The text revolves around the implications of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) on human health, as well as strategies to mitigate them. The author discusses the evolution of technology and its impacts, referencing practices like traditional Chinese medicine as an approach to energy-based wellness. They delve into their journey of researching different frequencies and waves, ultimately utilising Tesla’s scalar, longitudinal waves to offset the negative effects of EMFs from sources like Wi-Fi. Further, they discuss the importance of grounding oneself by walking barefoot on natural ground, highlighting how exposure to nature can counterbalance these frequencies.
The presence of 5G and EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) is unavoidable in the modern environment, regardless of whether an individual possesses a 5G phone or not. The constant bombardment from other devices, neighbors, and cell towers means that we are always exposed. The exposure not only shortens the length of our DNA telomeres, impacting longevity, but also presents similar risks as heavy metals and other toxic substances. Nonetheless, while complete zero exposure is unfeasible, protective measures can be taken to reduce the burden on the body and improve health.
The text outlines the negative impact acidic environments can have on red blood cells in our bodies, leading to reduced oxygen and glycogen, adversely affecting muscles and causing confusion in liver and kidneys. Using specialized technology can restore balance, wherein liver and kidneys work together to regulate PH levels. Lifestyle habits, such as excessive caffeine intake and poor eating habits, can damage stomach lining, resulting in acid reflux and malabsorption of nutrients. These, combined with exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and heavy metals, contribute to a decreasing quality of life. Combating these issues through detoxing and protective measures can restore alignment and balance in the body, increase energy levels, and, subsequently, enhance quality of life. This can be achieved through certain technologies that can counteract these harmful effects when kept close to our bodies, such as an EMF device that can either be placed on our phones or kept within our possession.
The speaker explains his product, which uses frequency technologies to boost the body’s natural processes like increasing testosterone levels, relieving pain, or activating the body’s detoxification processes. Unlike synthetic medicines, these products can only bring you up to your body’s full potential and not beyond. Alongside these human products, the company also provides patches for animals and devices for protection from electromagnetic fields. His products are coupled with a deep understanding of biology and formulated with doctors, chiropractors, and acupuncturists to ensure they don’t disrupt the body’s natural functions. This product also found uses in hypoxic training, helping reverse symptoms in conditions like Alzheimer’s by promoting the production of new blood vessels and oxygenating areas of the body that have been deprived.
The discussion revolves around the impact of EMF, or electromagnetic fields, on the human body and the potential negative health effects, tying back to overall wellness. The importance of oxygen for facilitating biological activity in our bodies, the potential health risks of microwave ovens, worsening cellular coverage negatively affecting our exposure to EMFs, and legal measures taken against such EMF-related issues globally are discussed. Solutions towards alleviating the impacts of EMF on our lives, and fostering clear thinking and discernment amidst the controversial notions prevailing in society, are also emphasized. The speaker finally mentions an EMF-protection product, whose sales support their work.
The speaker discusses their personal ability to sense electromagnetic fields and appreciates Steve’s stronger sensitivity. They later talk about a show they watched, “The Mohicans” which derailed their attention. The speaker also discusses their good relationship with Juan O’savin, whom many people either love or hate. They attempt to share an audio clip discussing Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, and potential international conspiracies but experience constant technical issues, leading to a decision to upload it later.
The speaker had an in-depth conversation with Juan who appreciated the speaker’s depth of understanding and offered him a standing invitation for further discussions. The speaker plans to produce content about this dialogue and is motivated by Juan’s respect. He also discussed the issues of 5G protection and the use of EDTA chelation for graphene oxide combat, sharing that he experienced unexpected magnetism on his forehead despite not receiving any shots. He also hinted at an upcoming video and a discussion session planned after his return from Atlanta.
And so I know that I’m untold history channel, but this is something that is I also am very passionate about health and whatnot. So health and wellness. So this is something that’s right up my alley. So welcome to the show, Steve. Well, thanks for having me, Ron. It’s a pleasure. I have got a long history in both technology. I’m an engineer by education, designed computer chips for cell phones at a local company called Texas Instruments down in heard of I’ve heard of Texas Instruments calculated business, but many people don’t know that we are one of the pioneers for digital cell phones.
The original ones that came out Charlie’s Angels years ago came out with this really small Nokia phone. And that created the revolution in people seeing the value in moving from the old analog phones, the big old bricks that were in our ear, down to these microphones that we’re able to use today. I had one of those. We all did. I had a little curly cue coming out of the phone, big old battery pack on my hip, and it was simply just like a walkie talkie.
Same technology that was being used then and now. We’ve pushed that technology away from analog, which made other people could listen to us, to digital, where it’s just a bunch of ones and zeros flying through the air. And I was one of the lead engineers on products that went from two G to three G and a little bit into 4G. We made the fundamental products that created the energy wave needed to reach a cell tower and come back.
Okay, so we can listen. Can I ask a stupid question? What is the difference when they say one G to are those, like, significant jumps in technology? They completely are. It is the world standard for how a cell phone can talk to a tower and back, vice versa, both from digital communication, so data back and forth as well as voice. So a one G phone in the United States could work in Canada, can work in anywhere around the world as long as they were one g and they had the same base frequency.
There was early days Nokia tried to get an advantage because they had a little faster one ga than somebody else, and it was what frequency they were operating at. But today, we have standards through eight G today, where the apples of the world and the Samsung’s of the world and the at and T’s of the world got together and created a standard and a roadmap for that standard that allows everybody to invest their dollars in something that we all can use as we move forward.
So every one of those was significant jump in data transfer and power management so we can use less power to go farther distances. And now as we hit the 5G, it’s starting to reverse on us. We have to densify those antennas. So instead of having them quarter of a mile to a mile apart, for us to have a good conversation, we’ve had to put them every 8th of a mile or every 10th of a mile in a ramp up the power so we can have the speed.
So in the old days, we were lucky to get 300K bits per second. Now we’re talking about megabits and ultimately gigabits transferring through the air. So as we designed these chips, we knew that we were creating this EMF electromagnetic frequency or EMF as a force, these electromagnetic forces. And they were simply what we needed to do to move an energetic pulse, a zero or a one through the airways to get to a tower.
Okay? And the faster we could do that, the more information we could put. We could put a zero or one at the top of every frequency and at the bottom. So if we’re going at 2 would only give a little bit of data, when we’re going at gigahertz range, we’re able to transfer a lot more data. So welcome to the internals of the cell phone, just simply what frequency you’re broadcasting now, ron, I know you know that in years ago you could see a picture of a cell phone and an x ray, they’ve done or a heat map.
You could see the outline of the cell phone on a person’s ear. And we had all that it’s going to overheat your body and it was a big risk. And being in the internals, we didn’t care about EMS. We wanted a lot of them so we could talk to a cell tower and vice versa. But we also knew that we were creating some biological issue, that something was happening.
Now, the cell phone manufacturers ignored all that and they said, hey, you’re fine. And in fact, in one g and 2G, they probably were fine because the higher the frequency, the less ability for those frequencies that get into our body. So one g and energy would hit our body and be absorbed by the dense tissue like our muscles or by our bones. Well, as we roll the clock ahead to those frequencies, those energy pulses, imagine these energy if you stood in front of heat rising off the road, you know what I’m feeling.
You know that you can see invisible energy. It’s cooking. It’s interesting that you say that because on a hot day in the desert, you can look down the road. And even though the road is like all asphalt, it looks like it’s clear and shiny. And whatnot that’s? Just the heat coming up off the road. I’m here to encourage people. That’s just the spectrum. We have infrared heat. That’s what you see.
It changes the molecules of the air all the way through the colors of the rainbow, right? This is a full spectrum of frequency that God’s created. I mean, the energies of the world have created these frequencies, and we are all subject to them. Some we can see, some we can feel. Other ones are outside of that. Now, we’ll talk a little bit what’s happening to the body and the biological, the senses that we have for those frequencies, but the actual physical manifestation of those are color or sound that vibrates against our body.
These are all the frequencies of the world. And we capture those. We use those. We just made them the wireless, high energy ones to move data from a tower down to your phone and vice versa. So 5G frequencies only go about 7 deep into your body. Well, Ron, what’s seven to 4 mm deep into our body? Blood 7 little range inside. Well, guess what we have now. Instead of dense tissue absorbing those frequencies, we have blood and the iron and the blood absorbing them.
Well, I can tell you what. If you took a piece of blood and you put it in your microwave, which are similar frequencies that we use in cell phones, turned it on, the blood would behave differently than a drop of water because there’s iron in the red blood cells. And they don’t like microwaves. Right. They vibrate like hell, create a lot of heat, can catch on fire if you just put metal in there.
Welcome to what’s happening to our bodies. Okay? God didn’t intend for our bodies to be bombarded at the level we’re doing it today with these crazy cell phones. And it doesn’t help that we have heavy metals in our body. All those things make it even worse, right? Our cells of our body. You may or may not know this, but, I mean, the detoxic cream is my that was my thing.
I’m in the chelation business. I work with taking heavy metals out of so. That’s what so in. Okay? In the United States, what do we do? We’ve created obesity. And where is all those heavy metals stored in our fat. So now I got bombarded with a cell phone that’s heavily impacting the heavy metals in our body iron, magnesium, the things that belong in our body. And it’s just vibrating them, and it’s causing the heat.
It’s causing the discomfort that’s happening in our body. So we knew all of this back then. It wasn’t a surprise that this was happening. In fact, Ron, when I was designing the first ships for Ti, we made a human body model. An HBM of iron so we could use the body as an antenna. We wanted the body to absorb all those energies so we could amplify it both in either direction.
So we could use the body as an antenna to get more of that energy into the phone so we could translate it and have a great conversation. I use the body as an antenna when I’m too far away from my car, and I want exactly if I’m too far away and it won’t work, I’ll just put it up to here and it’ll transmit. Exactly. So it’s amazing how the human body has adapted.
We have all these risky things that we have, we’ve evolved to. We are environmentally fragile because so much around us can make an impact, right? Music can make a negative impact to the body. Sweet sounds can make a positive impact to the body. It’s an adage. The world comes down to or the universe comes down to frequency and vibration. Right. And we’re all manifestation of that. Our physical being is a simple manifestation of frequency and energy and vibration.
I’m a big rife guy, so that should tell you something I want to take us from. Okay. So I know I created the problem. And I was fortunate enough to help take a couple of companies public, created enough wealth that I was able to leave the technology field. And after 20 years designing these chips, and I ended up in Virginia Beach, the home of the Edgar Casey Center, which is the first man to do the connection between energy, the energy of the universe, and wellness.
Now, I hate to say this, but the Chinese been doing it for 13,000 plus years, right? Edgar Casey was somebody that spoke English, and I could read his works and understand it better. So when I left Texas Instruments, I started looking at traditional Chinese medicine, classical Chinese medicine, the technologies associated with shamans, and how a witch doctor okay, we’re talking about an energetic healer would use energies of the universe.
And I ended up in Virginia Beach at the Edgar Casey Center. Moved the family here so I could be closer to the work that they were doing. So I look for ways. As an engineer, how do I take what the energy Universe was having and use it to do something where it’s self administered? Right. Where we could use it on our own self. Like we can get a rife machine today or spooky machine today and provide frequencies to our bodies.
Just what frequencies we pick became the question. So I’ve used Spooky, I’ve used Rife. I’ve used some other technologies. And what I’ve settled on was tesla’s ability to create longitudinal, scalar waves. That’s just simple waves that physicists can deal with and explain. And these frequencies were allowed the ability to create an imprint on the body, a change to the body’s biology. And it’s just what frequency we use.
So ron in the last ten years. I’m much more of a biologist than I am an energyologist. Right. I can put an imprint of any molecule I want in a product. But it was really come down to, what did you put in there? So when I saw the body, what was happening to the body, and it bombarded EMS, whether it’s from WiFi or whether it’s from the guy standing at the house next to me, he’s between me and the tower.
So when the tower cranks up the power so they can have a conversation, my body’s being bombarded like I was on the phone, you can’t escape it. These EMF waves penetrate all the walls in our house, almost all of our being. So I said, how do we manage this? Well, I see some people went out and created cases that you put your phone in, and it would EMF shield you.
And I said, Ron, if that worked effectively, your phone wouldn’t work. I needed EMF in order to talk, so I looked at ways to stop the negative biological impact. And that’s where my career since 2005 pushed me, was, how do I make that happen? What can I do? And we ended up creating longitudinal, scalar waves and then looking what’s going in the body. And there’s a ton of research that talks about the PH of the blood being depressed, more acidic.
We talk about the ATP channel that moves energy glycogen in and out of cells, or ketones, if you’re operating in ketogenic state. But it’s a way. And those cells are very fragile. And what everybody believes today is that our DNA is connected to the universe through energy. The Chinese have been doing it forever. They knew that if put a needle in a meridian, and this needle was given the frequencies of the originator of the person doing the acupuncture with essential oils.
And from their own manifestation, they could help you sleep better by putting a needle here and your gallbladder meridians to connect the vasovagal nerve. So I studied the biology of it. I studied what was happening and to the negative impact of the body. And what could I do to boost that back up? So if I took a red yeast rice, I would reduce the inflammation in my blood, in the vessels in my body.
If I took larginine and I looked at all the molecules that science could create for me, it says, which one of those or all of those could I use to create a positive, a rebalancing impact on our body? So every EMF is bad. Every EMF creates a negative state in our body. And then frequencies, as well as good eating, maybe some good supplementation, can push our body back to operating at a much better level.
But, Ron, if you didn’t want to spend a dollar in protecting your body from EMS, just walk on God’s earth, connect your feet to ground. And all these energies that are pushed into our body that are residually, okay. And drive us down. Just walk in the sands of the ocean. Don’t walk in your neighbor’s yard because you don’t know what their dog’s done and what chemical green law is put down.
Right. I think it’s actually safer to walk on the concrete than it is to walk in yards these days. But if you live in Virginia Beach and Edgar Casey said that’s one of the portals to the fifth dimension. And he just lived on the beach. He just took his shoes off and lived there. He could clear the clutter, the fog of these EMS, clear them from his body.
Well, most of us can’t get that ability to do that, so we have to find other ways to shunt that energy out of our body. Now, some people drag chain behind them. Some people try a faraday cage. I like other products that can just push the body through natural frequencies to bounce back to where it needs to be and take care of itself. Nice. You were talking about the difference between the difference in terms of the towers being so far away and now that the new towers, they have to be so super close.
And is that because the wavelength is so compressed that it dissipates? If you get further far enough away, you get it completely. So what we have to do if the same tower and the same phone went from three G to four G, I would have a 60 watt light bulb on top of the tower and a 60 watt light bulb in the phone. Okay, I’m just giving you a good reference point.
And that energy was enough to have a great conversation. If I just kept the distance the same and the same cell phone structure. In order to go from three G to four G, I would need 120 watt light bulb so those can communicate. Okay, imagine your eye could see SOS coming off that light bulb, right? That’s the energy that I would need. When I went through five G, it was four times more.
I’d need a 480 watt light bulb to go the same distance because the faster the frequency, the shorter distance. So I crank up the power to overcome that or in the case of densify, so I move cell towers closer and every node I got closer and closer, if not 5G wouldn’t manifest. You’d get equivalent of 3G speeds or 4G speeds, even though the signal was just getting too many errors.
And it would slow it down and slow it down and slow it down until you were getting much lower throughput. But you were still in a 5G phone and still getting 5G frequencies bombarding you. But they would just send the same piece of data two or three times and then transition to the next piece of data. I want to make sure that I understand that because even though I’m using a so, I’ve got an iPhone 14, which is a 5G phone.
Now, a lot of times, it doesn’t have the 5G UW thing on there. It just says 5G, which essentially, as I understand it, means that I am still operating on a 4G network, that I don’t have access to a 5G network. Does that mean that I’m still getting 5G rays, or am I still being subject to 5G radio waves? Because if that tower has the ability to be 5G, you’re getting bombarded whether or not you have a phone that’s five G.
Okay? Okay. It’s the reverse. It’s the reverse of what I just said. So it really comes down to the tower connection that determines everything, because your phone can bounce around. It has ability to go four G and to five G and five G ultra wide band. The really fast UW is faster than it’s a faster branch of tell people if the person in front of you, oh, I only got a 3G phone, Steve, or a 4G phone, I’m going, what about the guy in front of you in Walmart? What do you think he’s got? Why do you think your phone the energies stop at your phone? The energies are in the world, in the cell tower, in all omnidirectional.
So if you’re in the world today, your body’s being bombarded with 5G. Even if you have a 4G phone, your neighbor’s phone, you’re standing next to somebody, their phone is bombarding you because it’s not perfectly directional at all. Okay. It’s very subject to just a massive wide broadcast. So what you’re saying is that if you’re living near a 5G tower and even though you don’t have a 5G phone, you think you’re being good because you’ve got a flip phone.
You’re being good because you got a flip phone. The government’s not spying on you because you got a flip phone. Yeah. Right. They can still track you. You don’t have a smartphone, so you don’t have all the apps or everything. Well, you’re still being bombarded with five G. Yeah. Whether it’s a smart meter on your house that we’ve gone in now, the electric company says, let us put this meter on your house.
And if you say yes, we’re going to just nuke the inside of your house because we got to crank the power to go 6 miles or 10 miles to receiving station so we can read your meter and shut your power on and off. Right. Smart meters to me, are major because they’re usually outside of bedrooms, and they’re way more power than a cell tower is. Okay. Not a big fan of those.
They’re all still based on EMF, these pulses of energy that drive information back and forth. So WiFi routers are just as bad as cell phones, and your neighbor using a cell phone is just as bad as if you used it. We just can’t avoid the soup of this toxicity, this digitalness that’s happening to us. It’s interesting that you put it that way, because it is a soup that we are in.
What you’re talking about is a very similar thing that I talk about when I talk about heavy metals. It’s like, look, you cannot escape heavy metals. Heavy metals are everywhere. They’re in the food, they’re in the air, they’re in your water. They are everywhere. And just like the heavy metals being everywhere, radio transmissions are everywhere. And in fact, I would actually argue that you are probably more bombarded with radio EMF than you are with heavy metals.
Probably at a rate of, like, ten to one, maybe even 100 to one on a daily basis. Now, the good news is the body’s ability to react to EMFs is in itself, right? Heavy metals get there and stay there, and they just corrode the heck out of you, right? If I had druthers to chelate my body, I would be in the shop getting rid of every bit of mercury and thorium and uranium, all the stuff that I breathe in.
I’ll tell you a story. My wife and I were going for a walk down the street, and I said, oh, my gosh, we’re doing so good. I’m burning calories. And then I suddenly realized that I’m breathing in exhaust fumes of the cars whizzing by. I can’t even go for a walk in Virginia Beach without introducing in my behavior, this behavior walking without introducing all of the negative things that come out of the tailpipe of a car.
It’s smaller dose, but believe me, I’m breathing pretty heavy. I’m driving it deep into my lungs, deep into my body. And if you live within a mile of a freeway, if you live within a mile of a freeway either side, it’s worse than you can imagine. It’s soup. It’s just like breathing in. If you can smell it, it’s getting into your body. And that carbon monoxide you can’t smell, but that’s probably the only one.
But everything else has either an intentional odor or God created odor. And if you can smell it, it’s going into your body. So you’re right. EMS are invisible, and they destroy our body. They create the cataracts that we have to deal with. They create the aging they’re dealing with. It shortens the length of the telomeres on your DNA. Telomeres are an indication of the length. So as we age, they get chopped up or dissolved away.
It accelerates that. There’s nothing good about heavy metals or know other than and I’ll tell you, Ron, I’m not a hypocrite, because I tell people all the time, if I was to go to God and say, god, I want to hear my son’s voice. He lives in Singapore, and he says, well, Steve, I’ve given you the tools. It’s his phone. You can see him and talk to him, okay? I would trade that in a heartbeat for the impact to my wellness.
But I’m lucky. I have products that help boost me back up. So I’m probably not making much of an impact in the quality of my life or my longevity. If you’re not protected, you’re going to make an impact. But to me, the sound of my child’s the first time I spoke on a cell phone, I took the chips that we built, flew them over to Hong Kong. Okay? I then went from there to the Great Wall of China, and I stood on the Great Wall of China and talked to my kids back in Dallas, Texas.
At the time, the world got really small because of the technology that I was working on. We didn’t even know the power that it would have. All the smartphones that we have today, we’re back there worried about trying to get 8000 bits, eight K bits per second to and from a cell tower so we can talk. But, Ron, we shrunk the world, and it’s good things have happened because of that.
And I’m not saying that EMFs are so bad that you should just go live in a cave, okay, and avoid them. No, let’s be healthy. Let’s get our bodies to a level. What? This is a fart in the world when this doesn’t hurt us. Just like your products, it’ll take the toxicity out. You can’t stop them from getting in. What we can do is live a life that will get them out of us.
And so we get the longevity. We get the quality of life. We delay Alzheimer’s and dementia from all the toxicity. Right. I’m a big fan of let’s live what God gave us. Enjoy what these technologies can do for us. Let’s be smarter than the technologists, right? Let’s look for ways to protect our body. I like to say that there’s absolutely no way that you are ever going to completely get to a zero exposure of heavy metals or EMF or anything of that.
Getting to a zero level is impossible. You just can’t. However, there are techniques and ways and things that you can do to reduce your exposure and the burden on the body that it has. And I think that’s what you’re kind of talking about here. Am I? 100%. That’s why I created technologies that were focused at improving the body and not eliminating EMS. There’s products out there today that decrease the ionizing effect of these things.
They’re shields and blocks and stuff. And I’m like, well, then the phone don’t work and I can’t talk to my son. Why would I want to do that? But the weird part is I might stop and block this product, right? But I’m being bombarded because the neighbor, the person next to me in line at Walmart’s, got a phone, and it’s just zapping the hell out of me. So the only way to do this is to stop the negative reaction in the body, to stop that tightening of the cell wall, the mitochondria that moves the glycogen and the oxygen in and out of the cells, okay.
Neutralizes the blood and allows our body to come back to normal. So I’m assuming that severe negative impact on ATP. Oh my gosh, yes. In the presence of an EMF bombardment with five g, the cell’s ability to move glycogen in and out and oxygen in and out is severely limited. It lowers the PH of our blood, raises the acidity, which shuts everything down in an acidic environment, even at 7.
0, because the body likes 7. 2, but at 7. 0 and below and I’ll give you a little example. Imagine two red blood cells in our body and they’re drifting along, they’re getting oxygen in the lungs and they’re delivering to the cells and then to these four surface areas, right? Two cells, four surface area. This side and this side and this side and this side. They’re floating around doing their job.
What happens when I decrease the acidity or lower the PH? They go like this. I took two blood cells and I’ve effectively made one because these two surface areas that are touching each other don’t do anything. So now I got these two surface areas now working to move glycogen in and out and to move oxygen in and out. Well, guess what? What if I make it so acidic that hundreds of them stick together? Okay? Now, I’ve taken 100 red blood cells and made it effectively one or two or five, right.
Much smaller number. Well, in the biology of the body, the bone marrow says you got plenty of red blood cells I’m not giving you anymore, okay? The muscles are just dying because they’re not getting oxygen and glycogen like they need to. And the liver and the kidneys sitting there going, I don’t even know what to do about this. Right. Well, when you activate them through the technology that I do, what happens is the liver and the kidneys start to talk and they go, well, we need to fix this PH problem.
They dump magnesium, sodium and calcium, which are bases that are going to drive the PH up or the alkalinity up. Reneutralize it, the red blood cells break apart, the mitochondria now gets fed and the body’s back in balance. It’s back in alignment, I call it. Okay? And the body can function much better. And real quick for the audience, what I just said when I said about ATP, basically what that means is that if your body isn’t producing ATP, you’re not having any energy.
And for you guys that are out there that are wondering why you have brain fog or why you have no energy when you have to have that cup of coffee at 04:00 in the afternoon, because you just can’t you’re just like drained. Because you have to have that just so that you can get going just to get through the remainder of the day or to wake up in the morning and then you wonder why you have acid reflux.
Because what. You don’t realize is that the caffeine that you’re consuming to stimulate the body is actually causing you to have the sphincter muscle that keeps the acid in the stomach. In the stomach, it actually causes as a relaxer. And what that does is that you get acid up into your esophagus, and that’s what you get, the acid. That’s what’s causing your acid reflux and why you’re getting heartburn all the time.
And then you take a pill for a PEPs or a prilosec or something to neutralize the acid. And then your body can’t break down the food that it takes. And so you’re not getting the nutrients because the acid that is supposed to be there to break the food down doesn’t work. So you’re not getting the nutrition. So it’s just a spiraling downward cycle. You hit that’s exact analogy that I’m going to use in the future, ron I appreciate that because that’s exactly what’s happening, is we spiral our bodies down until we go to bed, and most of the time we don’t sleep like we need to to recharge.
It just not a good way of life. And we don’t have to live that way because there are ways through detoxing and through protecting yourself, that you can enjoy your day, right? You don’t get the fog of the afternoon. You get the brightness, and your body’s just much healthier. You’re going to enjoy. So let’s call it the quality of life vector, right? We are going to enjoy what we’re doing so much more because we’ve taken behavior and we’ve used things like your product that detoxes you.
We’ve used those things to make our body back in alignment, back in balance. And when you wake up, your prayers are more meaningful. When you go to bed, your prayers are more meaningful. The fog of the day is something that you don’t have to worry about. You’re more productive, you’re more energetic. And the ATP is a really important molecule in the body. And getting it in and out of is everything.
Well, energy. Energy is everything. Energy runs the world. Whether you’re talking about from a geopolitical standpoint or from a human body standpoint, energy runs the world. Period. End of story. Amen. When you’re talking about you’re talking about fuel, right? When I talk energy, I’m talking about the connectivity we have to the universe, these invisible forces that we can’t hardly measure, that dominate the way our body reacts. So that’s why I hate EMS, because they’re invisible and they jack you around like you don’t even know, right? And reach you down a boggy brain, drink coffee, destroy the lining in your stomach and burn up your muscle that stops from flowing up.
It’s just a massive cycle. And the people that live in 2023 are faced with stuff that our grandfathers grandfathers grandfathers grandfathers didn’t have to deal with, right? They could eat. The foods they ate were better. The air they breathed were better. There wasn’t plastics. There wasn’t these long term undestroable plastics that seem to be all over the place. Now. I want to get too far in the weeds on this, but it’s just an interesting thing.
I have a budy of mine who moved to Columbia. He met a girl down there and stayed down there, and he’s been down there for probably 15 years. And he said something very interesting to me one time. He said, you know, down here, the poor people eat real food and the rich people are the ones that are eating the processed food. And he said, in the United States, it’s the reverse.
The rich people are eating the real food and the poor people are eating the processed food. And it’s the processed food that is damaging, that’s doing all the major damage in our bodies. And that’s why when you go to the grocery store and you see somebody who’s on WIC or they’re getting all the food stamps and everything and all the stuff that they have in their cart, that the only thing.
They can afford is the soda and the cereal and the top Ramen and the spaghetti and, I mean, all that stuff, that is just absolutely atrocious for your health. And you’re not getting anything that’s really of nutritional value whatsoever. And then you combine the fact that you’re bombarding the body with all of the EMF and then the heavy metals. My dad was a pharmacist, and he always told me, he says, there’s not one thing that you can do that is going to be a magic pill.
There’s not any one thing that you can do that’s going to be a fix all, save all. But everything works in synergy with each other. And what you can do is you add as much as you can to give yourself the best possible chance you can. And kind of what you’re talking about with the technology stuff that you created is one of those elements. Yeah. So I think if we look at the body as a physical being, I’ll give you just a quick insight into myself.
I believe there’s seven layers to our existence, and the 8th layer is nirvana, right? But those seven layers start at the smallest possible particle in our body, right? At the atomic level and the molecular level, and then at the cellular level, and then at the organ level and at the system level. And then suddenly we’re at the spiritual level, we’re at the emotional levels that come outside of our body and transcends us.
They all need to be in balance. You want a healthy body, you have to have a healthy spirit. You want a healthy body, you have to have healthy emotional relationship. Right? There’s so much to put our body that’s why I like body align, because I preach that we got to align every aspect of our body as best we can. And it’s a continuum. It’s a continuous continuum where we just have to constantly make choices so we can enjoy what we have here, right? We’re here with only one thing for certain, is our exit strategy.
Okay, tell me a little bit about what you do then. What is it that you have that helps protect us? Is that little disc thing that you have on the phone. So the manifestation of what I’ve talked about is the way to treat the body energetically. I can do right here with this little disc. Okay. This is an EMF device that we put on our phone. You can put it on the body.
It’s built into some of the protection is built into our little wristband, our wellness band. But this is on the phone not because it’s doing anything to the phone. It’s because it’s the thing that you always have with you that’s close to your body. Okay? You can’t afford to buy all these for every piece of jewelry you have or every watch. It’s just too complex. So I put it on a device that says, this is with you 98% of the time, or within 6ft of you 98% of the time.
So I picked this as a delivery vehicle for these frequencies. Now, if you took this off and you put it on an old credit card in your wallet, and your wallet was always with you, then you’d have the same effect. I just need to be near the body to do that. So please don’t think that this has to be on the cell phone as much as it has to be near your okay, I’m because I have a few of those now.
So I have seen things like that, that I’ve gotten, like, on Amazon and whatnot. But what makes yours better than the ones that you get, like the cheap ones that you get on Amazon? So let me tell you that the difference that I see in the marketplace is the technology to create a frequency out of something like this is pretty well known. You could buy a Rife machine and do it, right? You can buy an AOS or AOC, I think it’s called machine.
There’s other machines out there that you can buy a phone app that will actually provide some frequencies to your body that’s good for you. So the sexiness of body line doesn’t come just because we can do it. It’s because I’ve studied for ten years with 29 on my 30th journal specifically related to biology. Okay, now I’ll give you an example. In body line, you can get a product that helps you build muscle mass.
One way I could do that is I could take synthetic testosterone. I could extract the frequency and just drive that into a patch and put the patch on your body. That sounds good, right? You put the patch, your body’s getting all this natural frequency of testosterone. Well, Ron, I’m a 62 year old man. The last thing I need is to activate any prostate cancer cells that I might have, and they’re activated by the presence of testosterone.
Okay, that would be bad. So what you have to understand is, are those cells activated by the precursors testosterone? The answer is no, they’re not. So I can provide the frequencies of androstein nor androstein and the other precursors to the body. So if you don’t have a problem, your testes and your ovaries and uterus produce testosterone. In women, in the parathyroid, those things are activated and they, they’re like they can push your T levels, your testosterone levels up to your God level.
What does your DNA say it’s supposed to be? I can’t go above that because I’m only activating your body to do it. So I can only get you and what I tell people is it gets rid of your bad habits. I push T levels back to good habits. Right. And for all you ladies out there who think that you don’t need testosterone, you’re wrong. Every woman has it.
It’s your every woman has testosterone just like every man has estrogen, but you just don’t need a lot of it. But I promise you, if you get the more testosterone you have, the greater libido you have. I can tell you that. So this product and what I do is and separates me, is that I study the biology deeply. I have a network of doctors, medical doctors, and naturopaths and chiropractors and Acupuncturists that help me formulate what frequencies to use so we don’t screw up the body.
We just provide those frequencies that are real and natural. Okay? Let the body take care of itself. So if you have bad habits, your T levels are low, your libido is low, your energy is low. And if I can provide you something just activated your body, just like an Acupuncturist would activate your body, whether it’s in women, your parathyroids just produce what you’re supposed to produce. Your quality of life gets to jump up.
Now, if you’re out work lifting weights and you’re trying to build muscle mass, whether you’re male or female, your body now has the testosterone it needs, and it’s going to grow the muscle mass at the rate by which you’re producing your testosterone. If your natural God level at 62 years old, and mine’s supposed to be 174, I can’t use a product that I create to get you to 175 or 190.
You can do that with chemicals, but I can only get you close to 174. What is your biological level? And that’s all an Acupuncturist can do. Only medicine can push your body outside of its natural capability. Sometimes that’s good for us. Most of the time, that’s not good for us. If you don’t mind, I inadvertently hit the wrong button first. This is your website? Yeah. So this is the cell phone EMF protection disc.
And then this is the cellular. So what’s the difference between the strips and the blue one? The blue one is designed specifically for the cell phone. It’s a large surface area, and I need it on the cell phone near your body. Okay. The strips are just a better economic investment for things like routers in. My printer behind me has one on. I don’t know if you can see it.
My monitor has one on. It’s a more economic solution. You get two in there and it provides the same frequency, the same response, but it just does it on those electronic products that are close to your body that this doesn’t. So if I was sitting here and I had this on my monitor, I would not need this near me. In order to have a good EMF protection, I only need one of these within 6ft of me at any one time.
So I love this on the back because it’s always with us. In fact, Ron, if you and I were sitting together shoulder to shoulder, you would be protected because of my device. Right. It doesn’t have my name in there anywhere. It just says, I’m going to provide frequencies to the universe that will help your body deal with these EMF bombardments. Oh, and you have stuff for pets too, so you’re protecting your pets from the because pets are obviously they’re animals, so yeah, that’s really cool.
That product I put in formulation that helps with pain and energy and EMF protection, that black rubber that’s on there actually has crystals of shungite and organite and tortamine in it. That ground up crystals that provide great frequencies. And there’s probably in that product, there’s probably another 75, 80 different frequencies that we use. I worked with a Naturopathic veterinarian to make sure we formulated and did no harm to our small mammals, our dogs and cats.
That’s really cool. I didn’t even think about that. The animals, they’re members of our family. Yeah, I know people that love their dogs and cats more than they love their kids. Okay. They’ll even admit that to you because that’s how people revere and love their animals. So we created it based on the demand. Folks were looking for it. You saw our sleep product that helps you fall asleep and give you deeper sleep because it goes on behind your ear.
It’s a patch that goes behind your ear and allows your body to connect the nerve that connects the spine and the brain, keeps you going. We have a product for pain, and you’re going to put that on the pain center. So if you’ve got a stiff joint or a sore back, you’re going to find that spot, put it on there. It’s good for three or four days where you’re going to be much lower in pain because we’re just telling the body you’re in pain and send its natural endorphins and serotonins to help you relieve the pain and get your body there’s tons of frequencies for anti inflammation to bring the inflammation profile down.
So all these are designed to just push your body to remind your body to do what’s supposed to do. We have a detox patch that works outside in. So it’s a frequencies that probably a lot of the stuff that you have in your product. We use it energetically. So I bet if you use the two together, you’re giving your body a major dose of detox. My product people tell me we can only do a three day regimen because their body odor is so bad, okay? And their pillow is ugly because as they sweat, they’re releasing all the toxins in the body.
And especially if you’re on a big wellness kick and you’re pushing your weight down and you’re releasing those fat into your body, you better chelate. You better have a product because that’s where all that bad stuff is stored. And once it gets into your body, you got to get it out. You’re taxing your kidney and your liver. You need products that can get your body to flush that out.
You are anybody that’s trying to quit smoking. Anybody. I mean, we’ve had success with folks that use our product. They’re trying to stop smoking because they can get the nicotine out of their body faster. They can start to that’s really faster. That’s really cool. We don’t market it as that product because I think smoking is more of a behavioral problem than a reprogrammed the body problem. But I think between the two products like yourself and mine, I think people can really start to take control of their wellness.
That’s fantastic. I also work with a guy who does we do hypoxic training. I don’t know if you’re familiar with hypoxic training, but yeah, we do hypoxic training and we’re seeing people who have reversal of symptomology like Alzheimer’s and whatnot. Because really what’s going on is we get into autophagy where you start to recreate new blood vessels and you actually penetrate areas and you get oxygen into the areas that haven’t had oxygen in a long time.
And those parts of the brain aren’t dead. They’re just dormant because they haven’t had any oxygen to create the ATP. So when you actually get the oxygen in there and that’s the lifeblood of what your body needs, then you start to produce stuff, and then things start to work again because they actually have something that it’s like. Well, if you go to your room and you turn your lights on because a rat ate the electrical wire that goes to the switch, that doesn’t mean your light is broken.
It just means that you don’t have anything to any way to get the electricity from the switch to the light. Now you have what we’re doing there. We’re having the ability. But the EMF stuff that you’re talking about, I mean, that is a crucial component, especially just because of how enormous of a burden that we have in our bodies as a result of EMF. It’s huge. I would say that it’s probably one of the biggest problems that people don’t talk know, we want to not believe that our government or the T Mobiles of the world aren’t trying to hurt us right when it comes to cell phones.
And the reality is they just don’t know. You saw the announcement in France where the Apple device is no longer sellable because it emits too much radiation. France has been a leader and recognized that EMFs create major disruptions in schools. They outlawed it in elementary schools back probably 710 years ago. They took all the WiFi out, no cell phones. They made the cell towers point the other direction to try to create more safe zones.
So nobody in medicine today argues with me that EMFs are bad and they create a negative biological impact. Right. And I think didn’t Putin outlaw microwave ovens? You know, he could have. I haven’t seen that. But I thought I heard that Putin outlawed microwave ovens in Russia is like, you can’t use microwave ovens because it’s horrible for I mean, the product of the food that you get out of the microwave oven is just horrible.
It’s destroyed. It no longer provides much good for your body, and it’s absorbed these energies that you’re ingesting now, putting them really close to your vital organs. Right. That’s the last thing you want to do is get them deeper into your you know, Ron, this is the flagship product of the company. I’m very proud of this. Hundreds of thousands of these have gone out the door, and the testimonials are incredible how the fog of the day is gone.
Right. And you’re going to feel comfortable. We know that the ability for negative energies to be broadcast through any of the medium that we have, whether it’s cell towers or TVs or radio, these negative frequencies can happen. We’re not going to know they’re there. We’re just going to have a negative biological impact. I can walk by cell tower today and tell you exactly whether it’s four G or five G just by the way it makes me feel, because I’ve learned my body’s response to these.
I can tell when my neighbor turns off his WiFi box because my body’s just tuned into what these frequencies feel like they’re ringing in my head goes away when I put myself farther away or go for a walk in the beach. It’s getting these energies out of my body. It’s interesting that you say that, because sometimes I find myself it’s like I hear ringing in my head, and it’s like, what is that? And is it something that I’ve ingested, or is it just because I’ve just and like you said, the soup of EMF that’s all around mean I don’t be it can be all of those.
It could be a toxic load left your fat cells and just crunched your neurons in your brain. It could be somebody ramped up their tower and we see this all the time that Sprint and I’m sorry, T Mobile now and Verizon are constantly Tweaking towers based on customer feedback, right? So I could have had minimal amount of EMS bombarding me from the Verizon tower, but the neighbor down the street complains that, hey, I’m getting a bad signal.
Electronically they can move the energy beam in closer to their house. And guess what? Now I’m in the path. Listen, you said you were going to come on for about a half an hour and we’ve been going for 50 minutes. So I really appreciate the extra time that you’ve given. Guys, I’m going to put a link to the website that Steve has where all of the products and whatnot, I’m going to put that in the description.
You can get all the stuff, and I think there’ll be a coupon code or something. I’ll include all that stuff in the description so you get a little extra off. So I want to thank you and appreciate you taking the time to come on the channel and talk about five G and whatnot. I think it’s been a while, but if I recall correctly, I think I sent you a bunch of cream about probably about a year ago, I think, because I was talking to Jimmy, I was telling him about the cream and stuff that I did, and I sent some to you.
I’m almost positive I sent some to you. Go through samples a lot, but I will find it. I’d love to try through as much wellness as I can, so I’m not afraid of if you can’t find it, let me know and I’ll get some more sent out to you. Well, I want to thank you, Ron, your time. Thank you. What you do for the world, I think that untold history.
I’ve seen a couple of your spots. I’m excited about it. You’ve got the voice for this, you got the manners for it. I think you’re going to have a huge following as people start to get attracted to kind of things that you talk about. I appreciate that. Thank you. It’s wonderful. I love to talk about controversial stuff, man. Controversial stuff. I don’t shy away from the controversy. I try to do it in a respectful way.
But you know what controversy is? There’s a lot of stuff that’s controversy. People don’t want to talk about it. But you know what? The more controversial it is, the more it needs to be discussed. And the world doesn’t want you talking about controversial stuff. They hurl labels at you and they use peer pressure to keep you away from talking about controversial stuff. I have that with my own kids.
They’re like, no, dad, I don’t want to go there. I don’t want to go there. And I’m like, okay, guys, we have our other time to go into those subjects. So it’s hard sometimes to be motivated to do it. I’m glad you have a passion for it. Bringing it out. I always tell people this. My thought for the day is nobody is ever good as you think they are, and they’re certainly much worse than you probably think they are.
We have more opportunity to be a downside person in real life than we do an upside person. Absolutely. There is absolutely truth in every bit of controversy, every bit of conspiracy. There’s a lot of truth in it. I don’t know how much. I’m not going to give it a percent, but everything I’ve ever touched, I see truth in it. Well, as I say, there’s three sides to every story.
There’s his side, her side, and then the truth is in the middle. Absolutely. I never believe everything that I’m taught, but generally you put enough stuff together and you connect enough points, and you can use your own good discernment to make a pretty, I want to say, an educated guess as to what’s really kind of going on. And I think that’s the most important thing. And having a clear mind is essential for doing that.
And what you’re talking about with protecting your mind from the EMF stuff only helps with giving you fostering in a good environment to be able to think clearly and to have a proper discernment. Thanks for your time, Steve. Appreciate you coming on tonight. Bless you, Rod. Have a good night. Take care. Bye. All right, guys. Well, that was really cool. Candidly speaking, it’s somebody who reached out to me and said, hey, I want to help you kind of do some stuff with what you’re doing.
So he’s kind of a sponsor. So I get a little kickback. There’s going to be a link in there, and I get a little kickback on any of the sales that come through from that. But I don’t want to push products that I don’t believe in, but I’m very big into health and wellness, and that’s something that I have absolutely no problem being honest about in terms of, yeah, I’m going to get a little kickback on that, but it’s not anything that’s like it’s overly obtrusive.
But I want you guys to know that, just being honest with you, I’ll put the link in the description, and you guys can if that resonates with you, then by all means, pick some up. They’ve sent some to me, and I’ve been using them on my phones for a while, and I don’t know if they’re working or not because I don’t really feel it, but I do put them on there, and I know that I am protected, so I’m not as sensitive as Steve.
I’m sensitive in other areas, but I’m not as sensitive as Steve. I wish I had that ability to be able to tell if I was near a tower. That would be a pretty awesome I don’t say power, but that would be a pretty awesome thing to be able to ascertain. So I’m envious that he has that all right, well, the second thing that I wanted to talk about tonight was I came on the show a couple I guess it was Thursday and I said, hey, Friday night we watched the show last, The Mohicans, and I was going to come back the next day.
Well, you know what, I stumbled on something and it really kind of threw me for a loop and it made me unsettled. Anyway, I went in, I kind of did a little bit of a deep dive into it, and I reached out to I know Juan O’savin has kind of some people either love him or hate him. I have a good relationship with Juan, and I actually think that he has a very good handle on things and a lot of people don’t like him because he kind of talks slow and he talks in code, but I understand a lot of the things that he says.
And I reached out to him and I had a really long conversation with him yesterday regarding this information, and I’m going to share it with you guys tonight. The first thing is about a 40 minutes. It’s not really a video. It’s really more of a it was almost like a radio show. So it’s just it’s just it’s just audio. And I’m I’m gonna speed it up a little bit and and put the put the subtitles on the bottom so that you guys can hear what they’re saying just so that I can get through a little bit faster.
But I want to play this for you guys and then I’m going to talk about it a little bit afterwards. So let me bring this up and let’s see here. Where did I put that? This is the one. Okay, so change the screens here. All right, so this is going to be I have long believed that Vladimir Putin and vladimir Putin and Trump and all those guys that they’re working together.
I’m going to play this for you guys and I’m going to play it for you, and then I may even open it up to phone calls after the fact because I really want you guys to I want to get some feedback from you guys. So I’m going to go ahead and play this for you. Let’s see here. All right. And let me know if there’s good give me a five x five on the audio on this.
An upright nation falls so far, so fast. Okay, so you guys are saying no sound shoot. Ah, I wish I knew why this thing is doing what it’s doing. Give me 1 second, guys. All right, let me know if this comes through. How did a moral and upright nation fall so far, so fast? Was the fall of the American Republic the result of our own decadence or the end result of a carefully planned and executed strategy to weaken the American people to such an extent that they would easily be taken over.
By a foreign force. Today is part one of a two part discussion on True News on the subject of the Parastroika Deception. Longtime Soviet Communist analyst and expert J. R. Nyquist will join me in a few minutes. In part one tomorrow, Chris Steinley and I will discuss the spiritual aspects of the Parastroika Deception. If the Parastroica Deception is real, what are the present day risks for those of us alive to see the fulfillment of the grand strategy to deceive the west? The Parastrica Deception is the name of a book published in 1995 by Abnatoli Galitson.
Mr. Golitsen was born in Ukraine in 1926 to my all right, so let me just tell you guys a real quick thing here. What he’s talking about is Galitzen is a guy who he’s a Soviet defector, and he wrote a book. He wrote a couple of books. So I want you guys to pay very close attention to this, because this could throw some monkey wrenches into some of the things that you believe.
But I think I’ve kind of gotten to the bottom of this. But I want to be as transparent as possible. This is not something that you guys are going to hear from really anywhere out there. So pay very close attention to this. This is really important knowledge. He is still alive today. He worked in the strategic planning department of the Soviet KGB Intelligence Agency. He held the rank of major operating under the name Ivan Klimal.
He was assigned to the Soviet Embassy in Helsinki, Finland as Vice Counsel in Attache. He defected to the CIA in 1961. The agency flew Mr. Golitszen to Washington, DC. Where he was interrogated by the CIA’s director of counterintelligence, James Angleton. In 1962, the Chief of KGB ordered the assassination of Mr. Golitsen as a traitor to the Soviet Union. Mr. Golitson was instrumental in outing a number of high level Soviet Communist moles and double agents inside Western intelligence agencies and governments, including Kim Philby and former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson.
Mr. Golitsin provided the CIA with a detailed report warning of a sinister plot by the Communists to deceive Western nations, weaken them morally, financially and militarily, and eventually absorb them into a global Communist New World Order. Frustrated that Western leaders were falling for the Soviet deception, mr. Golitsen published two books to warn the general public about the Communist plan. The first book was New Lies for Old, published in 1984.
The second book was Parastroica Deception, published in 1995. Both books are out of circulation. Rare copies are available for approximately $100 each. When we decided to devote two days to discussing the Parastorica Deception, I couldn’t think of a better guest to start this discussion than J. R. Nyquist. He has devoted his life to understanding and explaining the goals and strategies of the global Communist movement. Most likely, many of our True News listeners have in your library.
Jr’s classic book Origins of the Fourth World War. You guys lost the sound. How far back? Last words were world war. That far back. That far back. God. All right, try something else. How about now? Well, you just read his biography. He’s a fairly secretive person. He’s been in witness protection here in the United States since his defection. But largely the Western elite has for political reasons. There’s a denial of deception.
And so they do not want to hear Galitzen, mainly because the standard view of history is that the Soviet Union collapsed, that there were revolutions that swept Eastern Europe. Was there sound there that the Soviet Union collapsed, that there were revolutions that swept Eastern Europe. That was your sound there. That replaced the Communist regimes there with liberal. So I’m listening to I actually turned the sound up on my end and the sound lost.
Did you guys lose sound again? This is extraordinary. I’m listening to I actually turned the sound up on my end. This is extraordinarily frustrating. Lost all right, I’m going to try something else here. Not going to be not going to be any what am I trying to say? I’m not going to have any subtitles, but I’m going to play it from I’m going to stop sharing this, and I’m going to share it.
I’m going to share the screen with the sound, kind of like I did with the movie. I want you guys to let me know if you get the sound here on this. I’m going to go mr. Galitzen was instrumental in outing a number of high level Soviet Communist moles and double agents inside Western intelligence agencies and all right, guys. All right. Well, I just have one word fuck.
Because that frustrates me. I do not know what is going on and why. The problem is why I’m having this problem. But I can’t continue to go on with this. I can’t continue to go on with this like this. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to actually play this. I’m going to upload the video and play it on the channel. I’ll just upload it, but I’m not going to do it until I’ll do it so that it plays on Saturday, and then I’m going to come back and talk about it on Sunday.
Because I don’t want there to be a long delay between the time that you guys listen to it, to the time that we talk about it, because this really was unsettling to me. And I mean that. I really questioned a lot of things that I thought I believed, and I actually reached out to a couple of people that I know and just kind of was like, wow, this is really kind of crazy.
And one of them, like I said, was Juan. I reached out to Juan and he and I talked on the phone for two and a half hours. And I have to say Juan is a different person. I’ve talked to him in the past hit or miss but not really anything in depth. And Juan gets a bad name out there because he does talk slow and he talks in code and whatnot.
But I’m going to tell you when you talk to him one on one it is totally different. And he paid me a very high compliment. He paid me a very high compliment. He said that the questions and what I asked of him that he doesn’t have many people that have as a depth of understanding of things like I did. And he paid me that compliment and I was very humbled by that.
And he told me that not to be a stranger to call him anytime and that I was free to call him at any time and that he wanted to do a show. Probably what I’ll do is I’m going to do a show and we’re going to talk about this a little bit. But first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to upload this so that it plays on Saturday.
And then when I get back from Atlanta on Sunday, I’ll do a show in the afternoon and we’ll talk about but I think I earned Juan’s respect, and that means a lot to me because I know he gets a bad rap in the community. But he is somebody that I have a tremendous amount of respect for, because I think he gets a lot of things that other people don’t get.
And he talks in, like, parables and whatnot. So it’s difficult to understand him sometimes but I understand a lot of what he says. Anyway guys, I sincerely apologize. I do not know what the problem is and why it wasn’t working. I’m going to update the description on this for the 5G protection thing and I’ll also put in the detoxer cream website for you guys because I want you guys if you have any interest in taking some heavy metals out.
And Karen Kingston actually talked quite significantly. In fact here, let me share this with you guys. Share this with you. Um so here, let me do this. Present the screen, do the whole screen. So it’s an EDTA chelation dissolves the artificial intelligence magnetic hydrogel. And this is the patent Wo 2001-214-8684 A one. So this patent actually talks about how EDTA is something that you can do to combat the graphene oxide and that’s the product that I sell.
That’s the EDTA. That’s the stuff that I’ve been doing for quite some time. I’ll put that link in the description as well for you guys if you have any interest in that. I’m not going to take on sponsors where I’m going to try to push products or anything but I got to pay the bills due sometimes and that’s what I do. But if I can help people my objective is to help people and everybody right now I’ll tell you this, that I’ve not had a shot.
I work very closely with a guy up in Colorado, the gentleman who invented the Livo two, and he was magnetic and he sent me a magnet to try and I was putting the magnet against me and the magnet was sticking and I have not had any shots at all. But I’m magnetic, so I don’t know if it’s in the food or what, but now I’m really taking it up.
I’m taking my whole thing to another level because it surprised me that I was magnetic. Like I was putting this little magnet onto my forehead and it was sticking to my forehead that freaking gave me it was kind of nuts. But yeah. So anyway, that said, guys, I’m going to cut you all loose for the evening, apologize that I’ve been gone. I was really dealing with a high level of uncertainty and I was questioning myself and questioning a lot of things that I thought I knew, if I can say it clearly.
You know when you first red pilled and you kind of had that feeling of uneasiness and you just had that unsettling feeling that’s the feeling that it was almost like it was almost like I reread pilled when I heard that. So it was something that was very I don’t want to say disturbing, that’s kind of a hard word, but I was seeking some answers and Juan helped me significantly and he helped me understand a lot.
So I will definitely pass some of that information on. But I think it’s important to do it. You have to learn addition and subtraction before you go into multiplication and division. And so the addition and subtraction is listening to that video and I will upload that for you guys on Saturday and then we’ll talk about it on Sunday. So don’t mean to tease you all, but I’m you a little bit.
So hope you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing y’all on Friday or on Sunday when I get back from Atlanta. So y’all have a great night and appreciate every single one of you guys. Thanks so much. Have a good night. .