Patriots RISE UP against BIG PHARMA!!!

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ AstraZeneca, a pharmaceutical company, has been sued by families who suffered from their COVID vaccine, leading to a growing hesitancy towards vaccines. This hesitancy is also affecting vaccine producers who fear the attention on vaccine injuries could cause problems in future health crises. The discussion also highlights the alleged collusion between big pharma, the FDA, and big food to control the health of Americans, with the aim of keeping the population dependent on drugs and unhealthy food for profit.
➡ The text discusses the issue of former FDA officials working for pharmaceutical companies, potentially influencing approvals. It also introduces Canola Dine, a product that enhances the body’s natural pain relief system without side effects or addiction risks. The speaker expresses concern about the challenges of promoting Canola Dine due to potential backlash from big pharma. Finally, a special offer for Canola Dine is mentioned, encouraging listeners to try the product and spread the word about its benefits.
➡ The text is a casual conversation where someone is excited about sharing some big news in the future. They’re looking forward to the next discussion and express gratitude at the end.


Hey gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve and AstraZeneca once again is in the news. One of the big pharma giants find the COVID vaccine push. This week, the Daily Mail highlighted a case against AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine, which resulted in the big pharma company having to pay out millions to victims’ families. And that number is only rising as more families pursue legal action against them. And many people are growing obviously more and more hesitant to get vaccines because of what’s happened since the pandemic. And that hesitancy is not limited to just the consumers, as it were.

It’s also hitting the vaccine producers who are now worried that bringing attention to vaccine injuries could pose an issue if we were to face another moment in time like the pandemic. Now, of course, I don’t think they care about people getting sick. I think that they won’t be able to convince enough people anymore to take a new jab that they know nothing about. And that’s why we’ve got back with us our good friend, Clint Winters, to discuss how big pharma, the FDA, and even big food are all in cahoots to control the health of the American people and what we can do in response.

Now, Clint’s also, he’s been on the lines, as it were, against big pharma and the FDA with his own natural pain reliever, Canaladine, which is used by gang. It’s used by like the toughest athletes out there in the UFC, as well as by everyday Americans like moi looking for safe, effective daily pain relief they can trust. I use it myself. I love it. Never felt better. So, Clint, welcome back. It’s always great to see you. You’re always looking good, man. Thanks, buddy. Thanks. You’re the real deal. Yeah, I love it. I love it.

Yeah. Yeah, I can’t stand these doctors, you know, they come in and they’re all like, I love the old comedian George Burns, when he would take possibly cigar and at what 95 years old and Johnny Carson would say, what does your doctor say about you smoking so much and say, my doctor’s dead. You know, you are not that you were gonna outlive George Burns. That’s for sure. But 100% trying. Well, you’ve seen the evidence of government and specifically big pharma overreach. As they base I mean, you’ve been on the program before talking about this.

I mean, it’s your opinion that they just they’re basically wanting to keep the population more or less 100%. They make more money that way. There you go. Right. So, in your opinion, how how have you seen particularly the COVID vaccine used as a weapon to control the American people’s health? Well, let me start off with a story that I think is very relevant to this because this is something that sits with me every day when I think about where we’re at as a nation and what we’re facing really as a health crisis.

And a good friend of mine was a former and I say former because he left because of all this hospital CEO ran big, big hospital group. And he was sickened because they would have board meetings and the board would come in and go guys, we we have a wellness crisis. And he’s like, what does that mean? People are too healthy. They’re not, we’re not getting enough people in our hospitals, in our doctor’s offices. What can we do to make sure that wellness declines? And it’s a perverted system. It’s totally backwards. It’s not there.

It’s not in place to ensure that you can get healthy or promote you getting healthy. It’s there to keep you hooked on drugs. And that’s exactly what happened during COVID with the vaccines. If you notice, it wasn’t just the pushing of the vaccines itself, it was suppressing all of the research that was out there on vitamin D on vitamin C on just things you could do to make good sense and boost your immunity. Like why, why wouldn’t you want to do that stuff? Why wouldn’t you want to make yourself healthier? And they’re like, no, no, no.

I mean, they were putting people in jail, they were shutting businesses down, they’re censoring everything they could to keep this information rising. So you had no choice but to go get a vaccine, which means now you’re in their wheelhouse. Now, you’re part of the profit machine. So and I think, like any, any other scam, right, which I think is a scam, they overreached. And when they did, finally, people woke up and go, wait a minute, this is because we’ve been in this cycle for a while, only trust your doctor. You know, natural supplements are a bunch of clacks, you know, we’ve kind of brainwashed ourselves.

And finally, we woke up and said, wait a minute, this, this, this doesn’t feel right. Like, why, why, why can’t I talk about vitamin C or vitamin D? It doesn’t make any sense. And boom. And here we are. Now we’re seeing all the evidence that’s coming out. We’re seeing the lawsuits, we’re seeing how much money they made. And it’s, it’s crazy. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And it’s so interesting. I have to admit, I was one of those. I always thought it was, you know, just, just rely on the medical industry and, and, and they’re just want what’s best for you.

And they’re going to take good care of you. I was one of them. I mean, I got, I got black pilled in that. So I guess in the sense, red pilled of like, what the heck are you guys doing? And it, you know, Clint, for me, it was, it was the suppression, it was the censorship. That’s what really did it for me. Because if you’re, if you’re on the side of truth, you don’t, bring it on. Truth is going to win. I mean, bring it on. Let’s do it, you know. And why wouldn’t you want that information to help the population? Like we want everyone as, you know, our, our American brothers and sisters to be healthy together.

And like, why would you keep that from people? You know, and a lot of times it’s not even the doctors. That’s the thing is the doctors, a lot of doctors are good people. They’re going to help. But the way the system’s programmed, they’re essentially a pill mill. They’re there, give a diagnosis. Here’s your pillow and move on. That’s, that’s, they go outside that boundary. Then people are getting censored. They’re getting blacklisted. They’re getting shut down. They’re getting demonetized. They’re getting off mute. All these crazy things, just because they’re speaking from scientific truth. Right.

Right. Right. Exactly. Yeah. It’s so true. And the, and the message is exactly what that the message is. You don’t play the game. You are replaceable. We can get rid of you. It’s very, very overt. Yeah. Yeah. Well, so there’s obviously a connection between big pharma, big food, which again is something I’ve been waking up to and the FDA. So where, where do you see them together scheming as it were against the public? Ultimately, it seems for no other purpose and to make a, you know, an obscene profit as it were. 100%. So my term is the, the unholy Alliance.

That’s how I see those three. And I say that because every decision they’re making is based on profit and profit preservation, not for the good of the American public. And it starts with food. So you’re absolutely right. You have to, if you follow the money, as you always should in any investigation, the money starts with the food companies and the food companies are there to get you addicted to sugar, get you addicted to salt, get you addicted to certain types of crunch, certain types of feelings, invisible calories. And it all started back when they hired food scientists to engineer food to make us addicted.

It’s not done by accident. It wasn’t just, oh, maybe, you know, wow, I can’t believe another side effect. No, no, no. Like they were in a lab guys in labs in white coats. We’re sitting there figuring out if I add this amount of sugar in this amount of salt, you’re not going to be able to eat just one cookie or one Pringle or whatever. And the American food system is the worst. If you take our food, even what we think is healthy and give it to someone from Europe, they taste anything. Oh, wow.

That’s so sweet. That is sugar. And like to us, like we’re immune to it almost, we don’t taste it, but to them it’s like over the top. And that’s just designed to get you hooked in. So what happens? Well, now you’re eating too much sugar, you’re in too much, too many fats, you’re becoming overweight, that leads to health problems. Then you go to your doctor. What does the doctor say? We need to go on a pill, right? So you, and oh, don’t change your diet. You can just take this pill and keep eating.

So the food company is making money. The drug company is making money. And where does the FDA come in? Well, the FDA is making tons and tons and tons of money from these companies because of all the fees they charge them each year. Then you have to look at the, the biggest scam of all, which is the fact that former FDA officials go on and work for farmer for huge, the revolving door. Yeah. They’re an Oxycontin, the guy that approved the crazy label claims on oxy went and took position with Purdue Pharma for half a million dollars a year.

It was basically a no show job, like the mob show, you know, half a million. Just, just give us your name. That was all to get that approval. That’s what happened. So if you’re working your way up in government and you get a call from Purdue or get a call from Glaxo or whatever, and they’re like, listen, Dr. Steve, I know you’re, you’ve been earning a good wage, but we’re going to basically set the rest of your life in two years. Yeah. That’s what we did for the six other people before you.

You’re looking at like, this changes my life. So now when I call you back and we can go, Hey, we had that conversation last week, but you know, I, there’s this little company, they have this product that’s kind of infringing on us. We, I need you to kind of do something about that. What are you going to say? No. That’s how, that’s how it goes. So I think people have this perception that there’s like cash being dropped off places. I don’t, I don’t think it’s a cash in a suitcase sort of thing.

I think it’s job preservation and you know, they know if they just kind of play by the rules, which is the problem with our political system too. Everyone’s just kind of in the lane. No one’s thinking outside the box and they just kind of, that’s it. That’s where they’re going. So it’s all, they’re all in alliance. Everyone’s making money. Have you, have you faced any challenges, particularly, uh, or obstacles with, with the FDA or big pharma and your efforts to raise awareness? So my thing is every, every day it’s always in the back of my mind.

So the things that pharma can do to like canola dine, we’ve talked extensively about the research with canola dine. It’s helping thousands and thousands and thousands of people across the globe. It’s helping a lot of your viewers, a lot of your listeners, and that’s information that you would think like you and I talking to educated people should be everywhere that I could take that and post it everywhere. But you overstep your bounds. You start to run television commercials where pharma does and they’re on you quickly. So it takes something like it basically takes a lot of precaution.

So when you have great information, you have to be careful about where you put that information out because if you try to get too big, too fast, they’re going to come at you, you know, and that’s, and that’s a pressure that’s terrifying every day, honestly, in my position because I want to get this information out, but they will censor you in a second. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and again, the proof is in who’s taking it. The UFC fighters who need pain relief the most. You I’ve had you on several times, you’ve, you’ve compared, you’ve compared canola dine to opioids, but without the side effects or addiction risks, which is a wonderful comparison because that’s very heavenly.

That’s a redemptive element to it. What, what’s that? Can you flesh that out for us a little bit? Absolutely. And I think this is the exciting part about canola dine really is it’s the first time in science that we’ve discovered a way to power your endorphin system and your endorphin system, as we know, as a runner’s high is the way that we naturally relieve pain. Steve, we’re not supposed to hurt like we’re not supposed to be in pain every day. That’s not how we are designed. But the problem is, as we get older, just like other functions, that starts to decline, right? So now if we can optimize our endorphin flow, we start to really feel great on a daily basis and it’s allowing your body to naturally do what it’s supposed to do.

So that way you don’t feel inebriated. You don’t have side effects. You’re not addicted to it. It’s just bringing you back up to an optimized level. So imagine when you were five years old or six years old or 10 years old and you fell off your bike and you got bumped up. The next day you’re running around, you’re fine. You fall off a bike at 50 or 60. You might never recover. That’s right. It’s true. It’s true. Because all these functions aren’t working properly. Well, canola dine through almost 14 years of research now gets you to that level to where you’re able to function properly, which is awesome.

So that’s why we’ve been working so hard to get that information out is just because of what it’s doing for the American public and how it’s changing lives. Because again, it’s the first ever pain relief supplement. You take it every day. It improves that aspect of your natural ability to relieve pain and it’s life changing. Yeah. And the proof is in the pudding. I love the whole idea of revitalizing. So it’s a natural function. It’s already in the body that’s aging with the body. And now with canola dine, you can reawaken it as it were and bring it back to its proper function.

Exactly. And it’s something for me that it’s crazy that this research has been out there and and I mean, I thank God that I’m the one talking about it. But this is something that should have been out there so many years before when people were struggling with drugs and struggling with pain. There’s so many lives ruined. Yeah, and this information is there by top top research schools, top scientists, it’s been there. And it took me to basically find it and start to really scream it from the rooftops. I’m glad I did because it’s changing lives, but it just shows you the corruption.

Because when you read the research, you’re like, this is this should have been on every new channel everywhere. Right. And it’s just not why because it affects profit. Pain is a big business. It’s a hundred and nine billion dollar business by 2030, a hundred nine billion. Wow. So that’s why they don’t want you to know about canola dine is because it’s going to kill their profits. It’s going to shrink that business. That’s right. Well, given that with with big pharma and big food, putting more restrictions and so forth. Yeah. All right.

Where can we get out? I know you help out a lot of people in our audience. Where can folks stock up on your amazing canola dine? Well, I’ll tell you, you guys have been so fantastic as far as a group of patriots, as far as just our friendship that we’ve developed just from talking to each other, all these interviews, we’ve actually developed our own page that’s just for you and your listeners. It’s try conno dot com slash Dr. Steve. And with working with GDR labs, what I had them do is your listeners get a $91 instant discount that’s valid for 24 hours.

So we’re able to buy canola dine for less money than they can find anywhere online. It’s absolutely the best price possible. So work and spread. And all I ask is once you try it and you use it and it helps you help me spread the word because I can’t go out and spread the word like pharma can I can’t it takes us as a community getting out there talking about this. And that’s why that links there gives people a great discount and allows us to get the word out because if not, this is going to get censured for sure.

Yeah, no, absolutely. And that is wonderful. That is extremely generous. Thank you for that gang. That is that’s that’s huge. You’re saving $91 per bottle just for being a courageous patriot. It’s just over cost. But the whole the whole point is to get the word out. We want to see like changing. We want to see this get in the hands of people that need it, which is a large majority of our population. They’re in pain every day and they don’t have to be right. They don’t have to be that’s the beauty of it.

Gang, don’t waste time. Don’t even think about click on the link below. Take advantage of this amazing deal that Clint is offering to our Turley Talks listeners. Click the link below to get canola dine for just $29. It’s a savings of $91 per bottle just for being a courageous patriot, but it’s just for the next 24 hours. So come on now. This is what you want to do. Click on that link below. We’ve had so many amazing, so much amazing feedback for Clint and what he does for us. And and you got if you’re fans of the UFC, come on.

If you see fighters using this stock up. They love they love it. And you’re going to love it. This is amazing stuff. So click on that link below. And you’re going to I think you’re going to be very, very pleased. Clint, thanks so much for helping us make sense of this crazy world. We’re living in very pretty. No problem. No problem. I got big stuff coming too. So I can’t wait to talk to you next. Awesome. Yes, that’s right. Did I get a little bit of a a sneak peek of it? You did.

Yeah. All right. Very good. Looking forward to having you back. Awesome, buddy. Thank you. [tr:trw].

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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AstraZeneca COVID vaccine lawsuit big pharma FDA collusion Canola Dine natural pain relief former FDA officials in pharmaceutical companies future health crises due to vaccine injuries influence on drug approvals promoting Canola Dine amidst big pharma backlash special offer on Can unhealthy food and drug dependency in America vaccine hesitancy impact on pharmaceutical companies

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