Political Shake Up Coming!! Michelle To Replace Biden? Tucker Carlson For VP?! David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots




➡ David Nino Rodriguez talks about how much he loves music and remembers bands like Wu Tang, Coldplay, and Nickelback. He wonders what happened to bands that aren’t famous anymore. He hints that his show will have interesting secret messages and talks about promoting health supplements. He thanks people who supported him on Venmo and promises to answer all questions. He feels nostalgic about the past but tells listeners not to worry too much about the future. He’s planning shows with special guests.

➡ This text is like a long talk by the speaker. He shares stories from his life, thinks about getting older, and talks about making his YouTube videos and politics. He talks about strange things about aging and a fight he had once. When making YouTube videos, he likes to ask questions. He expects big changes in politics. He ends by thanking people, talking about his upcoming videos, and discussing rumors in politics.

➡ The host of Ninoscorner TV thinks something big, called “Boogeyman 2.0”, will happen in March. They’re worried about risks and think this event could be very important. They notice that the media seems biased in showing political speeches, causing trouble among right-wing people. There’s a lot of guessing about who might run in the next election, like rumors about Tucker Carlson possibly being a vice president candidate.

➡ The speaker doubts political polls that show Joe Biden slightly ahead of “Mr. T”. They’re surprised that “Mr. T” is still popular even if he might be convicted of a crime. The speaker talks about “Mr. T”‘s court case in Georgia, doesn’t believe in mixing elections and God’s will, and makes fun of Biden’s plan to forgive student loans. The speaker ends by sharing a personal story about beating addiction and getting healthier.

➡ The U.S. Capitol Police said there were over 8000 threats against Congress members last year. Meanwhile, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un told his military to be ready to fight the U.S. and South Korea. He wants to test more weapons in 2024, before the U.S. election. In other news, Israeli politician Benjamin Netanyahu might lose his leadership role, and Texas state troopers are arresting a lot of illegal immigrants, with more expected in February. Also, Hugh Hefner’s widow wrote that he was addicted to drugs but lived to 91 years old.

➡ The speaker talks about what life was like in the Playboy Mansion and what he thinks about Hugh Hefner’s lifestyle. He mentions a strange new law in Las Vegas about not taking photos in certain places and can’t believe it’s true. Then he tells a shocking story about a man who ran a website about extreme body changes and did something really drastic for attention and money. The speaker worries about where the world is headed, even joking about a zombie apocalypse.

➡ The speaker jokes about a zombie apocalypse coming soon and says he’ll make a video with proof. He tells a story about meeting someone who acted like a zombie. He’s planning a show with ‘Gene decode’ that might talk about hard topics. He ends confidently, asking listeners to keep tuning in to ‘Patriot’.


What’s up, everybody? Good morning. Good morning. It’s a Friday. I love Fridays. I absolutely love Fridays. I gotta say, folks, you know, sometimes I’m jamming out to my music and it’s like I was listening to a little bit of Wu Tang, man. I love Wu Tang. Remember those? I was just thinking to myself, man, what happened to all these great bands? Like, it just seems to me like it was two years ago, three years ago.

If I like, in my memory, two, three years ago. And I’m like, no, wait, that was two decades ago. Fuck. I mean, I don’t even know where the time is going. It’s like a massive illusion. And I was thinking about it. There’s a lot of bands out there that get a bad rap. I catch myself listening to some of these bands and some of this music, and I’m like, man, I remember they had.

You guys remember those bands, and let’s see if you can name them. The bands that people were ashamed to listen to, but the music was good. I don’t give a shit who you care. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t. And I’m going to say it. I’m going to say it right now. I don’t know anybody that doesn’t secretly jam out to Coldplay or to a nickelback song. I don’t give a shit who you are.

Nickelback is a good band. And you know what? If they went on tour, I’d go see. You know, I was listening to some of their music. I was like, blast from the past, man. When I hear some of their music, I’m like, whoa. And I remember it was like, oh, Nickelback. I don’t listen to it. Bullshit. Everybody likes. I like Nickelback. I love Tool. I love tool. Tool’s one of the best bands out there.

Yes, but come on, you got to admit, Nickelback is a good band. I don’t give a shit what anyone says. Why does everyone hate on them? Why do people hate on them? I don’t understand. Or Coldplay. Coldplay is another great band. I don’t get it. I don’t understand it. Folks, the shit is about to get really, really interesting. The shakeup is about to happen. I’m going to use code words in this broadcast.

You know who Mr. O is? Did Mr. O. Mr. O. You could both call him Mr. But did Mr. O go to Antarctica to regroup and re situate and go back to the drawing board? There’s some stuff that’s laid out here. From what I’m hearing, it’s just rumors, just whispers. First of all, folks, you could venmo me d Hyphenrod 1977. If you appreciate me, I appreciate you. You also ask questions on Venmo.

I answer everyone’s questions on there and I give you the utmost respect. Thank you for really appreciating the Nino. Also, folks, when the lights go out, you know I’m going to go into it. When the lights go out on Amazon. Leave an honest review. I got to write another book, the Mexican Mix, my mama’s book. I got to take them to dinner tonight, by the way. The mexican mix, my mama’s book.

I got to say, I’ve been having a real. I don’t know if it’s just the beginning of the year or like the ending of last year, but every time during this period I tend to have a lot of nostalgic reminiscing, flashbacks. And then I was just, remember that group, LmFAO or LmFAO. You know who I’m talking about? Lmfao or L-O-M-F-A-O or something. You guys know what I’m talking about? They used to have all those songs in the club.

Yes. You guys remember? Yes. And in my memory I was like, oh, that was like three years ago. That was like 15 years ago. LmFao, yes. What happened to them? What the hell happened to them? Because they were huge for a little bit. And I remember everywhere when I’d go to Scottsdale or LA, that shit would be on in all the clubs. It would be going and then gone.

Just fucking vanish. Gone. What happens to these? Do you guys ever wonder that? What are they doing now? Could that daft punk, could they even tour anymore? Because it seems like it was just club music, right? I don’t know. It’s just crazy. I don’t know. I’m sorry, folks. I’m having a little bit of a. Do you guys like the shirt, lunatic fringe and do you like the thumbnail? I tried to get creative with my thumbnails.

I tried to make it look like I had like six fingers or something. Get your health, folks. Get your health. With Nino, those who set their New Year’s resolutions around health and beauty are helping collagen supplements grow in popularity. This supplement has transcended recently as people look for ways to improve their skin, nail, hair and joint health. I’m on this stuff. It’s in my coffee right now. The only collagen I recommend and use this amazing, magical supplement.

It helps reduce visible signs of aging, reduces wrinkles, and promotes a youthful complexion to the skin. Get it now for a whopping 53% off. And I think it starts working pretty damn quick. I think it works very fast. Plus, get free vip live health and fitness coaching for life. That’s pretty cool. A free ebook. That’s pretty cool. And more with your order. Completely free. Simply go to health with Nino, baby.

It’s down there at the description box. Whenever I have bad thoughts, I get, or nervous, worrisome thoughts, I make the sound of the cross. I don’t know if you guys notice that about me. And sometimes I’ll be in the middle of a broadcast and I’ll do this. I don’t know. It’s just a habit. I’ve done it since I was a kid. When I used to get in the ring, I used to kneel in the corner and do it.

Whenever I get like a nervous or like an anxiety thought, I try to stop it in its tracks. So neither side, you guys got to really understand this. It’s not like whatever side wins, the other side is just going to go away and right off into the sunset. That’s not what’s happening here. You have got to understand. Both sides are all the way in for the whole pot.

It’s for all the marbles. This isn’t like one side is just going to go away into the sunset and just live life. That’s not how this is going to play out. Both sides are going all in and both sides are going to hold the other side accountable and massive punishment is going to happen. This is both their fates on the line. Do you guys not understand this? So a lot of you that say, oh, it’s just whatever, whoever wins, no, whoever wins this and whoever loses has stands to lose everything.

Their faith will be sealed. Folks, this is life and death. Both sides, life and death. You got to understand this. Everything is on the line. All of humanity. All of humanity is on the line. Thank you, Tennessee. Mama love watching you. Great job. Thank you very much. So I want you guys to really understand this on today’s broadcast, on why this political shakeup is going to happen. Why it’s going to happen is because both sides stand to lose everything if they lose everything.

So Spotify is Nino’s corner. Telegram is Nino’s corner getter. Nino’s corner. Rumble Nino’s corner. True social. David Rodriguez Boxer. Instagram. David Nino Rodriguez, boxer Twitter. Nino boxer. Ninoscorner tv is absolute fire. All right, folks, I got a huge lineup on this one. All right, so what I got going on Nino’s corner tv is a lot of intel and a lot of big guests coming on. Thank you. Eli Shaw, Santo for presidente.

All right, so I got the Ron partain, David Snedeker, Mike King video up there right now. Roundtable. It’s epic. Let me tell you who’s up there next tonight. Benjamin Fulford. This video was his best. I think this is his best. Say what you want about any of my guests. I laid out for you all to play it out. This one’s big. Benjamin Fulford. Man, I want to believe this guy.

Some of this stuff sounds too, you know, but I keep an open mind. I keep an open mind on this stuff. I keep an open mind on it because you just don’t know. We all just don’t know. Scott Bennett is coming on today. Bo Pony is coming back on. How do you guys feel about Bo Pony? He’s catching a lot of shit lately. I tell him, I’m like, bo, I got to play devil’s advocate.

I love the guys. You know what I love about Bony? Whatever you want to say about him. Whatever you want to say about him. I love his heart. He has a big heart. He means well. He’s excited. He’s excited. He’s excited about Jesus. He’s excited about Jesus. You got to love people like this, man. He doesn’t mean any harm to anybody. So I’m going to bring him back on because I love the guy, and I think he’s hit the mark a couple of times.

Wendy, thank you very much. So I got Bo coming back on. I got Gene decode. I’m going to try to make this YouTube friendly. I’m going to do my best to make a segment for YouTube. We’re going to work on that today. So I got to form everything. Whenever I put something on rumble or on YouTube, I have to formulate it as a question. I have to be like, do you guys like this shirt? Yeah.

Lunatic fringe. That’s on patriot wear, by the way. Go to patriotwear. com and you can pick up this shirt, lunatic fringe. You guys remember the song Lunatic Fringe? One of my favorite songs I have to train to. That song shows you how old I am. I still feel young, though, man. It’s weird. I’m at that weird age where I’m, like, transitioning, I guess, into old age, I guess you would say.

But it’s like, I still feel young. You know what happens? And tell me if you all agree with me when you hit 40 slice. Stallone. Sylvester Stallone said this in his documentary. He goes, it’s like, you get additions and additions, and then after 40, it’s subtractions. Subtractions. And I agree with that to an extent. I still think if you’re looking at it, if you’re looking at them that way, fame and celebrity and all that, maybe.

But I think there’s also additions after 40, but you just have to have more depth. It requires more depth. But the one thing about 40 is this. It’s like a hill, right? It’s like a hill. And in your twenty s and thirty s, you’re looking up at that hill and you’re going, man, 40 is like that mark, right? That mark. And then right when you get to 40, it’s like a roller coaster.

It goes. Everything goes by faster. It goes. All of a sudden, life just goes warp speed. What used to take five years takes one year. I don’t know. And I know there’s like some kind of scientific equation to this where somebody’s worked out some kind of equation. Why time speeds up as you get older and now, especially now, it’s not that the hours in the day are any longer.

There’s still seven days a week, 24 hours in a day. It’s just that there’s more options within the hour. There’s more options of creativity within the minute. We’re all on our phones. You all are watching me from your house, on your laptop, at a Starbucks, whatever. It’s crazy. I don’t know. These last few weeks have been really reflective to me. I saw a guy at the casino the other day and I just had a massive flashback.

I was like, wow, man, this guy, when I was in high school, do you guys like these? Like, when I just go off on these random. I don’t know why I do this. I’m sorry if you don’t like it, I guess you could just sign off, whatever. Because I used to go to a party in Juarez and see that. Juarez. And I remember this guy, man. He was in a fight.

He was in a fight with this huge, fat mexican dude. And everybody moved out from the bar onto the street and they were throwing blows, man. This guy was a tough son of a bitch. And he looked at me at one point in the fight, and we were kind of friends. He looked at me with this desperation in his eyes, like, dude, I can’t handle this guy. So, knowing me, I was like.

And I just kind of moved him out of the way and bam. Cracked this dude on his nose. Boom, busted his nose, he fell down. And he still thanks me till this very day. He came up to me goes, hey, Calron. Oh, my God. What are you up to? Come out. Give me a big hug. He goes, dude, I still remember that. I still remember outside tequila Derby, man, we were fucking throwing blows.

You came out of nowhere and watched La puto. You hit that motherfucker so hard. And I was like, damn, those are the days. All right, folks, so Nino’s corner is fire. It’s going to be badass. Laura Bowley is coming on. John de Souza. I got Vince from sham. Wow. Coming on. I got Mike Z sgn on. Scott McKay is going to be the next general in the generals tent January 25 at 05:00 p.

m. Talking about tactical civics. And then I’m going to have a whole lineup. Thank you, Tina. Wow. Thank you, Tina. A whole lineup of generals every month is going to be star studded. It’s going to be badass. So you might want to turn it down or turn it up. It’s about to get nuts. A little Nino in your cup. I like that. I don’t know who put that on here, but I think I might make a shirt out of that.

So I’m going to give you credit. Whoever said that. A little nino apocalypse in your cup. I like it. I love it. All right, folks, might want to turn it down or turn it up, baby. Yeah, get the day started. Get the weekend started. Y’all going out? You guys going to go out this weekend and party? Get fucking your. Some of you like to say I noticed in Australia.

Get your piss on, mate. You got to get your piss on, mate. Get your piss on, mate. You’re going to get pissed. All right, folks, here we go. Coming at you live for the apocalypse, folks. Oh, yeah, Nino’s here. Going anywhere. A lot of you want me to go away. A lot of you just want me to go away. One thing about me that I can say, I do this shit by myself.

I don’t need anybody. I don’t fucking need you in an interview. Let me say that again. I don’t fucking need you. I bring all the bells and whistles by myself. I don’t need to bounce off anybody. I bounce off me. Get it? I don’t fucking need you. And there’s a reason I’m saying that. So the political shakeup is coming, and they’re going to go from plan a to plan b to plan C in a very fast track of time, which is this year.

Now, folks, if you’re watching this late, you’re not watching this live, and you’re like, man, this thing’s just chopped up a little bit, and I don’t understand. Well, because I have an editor that comes in, I’ve told them not to take out the funny points, the comical shit, but they come in and they do clean up the video for Flufftube because I got to make it for flufftube, guys.

Thank you, Lucia Robertson. Thank you very much. So a political shakeup is coming now. Rumor has it, and I got to state it like this, rumor has it, I have to form it as a question that Mr. O, we all know who Mr. O. Is. Don’t put it in the chat, has gone to Antarctica to regroup. There’s a lot of important shit down there, Man. A lot of important shit.

And that’s like the evil layer. The evil layer for these people. God, I swear, it’s almost like this is like really watching Star Trek or like Star wars. It’s fucking crazy. They’re hoping that these convictions that Trump does get convicted, they are hoping like hell. And I’m not saying it’s going to happen or it’s not, but Mr. T, that’s what they’re waiting for, because they want Biden to run unopposed.

They think they can make that happen. Throw enough charges. Throw more charges. He’s not going away. Give him another offer. Mr. T, are you sure you don’t want to step down? No, I don’t think so. Okay, more charges. More charges. More charges. Mr. T, do you want to step down? Nah, I don’t think so. Okay, more charges. More charges. More charges. Mr. T, do you want to step down? I don’t think so.

More charges. More charges. Now, why in the world won’t he step down? Why won’t Mr. T step down? Why can’t we get him to step? Well, maybe, just maybe, there’s an operation that a lot of you don’t want to admit. I’m the tinfoil hat crazy guy. So what could they do next? Well, if they can’t get Biden to run unopposed, what could they do next? You guessed it.

You guessed it. Big Mike in the house, baby. Oh, yeah. So that’s the thing. And I think they’re little hesitant because they know what’s going to come out. So if Mr. T is convicted, a scenario may be presented where Biden goes unopposed. And that’s what they’re hoping for. Now, Kamala has hinted at this, that he may go unopposed. They’re hoping on that. They’re actually counting on this. But if this doesn’t happen, they’re going to have to push in their candidate.

That’s going to be star studded celebrity, probably big Mike in the house. Okay, but hold on. Just bear with me as all this is transpiring and they’re pushing with their negative ads, their propaganda, and this is going to be way worse once they realize they can’t get rid of this guy. 2016 2. 0, it’s going to be way worse. And they’re going to throw everything and the kitchen sink at us, folks.

Everything. They’re going to go back to the drawing board and go, you know what? Fuck this. Let it all go. All systems go. Boogeyman. Everything. Boogeyman. If you go to Ninoscorner TV, Snedeker made his case on why he believes Boogeyman 2. 0 is coming. And it’ll happen in March. Pretty damn interesting. And obviously you’re seeing a lot of stuff on the Internet right now, talking about the boogeyman.

Levitha de Souza. Levita. Levita. Did I say that right? Thank you. They cannot risk anything. Remember when I started this broadcast off? I said, everything’s on the line. Their fates are sealed, that they lose. They cannot afford to lose. Nobody can. This is for all the casino Royale. So their fates are contingent on. So it has now gotten to that point where even MSNBC decision not to air Mr.

T’s Iowa victory speech ignites right wing Firestorm. Now they’re going to blame it on you for getting mad. Oh, we’re not airing it. We have to be above this. They’re not going to even cover them. Folks, do you see what’s happening here all over again? They cannot believe they’re in this situation once again. And they’ll label you. All of you. They’ll label you. You know what? Yeah, I’ve never seen his pregnancy picks either.

Exactly. I actually said that a long time ago. So they’re going to act like they’re taking the higher ground. They’re going to pretend they’re taking the higher ground. They can’t give Mr. T a platform for a victory speech. It’s completely absurd. But what are they hoping on? They’re hoping on a conviction so that now you got to listen to me when I say this, and I heard this from Juanito, they’re trying to get it to where Biden runs, or he wins by default, that he runs unopposed.

As crazy as that sounds. So to me, this means that it’s all about timing. It’s like a chemist. They have to do this just right at the right time, just late enough to where nobody else gets inserted in there and Biden just wins. He’s the only horse in the race. Yeah. Juan has said that he does not believe Michelle will be in the race. But I’ve asked him this many times, he says, no, no, not a chance because I think he believes that the truth will come out.

The truth will come out, but they will do anything. And I feel like they’ll take the chance. I feel just my gut instincts that they’re going to go for it when they realize they got no more options on the table, which Juanito has said many times. The Democrat musical chairs will begin now. They’re hoping they can get one off on you guys and insert big Mike. But let’s talk about that just for a second.

Now, this is on Fox News. Michelle o could sneak her way into the 2024. You know, what newer post columnist warns now, you know, I skip through words and I do stuff like that for a reason. Michelle O. I’m just going to say Mo revealed she’s terrified at what might happen in this next election. So the former first lady recently revealed she was terrified if Mr. T wins 24.

Oh, I bet you are. I bet you are. I bet you’re so terrified, you all should be terrified. And it’s going to happen whether you like it or not. By the way, just a little side note. During an interview on Jay Shetty’s on Purpose podcast, those are things that keep me up because you don’t have control over them. And you wonder, where are we in this? Where are our hearts? Do you see how they pull on your strings? Where are our hearts? Where are our hearts in all of this? What’s going to happen in this next election? Mo asked.

I am terrified about what could possibly happen because our leaders matter. Our leaders really matter. Do we have leaders right now, folks? Do we really have leaders right now? Yeah. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulprit, affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted. They take it for granted. Former president Misharo has also voiced concern over Biden’s poll. Well, I don’t understand this.

I thought Biden’s leading in all the polls. I mean, all the public polls that you go look at, he’s got Trump, he’s got Mr. T by a smidge on all. The Wall Street Journal reported in December that Mr. O is among those that left, on the left who fear. Who fear now that word’s important. Who fear a return of Mr. T to the presidency. Jay SmitH thanks you.

I appreciate you. But what could be holding them back, folks. What could be holding back an announcement from Big O. Let’s call her big O. What could be holding back an announcement? There could be a dirty little secret out there somewhere. A big one. A big secret. A big old secret like this. Oh, boy. And I think it’ll come out like gangbusters. So a lot of talk right now.

There’s a lot of talk about Tucker being VP. Sore throat. How’d you all know I have a sore throat? Are you psychic? So big chance. And I’m hearing a lot of rumors and whispers. This has been brought up many, many times and I’m starting to wonder where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Could Tucker Carlson be VP? If you would have asked me this, I would have said no. I would think he’d be more valuable in the news department or bringing in, hammering in the, you know, maybe they’ll pick up for vp.

I don’t know. Mr. T appeared on Newsmax Thursday where he speculated about former Fox News golden boy Tucker Carlson being picked as his dad’s. Okay, so Mr. T Jr. His dad’s vice president candidate. Don, is your dad serious about Tucker Carlson? Are those rumors serious? Ask Newsmax anchor Rob Finnerty. That clearly would be on the table, right? I mean, they’re very friendly. I think they agree on virtually all of these things.

They certainly agree on stopping the never ending wars. And so I would love to see that happen. He would certainly be a contender. Don Jr. Has said so. He’s in the race. He’s in the running, folks. Other names floated, including. All right, I’m going to tell you right now, not going to happen. But other names that floated around were included that were Ron DeSantis. Yeah, right. JD Vance, Ben Carson.

I would go for Ben Carson. You guys like Ben Carson, you need someone who’s in alignment as well as, like, aggressive. You actually need a fighter. Junior said pick Sancho. You need the Sancho. Mr. T and Sancho together. Pero I will have to be presidente, though. I cannot do the vice president sheet. Okay. I will be presidente. You can be my vice president. Okay, classes. So another one.

And he says that I would do whatever it would take to make it not happen. Is Nikki H. But he says he doesn’t make these decisions. But your father listens to you maybe more than anybody else. Fennerty said, I’ve been pretty involved in the political game for quite some time. And I think, you know, more importantly, I live with the base. I hang out with the base. Those are my people.

Those are my friends. Don Jr. Said, I’ve met Don Jr. Here at the wall, and I got to say, he’s a really nice guy, man. Really good dude. I really respect that guy. I really do. I met him in his rv when he came down here. He spoke to everybody. He treats everybody like an equal. He’s a really good dude. He doesn’t have that pompous attitude. Not at least that I can tell.

Good people. Good people. I like him. I like him. He passes the sniff test, if you know what I mean. MSNBC’s decision not to air Mr. T’s Iowa victory speech live ignites. Live. It ignites. Right wing firestorm, folks. So see what they do here. Wow. Thank you, Mark Veen. Yeah. Yo, see what they do here? Lights a right wing firestorm. See how they word this make you all look crazy.

The network took a stand, okay, listen to how they word this. The network took a stand to protect journalistic integrity over political theater. And conservatives are losing it. They’re losing it. But they know what’s good for you. Don’t you know that? They know what’s good for America. And you guys are just crazy. You don’t want to get on board with all their crazy agendas. No, you’re crazy. We know what’s right.

We know what’s right for America. And you’re just a little too extreme. Conservatives are seething online. Who writes this shit? Who fucking writes this shit? Conservatives are seething. They’re seething online. After discovering that MSNBC chose to protect, to protect its viewers from former Mr. T pengent for lying in front of the cameras. They got to protect you from him. When the network did not broadcast his victory speech.

After Mr. T won the Iowa caucuses on Monday, Rachel Maddow announced a decision during MSNBC’s special broadcast covering the vote results. Maddow explained the rationale behind the editorial choice. Because they have to protect you. Don’t you know they’re protecting you? They got to protect you from yourself so we can get past our agenda. They’re waking up. They’re waking up too fast. Stop them. Stop them now. Don’t air it.

Put that guy up in front. Put that dude, that bro. Let him cover it, Rachel. I think that’s why my throat hurts. I did that the other day as well. Whenever I do the. You know where I got that from? Let’s see if you guys can guess. Where did I get that from? Deliver and squeal like a pig. Boy, oh, boy. Mr. T suffers a double polling blow.

Some more bullshit. Joe Biden has a slim lead. You all believe this? Can you believe he has a slim lead over Mr. T in a potential presidential contest between the two? According to two recently released us wide polls, Biden’s beating him. Wow. So let me get this straight. Let me see if this makes sense. Mr. T is beating everybody else by double digits, but gosh darn it, Biden’s got him.

Biden’s got him. Even though Mr. T is winning by double digits everywhere. Out. You just can’t get this guy. Can, yeah, just, just won’t happen. That’s just. Sorry. It’s the way it is, man. The way the cookie crumbles. He just can’t catch up. He’s just too good. He’s just too good. Says here most Americans won’t vote, wouldn’t vote for Mr. T if he’s convicted on a felony. Really? Because I see his ratings rising.

I see the more you throw at this guy, it’s like you could throw this guy in a dumpster full of shit and he’ll come out shining. He’ll hop out of that dumpster shining. You can’t throw mud at someone who’s made of mud, like me. Only 20% of voters would vote for former president Mr. T if he’s convicted of a felony, according to a new poll. All these polls, who runs these polls? Do you guys ever wonder that? Where do these polls come from? They just pop out.

They pull them out of their ass. Oh, here’s another poll. Hold on. Oh, yeah. Says here Biden’s beating them. Sorry. Let me wipe my ass with this. Hold on. Sure. Okay, whatever you say. Oh, boy, another poll’s coming out. Get ready. Here comes another poll. Oh, boy. Judge in Mr. T’s Georgia case orders hearing on fatty Willis misconduct claims. A state judge overseeing the election interference case against former president Mr.

T in Georgia has scheduled a hearing for February 15 to hear evidence regarding accusations that Fulton County District Attorney Fanny wheelies and her lead prosecutor engaged in an improper relationship. Did they really? And mishandled public money fold? County Supreme Court Judge Scott McCaffey also wrote in the order that Willis must respond to the accusations in writing by February 2. Willis has declined to directly address the explosive accusations that first came to light last week in a filing from Mr.

T’s co defendants, former campaign aide Mike Roman. The filing did not include evidence to substantiate the claims. This is good. It’s kind of interesting to watch. Like lawfare, right? To watch lawfare happen. It’s pretty entertaining. You can sue anybody for anything these days. I was going to do a story on a guy that is suing 25 women for saying online that they went on a date with him and he was just too clingy.

He was just too clingy. So he’s suing them for $75 million. That’s real. And I was going to do a story on that. I’m trying to throw different kinds of updates. I got an update coming up tomorrow. I just finished it about zombies. I got a real live zombie on video, at least it looks like one. And that’s coming up. I’m going to let that air tomorrow. The first live zombie on video.

I think actually I’ve seen a lot of zombies since 2020, if you know what I’m saying. Oh, Bannon. Steve Bannon blast Johnson for saying Biden presidency is God’s will. You got to love these people, especially these, and I know some of you christians on here, but everything’s God’s will. And to a degree you’re right. But I believe we can direct our own futures. I believe he gave us that power and it’s up to us as co creators from the main creator to create what we want here on this planet.

That’s how I see it. That’s called free will. Remember, we have free will, but there’s a lot of loopholes in that. So having free will means that you can co create that. He gave us that right to co create. Former White House aide Steve Bannon dug into House Speaker Mike Johnson, suggesting that President Biden’s election was God’s will, arguing the country needs a House speaker rather than a theologian.

Bannon, during an episode of the podcast the War Room, played a clip of Johnson’s remarks Wednesday, telling his listeners to be prepared to have your heads blow up. Johnson on Wednesday was asked if he believes the Biden presidency was God’s will, to which the speaker explained he is a Bible believing Christian. The Bible says that God is the one that raises up people in now. So what are you saying here? What is this guy saying? This guy, Mike Johnson believes, and these people are dangerous.

I’m going to say these people are the most dangerous. These people that somehow get to the top, that believe they’re anointed, these people are very dangerous because they feel like anything they do, it’s got God’s approval on it and they believe they made it because God said, you are chosen, you are the chosen one. Now go out there and do my work. Be a piece of shit. I get these people at my door all the time.

Still, they acknowledge that our rights don’t come from the government. They come from God. And we’re made in his image. Everybody’s made the same. We’re all given equal rights and value, and that’s something that we defend. So if you believe all those things, then you believe that God is the one that allows people to be raised in authority. It must have been God’s will then. That’s my belief.

So he says Biden is God’s will. He’s God’s will. And this is coming from a mason. Mason. Oh, boy. Biden says he’s forgiving 5 billion in student debt for another 74,000 Americans President Biden announced Friday that his administration is forgiving 5 billion in student debt for another 74,000 borrowers, which means he’s in a higher taxes on you. Marking the latest round of debt cancellation since the Supreme Court voided the president’s student loan forgiveness program, Mr.

Biden said that one of the borrows can receive relief. Nearly 44,000 are teachers, nurses, firefighters and others who are eligible for forgiveness after working ten years of public service. Almost 30,000 of those who will have their debt wiped clean have been repaying their loans for at least 20 years, but did not get the relief they earned through income based plans. The president said he’s trying to win favorship coming into this election.

That’s all this is. That’s all this is. Oh, I’m going to go vote Biden now. From day one of my administration, I vowed to improve the student loan system so that a higher education provides Americans with opportunity and prosperity, not unimaginable burdens of student loan debt, he said in a statement. I won’t back down from using every tool at our disposal to get student loan borrowers the relief they need to reach their dreams keeps getting better and better every day, doesn’t it, folks? Every day gets better and better.

Nino. Nino. Nino. Where’s the glasses? Nino. They’re right. They fog up. Sometimes they fog up. My glasses fog up. I get so heated that they fog up. And that either happens when I’m mad or I’m horny. And right now the bottom of my eyes right here start heating up and it gets foggy and I can’t see. And also, I think honestly, since I quit drinking, since I quit drinking, I really believe that my eyesight has changed so little.

Fun fact here, not a fun fact, but this is real. In 2019, I went into the hospital for some heart problems from drinking and Adderall, cocaine, whatever I had a good, fun weekend. And they called it holiday heart. I had afibrillation, and that was in October of 2019. I quit drinking. December 26, 2019. I went back to the heart doctor. I went to go see the cardiologist and he’s like, man, what are you doing? You’re not on any medicine.

So by going sober, I told him no, I stopped drinking alcohol. He couldn’t believe that I reversed the damage to my heart, that my heart was fine. Couldn’t believe it. They set me up with a monitor. I wore a monitor for like two weeks on my chest. And that’s all from not drinking, folks staying sober, man. I had to stay sober from everything else. I had to wean off everything else as well, man.

I was on everything. I was taking sleeping pills at night. I was doing it all. I didn’t realize just how bad I was. You always think you got it handled. You talk to any addict and I promise you they’re going to be like, I don’t have a problem, you got a problem, whatever, man. I didn’t realize the problem I had until now. Looking back, looking back on this shit, man, and I started really, the sleeping bills started in boxing, because I used to be so nervous before I had to spar the next day or fight a tough motherfucker or whatever, I would always get nervous and I would have to take something to sleep at night.

Capitol Police investigated more than 8000 threats against lawmakers last year. US Capitol Police investigated 8008 threats against members of Congress last year, according to a new case, new case numbers released on Thursday. Let me ask you, and if any of you are watching me and you’re calling Congress and threatening them, pull your head out of your ass. You’re not going to get anywhere doing that. The only thing that’s going to happen is you’re going to get a knock at your door and they’re going to pull you out of your fucking house and send you to jail.

Don’t do stupid shit like that. I don’t know what you’re thinking. I don’t understand this. It’s kind of like that guy, I don’t know if you remember that, flew his plane, his private plane into the IRS building. It’s like what you’re going to do a kamikaze. That’s what you’re going to do to stop the IRS. You’re going to kill, I can’t say it on here, but, you know, boom, you’re going to do that to yourself.

That’s dumb. That’s dumb. That’s dumb. And I understand the anger. I understand the frustration. I’m just saying there’s better ways to go about this. So on Thursday’s release, Capitol police said that a wide range of threats and concerning statements have been directed at lawmakers from both political parties, both sides, though various modes of communication, including phone, social media, email and others. So, man, come on, folks, we’re better than that.

We’re better than Korea. Ha. Kim Jong unus orders military to thoroughly annihilate us if provoked. So now North Korea, they’ve thrown their hat in the ring. North korean leader Kim Jong un. Oh, yeah, I can do that sound with him. Ordered the military to thoroughly annihilate the United States and South Korea if provoked, state media reported Monday, after he vowed to boost national defense to cope with what he called an unprecedented US led confrontation.

Kim is expected to camp to ramp up weapons tests in 2024, ahead of the US presidential election in November. So what he sees happening here, I guess he probably is hearing whispers or he’s talking with people that they’re like, look, if Biden gets in there, get ready. All systems go. And you never can be too careful this year, folks, we’re going to know it all. I’m telling you right now, we’re going to know all, everything.

This is the year. This is not something that, oh, maybe in 2025 we figured out. No, this is it. This is it. As Mr. T has said, the final battle right here. In a five day major ruling party meeting last week, Kim Jong lun said that he will launch three more military spy satellites, produce more nuclear materials, and develop attack drones this year in what observers say is an attempt to increase his leverage in future diplomacy with the US.

I’m going to call the shots now. You guys want to see my toys? I have a lot of toys. The BB era is over. Benjamin Netanyahu, sources in Likud say. I don’t know how you say this. I think it’s lacude. Likude will no longer be the, is it Lakud? Am I saying this right? Give me a thumbs up if I’m saying it right. Well, whatever. They will no longer be the ruling party in the future election.

Nearly all of its current 18 ministers, not including Netanyahu. Netanyahu will be regulated to serve as opposition mks. While the Lucudes ministers and members, mks are projecting a united front in support of party leader Prime Minister Benjamin Nyahu. A growing number of them believe that his days at the party’s helm are numbered. Sources in the party said to the Jerusalem Post. In addition to the catastrophic events of October, you know what? And a growing sense amongst the party’s base that the prime minister will not deliver on his promise to destroy Hamas and return all hostages.

Mks have noted the party’s poor performance in most polls between 16 and 18 seats, compared to its current 32. Now let’s get to some border news. Border news. State troopers have started arresting illegal migrants at Shelby park in Eagle Pass, Texas. Now, if you’re on Ninoscorner tv, you’ve seen the interview with Victor Avila. Now, that guy’s a courageous guy. He’s boots on the ground. He’s running for Congress district.

I don’t want to say the wrong district, Victor, sorry, 20 something, but it’s a hell of an interview. Go see the interview with Victor Avila talking about what exactly is happening, the push that they’re getting ready to do in February. He says February. Around end of February, there’s going to be a massive push. They’re kind of on hold right now, holding everyone back, and then there’s going to be a massive push end of February.

So you got to be ready for that. He’s saying 50,000 immigrants are being held back right now in the Eagle Pass area. So go see the Victor Abila interview on Ninoscorner TV. Johnson feels heat from Mr. T conservatives to reject Senate border deal. So speaker of the House Mike Johnson is under pressure from the conservatives and former president Mr. T to reject an emerging bipartisan border and Ukraine aid package, even if he gets to squeeze from Senate GOP and White House.

Republican senators in support of the deal argue that the leverage of the Ukraine aid has given them a unique opportunity to secure key border reforms for a democratic administration. But the former president, who Johnson says he has consulted, is urging him to reject any legislation, any of it that isn’t perfect. Something tells me that people are whispering in this guy’s ears, saying, well, you know, you’re a good christian, and it might be your time to be president.

You’ve been anointed to be speaker of the house. You were. No, no. God chose you, Mike, and he might choose you again to be president. We have that for you. If you listen to us, if you listen to us, we will make you president. But it came from Jesus. It came from Jesus, Mike. You’re anointed. Yes. Yes. Believe it. Believe that you are anointed, Mike. Believe in the anointedness that you are.

But we will make it happen. Just follow us. Those are some of the most dangerous people that feel like they’ve been anointed, I swear to God. Hugh Hefner had serious addiction to opiates, and staff feared he’d die from an overdose. Widow crystal claims in a memoir. Now, I’ve hung out with Hugh Hefner a couple times at the Playboy mansion and at a club one time, a long time ago.

Where was it at? It was in LA somewhere, man. I was with him in a booth for probably 20 minutes, and to me he looked really high. I was like, this guy’s on something. And then at that time, he had to be in his 80s or seventy s. I don’t know what he was. And I kept thinking to myself, who’s to tell this guy? What age did he die at 90s? Was he 90 or eight? Can someone tell me the age that Hugh Hefner died? Anyway, playboy tycoon Hugh Hefner was an opiate addict who kept an earthquake supply of prescription drugs at his mansion, his widow has claimed in an explosive new memoir.

So he made it to 91 anyway. Can this guy catch a break if he wants to be on opiates, who gives a shit? The guy made it past anybody ever will. Did that just make sense? I don’t think that made sense. It just made a bit. I don’t know. Anyway, you make it that far, I think you could shoot up heroin. I don’t give a shit. Whatever you need to do to get past it.

My dad’s 89 and he likes his sleeping pills. Who the fuck am I to say you can’t take them? I have no right. It’s like, you made it that far, man. You’re fucking old. You do what you want. Whatever you want to do, you do. I think drugs should be legal, and I’m just going to. In my opinion, this is just my opinion for anyone over 65. Fuck it.

Fuck it. Drugs for everybody. Come on, everybody. You make it that far, shit, you get a pass. Former playmate Crystal Hefner, 37, revealed the late magazine magnet’s secret battle with addiction for the first time and in her upcoming autobiography, only say good things out next week. Now, the blonde beauty who became Hefner’s third wife in 2012 despite their 60 years age gap, claimed that the problem got so bad that staff feared he would die from an overdose.

He’s going to die anyway. He’s in his eighty s and ninety s. He made it to 91. Crystal claimed Hep first got hooked on painkillers. He was legitimately prescribed to treat back pain. After that, unscrupulous doctors had no issue prescribing his monthly refills of Percocet pills and even provided him with a backup stash. So they were just giving it to him. Although he was able to keep this secret from the outside world, Crystal said it was a well known fact to everyone at this Playboy mansion in Los Angeles, even though no one ever talked about it.

But it wasn’t until he became less coherent and started nodding off during regular game and movie nights. Are you sure it’s not because he was 91? Okay, I don’t think these had anything to do with it. If you just want my opinion, he’s 91. What’s next? 95, 100? You’re going to keep him going? I heard he used to take Viagra. Like he was going out of like, candy.

Like, just pop, pop up. I mean, this guy lived a life. This guy lived a life, man. Got to hand it to him. He died in 2017. Wow. 91 years old. God bless him. Bless his 91 year old. Yeah. I mean, say what you want. Well, he didn’t live a righteous life. He should have been with just one woman and been married his whole life. Oh, yeah, prove him wrong.

He lived to be 91 and he was pretty fucking happy. Just saying. Hold on, I state my case. He lived to be 91 and he was on painkillers, but he got a lot of pussy. That’s probably what kept him going. Just saying, fuck. Can you imagine any other man at 91 with a 30 year old girlfriend? 28 year old girlfriend. If any man tells you, oh, that’s just wrong, that’s just so bad.

They’re fucking lying to you. Okay, they’re lying. They’re lying to you. If any man out there says, I don’t agree with that, I can’t believe he did that. That’s like being a pederath. A 90 year old man with a 30 year old girlfriend. What’s wrong with him? No, what’s right. What’s right with him? That motherfucker is the OG of all time. Sorry, you don’t want to hear it.

I don’t care. Insane Las Vegas law might jail people for taking photos. Not kidding. You thinking about going to Las Vegas? You could get thrown in jail if you take photos. People hoping to take some great photos in Las Vegas better have their wrists lubricated for the handcuffs that might come out. This is crazy. Now, I’m sure many of you saw the headline and must be thinking to they how can the hell can taking a photo in Las Vegas result in a possible jail time? Well, it can, surely.

This must be a joke. No, it’s not so, ladies and gentlemen, I wish this was the case, but unfortunately, I have some dark news to share. A new city ordinance is in effect that bans stopping. So if you’re stopping to take a photo in Las Vegas standing or engaging in an activity that causes another person to stop on certain areas of the strip, and that includes that awesome pedestrian bridges.

According to the men’s journal, the measure extends to 20ft surrounding connecting stairs, elevators and escalators. According to Live now Fox, the exemption to the ordinance is anyone who is waiting for the elevators, escalators or stairs that will keep you out of the metal bracelets. So if you stop anywhere and hold up traffic and you’re taking pictures, you go to jail. A lot of people are saying they will not comply with this insanity.

Las Vegas insanity. I go to Vegas often. You will know that. You all know that. If you’re an outkick reader, I’m our resident sin city expert. While I respect law enforcement, there’s no shot in hell. I won’t be stopping to take pictures. I will not be abiding by these laws. They’re saying. So there’s a lot of backlash. They’re even going down to city hall. The Las Vegas authorities can have my phone when they pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

If you think I’m not going to take photos like the ones below because of the ordinance, then you simply don’t know what I’m about. So this is the way they take away freedoms. I mean, shit, man. What’s so hard if someone stops to take a photo? Go around them. Go around them? Maybe photo bomb them. Why do you have to stop and be like, oh, what do I do now? There’s a person taking a photo.

I have to stop in my tracks. I don’t know what to do. Go around them. Idiots. And now, because you’re an idiot, because you’re a sheep and you probably wear face diapers as well. You’ll probably be that person walking around, moo moo. Walking around with face diapers, stopping whenever someone takes a photo because they don’t know what to do. You’re that person. You’re that same person that when you go to a bank and you see a line, a line of people, you stand in that line when there’s another line, when there’s another teller sitting there, just walked up or whatever, and you’re still standing in line because you’re conditioned to do so.

You don’t know to be like the first person to be like, you know what? That looks open. I’m going to go over there and risk everyone looking at me and wondering why I’m doing that. Because why? I’m a black sheep. Nino, you should be reading your. Should it? Well, I can’t do both. Unless I was cockeyed. And one eye goes like this and one eye looks at my paper, then that would be really fucking weird.

David, you’re so Christy. David. David, touch it. Touch it, David. Yes. David is so good. So anyway, that was a really dumb law and they’re passing that. I’ll text it to him, fam. Text what? Oh, wow. Nino, I’m ashamed of you. Why ashamed of me? First of all, don’t put any expectations in me at all. I’ve learned to put limitations on people, not expectations. I don’t put any expectations.

Even friends. Friends, anybody. Don’t ever put expectations on anybody. Don’t do that. They’ll fail you every time. Put limitations on people. Say, all right, I like this guy. He’s a good dude. He’s fun to hang out with. I know he wants to fuck my girlfriend. So I’ll leave it right there. You know what I mean? Always put limitations on people. In what the fuck news? In what the fuck news.

Two men jailed after eunuch maker. I think that’s how you say it. Eunuch maker website owner chops his dick off. Chops his dick off. So two men have been jailed after the leader of a pay per view eunuch maker website consented to having his dick cut off. That’s nothing out of the ordinary these days. Marius Gustavson, the mastermind behind the extreme body modification ring, offered Damien Burns 500 eus to chop his member off in 2016 after initially reaching out to bearns for his escort services.

According to the courts, Berens readily agreed. This guy agreed to it to perform the procedure on Gustavasan with the knowledge that the video footage would be uploaded to Gustavasan’s money making website. In the video, Beards was heard asking for a copy of the film, adding, well, that’s one off the bucket list. Shortly after, Gustava had told a nine nine nine operator, I tried to do some surgery on my cock and was referred to a psychiatric unit until being treated in the hospital.

But wait, there’s more. Codefendant and nurse Nathaniel Arnold admitted to stealing anesthetic from Chelsea and Women’s Hospital and removing Gustavison’s nipple in a separate procedure during that trial. See, people will do anything for attention. Anything. Even cutting off your own dick, which I cannot believe. I would never imagine this. You couldn’t give me $100 billion to do that. There’s no amount of money. Nothing. During the trial, the prosecutor noted that Arnold was both a perpetrator of harm and a victim.

Having been subject to a genital mutilation procedure himself, he has since been struck off the nursing register. This is crazy. Jacob Crim Appleby confessed to using dry ice to freeze Gustava’s leg in early 2019, leading to an eight hour hospital amputation. Gustava son has used a wheelchair since his discharge and claimed 18,500 in disability benefits between July 2019 and October 2021. The pay per view site ran for five years.

Subscribers could watch videos of extreme body modification, including the removal of genitals and testicles, clamping of testicles to the joint of canstration, which was described as a lucrative activity by prosecutor Carolyn this guy basically was making the money off charging people to see him cut off his dick. Boy, you got to be desperate. You got to be real desperate. You got to have a serious complex going into this one.

And on top of that, burns was jailed for five years and crim apple Lee was given three years and eight months in prison. Both pleaded guilty to causing grievously bodily harm with intent. Gustavason is waiting a sentence in March for charges including conspiracy to commit grievously bodily harm. Ms. Carberry added that although Gustava consented and was encouraged defendants participation, ultimately they were willing participants. I don’t know what to crazy.

That’s how crazy life is getting. Wait till you see the zombie video. I mean, this shit’s getting nuts. And that’s why I believe a zombie apocalypse is coming. Do you know that Apple updated its AWS terms and services that they protect themselves now? Not apple. Sorry, Amazon. Amazon protects themselves against a zombie, a coming zombie apocalypse. Now, what’s going to instigate that? How could that even happen? Stay tuned on my next video that I’m going to be putting up tomorrow for the zombie caught on video.

I don’t know. I saw a zombie at Walgreens. He was drooling and limping on one leg, dragging his right leg, and he tried to talk to me. He was like. I was like, man, this guy’s on some serious drugs, but I really don’t want his saliva next to me. Maybe it’s contagious. I don’t know. He looked like he had fucking rabies. I don’t know. All right, folks, I’m out of here.

I’m going to get on with Gene decode right now. I’m going to try to make that YouTube ready, YouTube friendly. So we may have to mince around and dance around, but I’m going to try to put Gene decode up here. Let’s see if I can do it. Let’s see if I can work my magic. All right, folks, I’m out. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the black sheep broadcasting lunatic friends.

Get it at Patriot where, folks. All right, I’m out. Later. Bye. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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