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The text discusses the concept of diseases not being specific entities but rather specific conditions, a principle of new biology. It then delves into a detailed explanation of hearing loss, its causes, and the anatomy of the ear. The author suggests that hearing loss could be due to wax build-up, middle ear infections, or issues with the inner ear and the acoustic nerve. The author also shares his experience with ear examinations and the common misinterpretations by pediatricians.
Hearing problems can be caused by issues in the ear canal, eardrum, or acoustic nerve. In adults, it’s often due to the acoustic nerve not working properly, which can be caused by toxins, particularly certain antibiotics. This can lead to a breakdown in the nerve’s structure, affecting its ability to conduct electrical impulses and translate them into sound. Emotional factors can also play a role, as the body may try to protect itself from distressing sounds by reducing hearing ability. Treatment can involve addressing emotional issues, detoxification, and improving the structure of water in the body, as nerves are essentially structured water tubes that carry electrical charges.
The text discusses the concept of contagious diseases, questioning whether symptoms are caused by a virus or other factors like toxins or histamines. It also explores food sensitivity testing, suggesting that positive results often indicate overconsumption of a certain food rather than an actual allergy. The text then discusses scarlet fever, questioning the common belief that it’s caused by strep bacteria and suggesting that other factors like environmental toxins or emotional stress could be the real cause.
The text discusses various health topics, including the treatment of strep throat, sleep apnea, and the role of B12 in the body. It suggests that traditional medical treatments may not always be the best solution, and that lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, can be beneficial. The text also questions the effectiveness of antivirals for shingles and discusses the concept of biological transmutations, where chickens can produce calcium-rich eggshells without consuming calcium. Lastly, it mentions fulvic and humic acids, found in soil and certain products, which aid in detoxification.
Okay, welcome everybody. Today is another Wednesday webinar. Thanks everybody for joining me. Looks like people from all over the world, which is very exciting. And today is March 19, 2025. Just a few announcements. The first thing is we are now starting the process of looking for a new primary wellness specialist, which would usually be a medical doctor or do osteopath or maybe a naturopath, could be a chiropractor, somebody who wants to join our clinic and work as our, you know, sort of primary care person. So I think we will put the how where to send your resume and maybe a cover letter just explaining a little bit who you are.
We’ll put that in the show notes. If you could send that along and then hopefully we’ll contact you soon and have a conversation about whether you would be the right fit. So, new primary wellness specialist for the new biology clinic. The second thing also has to do with the clinic, which is we’ve started a program where we have people who are interested in the clinic but not sure if it’s right for them. You can sign up and again, we’ll put that in the show notes or put it in the chat to have a free session with one of our care team members.
Now, just to be clear, the session is not to deal with your health problems, it’s to see whether becoming a member of the clinic sounds like it would be a good thing for you. And then you get to ask questions about how the clinic works and how the payment works and who our wellness specialists are and all those sort of things. So that’s a free session with one of the care team members will put the information on how to get a hold of us for that in the chat maybe and in the show notes. Just want to remind everybody to keep the Amazon reviews coming.
If you bought the Common Sense child rearing book, I think we’ve got 28 so far and they all help. So if you could, if you have it in you to write a review for Amazon, that would be a great thing. And I think those are the only announcements we have. We’ve got a lot of new things coming on the Dr. Cowan Garden website and Dr. Tom Cowan. So keep checking that out and yeah, let’s go from there. So the first thing is everybody probably knows that my new favorite subject is evolution, or you would actually say evolution or Neo Darwinian evolution, which is the progression of the species.
So I just thought I’d share a few things I heard about this this past week. So let me do the sharing thing. Oh, let me stop that Again and share. I have to share the sound. Yeah, it’s one of them. Okay, so the first one. I don’t remember where I got this article. Smithsonian. Right. It’s always a great source of interesting information. I can make this a little bigger if you want. So basically dinosaurs and why bird survives and dinosaurs went extinct after an asteroid hit the earth. So basically the theory they’re going on is like this great spotted woodpecker with a hazelnut in its beak.
They’re the only surviving members from the dinosaurs. Course they look a lot like dinosaurs. But the thing I wanted to point out here, which is one of the principles that I’m sure a lot of people have already figured out, is that a lot of what’s happening is a kind of mocking. And I guess you could say who’s doing the mocking? It’s the Mr. Global or the people in charge. And you can often tell when they’re trying to mock you. And this is a mocking piece to see if anybody actually believes that birds evolved or somehow were the descendants or something of dinosaurs.
But the interesting quote in here is down here, the entire reason paleontologists make that split is because of a catastrophe that struck. How many years ago did it strike? 66 million years ago, mind you, not 65, not 67. Of course that wouldn’t help with the mockery so much, but it’s got to be 66. And how big was the asteroid? Of course the asteroid was 6 miles across, not 5.9 or 6.1 or 7 or 12 or anything. And you got to ask yourself, first of all, how do they know to the number of millions of years exactly when this asteroid struck and that it was exactly six miles an hour? And does that have anything to do with the so called mark of the beast? And does it have anything to do with the patent number of moderna Covid shot, which was 060606.
And we see this 666 all over the place. And whenever you see it, you know that you basically are being mocked. So that’s another story that they stuck in there with the evolution. Just in case you happen to think you should believe in that, here’s another one which I want to point out. So this one has to do with last week I talked about how Darwin thought that, that whales evolved from bears. They had a apparently a mutation, although he didn’t know anything about mutations, that changed their nose from where the usual nose is to the back of their neck.
And the question I posed was whether they still had two necks or Sorry, two noses are only one. But turns out Darwin recanted that and now the going theory is that he should not have been looking at bears, that what whales obviously evolved from cows and hippopotamuses. And so that makes a lot more sense, of course, because we know that there’s great similarity between cows and whales and it’s easy to imagine that one evolved in from the other. And one of the things I found so interesting about this article is this quote here. Natural selection, or to put it another way, variation, heredity and differential fitness is the core theory of modern biology.
John Lambstadt explains. I don’t know who that is, but that is absolutely correct. This whole nonsense of neo Darwinian evolution is the core of modern biology and therefore modern science. And then it is to biology what quantum mechanics and special relativity are to physics or the atomic model is to chemistry. And that says it all, because they’re all basically nonsense. And the whole world of science, chemistry, physics, relativity, all that. And just to give you an example of what I mean by this mocking, here is a clip from allegedly the smartest man who was alive for the last 50 years, who gave us a whole theory of time and what the universe, how the universe is constructed.
So I’ll just play this one minute here, hopefully you can hear it. But then I’m just to set the stage here. So this is an interview of Stephen Hawking. And there’s no synthesizers, there’s no electrodes hooked up to his brain, nothing. This is just a translator translating the words allegedly of the genius named Stephen Hawking showed that one could account for gravity by saying that space time is really curved. And up to this century we thought that you could measure the position and velocity of a particle up to arbitrary accuracy. So apparently he said all that in those few little grunts.
And I could play more, but it’s all the same thing. And as when you interestingly when you read the comments, that a lot of them, that’s a pretty smart translator who could go from those grunts to the theory of of time and space and et cetera. So this is basically pure mockery. It’s a little bit like they were biden their time for the last four years and now they’re going to play the trump card. And it’s another example of how the regard that the leaders of the world hold the common people, that they’re basically there to be mocked.
And you can see this by the way, after this time, this guy who is allegedly Stephen Hawking, supposedly fathered three children and had numerous Affairs. And if you think about that, or maybe you don’t want to think about that, it actually strains credulity to think that this guy actually fathered children. But oh wait, I had a few more things here. Let me get rid of this. This was a piece on the bird flu, which I just wanted to point out just how, how crucial this whole evolutionary theory is to modern biology. So this is a article, I guess, some science something or other, what to know about the bird flu outbreak in wild birds and what it means for backyard bird feeders.
In other words, should you take down all your backyard bird feeders? And so they, and sorry about the way this formats. I don’t know how to format that. So they talk about which wild birds can get bird flu and they say that, say count. More than 12,000 individual birds have tested positive for a meaningless test for a virus that doesn’t exist, according to the usda. Gross underestimates because most dead birds obviously don’t go or birds don’t go in for testing. But here’s the quote I wanted to point out. Dabbling birds, I don’t know what that means, but apparently mallards and blue winged teal can carry the virus with few symptoms because quote, these viruses co evolved in, in waterfowl, says Richards, but they can still poop out the virus in their feces or saliva.
So this becomes like the default explanation for just about anything. Well, there’s this millions of years of co evolution of viruses and mallards and that’s why they don’t get sick. And I would love to see the actual proof that that’s true. Which of course doesn’t exist because there are wild birds, but there’s not bird flu and there’s no bird flu virus, obviously. And final quote, which will have something to do with some of the questions, which is what I’m going to get to in a minute. And this is from our. One of the most important people in the history of medicine who get more things right than just about anybody.
Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, which the modern nurses have completely forgot about. The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases, there are only specific disease conditions. And this, I would say is the forerunner of one of the foundational principles of new biology. And the reason I’m showing this is because whenever people ask about what do I think about this disease or that disease or whatever, they are coming at this from the point of view that these are specific diseases, as if they’re specific biological entities which have a unique and specific cause.
And that is how we need to approach health and sickness. And already you’re on the wrong track because as she says, this is the refuge of weak, uncultured anti scientific minds. These symptoms which we categorize and of course they do come in categories or their better way to say it is symptoms have patterns. So if you get a certain exposure or a certain phenomena, or a certain kind of, you know, nutrient deficiency or a certain kind of psychological terror or whatever it is, certain insults may create a kind of a similar pattern. But ultimately it is a very specific phenomena to the individual as their body goes through a healing process.
And that is the essence of what we’re calling the new biology principles. So I wanted to show that, to keep that in mind as we go through these questions. Okay, so first question. I’m almost deaf. I’ve had ear infections since I was a child. Doctors never figured out why, nor did they even tried. And it’s degraded over time. And now I wear hearing aids to be able to hear anything. Is there any way to reverse this as I’m a musician and can barely hear at this point. So it’s sort of a Beethoven story, or at least allegedly.
The guy named Beethoven was an amazing musician, composer, but he was also supposedly deaf. I don’t know if that’s true, but that’s the story. So what would I say about this? So there’s, the first thing I would say is there are different patterns, let’s say of trouble hearing, which I think it’s useful to sort out which general pattern we’re talking about. So for instance, there’s essentially three components of the ear, at least this is what we’re told. In normal anatomy we have an external ear, which is the part from your, the part you can go like this down to the eardrum, which is the external ear canal.
And that’s the part that gets clogged up with wax and occasionally gets inflamed and that hurts. Called swimmer’s ear. And one cause of hearing loss could be basically a wax plug. So there’s a physical impingement of the sound waves getting to the eardrum. Now that’s very unlikely to be the case in a situation like this that’s been going on for I don’t know how many, 20, 30, 40, 50 years that the whole time you’ve had basically in eardrums, ear canals full of wax. But in, in a sit anyways, it’s always good to figure out whether that’s the case.
And even though wax has a beneficial effect, it actually lubricates and keeps the, the ear canal from getting harmed. It’s like a protective coating. It’s, it’s also can be a problem for your hearing if you have a big wax plug in obviously because then the sound doesn’t get to the eardrum. So that’s one pattern. The second pattern has to do with what are called middle ear infections or middle ear impingements. And that starts from the tympanic membrane, otherwise known as the eardrum, basically back or inward until the inner ear. And that’s the part that has a eustachian tube that drains into the back of the throat.
And when you’re talking about ear infections, so called as a child, you’re talking about fluid and sometimes pus buildup. That middle ear space, it’s supposed to be a air filled cavity, but you can have a situation where there’s basically fluid and pus and that. It’s like having a musical instrument drum that you put water in the, in the, in the drum. And so obviously then when you play the drum you don’t get the night, the right sound because the movement of the, of the drum, the parchment over the drum that supposed to move and creates the sound is impinged because the drum part, the bottom part is filled with whatever fluid like water.
So you don’t want your middle ear compartment to be filled with fluid either just normal mucus or pus. You want it to be an air filled fluid. And most of the ear infections in children, so called ear infections, are inflammation fluid buildup in the middle ear space and over time that can damage that is thicken your eardrum. You can also get perforations in your ear drum which is one of the ways that the body uses to get out fluid from in that middle ear space. Basically it pokes a hole in the eardrum and the fluid comes out and you get a draining ear.
And that’s what ear, nose and throat doctors do when they put in tubes. They actually make a hole in your eardrum with a syringe and they suck out the fluid and then they put a little tube in there that keeps the hole open so the fluid can drain and you can aerate the middle ear space until it can heal. Now that may be part of your problem and you may have a thickened dysfunctional drum that actually doesn’t move the way it should. And that will cause significant hearing loss. The only way to know that is to have somebody with like an ear, nose and throat doctor actually look in your ear.
And I will say this too, when I was in medical school, I actually did a whole month rotation with an ear, nose and throat doctor because I knew I was going to be seeing a lot of children. And I also knew that an ear exam is a pretty tricky exam. And what I found out, because basically most of what he did was looking in children’s ear and then putting tubes in their ear. And so we did that 15 times a day, every day, five days a week, for four weeks. And so you would have an anesthetized child who you could clean their ear out, and then you could examine the eardrum with a microscope and with a normal otoscope.
And he claimed that something like 80 to 90% of the referrals from pediatricians, the pediatrician, misinterpreted the look of the eardrum. And it was partly because they didn’t clean the ear canal, because it’s hard to do that with a non anesthetized child. So they wouldn’t actually see the eardrum. And so they would sort of make up what they thought they were going to see. And most of the time it was not what we actually saw. So I learned how tricky it is to actually examine an eardrum and find out what’s happening. And ear, nose and throat doctors are much better at doing that than normal family doctors, pediatricians and internists.
And then you can blow air onto the eardrum, and you should be able to get a movement of the eardrum with a very small amount of air blown into a sealed canal, and that’s normal. And if it takes a lot of air to get the eardrum to move, then you’re talking about a thickened, sclerotic, hardened, pretty much immovable eardrum. And that would be the cause of the hearing loss. The other possibility is there’s still fluid in the middle ear space, and that will also cause chronic hearing problems, although that’s unlikely in an adult. And then the third problem is there’s something in the inner ear where the acoustic nerve is, in other words, the nerve that mediates the hearing process.
So then it’s a problem of nerve function. And that’s not something you can see by looking through the ear. You can only see up to the canal. And then you have to infer what’s happening behind it within the middle ear. So that is also actually likely to be the problem that as a result of all the inflammation and pus buildup and medicines and drugs that you took for this Chronic hearing problem and chronic so called infections. You now have a neurologically based hearing impairment on both sides. And that’s the cause of the hearing. And this can be checked with.
You can do basically tests of how the nerve, the acoustic nerve is functioning. So they won’t be able to tell you what the cause is, but they can tell you where the problem is located. So that would be my first step. And I don’t always or even often tell people to get an exam. But here you want to know, is it the ear canal that is wax, is it the eardrum that is middle ear fluid? Or if it’s neither of those, then it’s the acoustic nerve, It’s a neurological problem. And that’s a strong likelihood in an adult with hearing problems that that’s the problem.
Now why do you get neurologically based hearing problem hearing difficulties? That’s because the nerve is not functioning right, because it’s been affected in some adversely in some way. And that’s usually because of certain toxins that affect nerve function. And there are some, like some antibiotics that seem to have a specific toxicity to the acoustic nerve or the hearing nerve. So that’s one way. But ultimately this comes down to nerves are, as I’ve said many times, highly misunderstood. How they work, there’s no synapses, there’s no neurotransmitters. A nerve is a highly structured water, therefore it, it has a very strong negative charge.
If you want to put things in negative. And positive charge has a strong type of charge. And it’s the charge of the nerve which creates the electrical activity which is translated into what we call hearing. So if you have a neurologically based hearing problem, you have a problem of a toxic effect on the nerves leading to a destructuring of the gel in the nerves. And therefore it doesn’t conduct the electrical impulse as it should, and therefore it doesn’t function. And that’s why you can’t hear. And that is the, as far as I can see, the overwhelming cause of neurological, of hearing loss in older people.
In children, it’s almost always middle ear. In adults, it’s almost always nerve function. So again, this goes back to the interest that I’ve had and what is a nerve and how does it work? A nerve is a structured water tube that creates the electrical impulse. We know that structured water carries a charge. The charge is what we call nerve function. And this particular nerve function gets translated into sound. So you have, for a variety of reasons, an impairment of the nerve function of the earth. So what are Those reasons, they’re basically toxins, particularly antibiotics, which you probably had a lot of.
There’s the psycho emotional type of reasons, as in, what are you, what when this all started. In a way, it was your body’s therapeutic attempt to get you to not hear something. You. I would see this sometimes in children whose parents fought a lot and yelled a lot. And you could almost see it as a kind of psycho emotional body wisdom reaction to dampen the noise. And again, that comes out of the way of thinking of what would I do if I was a child’s body? And I was just so distraught at hearing all this fighting and arguing and yelling and everybody hating on each other.
I would try not to hear as much. And the body’s mechanism of doing that in a child’s case is usually putting fluid in the middle ear. And in adults it’s a gradual dysfunction of the, you know, neurological part that we call the acoustic nerve and that whole semicircular canals of the middle of the inner ear and all that. So that. So because of that, I would go back and try to find out what it is that happened, what was I trying not to hear. And I might even then say it out loud or even say it to myself to get myself to hear what it is that I wasn’t, didn’t want to hear that my body was protecting myself against, so that you actually got used to hearing that.
And by the way, this is something that I think would be great to come to somebody at the new biology clinic and go through this whole process. So I would look into the sort of psycho emotional, spiritual, you might say, component which would be under the rubric of what was it painful or difficult to hear. Then I would look into the toxins, and then I would look into the structuring of the, of the water in general. And what I would do about it is probably go to somebody at the new biology clinic and hear this, have them hear my story, tell the story and see what it is that I of those components that I needed to work on.
And it would probably look something like working with hearing what’s true. Then I would start with structuring the water, which would at least start with. I would start with using only spring water, you know, primary water or water from a clean stream, and then putting it in an analemma wand. That would be all the water that I would drink so that the water would the. That I drink and use and maybe even bathe with and shower with. I would work on structuring the water devices in my home so that you give your body every chance to create the best, cleanest, structured water that you can.
Then I would probably work on some sort of detoxification program. And in this case, depending on what I hear, the choices would be a either or both chlorine dioxide solution or turpentine, or then maybe both or an alternation and maybe even some sort of a water fast at some point, which would I think also help sort of, kind of give a sort of a purification impetus. And that would be how I would start this. Okay, hope that helps. Okay, next question. Explain warts and or herpes in a world where viruses don’t exist. I’m stuck on just saying they’re misclassified.
So was this question that I wanted to put the Florence Nightingale quote up because already when you say there’s a specific disease called warts versus a different specific disease called herpes, you’re already down the wrong track. Everything that happens on our skin, whether it’s blisters, vesicles, rashes, you know, gross like melanomas, or so called squamous cell, or more sort of quote benign gross like warts, these are simply the body’s way of eliminating different things. And depending on what the body is trying to eliminate, whether it’s more of a soluble protein, you might get a vesicle or whether it’s more insoluble, more hardened, more maybe dense material, maybe even metallic material, then you’ll get actual growths that look more like warts.
But they are not specific, different diseases, they are just different strategies, different manifestations or patterns of how the body ends up cleaning itself through the skin when the normal elimination channels, bowels and urine and sweating aren’t enough. So the other thing I want to point out, you don’t have to say they’re misclassified, although maybe that’s what I just said. You can, first of all you say to the person, give me a definition of herpes. And of course you have to distinguish that from all the other so called vesicular diseases and you can’t. And then you say, okay, has anybody ever demonstrated a virus called a herpes virus in the fluid of the herpes lesions? And the answer is no, they usually won’t know that.
But if they say of course you can find it there, ask them to show you the paper. Again, this is a process of finding the claim. The claim is there’s a specific disease called herpes. So you question that claim. If there’s a specific disease, there should be a definition. So I know exactly what it is and how I can easily deter, distinguish it from all other vesicular diseases. And turns out you can’t. So then if you want to say it’s a virus, then you have to take 100 people with this same disease that you said exists and then find the virus in all of them.
And in fact that has never been done. And then you have to say, well how did they find the virus? And then you get into the whole isolation thing, which has been shown to be nonsense. And so then you falsified the claim and shown that there is no evidence of any virus in a wart or in a herpes eruption. And so that’s not the explanation that has been falsified. Now you may or may not agree, or I may or may not be right about my, my comments about these are basically your body’s cleansing attempts. So you don’t even have to go down that road if you don’t want.
You can just say, all we know at this point is it’s not a specific disease and it’s not a virus. Right? And I don’t know what it is, but you will get tripped up by somebody saying, yeah, but I had, somebody had what they call herpes and then they, they rubbed up against another person. And sometimes, of course, not all the time. And if you go doing a actual controlled trial, you can’t prove that it is transmissible, but it is possible that sometimes you see a transmission from one person to another. So what could that be? It’s possible that there are toxic stuff in the vesicles, either proteins or enzymes or metals.
We know that was the story with syphilis. They thought there was a specific disease. They treated the women with mercury, the mercury would concentrate in their vagina and then they would have intercourse and the man would get lesions on their genitals as a result of the exposure to the mercury in the woman’s vagina. And then that would concentrate in the semen and then that would go to the next woman and the whole thing looked like a contagious event. Although when they actually went to study this and try to prove that that was true, they were able to falsify it.
So it could be that there is a kind of transmission because of some of the other things that may be in a lesion like chickenpox or herpes or even a wart or the secretions from somebody with so called syphilis. So the fact that some people, not everybody, end up with irritation and symptoms which may look similar does not prove it’s A contagious disease. Because if that’s, if it did, then exposing a bunch of people to mercury and they all get lesions on their genitals proves that mercury is a contagious event, which is obviously nonsense. So that’s the argument, the way of arguing, first prove to me this is specific disease, then prove that the cause is a virus, that you can even find a virus, and then he found the virus, which you can’t do.
But if you did show me that, that causes the same symptoms in somebody in a controlled experiment. And that has never been done. And so just because some people, not everybody may get symptoms if they’re exposed, doesn’t prove there was even a contagious event because it could be a toxin or some other substance, which is irritating. Daniel Reuters actually found this with colds that some people secrete a lot of histamine in their mucus. And so if you get around them and you essentially get exposed to a lot of histamine, you may get a runny nose. And that is certainly not a contagious event.
It’s more like the rat poison shared toxin story. Okay, please explain the specificity of food sensitivity antibody testing and how is it that marked improvements our experience when the singular food that’s tested as most problematic is removed from the diet of a person or pet, what is the test successfully detecting about the aggravating component of a certain food? So the first thing is I would question whether there is a great sensitivity or specificity to food allergy testing because I spent a number of years, just like I spent a number of years doing just about everything there is in alternative medicine at one point doing food allergy testing and rarely if ever was it actually helpful in improving the life of the person.
I will admit though that there are times when you get a very high reading, usually an IgG, which is a quote antibody, which is just a protein that to a very specific like one food and then you take that one food out and you see improvement in the person’s symptoms. So let me address that. So first of all, I just want to reiterate that is not the normal situation. Most people their tests is they’re allergic to just about everything in just about every category. And you tell them the only way that would be helpful is if you say, look, you’re just, you’re quote allergic to everything.
So do a water fast and then they get better and then they’re not allergic to anything. And that’s not because they were allergic, it’s because they were toxic and the water Fast helped them, and now they’re not allergic anymore. So that is a roundabout way of how that would help. Otherwise, it never seemed to help. But the times when it was a high reading on just one thing. And I ended up thinking usually this was a situation where it was not a great food. Often it was tomatoes or modern hybridized wheat or pasteurized dairy products. And it was something that the people were eating a lot of.
And I think there’s an argument to be made that these tests are not detecting anything that we would call antibodies or an immune reaction or what we would even call allergies. They’re just basically marking proteins somehow in the body that you’re eating too much of and a whole lot of. So it’s not a test of an allergy or an immune system which you don’t have, or even an antibody. It’s a test for proteins that are somehow connected to things you’re eating way more than you should have. Interestingly, I would get this once I got the hang of this, and then I would tell the people, don’t eat that thing.
And they would get better. Once I started realizing that I was not testing antibodies or immunity or allergies, I was testing what they were eating too much of. Then I decided to save my patients the 6, $700 for the allergy test and ask them what they ate. And I would be particularly interested in what they ate too much of. And then being the genius that I am, I would say for the next month, don’t eat that stuff, don’t eat any wheat, don’t eat any pasteurized or any dairy products. It seems like they would be reacting even to any kind of dairy products if the thing got started by eating pasteurized.
And I would also think there was a huge psycho emotional component in this. Just the fact of doing something different and getting rid of a food that usually they were in conflict about thinking that it may be bad or thinking they were addicted or the whole reason why they were addicted and would often get deep into their sort of psycho emotional situation. But in any case, it was a food that they were eating way too much of, which wasn’t good. And I would tell them, don’t eat that food. Eat a better diet and include things nobody was allergic to bone broth, and nobody was allergic to raw grass fed butter, and nobody was allergic to, you know, grass fed meat and pastured egg yolks and all that stuff.
So those never came up as these single things. And the things that there was a conflict. It was not an allergy. Or an antibody. It was that their body was somehow marking with a protein, I guess, something that they were eating too much of. So you tell them to stop it. And it resolved the conflict, not only emotionally, psychologically, but in their body. And then their body could relax and they would get better. So that’s how I interpret that. Can you talk about scarlet fever? My son had it pretty bad. In normal medicine, scarlet fever is said to be caused by strep, when if you have a strep infection, then sometimes you can also have a rash as your body is essentially trying to throw off the strep toxins.
And a strep throat with a rash is called scarlet fever. A number of people have done deep dives into whether this is a contagious illness, and the studies show that it’s not. Some people seem to get it in the house and some people don’t, and we have no idea really why that is. And then comes the question, is it really caused by a bacteria caused strep? And again, over and over again, I say there’s a very simple way to find that out, which is to take somebody with strep throat or scarlet fever, get the strep that is in fact living in their throat, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to make that diagnosis.
You can isolate the strep, purify it, grow it in pure culture, expose another person or animal to the pure culture of strep in the normal way by spraying it in their throat or having them drink it. And as far as we can tell from the medical literature, there’s not one example of that causing the disease called scarlet fever or strep throat in the recipient of that purified bacteria. If you disagree again, I don’t want to hear more study stories about Uncle Harry and Aunt Fred or whoever, how they got it and six people in the same family got it or whatever, because there may be something shared in the family or it could be, again, psycho emotional sort of resonance phenomena, or we don’t really know what.
But if you want to claim that it’s or prove that it’s strep is the cause, you got to isolate the bacteria, show that it causes disease. And I want a study that proves it and good luck because we know that doesn’t exist. So what’s the problem? The problem is there’s something individual. So again, we go back to Florence Nightingale. This is not a specific disease. This is an exposure to something in the house, or I’ve seen it sometimes with braces, so there’s metal or Anything from psycho emotional to toxic environment to bad food, all the usual things.
The tonsils usually then start decaying and dying and then the strep bacteria come to help clean up the mess. And we erroneously blame the firemen for causing the fire and the strep for causing the illness. And then we treat it with penicillin, which stops the healing process. And then you go on to have chronic strep and you become a so called carrier because your tonsils can never heal. And then you’re well on the way to chronic disease, which somehow we think we’re going to get rid of without changing how we see medicine. And I can tell you that ain’t gonna happen.
Okay, what do I think about sleep apnea? How serious is a problem? Is it? Are there good alternatives to the use of crap machines or, sorry, CPAP machines? I’ve always wondered when I heard, you know, a lot of these things came since I became a doctor. So when I was in medical school there was no crap machines ever. Nobody ever heard of that. At least I never did. Nobody talked about sleep apnea. They just said the people were too fat and they snored. So somehow 20 years ago or whatever, it became a actual disease. And so now the two fat people, they don’t have just too fat and that’s causing them, their airway to collapse and their tissue is weak and that’s how they got to be too fat in the first place.
But now they have a disease which is not their fault, of course, because that’s the primary thing you learn in medical school. The patient has no agency, no fault. This is no fault medicine. Nobody did anything to cause their problem. So just because you’re £380 doesn’t mean that you did anything, quote wrong or anything happened in your life that shouldn’t have happened. You don’t have any, anything wrong with your eating and how or how you think or how you move. It’s just bad genes. And so then you have to force the air through. And I remember wondering, how in the hell does anybody sleep with that racket going on? But I guess people adapt and then they force the air in and that sort of makes a temporary relief.
And my guess is it deteriorates the quality of your life. And I would say that if you have anything, if you have a huge snoring problem, that I would get to an ideal weight and improve your body tone so that your muscle integrity is much healthier than it was before. Okay, can you talk about B12, what it really is in the human body. And what’s in the B12 injections they are pushing on the elderly and how it came about. So B12 is one of those vitamins which has actually never been truly found to exist in living systems.
But it’s a chemical that has been quote, found. And when you say found in conventional biology and medicine, what that actually means is they used a different set of chemicals and they got a different result. And therefore they found something that they hadn’t found before because they used a different extraction method. And therefore that substance which they now found is different from the previous ones which need, which had a different technique of finding them. So then you get them, you start numbering them and lettering them. So there’s this vitamin A’s and then B’s and then there’s certain of these bees which seem to have a similarity in either structure, which is mostly imaginary or function.
And so then they give numbers to them and they say that the people who don’t have these have specific symptoms, which they really don’t. Again, we go back to Florence Nightingale. They’re basically starving or they’re nutritionally depleted, particularly of the foods like liver that are rich in certain kind of nutrients that help build muscle and give, sorry, help build nerve function and give energy. The B12 story got increased because then they allegedly isolated a substance that we make in our stomachs that is necessary for the absorption of B12. And then came the story that the elderly don’t have as much of this substance that helps, that ferries the B12 into our blood.
And therefore when you see a elderly person with a neurological problem or dementia or some neurologically based problem, it may be because their B12 is low, because their stomach is atrophied and they don’t make enough of this so called intrinsic factor which carries this substance into our bodies. So that necessitates having to give them injections of B12 because you can’t give it orally, because they don’t absorb it. And over and over again has been found that anything you can do with that, you could do just as good, if not better, by having them eat fresh liver two or three times a week.
And all this rest of this story about the existence of these chemicals and the existence of these intrinsic factors and ferry boats and receptors in the intestinal lining, that’s just a story they made up to eventually lead you to the injectable B12. And again, I’m not saying that in that, that the exposure to chemicals doesn’t ever help somebody or even is not necessarily something you shouldn’t. I’m not saying it’s something you should never do. There are people for sure who seem to have improvement in their overall well being and their functioning and particularly their so called neurological functioning.
And if you inject them with this chemical, I would just point out that that does not mean that the chemical was there in you, or that that’s the reason you have healthy neurological function, or that it participates in these methylation or detoxification pathways. We have no actual clear evidence even from the start that this chemical actually is a component of living systems. So again, I’m not necessarily saying that there is no justification or even occasional benefit of injecting a chemical. There are many chemicals that have a short term benefit. They don’t heal and they don’t nourish.
They just have a chemical effect which may even be useful and worthwhile and it’s certainly temporary and it certainly also comes with negative effects. So as long as you know that you can be armed. Just I have just a few more minutes, a few more questions. Why shingles patients who take antivirals heal quicker than those who don’t take them? I remember learning in medical school that if you have somebody with shingles, which again is not a specific disease and has no evidence is caused by a virus, we used to tell them you should say to people, if you take this acyclovir you’ll get better in seven days and if you don’t take it, you’ll get better in a week.
So I haven’t seen any study that actually proves what you’re saying, that giving these antivirals actually shortens the course. But it may, just like antibiotics may shorten the course of symptoms. So why is that all these rashes and vesicular eruptions are your body’s way of getting stuff out, as are the so called pus and so called bacterial infections. And you can stop it, you can kill the bacteria, you can poison your metabolism, which is what antivirals do and you will stop erupting. And that you will think you will interpret as your, your illness is better, but what’s actually happening is you’ve stopped the healing and you will pay a price for that somewhere down the road.
And often or almost always nobody will associate that that antibiotic you took for so called Lyme disease and now you need a hip replacement. Those are actually connected. Any thoughts on spike protein is snake protein and that the COVID stuff is actually multiple snake venoms? Actually did a whole piece on that a few times. It’s basically Nonsense. How do chickens consume enough calcium to make an egg every day? They don’t. And I talked about this. An example of biological transmutations. In particular, they eat silica, which is found in the outer shell of grains and sand and grit, if there even is a atom called silica.
But let’s just say the energetic imprint of silica, and they transmute that into what we call calcium in their bodies. And so it turns out they don’t even need to eat calcium in order to make calcium rich eggs shells, which proves this whole theory of the sanctity of elements. You know, in order to get calcium, you have to eat calcium. And there’s a one to one relation between the amount of calcium you eat and it somehow becomes the calcium in your bones or in your blood. It’s just a bunch of a scientific story. Nonsense. And finally, what is vulvic? I think you mean fulvic acid and humic acid.
These are decomposition substances found in products like shilajit, which seem to have a role in detoxification. And that’s why we use that particular compound. It’s also something that’s found in the soil, which the soil uses to help break down, you know, compost and turn it into food for the plants. Okay, I think we got through today’s questions. I hope everybody got something out of this and I always appreciate of your comments and remember to write a review and remember to sign up for hearing about the new biology clinic. And if you’re a practitioner and want thought, think you might want to work with us.
Send us your information. And as always, thanks for joining me.
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