Patrick Bet David Leaves Bill Maher SPEECHLESS on Gavin Newsom!!! Dr. Steve Turley

Posted in: Dr. Steve Turley, News, Patriots



➡ Dr. Steve Turleytalks about a discussion between two people about a man named Newsom, who is the governor of California. One person thinks Newsom is great and should run for president, but the other person questions this because they think Newsom hasn’t done a good job in California. They talk about how California has a lot of problems like poverty and companies leaving the state. The person who likes Newsom can’t really explain why he thinks Newsom is so great, which makes the other person think he’s not being honest or thoughtful.
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Do you like Newsom? How do you feel about Newsom? Had him on my show Friday. I saw that. And first of all, I love him. You just like a guy or you don’t? I’ve known him for a long time. He’s done my show for a long time. Do I love everything he does as the governor of California? No, I don’t. I wouldn’t say I’m under. It’s this. I have issues with this state.

He’s a guy. One reason I want him to run for president. Well, is because he’s obviously a winner. This guy could do it. It’s insane that we have the guy, but we can’t run him because tiptoe around Biden and find a winner. Well, he would win the. So he would win the election. He’s a talented debater, speaker, communicator, deflector and politician. His deflection. Did you hear that? He’s a talented debater, speaker, communicator, deflector.

Mar doesn’t even realize that Patrick Bette David is setting him up to openly admit that gruesome Newsom is an absolute, total failure. Wait until you see this. And he’s a smart guy. He’s a smart, real guy with a pair of balls. Do I love everything? No, you never do with a politician. But first of all, I think if he ran for president, it’d be great because it would force him to move to the center.

Now you’re running. Not just in California. I mean, this is California. It’s weirdo. Are you a results driven guy? No, I like to watch things fall apart. You wouldn’t build a show that you build and win at the levels you won for decades if you weren’t results driven. Right? I mean, you’re Bill Maher. What do you mean? What’s the point about results where I’m going with you? So results.

So results driven guy. Right? What areas has Newsom won in? You said he’s a winner. Winner of the election. He could win the election. But based on what do you want results? Like, what has he done to California to say he’s a winner? Oh, God. I don’t know. Bill, your response? You know what? He made it rain. Okay, dude, it wasn’t raining. He said that. He said, great, it wasn’t raining and now it’s raining.

So he’s got my vote, okay? Respect. I don’t know. I don’t follow the news. That’s a character I play on television. I’m sorry, seriously, I mean that. I think Bill Maher can actually say some really insightful things, and I’ve highlighted them several times on this channel in several videos. But I’m sorry. For a guy who tries to pass himself off as an intellectual, as a critical thinker, as a commentator, that was embarrassing.

And kudos to Patrick Bette David for being kind there. He’s a much kinder guy than I am. He could have torn Bill Maher to shreds right there. Maher was asked point blank to justify his claim for why gruesome Newsom is so great. You think gruesome Newsom is so great? He’s an amazing politician. He’s an amazing speaker. He’s a definite winner. Okay, fine. Why? Why do you think he’s so amazing? Why do you think Newsom is so great? Crickets.

It was actually worse than crickets. There was very clear nervous laughter. He hid behind the veneer of obviously nervous joking. That wasn’t very funny. I don’t know. I don’t follow the news. I just pretend it’s a character I play on tv. This notion I’m an intellectual critical thinker, that I could justify my climps. No, it’s all an act. Don’t actually probe me to do it. Now, of course, the brilliance of Patrick Bette David there is.

He knows that Bill Maher could not back up those claims. And that’s simply because California has degenerated into a bona fide shithole since gruesome Newsom took over. California has the highest poverty rate in the entire nation, bar none. It has the widest income gap between middle income and upper middle income brackets, and the widest disparity between rich and poor in the country. In fact, as scholar and California resident Joel Cotkin has observed, California’s wealth disparity is worse than Mexico’s.

It’s actually worse than a third world nation. The wealth disparity in woke California is much more akin to Guatemala and Honduras than it is to Canada or Norway. 80% of California’s jobs gang 80% are below the median wage, half of which are paid less than $40,000 a year. It won’t surprise you that California has the highest unemployment in the entire nation and has the highest level of illiteracy.

And now, with the Silicon Valley bank collapse some months back, now California’s housing market is ready to go next. Needless to say, many are pointing out that California will implode under the weight of its own political incompetence long before it falls into the ocean. The number of companies that have fled the state like rats fleeing the ship is astronomical. Hewlett Packard, Tesla, Oracle, Paps Brewing, Norton Lifelock. We could go on and on, and those companies are but a microcosm of the mass exodus of residents that have been fleeing California for over the last decade.

According to the US Census, every year for the past 15 years, an average number of 100,000 Californians leave the state as over against those who move in. California for the first time ever has actually lost a House seat due to its rampant depopulation. That is the record of gruesome Newsom. But maybe Bill can salvage this. Patrick Bet David gives him one more opportunity. Wait till you see this.

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I just move on to other things we can talk about, is you base your character on your candidate. You base your candidate based on being a good debater, deflecting not necessarily results, because I don’t. If that’s how you do it, then Newsom is fantastic. Bill, you’re better than this. Really? I hope so. I don’t know. I’m just getting told. You are. It’s a silly argument and debater. Like I can’t tell.

I’ve been doing political commentary on television for 30 years. I think I can tell when a guy is just debating or whether make a calculated guess on how he’s going to be actually as president. There’s two different things. Running and being the guy. Do I like it that Newsom is good at the running part? I do. Because that means he can get elected. Do I also think that if he got elected, he would be a good president? I do.

Generally moving the country in the right direction. I would like to take him back a little toward the, I mean, as you can mean, he’s just rambling at this point. I think Bill is aware there. He’s aware enough to know that Patrick got him on that original question. It’s so fascinating how in the end, he deferred to his own personal, subjective intuition on the prospects of a gruesome nuisance presidency.

Again, watch how Marr would respond if someone else deferred to literally the same subjective sentiments. But in defending their own christian faith, for example, Mr. Skeptic, Mr. Religious wouldn’t be so accommodating, I assure you of that. The fact is, the simple act of asking a liberal like Marr to back up his claim about an obviously failed governor was enough to expose just how much of a failure he and liberalism really are.

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See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.


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