Liz Harris Names Names & Jovan Pulitzer Connects Dots On Why Liz Was Expelled From AZ House

Posted in: Patriots







Truth – Transparency & Naming Names In Arizona! Jovan Hutton Pulitzer With Special Guest Liz Harris





In this interview, you will hear Liz Harris describe what happened that caused her to be expelled from the AZ House.


But if you know anything about Arizona and Maricopa County, you know it’s related to…



Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs Laundered Cartel Money Through Fake Deeds & Mortgages?



And yes, there’s likely some false information in that report, as it looks like it was designed to be a disinformation campaign.


But like Jovan says, “Even if 10% of it is accurate, it should be investigated.”


And “Detective” Jovan does a great job at connecting dots at how Liz Harris was potentially set up with this information.


As you watch the interview, you will hear just how corrupt even the “Republicans” are! 


This isn’t a Democrat vs Republican issue. 


And anyone (including influencers) that points fingers at the other party, but not their own, they’re likely corrupt and controlled.


As the saying goes, you only catch flak when you’re over the target. 


So Liz must be hitting a nerve with these corrupt politicians! 





Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Others Learn More TRUTH About What’s Happening In Arizona & Beyond!





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liz harris election liz harris expelled liz harris jovan hutton pulitzer Liz harriz arizona
  • What makes you think these are not foreign elections? DC is a foreign enclave. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIMITED is located in Edinburgh Scotland and the UNITED STATES LTD is in London. That’s why the January 6 people who invaded the White House got in so much trouble. They thought it was “our government”. It is not. The Territorial United States of America Inc and the MUNICIPAL UNITED STATE INC (Obama bankrupted if in 2015) are foreign owned and operated corporations. Take a look at what Congress did by passing the Act of 1871. The Clearfield Doctrine clearly states that a corporation cannot be a sovereign government and 22 USCA 286e confirms it. The government of, by and for the people was never reconstructed after the Civil War so foreign subcontractors took over. That’s why they killed Lincoln and others who were trying to reconstruct the actual government. Why are we voting in these foreign elections?

  • So are you saying that it was all a lie? Many people heard that testimony, I for one and we shared it everywhere. Now you’re saying it’s disinformation??? We even watched other podcasts and they had all the evidence! Spoke to the FBI! To Other AGs?

    I’m so disgusted with the games!

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