Probably Wont Do a Year In Jail… Hunter Biden Guilty On All Charges Facing 25 Years In Prison

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels



➡ Hunter Biden, son of the U.S. President, has been found guilty in his federal gun trial. The judge rejected a plea deal, leading to a trial that resulted in a guilty verdict. There’s a possibility of an appeal due to unsettled law regarding gun possession and drug use. The case has sparked discussions about the justice system and its treatment of high-profile individuals.


Hunter Biden was over there getting convicted. Make sure y’all hit a like for the algorithm. Subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications. Hunter Biden has been found guilty on all counts in his gun trial, federal trial in Wilmington, Delaware. All right, Leo, your first response. My first response is I go back to the Harris Faulkner-Leo trial segment about six months ago. When you asked me that question, is there any way that plea deal could be stopped? I said the judge. The judge played a major role in the rule of law by saying I’m not going to agree to this plea deal, had questions, and that’s why we’re here today.

The American public needs to know that. That is the rule of law, and I applaud the judge that she did an outstanding job in following the rule of law. Andrew, do they appeal? What does this look like? Because September is going to be here in a heartbeat. You’ve got that tax fraud trial, which you say is stronger than this. Well, Hunter got exactly what he was asking for. He wanted this trial. He got it, and he got a big guilty verdict because what he did over the years, his actions and his words that provided the government the evidence for that.

What he, I think, has done through this is left open the possibility of an appeal. The Second Amendment issues related to having this kind of drug addiction or drug use at the time of buying or possessing a gun is not necessarily settled law through the Supreme Court. So I see this going through an appellate channel where they’re challenging the underlying basis of the law, not his conduct itself. Aren’t they looking at that right now? I mean, I know the US Supreme Court has a lot on its plate. I don’t know if they’ll get to that one.

Yeah, there’s various versions, not this exact question before them right now, but the issue of whether guns and gun possession is more consistent with preventing people who have a mental illness versus people who are on alcohol. Alcohol itself, typically not something that prohibits gun possession or ownership, but mental illness may be. So the Supreme Court is looking deep into exactly when the Second Amendment can be essentially revoked from an individual with regard to their mental condition or the substances that they use. Jonathan Turley, if you’re still with us, I’m going to ask you about what this does overall to the tenor in the United States.

I mean, this case was very different than how former President Trump was treated in a lot of different ways, two different cases. So we can understand some of it, but not all of it. She’s still under a gag order. Well, this was a very fair judge in my view. She ruled for the defense and for the prosecutors on different issues. She went right down the middle of the road. And I think in the end, justice was done here. This jury was able to overcome a nullification strategy. I think part of the problem was that Abby Lowell, the defense attorney, put forward a bunch of defenses in the opening statement that collapsed within 48 hours.

The prosecutors did an extraordinarily good job here. They were focused. They were disciplined, and they methodically took apart each of these defenses in front of the jury. And when you pursue a nullification strategy, it can go too far sometimes. It can make the jury feel like they’re being treated as chumps. And I think that here, the jury followed their instructions. Jonathan, excuse me. We’re seeing the first lady, Jill Biden, walk into the courthouse. So it’s taken a little bit longer for all of the family members to reassemble. We saw Hunter Biden go a few minutes ago back into the courthouse.

But we knew that once a verdict had been reached, at least he would return and maybe even all of that family. Previously, we saw Joe Biden’s brother James go in too. So they are reassembling ahead of the reading of this verdict. Jonathan, finish your thought. I don’t think that this has anything to do with anything. And I actually seen Trump’s reaction and what she said that this was all really just a distraction. The reality is that his father is still the president of the United States of America. His father is still the president of the United States of the Americas.

What does that mean? Everything. When your father is the most powerful man in office in the country, their objective is just to get Joe reelected. Let me say that again. Their objective is just to get Joe reelected. Man, let me tell you something, bro. In my opinion, I don’t believe he’s going to do one year in prison. No way, no how. You cannot convince me, not even for a moment, that this is not just a distraction or more elaborate plan because the justice system, especially when it comes to major politicians, are a joke.

Well, you know, that was an interesting moment to have the First Lady come in because I’m sure the prosecutors were not happy with having this array of Biden family members, very famous figures behind Hunter. It reminded this jury that this is Biden town. You know, this is Wilmington. This is where the Bidens reside. And it says a lot about the jurors, that they overcame that. There was obvious sympathy for the defendant. I had sympathy for the defendant. He didn’t even show no emotion. You can’t be anything but empathetic. But there was also an unavoidable series of criminal acts in all of this.

And by saying things like he might not have checked the box or he had a moment of sobriety or maybe he was just using alcohol, really, I think, might have insulted some of the jurors. The way that Lowell made it sound is that the question meant, are you doing drugs while you’re purchasing this weapon? He narrowed it so much. Right. Right. And what the witnesses told right down to his ex-girlfriend, who was the wife, now widow of his brother, Beau, was just how… What? Hold on. I didn’t know that. Let me, let me, let me, let me revise that.

Was that a true statement? His girlfriend, who was the… Right. Right. Right. And what the witnesses told right down to his ex-girlfriend, who was… Ex-girlfriend. The wife, now widow of his brother, Beau. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let me get some, some pause up in it. Ex-girlfriend is the former wife, now widow of the brother Beau. Did y’all know this? Look, I’ll be paying so much attention to the money that I don’t even be knowing what the heck be going on. They passing around widows, ex-girlfriends over to be wives, then turning to widows.

Yo, I did not know that. I did not know that he dated the widow of his brother, Connie. Whoa. Whoa. Where have I been? Yo, the cocaine is running freely. What the heck? What have I been on? Yo. That’s news to me, Connie. Connie, I am out of the loop. I did not know that they both had bust down the same chick. Chris Brown and Drake would have been fighting about that, throwing bottles inside of the club. For sure, for sure. Chris Brown and Drake would have had a shootout for that. Somebody was going to catch a body, but I didn’t know that.

I didn’t know that. Anyways, let’s continue. Trump reacts to this conviction, calls him a distraction. I know there have been some statements. Want to make sure that we get it from all angles, just not from Fox News. We want to go over to NBC News also. We are getting more and more reaction on this, Lester, as the hours and the minutes have passed since that verdict came down. Notably, of course, from former President Trump, Hunter Biden’s father’s political opponent in the November election here. And the Trump campaign is railing against what they see as essentially an investigation that did not go far enough, saying it is nothing more than a distraction from what they describe as the real crimes of the so-called, again, their words, Biden crime family here, saying that this all comes down to November 5th.

That, of course, is election day. We have also heard from the head of the Republican head of the Oversight Committee in Congress, Congressman Comer, who says that while this is an important step, essentially, it still does not go far enough. And that seems to be so far the theme based on even my phone conversations with some Republican strategists in the last maybe hours since we last spoke when this conviction came in here, Lester. I would say a couple of things here. First of all, there is a world in which for perhaps some persuadable voters, when former President Trump rails against the weaponization of the Justice Department against him, there could be an argument, right, that somebody could make to themselves that Hunter Biden, the president’s son, was just convicted by that same Justice Department here on felony counts.

The other side of the coin here is that for Democrats railing against a convicted felon, as they describe him and former President Trump, who, of course, has been found guilty on those felony counts, now you have the president’s son also convicted on felonies. All of this said, though, Lester, stepping back, big picture. One thing I’ve heard in some of my conversations in the last little bit is a huge question mark on whether this is actually going to move voters. In other words, this may be a data point that people are aware of that they understand that they know that Hunter Biden has been now convicted on these charges.

But does it matter as much to them as, let’s say, the price of chicken breast at the store or how they’re going to make sure that their kid ends up getting through school? Those bread and butter issues that we know are consistently driving voters to the polls and will be, they say, come November, inflation and the economy, and then issues related to the border and immigration, that those consistently rank higher when we look at some of these numbers from people. The vast majority of people based on some surveys that have been done over the course of the last six or eight months suggest that they believe Hunter Biden has been treated fairly.

Now, I should note this was before the trial began. This is not super recent. That just simply doesn’t exist in reputable polling. But that does give you a sense, I think, of where folks are on this front, Lester, at least. I don’t think that people really care. I don’t think that it’s going to make a difference at all. At the end of the day, nobody is going to care about how old Joe Biden is. Nobody is going to care about who got a felony. Nobody is going to care about anything. They’re not even concerned about the border.

You know why? Because people are a what have you done for me lately type of people. And more importantly, when people go to the polls, they’re not voting before somebody, they’re voting against somebody else. And so it’s easy to be able to distract you by then keeping you busy with things that’s not even relevant to your life. When people go to the polls, they don’t vote based off of this is what’s best for me. This is the person that I’m rocking with this policy, this process. This is how this is going to affect my, my future, my family’s future, property taxes, what’s going on in the state.

People vote based off of who they don’t like. They vote against their opponent, not for their candidate. If I’m wrong, say I’m off. Every single person, and y’all been watching the morning show for a long time, every single person that has ever come up on this platform in order to try to hold me accountable for what it is that I say about Trump or Biden. And I say, okay, cool. So you’re a Democrat or you’re voting Democrat, or you want to project yourself as independent because you know what people do. People usually say, ah, man, listen, I’m saying this and I’m not even a Democrat.

I’m independent. It’s the same thing that they say with every argument. Man, I’m not even a Kobe fan. So what I’m saying right now, me supporting them or whatever. Okay, cool. Man, I’m not even a Kendra Loumar fan. Man, I hate him. I just got all of his albums and all of his mixtapes and this is crazy. Oh, okay, cool. So what they do is they say they qualify themselves to say that they to opt. They to opt for whoever it is that they’re objectively voting for or whoever it is that they’re advocating for.

I say, okay, cool. That’s awesome. I feel you. I respect your right to vote and due process and the fact that you’re going to do the research, right? Okay. Yeah, I’m going to do the research. Okay, cool. I got you. So what is it about his presidency that you don’t like as far as Trump? Man, he said grab her in the coochie. No, no, no, no. The policies. When he was actually in office, what it is that he did, what is it that you didn’t like? What is it that you that you suffered as a result of? Man, I’m just not voting for nobody.

Okay, cool. All right. Listen, well, don’t worry about it. Tell me this thing. What is it that you actually like about Biden and how has he benefited you with his time in office? Yes. Man, listen, it ain’t even about that. You know what? This is what they always, every single time. Either they say one or two things. You know what? I’m voting, but I’m just going to put a Kermit the frog inside of the part where they say president. Or they say this, you know what? I got to pick the lesser of two evils.

So I’m going to go with Biden. I have no problem with you having a difference of opinion in me. I have no problem with you exercising your right to vote. I also have no problem, especially I have no criticism for somebody that educates themselves and just have a difference of opinion as far as what it is that they stand on from a policy perspective. But if you telling me that the only reason that you voting or not voting is because you don’t like the other person, then that is a flawed, flawed mindset when it comes to what you’re going to do and what is it you’re going to determine to be the leader of the free nation.

Real talk. So anyways,

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Appeal in gun possession case Discussions about justice system Guilty verdict in gun possession trial Gun possession and drug use law High-profile individuals in justice system Hunter Biden federal gun trial Hunter Biden guilty verdict Judge rejects plea deal Treatment of high-profile individuals in court U.S. President son trial Unsettled law regarding gun possession.

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