NURSE MICHELE Fights Discrimination (Interview) | The Healthy American Peggy Hall

Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall



➡ The Healthy American Peggy Hall shares her efforts in helping nursing students continue their studies without succumbing to certain health requirements. She also introduces a service called Aura, which helps protect personal information online. She then interviews Nurse Michelle, who shares her experiences in the medical field and her advocacy for standing up against coercion in the profession.
➡ The speaker shares her journey of homeschooling her children for 30 years, emphasizing the importance of independent thinking and self-directed learning. She believes homeschooling is a way to resist societal pressures and allows children to develop their unique gifts. She also discusses her experience with the federal vaccine court due to her daughter’s vaccine injury, leading her to educate others about vaccine mandates. She encourages people to invoke their rights under the U.S. Civil Rights Act when faced with such mandates.
➡ The text discusses the importance of standing up for one’s rights, particularly in the context of religious freedom. It highlights the challenges faced by individuals who are pressured to conform to certain practices or beliefs, especially in the workplace or educational institutions. The author emphasizes the need to educate others about these rights and to resist any attempts to infringe upon them. The text also underscores the significance of religious liberty, even for those who do not subscribe to a particular faith, as it is a fundamental aspect of personal freedom and individuality.
➡ The text discusses a situation where a girl, despite being vaccinated, had no immunity. The school wanted her to take multiple shots in a short period, which her family refused. The family argued that the girl’s vaccination records should be considered over her blood work, as suggested by the CDC. The text also discusses the pressure on medical professionals to get vaccinated, the potential risks of vaccines, and the need for a plan to protect these individuals.
➡ The text discusses the experiences of people who chose not to get vaccinated due to their religious beliefs. Some people who initially got vaccinated later regretted their decision and sought exemptions. The text also mentions the pressure and coercion faced by individuals, especially students, to get vaccinated. Lastly, it emphasizes the importance of staying strong, asserting one’s rights, and maintaining good health practices to combat diseases.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal health and preparedness, suggesting that individuals should focus on nutrition and making good choices for their well-being. They also stress the need for self-reliance, as they believe help may not always be available from external sources. The speaker encourages finding medical practitioners who align with one’s beliefs and discarding those who proved unhelpful during challenging times. Lastly, they highlight the power of faith and community, urging people to care for each other and strengthen their spiritual beliefs.


Hey, friends. Peggy hall, back with you from dot. I recently did an interview with a woman called Nurse Michelle, and she found out about my information here at the healthy american in terms of helping nursing students be able to continue their studies without becoming a human pincushion. You may not realize it, but that is where the cooties requirements are still in full force. And it’s very troubling to me because in most cases, these are young adults that are embarking upon their profession. And I don’t know about you, but I want clear minded, level headed individuals who are not just order followers who are going to be able to assist you and me when we go into the medical settings.

So I want to have nurses in the field that are questioning all of these requirements that have been foisted upon us. And the nursing students are being told that they cannot be in compliance with the program unless they become a human pincushion. Well, I’ve been fighting back against that for many years, and nurse Michelle has helped several students as well, using the materials and the strategies, the education, the information that I provided. But before I do that, I did want to alert you to a way that you can keep your information private online. So a quick sponsor message.

This is, comma spelled dot. I’m going to share that with you in just a moment. And if you go to peggyhall, I’m going to take you there, and you’ll be able to see how you can get started for free getting your information protected online. But what I wanted to bring to your attention along these lines was this very alarming headline from at and t. And this was just like recent. So basically, a month ago, data from 73 million current and former customers has been leaked on the dark web. At and T confirms, and then it gives you information in terms of what you need to do to keep your account secure.

So basically, they recommend that all of those who are affected, you should use strong passwords, monitor your account activity, and consider credit freezes or fraud alerts from credit bureaus. Well, guess what? This is what aura does for me, and it can do for you as well. And you don’t have to download several apps. You don’t have to belong to several different programs. Let me show you exactly what they do, and here’s a price comparison. So you get your identity and credit monitoring and Experian credit lock. You get a password manager, antivirus protection. That’s the kind of virus you want to be protected from a VPN, which is the virtual private network so that you can do your browsing and not be tracked online.

Home title monitoring, that’s really important. And data broker removal. I did a video some weeks ago about these data brokers that are selling information online. I’m talking about Social Security numbers, your income, your home address and all of that. So that all of it adds up to about $53 a month. But you get it for $12 a month from aura. And what I’d like you to do is to actually go to the website and let me bring that up for you here. All right, here we go. This is where you should go. It’s Peggy hall.

I’ll have a link for you in the description box below. And you can get started with a free trial. I just want, want to give you a quick summary that this is very easy to use, easy to set up. It’s proactive. It protects against today’s and tomorrow’s threats. And, you know, it monitors the dark web to see if any of your personal information has been linked to your emails, your passwords, your Social Security number. It monitors your credit accounts, alerts you to suspicious activity. There’s a one click secure VPN for your browsing privately and securely. And then it scans your devices for malware and ransomware, viruses and more.

And then if you’re a parent and you’re concerned about your children, there’s also parental controls, and it automatically requests removal of your information from various data broker lists. And these people search websites, friends, to me, that is worth the peace of mind. So check it out. It’s Peggy hall. You get a 14 day free trial, and then you can see for yourself if your personal information has been compromised. Thank you to Aura for sponsoring the video. And you’ll have information in a link in description box below. So let’s now dive into the interview with Nurse Michelle, and you’re going to find out how someone in the medical profession has been standing up and speaking out and not going along with all of the hogwash.

So without further ado, friends, this is my friend nurse Michelle, and we did an interview on her podcast, and she is going to be basically telling you what she’s been involved in for the last four years, the slings and arrows that she has dodged, and most importantly, how she has brought information, with my encouragement and education and support to so many individuals, especially what I say are among the most vulnerable, those students, young adults that have not yet developed. In many cases, the discernment and the discernment, to know and understand that they’re being, well, I think they understand they’re being pressured and coerced, but the ability to stand up for themselves, to put their career at risk of being on hold and to set that aside knowing that they are not going to violate their convictions.

And I’m getting chills thinking about it because we’ve had so many success stories, it’s easy to say, well, why don’t you just pick a different career? Why would you go into the medical field? You know, we need individuals who are clear thinking and in many cases, people of faith who are standing up for God’s truth. We need them in these settings so that you’re not going to be discriminated against, so that you will not be separated from your loved ones, to have them be treated horrifically and in some cases, not even come out alive. So without further ado, there’s so much that I want to dig into.

Nurse Michelle, thank you for being on board in this special webinar today. Thank you for having me. I’m thinking of all the things to share, and I want to make sure I accomplish what your goal is, that we stay there, because needless to say, you have a lot to say. I have a lot to say. I want to say what you want to make sure they hear. So tell me. Yes. What I’d like to do is just really to turn it over to you, Nurse Michelle, and let them know about your background, what it was like in those early years, how our paths crossed.

And then I think, most importantly, the takeaways with how you’ve been able to encourage people to stand for their convictions, some success stories. And then if we have time, you know, kind of your view on where we go from here. Are you seeing any changes, you know, as we go forward? So why don’t you take it away? Okay, sure. So I am a 35 year nurse, that is a nurse of the eighties. And it just so happens to be that when I was graduating nursing school, Anthony Fauci was on the stage at that time with the AIDS epidemic.

So my nursing career that was just launching everything was like, you know, had been a certain way for probably the decade leading up to me becoming a nurse. And all of a sudden, the AIDS epidemic hits and the whole medical community is being rocked at the launching of my first years out there in the world. But I ended up becoming a high risk labor and delivery nurse, and that was where my specialty was. And I am a mother of six children, and I’m an infertile mom. So infertility is a story right here that I was able to birth one biological child and then had 13 years of infertility and adopted three children.

We call ourselves transracial, so we have all kinds of colors in our house. And then at my later years, at 35 and 40 years old, I had two more biological kids. So I ended up with six kids in the end. So hope to all those out there, adoption is the way some families are made. So that is how I went into it. And I was called early to be a homeschool mom. In 1993, I went to my first homeschool convention, and I would say this is really a beginning of a preparation for how nurse Michelle was able to be who she was, who I am now, because I was already being pulled apart, like set apart from the tide is going this way.

Of course, you’re going to come from a long line of public school teachers. Of course I’m going to put my kids in public school, but I was put in a path where I was learning something different. There was a form of education that was starting to blossom in the public schools that we thought we didn’t really want to put our kid into. And that had nothing to do with the insanity that’s happening today. I mean, it was minor, like, you know, like, if you feel like four plus four doesn’t equal eight, we want to make sure you feel good about yourself.

We were worried about that kind of problem. Certainly have bigger problems now to deal with. So that I continued homeschooling. I’ve been homeschooling for 29 years. I’m about to finish up, about to start my 30th year, and, well, I will finish my 30th year this year and then my last. I have all graduated, all of them into the adult career college world, except for one that’s got two more years to go. And I think we have all decided he will graduate from private christian school for the next two years. So, anyways, that’s been my journey of homeschooling.

Mama, they have to have you back for a specific segment. I remember we touched on this a little bit in your interview about homeschooling because that is really the way forward. The indoctrination of children in the schools is part of the reason, a big part of the reason why we’re in the fix we are right now. So independent thinking, self directed learning, being with the parent who is the best teacher, you don’t need any degrees. You don’t need any training. The children are discovering and exploring. So, wow, mom, of six with adoption. And I like how you said you have all the colors.

Yeah. If one of our children marries, an asian looking child will have everybody covered. You’re such an inspirational. Please keep going. I just had to pipe in with some additional congratulations and encouragement for anyone. And listen, if you’re not a parent, you know, parents, maybe you’re a grandparent, maybe you’re an auntie, maybe you’re just a friend to a, you know, young adults and who are going to be starting a family. You can have an influence in encouraging homeschooling even if you don’t have children and you never plan on having any. It is, I believe, the most important aspect to keep our society thriving, because it’s the smallest unit.

We don’t need a national organization to change things. We need strong families with children educated at home, regardless of the setting. And there are so many obstacles that parents face, and there’s always another way. So please keep going. I’m so encouraging. I’ll tell you something to inspire anybody, that this is what was said to me in 1993, and it will. If everybody heard it, they probably would have homeschooled as well. And it was, you are for you, you have a quiver of children. And, you know, in the Bible, we’re encouraged to say, and may your quiver be full of them.

Right. Well, everybody’s full of a different number of kids. But whatever your number of arrows are that are in your quiver is what you are shaping to be the straightest arrow, because you are going to be launching them into a generation that, you know, not. So I launched my first one in 2007, then the second one in 2015, but I launched three of them in 2020. So that message in 1993, nothing major was going on in zero seven, nothing major in 2015. But how important that message came to be true, that these children that had been raised to think a little bit different from the tide, they weren’t prone toward following peer pressure or anything like that.

I have said before that I think most school settings are somewhat darwinian, meaning that the survival of the fittest. Are you smart enough, pretty enough, athletic enough, whatever enough. And if you kind of don’t fit in those categories, where do you fit into? And that within the homeschool community, you can actually foster your kids unique gifts to who they are. And I did have some kids who had a significant one with a significant brain injury. So she ended up being like an opera singer and you. But in the school setting, she would have been completely. She was really struggled.

So everybody kind of got to blossom into who they were. And I had one that was a very big history buff, just ate and drank history. So they all got to blossom into that. And now they were launched into a world where the word was compliance mandate. Do what we tell you or you’re out of society. So they were like, no. You know, to them it was like, we don’t agree, and we’re used to not being with everybody, so that that can save for another thing. So that was that. And another unique thing that prepared me was that I had a daughter who had a chickenpox vaccine injury in 2012.

And so I had been in the federal vaccine court for seven years leading up to the pandemic. And my lawyer had just left me about two or three years prior to that and just abandoned me. And people don’t know this, but the taxpayers paid him a nice $75,000 for his logging of hours with me. And then he just abandoned me, but found another way. So that’s how it all started. And that was 2020 to 21. Then the vaccine rolled out, and I published a document called, basically it was a what is the way? Not rhetorical, socratic reasoning thing.

So I would ask you a question. Do you know there’s a federal vaccine court? And I assure you nobody does. And so I would answer it with the link so that they could become educated. So it was five page. It was 25 pages. And five of those pages were Doctor Geert van den Bosch’s plea to society to not put this vaccine out on the market. So that year became helping people get out of the mandate writing. And that’s how I found Peggy, is that all these mandates are coming down. And my spirit knew this was wrong constitutionally.

I knew it was wrong ethically, morally, in every way. At bodily autonomy as a nurse, I had had a daughter who eight years by that point in the federal vaccine court, I didn’t need to know this vaccine was dangerous. I had a chickenpox vaccine, nearly take out a kid. So I knew that that one was dangerous. So why would I think this one was going to be safe? So there was no way it was coming near our family. So my goal was just to educate people, to make them help them. But the problem was the same thing that happened to my own husband at the time.

He was required by an international company to get the vaccine by, like, October 31 or you’re out. And he worked for home for ten years. He’d never been. He hadn’t even been in the building. And you’re like, that doesn’t make any sense. But it said specifically, it doesn’t matter if you work from home because that makes so much sense. And he says, I guess I’m going to have to get this vaccine. And I’m like, oh, no, I’m writing that. I’m writing that exemption letter. So I wrote him a twelve page exemption letter so that whoever read it would educate, be educated when they were done.

So important. But it was. I’m talking about losing sleep and extreme stress. And, I mean, everybody out there didn’t have a nurse, Michelle, or a Peggy hall they knew about. And eventually Peggy hall was coming through my feed and you were teaching things. And one thing stood out that stuck in my head. I’m like, if I can empower them with that statement, and I make sure they write that statement on every document they write, people won’t mess with them. And it was, this letter serves to notify you that I am invoking my right to religious accommodation under title VII of the US Civil Rights act.

It’s so great you did it. And that statement, I said, listen, you ultimately need to get to Peggy hall and pay her if you have really trouble. But I think we can get away with this if you just nicely say, I decline, or if they don’t like that, say, okay, well, I need your declination form. And if they don’t know what that is, say, well, could you give me somebody who does? And then when, if they still keep causing you problems, we’ll fill out these forms and you’ll put this statement at the top of your forms and they’ll at least think you might have a lawyer, so maybe they’ll leave you alone.

At least they know they’re dealing with somebody who has some sense about something, right? You’re not just talking, and I hate to say it like this, but a lot of the people that came to me were ready to get out the Bible and Bible whip them. And I said, you know what? They don’t even have a right to ask you. According to Peggy, you don’t even have. They don’t have a right to even ask you what you believe. So, no, we’re not doing that to them. We’re just invoking your right. You’re not asking permission. So, truly, what I was doing to empower people to take care of themselves became what you were doing, which was empowering people to have bodily autonomy and to be educated so that they felt intelligent enough to say no.

And it’s actually, there’s probably a proper noun for what we actually are, but, I mean, it’s an advocate. Right. But it’s more than an advocate. You had to educate. I think you were going to say something, so I didn’t want to stop you from. Yeah, I just. That’s so important. And it does. Many people wanted to stand up for themselves and they didn’t know how. And I don’t fault anyone for not knowing because we live in a free society, or at least we did. We thought we did. Then we come to find out we didn’t after all.

But it’s no different than informing your employer that you are going to take a vacation or that your car broke down or that you can’t come in or that you’re sick and you need to stay home. So I just wanted to underline that point because there were people that said, you know, I can’t believe you’re teaching people to beg for. No, no, it’s the complete opposite. You are informing them of your rights. And I believe, Nurse Michelle, that the reason this was so important from my viewpoint is because the government in general wants to remove our religious liberty in all places of the public, at work, you know, in the public square, for example, going to grocery stores or flying on a plane or having your kids be in sports or whatever the case may be.

Churches were not even accepting religious exemptions for teachers that were teaching, you know, at the christian school. So it was because I really focused on, this is about maintaining and fighting and defending our religious liberty in this country. Even if you’re atheist, and I’ve had, there are probably atheists in the chat right now. Atheists are protected under this law. And even atheists have said, I believe in fighting for and defending the individual’s right to worship and believe otherwise they are actually censoring our thoughts. And that is where, you know, look at the news, and that’s what they’re doing.

You can’t criticize anything. Well, we have a right. There’s no law that makes you want to agree or disagree with something as long as you’re not committing a crime. So to me, it was even a bigger picture. And those that I counseled, I would remind them, this is not just for you. As great as it is that I hope that you keep your job, you’re educating, as you said, the employers, and you are paving the way for others so that they are not going to be discriminated against because the government wants to remove God, so that you worship the government.

And I will fight for this, as I’ve said with my last God given, unobstructed breath of life, marching it all the way to heaven, because this is the bottom line. You remove a person’s ability to worship the way they desire, what their heart tells them. And this thing about, you know, bringing Bible verses and all of my question is, who are you to judge my soul? And I got to the point where we had a case recently, and I was so infuriated how they were pushing back, and I said to my client, I want you to request a religious statement from each person on this committee.

Since you have to provide a religious affirmation, I want to see theirs as well. How do I know that they’re not filled with anti christian sentiment? So you just. And I also like what you said, that you start out very simple and, oh, I decline. You know, I don’t consent. And then you just escalate as needed. For some people, they will get through just by checking a box. Others, they want, you know, baptismal certificates. I had a case where someone said that they volunteered at, you know, christian camps when they were in their teen years. They wanted, like, receipts or something like proof.

This is so outrageous. Imagine that there’s a panel to determine whether or not an employee is gay. Oh, it’s not enough to just say that they’re gay. They have to prove it. Or they have to prove that they’ve chosen to dress like the opposite sex. Like, no employer would get away with that. No employer would get away with sexual harassment. But you know what, Michelle? They had classes by law firms saying how to decline or how to refuse to a religious exemption, like, without being caught. That would be like saying how to. How to sleep with your employee without getting caught.

So we have to make these analogies to remove the emotional aspect of, you know, religion or vaccinated versus unvaccinated has nothing to do with your vaccinated or not. It has to do with your right to worship. And that is protected by law. So I just wanted to underline what you said. And my daughter was in nursing school at the time, so next thing I know, her very conservative christian school said, listen, it’s not us. We’re not going to mandate you to get the vaccine. Which, by the way, wasn’t true across the board for all christian colleges.

They stood out as a beacon on a hill constitutionally. But my son’s state school that was just 20 minutes down the road, wouldn’t let them out of their dorm room. They had to do classes in the dorm room. And if they came out of the dorm room, they had to be masked, even outside. So she’s just 20 minutes from her brother living a free life. But here’s the point. The medical facilities were the ones that were not going to let those students come in without those vaccines. So we had to go through the model of how to answer the questions.

And as you know, the questions were completely inappropriately obtrusive. And so I was so on fire by the time that my daughter got threatened. I’m like, oh, you done mess with the wrong mama. So I made sure that the questions that I created for her were going to be able to be used for future other nurses. And what they asked for, like, what is the name and phone number of your religious authority? I said, tell you what his name is. And I wrote, jesus Christ, and you can call him. His number is Godcallme zero, zero. Call him.

Because I’m like, you, this. You don’t get to call anybody. This is her autonomous decision. Right? And then they would ask questions like, you know, showing, where in your bible does it say that you can’t do this? And I said, you don’t have the right or authority to ask this question about my religious preference. I could have a religion of myself and have a right to say that I don’t want it. But I. But because you asked, I’m just going to go ahead and share a few things with you and that my body is a temple and you cannot, I can choose not to put something in it that I don’t want.

I mean, we had kids that were being asked, do you take Tylenol? Did you make sure that it didn’t have any kind of whatever’s in it? So that was coming from the religious side because they definitely wanted to target it. And I would say that as a religious person, a christian person that’s a Christian, that christians were really put in a corner to say they probably all had to reevaluate themselves. Like, you know what? I really don’t know how to defend my faith. I really need to mount up and learn how to defend it. And I had, like you said, atheists or anybody coming to me, I said, it doesn’t matter what your religion is, if you have a religion of yourself, they do not have a right to do this.

We are in America. So that was 2021, and then 2022 became all about writing these exemptions honestly for all these new college students. And I will say as early as fall of last year, I had nursing schools from the largest schools in our state of Georgia. Those Georgia people out there listening, medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, they were so bullying these students. Which are average 18 to 23 years old, like you said, that aren’t really prepared to have to come out and fight against the powers that be. And people don’t understand that anybody going into a medical community job, there’s a long wait list.

You have to, you’re fine. You’re so grateful you finally got your slot, and they go and say to you, there’s no way you’re going to participate in this program unless you comply. These kids feel like they have to do that. So I’m like, okay, they’re not used to getting a 55 year old woman’s answers. I’m going to give them my answers on your papers. But you have to agree that these are your words because you’re going to sign your name on it. And they did. And here, here’s how crazy it went. Not only did you have to present your childhood vaccine schedule, you had, if your childhood vaccine schedule, you had to also get blood titers.

And if your blood titers for your childhood vaccine schedule revealed that you didn’t have immunity to anything you had on your childhood vaccine schedule, you had to go get all those. Well, one of my girls had zero immunity to anything. She had gotten all the vaccines of her childhood, never missed any. But she had zero immunity, which does mean something scientifically. It means she’s probably got an immune dysfunction, but she didn’t have any immunity. And the school said to her she had two or three weeks to catch up what took 18 years to get. They wanted her to be shot up with like 20 shots in a matter of a couple of weeks.

And I’m like, over our dead body. So we wrote a letter to them saying that and said, listen, the CDC says that the document trumps the blood work. Now, for anybody listening, that’s a science person. That’s illogical. Just saying. CDC is saying that the paperwork that says she got the vaccine is more important than the blood work that says she didn’t get. She has zero immunity. This is the truth. She has zero immunity. But the truth is, I don’t believe they want people to go get these titers done. They don’t want the world knowing all of our vaccines we made you get as a child basically have zero immunity.

Right? And these are for childhood diseases and we’re talking about 18, 1920 year olds and older. There’s no real ludicrous, it is all about the, you know, these ridiculous policies, money, control, and what I think happens, Nurse Michelle, is at this stage of the game, there are individuals at these schools that probably were reluctant to become human pincushions, as I call it. And there’s a little bit of a, you know, well, I had to do it. I’m not gonna let you off the hook. It’s almost like a competition because it defies logic. I was made to do it, so you’ve got to do it.

Exactly. And I will say again, for anyone listening, the students, I mean, you’re probably batting a thousand, too. We have not had any of these nursing students. We just followed up with the whole batch, and they all were accepted. But you need to go to the clinical sites as well. It’s done. Well, here’s the problem. Intentionally? Yeah. Through intimidation. There’s another problem. These girls. I mean, here, they won. And when they went in that day, I said, okay, you won the battle. Because I said to the school, the school had the audacity to say, we reserve the right to have more stringent criteria than the CDC.

They said that to my students, and I said, okay, well, you’ll need to show us that citation where you have more stringent criteria than the CDC. So they couldn’t produce anything, and they tried to drag it along. The girls are about to get ready to start school. They can’t order their book. They’re nervous. They’re thinking they’re going to have to find another nursing school really quick. And I’m trying to find refugee nursing schools that will take them. I’m like, we’ll shake the dust off our shoes of this school. You will not. You’re not worthy of these students.

Well, they let them in. The girls are in for two months. They’re feeling so grateful. But when they went in that day, I said, now, you remember this. You’ve got a target on your back. And you remember, you just walk with your hand beside you, your hands in the mane of the lion of Judah. They. You make your top grades, because when this is over, we’re suing them, and they’re going to never forget this ever again because we already had one major lawsuit in Arizona that you’re aware of. That’s called. What is it called? I sided it with you, but I have to remember it right now.

But it’s two girls to get the right to graduate. Nursing school won their case. It only cost $75,000 for the school to have to pay their legal fees. Well, the very next year, they’re mandating the vaccine again. So apparently, $75,000 loss wasn’t enough to teach them a lesson. So what I said to these girls, I said, when you graduate, you graduate at the top top so that when we sue them and we’re in court, the judge gets to see these high performing nurses that these people did this to and will make sure that they are a precedent setting case.

So they mean to do it. But here’s the hard part. Two months after they get started school, the school comes to them and says, now you may have been allowed your religious accommodation for your COVID vaccine, but you’re going to have to get your flu vaccine or you will have to be dropped from the program. So they’re in, they’ve got them in their shackles and now they do in another intimidation. And the girls thought that a flu vaccine was probably just safe like everything else. And they got it. And I said, well I got some bad news for you girls is that they’ve already put mRNA technology in the flu vaccine.

And you have, there are more, there are paralyzed nurses, there are seriously ill nurses from that vaccine and you took a great risk. And they’ve said to me, they’re not going to do it again, but they’ll make them do it again next fall because it’s two years of nursing school and those. So we’ve got to mount up a plan to basically publish something, Peggy, that is like a pre written prep to armor these girls up. And here’s another thing. People don’t know this, that if you want to work with women and children as a medical professional, they want you to have your TDAP, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis up to date every ten years.

And the average girl is going to run out of her TDAP about the second year she’s out in her career, meaning nursing student. So y’all all may not have a positive opinion or whatever your opinion is about a TDAP is irrelevant. The science says it’s a stupid mandate. So we need to make sure that they’re not forced to do something that’s going to harm them. There’s a lot of bad things that happen with that vaccine and there’s no logical science to do it for them. So. And every time a woman’s pregnant they are told to get their vaccine up to date or get grandma and grandpa to get their vaccine so that they’ll have the right to hold that grandbaby.

Yeah, it’s pressure on all sides. I know Pastor David probably had a comment on that. I did. You know what struck me, Nurse Michelle? Is that for you and I, Peggy, the general public, like none of us, knows what’s in anything that the general medical industry injects us with. We don’t know. I don’t like, we don’t want to get novocaine or anything. We don’t. I just want to stay away from that. But I did want to say about this in the flu shot. Let me make a comment here. And it is very, a very common perception that, oh, the flu shots have been around for a long time.

And, you know, I’ve had them be, people will say, I’ve had them before. It’s mild and, you know, everybody gets some. And as you say, the technology is different, but looking at it from a religious perspective standpoint, it is much more difficult to say, I reject the COVID vaccine or even the TDAP. But I agree with the flu vaccine because then a legitimate question actually is, well, why does God only object to Covid? Because remember, everyone, if you’re going on religious grounds, it cannot touch on anything to do with science or technology or health or politics.

So many people will write in their statements, the government doesn’t have a right to tell me what to do. This school doesn’t have a right to tell me what to do. That’s true, but that’s not a religious belief. And to say that these injections have not been tested or that they have this technology or that people are having side effects or that people still get these diseases, those are not religious reasons. And some people will say, I take good care of myself. I eat healthy. I do a natural approach to living. That’s a very difficult position to make into a religious belief.

It can be done. We did help someone with a natural living philosophy, but you really are at the mercy of the person receiving your paperwork, which is why I love, you know, one of the things we said as well, sometimes they ask these intrusive questions and to turn it around and show them how ridiculous it is, like, go overboard, you know, like when they say, oh, well, if you’re afraid of what’s in the vaccines, then do you ever take Advil? Do you ever take ex slacks because they’re made with the same, you know, fetal cells? And then my question would be, oh, is the company going to require ex lax and Advil? So you turn it around and show them how ridiculous it is.

We had a case recently where they wanted a statement from, I think it was the Catholic Church. And we were writing back like, oh, is the entire catholic church going to attend this nursing school? You have to demonstrate how ridiculous these questions are. But it’s not a laughing matter. This is life and death. And there are horror stories that our, you know, community, family members here are telling us in the healthy american about people that didn’t make it or they chose, they went against God. So the simple statement, like you say, I prayed about this. God told me not to do it.

And for those that have been vaccinated, we’ve helped individuals that got one Covid shot, even a second Covid shot. And they said, you know, I went along with it. I thought I would be left alone. And this is getting out of hand. I don’t want to do it again. And they were able to get their exemption because they honestly said that God convicted them of their behavior. They repented of treating their body that way. In fact, I think you’re even in a stronger position. Even these young ladies going forward for the flu shot, I would recommend this, that they say, I did it, you know, I prayed about it and I, I went against my God given conscience.

And going forward, it’s very clear that I cannot repeat this reprehensible behavior. And that’s it. And do you think they should say in light of the coercion and pressure that was put under me last year, I think that is fine because that is part of, you know, how I turn to man rather than to God. And it’s a matter of, of staying strong, of going to a higher level. And we always recommend you probably have this in your approach as well. You get the non discrimination policy from the institutions and again, you serve it up to them.

Like right here, it says that you don’t discriminate on religious grounds. I wonder if the powers that be are even going to start changing those kind of documents. They are, they’re starting to take out religion and they say, we don’t discriminate on race and gender, but they are going to start, they are starting to do that. So you have to keep an eagle eye. And then in the nursing profession, there are, as you know, national boards, national, that oversee the accreditation of these nursing schools. And we had to go so far as to threaten to make complaints with the state accrediting agencies and the national accrediting agencies.

And so you can continue to escalate. Now, the sad thing is that all of this takes time. And these horrible individuals that are pressuring these young, young adults to conform and comply, they’re trying to run out the clock. We’ve had cases where they were pressuring the students saying, you know, you have to get this done within two weeks or you’re not going to graduate. Even before you go on to clinicals, that’s another example of discrimination. And I also want to say that most attorneys have no clue. That’s why I was really the trailblazer in this, because I simply just read the law and I didn’t know anything about title seven in 2019.

I mean, I rolled up my sleeves. I knew that it was discrimination. I got the facts to back it up. And sadly, most attorneys will take the cases after the damage was done. And it makes sense from their perspective, because now money is involved. You know, we’re like, so much of what we do is absolutely free because it’s the mission that God called us to do. And people like those in our group here have donated to us to keep the ship afloat, but we did it because God called us to do it. So we’re not charging, you know, $1,800 or $8,000 or whatever attorneys do.

And we’ve actually educated a number of them gratefully. They were happy to have our free. Honestly, you have so much data out there for free because you were giving me to do it data. I was, my brain was permeated and it stuck. And I made sure I took notes and everything. I’m like, okay, I can take what Peggy says and empower people. I’ll put this in. And I had, because I had the boards app, exactly what we need. I was ready for a question for anything somebody had. And all I have to do is push a button, and they would have your words and your link immediately.

And I said, if you can’t do it by looking at her free material, you must reach out to her and pay for her services, because your situation sounds much more complicated. Some people were bullied at a higher level. Most of the people who were bullying people, I’d say were peons, let’s say at a college desk. It’s just somebody that’s 1920 years old doing what they’re told to do. All you have to do is practice learning a little bit of assertive behavior, and you can get a little further and you won’t even have to do it. But I just want to say, before I forget that so many of the medical professionals that we have counseled over the many years, I’m talking about the anesthesiologists, the surgeons, the nurses, the admin clerks, so many that have been in the health field for so long, getting their annual flu shot, they said, you know what, Peggy? Because of this push, this pressure for Covid, it made me rethink my perspective about all these other shocks, and I’m not going to do any of them.

Not only. Not only did they not get me to get the COVID shot, I am not going to do the flu and I’m not going to do the TDAP and I’m not going to do these other things. So it is actually backfiring. What are you seeing in the medical? I’ll say to that for everybody to remember this. And if you’ll remember this, these are powerful thoughts if you actually just take them and to own them that you are alive today because your grandmother, great great grandmother, and everybody, great great great before that, lived and survived every single disease that’s on the childhood vaccine schedule.

So they had it. They got through the disease. They survived it enough to have a baby and birth more children and keep them coming into the world. So those are not sickly, poorly people. They are very superior immune systems because their bodies fought off those diseases. And there’s so much to say about vaccines. I’d say, you know, we’re on nurses out loud talk radio. We are doing that. We’re trying to address that on a regular basis so people can hear that anywhere. They listen to podcasts. But coming up, we are already being told that this year is going to be a, oh, a pandemic is coming.

They’ve already named it disease x, and it’s coming for sure. Like, they’re Nostradamus. Apparently they can hear, they know what’s coming, and so they’re promising that something’s coming down. Okay. And apparently Texas is already ground zero for avian flu. Okay? So it’s already hit, it’s already going on. So we’re coming up with protocols to educate you and make sure that you know, and I’m going to just say the simple four things right now. Snort, gargle, nebulize, and take your supplements. So the snort and gargle are the iodine, nasal and throat sprays that we teach people. I can teach people how to make them homemade, but I recommend you have a purchased version in your home.

If you have a snivel, cough or sore throat, you do not let it take hold. If you have vaccinated friends, they are immune more compromised. They need to have this sprayed in their nose, sprayed in their throat at the first sign of anything. Do not wait until you’re sick. If you do these kind of protocols, no matter what they throw at us, and you have a nebulizer in your home and you have the supplies that we try to teach people to what to gather, no matter what they throw at us. And you have proper good, you know, wash, your hands.

Well, when your kids come home from school, use nasal oral sanitation. Have some nasal sprays for kids during flu seasons. We have supplements. We talk to people about that are good, healthy things to just support their immune system. I just want you to be not afraid because it is coming. They’re promising us that it’s coming. And the medical community. I was just in urgent care today, and the practitioner said to me, well, we have to do what the policies and protocols are, Michelle. That’s the thing. If we don’t do what the policies and I protocols are and something happens to the patient, we’ll be sued.

I said, suing’s coming for what you didn’t do in 2020. It’s just not come to you yet. It is coming. Yeah. I mean, I call it a flu mongering. Right? Like, fear mongering. It’s the flu mongerers. And the fact is, people have gotten sick ever since the fall of man. You know, we didn’t follow God’s laws, and. And I don’t know why people are so afraid of being sick. I did a whole series of videos, like, I have a right to be sick, all right? Maybe I want to put my feet up and have some chicken soup and not have to do the laundry and, you know, take a few days of rest, let my body release and, you know, expunge whatever needs to go.

And we. I don’t even want to question God’s wisdom. I heard and I watched videos years before all of the, you know, hogwash, as I call it, sloshed all over us. And this was a doctor who said childhood diseases are likely intended to strengthen the immune system against things like cancer and whatever down the road. So that the. Because I had the measles, I had them upside the chicken pox. I’m still standing. I never had gone before my time, and the shot was no longer required. And I had all those diseases. I survived them. Not everybody does, but not everybody survives driving in a car or flying on a plane or going on a boat or riding their bike.

People die. Death is a part of life. I’m not going to restrict my living and to live in fear because I don’t think people were afraid of dying. I think they were afraid of living. And that, like you said, the psychosis of being so afraid of every little thing and the schools and companies being afraid that they were going to be sued, everything based on fear, that’s, you know, anti, that’s. That’s against God’s laws. But anyway, they are going to come out with that. And I. What do you, do you think people are going to stand up stronger than they did the first time around? Well, I think they’ve woken, awoken the sleeping lion.

There’s no doubt. Bear, you know that mama bears are out. But I wanted to say this. Everybody does need to be focused on being a nutritionally healthy person. I mean, make good choices. And I would say to you, but if I were to tell you right now, go to your front door and you walk there and I ask you, who is there? And you’re going to tell me, Michelle, nobody’s there because you told me to go there. That’s who’s coming to help you. Okay? You have Jesus and yourself and your family and whatever protections you put around you, there’s nobody coming.

And we found that out in 2020. That’s why Nurse Michelle had to do what I did. And yet, yes, the Lord provided me to many people. I was out there, Peggy was out there. But they try to stop our voices and they may ultimately completely keep you from having our voices accessible. So it’s up to each individual person to do, do the healthy things and get some things prepared and stored up in your home and be prepared for your family. And being prepared and empowered is going to make a huge difference. So that’s a big deal.

And finding the medical practitioners that agree with you. Get rid of the ones that you already know are a problem. Whoever shined during the pandemic is the only ones worthy of your money. Get rid of the people that have proven useless because they were useless during that time. And there are people who theorize that a lot of mass, severe depression is coming for some of these medical professionals when they realize what they actually did do. But that’s just a reality. But you have the power, you know, you have, you have the power of the universe, God, the creator of all things.

That person is on your side and you can lean on the God of the universe, right? But he does encourage us to be good stewards. So good steward of your body and people like myself, I can be very, very good steward, but I have a lot of medical problems and my other people don’t. So the person with no medical problems, a good steward versus me, I’m still going to have a hard time. And there needs to be compassion for those of us that don’t have the medical strength going into things because we might have genetically gotten a few things.

So care for the people. Care for people. Find out who your community is and have a plan to care for each other, to help each other. Yeah. That plan is very, very important to be prepared. And I think was it? Ronald Reagan has said the seven worst words you can hear is, hello, we’re from the government. We’re here to help. You don’t want to wait upon the government to help you in another crisis. You just don’t. You have to be strong. You have to have faith and you need to be prepared. And we are. I mean, we’ve gradually just upped that year after year, and it gives us a lot of comfort.

And of course, we pray and we read the Bible and that sustains us. Many people came to their faith. You mentioned that, nurse Michelle, that, you know, people knew that God, you know, their God given conscience was just preventing them from going along with this. But to express your faith is not something that many of us do or have had to do or have the words. And many people found that their fate strengthened because they really did pray. They prayed for a positive outcome. They felt that God was alive and present in their lives and that this knowing the discernment, I mean, that comes from the Holy Spirit, people actually strengthening their faith.

So that is also another silver lining that comes out from this. I want to let everybody know how they can find you. You’ve got a radio show. Tell everyone where they can stay connected. Yes, I hear somebody even writing that, where did I find these doctors? So when you do find me, I have lists of doctors, list of programs of the brave doctors that have made them, some organizations that can help you. So there is help out there and we want to make sure you know who those people are. And you have those numbers before something crazy hits.

So that’s one thing. So anyways, nurses out loud. So we’re on americaoutloud news and we are the show called Nurses out Loud. So anywhere you listen to podcasts, nurses out loud is where you can find us. But I’m also on and and I’m Michelle with one l. And then also you can find me, I mean, Nursemichelle rn or anywhere. Nursemichelle RN on. If you’re on Instagram, find me because there’s tons of videos to teach you that are free. All those videos are free. If everybody would leave a comment, just let me know and let Nurse Michelle know what you took out of today’s chat.


See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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Aura personal information protection challenges of conformity in workplace and educational institutions federal vaccine court experiences homeschooling benefits for independent thinking importance of religious freedom rights invoking rights under U.S. Civil Rights Act Nurse Michelle medical field experiences Peggy Hall nursing student advocacy resisting societal pressures through homeschooling significance of religious liberty standing against professional coercion vaccination records

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