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Is there the ones who are doing this to us? They’re the ones who are leaving the Paris Climate Accord in there. And again, if you want to compete with China, stop that Paris Climate Accord. Stop this net zero stuff. China doesn’t care. That’s the elephant in the room for this MacGuffin. Of course, the elephant in the room for the COVID stuff was Trump and the vaccine stuff. But look, the elephant in the room for the Climate MacGuffin is the Paris Climate Accord. Maintaining a strong military requires a strong economy, says the Epoch Times. Unfortunately, many policymakers have brought into an extreme regulatory agenda driven by ideology that doesn’t make any sense scientifically or economically that is harming both our economy and our military.
And it is also Trump who’s bought into this. Here in the United States climate change driven policies and mandates are being rolled out on the premise and claim that climate change is even now disproportionately affecting the poor and the disadvantaged. Now their policies are disproportionately affecting the poor and the disadvantaged just as we talked about in the UK. The pensioners and other people like them. They also claim that man caused climate change is negatively impacting gross domestic product. Look, these are bold lies there. They are the ones who are coming after the poor, destroying the lives of poor people and elderly people.
They’re the ones who are destroying our economy and it’s their net zero. And yet what they’re saying is, no, it’s climate change that’s doing all this. No, it is. It’s the same way they said, well, COVID is doing this to us. No, it was your policy in reaction to a non problem. And it’s their reaction and their policies in reaction to a non climate MacGuffin, just like it was their policies and their reactions that locked us down and did all that harm their vaccines, all the rest is based on a COVID MacGuffin, the climate MacGuffin, same thing, all this horrible stuff that’s happening to you.
Oh, that’s because of COVID or that’s because of climate change. It’s like, no, it’s because of you. It’s because of things that you were doing and you claim that you have to do it because of whatever the MacGuffin is at the moment. And so we go to New York city, as I talked about, they have their congestion pricing as this article says, can their congestion pricing survive 2025? That is the key test because if it survives, then you’re going to see all of these cities jumping into this. And what is this about? This is not about helping congestion.
If they wanted to help congestion, they could do things with the infrastructure, but they don’t. They don’t build more roads. They don’t build them elevated or whatever. This is simply about taking away automobiles. And you know, Trump could do some good here because he says, well, I’m going to let him do that. I’m going to block that. Well, we’ll see what happens with it. But what he could wind up doing is serious damage to federalism. I’m not about the federal government coming in and throwing their weight around and saying, since I’m paying for this, I get to tell you what to do.
But you see, the interesting thing is that MAGA is not going to look at that. That’s exactly what Trump did with COVID. He bribed all the governors. He paid the public health people. And I said, Trump’s not doing it. It’s the bad Democrat governors keep completely ignoring even the Republican governors like Brad Little in Idaho or Mike DeWine in Ohio and many, many, many of them, all of them actually involved in it to one degree or the other, even including people like DeSantis. It was one of the first ones to start pulling back on some lockdown stuff.
The fact that he did it, he was paid, he was bribed, just like the hospitals were paid and bribed by Trump. And then, of course, Biden comes in with his coercion. He said, well, we didn’t mandate anything. We just coerced it. We told people that we’re going to take away the money if you don’t do what we say. That’s what Trump is doing here with congestion pricing. And even though I don’t like the congestion pricing and I understand that this is about banning private automobiles and doing exactly what CityCon has done in London, the reality is that we don’t want our lives to be run out of the executive office with executive orders.
And that’s what we’re talking about here. And that’s what the money aspect is. But, you know, if he stops the congestion pricing, regardless of the precedence that it sets for federalism, the MAGA people are going to cheer him. No, he needs to attack not New York’s congestion pricing as much as he needs to attack the source of it. He needs to attack the foundation of it. He needs to attack the Paris Climate Non-Treaty that was never voted, that he pretended, never voted in by the Senate. He pretended that it was there.
Now, New York City is not just coming after the congestion problem. You know, Salenty will come on and talk about how bad things are. There has become a ghost town in many regards in terms of nightlife, anything. We’re going to see all the restaurants go out now. This is round two of coming after the restaurants. First of all, it’s going to be virtually impossible for people to get into New York unless you want to spend a tremendous amount of money. But they will reduce the congestion pricing on the evenings and things like that.
But look at how they’re attacking the restaurants. And we’ve seen this on the horizon as well, just like we’ve seen the congestion pricing on the horizon. New York City restaurants are flipping out over a new charbroil rule that would force them to cut emissions by 75%. You see, the restaurants that survived the COVID MacGuffin are now going to be taken out with the climate MacGuffin. One guy at a restaurant says, stop messing with my burgers. When are we going to tell them to stop this stuff? The city’s environmental cops could force restaurants that use charbroilers to cut their smoky emissions by 75% or to figure out a new way to cook meat and fish.
And again, this goes back to the same lies that were being told about fine particulate matter as they were exposing people to 72 times the amount that the EPA said was legit. It goes back to that. It’s been going on for quite some time. That was 2012. That’s 13 years ago. And they were talking at the time about how they’re going to get rid of barbecue grills. You like to grill outside? We’ll forget about that if these people have their way. Restaurants that charbroil more than 875 pounds of meat per week would be barred from operating unless they install an emissions control device to curb pollutants if their charbroilers were installed before May 6, 2016.
They will not be allowed to add any additional ones if they didn’t get a grandfather done. This is being done by the state EPA, the Department of Environmental Protection. So people are getting knifed in the subway, says one of those restaurant owners. He owns Junior’s restaurant. His name is Alan Rosen. He said, so people are getting knifed in the subway and they’re worried about charbroilers? When are we going to get back to reality? Well, not as long as these people are there. And not as long as we’ve got things like the Paris Climate Accord.
Industry sources estimate that as many as 200 restaurants could be affected by the new rule from the Department of Environmental Protection. Get rid of it. We’re going to either kill the EPA or it’s going to kill us, folks. It’s just that simple. And that goes for the state equivalence of it as well. Thousands of dollars in costs associated with upgrading their exhaust. You know, while the California Democrats are burning down houses, you got the New York Democrats who don’t want you cooking meat. The latest move follows a similar crackdown on wood and coal oven pizzeria.
Remember that? But smoking mad restaurantiers like Rosen say government overreach and the nanny state shouldn’t turn them into the nanny steak. He said we grill with an open flame. We’ve been doing this for almost 75 years. This is absolutely ridiculous. This is a government that’s gone haywire. This should not be on anybody’s radar. He said he’s absolutely right. Popular steakhouses are in the crosshairs for the proposed requirement, which is likely to go into effect later this year. Empire Steakhouse, which has three locations in Manhattan, could be forced to upgrade their exhaust system.
So to Stafford Burger King advertises that it flame broils its meats. But a source familiar with the requirement said the fast food giant’s cookers already comply with the emissions rule. Well, I don’t know. I wonder. Maybe in New York they’re using a chemical perfume or something for that. Whistler used to love Burger King because you could smell them, you know, in the neighborhood. You know, it’s always a smell, but you can see the smoking could smell it. Shame on them. They must be what would bring the planet down. No, but I remember a few years ago they came out with a cologne that had that smelled like charbroiled burgers.
And we were gonna buy it for him as a joke, but they sold out immediately. But who knows? Maybe they’re not charbroiling anymore because of the environmental things. Maybe they’re just sprinkling this perfume on their burgers. I wouldn’t put it past them. Popular charbroilers are larger than grills and can cook more substantial quantities of food at one time. They operate by using a gas flame and food industry sources say they provide quicker and more consistent heat, allowing the temperature to be more easily controlled than grills. They also burn a lot of particulate matter.
Absolute nonsense. Absolute nonsense. Or as the cows would say, it’s utterly ridiculous. We support clear air, cleaner air rather, said executive director of the New York City Hospitality Alliance. We support cleaner air, but we have to understand that these emission upgrades are very expensive and so we need money from the state. See, this is why you see these trade organizations are always allied with the politics. And all they want, just give me some money and I’ll do it, right? Give me some money. I don’t care. We need to get some money for us and then we’ll shut down all the food and the charbroilers and all the rest of this stuff.
The Green Edict comes after Governor Huckleberry, as Gerald Slinty calls her, and Albany lawmakers banned the use of gas stoves and most new housing construction requiring buildings to go all electric. The Department of Environmental Protection in New York will hold a public hearing. This is the way this works. This is not a law that’s been passed by the elected representatives in the state of New York and signed by the governor. No, this will be this out of control EPA, state EPA, that is going to have public hearings and people can write to them about whether or not they like this new rule, and then they’ll decide what they want to do.
They don’t have to listen to you. They don’t have to listen to you at the hearings and they don’t have to read your letters. The edict will take effect six months after it’s finalized. So they go through this process and pretend that they care, and then they’ll do whatever they wish. That’s right, boys and girls. There’s a post election sale on silver and gold. Trump euphoria has caused a dip in silver and gold. It’s time to buy some metals with fiat dollars before they come to their sense is go to David Knight dot gold to get in touch with the wise wolf himself, Tony Arterburn.
He knows where to look to find silver and gold. Oh, yeah, the out