Revealed! Major List of Online Censorship Groups Suppressing Free Speech

Posted in: Patriots




Top Groups That Control The “Censorship-Industrial Complex” 





“This is proven to be false via fact checkers.”


Many of us have seen or received a message like that for posting something on social media. 


In one form or another, it is due to the “censorship-industrial complex” that’s been quietly growing under the surface. 






The “censorship-industrial complex” is the military-industrial complex reborn for the information age we are in now.


And it’s not just the “big tech” companies! 


There are many “secretive” groups that look harmless on the surface. But as you look more into it, you begin to see a bigger picture.



They use terms like: 




“Power behavior change strategies”


“Civic listening”

“Counter problematic content”




Some of these groups include: 


  • Harvard Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy (Technology and Social Change Project) 

  • Information Futures Lab (IFL) at Brown University 

  • Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLabs) of the Atlantic Council

  • Stanford Internet Observatory

  • German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy




And several more! 


Plus, these groups include organizations such as Graphika, which have received $3 million from the Department of Defense “to support and stimulate basic and applied research and technology at educational institutions”. 


They also proudly show partnerships with the Defense Advanced Partnerships Research Agency (DARPA) and the U.S. Air Force. According to, defense agencies have provided almost $7 million


Moonshot CVE, which produced a report working with the U.S. Military Academy on domestic violent extremism within the military.


And the list goes on! 


ZeroHedge did a great job at mapping out many of these groups, as well as their funding sources, things to WATCH OUT for and much more.









Thank You For Sharing Continuing Your Research For TRUTH & Sharing This To Help Others Learn About This Too! 





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censorship industry Censorship-industrial complex who are the fact checkers
  • What is needed is an automatic ‘Fact Checker Checker’ that automatically cancels the ‘fact check’ and renders them defenceless – just as it is difficult to repel a ‘fact check’ so it will become impossible to repel a ‘Fact Checker Checker’ with the ‘Fact Check’ – it does not even have to be correct – just a neutralising weapon rendering their greatest tool useless.

  • They hit me at least once a week or so They can’t stand the heat They hate when you tell the truth

  • What would our founding fathers think if they could see our government today. How far to the left the USA has gone is sickening. How many of our older generation left their countries to find freedom in this country, only to see today the same thing that they ran away from. The American people have never had to endure communism nor the way it ceeps into a society. Wake up America let’s not loose our freedom.

  • I rarely use social media and I hate the Pentagon passionately. Lib.coms have tried the fact checker thing with me, but as I told them. Fact checkers have tons of research materials at their fingertips which is good. They also have opinions which will show up in their fact check. They can’t help that, it’s simple human nature. So do not trust or use them as a source.

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