Teachers Have Meeting Revealing Subversive Tactics To Hide Activities With Children From Parents

Posted in: News


DailyMail.com gained access to an online video call hosted by the Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP), funded by the Department of Education. 


This online event was attended by around 30 teachers from Michigan, Iowa, Ohio, Illinois, and more.


In the four-hour online call, they discussed helping trans students in the face of new laws in Republican-run states on gender, pronouns, names, parents’ rights, bathroom access, and sports teams.


Some teachers said they followed the rules, but others discussed being ‘subversive,’ how their personal ‘code of ethics’ trumped laws, and how to ‘hide’ a trans student’s new name and gender from their parents. 



You can read more on Daily Mail here.


If you have children in school and haven’t pulled them out by now, then don’t be surprised at what they become. 


It’s been right in your face for the last several years. 


Remember, if you want things to change, you must change things in your life. 


Every situation is different, but there are all types of solutions.

Finding ways to homeschool your children could be one.

You could find people in your community to work with in some way.

The most important part is knowing what you want and then focusing on creating that!


When there’s a will, there’s a way.


You have the ability to do it!



Thank You For Sharing This To Help Other People WAKE UP To What’s Happening In Schools! 




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Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP) teachers hiding trans gender from parents teachers subverting parents Trans children teachers school
  • Watch the documentary: Plandemic 3 /The Great Awakening
    Just as Hitler and Mao did there are those trying to rip apart our relationships with one another — the family is especially and definitely being attacked and subverted to further the aims of those who seek to control all of humanity and defile mankind. Sodum and Gomorrah could have hardly been worse and God destroyed them.

  • Teachers need to take it to their unions & administrator of their school. To STOP HIDING ANY THING FROM THE PARENTS. THAT’S ALL PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY, THEIR KIDS!!!! NOT THE TEACHERS RESPONSIBILITY..

  • Telling secrets to a child and telling them to lie to their parents is wrong. Back when I was 7th grade as a foster child the Councillor told my foster parents everything I said while in his office. That was wrong then. But not telling the parents about this is just as damaging as not telling the parents if their child is failing a class.
    These democrats are evil and they are destroying our Children. Some children are reporting that they are being told to change their gender. Its not an option for some children now. Brainwashing and threatening is not an option.
    This has got to STOP!!!

  • I am a teacher in NY where we are directed by administration to lie to parents about their child’s gender, pronouns, and name change. It’s a purely evil agenda and a nightmare in which to be a part.

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