PHYSICAL SILVER! Remains THE MOST UNDERVALUED Financial Asset ON EARTH | Gregory Mannarino

Posted in: Gregory Mannarino, News, Patriots



➡ Gregory Mannarino believes that silver is the most undervalued financial asset in the world. He thinks the stock market is overvalued due to central banks inflating global debt, which has led to a bubble in the stock market. He predicts that when this bubble bursts, it will cause a financial crisis, leading to a surge in the value of commodities like silver. He also suggests that central banks will continue to keep interest rates low, further inflating the bubble.
➡ The writer believes that gold and silver are the best investments, as they are a way to protect against the decreasing value of money issued by central banks, like the dollar. He criticizes the Federal Reserve for not maintaining stable prices and full employment, and suggests that it should be eliminated. He also mentions that Bitcoin and XRP are doing well, and that he will continue to invest if the market drops. Lastly, he invites those who disagree with him to share their views.


It’s okay, everybody. Here we go. It’s me, Gregory Mannarino. Monday, March 4, 2024. Time just flies freaking by. It’s incredible thing. Anyway, people, this is my pre market report. I want to. I want to address an issue that I’ve been. Look, I listen to you guys and girls, I really do. And I try to read through the correspondence and the emails, but as of late there’s a crazy freaking phenomenon going on here.

I have been getting more people out here that seem to hate gold and silver and I find this astonishing to me. Look, as all of you know, I am open to any suggestion that you want to give me here. If you have a valid point or something that you feel is valid and important and I should know about it because I’m saying something that isn’t right, look, I’m more than willing to learn here, but this theme lately with gold and silver haters and people calling me out because of my stance on gold and silver, look, as I always say, and I just said, tell me where I’m getting this wrong.

Let me put this together for you real quick. In my opinion, and I’m not going to waver from this unless someone could provide some solid information to me and prove to me how I got this wrong or how I’m getting this wrong again. In my opinion, silver, physical silver, is the most undervalued financial asset on the planet. And look, this is how I figure this out. And if you’re new here, maybe this will be news to you, but this is how I look at silver here being the most undervalued asset, financial asset on the planet.

Okay, we have to first look at the stock market. Okay, well, let’s focus on the stock market because there’s a lot more facets to this, but let’s just focus on the stock market. How many of you believe the stock market today is fairly valued? Exactly. Nobody here. It’s the truth again, in understanding the mechanism behind this is pretty simple. If you and I realize that global debt is ballooning at its fastest pace we’ve ever seen in the history of the world, if you and I realize that central banks have made a very successful effort here to hyperinflate global debt and they’re not done by a long shot here, and this mechanism has caused.

I call. I’m losing my train of thought here because it’s just, it’s incredible price action distortions which are so extreme across the spectrum of asset class, it’s just even hard for me to get my head around it. So this is my perspective on this. Central banks have worked very diligently, along with policymakers, of course, Ra, to inflate the stock market. Does that sound familiar to you? It should.

Okay, we’ve watched this stock market, which is, forget about a big, fat, ugly bubble, a bubble beyond the scope, I think of most people on this planet to understand, even you and I, because it’s so extreme. And this bubble has been built up on the back of global debt, which is again the greatest threat to humankind. It really, really is more so than nuclear war, because at one point this bubble is going to burst.

And when this bubble bursts in debt, it’s going to lead to a locking up of the financial system, a complete lockup of the financial system, and commodities are going to skyrocket beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. Because again, cash doesn’t just grow money wings and fly away. A lovely money heaven. No, it doesn’t do that. It moves through the markets in predictable patterns. Right now, the game remains risk on, meaning cash is making its way into the stock market, and in this case also cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, XRP doing fantastic here, okay? No surprise to anyone that follows this blog, you all knew this, okay? But that mechanism here of cash making its way into the stock market is a direct result of suppressed rates, is a direct rate of a direct result of skyrocketing global debt.

And it’s not going to stop with war. The expansion of war, all this stuff that you and I have covered since, well, seems like a thousand years now, doesn’t it, here, so called governments around the world finding every reason imaginable to inflate the debt, and all this is doing is making central banks even stronger. But again, if we understand the mechanism here, and we’re pretty clear on this, okay, the game remains risk on.

It’s not going to change anytime soon, especially through the selection cycle. There will be no election. You understand that? There will be no election. This is a selection period, okay? And we’ve covered this a gazillion times as well, okay? Now with that, with all you gold and especially silver haters and Greg Manorino’s wrong on this, this is how I look at it, okay? All right, so if we understand, again, stock market is in a hyperbubble beyond anyone’s wildest dreams, we got to figure out where the bottom actually is.

What do we know? It always comes down to what we know. The Fed jumped in here at Dow 12,000, Dow 6000, I’m sorry, we went from Dow 12,000 to Dow 6000 and that’s when the Fed started QE one started buying assets, quote, what to prevent the market from falling. The bottom could have been what would have been much lower than 6000. But let’s just say the bottom is 6000 here as the Federal Reserve has probably established a pretty hard bottom at 6000 by buying everything in sight at that point and they’re still buying right now.

Okay, so right now we have a stock market at all time. Record highs, record high, record high, record high. It’s just all propped up on the back of easy money central banks buying it all and extreme debt to a level that none of us, I think, would ever have believed. My take is very, very simple. If we believe the Dow is overvalued by, I don’t know, it could be overvalued by 90%.

And I mean that because we don’t know where the bottom is. Let’s say the bottom is 6000. I still believe in my heart of hearts when the debt market meltdown occurs. And it will, but it’s off. We know when it’s going to happen because you and I are watching the drivers of this market, the ten year yield, the US dollar, the Manorino market risk indicator, free to everyone on this planet.

Link in description of this video which tells us what risk is in real time. Okay, let’s say eventually this is how it’s going to work. You know, this a bursting of the bubble and it’s beyond a bubble in debt here is going to drive global stock markets down so fast and so hard that people’s heads are going to spin around like the freaking exorcist. They’re not going to know what happened to them.

All those on paper millionaires and they’re being distracted right now. Look at your stock market is ripping higher. The economy must be strong. Nothing could be further from the truth and you all know that. But eventually this is all going to get very real. Dead market meltdown, crush, crush world stock markets. And where the bottom is, no one knows. Let’s say it’s 6000 on the Dow. I believe we’re going to get a one to one par Dow 6000, let’s just say or 8000 gold, six or 8000.

That’s where we’re going to go. And that one to one ratio of gold to the Dow is also going to cause a normalization of the gold to silver ratio, which I believe in an extreme situation could get to ten to one, more than likely 15 to one. So I’m not going to sit here and do the math for you. So for those of you gold and silver haters, you figure it out.

That’s why Greg Manorino says that silver is the most undervalued financial asset on the planet earth at this particular time. And I don’t think that’s going to change anytime soon. In fact, it’s going to get more extreme moving forward. What do we know is going to happen? They’re going to keep rates suppressed. Central banks are not done here, okay? The Fed, and this is another thing I’m getting slammed about lately, the Fed is cutting rates along with other central banks because they must do this.

They already got, and this is a long game that they’ve been playing. They already got the economy dead and buried. They got the consumer by the throat. A central bank’s power, people, look, it resides in one thing and one thing only, and that is their ability to inflate. Now that the central banks are providing all this funding for wars and expanding wars and whatever else our loving, Caring representatives want to throw at us, this gives them another avenue to inflate again.

How does the central bank say, hey, guess what, everyone, we’re going to keep rates low or we’re going to lower rates. They can’t just say it. They have to create cash out of nothing, add it to a screen and buy all the debt. This allows them to inflate even further. Do you understand what I’m talking about here? Look, as I said, as I’ve been telling you since day one, okay, gold and silver collectively are the best trades on earth.

Silver, the number one trade on earth, in my opinion, and again, prove to me that I am wrong. Don’t just say, Greg, you’re wrong because this is a comment from an imbecile. Tell me where or how I am getting this wrong. Tell me what we should be doing instead. In my opinion, I’ve been telling you to bet against the debt, become your own central bank, and this is how you do it with these two freaking assets here.

Okay, what do you want to do? You want to stay in the dollar or any central bank issued fiat currency that are being deliberately destroyed by the issuing central bank? They’re sucking the purchasing power out of it on purpose. This is why we’re seeing global inflation. We’re supposed to believe that these central banks, in this case the Federal Reserve, is going to hit their inflation target, which they deliberately went out of their way to miss by a mile.

Again, do you realize that the Federal Reserve is in breach of contract? The Federal Reserve should be eliminated. If we had real policymakers here. Well, they would sue the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has two mandates, price stability and full employment. Price stability? Really? A price is stable? Hell, no. By their own numbers, inflation continues to rise. Okay? And there’s no end in sight here, especially because our policymakers are playing a game with the Federal Reserve to make them even stronger.

All of them are. Every single one. Every single one of our policymakers. Even past ones. Do you remember the last guy? I want negative rates. Oh, yeah. You’ll pay the bank to keep your cash in there. And he got cheers for saying that. And he also said, oh, I want a weaker dollar. Oh, that would have worked out real well for you, wouldn’t it? But still, he has legions of worshippers.

It’s unbelievable. And this current freak that we got sitting behind the resolute desk makes me want to vomit every time I think about him. All right, people, look, as I have said, that’s where we are with this whole thing here. Going back to the market real quick, not much going on. Bitcoin, over 65,000. Okay, lovely. XRP catching a nice bid. XRP is doing really well lately. You got gold and silver right now, relatively flat.

Silver, I’m sorry? Crude oil, relatively flat. Ten year yield, $4. 2 flat. The game remains risk on, it remains risk on. And if this market drops, if we get a pullback, which it doesn’t look like we’re getting one, I mean, it doesn’t seem so anymore. And the ten year yield remains stable. This guy already has powder dry, and I will be buying more. Count on it. People, look, this guy got your back.

And I mean this to the highest order. And I know that 99% of you more than likely agree with me that these, and especially that, is the most undervalued asset on the planet. Financial asset. Okay? But to the haters out here, make your case. You have an open platform here. Make your case. Let me see what you got. All right. I love all of you from the heart.

I mean that. I will see you later. Four, five p. M. Eastern for my live stream. I hope to see more of you there. All right? And that’s it. I’ll see you later. Bye. .

See more of Gregory Mannarino on their Public Channel and the MPN Gregory Mannarino channel.


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Bitcoin and XRP performance central banks inflating global debt commodities surge value Federal Reserve criticism financial crisis prediction gold and silver best investments Gregory Manorino silver undervalued investing in market drops low interest rates impact open invitation for financial views protection against decreasing money value stock market overvaluation

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