Peter Mcilvenna RE: Girl Grooming Gang Cover-Up in the UK



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➡ This podcast episode features Chris Farrell and Peter McElvena discussing a long-standing issue in the UK involving grooming gangs, primarily of Pakistani Muslim men, who have been exploiting and abusing young girls, often from disadvantaged backgrounds, for over 50 years. The issue, which has been largely ignored by authorities due to fears of inciting racial tensions, has recently gained attention due to Elon Musk’s social media posts. The hosts also discuss the failure of multiculturalism in the UK, with communities living in isolated silos with little integration, contributing to the problem.
➡ The text discusses the isolation of certain communities, particularly the Pakistani and Muslim communities, from mainstream society due to their separate legal, food, and educational systems. This separation makes them vulnerable and disconnected from essential services like the police and child services. The text also highlights the issue of women’s rights within these communities, where women are often not allowed to work or participate in society. Lastly, it criticizes the police and government leaders for turning a blind eye to these issues due to fear of being labeled as racist or Islamophobic.
➡ The article discusses the issues with the UK’s judicial system, particularly in relation to sexual crimes against women and girls. It highlights the struggle victims face in seeking justice, with the system seemingly more focused on making money than delivering justice. The article also criticizes the UK’s Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, for his lack of leadership and calls for a national investigation into these issues. Lastly, it discusses a bill being debated that could potentially remove parents’ automatic rights to homeschool their children, which is seen as a dangerous government overreach.
➡ The text discusses the issue of grooming gangs in the US and UK, with a focus on the political aspects and the involvement of figures like Elon Musk, Tommy Robinson, and Nigel Farage. It highlights the problems caused by mass immigration and open borders, and the lack of accountability for missing children. The text also discusses the controversy surrounding Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment for contempt of court, and the perceived unfairness of his treatment compared to other criminals.
➡ The speaker criticizes the UK government’s handling of diplomatic relations and expresses concern over sexual exploitation issues in the UK. They warn the US about the dangers of multiculturalism, suggesting it could lead to societal division and legal issues. They urge Americans to uphold their national identity and values, and to resist the fragmentation of their society. They believe that under President Trump, America has a chance to protect itself against these issues.


Chris I’m Chris Farrell and this is on watch. Welcome to OnWatch everybody, the Judicial Watch podcast where we go behind the headlines to cover news and information. The mainstream media, the old legacy media, really doesn’t want you to know about where we try to recover some lost history and explain the inexplicable. Today we’re going to do the third. We’re going to explain the inexplicable. And joining us to do that is my friend and a former guest on this show, Peter McElvena. Peter is the host of the Hearts of Oak podcast, which all of you should subscribe to and listen to faithfully.

He also happens to be the chief of staff to Lord Pearson in the House of Lords. Peter welcome to Onwatch. Chris, it’s great to be with you. Thank you for the invite. So Elon Musk turned the attention of the world, or at least the attention of ex subscribers around the world to really a scandal, an outrageous problem in the UK that really is an old problem. You and I talked about this literally years ago in a private conversation, but it’s something that the British public have known about since like 2012 or so. But all of a sudden everyone’s paying attention to and suddenly really motivated by the stories of these grooming gangs, these rape gangs that exist in the UK can you give us, start us out with a big kind of high level overview and then we can talk about some particular stuff.

What has been going on for more than a decade in the UK with these gangs? Well, it’s been a, it’s been a crazy week and we’re only one week in and President Trump isn’t even in the White House yet, hasn’t had the inauguration and yet Elon Musk has decided from the 1st of January to highlight this issue. First of all, it was he posted free. Tommy Robinson, who’s one of the most recognizable figures in the UK is liked and loathed. And then he started focusing on what we’ve known as the grooming gangs and has it’s non stop.

He’s maybe posted maybe a dozen 15 times a day and he’s not letting up on this and he’s going to war against the British government. Keir Starmer. Right. And focusing on all of that, but stepping back a little bit what this is, and I’ve, I’ve talked to different US audiences, but it’s generally we have had since and this was first reported in 1975. That’s the first report I’ve seen of it in a newspaper up in Rotherham, which is kind of middle North England up in Yorkshire. And it was around this issue which we now know as grooming gangs, which is in effect Muslim Pakistani gangs raping white English girls.

That’s what it is. And it’s gone on for that length of time for 50 plus years. This first came to light in the UK. Well, it was a journalist in 2007, Julie Bindle wrote about this in the Times, the Sunday Times, and then Andrew Norfolk wrote about this in 2012. And in 2012 was the front page of the Times newspaper. And that’s the first time after I came aware of this. So 14 years ago. And this was a story that he had uncovered that was hundreds, he talked about it, later transcribed, thousands and thousands in per city that these are girls who were being basically trafficked, passed around families, groups, communities, Muslim Pakistani communities by and large in 93%.

So we’ve had a report talking about 85, 95% of perpetrators are or Pakistani. That was a Quilliam report. And then later on someone who wrote the book on this easy me talked about 93% of the perpetrators were Muslim Pakistani. And this has gone on, it has been talked about, but it’s more or less going on under the radar because, and I quote, we don’t want a race riot. That was. There have been at least two, if not three quotes from police officers saying that’s why they don’t want to investigate this, because of a race riot. And you put your finger on Islam and the incompatibility that Islam often has with our Western freedoms and you don’t come out very well.

Just look at the leader in the Netherlands, Gerd Fielders, who lives under police guard and I think doesn’t stay in the same place for more than two nights ever because he has gone up and critiqued Islam, which turns out not to be so peaceful as we are told, but it is. This has gone on 50 years. Let me just pause there for a second because there are some fascinating things that come out of that kind of high level summary. Number one is that there are thousands of girls who have been subjected to this kind of abuse, this kind of, I guess grooming is one word to use, but it seems inadequate when it comes to the exploitation of these young girls.

Even the psychological manipulation, let alone the violent sexual acts against them and the way that they’re trafficked and passed around. I guess one question is how do thousands of girls, how are they subjected to this? And no one seems to notice or they notice sort of belatedly and go oh, gee, you know, a few girls in the community, a few girls in the county, a few girls in the city. It’s not a few, it’s now like tens, dozens, hundreds. What does that say about what’s going on in British families? I mean, obviously, my guess is these girls are on the margin, right? They’re either financially, socially, economically, perhaps even emotionally or mentally.

They may have some other issue that makes them a vulnerable population that these Pakistani Islamists then exploit. Right. I mean, that’s. So there’s a personal issue with the girls, There’s a family issue that the girls are in this environment where these guys get away with it. Can you talk a little bit about that? Well, yeah, let me pick on two specific areas on that. Now, the numbers are in one area, rather in one town, 1400 was the figure put out by the newspapers. Campaigners have talked about 18, 1900 girls at least are in that. In one town.

This is one town of at least 40 that. We’ve had trials happening across the UK. Lord Pearson was chuffed and intrigued when he was reposted by Elon Musk after talking about In a speech six years ago in 20, 2018 in the House of Lords. And he talked about. If you extrapolate that you’re looking at a quarter of a million girls, you’ve got the Labour MP in the area, Sarah Champion in Rotherham, who, even though she’s on the left in labor, she has done sterling work on this. She has been a voice for the voiceless and she talks about up to a million girls have been affected by this in an interview in the Daily Mail, British newspaper a couple of years ago.

But so you’ve got one. These are often girls from maybe more disadvantaged families. You have sometimes. Often it’s from those within care homes. So children who are in and out of care, you’ve also got maybe in communities that are maybe more working class communities. So you’ve got that. And that’s. When you say care, you’re talking about some kind of foster situation or an orphanage or some. They’re placed in a. Because of social service issues, child protective issues, they’re placed someplace else other than their biological home of origin. Is that what you. When you say care, that’s what you mean.

So all of those you’ve got child services are involved with families because of issues that are happening. So local government are involved in trying to help with safeguarding issues. And then you’ve got actually some of those girls actually in homes because they’ve been removed from families because of different issues. And then you’ve also got just more working class areas where it is a struggle to survive that have been left behind. Basically it’s same story in the US Communities that have been left behind. Right, right. And often those communities were, those were in effect, often the Brexit communities, those who voted for Brexit communities that were left behind, that didn’t have a voice and during the Brexit debate they were able to speak up.

So you’ve got all those pieces fitting together. Child services involved actual care homes and disadvantaged communities. And I think the media, it was a. We have a class system in the UK and I didn’t realize until I started working with Lord Pearson the divisions we have in British society, especially English society, in terms of the class system. And I think the media and the politicians, they look down on these communities and these girls, they didn’t see them as actually the same as them, as important as them. And therefore they were ignored. Ignored communities. So you’ve got that on one side, the other side is the, the Pakistani Muslim communities are closed communities, 100% closed ghetto communities.

We have a lack of integration. Multiculturalism has failed spectacularly in the UK where we have many different communities living as ghettos, as silos, side by side with zero integration. And I see this where I live in London, you can go to different parts of London and you know that’s. And the Polish community or the Somali community or the French or the Saudi Arabian and you have these divides happening within our society. And sadly we have a community in with the Pakistani community and Muslim community larger that don’t trust society and that are separate. They have their own separate legal system within Shariah courts, their own separate food system in halal mosques.

So they congregate around mosques and often they have their own educational system and that means that makes them very separate. And the issue is we have allowed that to happen, but that has made people vulnerable because it cuts them off from, from society. It cuts them off from the police, it cuts them off from the legal system, it cuts them off from child services. And this has been allowed to happen because those communities have been hidden away, have been cut off. And in those communities you often have women, most of them do not work because they’re not allowed to work.

They’re not allowed to participate in society. When they do go out, they’re covered head to foot, so they’re not visible. And you’ve got that separation. And because of that separation, because of that, hidden because of. Actually many of these women don’t speak English and they wouldn’t know how to contact the police if there is a problem. And they would be fearful of their community if they contacted the police. Therefore they hide away and know where to go for help. Or maybe even they see this as normal as part of their culture, their community, because women are second class citizens often in Islamic communities and Middle Eastern cultures.

So that’s where we are at the moment. You’ve got the white English girls themselves being targeted from disadvantaged communities. And you’ve got the communities where this is happening. The people know what’s happening, families and communities know. They keep quiet because you wouldn’t want to snitch, you wouldn’t want to go to the police if one, your neighbors are doing something wrong. So yeah, it’s a very different understanding to, as I say, if I see something happening. Well, we need to tell local authority, we need to tell the police because that’s wrong. Because child protection, because safeguarding, that does not exist in a lot of these Muslim, Middle Eastern communities that is not there.

So we’ve got these predators who are out exploiting these girls and you know, the way to get to them or the way to create these relationships that allows them to exploit. And this is where the word grooming comes in. They develop these relationships, they then create a dependency or create some kind of a relationship that can be exploited and that moves from friendship to maybe drugs and alcohol to perhaps casual sex. They think that they’re really loved by whoever it is in this relationship and then it’s quickly moved over to this really sick exploitation where these girls are basically, they’re captive.

One way or the other, they’re captive. We can talk about the perpetrators, the creeps who are doing this and their twisted ideology in a moment and you can kind of fill in the blanks. You can draw your own conclusions very quickly about that. What I’m curious about, and I think what we’re seeing the attention call to now is that you’ve got police, you’ve got government leaders at the municipal, county and now national level who seem to have deliberately, willfully turned a blind eye on because as you mentioned, they’re afraid of a race war or some type of being, you know, called names, that they’re anti Islamic or they’re, you know, they’re anti Pakistani or they’re racist and they’re so afraid of offending anybody or creating any kind of tension that they’re literally willing to trade these girls lives because they don’t want to have any sort of fuss or embarrassment.

Is that a legitimate explanation, 100%. And there are two words that are utterly dangerous in the English language and shut down debate in the uk, certainly the term racism or racist and the term Islamophobic. And those two terms shut down debate and make you go away and therefore whatever is happening continues. And we went. I remember when we started Ortsaville back in, in 2020, we, my co founder Alan and I went up to Rotherham and we spent time with Elizabeth, who is in the middle of illegal action to get money from her rapist, who’s already been sentenced and charged and been in jail.

So she is suing her rapist. The first of its kind actually never happened in the UK before and we’re nearing the end of that journey. But we went up with her to Rotherham and we drove around and she took us around the areas to point out the institutions that had failed her. She talked about the police, we talked to her father. Her father was threatened with arrest because he went to the police to talk about, to complain that his girl had been held captive. So he went to the police, they told him to go away, went to police again, they said, go away, you’re stirring up tensions.

Stop it. So we went outside and started banging the door off the flat. Banging, banging. He knew his girl was in there. The police arrived and they put him in the car and they said, if you continue this, we will have to arrest you because you’re stirring up tensions. It’s disorder. And he said, I can’t. So they let him go. He went and banged on. Within five minutes, a policeman had turned up. They put him in the van, they took him to the station and they told him he was being arrested. They didn’t care that actually the girls were being held there.

And that was South Yorkshire Police that had been investigated numerous times, but not a single police officer has been arrested for turning a blind eye or other police officers. When parents went to them, they then told the parents that their children had made a lifestyle choice, that they had decided they wanted to be prostitutes at 13, 14, and that was their lifestyle and was nothing to do with the police. How can a child agree to any sexual contact or sexual engagement? They’re a child that is illegal, it is the adult that’s committing the offense and the child is never, never at fault, whatever happens.

And yet the police were making the child feel as though they were guilty for this. I’ve seen stories where even, and this is obviously highly questionable, they’ve even said, well, she’s now 16, so that’s the age of consent. And she can do as she pleases. But in reality, you know, this girl was picked up when she was 14 and she’s had two years of psychological conditioning, two years of this sick rape culture. And so now maybe she’s 16, but she’s not a 16 year old making a decision, you know, with free will and intellect. This is a 16 year old who’s been abused for years.

And so, I mean, even that’s a disingenuous sort of excuse by the police. And, you know, he said that, I guess the Yorkshire Police were investigating these things and had claims made and had done investigations. So there’s no one has been able to determine what police official made the decision and issued the policy statement saying, we will not enforce complaints or investigate these actions. No one can point and say, well, you know, Chief Inspector so and so said, you will not do this. There’s no accountability. There is zero accountability. We have, we have South Yorkshire Police and Greater Manchester Police, another hub of this, just slightly to the north.

They’ve both been in special measures for a while with investigations because of utter failure, but not one single police officer has lost his job or been arrested and charged with their offence. And it goes further, Chris, it goes to the point, this is numerous upon numerous cases, even the last year, it’s come out about the police losing evidence. So one case, a police officer, the police brought in a girl and interviewed her and then interviewed her again a month later, and then interviewed her twice four months later. So six months of interrogations in effect, of these girls.

And then after six months, this girl was told, no, it’s not true. The men have denied it ever happened. You must have swapped your clothing with someone else who they slept with so you could give DNA evidence, therefore it’s nonsense and the men are not prosecuted. Other times we’ve had numerous, numerous times we’ve had police interviewing these girls, interviewing them time and time again, and then at the end saying, we’ve lost the interview footage, we don’t have it. So if you want to, you can go through this whole process of being interrogated once again. At what point do you have a girl that comes to you and you accept her, her story and then let her tell her story and see where that goes.

But it seems like you’ve got a vulnerable girl going to a police officer, saying what has happened, then being interrogated, interviewed, questioned as if she has done something wrong, and then they just lose the evidence. How do you lose this evidence time and time again? So the systematic failures have been across the board not only with South Yorkshire, Greater Manchester Police, and we have 43 police forces across the UK of the regions, but this has happened 40 times, have had these trials, 70 different trials. 420 individuals have been charged and sentenced. So we have had some level of justice in terms of individuals put away, but the sentencing in terms of looking at the police and the judicial system.

I know the girl that Elizabeth, we are looking at her getting, getting financial recompense from her perpetrator. So we will take his property and sell it and give her the money. But even at that point, this is a four and a half year fight this goes. She has to raise the money, tens of thousands of pounds if she wants to engage in this legal issue. So the whole system is stacked against these girls. And the judicial system seems to only exist to make money. It doesn’t seem to be about justice or truth. It seems to be about lining the pockets of these, of the lawyers, of the legal profession.

And when a girl who’s been through this decides to enter in and actually I want financial recompense, they have to pay the money, they have to pay court fees, they have to go through the process and many of their perpetrators with Elizabeth, her perpetrator, when he went, he was charged, I think seven years was his sentence. He was out after three and a half for two counts of rape with a minor. Three and a half years. We have people in jail for longer for Facebook posts in the UK than we have of child rape. So the whole understanding of women and sexual crime, it needs to be readdressed.

And no one really is having this conversation in the uk, despite the fact that even today there is a debate in Parliament on this very issue with the Labour government saying we refuse to back an independent inquiry. So this issue is huge with so many different aspects. But Chris, you’re right, the local authorities, child services, the police across the board, they have failed these girls time and time again and no one has been punished for that. Yeah, you mentioned the debate in Parliament today. I was watching a few clips. Your illustrious Prime Minister Keir Stromer was very busy being a lawyer and not being very much of a leader, in my opinion.

And he offered up all the usual ridiculous, I’m not an attorney, praise the Lord. But you know, he offered up the typical sophistry and lawyerly BS when confronted with the challenge to have a national investigation. And what he saidand I’m paraphrasing, of course, I don’t have, you know, exact memory of what he said, but essentially he said, well, the last investigation took seven years. And so if we investigate anything, it’ll be another seven years and you won’t get any justice. I mean, what an obvious lie. What a pathetic individual he is. I know that, you know, the UK is now more like East Germany than ever before.

I don’t want you going to jail for saying something or offering some idea that is now verboten in the UK but perhaps you’re allowed to criticize Mr. Starmer. I don’t know if that’s permitted anymore, but. Oh, please, please let me, Chris, please. I guess it’s true, like you said, there’s people sitting in jail for posting a meme that was too sarcastic or too cutting or some too critical. And so I’m imagining if you were to criticize your prime minister, you know, the Ministerium for Staatsicheheit would come knocking at the door and drag you away. So. But anyway, very interesting exchange with the Prime Minister in Parliament today.

And I mean, he’s really a coward. He’s like a scared little bunny. You know, Elon Musk called him out and now anybody that questions him is supposedly some kind of a fascist stormtrooper or something. Give us a sense of what happened in Parliament today. So this wasthere was a bill going through. This is strange things that have come together. So there’s a bill going through because we had a girl that was murdered by her father, Muslim girl, she was murdered by her father. They homeschooled her and they used. That meant she had no access to the world, so they abused her and killed her.

Horrendous story. And the government, or I mean governments, why let a crisis go to waste? So they’re using that to tighten down on homeschooling, which anyway doesn’t really happen in the UK they want to make it so that the government doesn’t automatically give you the right to homeschool your child. That’s what they’re moving towards. Very dangerous, massive government overreach. Instead of focusing on the problem, which is in, in Muslim communities, how girls maybe are treated and brought up, instead of focusing on that, they say, no, we’re going to anyone who, from Northern Ireland, from Britain, who raises their children, hey, you don’t automatically have the right to homeschool your child.

Well, it’s my child, not your child. Right, but that takes away parental rights. So we’ve had this battle. So this bill was being debated today about beginning the steps to remove those automatic rights for parents. And the Conservative Party, the Conservative in name only. Let me Say that the Chino, they have been in power, had been in power for 14 years. We’ve obviously got a new leader of the Conservative Party. We’ve been through many of them, from David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, the list goes on. And they all had different levels of inquiries.

They had a independent inquiry, it was no grooming gangs, it was a seven year inquiry, cost 200 million pounds, started by originally Theresa May, who was the Prime Minister for a while. £200 million and not one of its recommendations has been implemented. In fact, you have the leader of the Conservative Party, Kemi Bednock, who I actually have a lot of respect for because she’s speaking the right language, she’s a strong Christian, Nigerian origin, speaks truth and seems to be someone who wants to do good. So I’m giving her a lot of leeway, a lot of time to see what happens.

But she was a government minister for Children and Families, I think from 2022 to 2024. She never talked this language about her concern of the grooming gangs and what they were doing to children. She was in government, she was a Minister, she had position of power. And yet I don’t think I’m happy to be corrected, but I’ve looked through and I don’t think she ever addressed this issue. Now she’s addressing this issue because it’s political, because she is no longer in government and the Labour Party are on the back foot, therefore she will hit them politically.

This cannot be a political issue. This has to be a safeguarding, looking after those who are most vulnerable in society, our children. So she’s talking a good line today in Parliament, challenging the Prime Minister face to face. So credit for that. But as you point out, when she was actually in the ministry running it, if you back up a couple of years ago, apparently there’s no record of her stepping out forcefully on this issue while she actually had the portfolio to do so. Exactly nothing at all. And she is now calling for independent inquiry into this because the independent inquiry, the seven year old one, the one of many but the only national, actually came about because of Jimmy Savile, who was a BBC journalist who raped 200 girls.

And that was covered up for 30 plus years, 40 years by the BBC, our media outlet, and by the government. So when that came to light, there was huge investigations and there was an inquiry launch, but it was on the back of that, which was celebrities abusing girls. That is a very different situation to the grooming gangs that we faced. And that report, I think it only had a subsection on grooming gangs. That was not the focus. So the call today for an investigation into grooming gangs is a fair call because that has never happened. And even the previous investigations, inquiries that focused on areas around this, they haven’t had their recommendations implemented.

So even what has been called before hasn’t happened. Still inadequate. Yeah, yeah, completely inadequate. And in Starmer’s remark, this really annoyed me when he did it. Cuz it was a typical phony lawyerly garbage was. Oh, we’d have to wait another seven years. I mean what a bunch of nonsense. What a dishonest way to address a very deadly serious crisis in the country. And you know, it’s a systemic thing. What you’re talking about is Pakistani Islamists in a number of different localities throughout the uk. And so it’s not just a one off in one place with one bad guy or one group of guys doing something.

This is all over the country. This is not some, you know, sad circumstance given a bad situation. This is going on all over the place. And frankly if it’s going on all over the place in the uk, I have got to believe the exact same thing is going on here in the United States. And I haven’t heard a peep. There’s been no great coverage concerning grooming gangs in the United States that I’m aware of. I may be woefully ignorant, I may need to go educate myself on this and try to find some reporting on it. But this has really drawn put the magnifying glass over this problem.

You know, I want to get to a related question on all of this because you started to bring in some of the political aspects of it. Elon Musk also pointed out or highlighted what appears to be his view or his satisfaction or dissatisfaction. You mentioned Tommy Robinson earlier and there’s also Nigel Farage. There seems to be another sort of, it’s a tangent of the issue of grooming gangs. But I guess both Mr. Robinson and Mr. Farage, Elon Musk has opined on the two of them as well. And I wanted to get your opinion or your view on that controversy.

Well, this is huge. But just to touch on your last point, this can’t be a UK issue and the UK and Sweden especially have faced this issue. Sweden is lost, completely collapsed with other mass immigration and rape gangs all across the country. So Sweden has gone, the UK has more or less collapsed. This cannot be just those two countries. When you have mass immigration, open borders, you don’t know who’s coming in and what they bring in. So I agree. This is an issue that I think, and I’m praying that whenever President Trump is inaugurated, that the next four years this can be an area that can be looked at of vulnerable girls and how they’re treated within these communities and make sure and shine a light on them and certainly don’t let them to be Sharia courts.

And keep in mind the Biden administration has lost accountability and track of 325,000 children. And that’s a modest estimate. They’ve essentially been the official government sponsors of a trafficking operation where all these kids have vanished. And our Health and Human Services Department has an Office of Refugee Resettlement. And they have at least some data on these kids, but they’re not sharing it. There’s no enforcement. And I’m very certain that’s at the top of President Trump’s very long list of trying to recover these lost kids. So we’ve got another crisis. I mean, what you’re facing is bad.

What we’re facing is horrific. There’s a lot of work to be done to straighten this out. Well, there is. And I was sickened when I saw that third of a million. Of course, Kamala Harris was your border czar. You’re getting a better border czar since, let’s say that different. But you touched on the Tommy, Nigel, and there are two very different figures. I’ve known Tommy Robinson for 16 years. I’ve, I’ve worked with Nigel, but don’t know him well at all. And Tommy Robinson is a figure, an activist on the ground and has spoken of the grooming gang issue certainly since 2009, 2010.

And they’re very different figures. And this, I think this is a class issue. Tommy is a working class lad from a very rough town. Nigel is kind of middle class, well heeled public school. They’re very different figures. And this fight, there didn’t need to be this fight that Nigel Farage, who doesn’t want to be associated with Tommy because of what the media say about him, rightly or wrongly so. But he could have said, look, Tommy Robinson has done great work in highlighting these grooming gangs, but I don’t want to be associated with him. He could have said that.

And One of his MPs has said that Rupert Lu has said that given Tommy credit, but created distance. Nigel should have done the same. And that would have stopped his battle with Elon Musk, maybe meant he could have got some of that $100 million that was promised. But Nigel decided to go up against Tommy and he really doesn’t like Tommy. And maybe this is that he doesn’t want Tommy to get the spotlight. They’re both high profile figures. I mean, I’ve been with them both, I’ve walked around London with them both different times and they get mobbed.

They are celebrities, both of them. Right. But they’re very different types of celebrities. And I worry the damage this will do to Nigel if he doesn’t rule back. He’s not someone who normally rules back on things, pulls back and says, you know, I got that wrong. Maybe he’s doubled down and tripled on and that’s not helped him. And Elon Musk cannot back both because Nigel doesn’t want to be associated with Tommy. But I hope and pray that Nigel can back off and that cannot. Doesn’t seem to be a rift that needs to be there. But when Elon Musk said free Tom Robinson on the first, I was, I, I looked at my phone for couple of minutes and I thought I was still sleeping.

I thought I’m in a dream. This cannot be true. And then Robinson is currently jailed for contempt of court. But what is the underlying offense that got him there? Okay, well, I’m going to see Tommy on next week. I’m going to visit him in prison. I visit him in Belmarsh, a category A prison. He’s in Woodhill, a category B prison. He is a category D prisoner. You’ve got ABCD from highest dangerous prisoner down to low level civil. Tommy is a category D prisoner and yet he’s been in the category A and B prison. Sultry confinement, 22 hours a day in a cell for possibly up to 18 months.

You can imagine the damage that does to someone. It’s not the sentence that’s the punishment, it’s the conditions that really are the punishment. So he is there for contempt of court. The contempt of court was showing A. Now if anyone can tell me that someone should go to jail for 18 months as a journalist for showing a film to show the failures of the legal system, then I can be proved wrong if anyone can tell me. But he showed this film after a legal case of which he was accused of libeling someone else. And he has put out this to show the failure of the judicial system and that silence.

The film has now been seen 120 million times because Elon Musk has highlighted. It was 70 million before Elon highlighted this. Within a day it was 90 million and now it’s up to 120 million. And this is an embarrassment on the British government. But Tommy should Not be. And even Nigel, through gritted teeth has said this, that Tommy should not actually be in solitary confinement. He is in a prison. The reason he’s in solitary confinement according to prison is the prison he is in is 37% Muslim. We have 5% Muslim population. There’s a discrepancy which is a whole other issue that we’ll leave for another time.

But why put someone in one of the most Islamic prisons in the uk it is known as is Belmarsh as a jihadi center. And yet he is in there in soldier confinement. So that for his own safety. But what about his own health? That is wrong and right. Right to me, actually. You cannot have someone assaulted, confine for nine months. Yeah, that is wrong. To the individ. There’s a category, category D prison where he could be. I mean we refer to it as a country club prison, basically where they sit around doing arts and crafts and going for walks in the woods, but they’re detained nonetheless.

Do you know, Chris, some of the rapists are in those prisons. The girl where our legal case, her perpetrator is in an open prison, the lowest level. So you’ve got the grooming gangers, the rapists there in the lowest level prisons. But Tommy Robinson, who showed a film is in one of the highest level prisons. Gathered if you can. And that’s what I meant earlier when I took my swipe at our good friends and cousins in the UK that you’re acting like you’re East Germany. I mean, a guy shows a movie and he goes to prison and is in solitary confinement.

I mean, who was forced to watch the movie? No one. Right? I mean, this is a mindset and if you’re going that way, we could easily slide into that kind of sick thinking. Thank God we’ve just had an election that obviously points in the other direction and we’ve just gotten rid of our equivalency of Keir Starmer. But I don’t, you know, I cannot fathom the stories and reportings I’ve seen in the UK about people being arrested for silently praying outside of an abortion facility. Or I saw another guy had his house, had two police officers and a psychiatric nurse show up because he posted on the Internet that the Christian church needs to stand up.

Somehow that was viewed as a threat. It’s really, it’s a very weird, twisted environment that you’re in. So my heart goes out to you and I know that there’s a lot of folks here in the United States praying for a recovery of your country to what it once was. Well, I’m hoping and praying that whenever President Trump, along with Musk and others, restores free speech, law and order, patriotism, borders back to the US that maybe you will look across to your cousins, across the water to motherland, because we do need some boldness. And Keir Starmer has even threatened to cut off diplomatic relations, to cut.

To remove ourselves from the Five Eyes intelligence community if Elon Musk does not back down and apologize. This is like children. We are in a government run by children who have no clue. Good luck with your Five Eyes. Access gets cut off. Good luck to you. That’s quite entertaining. Yeah, it is childish. It’s ridiculous. And well, you know, there’s always hope and we will maintain that hope. Listen, as we close out, I just want you to give sort of an impact statement, sort of a, hey, Americans, wake up. Of what it means that these grooming, rape, gangs, and that’s what they are.

Grooming is a very delicate word for this kind of sexual exploitation. It’s slavery in one regard and it’s really perverted, sick, sexual, violent abuse in another regard. But if this is going on all over the UK and there’s thousands of girls, what is the warning to the United States? The warning. And we’ve seen the votes for President Trump coming from maybe places that weren’t expected. You look along the Texan border and you see the huge Hispanic vote, the swing. You look up at Michigan and you see the Muslim vote and it’s come from different areas or people are just sick and tired of the Democrats destroying the country.

My, my plea to Americans would be in. Up until some point, there was, and there is still the embers of that, that American dream, that, that coming under, together under one flag, that swearing allegiance to that flag. There is that integration and there is that understanding of where you are. You’re one nation under God. We in the UK don’t understand. There is no British dream. There is no one nation under the Union Jack. There are multi nations that come together. And that to me is the huge issue and the lesson that maybe can be Learned from the UK’s trial of multiculturalism.

And I know the US have tried to go down this line as well, but you’ve still got this anchor that holds America back, not only to a Christian ethos in the country, but to an understanding of what Americanism means, American exceptionalism. And I think if you can hold off and stop communities being ghettoized and it actually, in the uk, it is the, the Muslim community. And I think in media you need to put this on the table and let’s have a grown up conversation. You’re not critiquing individuals, you’re just understanding how groups and ideologies fit together.

But there is a separation there as we have had in the UK for 30 years. We’ve had 75 Sharia courts happening all around the UK and women are regarded as a half or a quarter in Islamic law and that cannot be allowed to happen. You have to allow people freedom but in the end of the day you need to fit under to the laws within that country and the rules and the societal norms. And I think if America rediscover what it means for American exceptionalism, that American dream and I believe there is a huge chance, I’m excited at that happening under President Trump, then I think that actually America can have a bulwark against this, can protect themselves against this ghettoization, multiculturalism that will try and steal away from what brings Americans together.

And if you can do that, if you can not let there to be separatism in terms of legal and food and education systems, that everyone comes together under the flag, under what it means to be an American, then you have got a chance of standing up and stopping this. That would be my hope and my prayer for the American. Peter, thank you so much for joining us and for discussing really a difficult topic on a number of different levels. It’s very, very challenging, very, very hard and it leaves a scar, I think on the public’s consciousness and we appreciate your knowledge of the topic, your sensitivity and also really keen analysis of what’s really at stake here.

So thank you very much for joining us. Hopefully next time it’ll be on Better news. Chris and where can folks follow your excellent work? They can follow every Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 3pm Eastern. We stream on Heartsofoak UK on X and at Hearts Evoke everywhere else. We also stream on Steve Bannon’s War room on Rumble and Getter so you can find us there. So Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 3pm that’s fantastic. Peter McElvena, the host of Hearts of Oak and chief of staff to Lord Pearson. Thank you so much for joining us. I’m Chris Farrell on.

See more of Judicial Watch on their Public Channel and the MPN Judicial Watch channel.



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