The Disney Bloodline: Disturbing Truths Behind Walt Disney & “The Happiest Place on Earth”

Posted in: Patriots



Many people believe Disneyland or Disneyworld is “the happiest place on Earth”! 


That is due to the programming done by them over the years. 


Well, as you watch this video above and continue to research more about Walt Disney, his connections to the CIA and much more, you will see just how sinister and deceiving Disney can be. 


Remember, Disney Cruise lines used to stop at Epstein’s Island…



And you might have seen this classic picture come out lately of Ghislaine Maxwell collaborating with Disney back in the 1980s… 



You can read more at Child-grooming DISNEY linked to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s PEDO island…


And if you have been aware of this before, remember repetition is how we’ve been brainwashed over the years.


Sometimes, it takes seeing the same thing over and over and over again before we replace the programming with new information.  



Thank You For Learning More About The TRUTH & Sharing This Information To Help Others WAKE UP To The Horrors of What Has Been Happening




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Disney bloodline disney cruise epstein island disney documentary disney epstein ghislaine maxwell disney trafficking the truth about disney walt disney cia walt disney freemason
  • Now we know let’s crack open their books and make it what we all thought it was. rember it is our obligation to move through life and make it a better place as we go

  • Elizabeth, studies were done on seeing horrific things and they learned the more often you saw them the more you came to accept them.

  • My question is….How come reports show that many children go missing in the parks but nothing is reported in the MSM? I’m sure parents are screaming to the roof tops but are being silenced somehow. Just look at Walt Disney’s signature. What do you see? 666????? Yes it is there. I loved Disney as a child. I even took our son there when he was 3 or 4. I’d never support this company again knowing what I believe to be true. One of my clients was a dancer for Disney in Orlando. She wasn’t happy. Now I know why.

  • Ex-D-Land Employee here.. Please Remember, most of what Disney offers is FANTASY. The parents are in charge of explaining Fantasy and Reality. Yes, Walt was a Mason, had to negotiate with the mob to get into the Biz.. and was not of admirable character.. But, parents and children get much JOY FROM ATTENDING Disneyland and Disney World. They do spend much money and they enjoy themselves. In this world we are sorely lacking JOY. Children do Not always get Joy praying, and working toward going to heaven when they die! Don’t close the parks! End child abuse, trafficking, snuff films, MK-Ultra, etc. END THE GARBAGE, but let parents and children have some fun!!!

  • I worked there as a 15 year old, my father President of American Legion was the parks barber, and he knew major people in Security , one an Untouchable, I also knew another Mr. Nuuhiwa a Marshal Arts Legend, and father of pro surfer David..
    My father and the heads of security, rad dudes, would NEVER acept seeing or hearing about pedophiles…Maybe later 0’s on may have had huge changes, I knew a fire captain who was appalled at open homosexuality on display..

  • I still think families who go together to enjoy Disney World
    can do so with no problem and have lots of fun.
    I’m certainly not telling my relatives not to take their family for vacation at Disney World.
    Most kids aren’t looking for weird stuff and do not even notice it. I don’t think they are influenced.
    But, I would suggest that parents keep their kids close by and not allow them to run about on their own.
    They can find out the rest of it it when they are older.

  • I went to Disney as a teenager and I hated it there growing up we watched every movie and loved them bought them all but I never wanted to waist the money taking any of my 5 children there. I don’t support Disney or Disneyland or Disney world it’s hard to even enjoy a movie or TV show because you’re to distracted wondering if you’re supporting blood drinking pedophiles or not.

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