Passport Men Getting Set Up Unalived By Gorgeous Women In Columbia After Being Held For Ransom: The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡Anton Daniels discusses how The U.S. embassy in Bogota has issued a warning to Americans visiting Colombia, advising them not to use dating apps due to a series of crimes. Criminals are using these apps to attract victims, leading to some U.S. citizens being drugged, robbed, and even killed. At least eight American deaths in popular tourist areas like Medellin may be linked to these apps. It’s important to be aware of the risks and understand the local culture before traveling to unfamiliar places.

➡ Traveling to foreign countries can be risky. In 2023, crimes against foreigners in some places increased by 29%. This includes serious crimes like kidnapping and theft. Always be careful, tell others about your plans, and trust your instincts to stay safe.


Did we cover passport bros yet? I don’t think we covered passport bros. Did we cover the passport bros yet? We gotta get there. I’m sorry, fellas. We gotta get there. We gotta cover the passport bros before we go any further. We gotta cover the passport bros. Let’s get to it. We got to cover the bros. All right, so this is a warning. This is a warning. And this is an ode to my friend last night that said that he met a chick and he flew over there to meet her.

Y’all got to be careful, all right? Avoiding date naps after eight deaths over in Colombia. Y’all gotta be careful. I know everybody is looking for love and everybody just want to fly overseas and they give them money over to these hoes, but you got to be very careful, okay? You said you’re trying to be a passport bro. Okay, glow, Hardy. Well, we got to go and get there.

Tonight. An urgent warning for Americans visiting Colombia after a string of deaths in tourist hotspots. The US embassy in Bogota urging travelers not to use dating apps in the country, writing in a security alert that criminals are using the sites to lure victims, with many U. S. Citizens drugged, robbed, and even killed by their colombian dates. Embassy officials confirming the deaths of at least eight Americans traveling in Medellin possibly linked to the apps.

I’m out of words to describe. I don’t even know how I feel right now. A situation all too familiar for the family of 50 year old Tujer Zhang, an artist and activist from Minnesota who we first reported on last month. He had been traveling in Colombia in December when he called his brother out of the blue, asking for money. This time he was like, hey, do you have a couple of thousand? I was like, yeah, no problem.

When do you want it? He said, I want it now. I’m in this bit of a situation here. I go, oh, yeah, I can do that. Zhang’s family telling our Minneapolis affiliate soon after he stopped responding to their messages, he was found dead. One of the myths, I think, that’s in the community, because we are in this space where we only get to see the people that surround us, right? It’s almost like being in the hood.

If you see people keep robbing the people that surround you, you think that it’s only black people that do it. It’s not true. It’s not true in any way, shape, or form. This whole passport movement is just now really to catch fire within our community, right? And it’s similar to when I go online and I see a black person or a black woman or a black man, and they’re discussing or they’re having complaints about the dating market or whatever.

Right. And they say they don’t do this in other communities. That only happens amongst us. This don’t happen. They don’t tear men down. They don’t tear women down. They don’t do this. They don’t complain about their spouses in other communities. Yes, they do. They absolutely do all of the things that you do in your community. As a matter of fact, I’ll go so far as to say a lot of what has been inspired by and adopted by as far as our cultural norms that is the worst for us starts somewhere else.

When you think about feminism, feminism didn’t start in this community. It destroyed all communities, but it just exaggerated itself within this community because we already didn’t have enough to even do anything in the first place. So then you leaned on a federal government, and that wasn’t a black woman’s thing. Black woman got recruited to be a part of it in order for women as a whole to then become some sort of a minority.

That’s the truth. So then they got the extra benefits because you joined in on something that wasn’t even best for your family. And then the feminist movement really started getting its traction, similar to men that are complaining about the things that they’ve been subjected to in family court and modern woman within western culture, men going their own way was not started by, nor was these conversations ever held by black men.

We just started to identify the fact that we were having similarities. And so you’ve seen cross collaborations amongst white men, black men, Asian Men, hispanic men, it is a thing amongst everybody. But because your circle or your algorithm only recommends to you things that you’re used to or based off of the people that you follow, you’re not familiar with the fact that they’re having these problems across the board with all cultures.

And it’s the same thing when it comes to this passport brother movement. Now, I’m not saying that you can’t go anywhere you want to go in the world to do whatever it is that you want to do, but I’m also saying that you fooled. When you’re not familiar with what’s going on over in other places and you need to understand the cultural norms, it’s not safe for you.

It’s just like somebody coming over and moving into the hood, they not familiar. Whenever somebody asks me a question, they say, anton, would you ever invest in real estate in somewhere outside of your state? Possibly, but more than likely not because I’m intimately familiar with the market that’s happening over here in metro Detroit. And so that’s where I put the majority of my resources. That’s where I built my business connections.

That’s where it is that I know how to look for certain things in certain areas, in certain neighborhoods and certain cities. I know the richest. I know the poorest. I know where the great schools are. I know everything. So it gives me an advantage over an institutional investor or somebody that’s coming from out of town, because I know this city, which makes it easier for me to make money, easier for me to adjust, easy for me to pivot.

I can make phone calls. I’ve built up a conglomerate and a network here. That makes it much more advantageous for me to do business here. And so when you guys are walking over there and you getting on these applications and you getting on the Internet, you don’t even know who you’re talking to. You have no clue of whether you’re talking to some man that’s posing as a woman.

And then you fly over there and you take a chance and you risk it all. And then you start to end up like this person, all for a couple dollars. A local prosecutor saying Zhang was kidnapped during a date and killed when he could not make the ransom payment and that his body was found covered in stab wounds. I was confused, to be honest. I don’t know what the motive is.

Zhang had visited Colombia in the past, posting photos and videos to social media as recently as October with an unidentified. Look at who he posting. Look at who he posting. Oh, my God. She likes me for me. I asked the guy yesterday on after hours. I said, listen, what do you like about her? You all remember that some of you all was on after hours last night, and I asked him these same questions.

I said, what do you like about her? He said, oh, my God, she’s this, she’s that, blah, blah, blah, so on and so forth, right? And then I said, okay, cool. What do you think she likes about you? I mean, then he started getting defensive. He got mad at me, started throwing a tantrum. You don’t know. I might be saving this man’s life. I might be genuinely saving this man’s about.

What does she like about you? What does she tell you? He got sassy with me. Ask her. I’m asking you. You don’t want us taking overseas flights to go and see her and you looking to get her a green card here in the United States of America. I need to understand exactly what’s going on. I want to see. And you look at it as, oh, anti. Never hold men accountable.

No, we was going at it. We was going at it. Look at this woman. She looked like she got a barcode on her neck. What is that, a tattoo with red hair and an ed hardy shirt on? You in trouble. You in trouble. You in trouble. Trouble, fam. I can look at that picture right here, right now. I don’t even have to notice she’s in another country. I can look at that picture that you took of her and I could tell you right here, right now, that that is an unsafe situation for you to be in.

That is an unsafe situation for you to be in. Posting photos and videos to social media as recently as October with an unidentified woman. My girl. The embassy’s alert. Yo, girl. Okay. Do not believe all eight of the deaths are linked and said they’ve seen an increase in reports of incidents involving the use of online dating applications to lure victims, typically foreigners, for robbery by force or using sedatives to drug and rob individuals.

Often, the reports coming from major colombian cities like Medellin, Cartagena, and Bogota, murders of foreign visitors went up by 29% in the latter part of 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the embassy. I’m telling you, in some of these places with some of these things, you roll in the dice and they see you as food. Murders up of foreigners, 29% ransoms. Hey, if somebody called, hey, man, send me a couple extra thousand dollars.

I thought living was cheap over there. What you need a couple of extra thousand dollars for? Kind of been in a situation. Next thing you know, you stabbed up, ain’t got no kidneys, they sold your eyeballs, sold your kidneys, sold everything, and took the last $20 that you had over there. And most of the victims were us citizens. It’s a popular destination for Americans who are big contributors to Colombia’s tourism industry, making up nearly 30% of foreign travelers in the first half of last year.

But behind that beauty, tragedy, and unanswered questions for families like Zhang’s, a case where no arrests have been announced, according to that local prosecutor. Man, I ain’t gonna find nobody looking for you. You was over there posting on your instagram talking about, here go, my girl. Loved ones are left to mourn from thousands of miles away. He’ll draw everybody in. That’s the type of people he is. Okay with that.

Stephen Romo joins us. Stephen, so what kind of advice is the US embassy giving travelers? Because a lot of people travel to Colombia. Yeah, a lot of people do, that’s for sure. The advice, actually. And a dominican republic and Thailand and China and Japan and all of these other places. Okay. Applies to pretty much anywhere that you’re dating. When you find people online, a lot of it is if you meet a stranger, go to a public place.

We hear that time and time again. Also tell friends and family your plans, where you’re going, details about the person, and even what app you use. Subaru said, how’s this tied to passport, bros? This dude looks green. Didn’t know any better. I’m not going to answer that. I’m going to just let it keep rolling. This one, though, is more crime oriented. Do you think the majority of you all are not green? You think everybody that got taken out was only asian? Okay, going over there, do what you do.

You got it. You smarter than everybody else. You know the hoods over there, you know when you getting set up, you can spot them. You know when a chick is going to finesse, right? You better, you tougher, you smarter, you wiser. Everybody that go over there is situationally aware. Jesus Christ. They say don’t resist physically if you are being robbed. They say people who do that, they are more likely to be killed.

And also, importantly, in pretty much all situations, trust your instincts. If something feels off, just get away. But with all of these advisories and warnings out, I don’t even go to the hoods that are the places that I visit in the United States of America. I don’t even go to the hoods in my own city. I’m situationally aware when I leave out, and I got security with me.

I still got my head on a swivel. I got cameras everywhere. I got security with me when I go to certain places. What do you mean looking green? You ain’t got to be green to get jacked. You can be the toughest dude in the world. You could be the most situationally aware in the world. It does not matter. What I’m telling you is that be careful anywhere that you go, anywhere that you go, you need to be careful in your own city, in your own hoods.

Internationally, nationally, all across the board. You’re talking about, man, out there, it might be a good idea just to put that phone down, stop swiping while you’re visiting Colombia for a little advice, Stephen Romo. All right, man. Anyway, so the point of this whole segment is to be careful, because I know a lot of people are inspired by, and a lot of people, not just passport bros, but it’s a lot of people that’s doing a lot of traveling in general.

Ain’t nobody getting robbed in Thailand. All right, cool. Y’all got it. Y’all go ahead and head over there and see what’s happening. .

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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American deaths in Medellin Crimes linked to dating apps in Colombia Importance of sharing travel plans Increase in crimes against foreigners in 2023 Risks of traveling to foreign countries Risks of using dating apps in Colombia Safety advice for Americans visiting Colombia Safety measures against kidnapping and theft Understanding local culture in Colombia US embassy warning in Bogota

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