Who Were The Sons of Liberty & What Did They Do?

Posted in: Patriots


Watch This To Discover A Short History of The Sons of Liberty & How It Led To The American Revolution

Here is the transcript from that video:

“In 1765, the 13 British owned American colonies were outraged.

Great Britain had spent a lot of money on all the wars they fought and thought the American colonies should pay the bill. So all the way across the Atlantic Ocean in London, the British Parliament and King George III decided to impose a stamp act on the colonies.

What this meant was that all pieces of paper used for official documents like birth certificates, land records, even newspapers had to have a British stamp on them and that stamp cost money. 

The thing that made the colonists the most angry was the fact these taxes have been decided without anyone from the Colonies President Parliament to have a say in the matter.

A group of colonists who called themselves the sons of Liberty decided to do something about this unfair treatment. They refused to pay the tax and threatened the men assigned to collect it. 

King George III saw he had a problem so we ended the stamp tax, but then decided to demand tax on other things like glass, paper, lead, paint and tea.

Again, the colonists were furious, especially the Sons of Liberty, who led a movement to discourage colonists from buying any British made goods. A group of women organized and called themselves the Daughters of Liberty.

They refused to buy British made cloth and made their own instead. Again, the King and Parliament saw the problem and repealed or stopped the tax, but not the tax on English Tea.

He wanted to show the colonists Great Britain still had Power to tax the colonies. In response, the colonists started drinking coffee and Danish imported tea. 

And in a bold move, the Sons of Liberty dressed up as Native Americans, crept on a British ship loaded with tea and dumped ninety thousand pounds of it in the Boston Harbor. This was called the Boston Tea Party. These events along with many others caused the colonies to eventually declare independence from Great Britain which started the Revolutionary War.”

You can read more about the Sons of Liberty here on ConstitutionFacts.com


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american revolution history daughters of liberty Sons of liberty who was in the sons of liberty

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