Pizzagate: Former associate of Comet Ping Pong Pizza Owner James Alefantis Speaks Out

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➡ On December 17, JB recounts witnessing suspicious activities conducted by James Alafontas, who he links to a series of underground rooms and tunnels that possibly connect important buildings. Allegedly involved in child trafficking, Alafontas supposedly leads a network that might extend as far as the White House, a claim which remains unverified.


Hey, guys, it’s December 17. It’s one something in the afternoon here, and I’m with JB. And JB’s talking to us about who james Alafonta. James Alafontas. Now JB. Went to St. Albans. Went to St. Alban from DC. And he’s got a storytelling. Let’s hear it. Restaurant for Carol Greenwood. Yeah. Remember the day James Alfons walked in the door and asked for a job? Carol’s son, years old at the time, friend of mine, caught James butt fucking this boy in the kitchen.

And that person, his name is Dylan Greenwood, has since committed suicide, I think it was two years ago. James is one of the dastardly worst persons in the world. And yeah, they do bad things. They comet. There are underground rooms, all that stuff. And you’ve seen that with your own eyes? I’ve seen that with my own eyes. So you’ve been under below the floor of comet used to be the tie room.

The tie room before of yeah, yeah, right by the zoo. It’s a little farther down from the zoo. It’s more in not that far. I mean, Nebraska. Connecticut Avenue. Nebraska and Connecticut. Right? Yeah. But yeah, that’s a fact. James Alphonse is a bad person to this day. And you met him when he was applying for a job or something. He was trying to get the manager job with Carol at that restaurant.

How did he get so much money? That guy probably selling kids and trafficking kids. And you’ve been below Kama pizza. Have you seen what it looks like rooms? And I’ve seen tunnels that go other places, including underground to the other buildings. I think one was owned by, like, a Clinton Foundation or something across the street, but the tunnels go all over there. They say they go all the way White House, but I don’t know.

I don’t know if they go all the way to the White House, but that area in and of itself, if they go a mile in that area in any direction, they’re hidden some spots. Okay, man, thanks for the information. Yeah, nice to see you. That’s what you can do. Hope you can post it. I will. .


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alleged child trafficking network December 17 JB recounts James Alafontas child trafficking James Alafontas linked to suspicious activities James Alafontas underground rooms JB suspicious activities network extending to White House underground network in White House underground tunnels connecting important buildings unverified claims about James Alafontas

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