish simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all everything that we have been taught as part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash. Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates are credited over and over and over again, with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18 and early 1900s, almost every major American city was burnt to the ground.

What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us? For our entire lives. This is getting out of control. Our government is sinking a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days. That’s right. A trillion dollars every 100 days. Do you want to bail the government out of debt? Yeah, no, I don’t think so. You see, when people worry about the national debt, they often turn to safe haven assets. That’s why thousands of people have called Goldco, the number one rated gold company so that they can diversify their money with time tested safe haven assets, physical gold and silver.

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