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➡ Gerald Celente discusses various trends in the news on July 25, 2024. He mentions that the GDP was better than expected, causing the Dow to rise, but the S&P 500 and Nasdaq dropped due to investors selling off leading tech stocks. The German economy is struggling, causing a drag on Eurozone growth, and there are warnings of a potential slowdown due to trade tensions and political uncertainty. He also discusses the potential for a market crash to impact the presidential race, and highlights issues in the office market and real estate sector. Finally, he mentions high levels of global hunger, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Celente. And it’s Thursday, July 25, 2024. And here are some of today’s trends in the news. And remember, the trend is your friend and we’re the only ones giving it to you. Nobody else knows how to do it other than us. And again, my books, trends 2000 international bestseller trend tracking far better than megatrends. Time magazine, Trends Journal since 1991. They don’t know how to do it. That’s why they’re not doing it. They don’t teach trend forecasting it. Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Cambridge, Oxford. They don’t know how to do it anyway. So here are the trends.

The markets today on the news that the GDP was better than expected, which is a lot of that was bullshit. Dow went up almost 600 points. Yeah, but at the end of the day, the S and P 500 Nasdaq composite dropped on Thursday, building on the previous session losses as investors continue to dump some of 2020. Four’s leading technology stocks, the S and P, declined 0.51%. Nasdaq down nearly 1%. And the Dow went up 81 or 0.2%. Again, it was up almost 600 points on the news. Again, you got to look at all the data and look at all the numbers.

And we’re giving it to you in your trends journal every week. Struggling german economy drags down eurozone growth. This is from the Financial Times today. Yep. Analysts warned that trade tensions, political uncertainty are likely to cause a slowdown. The economy has slowed sharply owing to weakened and forecast growth. Yep. But rising inflation, huh? How about dragflation? That’s right. Prices are still very high. So the economy is going down and prices are going to stay high and it’s going to keep eating the money out of the pockets of we the people, the plantation workers of Slavelandia. The reading for service sector fell from 52.8 to 51.9.

Anything below 50 is decreasing. It’s a decline. The manufacturing index, which is very important, particularly in Germany, dropped to 45.6%. So it’s in decline. And the ECB lowered interest rates. They’re going to do everything they can to try to prop up the economy. As we say, they’re going to do the same thing in the United States. Canada cut its interest rates because of the downside risk going on and the slowdown. You’re going to see more and more rate cuts. Us tech slide deepens after big names fail to hit targets. That was the headline story, one of them in the Financial Times yesterday and or today, actually, about yesterday’s stocks.

The Nasdaq was down 2.8%. Alphabet fell 5.1%. Nasdaq is down. Now it’s down almost 6% from July. 1110% down is correction, 20% down is bear market. So will there be bust? This would be an AI bust, quite possibly because they’re over investing in these AI is just like they did over investing dot. And that’s a very important aspect, because when we get to the presidential reality show, and again, our trend forecast, we just sent out a major press release, special trend alert, actually, Kamala Harris, 2024, and the Trends Journal, may 22 forecast. That’s what we did in May 2022.

We said Kamala Harris will be running for president and that she’d have a good shot of winning. The facts are all there, and we’re going to get to that. So going back to the, to the markets and what’s going on with interest rates, they’re going to do what they can to lower them to keep the people in power in power. And it’s very essential. So what could throw the wrench into Kamala Harris losing the campaign for the presidential reality show? A market crash. The market crash trumps in the markets. Stay up, no financial crisis. Harris wins again.

There are always wild cards. You cannot predict them. So a wild card like a market crash will mean Harris will lose. What else we got here? Are you ready? Yeah. Big story in the wall journal, $5 a day. $5 a day if you buy it daily. The trends journals, $2.56 a week, over 200 pages. You read what you want. High tech, science, technocracy, AI, geopolitics, economics, on and on and on. This is the headline story. DC office market struggles to persist. Oh, the DC office markets. How about the rest of the fucking country? No, no. The district office vacancy rates rose to a new high of 22.4% in the second quarter.

In the first quarter, about 39% of Washington office loans were securitized. That were securitized were either in default or at risk of default. Yep. According to the credit research firm KBR A analytics, this was the 7th highest rate in the country. 7th highest rate in the country. How about the other six? How about talking about them? Not a fucking word. Not a word. All they’re talking about is a DC office market. The office building bust is going to crash the banking system. We’re the only ones in the world talking about it for years, beginning in May of 2020, when they locked down the country and forced people to work at home.

Your office occupancy rate, according to castle systems is 50.1% nothing. They go on to say here. Creditors foreclosed on twelve district office buildings in the first half of the year, exceeding the total of 2023. And not another tread worthy piece of information. And that’s why you subscribe to the Trends Journal, because again, playing it down from the Wall Street Journal, deutsche bank warns of a hit from real estate. Little article about nothing. A little article about nothing. But their stocks fell roughly 8% last month in, let’s see. Yeah, 8%. The banks are going to go bust.

These loans are not going to be covered. And the money that the banksters got when they locked down everything and Trump and Biden pumped in trillions of dollars of fake money backed by nothing, imprinted on nothing, artificially pushed up the equity markets and the economy. Our housing prices only went up 47% since the COVID war began in 2020. I thought everything was going to crash when the COVID war happened. Oh, you were wrong, Solenti. Yeah, I was wrong. I didn’t know they come up with zero fucking interest rates and pump in trillions of dollars of again worthless money.

Blackstone’s battered mortgage fund slumps as empty office is intensify pressure of its holdings in US office space. 55% is watch list or impaired according to an earnings presentation. The gloom in the office sector has also affected other companies, including KKR Real Estate Finance Trust, which slashed its dividends amid soaring loans in February. They don’t state in this whole article the percentage of empty office spaces in the country. They don’t talk about the office occupancy rate. They don’t talk about all the businesses that are going out of business because of the empty buildings in major cities. And again week after week to be one of your top trends for 2024 EV’s go f you.

Yep, said this is going to happen. And here are the numbers now. Along with a golden year for gold. Wasn’t too golden this year for cold. We’ll get to that. Porsche pulls back on EV sales growth. Tesla’s profits dropped 45% to sales. Cool. General Motor delays, electric vehicle build out again. Old news for trends. Journal subscribers hated, hated, hated by the media. Whores, prestitutes that keep selling the bullshit in the business world of how great everything is. And don’t forget to play your money and gamble. Yep. Stellantis envy’s earnings plummet in first six months. Yeah, no shit.

And then again week after week, month after month after month after year, we’ve been showing the decline of luxury sales and how the fish rots from the head down. Gucci only keering’s results hit by revamp. China woes. China malaise spreads to luxury sector. Know what that is? They killed the chinese economy when they started the COVID war in Chinese Lunar New Year. The year the rat in January 2023. Years of zero COVID policy that destroyed the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people and billions around the world. But we won’t talk about that, because nobody else does.

Except, of course, it’s in your trends journal. You ready for this? UN criticizes shamefully high hunger levels. Levels of hunger is set to remain shamefully high, according to the United States nations officials in a report that predicts almost 600 million people will be undernourished. All right. The COVID war did this. It was a bad situation before this happened. One of our top trends for 2020, which came we put out late December, was new world disorder. People around the world were taking to the streets. Lack of basic living standards, government corruption, crime, violence. France, the yellow vests, Algeria, Lebanon, South Africa, India, all you have, Chile, Bolivia, all over the world.

Then they lock down everything. You can’t go out and protest. Then they put the COVID war made a very bad situation much worse. So what does this also mean? You think you got a migrant crisis? Now that’s bad. It’s just begun. People are starving to death, living in terrible conditions. They’re going to do everything they can to escape. Wealth of global top 1% grew $42 trillion over the past decade. That’s according to Oxfam. Isn’t that great? As we, the people of slave land, you get poorer. The big zone, everything they own, the fucking government again, look in your trends journal and look at all the money.

Look at all the money that the big slime balls these little fucking arrogant people have given to the shitheads running for President Trump and Harris. Not a fucking penny for peace. Not a fucking penny for peace from these fucks. Hey, you only got $42 trillion, rich. Hey, come on, Solenti, what’s wrong with you? The average net worth of the elite jumped by nearly 400,000 per person after adjusting for inflation, compared to $335 for the bottom half of the plantation workers. Yep. That’s disgusting. And again, I can go on. Financial hardship is top risk factor for suicide.

This is from medical today. You ready? According to a new study, people who have already recently experienced severe financial strain may have a 20 fold higher of attempting suicide than those who have not encountered hardship. They go on to say our research shows that financial stress has played a major role in suicides. And this needs to be recognized and appreciated in light of the unprecedented financial instability triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. You know what that is? Bullshit. Level def con five has nothing to do with the pandemic. It has to do with scumbag politicians who made up this fucking shit of locking down the country when the people that were dying of COVID had 2.6 or 2.4 pre existing comorbidities.

When the average age of the people dying in Italy, the first country to lock down after China, was the average age, 81 years old. What’s the average death age in America? Like 77? Not the pandemic politicians. That’s how they’re rewriting history. And I said, the COVID war has destroyed the lives and livelihoods, spiritually, financially, mentally, of billions of people. The facts are there, and we’re writing about it each week in the Trends journal and talking about the COVID war. Kamala Harris, that’s our forecast. And who’s going to be the next president of the USSA? And our trend alert.

Special trend alert. The trends Journal had forecast that Joe Biden would step down. This is from our May 17, 2022 trends Journal. And Kamala Harris would run for president in 2024. And now we forecast, minus a wild card such as a market crash, Harris will beat Trump in the race for the White House. We go on to say that she came out in 2022. Here was. We wrote here that we had also forecast that despite Joe Biden’s low approval rating during the 2022 midterm election season, the Republicans would lose the opportunity to have a strong House majority, which they did because of their anti abortion platform.

And that Kamala Harris, as the democratic party heir. That’s a quote. Would seize upon the opportunity, which she did. And abortion was the issue. We write there was no better signal to issue than abortion. Gerald Cilenti has long said, when all else fails, they take you to war in electoral politics. For Democrats going into the midterm elections, that saying could be edited to when all else fails, they bring up abortion rights. And that’s what she is doing. She’s out there today speaking about it and getting the cheers. Harris blast Trump vision as one of chaos, fear, and hate.

Fiery teachers union speech, Harris contrasted her agenda. Ready first thing of abortion rights, LGBTQ rights, gun control, support for organized labor, student loan, debt relief, with policies of republican nominee Trump and his allies on those issues. Again, abortion rights became the first one. This is the bullshit out of Harris’s mouth. Your body, your choice, but not when it came to the vaccination. She was a big promoter of the COVID jam to getting a vaccine. And what do you think is causing it? And then what do you do about it? So I start with this. The vaccines are safe.

They are free. And many cases reported to be much more serious in terms of its impact. And the vaccine will protect you from it. And about our power and about how getting vaccinated is taking back our power from this virus. And I, and I believe that because when you are vaccinated, when you get vaccinated, you are not just protecting yourself, protecting your family, you’re protecting your neighbors. You are protecting people. You may never meet that for. Fucking horseshit. Swallow the horseshit. Swallow the horseshit. No job have gotta hear. Get out of here. That’s oh, my body, my choice.

You are sexist. You are sexist. I am a male. How about my body, my choice? How about my body, my choice? Fuck you, Salenti. We’re running the country. You’re only a little piece of shit whose money we steal to give to the military industrial complex. Oh, and the bullshit that she doesn’t support the israeli war. We got it all detailed. She was honored to speak to a pack she supports. Oh, gun control. Still the steal the guns from the people of America, but give the Israelis all the bombs they want to murder everybody they want. Keep bloodying the killing fields of Ukraine.

What a bunch of fucking hypocrite bullshit. And she’s gonna win. Yep. Anyway, we go on and on here. Yep. Yep. And by the way, for all of those who say that she’s not gonna get the nomination, this is from the Wall Street Journal. By Monday evening, the vice president had enough pledged delegates to secure the nomination today. You got it. And then here, Harris views on Israel now went to the spotlight. That’s an internal paper record. Aides to Miss Harris said she remained unwavering in her support for Israel. She has been equally forceful in her condemnation of the October 7 Hamas assault.

Aides say she has been engaged with israeli officials, having spoken regularly with President Isaac Herzog, as well as Benny Gantz, the former member of Israel’s war cabinet. And she’s particularly. 20 calls between Mister Biden and Mister Netanyahu. Before October 7, Miss Harris had established a largely uncritical posture toward Israel. Three months after becoming a senator in 2017, Miss Harris spoke at AIPAC’s annual convention, a role she called an honor. During her address, she boasted that the first act as a senator was to co sponsor a resolution condemning the United Nations Security Council, call for Israel to immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied palestinian territory, which are totally illegal by the International Court of Justice, detailed in this week’s Trends journal.

So it’s all fucking bullshit. It’s all fucking bullshit. And speaking about bullshit, you had what’s his name over there, Netanyahu, speaking to the Congress. Well, applauded for his bullshit. And defiant. Netanyahu defends Gaza war. He goes on to say Netanyahu displayed his penchant for intervening in us politics, honed over decades, delivering pointed jabs at Democrats and sometimes lavishing praise on Trump. This is the Wall Street Journal. He thanked Biden for supporting Israel in the nine month war, but also sought to put White House on the defensive, calling for the United States to, quote, fast track additional weapons shipments.

Isn’t that nice? Yeah, to keep slaughtering Palestinians. Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. They may assassinate me for this. Fuck you. Fuck you. Our enemies are not your enemies. I am an American. Your enemies are not my enemies. This is a disgrace. And all those little fucking gutless pricks, and I could say the other word, got up and applauded and applauded. Yep, they applauded. Netanyahu. Netanyahu, especially Republicans, as the prime minister walked off the dyers of two chants of, 1400 dead. 1400 dead. How about the 40,000 Palestinians dead? How about them? Oh, no, palestinian lives don’t matter.

Oh, hey, hey, hey, Harris, black lives matter. Oh, palestinian lives don’t matter, huh? Nope. He thanked Trump. Yep. Give us the tools and we will finish the job. Netanyahu said, yep, give us the tools to keep murdering people. Keep sending over those bombs again. This is a disgrace. Our enemies are your enemies. Our fight is your fight. No, it’s not. No, it is nothing. Where is the fucking outrage? Our victory will be your victory. You mean the slaughter and stealing of land? That ain’t victory. They may kill me for this. I’ve been getting death threats. They’re a murderous gang.

By their deeds, you shall know them. You better come to the rally on September 28 in Kingston. Go to occupy peace. Occupied come to the rally. Judge Napolitano, Scott Ritter, Max Blumenthal, Anya Power and pill. Oh, jewish people are going to be there too. Yeah, we better unite for peace. You can see these crazy bastards and bitches that are going to take us to war. This is a total disgrace. We got a lot more to say. A lot more. It’s in your trends journal. Go to the only magazine in the world where you’ll get history before it happens to.


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GDP impact on Dow July 2024 Gerald Celenti news trends 2024 German economy struggle Eurozone growth global hunger levels during COVID-19 pandemic market crash impact on presidential race office market issues 2024 real estate sector problems 2024 S&P 500 Nasdaq drop tech stocks trade tensions political uncertainty economic slowdown

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