NYC Mayor Eric Adams Indicted! Could He Be Connected To P Diddy? This October Will Be HUGE!!

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ The hosts of Nino’s Corner TV discuss various current events, including the escalating tensions worldwide and the indictment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams. They also warn about the threat of title theft, a type of fraud where scammers can steal homeowners’ equity, and promote a service called Home Title Lock that offers protection against this crime. The hosts speculate that these events could be the start of a series of significant changes.
➡ The text discusses various issues, including animal abuse in the Caribbean, city council meetings in Alabama, political opinions on Trump and Biden, potential military confrontations with Russia and China, and the indictment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams. The speakers share personal experiences and speculate on future political events, expressing concerns about the state of the country and the world.
➡ There are rumors that New York City Mayor Eric Adams may be connected to some form of corruption and could potentially surrender to authorities next week. The indictment is expected to be unsealed soon. There’s speculation about a possible connection between Adams and Diddy, the nightlife mayor. Amidst these allegations, there’s a sense of irony and a ‘boomerang effect’ as similar accusations were previously made against Trump.
➡ The text discusses a controversial topic about Sean Diddy Combs, a famous personality, who is known for his extravagant parties. The speakers speculate about the reasons behind Combs buying 1000 bottles of baby oil in bulk and the possible implications of this. They also discuss a list of celebrities who allegedly attended these parties. The conversation then shifts to a sponsored message about liver health, before returning to the topic of Combs’ parties and the potential consequences for those involved.
➡ The text discusses the importance of consent and maturity in relationships, particularly focusing on the issue of minors being involved with adults. It also touches on societal changes and the perceived softening of people’s attitudes. The conversation then shifts to political tension, potential threats against lawmakers, and proposed amendments for safety measures. Lastly, it mentions various disruptions in New York City, such as glitches in elevators and subways, and concerns about potential accidents or outages.
➡ The discussion revolves around a controversial video posted on Ayatollah’s website, which is speculated to be a threat against Trump. The speakers express their concerns about the potential misuse of technology for harmful purposes. They also discuss the possibility of chaos and unrest in the coming months, particularly around the election period. The conversation ends with the speakers sharing their platforms where they focus on history and geopolitics.


Hi folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. I am joined with Ros Angel Perez once again and this time Ron partain. We’re doing a, a roundtable here. Going to be talking about October. Surprised. Everything heating up. Everyone’s preparing. There seems to be some kind of takedowns happening. The P. Diddy stuff is escalating. World War three is escalating now. Eric items, Erica Adams is indicted. What the hell next is going to happen? I mean anybody’s guess. So thank you Ron. And thank you Rose angel for, for joining me. This is going to be an exciting podcast folks. But 1st first I got to do it.

Home title lock folks. Attention american homeowners. You already do so much to protect your home, but there’s a hidden threat you might not even know about and it’s called title theft and it’s happening in the millions of. Did you know that homeowners nationwide have over $32 trillion in home equity? With everything going on in the state of the us economy, home ownership is more challenging than ever. And title theft is one last thing you should have to worry about. That’s why you need protection from the crime that the FBI calls house stealing. And they do this by cyber and then you don’t even know what happens to you.

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And a complete title scan of your home’s title so you can make sure your home hasn’t already been compromised. This is really, really happening. I just interviewed the guy that’s hometown use the promo code David to get started. This is a serious threat. It’s happening in the millions in America. You don’t even know it. You just get a foreclosure sign on your door and your house is gone. Crazy. It’s crazy times we’re living in. Everything’s crazy right now. Everything. Amen of that. It’s just the news we’re about to bring right now is crazy. So are you guys ready to hit this? Yeah, let’s do it.

Let’s roll. All right, so let’s start first with Eric Adams. Eric Adams Mayor Eric Adams indicted right here. Boom. New York City. Merrick Mayor Eric Adams indicted following a federal investigation, sources say. Looks like it. Looks like to me, guys, that is Los Angeles still on here. She’s gone. Looks like she’s gone, but she might show. She’d probably back. Yeah, she’ll be back. But it looks like to me she just disappeared. Looks like to me like the takedowns are happening. It looks like to me if there’s any inclination or any sign of this, it seems the p.

Diddy thing. Eric Adams, Kathy hotels. What is it? Editor in chief. She’s been taken down. I mean, this is getting a little wild, don’t you think, Ron? Yeah, I agree. She just texted me and she’s coming in. She’s coming back. So the, yeah, the, you know, I’m seeing, you know, I know Juan often says that there’s never going to, there’s not going to be a secret rapture, but, you know, in this particular case, I kind of feel like we might be seeing something akin to that. I don’t know. I can’t say it for certain, but I am seeing there’s a lot of stuff that’s going on right now that would lead me to believe that there, you know, that there are arrests happening behind the scenes right now, maybe in, you know, in private.

So I think, I think there has to be. I seems to me like there’s moves being made right now. But as all this is happening, it’s like the escalation of world War three is happening. It seems to me like, you know, more the ditty stuff. It seems like everything’s just happening. The climax is happening right now going into October. And I’ve always said October is going to be like the kickoff, you know, this is going to, you know, every October of every year has been red October. A hot, red, hot October. I mean, last year it was the thing with Israel, right? And now this, this October, you could bet it’s going to be even crazier than last October.

Don’t you agree? Oh, yeah. And it’s, you know what? It’s so crazy to say that, you know, we’re literally almost a year away from ten, seven. To me, that’s insane that it happened. It’s, I mean, it’s like, wow, time just flew already. It’s crazy. But, you know, you know, on that note, you know, I, we are seeing so many things happen right now. You know, you talked about, you know, building up into a crescendo. I don’t even think that we’re, I think that what we’re witnessing right now is like, we’re still in the calm. I don’t think, I don’t even think we’re even near storm yet.

It’s like maybe, maybe a little bit of breeze and some drizzle, but, you know, in terms of like, hurricane. No. Yeah, but we all see it coming. We all right, coming. Some of them are feeling it right now. Like New York Mayor Eric Adams, who’s been indicted following a federal investigation. Sources tell CB’s New York. I heard he could be arrested by tomorrow. That’s what I heard as well. Yeah. The move comes on the heels of several investigations involving the mayor and members of his administration. The various pros have been playing out over the course of months, starting in November 2023 and heating up with a flurry of subpoenas in recent weeks.

Adams responded to reports of the indictment on Wednesday night. My fellow New Yorkers, it is now my belief that the federal government intended to charge me with crimes. If so, these charges will be entirely false. Yeah, buddy. Based on lies. But they. But would not be surprising. I always knew that I, if I stood my ground for all of you, I would be a target, and a target I became. So he’s going to play that card. I guess we all know what he’s trying to play, that game. That’s. Just because he plays the game doesn’t mean the people are going to buy it.

This is going to get bad. I mean, for, we. For months, leaks and rumors have been aimed at me in an attempt to undermine my credibility and paint me as guilty. Just this past week, they searched the home of our New York police commissioner, looking for documents from 20 years ago, just one week after he joined my administration. Enough. I will fight these injustices with every ounce of my strength and spirit. If I’m charged, I know I’m innocent. I will request immediate trials so the New Yorkers can hear the truth. New Yorkers know I’m sorry. They know where I came.

I come from. I have been fighting injustice my entire life. The fight is continued as your mayor, despite your pleas, where the federal government did nothing, as its broken immigration policies overloaded our shelter system. With no relief, I put the people of New York before party and politics. Now, if I am charged, many may say I should resign because I cannot manage the city while fighting the case. I can also understand everyday New Yorkers will be concerned that I cannot do my job while I face accusations. But I have been facing these lies for months as I begin to speak out for all of you.

And their investigation started, yet the city has continued to improve. Make no mistake, you elected me to lead this city, and lead it I will. I humbly ask for your prayers and your patience as we see this through. God bless you, and God bless the city of New York. Thank you. This guy is so Democrat. He’s a Democrat. Yeah. Okay. Not even that. But, you know, Democrats for the most part, and I hate using that term and putting people into a, into a box, but for the most part, people on the Democrat side, they refuse to invoke God in prayer in anything that they do.

So whenever they do that, that means that they’re, like, in serious trouble. And, yeah, you’re right that he’s like, you never see an atheist in a foxhole, right? Isn’t that what they say? That’s right. When in danger, they go to God. Everyone does. Yep. You know, I mean, to me, I’m wondering, you know, with P. Diddy and everything happening right now, the timing of this going into November has me really thinking. I’m like, is this all connected? Maybe. Is, could we be seeing the first domino’s fall that we’ve been, I think, so. Desperately waiting for? I absolutely think so.

100%. I mean, everything that we’re seeing right now is like, I mean, that you’ve got, that. You’ve got all the stuff with different groups of people all over the country, you know, the people from down in the Caribbean that allegedly are doing things to animals, domesticated animals. You’ve got. And then I saw that there was a thing in Alabama where there was a city council meeting where the citizens came to talk to him about a very similar problem. And it’s like the city council just completely shut the meeting down. I saw that. Yes. They didn’t even want to hear it.

Right. No, they’re like, you know, deal with it. We’re done. This meeting anymore. Yeah, we don’t care. I mean, and that shows you just where we’re at in this country, where everyone’s at. And that’s in south Alabama. I mean, you want to talk about, I mean, you want to talk about flyover country and hardcore conservative values. Yeah, you don’t want to mess with those people. I mean, everyone’s just taxed out. Like, everyone’s just, like, a little exhausted, and they’re just like, let’s get it on. Like, we’re at. We’re now there where it’s like, enough talk. We’ve passed a press conference.

We’ve passed away ins. It’s time to fight. You think that’s what people are? Okay, so let me, let me tell you, let me. I want to tell you two stories. One, one happened to me today. I was in the, I went to the grocery store and I was buying a couple things, and, and I was wearing, I was wearing my trump, I was wearing a trump shirt. And the meat counter guy came out and he saw me, he saw my shirt, and he said, I like your shirt. And I’m like, oh, thanks. And I says, like, it’s going to be.

Do you like his pants? No. I knew what he was referring to. I knew what he was referring to. But anyway. Sorry. All right. Sorry. He said, he’s like, I say it’s going to be an interesting, interesting couple months, you know? And he’s like, yeah. I said, I said, I think it’s going to turn out really good for us, you know, come November. And he said, I agree. Says there’s no way that they can, they can kind of take it from him. And if they try to, and this is, these are his words. He says, if they try to where we have a better, we have better aim.

Oh, my God, dude. You know, everyone’s, everyone’s going there. I went to go get a haircut today, and the hairstylist next to that, my barber, was like, I was like, all right, we made a bet, right? And he’s like, you said it. You said he thinks that Kamala gonna make, he has no faith in mister t or any kind of operation or anything happening. He thinks they’re gonna take it and she’s gonna get in. So I have a bet with her. My, the only thing that I didn’t include in the equation was her maybe being installed before November as some kind of event or threat might be happening to America.

She gets installed the 25th, uses the 25th, Biden gets six, you know, strips of gear. I think they’re that desperate, and I think they might try to maneuver her in before November. What’s your thoughts on that? You mean, like, you mean the 25th Amendment? Something like that. Something happened to Biden. You know, who knows? And then that way, she’s like, she’s already in there. They got her locked in. Basically ever happens, she becomes the president, as you’re saying. Right. You know, I’ve been thinking about that, and I hadn’t considered that. I have to be honest. I hadn’t considered that.

But, I mean, I hear a lot of people saying that Jill Biden is running. The White House is running the. Is running. She’s conducting a lot of the meetings. Yeah, that’s. She’s done a few of them already. And Biden says, go get him, kiddeh. Like, okay. Yeah, that’s. I mean, that’s very. That’s reminiscent of Woodrow Wilson’s wife. It’s great. Okay, so Woodrow. When, when Woodrow Wilson’s wife, she basically ran the country at the. At the end of his presidency because he had a stroke. And that was the entire reason why they put the 25th amendment in place is as a result of that.

So. Yeah, so that was why. That was why. That was where the 25th amendment came from. Because Woodrow Wilson’s wife was basically acting as president for the final, like, 18 months of his presidency. That’s crazy. That’s where. That was the origins. Woodrow Wilson was the one that sign in was for the Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve Act 16, 17th Amendment. He used. He was there when we went. Yeah, that was him. So. And anyway, it’s. It’s. It’s crazy. Well, look at this. I mean, and I did a show on this earlier. US gears up for homeland defense as Russia China warships reach Pacific.

A russian chinese flotilla sailed toward the northern Pacific Ocean on Monday, while the United States deployed two warships for homeland defense operations to protect Alaska. Like, this is getting. I think. I think that’s. I think that’s just, that’s just bluster. Looks like Rose angels coming in. I don’t. I’m not worried about a military confrontation with either Russia or China. I mean, you. Yeah, I’m not worried about it at all. I’m not worried, but I’m concerned. It’s definitely. I think we’re heading towards that, you know, has said many times, hey, man, there could be a nuclear scare.

He. He really firmly believes that’s. I I don’t disagree with. How do you not worry about. Okay. There’s a. Okay. But because there’s a difference between a scare and an event. A scare is like a cuban missile crisis type moment where everybody’s on. On a razor’s edge before some event occurs. All right. An actual event where you have a detonation of a nuclear bomb. Well, that could happen. That’s. Yeah. I’m. I’m just. I don’t know. I’m not as concerned about that. I guess I don’t have any control over it, so why would I. I’m not going to worry about it.

If it happens, that happens. And I got to, you know, I get. Maybe I got to deal with it. But until it happens, I’m not going to live my life as though it did happen. Well, Rose angel, thank you for joining us once again. I know your computer froze up, right? Yeah, Lisa froze with a smile, at least. Hello, everyone. It’s good to be back with the fam. And hello, Ronnie. Nice to meet you. Yeah, exactly. I’m super excited. So what are we looking at here? Ros angel kind of puts these together for me and my podcast.

She’s been an amazing help. Everyone knows Ros angel. She’s been a producer for MTV, and she’s worked with Diddy, which is absolutely crazy to me. So right here, I’m going to go ahead and click on the first one here. Ros Angela, obviously, it’s telling us Eric Adams becomes first sitting New York City mayor indicted in historic federal probe claims feds persecuting him over migrant crisis. I mean, we all know he’s part of the game. I mean, he’s gonna play this card of, I’m innocent. I’ve been. New York has turned into be a hellhole. Right? I mean, you live there.

Rose angel. Mm hmm. And we were just a city hall yesterday because of varma Gate. I won’t get into it too much here. I would just say to the community, explore that hashtag. But it does have to do with how he kept certain policies in place after de Blasio. And he had. Look at this. Hold on. Just look at this guy for a second. I mean, look what he is. I mean, wow. Anyway, go ahead. I’m just. Well, look, he is a walking meme. He is better than SNL. He writes his own memes. He says that he is the best mayor of the globe.

And the way he reasons that is because New York is the best city in the whole globe, and he’s the mayor of New York City. And that means he’s the best mayor of the globe. That math doesn’t make sense to me. But whenever he would get criticized, he would just kick back and say it’s that they can’t handle all this chocolate leading the city. Now, me, as a latina woman, I do appreciate that, you know, he wanted to install the first, you know, black and Brown in certain positions of leadership, because we really hadn’t seen that in the city.

But, you know, the conversation is, it’s always, is it the right person? Is it a qualified person? Is it someone that can do the job? When you’re in a leadership position that requires, you know, having. Managing all of these different nuances in the city, one has to be prepared. And I don’t know if he really knew what kind of situation he was putting himself in. He had an opportunity, but he chose to create his Persona as a nightlife mayor. I want to just take a moment to shout out the former NYPD that have been exposing this corruption, like John D.

McCarry and South Greco and Eric dim and Sal Greco called it. We’ve been smelling it. And is their connection to him and diddy. A lot of people are rumoring that industry. We don’t know. That’s what I was gonna ask you. That was gonna be next. I mean, a lot of rumors that he could, that’s the whispers I’m hearing. No validation on that. It’s allegedly. Could he be connected to Diddy? Because he is the nightlife mayor. Right. Adams will surrender to authorities early next week. Sources said. I’ve heard tomorrow as early as tomorrow. So I’m not sure what you all.

Well, we’re not sure. I know that, you know, that we were sort of placing bets on the back end if it was going to come down to Thursday. Some thought that it would be as late as the following week. But we were kind of, this is sort of like the announcement of the news breaking today. I’ll play it Wednesday night. The indictment has not been unsealed. Rumor is, and it looks corroborated right now, that the indictment will be unsealed tomorrow, Thursday morning, with the mayor actually surrendering next week. But Mayor Eric Adams appears to have been indicted here in New York City.

Stay tuned. We’re going to be following it. You know, I just, Fox News has just confirmed democratic New York. I find all this, you know, everything that happened to Trump and now it just seems to me like it’s happening to all of them. Like the boomerang is beginning. Boomerang. That was exactly the word I was going to use. Right. I mean, isn’t this is, this seems like the boomerang effect, right? That’s what it looks like to me. I’m ask Rose angel, what do you think? We, we’ve been smelling this, and I have to say that there have been many different approaches to wanting to dismantle and unveil Eric Adams.

And so which approach really worked? We know that there have been active movement on the du jour end to, you know, hold him accountable and, you know, and hold him to his oath. Shout out to them, too. I am. I have to say I’m really proud to be a New Yorker, even though we are experiencing one of the most corruption filled weeks that I can attest to in my life. Well, you don’t, you know, you don’t remember what it was like in the cot years before Rudy Giuliani was mayor. I mean, the nineties New York City was just, I mean, it was a hellhole and crime was through the roof.

And it was when Giuliani came in, that was when he stopped the, they started, what was it called, the, was it stop and frisk or the broken windows or broken windows policing or something like that. But I’ve heard Bongino talk about this quite a lot when, you know, I used to listen to his podcast that New York City was just really dangerous. I don’t know if it’s as dangerous today or if it’s more dangerous today. Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve, I think I’ve spent all of about 24 hours in New York City. So every city has spiked right now, man.

Every city. Well, I’m, but I’m close to Los Angeles and I, you know, I spend a fair amount of time in LA, and it’s, you know, downtown LA is, I was there in my, in my convertible with the top down not too long ago. And I was nervous. Honestly. I was like, I was, I was apprehensive. I, I wanted to get the hell out of there. That this is all into sort of like interconnected. I’m sorry to be right. Yeah, it is. How can it not be? Lucas says here, says now, adams and Diddy could be cellmates in the same federal prison.

Wow. I know I’m not supposed to laugh, but come on. I find this to be hilarious. The irony of this, right? He’s giving p. Diddy the, the, the keys of the city, calling himself the, the entertainment bad boy, and then he’s a bad boy of politics. I mean, this, they’re obviously, they obviously have a relationship. This could be connected. You know what I see here? This, I, this is just another form of like a. Gave the presidential medal of freedom to Biden. Yeah, exactly. Videos have been playing on the jumbotron for TSX Broadway, and the crowd waited.

Then around 1130, the doors open for the mayor and the artist. The bad boy of entertainment is getting the key to the city from the bad boy of politics. I want to thank you for this honor and just record speaker one. Now they’re going to be cellmates. But this is insane. I can’t believe the times we’re living in. I’m telling you, Trump had to go first. That’s the way they, I believe the way they strategize this. They orchestrated this, and now that’s out of the way. And here we go with the rest of them. What do you think, guys? Well, excuse me, if you don’t mind.

I’ll go first on this. I think that’s absolutely accurate. In the drops, it talks about how this will be insulated. And I believe that what we are, what, the period of time that we are in right now is that insulation period. And of course, they could have multiple meetings there. But, you know, Mister T is insulated right now because he’s not in a position where he has any authority, you know, at least in the public sphere. So what do you. What do you. What do you. What are your thoughts, Rose angel, if you want to give them.

Well, no, I meant. No, I have. So. I have so many thoughts that we could be here all day. It’s just that, besides it being a connection to Diddy, even if it’s not a direct connection, there’s something that reminds me of why we’re there on Tuesday, which I don’t want to expound too much here because of the censorship stuff, but the expose that happened, one thing that people kind of didn’t connect is that this man was having sex parties, supposedly in a dungeon by Wall street. So here. I mean, and then, of course, then. Then all of a sudden, this man that he was a connected to, who was having this? Who was having the parties? The mayor, or did he.

No, no, no. Well, earlier, last. Yesterday, we were a city hall putting pressure on the Adams administration because of his refusal to hire back the thousands of city workers who said no joined 2020 season. Right, right. Mask it for. Yep. Yep. Our audience. Yep. So there was an expose done by Crowder, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, that blew. A whole bunch of things opened in that expose that you hear someone who was directly in charge of defining the policy during 2020 for New Yorkers. So while he was mandating mandates, he was having sex parties, he says, in a dungeon.

So, of course, this was under the de Blasio administration. But then, um, it connects to Adams because Adams continued it. Now, how? I have a feeling that all of this is, in a weird way, interconnected, because there were no bid contracts that were accepted. There’s the funneling of people that were, you know, that just keep coming through the border. There’s his strange relationships with foreign nationals. And so. And then just all of that is kind of connected. Now. How is it connected fully to Diddy? We don’t know, but maybe it’s just that there was corruption at the top mismanaged in all senses of the word.

So even if it’s not directly connected, it’s still connected in this, in the sitting, in the, in the regard that New York is in unveiling, a lot of corruption does here. Diddy’s former bodyguard has said in multiple interviews that did, he had blackmail tapes on not just celebrities, but also politicians, members of royal families and even preachers. Reachers, man. Can’t wait till that comes out. I don’t think it’s only celebrities who’s going to be shook. G. Deal said he had politicians in there. He had princes in there. He also had a couple of preachers in there.

As I’ve been saying, the daily revelations will lead to high profile politicians like Bill and you know who else. I can’t say their names on this, believe it or not. And they’re front here. So this is, uh, and I can’t even say her name on here either. But I’ll play a little bit of this. I don’t think it’s only celebrities going to be shook. He had politicians in there. He had princes in there. He also had a couple of preachers in you per. Wow. I mean, well, you’ve heard, you’ve heard the story about like, TD Jakes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. I just. Crazy. Listen, I just texted you something, Nino, and I’ll send this to you as well. See, it’s, this is a. Where are you? Come on. There you are. This is, it says, FBI whistleblower testifies to Congress, advises to be prepared due to corruption. Wait, what is this? What did you say that again? It says, FBI whistleblower testifies to Congress, advises to be prepared due to corruption. Like he’s giving a threat to Congress. No, like he’s telling, he’s telling people in Congress and the people of the country to be ready for chaos that’s going to ensue because of the exposure of corruption.

This also makes me go back to Trump’s truth social post where he put a checkmate symbol. Mm hmm. I have to wonder, is this what it is? You know, he’s had an attempt on his life twice now. I don’t think they’re fucking around anymore, dude. I think, I think there’s, you know what? They might even be speeding up the process. What do you think? I agree, but I think it’s been, I think we’ve naturally been, I mean, we’re going downhill and it’s, we’re starting to get into, like we’re starting to build up speed. Yeah, absolutely. It’s like.

It’s like the cascade is happening right now. So what, what’s this? Ros Angel, Sean Diddy combs lawyer, blames Costco for 1000 bottles of baby oil he buys in bulk. Well, you know, it’s so perverted, man. Well, this is kind of like what I’ve been contemplating. Why? Why a thousand? Why does this number keep popping up? Is, does this mean something bigger than what the story is representing? Because out of all the things, and I understand, I’m aware of saying this with a media lens, that people will grab what’s most sensational about something and just keep highlighting it.

But it just seems a little bit weird to me that we keep talking about the thousand bottles of baby oil and Lou, I mean, they’re just talking about his freak off parties. No, I just. The number and the exaggeration. Why? Yeah, let’s say. I mean, did they have like a slip and slide? I heard so many stupid things. Like maybe he used it to fill a bath. A bathtub maybe. I don’t know. I’ve heard these parties are crazy. I mean, they are absolutely crazy. All right, hold on 1 second, Ros angel. And on 1 second, folks.

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Visit get liver forward slash Nino. Hit the link below, folks. Get started on it and start feeling your best. All right, I’m gonna get back to the stories here. This is, this is so wild to me. I don’t even know where to speak. Where this. Here we are. Here it is. Boom. Baby oil. So I just think they’re freak off parties. I think everyone’s involved. There’s what, thousands of people at these things? Did you show off that? Did you show the. Yeah. You still have that link that I sent you about the. The white parties with Leonardo DiCaprio in it? Yeah, I’d have to find it.

No, I can send it to you again real quick. Send it to me. Email to vomiting pictures right now. I mean, everything’s coming out. It’s just getting so crazy. It really is. It really to everybody. I mean, this guy was, I mean, like, like what we talked about in the last show, like Hugh Hefner in the Playboy mansion. This guy was that of the entertainment industry. These people had no idea that they were being filmed for blackmail. All of them. Right. He was getting dirt on all these people. I guess that was his role. Yeah, there you go.

Check your email. I’ll check it. But listen, parties are the hottest ticket around. They won’t even give me a permit for the parties, man. They don’t want me to throw the parties no more. We ain’t gonna stop. We gonna keep on having fun, bringing people together from all walks of life. You gonna hear about my parties. They’re gonna be shutting them down. They’re gonna probably be arresting me. Doing all types of crazy things just cause we. So he’s predicting his arrest right here. This is crazy. This is pretty wild. We wanna have a good time. You know, whenever you bring up a different element into people’s environment, things that broaden people’s horizons, people get intimidated.

There’s a lot of people out there that feel. Feel intimidated by it. It ain’t nothing but break it down. Racial barriers. Break it down. Generation barriers. People from all walks of life. Ron Perlman talking to Jay Z. Jay, man, he’s even Jayz. Can I say something about that? You know, when he’s talking about breaking down age barriers and breaking down gender barriers or color. Color barriers, stuff like that. Most notably, age barriers. Oh, did you say age barriers? He said that, right? He. Did he not? Did I hear that? Did you hear that, Rose Angel? I.

Let’s replay it, then. Yeah, let’s replay it. I thought he said age barriers, because for me, listening to it with the lens that I see the world with now, him saying age barriers, to me, that’s. That screams of wide variances in age gap, if you catch my drift. This one here, right? Yeah, he did say age. I mean, let’s see. I think you’re right around. They won’t even give me a permit for the parties, man. They don’t want me to put people together from all walks of life. You gonna hear about my parties. They’re gonna be shutting them down.

They’re gonna probably be arresting me, doing all types of crazy things just because we want to have a good time. You know, whenever you bring up a different element into people’s environment, things that broaden people’s horizons, people get intimidated. There’s a lot of people out there that feel intimidated by it. It ain’t nothing but break it down. Racial barriers. Break it down. Generation barriers. People from all walks of life. Ron Perlman talking to Jay Z. Generation barriers. Yeah. I don’t think he said, well, I guess that would be it. Right. But that would be generation barriers would definitely be bringing people of different generations into the same space.

Wow. Yeah, you’re right. Absolutely right. I mean, and what is a generation? A generation, basically, is 40 years. Oh, my God. That’s essentially a generation is defined as 40 year period. Yeah, that’s pretty. I guess that’s. Yeah, man. I I mean, that’s what it would mean to me. Mm hmm. It’s exactly what it would mean to me. So if you got. If you’re breaking generational barriers, then that means you’ve got people in the same room that are 40 years apart. And if somebody’s 50, then, I mean. Yeah, that’s what it means. That’s obviously what it means.

You’re right. Sean Diddy’s list of Hollywood celebs, part of this freakoff session. Jay Z, Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Usher. She’s allegedly right because a lot of. A lot of articles are capitalizing on clip clickbait right now. Yes. And so we all have to be careful with that. And so I don’t know. I suspect that as this gets crazier, it might be a little harder to say Russell Brand’s name is in there. Well, you know what? Just. Okay. Just because he once was. I. If you’ve seen what he’s doing now. Yeah, but I guess it matter what he’s doing now.

It does not matter. Doesn’t matter what any of these people are doing now, matters what they did then. Sorry, your past comes back to you. We all know this. I hope not. I love Russell Brand. If they’re guilty of doing things that are minors, just because, just because his name is there doesn’t mean that he’s guilty of doing some of the heinous stuff. It could be that he’s, you know, maybe got compromised in some way. But we don’t know. You know, he could have engaged in just normal, I mean, consenting adult, right? I don’t know. I I’m not.

I mean, listen, I guess I’m just trying to be, I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt, so maybe I should. Because we have all been in parties, situations, conferences. When we take a quick little people party, man. And depending on how it stands taken, it could look like something that wasn’t right. Right. And so we have to make sure that people keep that in mind. It’s amazing to always look back at things and have this amazing. Here’s my thing. Here’s my thing. I don’t care what the hell they did at white parties. I don’t really give a shit at all as long as minors weren’t involved, right? You know, I don’t care if it’s whatever it is.

I don’t care if it’s two dudes, a woman and a guy. I don’t get their adults. They make their decision. That’s consenting adults. Just when you are abusing minors and, and like, I’m talking minors, minors. You know, like, I don’t, I mean, well, you know, there’s a lot of gray area here too, man. I mean, when you’re talking adults, and I don’t mean to cut you off, brother, but when you’re talking adulthood, you know, you could have a ten year old child that is on his own, basically in foster care or, or, or maybe even, you know, and who has to live in a world where he is, he’s a master of his destiny at a young age, okay? By the time that that kid reaches 15 years old, he’s a hell of a lot more of an adult than people who maybe have lived at home with their parents.

Yeah, but he’s still a minor. I get it. I get it. But I’m. But. And I’m not talking about that. I’m just talking about the attitude of, uh. Cause you’re saying, well, what if he’s. What if he’s 17? What if the person. Right, right. What if the. What if one is 21 and the other one’s 17? Right. So that’s still. That’s technically statutory. Right. But that doesn’t. But if that person is really an adult in mentality, then, you know, I mean, it’s. Because it comes down to mature. Adulthood is not exclusively by age. It’s also, I think, the maturity level, it plays a significant role in adulthood.

I agree. But I think. Look, dude, the numbers 18, right. I mean, I get it. Just. You don’t. I’m not disputing that. I’m not disputing that at all. Not disputing that at all. I understand what the both of you are saying, especially when we look back at the long history of Hollywood and, I mean, the music, entertainment. I mean, can we think about Elvis? And how old was Priscilla? Priscilla was 14. Right. Yeah. Like, why was it okay back then? Or Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 year old cousin. Right. That’s insane. When R. Kelly married Aaliyah and then, you know, we had.

We know what happened afterwards, but she was not an adult. So, yeah, there’s all these things where it feels like the culture was in, in some of those age situations, they were more lenient and maybe because people died earlier, in the earlier times, and so people have more growing up to do. Right now. We’re in a baby culture in a sense. You know, we’re not maturing as quickly. And we also don’t, I think. Go ahead to piggyback on what you were saying, Russ. Angela, I think that we are in a. That we’re living in a time where people are soft and, you know, this.

What’s happening now is they have. They’ve literally made it almost. So we accept without questioning anything. But see, I still think that there’s that fundamental gut instinct within all people, regardless of however much they want to make it. Like, you know, what’s the word I’m looking for? Like, acceptable in society. There’s just a segment of people that are not going to be accepting of it at all, even as much as they try to shove it down our face. Like, you know, if you look at the community stuff, they started pumping that into our, you know, movies.

Yeah, be careful. Yeah, be careful with that on here, man. Okay. In, in the eighties, that’s all I was going to say. They, they’ve been pushed. They’ve been pumping that into us since the eighties. So the, the stuff that they’ve, but they’ve really been starting to get more aggressive with the, uh, I don’t want to call it, call out the child stuff. Um, more, you know, within the last ten years, because they’ve been. Ted talks where they talk about, uh, uh, you know, people that have a mental condition that, that leads to them having that desire.

So, I mean, they’ve really been trying to push it on us hard. But even as hard as they’ve been trying to push it, they’re still inside of us. We have this inherent, uh, you know, instinctual belief that, no, the children are right. Off limits. Off limits. Let’s talk about innocence. Let’s talk about this for a second. Lawmakers propose. You, you were, you brought this up earlier, Ron, and this is what I’m leading to now that we kind of see, I don’t know, these kind of takedowns. That’s what it’s looking like to me. I’ll be more confident in saying that if I see a few more people fall in October, I’m gonna be right.

It’s on, you know, a few more, you know. But it seems to me, as that happens, the escalation of world war three is coming. It’s happening. It’s happening right now. Lawmakers proposed amendment to address mass casualty event amid rising political tension, a constitution amendment has been proposed by members of the House of Representatives to address potential mass casualty event and discourage potential attacks and assassinate assassination attempts against us lawmakers. According to Washington Post, two Republicans and two Democrats in the House of Representatives have proposed a constitutional amendment that would provide continued representative representation for american citizens in the event of a potential mass casualty incident by allowing House members to be quickly replaced.

Huh. The lawmakers have argued that the amendment would discourage people for committing violent acts to change the House’s balance of power. So it’s like a fail safety, right? As you know, it’s a safety. Yeah. We’ve seen a 300% increase in threats against members over the last seven years. Geez. So, I mean, but look what they’re doing. You know what I mean? Like, to me, it’s, it’s, it’s almost like the Americans are pissed. People are mad. I mean, the, the, what’s happening right now is so off the charge. I can’t even believe that we are living in this time.

I think is, I think it’s an extraordinarily exciting time to be alive. Frankly, I’m not worried. Um, I mean, you know, that doesn’t mean that I’m not concerned about certain things happening, but, you know, I look at this in amazement and wonder and just an awe that I have the privilege to be alive at this moment in time and to watch this stuff. Trump will start world War three. Start. It says party autographing the bombs to be launched at Russia. Remember they were telling Trump’s going to start this war, that war, World War Three. And look what they’re doing right here.

They’re autographing the bombs to send to Russia. It’s, this is. These people are so sick, man. Wait a second. This is, this is a. Read the article at Babylon B.Com. yeah, but this is, this is, this is satire. But this is really a real picture. They were doing this. This right here is, this is satire. But they were signing these, these munitions. Yeah, yeah. Are those munitions being sent to Ukraine or what? I guess for Ukraine to use? Yeah, yeah, but, yeah, this is Babylon B. But they’re doing, actually making a joke. But this is really, this really happened.

Mmm. That’s crazy. Yeah. They seem to be amplifying the. The chatteregh. But I will say that when I’m outside and I take my little meditation strolls that I like to call my New York City walks, it feels pretty good. It feels like we’re at the turning point. And I could see a lot of different layers of humanity awakening in different ways, which is beautiful. But at the same time, I am concerned. Living in New York City, I have to tell you that there’s been weird glitches happening. And like, like with things not updating with. My sister got stuck in an elevator.

We went at the same time, we got into another elevator and it was same. Was going to go up and then it went down. Weird things have been happening with the subway too, where all of a sudden all the stops are updating, and all of a sudden they stop updating and you it. Today the train skips, stops, and I’m like, is this happening intentionally or is this like a, like a glitch? Is this gonna be. Is this testing ground? Is there’s gonna be a train accident? God forbid. 911 outages has been happening all over the country.

Have you guys heard about that? There have been massive delays on the train. It’s just getting insane just to even get to and from. And then to top it all off, there’s a been a lot of, like, young activists who just pop up and create massive mayhem within their protesting. So, yeah, be free to protest. I love to protest, but, you know, in endangering, putting other people’s lives in a chaotic state is not okay. This was posted on Ayatollah’s website. Apparently. Truly, terrifyingly chilling. This is by Mike Lee. This is crazy. If it’s real, man. I think it is.

This is a. I just don’t even know what to think about it. So they posted this. Is that actual footage? That’s CGI. Yeah, right, but, I mean, CGI. But the fact that they’re posting this is crazy. But that’s not real footage of Trump golfing, right? No, that’s CGI. So, I mean, this is a threat against Trump, obviously, that. I mean, look who’s really in charge of this. I think we all know we can’t say it on fluff, too. But they’re going to blame Iran, right? Yeah, go ahead. That’s what this looks. That’s what this looks like to me.

This is all propaganda for. To make it look like it’s Iran, is my opinion. I agree. We know who it really is. So. So they’re beginning. They’re showing the narrative. Right, Ron? They’re beginning the narrative. This is. This is narrative shaping. Predictive programming at its finest. I don’t. I don’t believe any of this. I. Who’s really in charge of putting this out there? So when it happens, we’ll all look at Iran, the fifth generation workers. She’s. Man. Okay, so not to be a crazy conspiracy theorist, but wasn’t there an article recently about. Or not an article.

News reports about exploding pagers? Yes. Yeah, that’s. That really did happen. So then I know it’s not the same thing, but it’s technology that used, for one thing, being weaponized on your person. And all of a sudden. And haven’t we been hearing of people’s stuff exploding on airplanes randomly? That’s pretty. I’m seeing. I haven’t heard that, but I haven’t heard that either. I hope that’s not true. No, but not a pager, but something small, like, I’ll have to look. But, you know when you’re tracking stories and things keep. Keep popping up in your mind’s eye as, like, I don’t know why I keep seeing these type of stories.

And then the last little thing is that I remember, and I won’t mention any names, I remember one particular billionaire who’s now in locked up behind bars right now. But I remember one of the things that he was famously saying, and his people was saying, too, is that there is a way for people to hack into, even, I don’t know, anything that could be, anything that we have at that smart could be weaponized against us. So when I see this, that’s where my mind goes. Like, I know that’s CGI, but a lot of weird, anomalous things are happening.

And also it reminds me of even some warnings that I’ve had in dreams and other people who are friends of mine that have had dreams similar to that of technology or things that are not known to be one thing, to be weaponized, to be used as another thing, was almost like as a decoy in a setting where there’s a large population. I think this October is going to lead to so much more November. Imagine if October is going to be crazy. Just how crazy will November be then? December, then January. I think the climax is going to be February, March.

What do you guys think? I think that. I think October is going to be the craziest month because of the. So I think, no, because November 5 is the day, not. Yeah, but I believe I agree with one on this. I think there’s going to be a pause and a halt and there’s going to be, it’s going to be contested. It’s going to be ugly. I think it’s going to be a mess until it gets cleared up. You know, I just, I don’t know, coming off clean and smooth. I just don’t, well, I, I don’t know, maybe, I guess, like, I do in a way, because I think I, I think that’s going to happen and it’s going to, it’s going to like, there a statement needs to be made.

It’s like, look, we won. And that’s, you know, deal with it. You’re going to have to freaking deal with it. It’s going to be like a rude awakening for the left to see the numbers of him winning, I think, in an absolute landslide. So you see this? You see this being like 2016? I see it being. Yes, I see it being like 2016. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not going to have, once that happens, the country will kind of come together and everybody will be, you know, all the people on Mister T side are going to be like, okay, so we’re, this is real thing.

We actually see, like, legitimate numbers here, even though there may be a couple of instances where they tried to do something nefarious. Right? You got that. But that’s when I think a lot of the placed assets are going to start to do their thing and cause chaos because they want to prevent the inevitable. Right. And I agree with you on that. I think I. That window of October to, let’s say, December, January is going to be pretty ugly in the sense of chaos. I think the immigrants, the whole thing, we, there’s so many unknown factors that can just.

Wild cards, you know? Damn, dude. I mean, it’s, it’s going to get. I think we all know it’s going to get bad. Can I say one more thing about that video? The. So one thing that I did think that was very accurate in there is these, these smaller countries turning to, to micro technology, uh, small, you know, call it drones or whatever, low intensity conflict, because they all, they know that they can’t take on the United States. They just can’t take on the United States from a big standpoint, you know? But I mean, think about, think about the revolution.

You know, one of the things, a lot of people may not, may not know this. When the British came over here and to fight the Americans, the Americans employed indian tactics because they knew that they couldn’t stand toe to toe with the british army. So they employed, like, they employed tactics that were the Comanches. Yeah. And they would shoot the officers, which was not, you know, I mean, that was like, that was verboten. You can’t shoot the officers. That’s not a gentlemanly thing. You know, war was, was still chivalrous back then. And the, and the Americans were like, no, hell, no.

And they, so they would, they would snipe off the officers and then the, the, you know, back then, the british military wasn’t trained to have the officers be. Not leading the men. You know, that was unthinkable. That’s unbelievable. Right? It was like a guerrilla warfare. It was guerrilla warfare. Yeah, we, they were using guerrilla warfare. Okay, so, and, and I bring it to, you know, to current day. Well, you think Iran is going to be able to take us on as a near peer? There’s no, I mean, we have the largest military budget than the top six other countries.

The next six countries combined. Yeah. You know, I mean, that we’ve got technology that nobody can even fathom that we have. So why, you know, number one, if they did employ techniques or tactics that would, you know, that they could feel like they could get through, it would be something along those lines. But this is, this is what I ask. Who benefits? What do they benefit by taking out Trump? They don’t benefit anything. Trump is their biggest friend. He’s their, he’s, he’s Iran’s best friend because that’s why I’m saying it’s not going to be them. That’s why I’m, I know I’m preaching to the choir.

I get it. I’m just, I’m just trying to articulate my point. Right. Well, folks, I’m going to call it here. This has been a great podcast, Ron. Thank you for joining me. Oh, thank you. Talk to you. No, no, no, it’s good. I’m just tired. Ros angel, thank you so much for joining me. Ros angel, where can they find you? Thank you, everyone. Cafesito break, Cafe Cito break on social media. Thank you, everyone for the subscribes and thank you for this opportunity. It’s been a great show, Ron. Thank you. Find me untoldhistory tv takes you straight to my rumble channel.

Right now I’m kind of focusing and I focus on history, the untold history of the country and geopolitics as well. But I really try to go back and paint the picture as to why we are in the storm that we’re in today. And it’s not something that’s just 10, 20, 30 years old. This goes back a long time and that’s what I try to illuminate for people. So. And I’ll touch on some topics that are curl your tongue, I promise you. Oh, you’re talking about your onlyfans. No, well, not, we weren’t supposed to talk about that, man.

You promised. Oh, boy. All right, guys, I’ll see you, man. Have a good night, folks. I guess I’m going to premiere this tomorrow evening, so. All right, guys, later. We’re out.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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