Posted in: News, Patriots, Trends Journal



➡ Gerald Solenti discusses various topics including politicians’ desire for war, the rise in gold prices, the stability of Bitcoin, the potential for Brent Crude prices to double due to global conflict, and the expected lowering of interest rates by the Feds and the ECB. He criticizes mainstream media for their lack of substantial content and praises his own publication, the Trends Journal, for its in-depth coverage of geopolitics, socioeconomics, and technocracy. He also mentions the office building bust and its impact on banks, and predicts a decline in economic growth alongside rising inflation, a phenomenon he calls “dragflation”.
➡ The speaker criticizes the media for not covering the conflict in Palestine and the destruction caused by bombings. They also express frustration with the U.S. government’s support for Israel and the lack of transparency in politics. The speaker encourages people to subscribe to their news outlet for alternative viewpoints and to support their peace rally. They also discuss various topics like the potential dangers of smartphones and the rise of artificial intelligence.


Hello, everybody! This is Gerald Solenti, and it’s Tuesday, September 20, 2024. And your new trends journal is coming out soon. And here’s the cover. You got it. Politicians want war. People want peace. Look at that cover. It’s brilliant. It’s brilliant. It says it. These arrogant little pieces of shit. These little fucking scumbag little dick pricks. And I can’t say the other word that want war. Not one of them goes over there and fight. Not one of them, because they all have balls smaller than little Georgie Busch’s nuts. Yeah. Oh, the big news out was dick. Cheney’s not going to support Trump.

Dick. Penis. I got to be proper. I can’t call me dick. A little fucking dickhead of nothing. A little war mongering fuck that should be brought up on charges for lying us into the Iraq war. And that’s fucking news. We’re giving you, with the trends journal, what nobody else in the world is giving you. Ooh. You see gold prices today? Let’s see where they close at. $2,516 an ounce. No magazine, no media in the world, had forecast 2024 to be a golden year for gold. It’s right there for everybody. And where’s it going? What’s next? What’s going on in the markets? Hey, how about Bitcoin? Yeah, it’s hanging around at that $57,000 an ounce of a coin.

$57,600. And again, it’s in solid territory. It’s in solid territory. And we’ve been right on calling where it’s going. And what else? Ah, Brent. Brent Crude. Brent Crude’s down like 60, it was almost down 3% of that. It’s selling like $69 a barrel. Yeah. A couple of months ago, it was going out for about 80. You know why it’s going down? Because the economy, the global economies turning to shit. It’s a supply and demand issue. But with Israel and Ukraine ramping up the war, you could see the Brent Crude almost doubling in prices, which is going to crash the market.

And again, gold prices are up because they’re going to lower interest rates next Wednesday in the Feds. And the ECB is going to lower theirs too. The guess is almost 50 basis points because they’re going to do everything they can to juice up the economy to keep the powers in power in America. Ms. Fatshabrut, Janet Yellen. Yeah. The former Fed head is now the treasury secretary. Okay. So it shows you who’s in charge of the deluges. We’re the same age, my own. Hope I don’t look that bad. Anyway, they want to keep the, she’s the treasury secretary.

It shows you he’s running the country. You got to be dumber than shit not to see it. So there we go with the markets. And then going back to what we’re giving you and no one else is, you know, you go to the New York times and you go to their business section. Look at this stupid fucking picture they have up there. Full half a page, half a page. This is a full page classic game show gets a new spin. Oh yeah. $4 for this worthless fucking bullshit. How about, how about this one? Got Trump.

Yep. There you got it. Nine days. Trump can sell the stock bearing his name. Yeah. Look at this shit. Look at this shit with the stupid little fucking picture. Not it. Toilet paper record, little arrogant scumbags, putting out shit. And all they do, the toilet paper, oh no, the paper record. You had a paper record of crap. Yeah. Look inside and how about the wheel of fortune? Look at this. Another business. This is the weekend. This is $5. And then you look at what they’re reporting now. We give you geopolitics, socioeconomics, technocracy, and we got the technocracy guy nobody could touch.

This is one of his books you want to get on Amazon. The synthetic devolution. Another one. AI, the decline of human. High tech science. Geopolitics. Economics. We’re giving you what nobody else is. But yeah, look at the New York slime and look at the front page of 1971. Look at what it looks like. No pictures. They had what they called journalists back then. They’re all gone. Now, the front page story, three pages of about a rainforest. That’s the front page. Look at the big fucking pictures. That’s a whole page inside. That’s another whole page inside for $4 an issue.

We’re giving you the trends journal for the grand total of $2.96 a week. And this week is probably going to be about 250 pages. No ads and no big pictures. Yeah. Today, Israel bombed a tent. A tent in Gaza. Killed some 20 people. But this is what the toilet paper has. Only that they’re what’s going on in Ukraine. Again, a full fucking page of Ukraine art. Who gives a fuck? And then you go to the wall shit journal. Five dollars a day. Look at the cover of today. East Timor Pope visit. What the fuck do I care? Look at this clowns dressed up.

Five dollars a day. You’re not getting anything anymore. They’re little prostitutes. Prestitute days. Media wars that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and government law masters. It’s disgusting. It’s disgusting what’s happened to this to what’s going on. So going back to your trends journal, we have an economic update here and this is very important. Again, no one is talking about the office building bust. Today, you just saw JP Morgan Chase. Again, we’re the only ones. And the bank’s going bust as well because of the office building bust.

And we got that cover as well that nobody’s talking about. Bank on it. Office building bust. A ticking time bomb for banks. So part of the news, the markets, the Dow is down. S&P and Nasdaq went up a bit. JP Morgan Chase shares fell 5%. Goldman Sachs. And Capital One. That’s the credit card company. They’re down 3%. And the KBW bank index slumped nearly 2%. You read the articles. None of them are saying about the defaults on commercial office buildings. Nobody anywhere. They’re extending these loans artificially to try to keep this like things are going okay.

We got an article in this week’s trends journal about, on your global economic front, about the Canary Wharf and how they’re getting more and more vacancies. This is old news to trends journal subscribers. We’ve been warning about this and showing we have a whole list of companies that have been pulling out of Canary Wharf. That’s in the UK. Like HSBC. And again, it’s one after another. Canary Wharf gets a single bid on Space Vacant for four years. Not talking about how this is going to hit the banksters. Then you look at the office occupancy rate.

Meaning how many people going back to work. You ready? You can Google it up. Castle systems with a K. Your office occupancy rate in the United States is 48.8%. Now you put the other data into it. Small businesses that used to depend on commuters are going out of business. Day after day, this one just closed in San Francisco. Another top pizza joint closed. Every place all over, one after another are closing down. The delicatessents, on and on, because they’ve lost customers. And then again, when the economy fails, falls, jobs go with it. This is like our 100th week of doing this.

You should see the list on the IT world wiping them out. You should see the list of the job losses and the businesses going bust. One after another. Week after week. Closing down, going out. And we’ve been saying there’s going to be dragflation. You’re going to see declining economic growth and rising inflation. So, Eurozone second quarter growth misses estimates. Yeah. Germany is on the verge of recession. This is the third largest economy in the world. America is doing better than most. But then when you look at China going down big time, Japan floating by, that’s number two and number four.

So, number two, three, and four don’t look good. And America, it’s going to go down after the election. But again, they’re going to do everything they can, they’re going to do everything they can to boost up the economy. And they’re going to do that. That is the next week, they’ll lower interest rates, 50 basis points. If they do that, you’re going to see the dollar slump deeply. The deeper the dollar slumps, the higher gold prices rise. And what else do we have here? From top trend 2024, EVs go FU one after another.

How this whole EV thing ain’t going where they said it was. And the only reason China is up is they’re subsidizing when you buy the car. So again, we’ve been writing about this for years, only in the trends journal as the rest of the prostitutes were selling what they always sell. Bullshit detected, take precautions. Yep, they’re bullshit sellers. And then the Israel war. Terrible, terrible. This is more blinking. Bullshit level, death card five. A little arrogant boy, a little arrogant. My daddy was the ambassador hungry. I went to Daunton, I went to Harvard.

You’re just a little giddy from the Bronx. And my other uncle was the ambassador to Belgium. I’m one of the little boys in the club. I got an arrogant attitude and I’m a lying piece of bullshit. As you kept saying, there’s a ceasefire coming to stop Israel’s genocide. And then blaming it on Hamas, while the facts are all there in your trends journal that Netanyahu kept changing the deal. And now that Philadelphia corridor, or let’s call it the Philadelphia corridor, we’ll steal more fucking land from the Palestinians. Oh, we got to get that land because we don’t have that land Hamas is going to be there.

And Hamas is in that tent that we bombed the hell out and killed all those people again today. But they don’t have that in the media. No, no. Oh, the artwork in Ukraine. Oh, oh, and how about the other one? I forgot the other one about the, um, the hostage release. This is another big story. Big story. Top story in a cartoon news network. There they are. This is 11 days later. Oh, they found them in the tunnel. Yeah. Who killed them? Oh, why six hostages, 10 days, 11 days, but slaughtering Palestinians every day.

Bombing the place into ruins. That’s not news. What bullshit. Blinken, Blinken, Blinken bullshit. Ready? Despite pessimism, Blinken says us will present new hostage deal proposal quote, very soon. Look at this shit. That’s in the times of Israel. And by the way, hit that subscribe button again, because you’ve got to subscribe to us. You’re blacklisting us. They’re doing everything they can to keep us out. Shadow banning, you name it. Because they don’t like what I say. Because I don’t swallow shit. I’m not a shit swallower. Yeah. Don’t forget to vote. Don’t forget to vote. Hey, politicians, who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? Yep.

Here’s the back. And here’s where you go. You go to the site and you get these shirts. They’re perfect for election time. Yeah. Both. Oh, oh, they’re going to have a debate tonight. Both Harris and Trump are pro-war. Oh, Trump’s against the Ukraine war. But yeah, the debate tonight. It’s yeah, again, it’s the other cover too, who’s running. It’s Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse versus Donald Duck. I mean, that’s who we got here. So they’re both warmongers. Harris, more war for Ukraine, more money for Ukraine as the country rots in front of our eyes.

Oh, well, support Israel has the right to defend itself and we’ll do everything we can to keep the war going. And Trump, Trump is saying any Jew that votes for Democrats is a piece of shit because he’s going to do more fit. Netanyahu loves them and Trump’s words. You can’t make this shit up, but you can if you Trump can make any shit up you want. Again, I took out the domain name Presidential Reality Show when he ran in 2016. That’s all it is. And again, we said he was going to win only magazine back in May when everybody said he was going to lose.

So it’s not what I like, what I want, what I wish it’s what is. This is the little shit that said, if he’s elected president, you ready? He’s going to assure that Israel is around for thousands of years to come. Thousands of years. You can’t say what’s going to happen in two years. Thousands of years. Oh, this is the same shit mouth that says he’s going to stop the Ukraine war, but he doesn’t say how. No, we’re not to say how, we’re just going to make up shit. And again, people have no fucking clue what’s going on because of the media, the dominant crap.

Again, we have the Eurozone’s factory activity contracts, you know, on and on. That’s on the economic front. Oh, oh, oh. On the threshold of another Great Depression by Gregory Manarino. You’re not going to want to miss this article. And then special articles by Phil Giraldi, Israel Rules Washington. Dr. Joseph Mercola, Children of Big Brother, What It Means to Go Back to School in America’s Police State by John and Neisha Whitehead. Yep, we’re giving you what nobody else says. Trends in cryptos, Joe Duran, Trends in geopolitics. Yep. Yeah, this is an article in a toilet paper record.

Big article. Full page over the weekend. Again, $5 in the weekend paper. You ready? New York Times reports on ISIS genocide of Yazidis. Full page. They killed 10,000. They killed 41,000 Palestinians. 11,000 are buried under rubble from all the buildings that they bombed. They bombed the place into ruin. And some 95,000 are seriously wounded. But they don’t call that genocide. Why? It’s because of what Phil Giraldi wrote about. Israel Rules Washington. And then the presidential reality show. Trump tells Jewish voters, vote for me and Israel will last thousands of years. And smartphones, dumb move for your heart and health.

And again, I don’t own a smartphone. It’s stupid for a movie like this one. I did work for the trunks with aerials on the roof and the trunk. And I’ve been reading about the radio frequency radiation since then. Dumber than shit. And all my friends around 2001 when they became popular, I’m not going to get one of those things. All of a sudden they’re all getting, well, how come they got one? Well, if my clock breaks down, what do they fucking call it if they break down? Anyway, dumb phones. And trends in high tech science and the whole section on trends in AI.

Today you got it. We’re giving you it. Nobody else is giving you anywhere, any place. So tune in tomorrow for Slenty and the judge. Judge Andrea Napolitano, 6 p.m. Eastern and subscribe to the trends journal. The more subscribers we have, the more we can do it. Don’t forget the peace rally. I forgot all about it. Yep. September 28th. Judge Napolitano, Scott Ritter, Max Blumenthal, Anya Parable and others. Music entertainment. Again, go back to the cover of the magazine this week. It’s right here. Politicians want war. People want peace. So go to Occupy Peace and please help support us.

This thing costs a lot of dough. And we want to make news with this. We need peace on earth because these maniacs are giving us hell on earth. Thanks for tuning in. See you tomorrow. [tr:trw].

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Bitcoin stability discussion Brent Crude prices doubling prediction economic growth decline expected interest rates lowering by Feds and ECB Gerald Solenti on politicians war desire mainstream media criticism by Gerald Solenti office building bust impact on banks rise in gold prices analysis socioeconomic trends in Trends Journal technocracy analysis in Trends Journal Trends Journal in-depth geopolitics coverage

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