Political Prisoners: Facing 11 Yrs for Blocking Access to Now Illegal Closed Abortuary

Posted in: News, Patriots, The David Knight Show



➡ This text discusses the imprisonment of pro-life activists in Tennessee who were protesting at abortion clinics, now deemed illegal by the state. Despite their peaceful protests, these individuals, many of whom are elderly and in poor health, are facing federal prison sentences. The author criticizes the federal government’s decision to imprison these activists, arguing it lacks the authority to protect an illegal clinic. The text also highlights the media’s portrayal of these activists as violent criminals, which the author disputes.
➡ Vaughan, a father of 11 and an activist, avoided a potential decade-long jail sentence for charges related to violating the FACE Act and conspiracy against rights. These charges were linked to his participation in a peaceful demonstration at an abortion clinic in Nashville, Tennessee. Despite the Department of Justice’s claims that the group conspired to block access to the clinic, Vaughan insists his role was solely to counsel and pray. He plans to appeal the verdict, believing laws should align with Christian principles.


There are some real martyrs that you should be paying attention to, and that’s the people who are going to jail because they tried to stop mothers from killing their babies. Think about the fact, this occurred to me this morning, I’d said this before, but it occurred to me, you’ve got people in Tennessee, we just had a sentencing for one of the group in Tennessee, they’ve been found guilty, facing long-terms in prison, and we’ll tell you what the first sentence was when we come up to it, but think about this. Some of these were in D.C.

and some of them were in Tennessee. Now, in Tennessee, they are facing federal prison terms because they stood outside an abortuary, and I think that’s the best way to describe this. One of the people that is in prison wrote about how this is being portrayed in the public, and he used that term. I think that’s really the way we ought to talk about it. It’s a killing center, an abortuary. But these people who were there at the abortuary, whatever they did, whatever they did, whether they quietly talked to mothers or whether they blockaded this clinic, that so-called clinic, that abortuary, is now illegal in Tennessee.

And yet, the federal government is going to send these people to prison for blocking something that is illegal, something that has been shut down by the state government. How do you justify that? They don’t have any authority. The federal government doesn’t have any authority to protect an illegal clinic in Tennessee. That’s absolutely outrageous that they would do that. And I had not thought about that before this morning, but it occurred to me this morning. Anyway, an op-ed piece on LifeSite News, an article from one of the jailed rescuers, John Hinshaw. He said, the left-wing media wants America to think that the elderly, pro-life grandmothers are violent criminals.

They’re not violent criminals, but they shut down, they were there to shut down what is now a criminal organization, a criminal activity. So he’s one of the DC-9. And he said, this is what he said in his article, believe it or not, it’s possible to enjoy hearty laughs while one is locked up unjustly in federal custody, especially when we have some limited access to news from the outside. As usual, the hypocrisy and the foibles of politicians, as well as the corrupt media’s attempts that cover up provide the hilarity. I’ve had people criticize me in the past, right? How dare you laugh about this stuff, as dark as it is? Well, I think that’s the appropriate way to laugh at this darkness.

I think we should laugh at the darkness, especially for Christians. God looks at these people. He laughs in derision, shouldn’t we? And that’s what he’s doing in prison. He said, what helps the humor is a palpable frustration of fake news media demonstrates when they have to lie some more and try to ride to the rescue of our new pro-abortion police state. And again, think about this, the federal government locking people up because they protested at what is now a criminal offense, a murder location. He says, when they do, the laughs are constant.

So he said, what happened recently was the sentencing of our four pro-life grandmothers to prison sentences of two to three years, which, considering their age and their health condition, could easily be life in prison. They may die in prison in two or three years. They’re elderly, they’re in poor health. Here’s an example. Heather Adani has diabetes. Thanks to the negligence of our federal custody and our judge, Colleen Coller Cottley, she was not given treatment. This caused her to have a jail and custody. Then there’s Jean Marshall, who suffers from acute pain in her hip and had a hip replacement surgery scheduled for after our trial last year.

Everyone assured us that she would have time after our trial before we had to report to prison, a standard operating procedure in federal cases. But our fanatical judge, while admitting that she lacks discretion, saw the opportunity to attack protectors of children and ordered immediate incarceration, not giving her time between the sentencing and its beginning. Remember, you know, we had Bannon, who was sentenced, and it went for quite some time before we had to report to jail. But no, we got to put that grandmother in right now. I can’t let her have any hip surgery.

And does anybody who has had that situation or knows somebody who has? That is incredibly painful. This immediate incarceration was unexpected because it’s never been done. And so Jean was unable to get the necessary surgery, nor was any accommodation offered at sentencing. Joan Bell has not communicated any current health concerns, but it’s known that she’s been hospitalized at least once in the last three years. This brings us to the last most outrageous sentencing act, which people have still not stopped talking about, and that is Paulette Harlow, who suffers from diabetes, from spinal stenosis, from bronchial asthma, from fatty liver disease, from arthritic neck and hip, from short-term memory loss, and other ailments.

Her husband pleaded on her behalf in court, saying that he feared for her life. Paulette’s sentence of two years in prison, not home confinement, demonstrates cruelty on top of injustice, cruelty being a category of acting hatred. What can be said for this judge? When the judge then capped Paulette’s sentencing with a snide, mocking comment about her Catholicism, what she said was, well, you’re all about saving life, so, you know, maybe you need to try to save your own, something to that effect. He said, we all saw the aging, fanatical baby boomers’ selfish commitment to abortion.

But Judge Collar Cottley deserves her own article, which I’ll give her next week, so I’ll leave her alone at this point. But he says, now, I apologize for all this detail. He said, the recitation of ailments afflicting us elderly, said, I mentioned my trick knee, just kidding. He says, it’s dreadfully boring, but he said, don’t worry, because another news article has come along to liven up this narrative. Paulette’s sentencing has enraged fair-minded people and has not stopped resounding online on Fox News and on Conservative Talk Radio, now for several weeks, which gets us closer to our enjoyment.

Now, here in jail, we suffer from fake news associated press as our only news source. Can you imagine if the associated propaganda, propaganda associated with the government, can you imagine if the AP was your only news source? Anyway, but knowing the media so well, I’m able to detect their lies and bias rather easily. Knowing that people are still talking about the 75-year-old woman sent to jail with serious health issues, I saw a headline on AP about fake news stories last week, and the laughter began. Fake news AP telling me about fake news? Funny, but after initially ignoring it, I began to suspect that there was treasure there.

Sure enough, the second fake news story from an upset reporter, Melissa Golden, was that people think the 75-year-old woman was outside the abortuary, and he said that’s not her word, that’s his word. Golden wants us to know that the grandmother invaded the abortuary and committed violence. She used those two terms, invaded and violence. These ailing grandmothers are anything but what they seem. Golden is seen as leaping tall buildings in a single bound, wrestling police to the ground apparently. She supposedly invaded the partial birth abortuary of Cesar Santangelo. Once inside, I can only assume that their musculature must have frightened the abortuary staff into assaulting them with a weapon.

And this assault, which did happen by the staff, was admitted in court, and it was justified by the judge and by this AP reporter. So, again, you heard the condition of these women, especially Paulette’s condition, and we’re supposed to believe that they invaded and got violent. No, the violence was on the side of the staff. This July, he says, we will see our brothers and sisters in Tennessee sentenced. Ms. Golden should get great enjoyment in the sentencing of an elderly concentration camp survivor to prison in her last days. I can already see the headline, America completes the Nazi design.

And so, again, when we look at this in Tennessee, these clinics that they were at are now shut down, criminal. And so, we’ve got the very first verdict from one of these Tennessee people. Paul Vaughan, the guy who homeschooled his kids, whose house was raided in the early morning by the FBI, and what the FBI has become, and just, again, we’ve known this for a long time. Now, the FBI began with the Palmer raids, made Jagger Hoover famous. It’s supposed to make Palmer president, but instead, Jagger Hoover got his little fiefdom an empire, and he ran it in an absolute criminal way his entire life.

But now, they don’t bother to do the kinds of PR that he did. He always made people think that they were the saviors. Now, they were out there fighting organized crime and Russian spies and all the rest of this stuff, but no, they’ve dropped that pretense now. A Tennessee husband and pro-life father of 11 was sentenced to three years of supervised release, and everybody is very relieved about that yesterday. In connection with the 2021 demonstration at the abortion facility in Tennessee, and so we can all be thankful that he’s not going to jail.

I’m sure he is as well. He had faced more than a decade behind bars, a father of 11, homeschooling father of 11. Vaughan said that he rejoiced in God’s plan for the sentence he received from the court. He still looks forward to appealing the verdict. He said laws have to be grounded in truth. They have to be aligned with the ultimate law giver who is Christ our Lord, he said. He’s absolutely right. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that. Vaughan’s sentence comes five months after a federal jury in January convicted him and five other activists, each of a misdemeanor charge of violating the FACE Act, as well as a felony charge of conspiracy against rights.

You see, the FACE Act was there, and it was a misdemeanor. But this criminal Biden C, the Biden collective, has enforced this now and added a felony charge of conspiracy against rights. What’s the Republican Party doing about this? Absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. Machiavelli and Mike, you know, this Christian speaker of the house, nothing at all. A total of six other demonstrators who showed up to the so-called clinic in Nashville, Tennessee, which is now shut down as a criminal operation, were indicted and eventually convicted of similar charges. They have not been sentenced yet.

A few things make Vaughan stand out from the other demonstrators. He was the only Tennessee resident. The others were from out of state. Secondly, Vaughan has insisted that his activism consisted solely of prayer, singing, and sidewalk counseling, trying to convince pregnant mothers walking into an abortion facility to choose life, as well as advising police on the intentions of the demonstrators who planned to be peacefully arrested. But the Department of Justice, so-called, out of Washington, run by the Biden collective, has maintained that the group conspired together to block women’s access to the abortion facility.

Gallagher and Edom used social media to organize the demonstration at the Tennessee facility. Their plan was to arrive at the abortion center before it opened and begin live streaming their activities, which included blocking the entrance, according to the Department of Justice. The abortuary was located inside a medical building containing several other tenants. Vaughan said he and members of his counseling team gathered in the hallway outside the abortuary to sing hymns and to talk to women before they went in. He admits that he was there, but he had no intention of blocking the door to the clinic or of getting arrested.

However, Gallagher announced on a video live stream that he intended to lead what the group characterized as a rescue, and that anyone who didn’t plan on being arrested should not in any way block the entrance to the clinic. Vaughan said at this point he decided to act as a go-between for the demonstrators and the police. While he had no plans to block the clinic himself, he tried to explain to the demonstrators plans to the police and to ensure that the arrests were peaceful. He told the press in February that he almost did not attend the pro-life demonstration.

His wife was soon due to have their 11th child, but he ultimately chose to show up at the abortion facility to champion the cause of life. He said, I don’t see where you can be a Christian and have any other option given the words that Jesus gave us to rescue the needy, rescue those who are being drug away to slaughter. He said, I didn’t get arrested that day at all. He said, I was never charged in local court for any crime. Like I said, I had a great relationship with the police. But then a year and a half later, just after 7 a.m.

in the morning on a Friday, in October 2022, he was arrested. He said he was preparing to take four of his children to a homeschool co-op. When he heard banging on the door of his farmhouse, he saw flashing lights outside and heard, FBI, open up. So that’s when the ordeal began. And we’ve all talked about that in the past. You know, an FBI SWAT team raid on homeschooling Christian father who had not done anything to block the clinic and putting his children at risk as well. The Face Act, signed into law in 1994 by Bill Clinton, an election year, of course, doing this as an offering to his pro-child murdering Democrat Party.

The Face Act prohibits anyone from intentionally injuring, intimidating, or interfering with a person who is attempting to obtain or provide, quote, reproductive health services. Not about reproducing, is it? By using force, threat of force, or physical obstruction. Now, you know, 1994, that was the year that Newt Gingrich did his contract with America. Had a big win. You know, that was the first midterm for Bill Clinton. And usually, after the president gets in, usually the opposing party wins big in the midterm. And boy, they won really big in 1994. They had a contract with America that didn’t have anything to do about protecting babies or stopping abortion.

You know, I ran against, and she’s in Congress, Virginia Fox in North Carolina. Ran against her in 1996. My contract with America was the Bill of Rights. But you know, the, it was interesting for me as I ran for Congress and actually was in a televised debate, not with Virginia Fox. As soon as she got in, she didn’t want to have any more debates. Sound familiar? But I was there with another third party candidate who didn’t know anything. And she was from this group of cultists in the North Carolina mountains of transcendental meditation people.

They call them the flying schwummies. They get in a trance and they would hop around with their legs crossed and say they were flying, you know, that type of thing. Anyway, she had no idea about what any of the issues were. We got on NPR, and there was a Democrat who wound up getting, I think, 20% of the vote. And so it was heavily Republican district. But when I ran, and it wasn’t just in that debate, but I did a lot of radio interviews and things like that. And abortion came up. And at first, I was taking the libertarian line.

It’s something that I’d never had to think about from a personal standpoint. It’s something that, you know, the church that I’d always been in, never really talked about the political, you know, any political aspects of anything. And so I just looked at it like, you know, well, it’s for people to decide what they want to do. And then I had an epiphany because that was right about that time that they did the face act was when they began with a partial birth abortion. At that point in time, this, you know, distant issue that I had only tangentially thought about told, well, you know, it’s, we don’t know exactly when life begins.

So we’ll leave that up to the mothers to decide that I realized a partial birth abortion, that that was a lie, that they were willing to take full term babies and murder them. And that, that was the beginning of the, of the change. So anyway, the signed in law in 1994 and Gingrich and his mob didn’t do anything to stop it. But of course, it was a misdemeanor. It’s the Biden administration that has turned this into a felony by adding in conspiracy charges, conspiracy charges. So earlier this year, von told the press, this is world that is interviewing him, that any prison sentence, particularly the maximum sentence of more than 10 years would have had a devastating impact on his wife and his 11 children.

But he said, after this sentencing, he said, but the grace of God is greater. And if he wants me to have a jail ministry and I get to share with people that are incarcerated that have no hope, then I will be his obedient servant. Let me tell you the day that night show you can listen to with your ears. You can even watch it by using your eyes. In fact, if you can hear me, that means you’re listening to the day that night show right now. Yeah. Good job. And you want to know something else.

You can find all the links to everywhere to watch or listen to the show at the David night show.com. That’s a website. [tr:trw].

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charges related to FACE Act conspiracy against rights charges criticism of federal government's decision Department of Justice's claims on abortion clinic access federal prison sentences for pro-life activists illegal abortion clinics in Tennessee media portrayal of pro-life activists peaceful protests at abortion clinics pro-life activists imprisonment Tennessee Vaughan's appeal against verdict Vaughan's peaceful demonstration at abortion clinic

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