Amazon Locks Smart Home User Out of His House for a Week Over Racism Accusation

Posted in: Patriots




A man living in Baltimore, Maryland (who was a Microsoft engineer, oddly enough) was locked out of his smart home for a week.


An Amazon delivery driver falsely accused this man, Brandon Jackson, of being racist, leading to the incident. 


Jackson, who uses Alexa on Amazon Echo devices to communicate with his smart gadgets, was confused and upset when he discovered that he could not operate any of the devices.


He offered proof that the claim was unfounded, yet his account and devices remained locked.


Jackson contacted Amazon for help and discovered that his account had been deactivated due to the delivery person reporting that he had heard racial statements. 


This charge surprised Jackson, particularly considering that the delivery man was of the same ethnic origin as him.


WATCH OUT for “smart” technology and woke, big tech companies! 




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amazon locks man out of house Amazon smart home smart home malfunction
  • Time to go old school and ditch that surveillance technology. I wouldn’t be that stupid to let anyone have that much control over my life. Make Amazon pay for the motel and all other expenses for their invasion of privacy. What’s said in your own home is no one’s business.

  • Do I really want to allow some government bureaucrat, or some over-zealous “social justice warrior,” by Christ’s definition, satan worshipper, that much power over my life? Does Christ really identify “ALL those not born again” as satan worshippers?
    Read Christ’s Word for yourself, you decide.
    Christ Commanded the entire world, “You must be born again.” (Gospel of John, 3:7) You’re familiar with that, right? In The Revelation of Jesus Christ, He declared, “…they worshipped the dragon (satan)…ALL that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (satan), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb (Jesus) slain from the foundation of the world.” Rev. 13:4 &8 (KJV).
    The Lamb’s Book of Life is to be opened on God’s Great Day of Judgment. Those whose name is in that Book, eternity in Heaven, Name NOT if that Book? Outer Darkness, the lake of fire, hell.
    How does one assure his name is in the Book of Life? You must be born again.

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