Politicians DROPPED 119 rituals MJ fear w@r secret s@ciety Blackmail Pray!



10.30.23: Politicians DROPPED 119 rituals MJ fear w@r secret s@ciety Blackmail Pray!



➡ The speaker alleges the current House of Representatives is compromised by globalist power structures and notes the importance of ongoing exposure of such corruption. They also highlight a projected tour by Donald Trump and the spread of harmful disinformation, as well as an upcoming event featuring the Isaacs, a gospel group. They further discuss perceived investigations into Joe Biden from China and continue expressing faith in God amid challenging times. The speaker also touches on the enactment of Executive Order 138480 and encourages unity and active engagement for change.
➡ The text discusses the alleged suppression of free speech on social media, promotion of immorality, and election manipulations, as well as a call to free Julian Assange due to his revealing of hidden truths. It engages with the perceived attacks on Mike Johnson and Clarence Thomas, and warns of a potential scarcity of resources. The author encourages preparedness and vigilance in this climate of perceived deceit and corruption.
➡ The text discusses dissatisfaction with alleged voter fraud, emphasizing the need for active citizenship, such as attending local meetings and taking responsibility for community and national matters. The speaker asserts it’s necessary to balance religious and civic duties while avoiding political idolatry. They assert that Trump is a tool for awakening the nation, not its savior and criticize politicians prioritizing foreign affairs over domestic issues. The speaker highlights their distrust for politicians who use religious rhetoric but seemingly lack compassion for American citizens and cities.
➡ The text discusses the rising cost of living and political events involving figures like Mike Pence and Donald Trump. It also talks about the struggle with consumer prices, housing unaffordability, increased gas prices, and rising grocery bills. The discussion extends to QAnon theory, Antifa, and the mainstream media’s handling of these topics. It concludes with an appreciation of the merchandise available on Amwino.com and emphasizes the importance of supporting each other.
➡ The text discusses multiple issues including allegations of political blackmail, misuse of power, abortion controversy, alleged irregularities in voting, and the detrimental influence of money power. It also highlights the potential risk of a debt crisis, the escalating conflict between Israel and Palestine, the recurrent mass shootings in the U.S., and the mental health crisis related to the same. Lastly, it refers to films and documentaries that are being produced to shed light on these issues.
➡ The text discusses the recurring issue of mass shootings in America, especially mentioning the use of semiautomatic rifles, alongside legislative efforts for preventative measures. It also highlights global protests in support of Palestine and accusations of strategic war planning against several Middle Eastern countries by the US. The author mentions religious aspects, insinuating a supernatural warfare for the souls of mankind and criticizing the dominance of science over traditional Christian ethics in today’s society.
➡ The text delivers a stark warning against purported societal manipulations and evils, and a call for resilience and unity. Following this, appeals for divine intervention, protection, and wisdom are made, intertwined with insistence on strong faith, honesty, and unity, ending with a note on an upcoming event and an expression of love towards the listener.


We have. The House of Representatives right now is totally, completely broken, and they’re totally owned by the corporate lobbyists and, frankly, by the globalists who own many of these people because they’ve been compromised by by some of these what they call codel trips overseas, where these members of both the House and the Senate get compromised by sleeping with children. And they compromise. And these are real things. These are very real things, or they get them caught up in the world of big, big bucks, big money.

SA well, there was rituals that were played out on the baseball field this weekend in Texas. They’re nothing short than ritual witchcraft. We’re going to see that Trump continues his tour through America, letting us know how he will take the evil ones out once he enters or gets back. Exposes Joe more than ever. Trafficking is used on politicians to keep them silent. That information is starting to flow out more.

The elite who are part of the Satanic order need to be exposed. We’re going to catch all this and more. Hang in there, folks. Before we begin, I just wanted to make sure you knew that we had the At Sea with Lt. You can go to our website, Amino. com, and check it out. I always wanted to just kind of highlight a couple things that are going on there.

One of them that we’re going to have is a lot of special guests. You’ll have the Isaacs. They’re the gospel group. You know, I’ve played them a few times. The Isaacs consist of Lily Isaacs and her children becky, Sonya and Ben. Sonya and Ben. With roots dating back to 1971. Their unique sound blends family harmony with contemporary acoustic instrumentation. They have earned three Grammy nominations and nine Dove Awards and have collaborated with artists like Dolly Parton and Paul Simon.

Their philanthropic work through the Isaacs Foundation supports the Holocaust survivors and orphans in Israel. They became members of the Grand Old Opry in 2021. And I just love them, spent a lot of time with them here and are at sea with LTS. August 11 through 18th. We’re going to be going to all types of places, views together in Holland, America. It’s going to be beautiful. We’re going to hang out several sessions where I’m going to be speaking, preaching and music, and we’ll have guest speakers and Q and A and all that stuff.

It’s going to be fabulous. Here we go. The first thing I want to show you before I show you this part from President Trump is Joe Rambo showing us here they are the ones that are really under investigation. He’s going to get 28 billion from China. China gets china pays Biden directly. Okay? We’re just trying to find out how much most corrupt president we’ve ever had by far.

And the most incompetent. Most incompetent. And I never used to talk that way. You know, it’s true, but you wouldn’t say that because I respect the office too much. But now I hit them differently than I would because they did something to me that’s never been done before. They indicted me because I protested a crooked election. They indicted me. They go after people for years. Do you notice? They never go after people that rigged the election.

They go after people that are complaining about the rigging. Anybody get see? Did anybody see anybody with all the things and all the facts we have? And you’ll be seeing them come out because we never forget history. You have to remember, history is a very important word. But they indicted me once, twice, three, four. I think they stopped. I heard they were going to do a couple of more, but they said, don’t do anymore because my poll numbers have shot up.

Yep. And so that goes back to for those in the back, joe Rambo showing us this. They are the ones who are really under investigation. Who remembers this? We got crazy people like Shifty Schiff and Hillary and all of these people. These people, they don’t want to talk about greatness for our country. All they want to do is investigate everybody. But they are the ones that are really under investigation.

I also want to thank he did that real quick. Remember, they are the ones that are really under investigation. And then he turns and pivots to something else new quickly. We know how he does this. We know more and more as folks are starting to realize how this is playing out. The enemy is under deep duress. They are under the guidance of demonic beings, and we know it.

And it was pleasing to see President Trump point to God Almighty as we move forward. You do what God called you to do. You show up, you put 1ft in front of the other. You have no idea what God has calling for you. You have no idea where you’re going, and in some cases, you don’t know why. But he needs you. He needs me. He needs all of us.

It is God that is the answer. And it is this same turning to God, the ultimate answer to evil. America is a nation strengthened and sustained by God and the prayers of all his children. Your faith is a force that our enemies can never, ever extinguish. Your love of God, family, and country is more powerful than any adversary’s hatred or malice or scorn. And so as we go through all of this, as we hear President Trump, we don’t hear much of this type of talk.

We haven’t heard from hardly any other president he would bring up during the time that we know Christmas isn’t the correct date. But when we talk about it, he brought Merry Christmas back. And he also in his lines about Christmas to America because it’s the standard. No matter what, they get that message out. He brought up Christ being born in Bethlehem, son of God. And he also in Easter time, talks about the sacrifice and the death of Jesus Christ and his resurrection.

I mean, to almost preaching to the entire United States of America folks that probably never even heard that before, especially young ones. And so as we’re watching all of this play out, we’re seeing so many comms in so many different ways. And I’ll get to those maybe a little bit later as we go through, but it’s interesting, the temporary funding of the federal government’s running out. November 17 october 1, 2023.

Biden signs the spending bill into law. The White House is seen as at dusk, september 3047 days. POTUS account posted on Instagram just signed a law to keep the government open for 47 days. Well, 47 would be the number of the next President. Interesting. And then DC Lendstone catches this. You don’t say. You guys, if you go look on Twitter and start looking at some of the military posts on Twitter, it’s been interesting lately.

One of them, us. Army Ford Seal, the calm before the storm firestrong. Team Seal called a service us. Army tradeok. Is that coincidence? Many are starting to make weird connections and strange ones where you start wondering more and more how this is playing out. Well, if you read Executive Order 13848, you read it twice as fledged. 17. Trump will offer classified information. Remember, he keeps talking about the indictments, how they’re trying to arrest him, the evil ones, they’re so scared.

If we could just put them in jail, keep them from being running for office, then nobody will ever know the truth of who we really are. Trump will offer classified information at trial relating to foreign influence activities that impacted the 2016 and 2020 elections, as well as efforts by his administration to combat those activities. Boom. Yeah, it looks like Trump is ready to turn the tables on the DOJ intelligence community for foreign interference in 2016 20.

And there we have the evidence. We have everything. How can we use what we know? How do you legally inject and make the public use as evidence? You’re witnessing all of it unfold. You legally do it by getting pulled into court. And all of a sudden you’re able to bring up your defense of the 1620 elections. You bring up all the evidence, and when the world’s watching, they finally get a wake up call.

Executive Orders treason update study the executive orders. Follow the pen. President Trump’s pen. Executive Orders post pen picks sky event Syria. Are we looking at that? Kind of interesting because we have the Executive Order 138480. Man, it just gets gooder and gooder. We used to say there in the south, right, push to divide is strong. They’re going to really try to divide us. Stay together, stay strong. We the people.

Don’t let them do it. We’re going to see even more comms from President Trump in different ways where he leaves different letters out where he adds a letter like this one rather than the racist attorney general star witness. Chalking. Like a dog, he puts chalking instead of choking. You look for the C’s and you see coats before D class ongoing now. And it’s just exciting stuff as we go through this.

And then you had the sleeper agent posted by none other than Elon Musk showing the stealth gray now available for model SX. Well, that could have more than just the car itself. It’s the stealth moves that are being done. Maybe imagine if the new acting attorney general now releases all previously blocked doc requests by the House, including the RR secondary class scope doc. Well, basically what I wanted to get to is this.

Stealth bombers fly undetected. Pain’s coming. Interesting as we go through all this freedom, the bird is freed. The bird is freed. Remember that from October 27, 2022. Twitter is freed. All those assets they had that they got caught, the CIA, FBI, DOJ, all these three letter agencies finally caught using Twitter to censor all of us from getting the truth out. And that’s how so many democrats and liberals get fooled, because they were following everything on Twitter back in the day, and they couldn’t see anything that we were posting because most of us were taken down or we were shadow banned.

That’s right. For those of you new kind of reading into this and listening, you got to remember, free speech is not allowed in many areas. That’s why we want to free assange. He unveiled through his reporting, through WikiLeaks, all of the things that he gathered to the public to make known how they have wars, bankers wars, how they traffic children and more, and how they worship Satan. We’re going to show you a new world.

Those who were blind will now see the light, will soon see the light. A beautiful, brave new world lies ahead. We take this journey together, one step at a time. Don’t forget this. Don’t forget how they play these things out ever. So then when we have Mike Johnson entering the fray, we remember the mainstream media, how they work together with their talking points to go on the attack mode so that they can use their propaganda to destroy any thoughts of those who read those evil mainstream media, listen to them whatever.

Watch these, read them whatever online. They realize we’ve got to do something to stop Mike Johnson if he’s for real. New York Times said Johnson played leading role in effort to overturn the 2020 election. That’s good. Daily Beast. Well, we have a speaker. He’s an election denier and extreme Christian fundamentalist. That’s good. Mike Johnson may win the speakership through exhaustion and delusion. Well, he won. CNN politics new speaker of the House Mike Johnson once wrote in support of the criminalization of gay sex, well, what’s wrong with that? It’s a criminal act.

Many people would say now that they’ve been brainwashed for so many years on that issue. Well, you can’t do that anymore. That would be hatred. No, we’re trying to protect. Protect who? Trying to help them out and make them realize that that’s not the way to go. And if you go to the Bible and you read things when that’s where they get mad is because, biblically speaking, one man, one woman marriage, whenever you leave and go to Immorality, that Immorality spreads throughout your country, throughout cities and more.

And they’ve been pushing that. And I talk about that constantly when we’re homeschooling, we’re talking to youth groups and more. Back in our day, it was shameful. Seventy s and eighty s. And he tried to help them. Then what they do, they started using the television shows, the movies, to make us start thinking that it’s okay. And after one, two generations of constantly making it okay, then our young ones who go to the public school system and other school systems are around it all the time, 24/7, their parents are trying to talk to them over and over and tell them it’s wrong.

It becomes very difficult. How do I know I’m speaking from experience? Because that’s what I heard from my two older sons as they went to a high school, public school years ago. I made a huge mistake in doing that. It’s a long story. Maybe I should write a book about it, about family, protecting your children and more from these dangers. Mike Johnson helped engineer Trump’s coup. Then Democrats helped make him speaker.

Mother Jones oh, my goodness. MSNBC. Desperate GOP turns to election denier and race for House Speaker. You see this new House Speaker is far right extremist who helped plot 2020 coup. Look at all these headlines. Mike Johnson tried to help Donald Trump steal an election. He’s now speaker of the House. Still an election. They stole the election. Remember, Satan teaches to his folks that worship him. Accuse others of the things that you’re doing so they never look at you.

They’re liars. They belong to the father of lies. Satan new Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson was the mastermind of the January 6 plot. That is what you call the lie of all lies. Adam Schiff. You might be googling who Mike Johnson is. Well, this morning make it simple. Johnson’s a hard right, pro Trump leading election dire in the House. See what they do. So all the lefties, all the liberals freak out and they believe it.

And then they go on and watch MSNBC before I show you this clip from Joe Scarborough about the future election. Know Joe Scarborough throwing a tantrum. Kind of wanted to hear, you know, have you hear about things that protect you, help you out know difficult times. Here we go. One, as we know that God takes care of all of us, but it doesn’t tell us not to be prepared.

I tell you, we’ve got some warnings. A guy named John boyd Jr. Was on the news saying he’s a fourth generation farmer. He said that we’re going to see empty shells in the coming months. So many folks keep talking about that. It’s just good to be prepared for anything. I mean, not even just the scare tactics the deep state gives us, but have something in supply. We’re talking a good for 25 years super survival food from fourpatriots.

com. It’s in the description box below. They’re handpacked in a family owned facility in the USA and they give jobs to over 200 Americans. They have about different types of things breakfast, lunches, dinners, and more. Pretty good stuff. You get 10% off your first order with fourpatriots. com in the description box below by using Code Lt. That’s fourpatriots. com, the number four patriots. com saying shut up. Saying shut up.

Put a mirror in front of your face. You shut up. I mean, these people try to overturn American democracy. We saw it. He led the effort in the House. And then they’re shocked. The question why are they shocked? Because they don’t want to talk about it. Because they’re already planning they’ve already got this figured out. They’ve got Donald Trump’s guy in there, and they’re going to steal this election in the House of Representatives with this speaker who led you say shut up.

We’re not going to shut up. You shut up. If you want to overturn American democracy, we don’t want to hear what you have to say, so keep it to yourself. But we’ll never shut up. Because these are the people that tried to end the American experiment because their guy didn’t win. Because a failed reality TV show host didn’t win. So those are the stakes. That’s really what’s happened.

Donald Trump has found the guy that will gladly pave the way to an autocracy where democratic elections don’t matter. Oh, so then maybe, just maybe, this freak Joe Scarborough, maybe the investigation will finally be underway if President Trump enters the fray and finally launch a full investigation. Since President Trump called him out for the things that happened to him in Florida with his supposed secretary, I believe, or somebody else, I don’t know.

I have to do some research on that. Look it up. Who else did they go after? Oh, Clarence Thomas. They all work together in making sure that old Thomas doesn’t get anything done, because he could be looking into the elections also. So now what are they doing? They’re launching attack altogether now. Let’s make sure we make him one of the worst Supreme Court justice we ever had. Let’s go on the attack mode.

How dare he look into these elections. Use our propaganda machine. The new york times justice thomas RV loan was forgiven senate query fines new clarence thomas ethics questions about forgiveness on luxury RV loan oh my goodness. Huffton Deposit. Clarence Thomas may have had a quarter million dollar RV loan forgiven. Oh, he never paid back 267,000 loan from a rich friend used to buy a leisure. Wow, they just all jumping in.

ABC News, CBS News, AP News Week. The same Washington compost. Oh, my goodness. Over and over again. The elections have to get looked at. We got to get out and vote and we got to make sure they don’t cheat. Keep your eyes open. Do what you have to do, but we got to make sure they don’t cheat because they’re going to try and cheat. It’s the only way they can win.

They have done such a bad job. We did great. We did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016. We got millions and millions more votes. But they cheated like dogs. They used COVID to cheat, including with the legislatures. They didn’t get approval from the legislatures and things. They did things. You had the 51 intelligence agents, remember when they said the laptop from hell was from Russia? But they all knew it wasn’t.

That was big cheating, a lot of cheating they did. And stuffing the boxes. You see that? You saw that with 2000 Mules, didn’t you? 2000 Mules. You ever see try getting a copy of 2000 Mules. Try getting a copy. Somebody said, I’d like to get 2000. They made it almost impossible to get a copy of 2000 Mules. He did it. Dinesh did a great job on that. And true, we’re going to stop it.

Yeah, you’re right. We’re going to stop it because we’re watching it now. We have the best teams of people in the country and we’re going to stop the cheating. Because if we don’t stop the cheating, you’re not going to have a country. If we don’t stop the cheating, you’re not going to have a country. So we’re going to stop. We’re going to stop the cheating. People aren’t going to let it happen.

They’re not going to let it happen. The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we’re not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. That I can tell you. The presidential election of 2020 continues. He’s not stopped and he never conceded in the first place. We know that. Again, for those that might be new, we don’t worship President Trump. I have to say this over and over again because I don’t want folks to think that that’s what we do.

We have to work together in our local communities. We have to work together on our local government, our schools. I’m not saying that not everybody can afford homeschool or can handle homeschooling or go to private school. I get it. But we do have the obligation to go to our school meetings, school board meetings, district meetings, and more. And I have mentioned this before where I feel like I failed.

So I was so involved in trying to do constant studies at our church almost six to seven days a week, which is a good thing. But what I should have done was after that looked at the time of prayer and getting together, teaching, evangelism explosion preaching, teaching the men’s Bible study on Saturday, friday night, visitation. Monday night, visitation. Tuesdays we had evangelism explosion teaching. Wednesday night, church. Thursdays, I was hanging out with a couple of men for discipleship.

I mean, every day was that. But what we should have done was that and, and say, let’s go to these local meetings after prayer at our schools. Let’s go to the local meetings for our elected officials and see what they’re up to. But I did, and so I’m just challenging you. We don’t look to Trump as a savior, but we do see in a sense that he’s being used by God Almighty as the frontpiece of many who are behind the scenes doing all they can to wake up this nation and many more and take down an evil deep state who’s continuing to panic, in my opinion.

But they still have their puppets out there, like watching this indoctrinating, this group of indoctrinated sheep cheer for the man who committed war atrocities in the name of freedom after he signed the patriot act and invaded countries based on the pretext that they were definitely weapons of mass destruction. Listen to this. And doing the catching for tonight’s first pitch, please welcome a member of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, one of the greatest catchers of all time.

So then you’re clearly bringing this man out in attempt to bring back memories of an old and drum up support for more war. It’s a good test for awakening. If there are more cheers by the masses than booze for this cabal shill, then we still have a lot of work to do. And I said that in my Twitter post the other day. Luckily, God doesn’t need the majority of these people to win.

He often works with a minority to accomplish his purposes in the world. In the world. So let me show you a little bit of this. Okay, you ready? So new York City. The Riddler with Batman, baseball with George Bush with the 119th World Series. And when did the Diamondbacks win last? 2001. 911. It’s a mirror. One one 9911. See, the Knicks in Vegas has a 911. Look at this nine on your screen.

If you’re looking, there’s a player nine and there’s a player eleven. Okay, just showing you that they use this. I’m going to show you something in a second on video that’s going to shock you. See the score of the baseball game. 911 Rangers scored nine runs to tie the series one to one. Another 911 ritual right in our faces. He who laughs last laughs the best. Now to the video clip from Maverick X.

Crazy how many people still don’t understand how this all works. It’s called witchcraft, black magic. Now look at what I just noticed. What shape do you see in the bleachers when Jeter hits his home run? Yep. Pretty amazing, right? What a coincidence. So there’s Bush on the left and Bush on the right throwing the pitch for the game, for 911 and for 1119, the 119th game. Then you see this pitch come in.

Boom. A right hander to a left hander. They both hit their home runs in the same area. Then you’ve got a right hander to a right handed batter, both hitting their home runs to the same area. And you see in the corner the triangles and you see it all play out with the right hands in the air and the running around the bases in the same shot of people jumping around and celebrating.

Do you see it? Is it a coincidence? What do most of you think about that? Put in the description box below the video. Put your comments in. Just tell me how this all plays out for most of us, okay? Other things that are very interesting. Can anyone answer this? Why do so many American politicians from both parties care 100 times more about the Ukraine border than the USA border? Elon Musk the public will vote against those who care far more about the borders of other countries than our own.

Elon that’s true. Well, we got old Pence saying goodbye. And I’m going to show you another clip in a second on all this. I just couldn’t sit this one out. But the Bible tells us that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven. Always using the Bible, that always makes me nervous. These politicians, we’ve seen him Cotton, a lot. And some people say he’s still a good guy, all because he quotes the Bible.

But I tell you what, I don’t know. But we’ve got a lot of evidence to prove otherwise. A lot. And could he have made a deal, just like they said? I think 60, 70% of the politicians, they had to do things to make them play a role. Because if they had arrested all of them for their crimes, we wouldn’t have a government anymore or something like that. I can’t remember.

I’m just trying to remember some of the stuff. I don’t have it all down memorized, folks. But I tell you what, these things make me nervous. Traveling across the country over the past six months, I came here to say it’s become clear to me this is not my time. So after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for President. Defective today, good news. Now I’m leaving this campaign.

But let me promise you, I will never leave the fight for conservative values. And I will never stop fighting to elect principled Republican leaders to every office in the land. And he’s a liar. He doesn’t care about remember, you guys, remember, we got to bring this up. We got to remind you, those that are new like, what do you mean he doesn’t care about Americans? Remember how Tucker Carlson called him out? Even Joe Rogan caught this pretty good.

What? Did you see that interview that he did with Tucker Carlson? He was talking about the demise of the cities in America and all the problems that we have in America. And he said, that’s not my concern. Every city in the United States has become much worse. Drive around. There’s not one city that’s gotten better in the United States. And it’s visible. Your concern is that the Ukrainians, who’ve received tens of billions of US tax dollars, don’t have enough tanks.

I think it’s a fair question to ask. Where’s the concern for the United States in that? It’s not my concern. Tucker, I’ve heard that routine from you before, but that’s not my concern. You’re done, that’s it. No one cares about you now. Like, he literally killed his campaign with that one conversation with I don’t it’s not my concern. The border of the United States is being invaded daily.

That’s not my concern. Ukraine is my concern. We have to send them billions of dollars. My concern. People are barely making it. Barely making it. As a matter of fact, I think I had something saved on my likes on Twitter, if I remember right, and there was somebody talking about how it’s every single day they’re barely making it. Barely making it. Oh, yeah, there it is. And it’s got some cussing in it.

Maybe I can get it edited out. But to make just this first part mom, this was $70 and you don’t even get anything. Before COVID my grocery bill was $350 a month. Now it’s $600 per month. I went to Target yesterday and bought two bottles of hair product, a bottle of shampoo, a box of trash bags, and one Halloween decoration. $70 on my Target red car. That’s with my 5% discount.

My son’s looking at the carton going, mom, this was $70. We didn’t even get anything. Yeah, I know, kid. And he doesn’t even remember a time when you could get a two bedroom apartment in a decent area of town for $600 a month. Now a one bedroom apartment in a mediocre part of town is two grand a month. Gas is 549 a gallon. It cost me $65 to fill up my tank.

Before COVID my grocery bill per month was $350. Now it’s $600 a month. And I buy the exact same amount of groceries. Out of control. What does the bourgeoisie think that the outcome of this is going to be? So remember, that’s not his concern. Mike Pence. But yet he promises here, I’m going to do everything I can to take care of America and bring in the right Americans that are elected into our Lord have mercy.

President Trump having to drop something as all this is playing out, right before Pence dropped out of his non existent presidential campaign, trump said he was the one who does the dropping on the same day of the 6th anniversary of Q’s first drop. Is that a coincidence? When. You drop someone in politics, especially when I’m the one doing the dropping, you can be almost certain that they will come back with a vengeance, such as the case with Andrew Stein, a lightweight gadfly who I know I’ve been known and been kind to for years, but haven’t had the time patience, lady, to see him.

It happens. He gives his meaningless endorsement to Bird Brain, who is losing to me by 50 points. I’m way down in the polls to Crooked Joe, Globalist, China Centric, and once influential Wall Street Journal, who picks up everything negative about me that they can, puts this ridiculous endorsement into its pages. A bad rhino that’s Republicans and name only loving policy information. Folks, we’re at Amwino. com. Please check it out.

You can become a fellowship member for Amwino. That’s right, you get Merch discounts monthly newsletters from lt, special merch packages, exclusive event invitations and more. It’s really cool. You can join that. You can also get our merchandise. We’ve got plenty of things to choose from this fall season. It’s been absolutely brilliant how we continue to see all of the things that Jamie and Angie have been placing on there for us to choose from.

As I’m sharing all this, we’ve got the subscription boxes now, subscription boxes, hard to say. And that is really cool because you get the early release T shirt, a sticker pack, a mystery item delivered to your door each month. Also, they have the fall bumbles bundles. Bumbles. Just what you need to kick off the season. In truth, look at that candle towels. The candle smells good, by the way.

Fall in love with the truth. Bags tote bags for the fall. I mean, they’re always working, thinking, what can we do to support everyone out there to let them know that we care about you? We’re trying to get the right gear. They work hard to make sure that you have it, especially for the fall and winter seasons. You’re heading especially into the season of giving perfect opportunity to grab these sweatshirts and hats and coffee cups, accessories and flags and so much more.

Stickers magnets, dog tags, keychains round, patch, square patches available. So many things, folks, I just want to make sure that, you know, all of this is available to you. And when folks walk up to you and say, hey, I watched that show too. You can say, hey, this is so cool. Love to have friends and more. So really cool. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear ramp while we’re denouncing.

Let me ask you about QAnon. It is this theory that Democrats are a satanic pedophile ring and that you are the savior of that. Now, can you just once and for all state that that is completely not true? QAnon in its entirety? I know nothing about QAnon. I just told you. I know very little. You told me, but what you tell me doesn’t necessarily make it fact. I hate to say that I know nothing about it.

I do know they are very much against pedophilia. They fight it very hard. But I know nothing about run by the subject. I’ll tell you what I do know about. I know about antifa, and I know about the radical left, and I know how violent they are and how vicious they are. And I know how they’re burning down cities run by Democrats, not run by Republican. Senator Ben Sass said, quote, QAnon is nuts, and real leaders call conspiracy theories conspiracy theories.

Why not just say it’s crazy and not true? He may be right. I just don’t know about QAnon. You do know. I don’t know. No, I don’t know. I don’t know. Let me ask you another thing. Let’s waste a whole show. You start off with white supremacy, I denounce it. You start off with something else. Let’s go. Keep asking me these questions. I do have one more. Let me just tell you what I do hear about it is they are very strongly against pedophilia, and I agree with that.

I mean, I do agree with that, and I agree with that. There’s not a Satanic pedophile. You don’t know. That okay. No, I don’t know. Do you know that okay, just this week why aren’t you asking me about Antifa? Why aren’t you asking me about the radical why aren’t you asking Joe Biden questions about why doesn’t he condemn Antifa? Why does he say it doesn’t exist? Because you’re so cute.

Antifa exists. So just a reminder of this media group, most of them trained, and they admitted the CIA admitted that they teach them and plant them into seminaries and into the mainstream media fold so that they can learn how to look at somebody in the eyes who’s supposed to be receiving respect. And they teach them how to yell and scream and get angry and try to shake up the people that they can’t stand, because again, it’s a reminder of this President Trump who’s taking out the pedophiles, yet they want to complain and not listen to him as he says, I agree, get rid of the pedophiles.

But then she tries to counter and say, don’t you believe that? They say it’s a Satanic, democrats are Satanic, blah, blah, blah. Look, I don’t know, but I will tell you that I’ve heard, and she doesn’t want to hear it. Kurt Cobain knew it all along. Quote from 1993 in the end, I believe my generation will surprise everyone. We already know that both political parties are playing both sides from the middle and will elect a true outsider when we fully mature.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s not a business tycoon who can’t be bought and who does what’s right for the people. Someone like Donald Trump, as crazy as that sounds. And he’s gone now, Kurt Cobain interesting, because we talk about many times they say, don’t talk about it anymore, or it’s just a psy up. What’s a good psy up? And as they continue to attack it and make it negative, I will say, look, there’s some strange things that are going on.

There’s information that’s flowing. You know what? It would be wrong for me not to share some of the things that people say out there. So I’m reporting. You decide. It’s the way it’s supposed to be. President Trump, when he put out the when you drop someone in politics, especially when I’m the one doing the dropping, remember that? I just read it. He released that at 1221 28 seconds p.

M. On October 20. Eigth. Well, interesting, because when I looked at this, you go to 21 28. It says D’s dropping all around over sexual misconduct. Well, it’s interesting because at the same time that this says D’s dropping all around over sexual conduct. Nexium. Remember Nexium got caught. Hollywood actor and more connected to Nexium, where they were branding the women and using them for trafficking. When does a bird sing? President Trump called the meaningless endorsement to bird brain.

Who’s losing to cricket? Joe biden the globalist. Eyes wide open, sheep no more. You’re learning, folks. There’s 141 spaces, thanks to Grasshopper GH 17 catching this 141 spaces goes to Crumbs. Dropped all. We’ll soon see the full picture. We can’t do it without you. The picture opens the eyes of the world. Well, then you go to 1221 the time it was released. Why do so many DC journalists yourself use and replace burner phones every week? Do you feel safe? There’s a bad rhino loving policy and misinformation.

Use it well, Nikki. It’s all you’ve got. Do you feel safe? Burner phones, bad rhino policy. Droppings drop, dee’s dropping, bird singing, bird brain. Do you see the connections? Are we crazy? No. And then as that plays out, just like the intro played out, here’s General Flynn with Joy Thayer from Matt and Joy Thayer Sparrow pictures we have the House of Representatives right now is totally, completely broken.

And they’re totally owned by the corporate lobbyists and frankly, by the globalists who own many of these people because they’ve been compromised on some of these, what they call codel trips overseas, where these members of both the House and the Senate get compromised by sleeping with children. And they compromise. And these are real things. These are very real things. Or they get them caught up in the world of big bucks, big money.

They get them caught up. They control them. They blackmail them. All of this was put out for us to see. We knew it already. Most of the world did not know it. But many folks now, by the, I believe millions, if not a billion people on this earth know. Does the C underscore A hold blackmail on political leaders? Saudi Arabia controlled U s puppets. The strings are cut.

DS are dropping all around. There’s another connection. Oil, tech, sex, children, threats, bribes and blackmail being deployed at levels dirty laundry. Blackmail controls DC threats, bribes and blackmail. Dark secrets. Let’s see what happens. Jeffrey Epstein, playboy Mansion. Hugh Hefner, Heidi Fleis. What did they all have in common? They all ran a CIA Massad honeypot, blackmail, extortion rings on anyone who mattered, the political elite, hollywood CEOs, et cetera.

General Flynn’s statement about political blackmail can be observed through the intel drops. I call them Q SA and controlled the US. UK. Politicians and big tech via blackmail, sex tapes with children, drugs, bribes, et cetera. What happened in Saudi Arabia was key. And the events that transpired following Donald Trump’s visit, the mass arrests of prominent Saudi Arabian princes, government ministers, and business people in Saudi Arabia eliminated one side of that triangle.

That would be the Soros, the Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Soros, and Saudi Arabia triangle. Those actions freed a lot of people. Blackmail no longer held over the heads of many unless they still are elsewhere. All of this leading to so many things that are happening around this earth that it’s hard for us to imagine. Like meanwhile, in Italy, three persons married each other. We talked about this. You get rid of the definition of marriage, they start defining it the way they want it.

Three people marry four, five, all different types of they just continue to destroy everything. Hakeem Jeffries says extreme MAGA. Republicans are determined to impose a nationwide ban on abortion care. House Democrats will always defend a woman’s freedom to make her own reproductive health care decisions. Big difference. Truth hammer says fact. Planned Parenthood was caught selling body parts. You guys remember that? We were showing you videos undercover. They were selling body parts of aborted babies, and the journalist who exposed it was charged with the crime.

So if you expose them, you’re the one that’s charged with the crime. House Democrats have never held a hearing to find out why Planned Parenthood is making money selling dead babies or to expose who is buying them. This is hard to share, and I know it’s hard for some of you that don’t want to see it. But tell you what, that’s what we put in the beginning of this video.

Discretion advised. As Matt and Joy Thayer work together. Sparrow Pictures. They have a movie coming out. State of denial. Arizona Documentary official teaser is out. You can go to stateoftenialdenial. org. Okay? It’s in the description box below the video. Just scroll down. You will see where I’ve played that. They’re the makers of selection code. Here’s the trailer they’re trying to dismiss. It doesn’t look like that’s. Invalid elections are the people’s elections.

These are your votes. These are the people’s votes. The very idea that citizens shouldn’t know exactly what happens when they cast a ballot, that is an anathema to a free society. I don’t trust you. No way. People know something is going on, and they don’t quite know what or where or how they can fight it. But there is a feeling that something’s not right. Amazing. Great trailer, great productions.

Always by Matt Joy. There. Hopefully you guys go check that out. We need more exposure on these elections. We also need exposure on what’s going on with our monetary system. You guys saw this. Usdetclock. org keeps posting all types of somebody’s hacking or something’s going on. President Abraham Lincoln. They put a quote on the front. Abraham Lincoln, 1864. The government should create, issue and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers.

By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. The money power preys upon the nations in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy. Autocracy, excuse me, more selfish than bureaucracy. We talk about all of these things and more.

You missed Sunday’s interview. Yesterday’s interview, we talked about the cardboard box indicating recession, $600 billion lost in a month, debt in a month, and the significance of the speaker of the House with Dr. Kirk Elliott. I encourage you to check him out. Listen to us as we share these things and more. So multiply that times twelve. What is that? Well, 600 times twelve is we’re pushing about 7.

2 trillion, right? 7. 2 trillion, not one and a half to 2 trillion. If we keep up on this pace, they’ll add the national debt won’t be 34 trillion, it’ll be like 41 trillion within the next twelve months at this rate. That is completely unsustainable right now. Go back to the speaker of the House story, right? Who wants to be speaker of the House when they’re going to vote on the debt ceiling? When it’s an election year when the BRICS nations have risen up and stealing our status as the petrodollar, taking away a built in demand for the US currency as the world’s reserve currency.

And we’ve got this exploding debt. Now we’ve got a war with Israel and Hamas that’s quickly, and I mean quickly turning in from two adjoining nations that can’t stand each mean. Israel and Palestine have been arch enemies since Isaac. And I mean, this goes way back. So we have great discussions, guys. You can reach out to them. If you’re wondering what to do with your IRAs and precious metals and more, you go to Annwino.

com Gold. I put it below in the description. Reach out to them. They will help you out. It is amazing support. Just make sure that you know about that. And also, you remember when we had all of the shooters happening recently? Well, many of these shooters keep talking about hearing voices. Main shooting suspect Robert Carr truly believed he was hearing people say things about him at bowling alley, bar murder sites.

Family Navy Yard shooter reported hearing voices through walls. Teen suspect in Thai mall shooting claims hearing voices telling him to shoot all these folks and more. Then we saw this play out. We had the suspect in Maine. Mass shooting has been found dead, police say yeah, suspected perpetrator of this week’s mass shooting, self inflicted womb, right? Government guy 20 years in government work. Government guy starts hearing voices.

Government guy threatens to shoot up a National Guard base he worked at, checks. Government checks him out. Government puts him in a mental health facility. Government decides he’s safe enough to let loose a gun. Government has him on watch list. Government guy goes on a killing spree. Government blames guns. What word do all these sentences have in common? It isn’t guns. It’s the government. Just like Ben Garrison put out big pharma’s coming out.

This is your fault. Turning your guns to the NRA member who’s confused at the gun free zone. Oh, biden himself put out. In the wake of yet another tragedy, I urged Republican lawmakers in Congress to fulfill their duty to protect American people with work with us to pass a bill banning assault weapons and high capacity magazines, enact universal background checks and more. Yeah, it’s always in front of us, isn’t it? Let’s see what else oh, they march out.

Greta thunberg of gun control. David Hogg. Let’s see which one sounds like he’s doing better. This interview or the one they’re going to put in the far right corner as you watching this. How ridiculous that is that I have to continue being here and talking about this. Actually, that was a bad choice. It’s okay. You’re fine. Actually, that was a bad choice because the janitor sorry. Honestly, when I was going out when I was going out, I was in shock.

I don’t know how to put this in perspective. So most of my friends that made it out, one of them went into a bathroom, I believe, in the same hallway as the shooter. Hold on. One of them went into the same bathroom, I believe, as the hallway shooter. He was in there at the same time and he was in the bathroom, and he didn’t know if he was going to live.

A couple of years ago or over a decade ago, we had one person try to bomb an airplane with a shoe bomb. And ever since, everybody has had to take their shoes off every time they go to the airport, pretty much. Yet we have tens of thousands of people that have been impacted by these mass shootings, many of them committed with semiautomatic rifles like the AR 15 time and time again, and yet we see nothing change.

It is exhausting. I was in Maine only a couple of years ago, lobbying the state legislature for a law that, from what the details sound like, are coming out about this, may have been able to prevent what happened through a red flag extremist protection order. It’s exhausting. Talking to legislators and them telling us over and over again, know, this is just not something that happens here. That’s something that happens in states like Florida, but that doesn’t happen here in Maine.

And then, unfortunately, it becomes the next place where it happens. Yeah. So they march them out. Haven’t talked to everybody. And more other folks that have been coming out here recently, they’ve been talking about these playouts in war happening around the earth, including Iran here recently, if you guys didn’t know. Turkish President Erdogran has called on the people Turkey to take the streets and demonstrate in support of Palestine.

Yeah. Also massive protest in India and solidarity with Gaza and Palestine. And then, let’s see, we have another one in London. Massive pro Palestine protest in London. America’s next. If Trump doesn’t get back in. How have we seen this play out? Well, it’s interesting because the Joe Rogan having a conversation with comic Dave Smith highlight the startling claims made by General Wesley Clark we talked about this a while back.

Who asserted the US. Government had formulated plans to attack seven Middle Eastern countries, ultimately culminating with Iran days after the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and finishing off Iran. It’s not like that plan was followed perfectly to a T, but a lot of it sure was.

It’s like, insane that this was just said. And that’s not just like, if we didn’t have such a corrupt press, how do they not talk about that every day? Every day? Why does that never come? Oh, as we fought all of these wars, no one went. But this is exactly what I heard Mr. Four Star General tell me was your plan and you’ve never come to the American people and said, this is my plan.

You’re just like so and what’s really interesting about it, right, is it just reveals this prop, like the way propaganda works. Because if you think about it, we start fighting the war in Afghanistan. We’re in the war in Afghanistan by late 2001. It’s not till 2003 we’re in Iraq, right? And then it’s not till 2010 that we’re in Libya, 2012, we’re in Syria and then in Yemen. And it’s like each time they had their own little propaganda story for why we had to go into this war.

Now you’re like, you decided in 2001 you were doing this. So don’t tell me this is because Gaddafi is about to go genocidal, or because Saddam has weapons of mass destruction, or because Bashar al Assad is killing his own people. It’s like, no, this is just your latest little excuse now for the war that you already wanted to do. Really works, man. It’s like, they decide they wanted to fight these wars, then they make tell the American people.

Then these weapon companies rake in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits and babies get slaughtered. That’s what really happens. Like innocent men, women and children die, get exploded to death, starved to death, get displaced and we want to think of ourselves as a good guy. Yeah, that reminds me of an interview that I watched this weekend. Somebody sent it to me through the Isaacs and was really telling on Sgt report about dr.

Gundry has the key to I’m sorry, I’m going to read this part. Sorry about that. Wickedness in high places Nathan Reynolds and the stuff that he was explaining about these wars and how all of this plays out in front of us and how they demand blood. These Satanists he knows because he was part of it. Would love to be able to talk to Nathan Reynolds as he explained all this on this amazing interview.

Part one and two, listen to both of them and man did he bring up a lot of stuff and I think there might be a part here to remember. What did you mean by that? What I mean is we are incessantly born into a society that was engineered in the image of the enemy. We are literally in a cosmic war for the souls of mankind. Not just some kind of like ethereal religious bible thumping thing.

I’m talking about there is an ever present danger. There is this present darkness that is working insidiously to corroborate and collaborate, to steal, kill and destroy all truth, to corrupt mankind at the most infinitesimal level, at the most minute nature of their being, of any level of strength and hope and courage and happiness and joy and love and peace. All of those very things that make us mankind.

They are absolutely systemically juxtaposed to it. They are seeking ways to destroy our hope every single day and night and they are a supernatural intelligence system. They go far further back than any of the other intelligence assets that are out there in mankind. They are one that has been an ancient evil, I call it the ancient hate that has been diametrically opposed to the sons of righteousness, the sons of truth.

And it goes way back to the beginning and you have to go and deal with these great dragons, these great ARCONs, these rulers that set themselves up in these spiritual realms who shapeshifted themselves out of their heavenly estate. You asked a little bit. We’re going to ask and talk about where I got the name for snatched from the flames and it comes right out of the Book of Jude which deals with these very governing authorities because there is a spiritual force behind this that gives power.

It’s like this great red dragon that gives its power over to individuals, people on this earth who get their power from communicating and making covenants. This is why when you ever are wanting to track down these people you follow the X. That X this deals with X class projects. This deals with X class weapons. This deals with the X Men, the anunerbi, these hybridized agents. This is why you have to deal with that great red, that black nobility like we were referring to earlier.

These are individuals who are, for lack of a better phrase, custodial agents of these beings, these spiritual extra dimensional beings that have a physical corporate body, a physical body. However, they don’t occupy our realm unless absolutely necessary, because the most powerful force that anybody has when they are capable of doing whatever they want, is anonymity. And so this is why the gods of humanism were reinstated over our society through the Renaissance and through the eradication of religiosity and the destruction of Christian moral ethics that had built and laid cornerstones throughout many successful societies over centuries and millennia.

Those were systemically eradicated, and the gods of science were set up in their place. The gods of reason, intellect, and the worship of man’s. Corporal five senses to be the only thing that dictates our identity. Great interview with Sgt. Port, Sean. And I tell you, it really had an impact on me and just learning even more because he has such a huge background and understanding of Satanic worship there.

He came from satanic ritual abuse and more. We’re being barded in so many areas. Bud Light made its way into UFC. Bud Light got money, $100 million from Bill Gates foundation. Remember, they’re pushing transgender through delvaney, somebody said. Can’t wait to see how Joe Rogan tries to worm his way through the announcement. He supported the Bud Light boycott, but he’s attached to UFC at the hip. Wonder what’s going to happen to UFC if this gets out? Many of us remember Go woke go broke.

But they’re pushing all types of things in front of us, trying to distract us and more. They’re trying to shove us into war. They’re trying to destroy President Trump. They’re trying to continue to bring black magic and witchcraft into us in so many areas, using 119911. Those that were very deceiving to all of us have finally dropped out. They were caught basically stating, in a sense, they don’t care about America.

President Trump asked for what, $9 billion to build a wall? Yet they send billions over to other countries and said at the time, oh, we can’t afford to protect our country. It’s too much. We’re watching and hearing finally more and more about how they blackmail politicians with children and record them. State of denial. The elections coming out, more on that. They’re trying to ban our assault weapons because those have more of a deadly force than just simple handguns.

That’s right. So as we continue to move forward each and every day, remember these things. Remember how we have the strength to work together to make sure that this propaganda that’s thrown in front of us each day does not work. Remember, each day there’s people fighting behind the scenes to get our country back. Part of that, I believe, is to take us to the precipice, to the very edge, till we finally realize we have been lied to for so many years by such evil people.

And it reminded me of a clip, a warning from 1965 to close this video out. Played it before. I think it’s proper to play this again. Probably one of the greatest that I used to listen to in my entire life. Paul Harvey. Here we go. If I were the Devil if I were the Devil if I were the prince of darkness I’d want to engulf the whole world in darkness and I’d have a third of its real estate and four fifths of its population.

But I wouldn’t be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree thee. So I’d set about, however necessary, to take over the United States. I’d subvert the churches first. I’d begin with a campaign of whispers with the wisdom of a serpent. I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve, do as you please. To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.

I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what’s bad is good and what’s good is square and the old. I would teach to pray after me our Father, which art in Washington. And then I’d get organized. I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.

I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the Devil I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves and nations at war with themselves until each in its turn was consumed and with promises of higher ratings. I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames. If I were the Devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions.

Just let those run wild until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door within a decade. I’d have prisons overflowing. I’d have judges promoting pornography. Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress and in his own churches. I would substitute psychology for religion and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.

If I were the Devil I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle. If I were the Devil I’d take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious and what’ll you bet. I couldn’t get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich. I would caution. Against extremes, in hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct.

I would convince the young that marriage is old fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be. And thus I could undress you in public and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were the Devil, I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing. Paul. Harvey. Good day. For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, as we continue down another week into the end of October, into November and the close of another year, we come to you with our thoughts and our prayers toward those who are hurting, to those who have been affected by the enemy in so many different directions. And we know that you have the power to remove and heal, remove this enemy force around us and heal us and bring comfort and rest.

He tells to come boldly before your throne with our request. And so we come before you asking for all of this to end soon. May we be released from this bondage as those slaves were released from Pharaoh in Egypt. May we watch them be crushed in an instant, like they were crushed in the Red Sea. May we be able to proclaim what a moment to be alive. Knowing that God Almighty, that you have been behind all of this, to wake us up, to destroy them and also bring us closer relationship with you as we know as we know in this information war.

It reminds me there’s no atheists in foxholes. Many of us are on the battlefield. You know those. You have called us to witness the truth. To many we know that your son, Jesus Christ, our Savior said I’m the way, the truth and the life. No man goes to the Father except by me. Thank you for your constant reminder of us, of your love, your guidance through your word.

Please continue to guide us into all truth. Protect us from the enemy who wants to destroy us. Jesus name I pray. Amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in once again for your time. I know this is longer than normal, but I hope that you have a great week. I hope that you’ve been prayed up in the word of God and continue to thrive on this earth as families join together in one cause.

We also hope that you continue to hit the subscribe button and share. If you haven’t and share these videos and also think about and join us with the At Sea with Lt. Those slots are going to be filling up pretty quick, so you don’t want to miss it. You can pay in payments, whatever. It’s pretty cool. I’m just looking forward to meeting people for the first time, really openly exposing myself to lots of people on an enclosed facility, so we’re looking forward to it.

I know in August of next year. I’m already just geared up for it. Ready to go. Love you guys. And for now, this is Lt. San Simplify with Mwino signing out Sam Ram. .


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