Patrick Byrne Shares Video Updates About Upcoming Election Fraud Lawsuit Going To Supreme Court!
Below are a few updates from Patrick Byrne from the last few days.
He shares a lot of good info and updates and ways you can help get involved.
Have a look!
Patrick Byrne’s Video Update From November 13, 2021
Patrick also wrote this article on his site, DeepCapture.com
He is encouraging people to peacefully protest to encourage their state’s Attorney General to sign the lawsuit coming out.
As stated in that post:
We want Attorneys General to sign it. There are 26 states with Republican Attorneys General.
Alaska * Alabama * Arizona * Arkansas * Florida * Georgia * Idaho * Indiana * Kansas * Kentucky * Louisiana * Mississippi * Missouri * Montana * Nebraska * New Hampshire * North Dakota * Ohio * Oklahoma * South Carolina * South Dakota * Tennessee * Texas * Utah * Wyoming * West Virginia
Part 1 of Patrick Byrne’s Ask Me Anything on November 14, 2021
Part 2 of Patrick Byrne’s Ask Me Anything on November 14, 2021
Be sure to follow Patrick Byrne on Telegram at https://t.me/PatrickMByrne
And here is the Join The Lawsuit website: https://operationjointhesuit.com
And Share This Post To Help Spread The Word On How People Can Get Involved!
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