Pastor WARNS..What Coming Will Test All Our FAITH! America Must Be Born AGAIN! David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ Pastor Andrew Billings talks about how people are dealing with a lot of problems all at once on the David Nino Rodriguez Show. He says that these problems can make people feel upset and scared, and that this can change how they think and feel. He also talks about how big events can cause a lot of stress and change how people see the world. He believes that we need to understand this to deal with the problems we’re facing.
➡ The speaker is worried about the future, comparing it to a big storm that’s about to hit. He thinks people are scared and divided, and that this is causing problems. He encourages people to stop being scared, and instead focus on unity and understanding. He also shares his personal story of moving to America and working hard to succeed.
➡ This text talks about how we should stop letting others divide us, especially when it comes to race. It says that we’re all Americans, no matter our skin color, and we should work together instead of fighting. The text also talks about how every immigrant who came to America had to work hard, just like we should. Lastly, it mentions that we should focus on more important things in life, like being kind to each other and believing in God.
➡ This text talks about why God gave people free will. It says God didn’t want people to serve him because they had to, but because they chose to. It also talks about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When they ate the forbidden fruit, they gained knowledge but also brought sin into the world. The text also mentions Jesus Christ, who is important because he took back the keys of sin and death from the devil.
➡ Jesus is like a lamb that was offered as a sacrifice for people’s wrongdoings. If you believe in him and accept him as your leader, you will be saved. If you’re feeling troubled or have done things you’re not proud of, you can ask Jesus for help and he can bring peace to your life. It’s also important to forgive others and yourself, even when it’s hard, because it helps you move on from the past.
➡ This story talks about how important it is to forgive others, just like Jesus did, even when he was hurt really badly. The story says that if we don’t forgive, we might end up acting like the people who hurt us. It also talks about how we all make mistakes and need help, and that’s okay. The story ends with a reminder that forgiveness can help us move forward and be happier.


Hi, folks. Welcome to Ninoscorner TV. I’m with Pastor Andrew Billings, who I’ve been trying to get for a while now, but our schedules kept conflicting. But finally we made it happen. And I’m excited about this because, you know, this guy’s revealed a lot of important information over the years, especially when the boogeyman hit the whole thing. This guy has his fingers on the pulse and I really love listening you, Andrew.

So I really appreciate you coming on. Thank you. Likewise, man. Enjoy spending time with you. So you’ve got out of New Zealand. You’ve been in the States for 13 years. You’re a citizen here now. You did it the legal way. Did it the legal way. By the way, it’s a lot of work, man. It’s challenging if you want to do it right. Right. But you did it right.

I’m a good swimmer though, man. I’m telling you, I could have probably swam. You look like a big man, dude. I don’t know. I’m a big guy. How big are you? I’m 63. Yeah, I’m 65. I’m six five two. You’re a little bigger than me then. 270. What do you weigh? Yeah, I’m 300. I got to run. I know, budy. You’re like rugby style, bill. No, I’m overweight right now.

We walked 3 miles a morning and I’ve just started ice bathing. Changing my life. It’s amazing. Just a lot of stress, a lot of being real busy, especially since the boogeyman hit run double time. But anyways, you’ve been doing a lot of great things for humanity, man. I’ve been watching you a little bit and I really think my audience should follow you and get on board with what you’re talking about because you really do bring a spiritual perspective into this because we are in a spiritual war.

And I don’t know if you want to kick it off there. We’re going to be careful for YouTube, folks. This will go into editing, but we’re going to do our best to make this YouTube worthy. So all things are hitting us at once right now, Andrew. And we were talking about that, so. And then you just brought in Evergrande just is being ordered to liquidate by a judge.

Crisis meltdown. I mean, like we need anything more. So it’s all an avalanche of problems coming at once, right? Yeah. I mean, just that detail alone could instigate a global financial crisis. I mean, if you understand how big evergrande is. And it already got bailed out, I think twice in the last two years by the chinese government. It is a serious, massive financial milestone. So let’s talk about this, because I think one of the things that we wanted to talk about was dealing with all of this stuff, like when the boogeyman hit.

And let’s be honest with ourselves, the average american person that’s got half of their brain screwed in properly, and I mean that not in a negative sense, rather than saying, you don’t even really need to have a whole lot of real mental capacity to understand that there’s actually been a lot of trauma over the years that’s been coming in almost like a low frequency, that it’s pushed the line enough where people have adapted because unfortunately, people are adaptive beings.

Humans are very adaptive, compromising beings. And so some of the people that will just say really don’t like most of humanity. They are very smart, and they’re well advised on how to break down psychology. And if you understand this, you’ll understand a little bit with better perspective the landscape of the last 15, 2030 years specifically. Probably the last four, really the last four. But what you’ll see is that trauma of a global, national, or regional event will happen, and it will just sit there long enough until everyone has dealt with that reality.

It will go quiet for a little bit, and it doesn’t go back. It just stays at that level. And then the next thing comes and people keep adapting to more levels of trauma. Like, let me give you an example, just with all of the craziness that’s happened, if you’ve noticed that there have been some railed carriages that have gone off tracks in certain places, and it’s been a very interesting coincidence of certain materials that have then been ignited or dispersed in multiple states, and just one of those events would have been national news for weeks, 30 years ago, massive, big deal stuff.

And yet, if you notice, there’s so many things happening now that we’re just at a point, this has been happening for so long and adaption has been happening, that people have been conditioned to be traumatized, upset or concerned for a couple of days and then move on to the next piece of news, we’re consistently staying trauma based. We’re consistently staying fractured in a trauma based. It’s kind of like the boiling frog thing.

The boiling frog? Yeah. 1 minute he’s swimming, next minute he’s dead. And I’ve shared this before with people and we talked a little bit before the show, but if you go back to the Cold War era and you actually look at the way that covert operatives were actually trained civilians. They were abducted. They were put in front of all kinds of traumatic imagery. They were given psychotropic drugs.

And what that does is that level of trauma actually fractures the mind and soul. And that’s where you can put suggestive content, which is essentially mind control, into those individuals. Explain. I understand it fracturing the mind. Now, when you say fracturing the soul, explain on that. Elaborate on that a little bit. So the soul is the emotional realm. God has made us body, soul, emotional, mind, and spirit.

So we’re actually like God. We’re a triune being. We’re made with body, soul, and spirit. Spirit is the part of you that will live forever. Body is your rental vehicle and the emotional part of you. The soul is your mind and your emotions. And so that part can get almost reverberated in a turbulence. And trauma is probably one of the most effective demonic weapons to do that. And once that happens, people start being open to and or susceptible is a better word to suggestive thought or instructions.

MSN would be used for mainstream media problem reaction solution by using trauma. Exactly. So the reason I talked about the Cold War era is that we saw it on an individual level, and we thought that was the height of atrocity, that someone could be abducted from society and traumatized and given instructions through terrible things and then put back in as a sleeper. Doesn’t even know it happened to them.

They weren’t even aware that it happened. And that’s how evil this stuff was. And then with a certain word or a piece of news they saw on the tv or a sound or anything, that was the trigger point, then they would go into a response to carry out what they were programmed to do. Now, that’s terrible that that happened, individuals. But if we really stop and think about it and we talk about things like the boogeyman, we talk about things like the economy, the confidence we have in our ability to give our personal input on who we think should lead and things like that.

And seeing that stuff all being taken and twisted and manipulated, and you start seeing insecurities in people. You start seeing wars and rumors of wars. Very interesting thought there, isn’t it? If you think about the scriptures wars and rumors of wars, what jesus said about the end of the world, you see all these different things happening. We see Evergrande, we see know the Middle east, we see Ukraine, we see all these crazy things, and we know, like I said, trains going off rails.

There’s so many things happening now, like so many things that people are being fractured in their personal emotions. And to a point where we’re now coping with mass. And you don’t need to get abducted. You can do it in your living room looking at the news broadcast, it’s almost like when cable was just three stations, right? And that’s all you had to pay attention to. Now it’s fractured into.

Or now we’re looking at thousands of tv stations to pay attention to. I’ve seen people watching 910 programs at once on a screen. Right? So that’s what it is. So let me catch you there for a second. It’s interesting that you just referred to the tv as tv programs, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s what it is. Very interesting word that’s been selected to be put there. It’s tv programs.

Yeah. That’s the same language that was television, right? The same language that was used in the cold war around MK and a whole lot of. So it’s very interesting when you start looking at that stuff and you start was a test tube run. Now we see people sitting in own living rooms condoning their own programming by all of this trauma. And it’s not just what we’re seeing, it’s what we’re experiencing.

Put things on your face, all of these different interesting things that are happening. So are you still tracking with me right now? Yeah. You glitched up quite a bit right there when you started. That was crazy. That’s interesting. Yeah. I’m talking massively glitched up. So here we are now in 2024, and it looks like we’re all just kind of bracing for this massive tidal wave which is already hitting us, but more to come, bracing for this massive avalanche or tidal wave of chaos which we know is coming.

We all know we can see on the horizon what is to come. I had a friend that owned a ranch and he said whenever the cattle starts bunching together and then birds start flying a little lower, you know, storms coming, and I feel like that’s where humanity is at right now. Do you agree? Like we all kind of know, as a collective, where we are in the world, right? I mean, you know, if we’re not careful, it kind of really reminds me of the fracturing of the USSR in the nation that we’re living in.

You can see the makings of it, which is really a very. When you’ve got whole regions of this country looking to potentially divorce each other, it’s a very significant and serious thing. And it’s come from the response. We’re now at the point of extreme responses for the people that are still thinking straight. And they’re now called the bad people, people that’s willing to do something extreme. And I’m not talking about negative, I mean something extreme like what would happen to the United States if Texas withdrew.

Right. That’s a pretty serious thought. And where you’ve got a federal government that’s pushing that hard to do some of the things it’s currently doing right now, it’s a pretty interesting. So let’s kind of come full circle and actually pull out of that little thing that we’ve just discussed, because I really believe that a lot of your viewers are really healthy people. I know the majority of them are, if not all, and a lot of them are God fearing folks.

And so as someone that’s ministered, been in ministry for 23 years, I’m in the marketplace. I have six, seven businesses. We’re launching about five, six academies this coming year that help equip people to live a more meaningful purpose, life of destiny and potential. One of the things that I think is really important right now is that we all take a step back and take stock of our mental processing of what is being fed to us.

Because the reality is that. Why is it that one of the things I’m seeing right now is a lot of people, even a lot of people in this type of community that we’re in right now, the type of forum that we’re talking in right now, I’m talking right across the nation, a lot of people are starting to become, you can see that there’s a pushing into the corner.

Everyone’s feeling the tension. The rubber band is maxing out. And this is by design. The people on the other side of that tension actually want this to go there because of what they can do if it goes there. You’re talking about the infighting that’s happening, the breaking, the frustration, people fighting with each other. That’s happening a lot. I think, in my opinion, there’s people being activated within our movement that are causing this to set that dial the other direction, to cause a proper chaos within our community.

I believe that, yeah. And unfortunately, there is tyranny there. So some of it’s not completely wrong, but we need to do this much smarter than what the other side is doing to us. One of the things I want to just kind of bench and talk about with you is a lot of the things that we’re being conditioned around is really important that we actually take a step back and stop processing things out of fear, out of what? If this happens, some of us are so entrenched that we are scrolling four or 5 hours a day trying to figure out what’s going on.

And I just want to invite your viewers away from that because I’m a very informed person. I try to keep up with things, but that is not my source, nor is it my security. My security is that I’m a son of God. My security is that I have a membership with a much greater organization. Right, the kingdom of heaven. And if you’re not saved, I would really encourage you that now is a time for you to consider, because if you’re not saved, you’re probably on here looking for meaning.

You’re probably on here looking for some kind of purpose or hope or some kind of understanding on how to get a hold of this because it actually feels like we’re all watching a tornado come ripping down the prairie and we’re all not quite sure what to do because it doesn’t feel like there’s a seller to run into right now. It feels like there’s nowhere to go. And so the reason that we’re all here is we’re all trying to figure out what do we do, what’s happening, what’s actually the truth.

And so the first thing that I would encourage us all to really look at, David, is that we actually back away from being an accomplice with a programming of fear. Because just like a fainting goat, a predator can rot. And if you don’t know what a fainting goat is, go look them up. It’s hilarious. You’ll sit on YouTube for the weakest animal on the planet. It’s like God made these for the bad hunters, for sure.

He had some compassion when he made the, I mean, their defense mechanism is giving up. They just give up. It’s like they go into a temporary state of Rick and mortise when they get scared and they literally are stiff as a board. And so I think that’s really what the enemy is counting on us to do or the combative force that’s coming against the unity of this nation.

The number one thing, David, the number one thing of the reason why this nation has been pushed around is because we have lost unity. A kingdom, Jesus said it, but many others have said it as well. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand. And so if you actually something I would encourage your viewers and yourself, if you haven’t already, something that I would encourage you to go and actually get some education background on is go and look at, there was something called the chinese revolution, and that’s an era that this nation is currently in right now, we don’t even realize that was actually called the chinese cultural revolution.

Cultural is a very interesting word in that scenario. But essentially, instead of Democrat and Republican or conservative and liberal, where there’s two sides, they were actually divided into two sides with each five fractures. And none of these sides would work with each other. And none of these sides would work with each other. So you had a ten part fractured nation that was easy to manipulate and no one trusted anyone else.

This is a very important detail. Now, I just want to say this, man, we are american first. Like, I literally have emigrated here from New Zealand. I came here with $14,000. I bought a van and some equipment. I started a business. I struggled really hard for the first few years. Now I have six businesses. We’re taken care of financially. I’ve never been on salary. And ministry, we do that as something that we do for God as a passion and an act of obedience rather than a career.

You have a ministry where you’re at right now? Yeah, it’s Andrew Billings. You can look us up@andrewbillings. org. And I can send you all those links if you’d, you know, we do a bunch of stuff. I work with pastors and regions and different nations. I’m going to be in Indonesia and Australia, New Zealand and the UK this year. Probably some other nations. But this is my point. I came here and no one gave me anything.

No one helped me. No one offered me any kind of step up. I came here, I worked hard. I don’t have anything special about me other than my determination to not be defeated. Because I’ll tell you right now, moving to another country where you don’t know anyone and you don’t know the culture and you don’t have any financial anything to go in and making that, it’s a big deal.

Now, here’s the thing. It wasn’t the color of my skin and it wasn’t any special school I went to. Okay? It was the fact that I just decided, and I’ve become an American now, and I live here. I’m going to live and die. Let me ask you, how many years did you play rugby? I can’t even tell you that. Five or six years. I bet you were a tough son of a bitch, weren’t you? I put my best out.

I know. Yeah, I can see it. I got into a little bit of k one, too, back in the day. Right? You remember a guy called Ray Sephiroth? Yeah, I used to train in his gym. Interesting. Cool. Nice. We’ll talk about point. My point is this. We’re talking about division here. One of the things that I’ve had to learn about this nation is that we’re very easily triggered as a nation.

We’re very easily triggered with things, and there’s old wounds that keep getting pulled up by our enemies, and we need to make a decision. No, it’s time to be healed. Like, one of the things that just needs to be healed that has caused so much pain is obviously the race card. And it breaks my heart because it’s like, look, man, we’re Americans. Why do we keep turning on each other? Why do we keep it? Come on.

We know that they’re dividing the house, right? They’re dividing it in many ways. They can create this division as possible. They’re dividing it. And race is one of them. Absolutely. And I think we need to stop being so easily manipulated. Like, really, are we that low? Look, of course we’ve all got differences, but isn’t that the power? That’s where the word university came from. Unity amidst diversity university.

That’s where that word came from. I did not even know that. Yeah. And what we need to start seeing is, like, why are we being pulled into that? Who gets to tell me that I can and can’t trust certain people that I do and don’t get to, like, certain skin colors? I’m not here to subscribe to that. Why don’t we just come out from underneath us? And I know this is real taboo, what I’m saying.

I know that I’m not supposed to say this, but I’m an immigrant and I’ve come from another nation, and I just want to encourage us. Because I’ll tell you right now, from what I can, it doesn’t matter what color your skin is. We’re american. And I think we need to get to a point where we actually just refuse to being told who we should and should. Every immigrant that ever came to America had it tough, man.

Every single one. I’ll tell you, every single one of them. Really? No, there was no handouts. This is the first time that these handouts are being offered, and that’s why they’re coming here. So that tells you what kind of people we’re getting. People that was back in the day, the Italians, the Irish, all of them came here to work hard and make a business for themselves. And they brought their know, they chartered oceans to get here and make a life for themselves because it was so unbearable in their other countries, in their homeland.

Look, and I’ll totally put my hand up and recognize that America does have a painful past. It has a past that has made some terrible mistakes. Having said that, I know that most Americans aren’t taught history outside the United States, but most nations have terrible pasts. Most nations have different cultures that go back in history where things like slavery, that was very common. Now it’s not. Okay. But if you look at every single nation, even nations right now, there’s nations that I go to right now to preach in some of the churches.

And in those nations, slavery, still the worst nation in the world. No, you mentioned you were slavery. I’ll talk about it afterwards. But America, the biggest slavery here is sex. 100% sex. Trafficking. Absolutely. Trafficking, yeah. The reason I’m talking about this, and I understand that some people might get angry and, well, blacks and whites and Hispanics and Asians and all that stuff. Hey, we need to realize that we’re all one race.

And I know that it’s not easy, because I know some of us have been raised in communities that have been taught to not trust because we get treated a certain way and police stops and all that kind of stuff. I understand. I’ve had guns pulled on me by police officers. I did nothing wrong. Literally driving to church one day and had a police officer pull army. I know it’s terrifying, but we’ve got to come out from underneath this.

The reason I’m talking about this is the cultural revolution I just talked about. We need to understand there’s something going on here. Everyone’s being caught out at a very low level emotional trigger point, but there’s a bigger game of chess going on. And if we just understood it, if we just bandied together and actually stood up and said, no, we’re going to work out our differences on this road.

We’re going to forgive each other, we’re going to repent to each other, and we’re going to decide to give people the benefit of the doubt. We’re going to decide to walk with people, and we’re going to decide if profiling has been in your family, we’re going to get that out of our family. At some point. We need to make a decision. That’s what I love about the gospel, is that it’s a gospel for all nations.

And so I see that you said earlier, the first thing that people need to do is get born again. In your opinion. That’s what most people should. And I agree with you on that. Go ahead. More than any kind of prepping or any kind of, like, here’s the deal. Sometimes we’re so patriotic to a piece of dirt. And I mean that really respectfully. I’ve raised my family here and I’m going to give my wife here, but sometimes we’re so patriotic to a piece of dirt.

But every person has an expiry date. What are you going to be patriotic to in eternity? What are you going to live for after this? There’s more to this life. You have more meaning in you than just getting a job, choosing a political party, being patriotic to a certain aspect of society or a nation, and having a few hobies and going on a few vacations. There has to be more to life than that.

Otherwise we’re all living a shallow existence. I saw the other day, remember the wrestler ultimate warrior? Yeah. So I was watching a guy film his gravesite where he was put to rest, and I was just thinking to myself, he was showing all the highlights of the wrestler, of ultimate warrior screaming. And then he’s showing his gravesite. Nobody’s there, not a soul around. It’s quiet and it’s going to be that way for eternity in this physical realm.

And it’s where, you know what I’m saying? So all of that exciting life and crowds roaring, now where’s, that’s where we’re all going. Exactly. Really resonated with me. It’s like, wow. Because I came from a world of boxing and crowds and blood, and then at the end, it’s the same for everybody. We go to our final resting place and it’s quiet forever here on this planet. Yeah, absolutely.

The Bible says that as soon as there’s death, then comes judgment, which means we stand before God. Now, some of us have been told that God’s angry, scary God, but he’s not. If we will see that Jesus isn’t just some crazy person that came and had a few good ideas and tried to be a social influencer and have some great meme quotes. He was so much more than that in that he didn’t just talk about something.

He’s the only person out of any religion you can find in the world. The reason that Christianity is different than any other religion of the whole world is that, number one, we’re told to forgive our enemies. And number two, that actually really should have been number one is that the God who told us that we have to deal with the sin in our life. Sin is anything that falls short of perfection because we were made to be perfect.

And sin entered the human race because of Adam and eve eating fruit that God told them to never eat. It wasn’t normal fruit, by the way. It wasn’t an apple. It was a spiritual thing that they touched and it changed them at a spiritual cellular level. Say it like that. They literally had a whole different awakening and that was the moment they degenerated into a lower form of being.

And so that’s the whole thing. But Christianity, believing in God, believing in Jesus specifically, is the only religion where the God who demands perfection says, you can never attain perfection in yourself. So I will send my own son to come and die because his blood that never sinned, I can accept that in your stead. And if you will just believe in me and accept what he’s done, then I will forgive you as if you will live perfect your whole life.

Was that also God sending Jesus Christ? Was that also to, I guess, release Satan from his contract of humanity? Where to make it null and void type thing like now I gave my son, I gave the blood of my son. Now humanity is told you could start over. All you got to do is believe in my son. Does that make, why was the blood so important? Why was a sacrifice of his own son so important? Why can his son die to peaceful death? If you remember that God actually told Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, he said, you can have anything you want.

I’ve created everything for you except this one tree. Now you could say, well, why would a God put one tree in there? Firstly, they didn’t have sin in them. They were completely sinless. So they literally had an audience with God. Every. Why would God put the tree in there? And why would God put the. Why would he deliberately tempt them is what I’m saying. Okay, so if you look at the angels, the angels are beings that were made to serve God.

They never had a before story. They appeared after being created and they are servants and warriors and messengers, right? They were created to serve and they appeared. Wouldn’t it stand to reason, if you really stop and think about it, that God wants people that choose to be in relationship with him rather than made to serve him? That’s why humans are higher beings. What created the free will was created.

God created free will because he didn’t want puppets. It’s like us. Well, I made all these little Lego sets and they just think I’m amazing, right? My question is, Adam and Eve were just kind of walking around the garden naive. And then when they took through the fruit and bit from the fruit, the forbidden fruit, and then everything opened up. Knowledge came to them. What does that mean? You ask a lot of people that are masons and people that are into that world, they’ll tell you a whole completely different story on why they side with that side.

Luciferians. Okay, so here’s the deal. We’re going to do a whole podcast on this, because I’m going to give you. I know a lot. I have family lineage that was deep in the masons up to the 30. I understand. Deep about. Do you understand where I’m coming from? I know exactly what you’re saying. I’m taking your side, by the way, this is a really important, and I’m glad you brought this up because we’re talking about all this other stuff.

But this is a really important point because the Antichrist that’s going to arise, I believe, will be of that lineage of religion. And it says of him in the scriptures that he will erect a statue or an image in the temple. So the Jewish Sanhedrin is going to rebuild the third temple. He is going to become the world governor, leader, right. The president, the king, the emperor, whatever he’s going to be called.

He is going to become that guy, the chancellor, right. Palpatine. And he is going to stand and he is going to erect an image, and it says, and he will erect an image to a God that his fathers never knew. So he is actually most likely going to be. I can do a whole ton of stuff with you. Extraterrestrial. He’s going to be a jewish guy. No, he’s going to be a jewish.

You don’t think it has anything to do with the alien card they play? What’s that? You don’t think it’ll have anything to do with the coming alien card that they’re about to play in humanity? It’s not aliens, they’re demons. No, I agree with you on that, but don’t say it’s alien. Yes. I mean, dude, you and me have just laid out the framework for about ten podcasts. There’s a lot of stuff.

There’s seriously a lot of stuff here. Seriously. So coming back to the garden real quick, Adam and Eve literally walked and talked with God every day like they were significantly higher ascended beings than we are right now in our best form. But what God did is he took away their understanding of good and evil. They essentially were like my little children. I got little kids, right? There’s an innocence about them that’s so beautiful.

And that’s what they looked like to God. And God was teaching them about who he was, and he’s probably teaching them about the universe and all kinds of amazing stuff. The serpent comes in now. This is the powerful thing that I love about God. God understands sovereignty. He wanted sovereign beings. You understand sovereign means I’ve got free will, right? Sovereign means I’m not forced to. Like us soldiers, they give their passport up and their rights when they sign up, right? They are not sovereign.

They are assets. That’s why you see movies and things. We’re moving twelve assets into position. That’s not a person, that’s an asset. They’re not sovereign. They don’t have the ability out of their virtue to say, I’m going to help with this. I’m forced like a slave to do this. So God is this amazing being that says, I don’t want slaves that have to choose me. I want someone that has options that says, no, I want you anyways, right? So he’s like, there’s a tree here and there’s a serpent.

There’s options. But I want you to see me as the option that you want to give your affection to, which, if you think about it, there’s no narcissism in that. There’s so much security in who he is. And unfortunately, they made a bad decision and it entered a spiritual, demonic dna called sin into humanity that’s come all the way down. And the Bible says without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness or remission of sins.

Now what that means is, the simple version is this, is that. I know we meant to talk about a ton of stuff right now, but this is so important. What that means is that we understand the term for every action there’s a reaction, right? For every act of unlawfulness, there is a consequence, right? So if someone, they’re not walking into the local diner and carrying on with life, there is now a consequence.

You’re going to get arrested, you’re going to prison, or you’re going to end up getting executed, right? Something bad is going to happen. So sin is now an action that humanity. Now, I didn’t choose it. I was born into it. And I was born into it because of the consequences of all of our ancestors that go all the way back to the Garden of Eden. It was a genetic demonic lineage that came in because of man’s choice.

We had a sovereign choice. We didn’t choose God in that moment. We chose the devil, unfortunately. And you can say, well, it was Adam and Eve, but reality is maybe all of us would have made that choice. So every single one of us is fallen. We’re all fallen. So here’s the deal. What most people don’t understand is the minute that Adam and Eve bit this. If you remember, when God created Adam, he said, be blessed, be fruitful, multiply, have dominion and subdue the earth.

Right? Interesting that he said dominion and subdue. Why do you need to have dominion over a perfect world? Why do you need to subdue perfection? Because there were elements in the world that God had allowed to be there that were opposite who he was. So we were supposed to have, Adam and Eve were supposed to actually dominate those things and have dominion and subdue them, right? And we didn’t.

So the minute they bit, the blessings that God put on Adam were literally stolen by the devil. And that’s when the devil, Satan, Lucifer, the serpent, became the God of this world. And that is why Jesus Christ is so important. Because Jesus Christ is so important, because if you remember, when he rose, it says he took the keys of sin and death. Who did he get those from? The devil who had stolen the keys of blessing from Adam and Eve and become their prison keeper, their warden.

So when they say when Jesus was crucified and buried and he went to hell. Correct. Did he go to hell for three days or something like that? I believe he went to hell. He was gone for three days. I think he did other things, which we can talk about another time. It says he went and preached to those that were dead previously that didn’t have the gospel, because there’s a lot of questions that come up for people around that.

It says he led captivity captive. So he went down to all those souls that were in a holding place called Sheol, the place that Jesus talked about in a parable. We’re talking a lot of content right now. You can see the rich man and Lazarus. Remember hearing that story? Not purgatory. That’s a catholic concept. Okay. But that’s not actually scriptural. Okay. If you want to look at the.

I know that I’ve maybe just upset some. We got another ten podcasts coming, right? Maybe 20. I don’t know. I love it. But point is this, is that Jesus then rose from the dead, having conquered sin and the grave. The very thing that Adam and Eve submitted to was sin and death. God said, the day you eat the fruit, you’ll surely die. When that happened, God comes in the garden.

What does he do? He kills an animal and makes clothes for the people. So bloodshed. Without the shedding of blood, there’s no forgiveness of sins. So instead of God killing Adam and Eve right there, he showed them mercy. We need to understand the culture and the nature of God. He’s not the angry guy that everyone’s painted him to be. He kills an animal instead. There’s bloodshed. That’s innocent.

And what he does, he takes that sacrifice. And the Bible says he made skins for them, so he made a covering. So the sacrifice caused a covering because they knew they were naked now and he covered them. And so what he did then, that’s why it says that Jesus is now the lamb of the sin. He becomes the sin offering or the sacrifice, instead of perfect dying for the guilty.

Now, what it says is that if anyone would believe that Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead, if anyone would confess with their mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in their heart, they shall be saved. So what’s happened here is, when Jesus did this, it doesn’t mean the whole world is saved. It only means that those that make a covenant with him by giving him their life and believing that he is what he said, then you shall be saved.

And that’s as simple as that. If you’re listening to this right now and you’re like, man, the world’s unstable. What’s happening? I just feel like my spirit, my soul is being tormented with all this stuff, and I have no peace. My call to you would be, cry out to Jesus and say, jesus, if you’re real, I want to know you. And some of you are actually tormented with things that you’ve done in your life, that you go to sleep and you see them.

Maybe some of you are military and you’ve had to take people out, and you’ve seen hideous, terrible things. Maybe you’ve had terrible experiences. Maybe you’ve been trafficked. It doesn’t matter. There’s so many things that people are walking around with, so much trauma, and we don’t know where to put that. Jesus can take all of that from you and bring peace to your life. You said something that resonated with me.

You said, forgive that your enemies. A lot of people have a hard time with that. A lot of people have been abused by people or hurt by people. Some like me. My biggest enemy has always been me. And I’ve had to forgive myself, done to myself. Hurting yourself is easy, but living is hard sometimes. And forgiving yourself is even harder. So I’ve had to forgive myself. And I don’t know if you know this, Andrew, but I’m four years and a month sober now.

And before I can even think about it, I had to forgive myself. I had to forgive myself for hurting myself and people, a lot of people can’t do that. That’s why they go and drink and do more drugs. They can’t punish me for whatever they did. Yes, they need to punish themselves and you need to stop that and just forgive yourself and move on, correct? Absolutely. I mean, I’ve seen people that have seen terrible things, things happen.

They’ll forgive the other people, but they won’t know how to do that. And sometimes we actually just need to say, jesus, would you help me forgive myself? I don’t actually know how to start what that looks like. I don’t even know how to process that because I’m so conditioned to having an anger towards. So, you know, I can tell you I’ve had some phenomenal encounters where God has just completely set me free from mentalities and resentments and major anger.

There’s a story I’ll tell you another time where I was actually going to take a guy out. I was never a bad person or anything like violence or anything like that, but a guy, he ripped me off. Millions of dollars and he fled the country, almost like the italian job. And I had nothing. It wrecked my life. And then I saw him in the very car that I was planning on buying, this high end suv.

You saw him? I saw him in that. I saw him again and I turned the car around and I was chasing him. I had it all mapped out. It wasn’t even something I thought about. You don’t understand what I’m talking about. Just, it was an immediate muscle response and I started. I actually did a podcast just recently with a hero of mine, guy called David Hogan. And we’re going to be playing that on the Andrew Billings podcast.

It’s called formation. You can check that out on Andrew Billings ministries YouTube. I’m going to send you the link when we get it up. Okay? But anyways, I was tailing this guy and I was waiting for the lights. I knew exactly how it was going to happen. I was going to bum rush his car, rip his door off. I knew exactly what I was going to do. And I needed about 30 seconds with him and he would have even paraplegic or I would have taken him out and that was going to happen.

And I just felt. Ripped you off with millions of dollars. Millions dollars, man, it took me. I left you for broke, paid off, left me for broke. I refused to go bankrupt. He was a business partner of mine in New Zealand in my early twenty s. The guy had done so much damage that I was so impacted. And it was something I was dealing with the consequences every day.

That seeing him, and he was driving the very suv that I was planning on, it was just like the italian job. And this presence of God came in the car because I was raging, man, and I had it all. I’m a big strategist. I had it all figured out, exactly how I was going to move, how I was going to pull him, what I was going to do to him.

Figured all out. It was going to happen. And I would have been probably in jail for. What kind of size did this guy have? Was he small? Medium? Okay, so you’ve been just broken about your wist. Oh, yeah. 30 seconds, maybe 40, and it would have been taken care of. But this presence of God came into the car, and I didn’t ask for it, I didn’t invite him in.

And all of a sudden I just started weeping and I pulled over and I knew it was God. And I literally felt like armor being taken off me. I felt disarmed. And I had to go through a process for like six. Actually, it was close to, like, 1218 months, where every day I was just making decision. I choose to forgive that guy. Help me, God. Actually, the very beginning was like, God, help me want to forgive him, because I don’t want to.

I prayed that every day until it shifted. If you were to see him today, how would that interaction go? That would be totally fine. I’d walk up to him and tell him he’s forgiven a long time ago and ask him what I could do for him. Wow. And that’s not easy because. And that sounds easy, but that’s nearly 20 years ago now for me, that he did that, to be honest with you, in some levels, you could say, well, you’ve every right to do that.

Yeah. But also, I don’t. I can tell you that God has blessed me so much and I am phenomenal. I got patents worldwide now. I’ve got all kinds of amazing things. If you will just let God have that. It might be difficult for a season, and you might have to go of a process where you almost have to just. I had to every day do that. And I knew that I was okay after about 18 months when I was like, God, would you bless that guy? I don’t want to say his name publicly, but I said, would you bless him? Would you help him somewhere? Would you just help him find you in all of this? I don’t want to see him.

Go to hell. Have you gotten any report on him or what he’s doing? No. He’d fled the country and he was clearly back for either. I’m not sure, but I left it because at that point in time, it was not good for me to even look at it. But I don’t wish him any harm. And there was a point where I did quite a lot, obviously, with what I shared with you.

But I think sometimes forgiveness sounds real easy and self righteous, but sometimes forgiveness is a massive process, and it can be a real massive process with ourselves, but it also allows you to move on. Look, forgiveness. I got a knife here. Forgiveness is the knife that cuts the cord that keeps me a prisoner to my past. How can I ever hold the goodness of tomorrow if I’m busy wrestling with the resentment of the past? And so it’s the knife that actually sets me free.

It never necessarily vindicates whether they were right or wrong. It definitely doesn’t give them permission to be right. Although in some cases, when we forgive, it looks like people got away with stuff. But I can tell you this, some people take that as weakness. Some people. It’s not weakness. It’s not weakness. Listen, you remember Jesus? We were talking about Jesus. He’s hanging on the cross, and there’s few statements he makes at the end of his life.

And one of them is, he says, as they’re driving nails into his body, into his wrists and his feet, he says, father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Now, it’s a really interesting statement, because it sounds like, I don’t know about you, but if I had someone driving nine inch nails, ten inch nails through my wrists, and they weren’t the nice ones from Home Depot, they were probably poured in some janky mold.

They were probably really rough. So he’s been beaten for 24 hours straight. They can barely recognize him as a human being. The Bible says he’s tore up. You can probably see his kidneys hanging out the back of his rib cage like it was bad. The passion that Mel Gibson did is phenomenal production, but it didn’t even do half the justice of what Jesus probably the condition he was really in.

And he’s saying, forgive them, father, for they know not what they do. And I felt like the Holy Spirit really shared with me just a little while back, a couple of years ago, he said, what if I told you that Jesus wasn’t just forgiving them to release them? What if he was forgiving them also to keep the hate that was coming at him from getting inside of him? Because this is a term that I’ve coined.

What you refuse to forgive, you will become. That’s why people you talk to people. It’s like, I don’t know how it happened, but I became my dad. I hate my dad. There’s people I’ve counseled, obviously, a lot through the years. Like, people that got abused as children, sexually or otherwise. And they come into adult life, and now they’re doing the same thing. Because you never forgave. You never forgave.

And I’m sorry that that happened to you. I’m not speaking this to condemn anyone, because we are all sinners. We’ve all been sinners. That the blood of Jesus came. And what we have to do is we have to say, okay, jesus. I recognize that while on Instagram, everyone thinks I got a perfect life, but in reality, I am broken. I’m hurting, I’m tormented. I don’t even know if I like myself.

I can’t even live and sleep at night with peace. I can’t live with my memories. Would you come and save me? Would you come and cleanse me? Would you come wash me of all of that and show me what you made me to be? I give you lordship of my life, and I’m asking you to wash me of every sin that’s truly what a Christian is. Because even that’s what a Christian is.

I got my neck slope, and they cut me with a knife. They came behind me. I almost died. I lost pints of blood. Wow. And they never got caught. And I never blamed anybody but myself. But the truth is, I’ve had private investigators call me. We can get these guys. I can start on it now. And I’ve always said no, over. It’s done. As hard as it is for me to say, I forgive these guys, I do, man.

And whatever comes to them will come to them. It’s none of my business anymore. I did. My truth only invites darkness in, man. That’s what I did. It doesn’t serve me at all. Serve me at all to just keep reliving it. And you know what? I don’t remember. I only remember blurry faces, and I just want to keep it there. People have said, well, do you want to hypnosis? Do you want to go recount what I know? I’m good.

I’m done. Yeah, leave it with God, man. There’s sometimes where justice actually is needed so they don’t do it to anyone else. And there’s other times where if you feel in your spirit, like, no, I just feel like I’m not supposed to touch that. Then you go with that. It doesn’t matter who says what. You just go with that and forgiveness is a powerful, powerful tool that we get to cut our past from tormenting us in our future.

We can move forward with hope and optimism and joy. This podcast went in so many different directions. I guess we can end this. America needs to forgive. Its mean we are a faulty nation, but so is every mean. Every nation is man. Man, I’d love to bring you on more, Andrew, if you’re willing. You’re a busy guy. No, I can do it. My audience is going to love you.

I love you man. You’re a great guy and preacher man. And I really needed to hear these words today from you. Likewise, man. I think this is great and I think we can definitely let’s just make plans to do it on a regular basis as much as you want. And we’ll go through some of the stuff with Gilgamesh and the Freemasons and we can talk about all that stuff, man.

I would also like to dive pretty deep with you on stuff that we had to watch ourselves on flufftube here. But maybe we can do something for rumble and my back channel where we can really go deep and talk about the boogeyman and talk about really go into everything, names and people and let’s do it. I’m in. Andrew billings, everybody. Andrewbillings. org andrewbillings. org. Check him out. I’ve been trying to get this guy for a while.

I’m glad he’s been busy. And I also want to say, andrew, my love and prayers out to your friend. I know you’re dealing with a friend now that’s on his deathbed. So prayers and love out to him. Thank you so much, man. Appreciate it. It’s been an honor being with you and I’m really enjoying this. I think this can go some really positive places. It can help people put a real healthy grip, not just on understanding what’s happening, but being able to navigate your personal life so that we can band together as families, as marriages and as communities and really take this nation back.

Thank you. All right, everybody, Andrew billings, go see him. Andrewbillings. org. God bless. Take care. Bye. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Adam and Eve's sin dealing with stress from big events focusing on unity and understanding future uncertainty and fear God's gift of free will immigrant hard work stories importance of kindness and faith Jesus as a sacrificial lamb Pastor Andrew Billings dealing with problems race division in America seeking help from significance of Jesus Christ understanding personal problems

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