Do Clones Exist? Can You Clone Animals & Humans? Check This Out!





Are they really a thing? 


Do human clones exist?


Have there been any clones since Dolly the sheep in 1997??


Well, check this out! 


First, pet cloning…



Pay attention to the process. Now, imagine it is for a human. Essentially the same process! 


See How Social Media Influencers Are Cloning Their Pets 


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And check out They have supposedly cloned over 1,000 animals since 2015! 


But, that’s animals. What about humans?? Well…


Doctor Claims He Cloned Human Embryos 

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And check out this article… “First cloned baby born on 26 December“. From 2002

You know if that was in the media in 2002, it’s likely been happening for at least a couple decades before that with military technology!

Also, here are some more links where you can learn more about this stuff.

Gene Cloning & Subcloning

Center For Genetics & Society: Human Cloning 

Gene Synthesis and Cloning Service

Pet Cloning Biotechnology

Scientists Plan Human Cloning Clinic In The United States (from 2001)

But wait…there’s more! 

A cloning patent from Mount Sinai filed in 1990?

Cloning and expression of biologically active human α-galactosidase A


And here’s a PDF from 1997 or later about cloning humans…from Mount Sinai! This stuff is just hidden in plain view.

It says…

“All of this background work led up to the famous Dolly, the first mammal to develop from the nucleus of an adult somatic cell (Wilmut et al. 1997)…

“The excitement generated by Dolly was more related to the realization that there may be no theoretical barrier to nuclear transfer into the oocyte from any cell of the body in any mammalian species. Hence, the science fiction scenario of copying or “cloning” an adult mammal, including humans, became science fact.(emphasis, my own)

You can read the PDF here.

And you can learn more about the patent aspects of human cloning in the US here. 

And that’s the United States. Here is a bit about the UK from 2000. 

“The first UK patents for cloning methods were issued last week to researchers at the Roslin Institute, near Edinburgh, Scotland, covering critical aspects of the technology used to create Dolly the sheep.” (2000)

So, I think it’s safe to say we have our answer.

Cloning DOES exist. Companies already do it. There are patents on it from 20-30+ years ago.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

There is SO MUCH MORE. We don’t know what we don’t know! 


Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Others Get More FACTS About Cloning!


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