Pierre Chaillot: Im coming out no virus | Jim Fetzer

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➡Jim Fetzer talks about how  Pierre Chaillot, a French statistician and author, has been analyzing Covid-19 data since the pandemic’s start. He believes that the pandemic was exaggerated and that SARS CoV two doesn’t exist as claimed. Despite criticism, his book on the subject became a bestseller in France. He continues to share his findings on YouTube and in his work, despite facing censorship and professional challenges.
➡ The author, a statistician, initially believed in the existence of a small pandemic and the effectiveness of vaccines. However, after analyzing data and noticing simultaneous spikes in COVID-19 cases across different countries, he questioned the spread of the virus. He also struggled to find studies proving the effectiveness of vaccines. This led him to question the mainstream narrative about the pandemic and vaccines, and he now believes there was no pandemic and has doubts about vaccines.
➡ The author, a statistician, questions the existence of viruses and their role in causing sickness. Despite asking for proof from various sources for four years, he has not received any concrete evidence. He also discusses a correlation between the administration of certain medications and the number of Covid-19 deaths in France and England, suggesting that these medications may have contributed to the death toll. Lastly, he presents data showing a synchronization between vaccination and mortality spikes, implying that vaccines may cause deaths.
➡ The text discusses the importance of questioning and understanding the information presented about the pandemic, especially regarding vaccines. The author, Pierre, has written a book with a Belgian researcher about vaccine mortality, which is gaining attention. He encourages people to not feel alone in their skepticism and to continue asking questions, even if they are in the minority. Pierre’s work, including his book and YouTube videos, aims to help people understand the situation better and make informed decisions.
➡ Pierre emphasizes the importance of doing personal research and not solely relying on mass media for information, especially on topics like climate, politics, and economics. He also shares his motivation for his work, which is to ensure a better future for his children. He encourages everyone to understand the power of unity and togetherness. Lastly, he expresses gratitude for the opportunity to share his views and looks forward to improving his English communication skills.


And you’ve had your coming out party now, Pierre and the no virus. Yeah, it’s like a coming out. Maybe during the pandemic there were about 5% people aware that there was a scam. Maybe now it’s ten. Maybe we will. If we have a big success, we will arrive at 15. But I don’t think we need more. I think what we need, what is essential, is to be perhaps a minority, but a big minority. We have to be a minority that governments, other people annihilate, can’t destroy. Pierre Chaillot is a statistician and author from France who has been exposing the data related to Covid-19 since early 2020.

Using official French figures, he meticulously demonstrated that even on their own terms, there was no infectious disease pandemic and it was all a show. His ultimate conclusion from his analysis was that SARS CoV two did not exist as claimed. This revelation led him to start investigating the statistics related to other claimed viral diseases such as influenza. The mainstream media and fact checkers did their best to smear his work. But Pierre’s book became a surprising best seller in France, where it sold over 50,000 copies. I had the great honour of writing a foreword for the english version of the book, Covid-19 decoding official data.

Thank you, Pierre, so much for agreeing to come on the channel with me today. It’s such a pleasure to have you. Thank you, Sam, to receive me, and I got to say I’m really happy and really honored that you accepted to write forwards and to invite me on your channel tonight. Tonight, for me in France. Brilliant. Well, it was a pleasure and I can’t wait to share with everyone about the new book because I think it’s so important. But to just to start, for people that don’t know you, would you be able to give the audience a little bit of background about your training and your education? My name is Pierre Jaillot.

I’m a statistician at the National Institute of Statistics in France. Yeah, I got a channel on YouTube and for about ten years I’m writing articles and I register videos to explain people statistics about economics. Since ten years and since a few years, I started to talk about COVID and Covid statistics in France, in Europa, and a bit worldwide, but especially in France and Europa. And two years ago I wrote a book which is in France, Covid Dysneuve secular Lechif official. It’s a Covid-19 decoding data. It was the best seller in France with more than 50,000 readers.

We decided to translate it in English. It was sort of a journey for me to question a lot of things, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about, I think. I didn’t realize that you had been on YouTube for so long. That’s quite amazing. So did you. You amassed a bit of a following on YouTube over time. What happened for you with COVID with 2020? What was your thoughts when the pandemic first started? Yeah, my main topic on my channel was about economics. But when we arrived in 2020, everybody was talking about, especially in January and February, everybody was talking, every media were talking about the new pandemic and the Covid-19 the killer virus that was killing everybody in China.

So I just heard the numbers and I made a video at this time just to explain people that if there is a killer virus that killed in a month in China, 2050 and 2500 people, I think in one month, it was just ridiculous because there is maybe 1 billion and a half people in China. So there are maybe 80,000 people that die each day. So 2500 people in a month. It’s invisible. You can see that. It is ridiculous to speak about that. So that was my first video. And when I published it, I didn’t understand why, but there was such a war on my channel with people that saying that I was right and there is the grit reset that I didn’t know at this time what it was, and other people saying that I was a sort of, I don’t know, a killer, to say people that it was not dangerous and that it was completely full and that YouTube should stop my channel because it was dangerous, what I was saying.

So it was really. It really upset me at this time. And I just. At this moment, I just decided to continue to read the statistics, to explain things, to explain people how to find the numbers, the statistics in which websites I talk about, Eurostat, insane France, etc. Etcetera. And I just continue. And I discovered all the statistics about COVID vaccine test, et cetera, et cetera, during all the time after. How did you get censored on YouTube? At first, my first video, when I said the title, it’s in French, I get to translate, was the coronavirus come.

Who’s going to pay for it? It was my first video in February 2020. But as I say, it started a war on my channel. So I suppressed the video after about one week because my economics videos made for ten years, about 1000 views, no more. It was my numbers. And this video, in just one week made 200,000 views in just one week. So it was an explosion for my channel. So I decided to suppress it after I talked about the numbers. But I get to say with less, maybe I don’t know the word, being less aggressive in my titles and in my words.

But I made another video. One month after, when the lockdown start in France, I made a video which title was the real danger of coronavirus. The shock strategy. I explained that the lockdown is like a shock, as Naomi Klan explained. So we were living a shock. So that was my. My second big videos that made about 3300,000 views in two weeks. And this. This video, YouTube censored it. YouTube removed this video of YouTube, of the platform. For a few days. I asked YouTube, why did they remove my videos? Because no rules were transgressed. You know, there were no problems about rules on YouTube.

They put the video back in the platform. But with Shadowban, I wasn’t aware that it really existed. But the fact is that this video is Shadowban. You can find it by research in my name or on my channel, or even the title. You can find it now it is on YouTube, but you just can find it. So it was the second time. My channel has a crowd of people looking my videos. Pierre, did this affect your work? Your employment? Yes, to be perfectly. To precise it at this moment exactly, I was not working for the National Statistics Institute in France.

I was working for another. I was in another work, I can say so. The National Statistics Institute in France could not send me anything because I was not working for them. But when my contract stopped with my other work, I went back to the National Statistics Institute. At this time, I discovered several problems. I won’t explain everything on this channel. Now I’m working on the National Statistics Institute in France. But my coming back was not so easy. Let’s talk about the book. How did you come about to write the book? Covid-19 decoding official data I got my channel every time I made a video.

At first, I write an article every time. And I give the article, I put it on Internet, on different websites, freely, for everybody who wants to to read it. And I got to say, there’s no advertising on my channel. Everything is free. And I don’t earn any money about this. So during three years, I worked on articles and on my videos. I think every night, every weekend, every vacation, I was working and I was working on it. So I wrote maybe about 200 articles and made videos during two years. And after two years, I decided to write a book with all this material, these 200 articles.

So the book is sort of a resume about these 200 articles. And it’s not a resume, because I. I understand a lot of things working during two or three years. And I understand things that I couldn’t think at first that I will change my mind so much. That’s interesting, because that is a lot that you’ve written 200 articles over that time. Do you have a family? What’s happening in your life as well? Yeah, I got a wife and three boys. I got to say, during this time I was like in war. So I wrote these articles.

I give them to advocates, to lawyers, to politicians. I give them to try to fighting what was going on in France. For some articles, I know that things have been helpful to stop. For example, for the vaccinations. One day there was a vote in France parliament. And just two days before, the institute in France, an agency, but it’s like an institute wrote an article to say that vaccines were safe and effective. And we got to vaccine every children. So they published their article just one day before the votations. That was to force politicians to vote. And a friend of mine that have a newspaper just called me to say, look, look what they wrote.

So I quit my job, I go back to my house and for about 16 to 04:00 a.m. i wrote an article just to show that it was only bullshit. So at 06:00 a.m. there was my article on the table of every politicians in parliament. Just to say that it exists, something that say it’s wrong. It was mine. In fact. Finally, vaccination were not an obligation. Children were not forced to vaccine. So I don’t know if it’s only my work, but I know I did this on this purpose and the end was acceptable. That is incredible here.

Such courage and hard work to do that. Were you against vaccines probably prior or did you. Were you awake to some of these ideas before Covid-19 oh no, I was not aware. Before Covid-19, my son got about 14 vaccines each. So I can say that I was aware of anything before Covid-19 I discovered. I don’t know how to say that doubts. That doubts exist about vaccine. Just at this time. Before Covid-19 I thought people that doubts about vaccines were just not really well informed or that they were a bit mad and don’t understand how real science was.

So that was the first time I asked questions, really about vaccine. And I asked for real studies. In fact, when I read studies, Pfizer studies in modern studies, I discovered such stupid things that I was really, I don’t know. Estonia is not as high as I want as a world, but, you know, I discovered such bullshit. It was incredible. So, and everybody was saying in France, Covid-19 vaccines, vaccines are not real vaccines. They are real vaccines. That works. And these vaccines are not real vaccines. So I just say to them, okay, I’m not a physician, I’m just a statistician.

What I need is statistics and studies, just to touch to. I want to read a real studies that prove that all the vaccines are good vaccine and works. So I just ask everybody, somebody can give me an article, a study that shows that a vaccine really works, please, just to allow me to compare the Covid-19 vaccines to other vaccines. And I don’t know how to say that, but I discovered a silence and I was asking everybody and nobody answered me, even. Even physicians, even statisticians, even researchers, and nobody was able to give me anything about that.

So that was a bit, I don’t know, disturbing. Is it the right word as a statistician, but as a father too. And I’m asking myself, why did I make that? I allow physicians to vaccine my kids. I was not forced to do that only for three vaccines. I was forced because they can’t go to school if I don’t do that. But they got 14 and was not forced. I just do what others do and what physicians say. I listen to them and I don’t question it. So that made me understand that I was like everybody just, I don’t know, having trust in others, in physicians, in governments.

So today I think differently, but I can’t be upset about people that don’t understand now and are not aware about this, because I was like them just a few years ago. Getting back to the book, what I really liked about what you wrote is that I think numbers are very confusing for the average person, and you have a way of being able to break it down and just to elicit for the audience that there was no pandemic. Was that your intention? Yes, there was no pandemic. I think maybe, maybe english people won’t discover that, but I can explain simply statistics to people.

I think they will find that in the book. And at first I did not understood that there was no pandemic. I thought there was little pandemic. It’s not exactly the same. And a lot of people that were, I don’t know if you use this word, but in the resistance that people that did not accept the lockdowns, masks, etc. Etcetera, they think there was a pandemic but a little pandemic, a too little pandemic to organize these things. But these people think that if one day there is a real pandemic, a bigger pandemic, these measures, lockdowns, masks, etcetera, it could be a good thing.

So there is a big difference between saying that there was little pandemic and there is no pandemic. And at first, I saw there was little pandemics, because we see that there were some people dying, some spikes in mortality at different times. So I thought there was little pandemic, just like a flu in winter. During winter, we can see spikes of mortality on the elders each year. But I discovered, after reading a lot of things and studying different spots, that there were no pandemics. And if there are spikes of mortality, we have to question why there are these spikes, and we can find answers and understand why we can see spikes of mortality in different countries at different moments when governments are accusing Covid-19 to kill people, but it’s not Covid-19.

What, in your mind, would a pandemic look like statistically, if there was such a thing? Mathematically, if there is a pandemic, there is a spread. If there is a spread, we must see the spread. It means that if there is a first person who is sick in a country, in a territory somewhere, so this person will spread viruses or something and contaminate people around him or around her, and that will make new sick people that will spread and contaminate, et cetera, et cetera. So we got our first sick person, and around him or her, we will see more and more sick people.

And if it’s dangerous, more and more deaf dead people, so we can count more and more dead people. And statistically, we will see a spike in a moment later, there will be someone that will travel to go far away, and this person can start a new epidemic elsewhere. In this new place, we will see the number of sick people rising and the number of dead people rising. So we will see another spike. So another spike different from the first. If there is a pandemic, and if there is a spread, we will see different spikes, different spikes of sickness, of sick people, and different spikes of dead people.

And I discovered that we never see different spikes each winter in all Europa. The spikes are perfect, perfectly at the same time. And during the Covid-19 pandemic, when states begin to say there is a Covid-19, you can check and see that spikes are perfectly at the same time. So just as a statisticians, I just say that it can be a spread. It’s not a spread, it is impossible. And when I say that to people that believe that there is a virus virologist, for example, they say, yes, but virus can hide and only weather conditions can activate them, et cetera, et cetera.

But you can add this in the statistical model, you can. At this point, it doesn’t change anything. The spikes have to be different. So there is no virologist that has an explanation why spikes are perfectly at the same time. So when I discovered it was not me, it was the Nirancourt, which is canadian. We have a talk about this. And at first, I made a model that I believed that there was explanation why. I tried to construct a model to explain the spreading of the virus. And he told me, you’re doing shit. It’s not a spread because the spikes as just check, you will see the spikes at the mid time.

But at this moment, Denis Denironcourt, I think he didn’t question the virus, etcetera, etcetera. But he made me on the path to question it, to understand that it is just impossible, statistically, that there was a spread. So it’s not an epidemic, a pandemic. If you say that a pandemic or epidemic are a spread, there’s no spread at all. What you saw statistically, was that the peaks all happened at the same time, which is impossible. It’s impossible that the pigs are all at the same time on every different countries. And what I loved, what I found fascinating about you, Pierre, was that you came to the same conclusion as we did, but you came in it from statistics versus knowing anything about virology.

At first, on my first videos, when I started to question the coronavirus scam, there were people on my channel that were saying, virus iOS came, etc, etcetera. But I could not believe them at this time. In 2020, it was too far from me, and it made me years to begin to question that. At the moment I discovered pigs were synchronized, I was asking, what are the proof that sikh people can give his sickness to other people, to healthy people, how do we become sick? But I believe at these times that people were spreading virus. And I was, yeah, you know, this thing.

And I just question, in 2021 maybe, is it real? And when I was asking physicians, researchers, in the resistance, everybody saying, yeah, it’s proved for a long time, we all know how it works. I say, okay, cool, can I have a study? And I received exactly the same silence as vaccines. One of them in France just asked me several times to shut up to stop asking for things to question viruses, because it was ridiculous. He was a physician in France, and he healed so much people in France from viruses after they were sick, and now they are perfectly healthy because he fights the virus.

So he explained me that, so virus exists, and it’s definitely proved. So I said, thank you very much for sending me that. So, because if you, if you know that virus existed, that virus exists, can you just please give me a study, anything where you write, where you read that, and just, just give me a proof anyway, anything. And he asked me again to shut up because various existed. So I said, yeah, I understand various exists, okay, but just asking for the proof. And he ends the discussion saying that he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know why various existed, but they just exist.

Okay? So I did, I asked so much people to give me studies or proof, and I did not receive anything in four years. I’m asking that for three years. About three years, I received a lot of books about various theory, a lot of virus theory, but nothing about experiments that prove that you can be sick with a virus or spreading virus, etcetera, nothing. So I’m just, I continue to ask, maybe with a little provocation now, but I try to force people to give me something. If they can’t, just, I want them to admit that they can’t.

That’s all. What was the trigger for you to really go down that rabbit hole, as it were? Was there something? Was it the graphs or was it something else? The statistics and the packs, really? I’m a statistician. I’m a statistician just four years ago, I truly believe that virus was a cause of the sickness. And there was a little pandemic. I truly believe that. But I worked, as I said, I worked a lot every night. And when I discovered the pikes were perfectly synchronized, I just thought, at this moment I got to, there’s no explanation about this, so I got to question something else.

When you working scientifically, you can make an experiment, or if you are a statistician, you have hypothesis and you go and you try to find the data to explore them. But when you find that your model is wrong, that your conclusions are false, you have to question the hypothesis. You have no choices. It makes me about two years to have to understand that. I have to question the hypothesis. And what was the hypothesis? It was the spreading of sickness. So it needs a lot of time to discover that and to be able to question it, because it’s deep in our mind and in our belief.

Was there any? Did you have any surprises during. So you’ve. You’ve written these 200 articles and compiled it into the book. Were there any surprises that you. That came at you, other than the. The idea that there’s no pandemic, that you discovered? Discovering that there was no spread was a big surprise, and very hard. But there is another FEMA that was really, really hard to believe. And I was not able to believe that at first. One friend of mine, he’s now a friend, he wrote a chapter with me, discovered that during the first wave in France, what is called the first wave, elder people died much, a lot.

And he discovered that they died exactly at the time, in the moment, and in the number and exactly with the well numbers. When our government decided to stop healing elders for common cold or flu, to say that there was no place in hospitals, but hospitals were empty, but there was no place for them in hospitals, and that the only thing that you can do was to give them palliatives, especially a medicine that is called rivottrille in France. And he discovered that the number of these medications was exactly the same as the number of deaths of Covid-19 death registered in France.

So when you see the numbers, when you see the graphs, it shows that when we are talking about the first wave in France, for the first Covid-19 waves in France, for the elders, it is 100% explained by this medication. So this choice to not healing people, elder people that have common cold or flu, but to give them palliative. And we have exactly the same thing in England. When we have the number of dead elders and the midazolam, it’s exactly the same. And it was too hard to believe at first. And it needed for me to really study, one time again, statistics and to see that there were no other explanation.

And it was too perfect to be wrong. I didn’t realize, Pierre, that they had done the same protocols in France. They did the same protocols everywhere in the world. I did not say I explained this in the book, but in France, we had a decree saying that nurses can give ribotril because there were not enough England governments, american, USA governments and Canadians, about the old stocks. The old worldwide stocks of midazolam. And England bring a french part of the stocks. So we don’t have any midazolam in France. They were to decree in urgency to replace the Midazolam by river trail.

That’s why we have a proof, and that’s why we have statistics, because Midazolam is delivered by hospitals, and we don’t have any data about what hospitals give. But rivottril was given by pharmacy, and we have data, we have pharmacy’s data, that’s why. That’s because there were no middle alarms that we have data. So therefore the mistakes of our governments, because they give us, you know, the weapon of the crime and all the data is to have it. So it’s a bit unique in France, because we have all the data, because of that, we can find it in England, but in countries that where, you know, medicines were given by hospitals, they don’t have any data.

Well, in France we have a real proof that can be used worldwide to accuse what was happening. I noticed you have a section in the book about post vaccine mortality. Could you speak a little bit more about this? Because it’s something many people are interested in. As I said, I discovered there was no spreading because the pics were synchronized. And I just checked with downloading every data, and I didn’t, I think, I did not say it, but I got all my programs can be used by anybody that knows air languages, and everybody can find my graphs and verify everything I said, because everything is on GitHub.

So I just checked if vaccine spikes were synchronized with mortality spikes, and I discovered that it was too often the case. So that’s my 8th chapters. When I show the graphs where in every lot of country in Europe, in other countries and in a lot of ages, that we see that packs of mortality are synchronized with packs of vaccination. So it’s a trace, it’s a real, it’s a proof, because you can have two cases. Maybe we give a vaccine to dead people, but I think it’s not the case. The other possibility is that we vaccine and people die just after, which is, I think, more realistic.

So I think we got a proof here that vaccine killed people. And we have to remember that death is the worst thing that happened, for one dead. We got a lot of sick people, so it’s the worst thing, but it represents a lot of sick people. That’s why I will show that, because we got pharmacovigilance that shows that people that declare that they are sick after vaccination, but we can be sure about causality between the medications and the sickness. But when we have a statistical proof that there are mortality spike mortality picks just synchronized with vaccination pics, we get a proof that it’s a cause.

How was it with other colleagues, statisticians, colleagues, with you, because as you have shown, the numbers can’t lie. So what was the reception from your colleagues. It was hard, because the National Institute in France published a lot of papers saying that there was a big pandemic with a lot of dying people all the time, and that vaccines were sure and effective, and that it worked perfectly. They have no data to say that I preside. So they asked for other statisticians, for other institutes, especially institute of the Ministry of Health, to write things in their publication, etcetera.

So they were completely in mainstream. And a lot of my colleagues in the national institutes test themselves every three days, and some of them wear masks. Today, again, they continue to wear masks, they go vaccination. So a few statisticians of the institute are aware and understood what, and just checked what I was saying, just to check that my datas were the official datas, and that I was doing no more, no other thing, that what we do every time with research data. But just a few did that. The majority of statisticians, 90% of statisticians just follow the rules.

And some told me, okay, I know you’re doing such a thing, but I don’t have to check. I don’t have time to check. That’s why, you see, we have to understand that if a statistician that has the data on his computer, statisticians that knows how to compare, it, knows how to write programs, to understand models, to understand statistics, if a statisticians just don’t want to look, don’t want to look, to check that as before having a vaccine, it’s normal that people don’t do that too. Statisticians don’t do that. They prefer to follow the crowd. That makes sense, despite how disappointing it is, because I would have thought that staticians are such.

Well, they are. You are very logical people that you would. That people would want to look at the sources. But what is remarkable, Pierre, is that you create, you make the information available, you say you can check it, look at it yourself, and you help people to see it in the book. I think this is so important. Yeah. I get to precise with a belgian researcher, Patrick Meijer. We wrote about the perfect, rankly nation between vaccines, immortality on young people. And we have been peer reviewed. We begin to be allowed to speak about vaccine mortality. It just begins.

Maybe with time we will be more able to talk about that. How is it with people in the zeitgast in France right now, with people understanding your work? Is there more positive awareness of what you’ve done? We begin to see people that believed about the coronavirus scam, but they believed there was a pandemic that it was dangerous. And they begin to ask questions now because I think the fear is down. When the fear was up, it was not possible to ask questions, to discuss. Now they begin to ask questions. But I think, you know, maybe during the pandemic there were about 5% people aware that there was a scam.

Maybe now it’s ten. Maybe we will. If we have a big success, we will arrive at 15. But I don’t think we need more. I think what we need, what is essential is to be perhaps a minority, but a big minority. We have to be a minority that governments, other people annihilate, can’t destroy. So what is important is to continue to discuss, to asking questions, to try to convince to, and to have on focus that we must. Yeah, maybe we will not win and be the majority and having winning elections, etcetera, but staying a force, a minority, but a big one.

Excellent advice. Now tell me, for the audience, where can they find the book? Because I highly recommend that everybody get this book and actually see the data for themselves because it applies not only in France but across, you know, across the world. First, we can, you can find it on a kindle so you can read it on the tablets. The book is the bestseller in France with, I said it, 50,000 readers. But if the book on Kilden begin to be a success, we hope that there will be an editor that will be interested having this book somewhere, maybe in England or in America, and to make it more visible.

That’s our goal. Our aim today is that is trying to make this book be seen by people, by resistance. At first, you know, what was hard in this time is that everybody thought, I thought, and everybody around me thought I was. I am alone. I am alone in this camp to understand this camp. And there is nobody that I can talk, I can discuss about this because everybody thinks there is a big pandemic. And it was. I don’t know how to say that, but it was a big thing when we discovered we were not alone. And I think we have to be aware that in each country there were people everywhere in the world that understood what was happening and that we have to share our works, to share our different point of view, our different way to work, and to discover the scam and to understand that we can have people that can maybe after help and we will be, I think, more strong to resist against the next time, the next scam.

I like that. I really do. Your message is a powerful one because I think at its core, people like you say, do feel alone or did feel alone. But I love it that this has actually brought. I feel like it’s brought the world together, actually, I feel more connected with people in France. I’m way across the other side of the world. But I love it that I can talk with you and know you think the same. And you’ve had your coming out party now, Pierre, as in the no virus, like a coming out party, you know, the like.

Yeah, it’s like a coming out. In fact, I continue to ask to discuss with people that truly believe and strongly believe that viruses exist and make people, and make people cease and responsible of all sickness, even cancer. But I like these people because we fight together during the scam against the government, and I want to continue to discuss with them. Some of them are not able to understand, just to question it. Some of them truly believe, for example, they think that viruses are a chapter of neo Darwinism. So everything in biology has to be understood as a chapter of neo Darwinism theory.

And various are part of it. So they start with the hypothesis of neo Darwinism, and they say that various exists because it’s a part of it. And we can’t discuss the existence of viruses. And when we try to, they find, when we show them things that doesn’t work, the pikes, for example. But there are other things, the tests I show in the books that positive tests are more often with healthy people, and that negative tests are more often with sick people. When we ask a virologist to count the number of viruses on sick people, they find more viruses on healthy people than on sick people.

So everything, it doesn’t work. But these people with their theory just always find an excuse. So, for example, for the test or for the number of viruses, they say yes, but at the beginning of the sickness, there is a lot of viruses and no sickness. Every time we try to challenge them, they will find an excuse. So that may. The virology is not science, because in science you have to define the limits of your theory and you have to say, this experiment that you can do at home, everywhere, to challenge my theory and to find that my theory is right.

And when you have these sort of people, you can find an experiment to challenge a theory. They won’t accept any experiment to challenge a theory that made biology is not a theory, it’s a dogma, it’s a belief, what you like, but you can discuss with them. So it’s important to discuss with everybody, but knowing that there are some people that where you won’t change their mind at any time and you are not able to question them because it’s not, they don’t have a scientific way to think about virology. It’s more than that. It’s dogma. 100%. I agree with you.

Also, where can people follow you? I do have some french, french speaking people that might be interested, but also I just. Where is your work? I’m beginning to translate all my videos in English. I’m using AI and I’m trying to do that in, yeah, in a few days or in maybe one video each week or something like that. I will take one of my videos, translate it, put it in English and to promote the book too, I will try to do that to have another media and to other people to understand my work with my YouTube channel.

So I’m beginning, I’m trying to do that to find the right way to do that. So your YouTube channel, what is it called? It is decodeleco, which can be translated as decoding. Eco was for economy at first, but I’m doing the demography, only demography for four years now. Nice. And do you have any other social media platforms, Pierre? X, Twitter and Facebook, but especially in French. My real channel is YouTube and I’m going to begin to translate my, you can find one or two videos in English for now. Some of them are professionally translated in English with subtitles.

Not all of them, but I will do better for my book. Perfect. I’m so thrilled for you, Pierre. It’s really exciting because for us it’s the first time being able to talk even though we’ve spoken via email. I think your work is incredible, is so important for the future. And I just would really encourage everyone to please have a look and to get a copy of your book and to, I think stay in touch and just carry on really with the movement. Yeah, we got to carry on. I think we got to discuss and to question everything.

Now, I think a lot of people understood that we can’t trust mass media anymore and that we have to make our own researches to not believing anybody, don’t believe me, just check what I say and just try to understand and decide. Decide to believe me or not. It’s a decision and I don’t know. It’s not the truth that is falling down the sky. I don’t know. But you have to. Yeah. To understand, to make your research and to decide who you are going to trust or not. And you have. I think everybody now has got to do this for climates, for politics, for economics, for everything.

And we have to understand that. Yeah, we don’t have to trust one point of view, which is mass media. There can be 200 channels. It doesn’t change anything. It is a mass media with only one point of view. Just we have to do our own researches. That’s what we have to understand. To remember what we lived these past years. And the other thing that really strikes me about you, Pierre. Is your humility. How humble you are. Despite everything that you’ve been through, actually. But you’ve done it because I imagine for your family. Was that a big thing? Exactly.

For my children. I was in a fight for my children. That’s what. Why was I have the channel and I wrote all the articles. Is to allow my children just to breathe the air without a mask. To go to the cinema, to go to school. To make them understand that they will not kill their grandfather by just breathing next to him. That was completely foul. To make them understand that, yeah, everybody can be mad around them. And just understand that it was just madness. And there were no. So they have no stress. And no fear of dying, of being sick.

So I fight too to make them. To be sure they won’t be forced to vaccine with these products. So yeah, that was for my children first. And believing that I have to say to explain this to everybody. Because together we are more strong than just being alone. Thank you so much, Pierre. It’s been a real pleasure. Yeah. Thank you for all your work this past year. I’m really aware of what you’ve done. The time you pass to do this. So thank you, Sam. I say that again, but I’m really happy to be here. And I’m really proud that you accept to what my followers.

And that you accept to ask me questions and to speak slowly. I think maybe in a few months when I will try to speak a bit more in English, it will be easier. Thank you. If you enjoyed this video, please visit support name.

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censorship of Covid-19 findings correlation between medication and Covid-19 deaths Covid-19 data analysis book Covid-19 pandemic exaggeration French statistician Covid-19 claims pandemic narrative skepticism Pierre Chaillot Covid-19 analysis questioning vaccine effectiveness questioning virus existence SARS CoV two existence debate simultaneous Covid-19 case spikes

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