Are nuclear bombs fake?
Have they simply been used to instill fear in humanity?
The above video presents some interesting points.
Remember, we must question everything!
You can continue to do more research on the topic and come to your own conclusion.
Also, it seems a nuclear bomb scare is on the horizon, especially after President Trump’s recent message on Truth Social.
Whatever the REAL truth is, it’s important to not live in fear.
Also, if nukes do exist, hiding under a desk isn’t going to save your life.
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very interesting points …… most than probably true. Nothing can be taken for granted, 9/11 is the best example, not to mention the JFK and MLK murders. Time to wake up and take our power back.
Someone must not want me watching this. I got into it last night about 40 minutes and then went to bed. Trying to bring it up today and there is no video to pull.
I was a USAF Weapons Loader in the USAF from 1977-1997, nukes aren’t fake. Period.
Eye opening, revealing. I’m grateful the truth is out on Energy. Looks like we’ve been told a bunch of lies. Galen Winsor is a hero. Too bad no one took him seriously. It’s all about the Con, money, money, money. Keep the secrets. Amazing.
Some kind of nuclear weapon was probably used Sep 11, 2001 in detonating the 3 buildings at the WTC, another event to create fear..In a dream in 1993, I placed the “plastique” [C4] but it was worse than that.
I agree that we must not fear nukes. We attract what is feared. However, I have a different basis for not fearing The Creator has outlawed the aerial detonation of a nuke as it shreds unprotected souls to zmithereens. The body protects the soul inhabiting it. But unincarnated souls have no protection. They are still looking for parts of souls caught in a past nuclear explosion. However, Nukes were not invented in the 20th century. They have been around for millennia. Our off planet relatives do regularly prevent any and all nuclear detonations. I remember when the Niki sites were decommissioned. This was a world wide happening with certain personnel around the world aware of this and the agreement humans entered into with galactic forces. The bombing of Japan whether real or not was primarily for show. FDR was offered Japan’s terms of surrender in April of 1945. He probably preferred to accept their surrender as he died shortly thereafter. Japan was bombed [atom bomb] in August of 1945 to INSTILL FEAR in the WORLD’S Population. Truman went along with the DS. Germany could not be bombed as they were allies. Many came to work in the U.S. after the war.