Are Direct Energy Weapons Being Used To Start These “Coastal Fires” In Orange County, California?

Posted in: Patriots


Are Direct Energy Weapons Being Used To Start These “Coastal Fires” In  Orange County, California?

You can click here to watch this video on Rumble (if it has been removed from YouTube)

I couldn’t embed the video from Rumble for some reason. 

Last night, Peggy Hall shared that livestream showing multiple videos showing the “coastal fires” happening in Orange County, California. 

As you can see, many of these houses are burning from the inside. 

Most of the trees and bushes are not on fire…only the houses.

And you can even see a car completely burned out and yet the trees and bushes next to it are completely untouched. 

How does that happen??

Peggy also shows how Raytheon creates these energy weapon technologies.

And I suppose it’s just a coincidence that Raytheon also controls the National Weather Service data…

“Raytheon will keep its National Weather Service data system support work through a new 10-year, $269.4 million recompeted contract.”

Oh and just last year… 

US Space Force Awards Raytheon $67M Weather Satellite Test

And this isn’t the first time things like this have happened, in California specifically. 

You can search DEW California fires and see what you find! 

Here’s just one picture.

How could all these homes be completely destroyed and yet the trees around them are still green??

Another thing Peggy mentions from a comment in her livestream is that smart meters can overheat and cause fires.

Can smart meters cause fires? 

Research and find out for yourself! 

If you have a smart meter, not only are you getting much higher amounts of radiation, but you’re also at higher risk for fires.

You might want to get it removed and replaced. It will likely cost you more money.

I recently opt-ed out of a “smart meter upgrade” and the power company is charging me more money to NOT upgrade the power meter.

What are your thoughts on these fires??

Let us know in a comment below. 

Another thing you could do to help is create flyers with information about this and then distribute them to people in Orange County and other areas to help educate them, so they can FIGHT BACK! 

And Thank You For Sharing This Post To Help Others See What Is Going On Here! 

So many people have no idea what Direct Energy Weapons are, the risks of smart meters etc.


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california dew fires california direct energy weapons fire can smart meters cause fires fires in southern orange county california Orange county coastal fires raytheon weather technology
  • Their was a lady I can’t recall her name just now but for a few years she reported and on utube kicked of soon others videos about with proof on things going on in California from fake water reports to smart meters to chemtrails to fires to poisonings land grabbing a lot.then several months ago her her work records all video records I haven’t been able to find.

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