HAARP Now Being Used To Blast Asteroids With Frequencies?

Posted in: Patriots




As recently reported on InterestingEngineering.com,


“A 500-foot-wide asteroid called 2010 XC15 will pass by Earth on December 27. While it has no intention of hitting us, it’s us who will hit the asteroid with a radio pulse. 


The researchers will use the HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) array to shoot 9.6 megahertz radio waves at the 2010 XC15 asteroid.”


You can read more about the story here on GI.Alaska.edu


And click here to learn more about what HAARP is and other weather modification information.


Looks like the ‘sci-fi’ days of asteroid blasting are closer than ever before! 




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haarp asteroid radio pulse haarp blast asteroid Haarp nasa asteroid haarp weather modification High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
  • I thought HAARP was a conspiracy theory? LOL
    Seriously though, if they are ANNOUNCING this stuff (even if it’s BS propaganda) kinda makes you wonder WHY?
    What are they hiding?
    People who don’t believe in/know about weather modification, AFTER THE US GOV’T ADMITTED USING IN VIETNAM, are simply IDIOTS.

  • haarp has manipulated weather to convince the masses of global warming…don’t buy into the narrative…the planet was not created to self destruct..not now not ever

  • well..I’ve known about haarp many years..its use to heat and pressurize the ionosphere with 50000volts( est.)microwaves,,it bulges atmosphere out and once signal is shut off it redirects energy by trigectory back to the earth’s surface to manipulate current natural weather systems,,causing disfunction of the planets natural weather function,,playing dirty pool with mother nature..global warming my ass…literally..they lie to us to create fear and panic,,,global health will restore naturally,,regardless of what elite paid scientific studies are concocted to convince us otherwise,,many have known the real truth…soon the planet will learn

  • Rediculous Nonsensical waste of taxpayer money. Yeah so cool we can blow up asteroids hu hu hu. Moronic stupidity. Why are we paying for failed attempts to Destruct astroids? You video game raised children are consenting for your government to continue manipulating your weather and building human killing machines in the sky.

  • I thought the claims were that HAARP didn’t exist – this was tin foil hat wearing people who made this up – Now they are saying its real and true – And Now the lie is they are doing good – Wow you can’t make this stuff up! the lies the garbage what is the truth exactly I’d like to know.

    I know that I will learn the truth right here and I thank the My Patriots Network for sharing.

    The Best in the New Year!

  • Thank you so very much for your great information🙏😇👍✨👍✨🍀ánd I’m spread the word and sharing your important post!!! Thanks and God bless you all… for a ‘lightfull’ 2023! 🌠🌟🍾🎆💥👍✨👍✨🍀💫🌌
    Kind and lovely greetings..
    Inge Meijerink🙋‍♀️

  • In all of these years there has been no need to send anything up into Space 2 deal with an asteroid this seems like a total sack of nonsense to me to say it nicely!
    How comes these people are always able to predict that something is going to happen they predicted covid-19 it was only a couple of months ago or a month ago when it was on the news that they were trying to change the course of an asteroid, just in case it becomes necessary and now within months it’s necessary!
    Very convenient if you ask me

  • Sounds good that they are doing that!
    I’m so happy it’s going to rain most of this week in CA! I just pray the military would stop spraying chemicals up high in our atmosphere!!

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