Peak Oil Scam? Discover How Oil May Actually Be A Renewable Resource!

Posted in: Patriots


Is Peak Oil Yet Another Propaganda Scam?


“Peak oil” is a term to make you believe that the amount of oil production has reached its ‘peak’ and is now dwindling. 


Well, that may be yet another propaganda term to make you pay more for oil! (And to make you think we need alternative energy sources)


Watch this interesting video about how the propaganda started about oil…



In this interview with Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, he explains the origins of oil falsely defined in 1892 by John D. Rockefeller. 


Colonel Prouty subsequently became a critic of U.S. foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the CIA, which he believed was working on behalf of a secret world elite.



So, How Does Oil Get Created?


Well, many people say it comes from inside the earth itself.


For example…


“The Russians found that new oil was being made from hot molten rock called magma heating the basement rocks of the Earth’s crust. As the rocks are heated methane gas is distilled. This combines with carbonates and carbon 14 that occur naturally in rock, when these are mixed together, they form oil.”


You can read more about it in this PDF.


And here’s another interesting story…


In 1973, an oil field was discovered off the coast of Louisiana in a deep area of the Gulf of Mexico. 


By 1989, their oil production had trickled down to only 4,000 barrels a day. Then, to the surprise of the PennzEnergy Company, the Eugene Island field began to pump 13,000 barrels a day!


Geologists tested the new crude and discovered it was a completely different geological age than the original oil of ten years earlier!


You can read more about that on from back in 1999.


The bottom line is QUESTION EVERYTHING! 


And we live on an abundant planet. 


If water is abundant and food is abundant, then it only makes sense that oil is also abundant and very likely a renewable resource! 


By the way, if you want to give the middle finger to the energy companies that have been charging you too much and you want to take your power back (literally and figuratively), then check this out! 


A 100 year old energy system is now available to you!




Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Other People WAKE UP From The Propaganda About “Fossil Fuels”! 




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Colonel. L. Fletcher Prouty fossil fuel scam oil renewable resource peak oil rockefeller oil
  • Thanks Happy to join the good people out there sometimes it feels like i am alone but happy to know that i am not the only one !
    Thankyou for all you do for all of us i am totally grateful!

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