Putin Interview To Break Internet..Trump CLAIMS 100 Chance Of Terrorist Act To Hit America!? | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ David Nino Rodriguez is discussing an upcoming interview with Putin and believes that something big might happen to distract people from it. He also talks about how he thinks the current U.S. government might try to shift blame for problems onto others. He encourages his listeners to stay alert and not fall for any distractions.
➡ This text talks about different opinions on who’s really in charge of the country. It also discusses some people’s worries about what might happen in the future, especially with the upcoming elections. The writer also mentions a debate between two important people, Mr. T and Mr. B, and wonders if it will actually happen.
➡ Tina Peters, a former county clerk, had her trial postponed again after changing her lawyers. She’s accused of messing with the county’s election system in 2021.
➡ Ronald McDaniel, the head of the Republican National Committee, is planning to step down after a primary election in South Carolina.
➡ Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is being asked to not be involved in a case about whether former President Trump can be on the 2024 primary election ballots.
➡ The President, Joe Biden, blames former President Trump for the failure of a bill that would change immigration policy and provide aid to Ukraine and Israel.
➡ A dangerous gang from Venezuela has made its way into the U.S. The gang’s leader, Hector Guerrero, escaped from a prison in Venezuela and might be heading to the U.S.
➡ King Charles has cancer, so his son, Prince William, is taking over some of his duties. People really like Prince William and think he’ll do a good job.
➡ Former President Mr. T thinks we should give Anheuser Bush, a beer company, another chance after they made some people upset.
➡ A new streaming service for sports is coming soon. It’s a big deal because it could change how we watch TV.
➡ A man named Mackenzie, who was a leader of a cult, made his followers starve themselves and their kids, saying they would go to heaven before the world ended. He also stopped them from going to school or hospital, calling these places evil. He was arrested and is now in jail for doing bad things like killing people and not having a license for making movies. The person speaking also talks about his special bond with his dog, Axel, and how hard it will be to let him go when he’s ready to die.


What’s up, everybody? Okay, it’s here. The Putin interview is coming out. And you better be ready for a distraction. You know how the game is played at this point. And if you’re on Ninoscorner tv right there, you know that we’re ahead of the ball. We’re always ahead of the ball. And it’s best. I’m telling you, folks, the only place for real news is knows corner tv. Just w.

But if you’ve been subscribed there, you’ve seen my guest. You know what we’ve been talking about for the last few years. Let me know if everyone can hear me. Make sure everyone can hear me first. My ears still feel like they have a cup on them. I hate that. Anyway, so Trump has come out and stated, and I’m referring to X 22. That’s another great station, X 22.

Trump said with 100% certainty that a terrorist attack will happen within America. Now, that being said, when do you think they would plan something like that? Folks, when big things like this happen, a Tucker interview with Putin, they need to follow up. Okay, so I’m just saying here, from the looks of know, when I’m boxing, I kind of know what kind of punch is going to come next for my opponent due to what I’m throwing at him, how he’s going to respond.

So they’re going to respond in some kind of way that is to steal the news cycle, right? Do you guys get what I’m saying here? I’m trying to make it flufftube YouTube worthy. So please understand what I’m saying. If you get what I’m saying, give me a thumbs up. All right, so we’re going to land a nice shot. Bam. With Tucker and Putin. He’s going to disclose a lot.

I even put some of the questions and answers on my mean, on X. But we know they’re going to respond and it’s not going to just be good enough to where Biden comes out and starts blaming Trump for the border, blaming MAGA for the border, blaming Trump and MAGA for the condition the US is in. Things that Putin is going to say in this interview is already known to many of us.

We already get it, but the normies are going to lose their fucking minds and then they’re going to start saying stuff like, oh, well, they coordinated this. It’s all part of the russian collusion, but I’m expecting something to happen pretty damn soon to steal our attention, to distract smoke and mares away from the Putin Tucker interview. And I don’t know what it’s going to be. I don’t know what it’s going to be.

I don’t think it’s a blackout. I don’t think we’re there yet. I don’t think we’re there yet. I know someone said that. Folks, you can venmo me. Dehyphen Rod 1977. Dehyphenrod, 1977. When the lights go out on Amazon. I do this every time. Someone told me that my book is being censored on Amazon. Can someone check that out for me? When the lights go out on Amazon. Leave an honest review.

My mama’s book, the Mexican Mix on Amazon as well. Noble gold, folks. Get your gold. You’re going to need your gold. I’m telling you now, you’re going to need it. Noble gold. Global financial storms might be raging, but thousands of investors in precious metals with noble gold investments are smiling. They know that whatever happens or investments will be safe from turmoil. Protect your savings from market volatility. Did I say it right that time, folks? Volatility.

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In the flesh, baby. All right, Spotify. Nino’s corner telegram, Nino’s corner getter. Nino’s corner rumble. Nino’s corner. You like how I land that one, righty? True social David Rodriguez Boxer. Instagram David Nino Rodriguez Boxer. Twitter Nino boxer. Or if you want to call it X. Okay, let’s call it X. X. Nino boxer. Patriotware. com beat. Oh, right there. Bing. It’s a glorious day today. It’s a glorious day today.

Big truth bombs are going to be dropped. Drop the hammer. He’s going to drop the old hammer on that ass. Got to tell you, we’re living in some exciting times, folks. Real exciting times. Nino’s corner tv. By the way, you get this hat? That’s the logo of Patriot way right there. Boom. I like it. It’s simple, it’s nice, it’s fresh. Freaky. Picket, picket, picket. Fresh. Nino squadron tv.

I got David Barnheiser, author of the book conformity colleges. And let me tell you, this is a great discussion. Just how was America infiltrated? Well, look no further than school systems, folks, get over there and watch that. It’s an epic interview. I obviously have a wano saving type of marathon up there right now. I have SG anon coming on. I have Mike King coming back on. I have Kathy O’Brien and the ghost as the generals this month, folks, get signed up for the generals, the general chat.

All right, folks, you might want to turn it down or turn it up maybe. Yeah, whatever your little heart desires. Turn it down or turn it up. This is going to be, it’s good to celebrate a little bit. Like this is going to be an awesome interview. It’s going to break the Internet. It’s going to break the Internet. I’m. But what does that mean, folks? Let’s put it on our thinking caps here.

What does that mean? Distraction incoming. Look over here, not over there. You know what I’m talking about, folks. You know how this works. Big distraction incoming. All right, let’s get started. Sancho wants to get started. Coming at you live from the apocalypse. Yes, it is good. All right, folks, here we are. I know I did a little sancho for you ladies out there. You like the little Sancho bit, my alter ego? Come over to your house and clean out your chimney.

All right, folks, we are in this stage of the game now where a lot of revealing things are going to be dropped. But how is the other side going to deal with this? How are they going to perform damage control? Well, how else do you think they got to steal our attention away from what’s going on? So it’s not going to be enough for Biden to campaign. Nothing’s really going to help them.

They’re drowning. Not even Taylor Swift. Biden is now resorting to the blame game, blaming Trump for the southern border. Have you guys seen this shit? He’s blaming Trump for the southern border. It’s pathetic. Blaming Trump for the southern border while pleading and warning America of a Mr. T return. I gotta keep saying Mr. T. I can’t say Mr. T return. You all know who Mr. T is, all right? They’re being exposed every day more and more now as their trickery and magic starts to vaporize.

So what used to work for them a decade ago is not working for these people anymore. People are waking up and waking up fast to all the trickery and black magic. But they will find a way to answer back. Folks, I’m going to tell you this right now. They’re going to find a way to answer back. And this is when it’s going to be left up to you, the citizens to either take it hook, line and sinker or be smarter than them.

And, you know, I’m against, I don’t even go to protests. I don’t go to protest. I don’t do any of that because I feel like I’m a target. I don’t do any of that stuff. But a lot of you can have to have your voices heard. Like I said, you can always pick up a camera. You can always pick up a phone and record independent journalism. Citizen journalism is where it’s at now, folks.

It’s no longer with the mainstream media. So as they get desperate, incoming false flags, immigrants, a lot of things are going to happen. What else would be up their sleeve right now? Could they unplug everything? I don’t think they’re going to do that right now. Distorted Lindsay, thank you. I don’t think they’re going to do that. I don’t think they’re going to unplug just yet. I think that’s going to be as we get closer to November.

But listen, stranger things have happened, right? I just think that it’s still too early. The game. They still have to activate their assets. They still have a game plan. They’re going to keep moving forward. They’re going to try to brush this Putin thing off. Like, well, it’s coming from a Russian. It’s just coming from a Russian. This is going to break the Internet. And they still got to activate Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift still has to be activated, ladies and gentlemen. So let’s get to some of the questions here that were sent to me. Now, this is allegedly, so these are some of the questions that I put them up on my ex. I don’t know if I should read these. Basically what he’s saying here in a nutshell is they’re convinced that Mr. B ain’t running the country. They’re convinced that something happened in 2020, that our southern border is better run than what happened in 2020.

So I’m trying to be very vague here because I don’t want to say it on flufftube, but basically he’s letting you know that they kind of saw everything that happened. It’s already being taught in textbooks what happened to America, to the kids in Russia, by the way. So there’s a lot of meat and potatoes here. They’re going to disclose a lot of stuff in this interview, but what are they going to do to take you away from it? That’s the question.

What are they going to do to pull you away from it? You guys get what I’m saying give me a thumbs up if you get what I’m saying. We’re ahead of the ball here on Nino’s corner, okay? We’re way ahead of the ball. Pat yourself on the ass. Pat yourself on the back. You’re way ahead of anybody listening to anybody else, if that made any fucking sense. Yeah.

Don’t you love being ahead of the ball? Everyone just responds and gets. It’s almost like it’s all surface level. It’s all surface level. This is the meat and potatoes right here, folks. The FBI has arrested a self towning sniper. Huh. Damn, I didn’t see that. Someone go back and look at that. So Biden warns of a nightmare future and country if Mr. T should win again, and lists the reasons why.

So President Joe Biden on Sunday ticketed through a list of reasons. He says a second Mr. T presidency would be a nightmare. As if this isn’t a nightmare. As if what we’re living through right now is not a fucking nightmare. He would be a nightmare for the country. As he urged Nevada Democrats to vote for him in the state’s presidential primary this week and for the party at large in November, Biden opened a campaign swing with a fundraiser where he focused on Trump’s ample history of provocative statements, his description of January 6, rioters and hostages.

First of all, you have to buy the whole narrative of j six, okay? First of all, look at the desperate attempts these people are taking. They think you’re stupid. They really think all of you are dumb. They’re so disconnected from the american society that they think they can keep running game on you. And some of you will still fall for it. That’s the definition of a liberal, okay? They keep taking debate.

His description of j six rioters as hostages, his musing about a former top military officer deserving execution, his branding of fallen soldiers as suckers and losers, his wish to be a day one dictator, his vow to supporters that I am your retribution and more. So Biden is coming out warning about all this, saying, this isn’t your guy. This isn’t your guy. He wants to be a dictator from day one.

At least we know who’s running the show with Mr. T. We don’t know who’s running the show with you. Okay? We have the White House. He said we must keep the Senate and we must win back the house. Boy, these people really don’t understand the direction this is really going. But Ninoscorner tv, that’s where it’s at. That’s where it’s at. Everything underbelly on the deep state war, everything.

Mr. T will likely be sentenced to prison before election, says an attorney. Mr. T will likely be sentenced to jail in 2024, according to a prominent attorney. I disagree with you, sir. Will Mr. T be sentenced to jail in 2024? Likely, yes. Norm Eisen, who served as former president Barack Mr. O ethics are wrote on axe, formerly Twitter, on Sunday night. They’re hoping like hell. That’s why Haley is still sticking around, by the way, because they really do expect the charges to finally break this guy down and he gets sent to jail.

And if you don’t think that their lawyers are meeting with them right now trying to get him a deal, just step away so we can run things again. You’re causing too much of a problem for us. Step away. Step away. Not going to happen. Not going to happen. And those of you are smart enough to understand that what’s happening here by Mr. T doing this to everybody is because we know he’s got the bigger guns.

We all understand that. Now, a lot of you normies out here might think, what’s he talking about? What do you mean? He has a bigger gun. What is he talking about? He has a bigger gun. You don’t get it. And a lot of you conservatives don’t get it either. Conspiracy guy. I can’t buy into that shit. Oh, so crazy. That’s just so. I can’t do it. I can’t do it.

Wake up. Wake up. Better get on board if you don’t see what’s happening here. You’re no different than a liberal. Appeals court rules Trump shit doesn’t have immunity on j six case. So the US court appeals for the DC circuit ruled on February 6 that former president Mr. T is not immune to the prosecution for conduct that Justice Department DOJ included in its indictment related to the events of j six.

So he’s not immune. Fine. That’s fine. All that does is say. All that tells me is you’re not immune either. None of you are for what’s coming. So when this boomerang goes right back at you, you’re not immune either. So get ready, buckle up. Put on your big boy pants, because you’re not immune either. The door is open. The seal has been broken. Ladies and gentlemen, I still have, like, an ear problem.

It’s like someone put two cuffs on my ears. I can’t hear my voice. Ah. How’s everyone doing today? How’s everybody doing today? You ready for some nino with your coffee? Why is that guy so crazy? Why is he just so crazy? Well, it keeps me from going insane. Okay, I got to be a little crazy today. All of you got to be a little crazy today. What is that, a Waylon Jennings songs.

How does it mean crazy? It keeps me from going insane. Something like that. I don’t know. So the appeal was heard by judges Taryn Henderson, Michelle Childs, and Florence Pan. The decision was unanimous. Notably, the judges seemed to sidestep interpreting presidential immunity as it pertains to criminal prosecutors. So we’re in a race against time here. But the people that I’ve talked to act like I said. Is he worried a little bit? Nah, not worried from what they’re telling me.

That’s just what I’m getting. So if he’s not worried, I don’t think any of us should be really that worried. But look, anything can happen. I’m not saying anything cannot happen. I’ve been wrong before. I lay it out for you all to play it out. So this now means that a federal jury can now indict Mr. B or Mr. O whenever. So that’s coming. I’m going to bet that’s coming.

Don’t know when. Maybe if I had to guess late this year, mid next year? I don’t know. I don’t know. My guess is as good as yours on that one. Thank you, Jay. Thank you, everybody. Who’s giving on the super chat, by the way. So Mr. T says he wants to debate Biden, so he wants to go for it. Mano Imano, amigo. Let’s go. Let’s debate. So, sounds about right.

Wouldn’t anybody? I mean, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do going into a presidential election? Aren’t you supposed to have a fair debate? I bet you Biden doesn’t do it. Former president Mr. T said Monday that he wants to debate President Joe Biden ahead of November’s general election. In a radio interview, the Dan Bongina show, Mr. T suggested that he would like to immediately debate his White House successor.

I’d like to debate him now because we should debate. We should debate for the good of the country, Mr. T said. I have a feeling. What do you guys think? Do you think Mr. Biden will take him up on this? I don’t think so. I think he’ll debate from his basement. Okay. I mean, which Biden are we going to get anyway? I don’t know. I really was disappointed the last time they debated.

I was kind of disappointed in Mr. T because he seemed real flustered and angry. I was like, man, he was pissed and rightfully so. Rightfully so. But I felt like he should have composed himself a little more and delivered what he had to deliver. But he was flustered and pissed off, and I was right there with him. I was right there with him. But this is going in a whole different direction, folks.

I hope you understand this. I hope you get it. This is going in a must in a much different direction. I don’t expect anything to happen. I think as we keep applying pressure with things like, I don’t know, Tucker Carlson and Putin and a few other things, there’s supposed to be some Valentine’s Day thing coming. You know what I said on my last video, there’s a Valentine’s present coming for these people about dropping a lot of more intel information on what happened in 2020.

So I don’t know. We’ll see what happens with that. How many of you been following the Tina Peters case? Tina Peters, I talked to her yesterday. She’s in good spirits, man. They’re really going after her. But Tina Peters, Mesa county criminal trial postponed again after firing another team of, you know, bless her heart, man. I gotta tell you, I was supposed to do an interview with Juan about this.

We were supposed to talk about this, but I kind of wanted it to breathe a little bit. So a judge postponed a criminal trial for former Mesa county clerk Tina Peters on Tuesday after the election denier, the election denier again switched attorneys to represent her on charges related to the 2021 breach of county’s election system. The trial was scheduled to begin Friday, so now it’s been postponed, I think, until August, which a lot of stuff can happen before then.

A lot of stuff can happen before then. So she’s in good spirits, folks. I talked to her. I don’t mean I don’t want to disclose everything that happened, but she’s in good spirits and a lot can happen before then. So let’s just give her our prayers, prayers out to you, Tina. You’re a hero, man. You’re a hero. You represent all of us. You represent what’s right. And God be with you.

That’s all I can say. God be with you. Rona McDaniel, RNC chairwoman, plans to step down thank you. Kelly Pantsky. The chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, Ronald McDaniel, has told former president Mr. T she is planning to step down shortly after the South Carolina primary on February 24, according to two people familiar with the plans. Mr. T is then likely to promote the chairman of North Carolina Republican Party, Michael Watley, as a replacement, according to several people familiar with the discussions under the Akana of the committee’s rules, however, Mr.

T cannot simply install someone and a new election must take place. So we’ll see what happens. I’ll keep my eye on the ball on that one. By the way, update on Axel. He’s definitely in his last days, folks. I don’t know. He can’t get up off the floor unless there’s a rug under him. He needs to have some grip to get up his hips off the floor. He has hip dysplasia, but if he’s on the carpet, he gets up sometimes he can get up off the floor, but he’s not suffering, he’s not whining.

He’s still in good spirits. He still looks at me like, are we going to go somewhere, boss? Are we going to do something, boss? His whale, his tail still wags. I don’t know what to do, but it is eating me alive. If I did go and put him down today, tomorrow, whatever, it would only be for my suffering at this point to just end it. Because looking at him every day, looking at those eyes, I still know he wants to be here.

I still know he wants to be here. But he’s an elderly dog now. He’s not the same dog. And I don’t know what to do. It’s kicking my ass emotionally. I’ll say that because I know the day is coming. I will ask him that. That’s a good one. Thank Herrera. Jack Herrera. So someone, justice Thomas to skip Trump’s ballot case? He doesn’t plan to. And you know they’re after Clarence Thomas as well.

Supreme Court Justice Thomas. Clarence Thomas is facing calls from Democrats and court transparency advocates to recuse himself from a case examining whether former Mr. T can appear on a 2024 primary election ballots nationwide. So they want Clarence Thomas out of the picture because they know what he’s going to do, how he’s going to vote. So they’re calling him, they’re harassing him, they’re bugging him, trying to get him to move out of the way.

On Thursday, the justices will hear oral arguments about a Colorado Supreme Court decision that found Trump engaged in an insurrection before and during the J 620 21 attack. Where’s Ray EpS, the attack man? They’re going to beat this horse. It’s beating a dead horse. They’re not going to stop. We all see it for what it is. We know what it is. We know what they’re doing, but they won’t stop.

So democratic lawmakers have raised concern about Thomas’s ability to remain impartial. His ability to remain impartial. What about everybody else, you mean? Oh, they don’t vote. Like, okay. Oh, man, our system is fucked. I mean, this is really bad. But the good thing is it’s being all exposed to all of us. We’re all seeing it. And we’re going to see a lot more in this Tucker Carlson interview, aren’t we? They better do something quick.

Live Slania. Thank you. No. You put your dog to sleep, too when he was 16. You got 16 years out of him. I wonder if I can get another few months out of axle. I don’t know. Ah. In border news. In border news, Chuck Schumer, the real winner there. Chuck Schumer. I mean, how do these people. Have you ever wonder how these people just live in evil? Their whole existence is just a low vibrational slime.

Like, how does this guy exist in such evil? He just walks around all day, like, having plans to ruin humanity, just hating their lives. They’re so fucking miserable that they had to make all of us miserable, too, instead of just going away. Just go away. You have enough money, man. Go on a sailboat. Go somewhere. Get the fuck out of here. Why are you making everyone’s life miserable? Why? Do you ever ask your question? These people are in their fucking.

They’re elderly, man. They’re fucking elderly. Sit your ass in a rocky’s chair. Okay? Smoke a joint. I don’t know. Shoot up. Anything is better than making all of us miserable with you. Chuck Schuber says if the border bill isn’t passed, Americans will regret, really, really will regret it and might be sent to fight in Ukraine, giving us an Biden blames Mr. T for bringing border deal to verge of know.

This really isn’t a border deal. It’s a Ukraine deal. If you read it, it’s all about the Ukraine. They’re like, we’ll do some of this. We’ll put a little wire over here. We’ll process the Mexicans a little faster, but let’s give money to Ukraine. Come on. President Joe Biden said one person is to blame for the seemingly collapse of the bipartisan package to charge immigration policy and provide aid to Ukraine and Israel.

We can’t forget about Israel, right? And the person to blame is Mr. T. Speaking from the White House, Biden said the $118,000,000,000 bill that you’re all paying for is a result of an extraordinary effort. Whatever you give your 30 40% taxes to, whatever it is, it’s all going over there, isn’t that nice? You work so hard to pay for this shit. That’s what you’re paying for. Give us your money.

We’ll spend it the way we want to. It’s a mafia, man. They always say, like in, you know, our businesses are being extorted. I’m like, yeah, you’re being extorted by gangs in Mexico. I get it. But we’re getting extorted by the government. Same shit. So speaking from the White House, Biden said the $118,000,000,000 bill is a result of an extraordinary effort, extraordinary effort by a bipartisan group of senators and represents the most fair, humane reforms in our immigration system in a long time and the toughest set of reforms to secure the border ever.

Yeah, because that’s what they want to do. They want to secure the border. They’re going to do just everything they can to secure the border. We get it, okay? Give us your money. Now, all indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor, Biden said. Why? A simple reason. Mr. T, he’s blaming it on Mr. T because Mr. T thinks it’s bad for him politically, even though it helps our country, he continued.

He’d rather weaponize the issue than actually solve it, he said, claiming accusing Mr. T was threatening republican lawmakers. If they don’t oppose the measures and looks like they’re caving, Biden said. Frankly, they owe it to the american people to show some spine and do what they know is right. This milkworm, this milkworm has the audacity to even say the word spine. Oh, fuck. What is it? Nothing’s off the table with these people.

Hopefully I said it right that time. Yeah. Nothing’s off the table with these people. Everything’s on the table with these people. Whatever. Gaslighting, gaslight, gaslight, gaslight. Axel will never leave you. Yeah. Mayorcus mayorkas Mallorcus impeachment effort fails on House floor in blow to GOP leaders House Republicans failed Tuesday in their effort to impeach Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mallorcus for refusing to enforce multiple U. S. Immigration laws after 2 hours of hard hitting floor debate despite earlier in the day having won a key procedural vote.

So the motion to approve two articles of impeachment against Mr. Mayorkes was rejected, with 214 members voting for it and 216 opposing it. Thank you. Only truth among the opposing votes were those cast by Republican Reps. Ken Buck in Colorado and Tom McClinick of California, Blake Moore of Utah and Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin. Mr. Moore charged or changed his vote in order to preserve a future parliamentary opportunity to consider the vote.

None of these politicians, none of them, none of them have a fucking spine. It’s a game of pimps and hoes, ladies and gentlemen. Pimps and hoes. FBI agent warns others FBI agents and others warn a venezuelan gang entering into us. What gang are we on right now? Number fucking 5 million in El Paso, Texas, the largest growing criminal organization in the world has infiltrated. It’s infiltrated its way into the United States, said El Paso FBI agent.

I got news for you, budy. They didn’t infiltrate anything. They’re being let in. They’re being let in. Do your fucking homework. They’ve infiltrated. Do you see how they word shit? They’ve infiltrated because I don’t know what’s going on. The trea or Aragua. Araguatran gained notoriety after its founding in 222 thousand and twelve by Hector Guerrero, alias Nino Guerrero. Oh, he has the same alias as me or warrior kid in the state of Aragua, located in north central region of Venezuela.

Operating initially from Tokoron prison in Venezuela, the gang made headline. The gang made headlines after 11,000 police officers raided the prison back in September, uncovering a zoo, a nightclub, a swimming pool and a children’s playground in the jail. You got to be kidding. They uncovered a zoo, a nightclub, swimming pools and a children’s playground at the jail. They’re living better in there than they were outside. What they did not find was any sign of Guerrero, the head of the gang.

So the venezuelan police presume he fled the prison via concrete tunnels and is now heading the gang from somewhere else. Or he’s heading for the gang from somewhere else, so they think that he’s on his way here. Well, we have a lot of sanctuary cities that will welcome you. You’ll have your nightclub, you’ll have your swimming pool, all the mujeres you want. But you have to talk to Sancho first, because Sancho has to okay everything you don’t have to go through.

King Charles cancer diagnosis puts spotlight on his son, William. Now, this is interesting to me because I’ve talked to a lot of people that know we talk about the Antichrist. Could it be this guy? Could it be that guy? And a lot of people, you’ve seen people come on my show and say, it’s going to be King Charles. But I’ve heard a lot of people say, nah, it’s going to be William.

It’s going to be William. And now, I used to be. I don’t. But. But Prince William, the youngest and most high profile member of the working royals, is now tasked with being the public face of the british monarchy after his father, King Charles II. Cancer diagnosis. Polls show that the prince of Wales, 41, is already the most popular member of the royal family. Real popular. He can do commercials for pro pizza.

Actually, he can’t because it’s not working on. Oh, just shave your head, dude. Fuck. Okay. House of Windsor well tested formula of polite neutrality. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Tuesday that the monarch’s cancer had been caught early, raising hopes that the king would make a complete recovery and return to the public duties in the coming months. Meanwhile, Prince William, who is the king’s immediate heir, will gain experience at being the house of winter’s public face.

So he’s going to be the public face. Do you remember when King Charles sat on the throne and they were doing that big ceremony for him and you saw that little druid walk by the doorway? Was that the grim Reaper? Was he trying to tell everyone he won’t be here very long? I pay attention to those things because what I think happened there was. They’re letting people know this won’t be very long if you get what I’m saying.

In other words, oh, yeah, this is King Charles. But we have someone else in mind, and it’s William. William will be on the throne soon. So we’re going to march a little druid, a little grim reaper fucker across the fucking doorway. Did you guys see that? Did you? I did. You got to pay attention to stuff. Other people look at that stuff and go, oh, gosh, just put on your tinfoil hat.

You’re so crazy, David. You’re so crazy, David. David, that’s not the truth. Just touch it. Hi, David. Donald Trump says Anhauser Bush deserves a second chance. Give Bud light a chance, David. Give Bud light a chance. Just try it. Try it, David. Former president Mr. T is the latest conservative urging followers to dial back their opposition to Anheuser Bush and their products. The company, which owns and distributes dozens of alcoholic beverages brands caught backfire, caught a lot of flak from conservatives last summer when it partnered with the popular you know who.

Okay, we know what happened there. So, folks, I don’t know. Should we give him a second chance? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. I live by that. So for me, let’s take a vote. Are you all going to give Anheuser Bush a second chance? Here’s my vote. No, sorry. No second chance for me. Sorry. We know what direction you’re going, I ain’t part of it.

I wish Mr. T would say the same thing. But you got Dana White. Dana White. You’re all going to drink it. You’re all going to like it. Whatever, dude. Another satanic display at the Grammy Awards. Obviously, I don’t watch the Grammy Awards, but I heard it was very obvious on what was going on there. And I got to tell you folks, if your kids are watching this shit, if you got teenagers watching this shit, shame on you.

If you’re letting your kids pay attention to people like Swift and follow them and listen to their fucked up music, shame on you. No one to. No. She does what she wants. Little Sydney does what she wants. I can’t control her. That’s your fault. She talks back to me. It’s just better if I just let her listen. She always calms down when she listens to Taylor Swift. And when she goes to the concert, she’s out of my hair.

Shame on you. This is war. So I didn’t watch the Grammys, but I heard it was pretty damn obvious. A lot of rituals. You all think I’m nuts. I know you all think I’m nuts. I’m just very passionate. Sorry for bumping my computer. So ESPN, Fox and Warner Brothers are launching a new sports streaming service. It could change tv forever. ESPN, Warner Brothers and Fox will launch a new streaming service for sports.

It’s set to launch this fall, but we still don’t know how much it will cost. It’s a huge deal and could change everything about tv. Yeah, because nobody’s watching tv anymore. How many of you are going to watch the Super bowl? You guys going to watch the Taylor Swift bowl? The Kansas City Swifts. Oh, boy. So take all the sports that run on ESPN and ABC, add all the sports that run on Fox and all the sports that run on TNT and TBs.

Now combine them in one streaming service. This is what’s coming this fall. Yeah, I’m not watching it. I don’t care to watch it. I’m not going to watch that crap. And obviously you all know about this country star, Kobe. Kobe Keith. Toby Keith dies at 62 years old. The red solo cup singer has been diagnosed with cancer. So Toby Keith, the country star who dominated the charts in the 1990s and 2000s with a string of hits, including beer for my horses and made in America, died Monday.

He was the age 62. So I feel bad about this because I was just watching a segment of him and I was like, oh, man. And, yes, I hear the same thing. I heard the same thing. Yes. But when I saw him being interviewed, I was like, oh, man. It reminded me of my buddy who just passed away. Going to fight this, I’m going to keep it going.

But their body says otherwise. The body says otherwise. The body’s like, yeah, you can keep fighting this. I’m fucking out of here. That’s what I saw. He looked like. I’m not saying he didn’t want to live, but he looked really sick. And God bless him. God bless his family. Prayers are with him and his family. I love a lot of his music. Gosh, it’s a shame. It’s a shame.

A lot of good ones. A lot. Another man down. Another man down. Carl Weathers, man. Toby Keith. They say it happens in threes. It’s always sad when someone goes. It’s always sad, especially when they have to suffer like that. In what the fuck news. In what the fuck news, taxi driver appears in court accused of leading starvation cult that killed 400 people. If you’re part of this cult, there’s a lot easier method to losing weight.

It’s called Jenny Craig. Anyway, kenyan cult leader Paul Mackenzie. First of all, he’s not even kenyan. And 29 associates were charged on Tuesday with the number with a murder of 191 children, children whose bodies were found among. More than double that number buried in the forest. He’s burying children in the forest. The defendants all deny the charges. Brought before a court in the coastal town of Malindi. One suspect was found mentally unfit to stand trial.

Prosecutors say Mackenzie ordered his followers to starve themselves and their children to death so that they could go to heaven before the world ended in one of the world’s most cult related disasters in recent history. At this point, you got to say to yourself, that’s just kind of like, I don’t know, survival of the fittest at this point. I mean, if you believe this and you fall, don’t eat anymore.

We’re going to go to heaven together. Let’s see you do it first. I’ll watch and see what happens. The followers of his good News International good News International Church. That’s the name of his church. The followers of his good News International Church lived in several secluded settlements in an 800 acre area within the Shakalala. Whatever forest. More than 400 bodies were eventually exhumed. So they were burying bodies in this forest.

Mackenzie was arrested last April. He’s already been charged with terrorism related crimes, manslaughter and torture. He was also convicted, or. Yeah, he was also convicted in December of producing and distributing films without a license. And sent to twelve months in jail. Oh gosh darn it. The former taxi driver. He’s a fucking taxi driver. Not even an Uber driver. He’s a taxi driver. Mackenzie forbade cult members from sending their children to school and from going to hospital when they were ill, branding such institutions as satanic.

Well, I’m not going to disagree with them there, some of his followers said. Mackenzie’s lawyer has said he is cooperating with the investigation into the deaths. The 30 defendants are due back in court on March 7 for a bond hearing, the judge said the cult leader was first arrested in 2017, then again in 2018 after claiming that education was not recognized in the Bible. CBD. Everyone tell me to give him CBD.

I am giving him CBD. I’m giving him everything I can. Trust me. I’m really. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe it’s just I don’t want to give him up yet. Maybe he is ready to go, I don’t know. But when that day comes, I’m going to take him out for the best day of his life. He’s going to go to the park. He can’t run anymore.

So I guess just the act of going there, he’ll love it. I’ll take him to get some cheeseburgers, I don’t know, big steak. Give him everything. He’s been one hell of a dog, man. These type of dogs, a lot of us have dogs we love. And you guys all know there’s that one dog that came into your life that came in at just that right time of your life that you have a special bond with.

And I’m not discrediting any of your other animals. I’m just saying there’s always that one dog that’s a once in a lifetime dog. That’s Axel to me, the once in a lifetime dog that came into, and I love all animals. I love Stryker, I love my cat. I love little Maya, the little miniature bulldog that smells like shit. I mean, I love all my animals. But Axel came into my life at a time that I needed it and I had nothing else.

I got knifed in the throat. I overdosed on drugs, I got knocked out on television, ended my 36 career a win. Everything was going wrong in my life. I couldn’t rub two pennies together. And that dog came into my life at a certain time. That was all I had. He was literally all I had. And he’s still like that energetic connection to my other friends that have passed away.

I’ve lost friends that had passed away in the last year. So there’s a lot here. There’s a lot to unpack that. I’m not going to go in here, but there’s just a lot. And when I let go of him, it’s going to be like, I got to be ready to cut the cord to a lot of things to my past. And so he represents a lot of things to me as well.

So that’s why this has been so hard. That’s why it’s been so hard. That’s been tough, folks. I’m not giving up on him. But when he tells me, when I know when it’s finally time, I’m going to go, I have to tough it up. It’s going to be fucking hard. It’s going to be really hard. It’s going to be really hard. And not just that, but just to give you guys understanding here.

I’m also dealing with elderly parents, so my dad’s 89, my mom’s 85, and I’m taking care of them as much as I can. But I appreciate all of you being here for me. You guys keep me going. You keep me going. So thank you. Thank you. And let’s have some fun kicking some fucking deep state ass. Props to Tucker Carlson, man. That guy is a true, true patriot.

Man, I take my hat off to that guy. Props to you. Props to you. That guy’s a hell of an american. All right, folks, I’m out of here. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep of broadcasting. Folks. Later. Bye. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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