Sophisticated investors don’t, or at least shouldn’t, rely on trust. Those who bought the products the banks sold were consenting adults who should have known better. – Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs
As citizens witness the financial scaffolding swaying precariously under the weight of colossal debt and economic mismanagement, an urgent call for fiscal prudence rings out. Recent developments in monetary policy, particularly the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases—ostensibly meant to keep interest rates at bay—have proven to be transient relief. The 10-year Bond Yield, now at 4.317%, reinforces a grim forecast for the debt-laden ship of state. Coupled with climbing inflation figures and a Federal Reserve Money Supply indicator in decline, one might inquire if we are witnessing the final act of a dollar-based system buckling under its weight.
Physically holding gold and silver offers more than mere consolation: it grants one a solid footing against the whirlwind of dollar devaluation. Gold, currently at $2686.26 per ounce, exemplifies resilience and the wisdom of those who navigate economic storms with tangible assets. Silver, in arms with gold, stands at $30.8345, presenting industrial value and undeniable monetary fortitude.
Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice. -George Washington to J. Bowen 1787
Let’s unravel these assets’ persistent allure and position in the grand economic theatre. Platinum and palladium, trading at $954.87 and $997.868, respectively, remain pivotal in certain market sectors, notably the automotive industry and various technological applications. Then there’s copper, priced at $4.1115, whose fluctuations often signal the health of global manufacturing and construction.
Nothing goes straight up! Regarding digital currencies, Bitcoin commands attention with its valuation today of $92,266, down from its recent attempt at $100,000 – highlighting a societal pivot towards decentralized and non-fiat currencies. This sentiment underscores the appeal of assets untethered from governmental whims and traditional financial market vicissitudes.
Remember that Constitutional currencies are not digital and support privacy and sanctity of individual anonymity in financial affairs. Outside of an exciting investment and useful token for digital commerce, the sudden interest in cryptos can also be viewed as a baby step toward the Central Bank Digital Currency.
Despite geopolitical pressures, crude oil has held its line at $71.02 in the commodities market. Meanwhile, propane, a lifeblood for many in terms of energy, lists at $0.57—its moderate price is a vital lifeline in the mechanics of the broader economy.
Let us then address the larger narrative—an increasingly manipulated economic stage. Where once free markets burgeoned, we now uncover a canvas smeared with artificial interventions and skewed incentives. These distortions lead many to question the authenticity of current market valuations and the reliability of the economic indicators we once held as gospel.
The shift toward assets such as precious metals is not merely defensive but a proactive alignment with intrinsic value, acknowledging the enduring worth of assets unswayed by fiat currency debasement. This pivot is akin to rigging your vessel with silk sails when the tempest threatens to shred cotton canvas.
Preparedness is not solely about investment portfolios. It is akin to the farmer who knows that the merit of the grain is not just in its sowing, but also in the readiness for harvesting and storage. Similarly, bracing for a liquidity crisis and potential dollar collapse involves honing survivalist skills, fostering community resilience, and ensuring access to essential commodities.
In summary, navigating the economic labyrinth of our times nudges us toward adopting physical gold and silver, a bulwark against the seismic shifts in our debt-heavy, fiat-dominant systems. As the United States and global economies churn with volatility, enlightened individuals would be wise to hedge against potential downfall, embracing the steadfastness afforded by precious metals.
It is prudent to recognize the inevitable: we strive for economic reformation. With it beckons a chance to redefine our relationship with wealth, to cast favor on assets with unblemished pedigrees—assets that thrive outside the fragility of paper promises. As we forge into the unknown, laden with silver and gold, we navigate towards a harbor where long-term security outranks immediate gratification and survival checks hubris at the door and invites in wisdom.
Now, here are my final words as an op-ed for this week. The US financial system was attacked and hijacked in 1913. The Federal Reserve banking cartel and those associated with this RICO organization around the world are working to transfer massive amounts of the remaining American wealth to the very same people who are undermining America. The ultimate plan will be to destroy the purchasing power of the US dollar and deliver the American middle class to the rank of enslaved people.
Former middle-class people are now starving, unable to earn a living, and struggling to survive daily in a planned and growing new world order-style feudalism. These are not conspiracy theories. They have stated facts, and today’s events and those expected soon will likely bear these claims.
The consequences of inflation are malinvestment, waste, a wanton redistribution of wealth and income, the growth of speculation and gambling, immorality and corruption, disillusionment, social resentment, discontent, upheaval and riots, bankruptcy, increased government controls, and eventual collapse. – Henry Hazlitt
When we accomplish our coup d’état, we will say to the peoples: “Everything went badly; all of you have suffered. We will abolish the cause of your sufferings, that is to say, nationalities, frontiers, and national currencies. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Please enjoy time with your families and friends this holiday and chat about stocking up on extra food, water, and indispensable items we all might need. Discuss how this might be a way to promise the continuation of our American traditions and way of life: Happy Thanksgiving.
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- Note: We are not giving advice; we only give our opinion; we are not financial advisors. This article only represents our thoughts about the economy.