Harvard Professor With Nanotechnology Research Found Guilty Of Lying About Ties To China

Posted in: Patriots


Harvard Professor Found Guilty of Lying About Ties To China…But What Was He Working On?!

Recently, Charles Lieber was found guilty for lying about his ties to China

Remember Charles Lieber? 

Watch this quick video from last year about his arrest.

The Chair of Harvard’s chemistry department and was paid to set up a lab in China, huh?! 

But what they don’t tell you much about is what Charles Lieber’s work is REALLY about! 

Check this out…

What Does The Lieber Research Group Do?

According to their website here

“We are pursuing a broad range of studies focused on development of syringe-injectable mesh electronics to extend the capabilities of this breakthrough methodology for fundamental neuroscience”

“We are carrying out long-term electrophysiological recordings focused on fast single-neuron firing activities, inter-neuronal communications, large-scale brain region orchestration with slow-wave modulation, along with guided migration of neural progenitor cells during neurogenesis in rodent and primate studies of visual perception, motor execution, spatial memory and contextual learning.”

Also, check this out! 

You can read more about that in this report he co-authored entitled: Precision electronic medicine in the brain

Charles Lieber did work with:

Nano Bio Interface


Nano-Enabled Energy

And more!

So, the guy was literally doing his work around nanotechnology, brainwave manipulation and “electronic medicine”. 

I bet you didn’t hear about that anywhere in the mainstream media! 

Even the people covering the story are not telling you the details of his work. 

If you really want to dive down the rabbit hole, watch this guy’s live stream from yesterday as he talks about what Lieber was doing.

He also gives a great explanation of the evil doers bigger plan with all this.

Take a look! This is mind blowing stuff.

And yes, I am aware he has a pedo symbol in the background. Seeing as how he made a video about the symbol here, I’m guessing it is part of awareness. 

But either way, just listen to what the guy is saying. 

I only found his videos recently, but the guy does some pretty good reporting on some important topics.

You can see more of his videos on his Bitchute channel.

And thank you for sharing this post to help other people get the truth!


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Charles Lieber China Charles Lieber convicted Charles Lieber found guilty charles lieber neural-electronics Charles Lieber work with nano technology Charles Lieber Wuhan China Lab

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