November To Remember..Weapons Delivered To Gangs In American Hotels? Netanyahu Home Hit By Drone..




➡ The discussion on Nino’s corner tv revolves around the escalating global tensions, with a focus on drone attacks on leaders, including an attack on Netanyahu’s home. The hosts speculate on the origins and motives behind these attacks, suggesting they may not be as they appear. They also discuss the potential for a crisis in the coming months, hinting at alleged weapon deliveries to hotels housing immigrants. The conversation ends with observations of increased police presence, suggesting a heightened state of alert.
➡ The speaker noticed an unusual number of law enforcement vehicles in different states, suggesting they were preparing for something significant. He mentioned that he has connections in law enforcement and the FBI who have hinted at a looming event. He also discussed the possibility of a mass casualty event in major cities like LA or New York, and the potential for overseas events to impact the situation in the U.S. The speaker expressed concern about the escalating tensions and the potential for these events to spiral out of control.
➡ The discussion revolves around potential threats to America from foreign powers, including the possibility of surface-to-air missiles being used against commercial airlines or military targets. The speaker also mentions the potential for chaos and disruption during the upcoming election, with no clear outcome expected for several months. The conversation ends with a shift to Ninoscorner TV for further discussion.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s corner tv. I am joined with a ghost once again, and things are really amping up, at least in, I guess, in regards to world war three, right, ghost? I mean, there’s a lot of things happening. A lot of leaders are being targeted right now. Netanyahu’s home was targeted in a drone attack. There’s been some Hamas leaders that have been killed in a drone. Drone attack. There’s a lot of things happening right now, and already a lot of, as Mel Carmine would say, finagling the bagel with people already. Vote already trying to vote.

Right? Yeah, but you’re also having a lot of, you know, I’m trying to figure out where to begin. There is a lot, you know, a lot going on. But, yeah, that attack on his house was just, I guess, just within the last hour or so, because, uh. It just hit what. What I saw. It claims he wasn’t home. Now, remember, in all this high drama, that things are not always what they appear. I’m just going to say that in reference to this, because this is what I’m thinking, you know. Okay. This is mighty dramatic, isn’t it? He just happens to not be at home.

I don’t know where he is probably working. I’m sure he. I’m sure he has different homes. I’m sure the guy has many different homes. But that, you know, that appears to be. Well, they’re billing it as his home. Okay. Okay. Let’s say that’s his main residence. Well, they’re gonna have to get new furniture and fix the walls from what I could see in the picture. But, you know, my mind immediately goes to, okay, who’s, whose. Whose idea of drama is this? You know, you’re talking about people who. You saw some of the missiles they originally were firing in Israel.

I mean, these things remain a garage. Welding seams along fins. You know, they’re just fire and forget. They’re unguided. Now, they’re obviously, they’re using some type of. I haven’t even looked into what type of weaponry they’re using, but it’s obviously guided and fairly accurate. So who knows where it came from? Who knows why it hit? In the end, it will be. The story will be, yes, it’s Hamas and it’s this and that boogeyman. And Iran’s behind it, because they just want to burden. They want to burden this election, they want to burden the american people, you know, with anything they can, however they can, and threats and scares and.

Yeah, well, it says here a drone has hit Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s holiday home and the country’s north. Al Jazeera has confirmed triggering air raid sirens across Israel, including the main city of Tel Aviv. I have friends that live in Tel Aviv and they’re telling me, Mandy, it’s, it’s horrific right now, correct? I mean, that’s what they’re telling me. I mean, yeah, because one, don’t, you know, you, you can, again, I’ve always made the point with warfare. Like with North Korea, for example, thousands of artillery units, 56 seconds downrange, uprange, rather, from Seoul, Korea. You could do a lot damage in just five minutes to firing if, if you were taken out in five minutes, let alone 10, 20, 30.

So numerical often will overcome technology. So if they had hundreds of rockets. How Iron Dome works is it picks up everything coming in, make no mistake about that. But it prioritizes. So if this one’s heading towards an airbase or a sensitive facility, that one’s going to get precedence over the one going for a neighborhood. You see what I mean? Moments after the confirmation. That is really for SaaS leader, I guess, how you say this is Yahoo. Yakas in war? I don’t. I hope I said that. Yak. Whatever. Yeah. People can read the name. Another one. Let’s just say another one, you know, as an opportunity to turn the page on the war and move on to the day after for Gaza.

So it’s escalating. My thing is this is like, are these, these drone attacks, man, are really getting, are really escalating. And it seems to me what’s, you know, where are we headed after November Ghost? I mean, I know you’ve gotten a lot of intel. What can you see on YouTube for my audience as of what kind of a crisis are we really headed into November and December and January? Because I think a lot of people are having this question on their minds. I know we talked about it on, on Nino’s corner tv, but, yeah, we’re headed for a bad time.

But we’re headed for a very bad time. And I did, I would ask people, put an exponent next to that. All right, let me give you, for instance, and I’ll give you vagaries. All right. Hotel. Not going to say which state. I’m not going to say where, receives a bunch of crates. So the maintenance guy’s like, you know, I don’t know what the, what the heck this is. So he pops open a crate loaded with weapons. Now, the weapons weren’t just stacked in there. They were packed professionally and from what I understand. But they were all had pieces of tape on them with room numbers.

But then there’d be several, say three or four for a particular room. And they would be color coded with tape. You know, red, green, blue and yellow, something like that. That meant those four weapons were supposed to go to room XYZ. And each guy in that room knew his color weapon, his color for his receipt of, let’s say, accoutrements. Now that entire hotel is filled with people who cross the border. Young men. Oh, whoa. Are you telling. It’s fun. Funded by a Christian NGO. That’s one of the 110 that are across the country. That were boring.

You gotta say allegedly on here. We gotta say allegedly. You’re telling me, and in my humble opinion, ghost, you’re telling me that there’s weapons being delivered to hotels where what venezuelan gangs are that are receiving these weapons and having them delivered to their rooms. Yeah. Not just Venezuelans but you know, many others too. Yes, yes, I am telling you that. All right. But we got. Mainstream media is not going to tell you that. Right, right. But this is big because this is, we got to say. This is allegedly. We don’t. I allegedly as annoying allegedly. Everybody out here is listening to this.

I know, but I can’t stay state anything as fact. This is allegedly. But it’s good that you’re putting this out here. I’m gonna. This is good for you. But wait, wait. Nudge, nudge. All that good stuff, you know. Yeah. Okay. So we’ve got that. We know that. I, you know. Sure. Is this in red states as well? It’s in a lot of places. It seemed just about most places people wouldn’t even think too. But that’s where, let me give you an example. I have. You know when you find a good doctor and it’s, it’s within say the trip to make you keep that good doctor.

You know, I’ve been, for eleven years I’ve been seeing a certain doctor. Now I’ve driven over, it’s 183 miles trip one way. So it takes me about two and a half hours because I get on these back roads and do about 80, 85. Right. And the sheriffs never bother you. They know, you know, they can tell by the kind of vehicle you’re driving or what have you. I saw at the state line between the two states, because I crossed the state line. I saw more sheriff’s locally leaving more highway patrol on the high on the interstate.

The portion that I drive than I have ever seen in the past. 20 years. All right, now hear me out on this. Don’t make it very. I’ll make it as quick as I can. And then I’m in the middle of nowhere for a good 95 miles stretch. I mean middle of nowhere, deep south, use your imagination. Tiny little towns with a dollar general and, you know, that’s about it. Then you’re through, you’re done, you’re past it. I saw more police. I saw eight by the state line. Not pulled over as a convoy, but eight separate trucks, tractor trailers pulled over, each with two state police.

Could have been from one state or the other. They were working together. All right, and two guys per car. She had four guys minimum, checking every aspect of these trucks. Never saw that before. And I know this route. I’d be lucky to see one sheriff on the entire route or pass one, you know, have one blow by me on the interstate. State police. Then I get to where I’m going to police all along the US highway, all the way there. Then I get there and normally in that, it’s a, you know, college town type thing and, you know, big football sports and all that.

Usually see a squad car when you get there? No, I saw at least six or seven. Okay. On the way back, same thing. Then my wife and I go, I said, let’s go run some errands. I’ve been in the car for 7 hours, I’m tired. I said, you’re driving. I ain’t touching the wheel. And then in a two mile ride into town, we saw a dozen cars. Then we go to another town, we see at least another dozen. Something was up. It wasn’t some kind of exercise because it was two different states. They were everywhere. And I was, I felt good about that because I was doing 85 and 60.

Blew by one. He didn’t even pull out. He’s like, I’m not interested in you, I’m interested in something else, obviously. Now, I did that to two or three of them and I’m like, gee, I better ease up on the cruise control here and back it down to five. Overlandhouse, take it easy. But these are nice roads, nobody’s on them. It’s almost like a Montana road where you can, you know, pretty, you don’t want to do a hundred, you’re going to go to jail. But, you know, you can do 1015 over and you’re not going to get messed with, right? And this, this is, and I’m going, what the f.

Is going on here? Well, what do you think honestly, what do you think honestly was going on. They’re looking for something. I have friends here in El Paso, obviously, that are in law enforcement. I have friends involved with the FBI. I have friends involved the border patrol. I have my fingers on the polls. A lot of what’s going on in the border and I’ve hold and I have heard numerous times, Dave, you don’t understand. They’re preparing for something. They are preparing for something. There’s too much getting bias. There’s too many things happening. There’s a lot of the gangs staying in the hotels.

A lot of the hotels have been compromised. They’re letting these gangs stay there. Churches as well that are under the COVID of helping people are actually letting these people just, that’s the biggest camp out that’s been run. Right. But I mean, and they’re just being pushed out from here. They’re being sent to all over the country. And so I don’t want to get in with any more for certain reasons. I don’t want to get into it any more than that. Yeah, but you know, but it’s really between the lines. It’s really bad. It’s really bad. And they’re preparing.

So my audience seems to know. They’re preparing for something. Something big is coming. And I feel it’s going to, I’ve said on your show what, what pretty much it is. Right. It’s not going to be. It’s, it’s going to be. And what’s that term? One, Suzy, is polychaos not just one, not like mono, chaos. One event. One chaotic event. It’s going to be many. I don’t know when. Again, nobody knows. I would imagine. Look at their power dates. Well, hold on, ghost. Let me just say this. So Juan has said on Nino’s corner tv that it’s going to be layers of just disruption and confusion and chaos.

You’ve said on Nino’s corner tv that we are looking at a mass casualty event happening. Could happen. It could happen in LA or New York. And you went into detail on Nino’s corner tv and we’ll go back on Nino’s corner tv and talk about it more. I don’t want to talk it on about, on here. But, no, but, but what we could tell my YouTube audience is that after, you know, but during this November, this, no, after November 5, I would imagine. And people are going to say, you said that about October, whatever. It’s been escalating every month.

And we have now what people don’t understand is, look, these are probabilities. I’m going to repeat this again, it’s to help you think and prepare. Somebody tried to call it. It’s to help people think and prepare. These are probabilities, okay? High enough that things are being done to go against them, to derail them. So would people rather not know about it? I mean, I’ll use that example again about mother Towers and Bill Cooper saying what he said, june, July of that year, but he was doing it over shortwave and then over. You’re talking about Bill Cooper, the one that warned about 911.

Correct. Right, right. And then, and then Alex Jones took what he said. And is that what happened? Alex Jones kind of stole what he said and ran with it or took his intel. Yeah, well, they’re billing him as the guy who predicted 911, and that’s not the truth. Why? I was there. I was listening. All right. One knows, others know exactly what I’m talking about. I mean, I’m not trying to degrade or take anything away from Alex Jones. The guy busts his ass. Think of him what you will, it’s your opinion. But the guy bust his and has put out and helped a lot of people come to comprehend the realities of the workings of this world as opposed to the fantasy, the mainstream fantasy.

All right, so, you know, when you hit me with something like, hey, can you come on, you know, Netanyahu, da da da, I look at that immediately, and you were on the phone. I looked it up real quick and I said, well, he wasn’t home, according to the article. But then again, that was, you know, and no judgment upon them. Of course, we’re on YouTube, but MSNBC, and they’re saying, you know, they’ve been given the, the press release or the statement. Nobody knows what really happened. Nobody knows who really did it or who ordered it and why.

Because what is the effect going to be? Look at again, thesis, antithesis equals synthesis. What is the synthesis of that event on the psychological makeup of Israel and the world? You always got to question those things because either that or it was a damn lucky shot, you know, with one piece of precision hardware they happen to have. So I don’t, you don’t. Those types of events, you shouldn’t trust anything until you see the effect. And you can then backtrack and back engineer, and if you’ve got contacts that might know, they might tell you, hey, you know, yeah, that was, that was a false flag or that was, that was done on purpose, you know, again, to heighten up the, ratchet up the tensions in that region so that, okay, triggers are pulled and then there’s no stopping it.

I believe that you know who the. You know what. What man I believe will be the incoming president. Of course, the whole audience does. Okay, but do you. Do you think they want to make their part of ghost? Well, this is all part of mass here and overseas. Dealing with overseas issues can be just as complicated, but they’re not going to be nearly as what it would. What is going to be here. There’s just. They need the narrative, allegedly. Okay, but ghosts, they need the narrative to spiral out of control overseas so they can. So they can manipulate and manufacture what happens here.

Correct. So they can say, we know who’s in charge of all this. And people are onscorner tv. We know who’s in charge of this. But that way, everything that spirals out of control, they could put. They could do the blame game and say, well, I ran one miss. Exactly. Iran wants it so that when the. When the casualties and the mass. When the events happen here in America, we all band together and blame another country, and then we go to war. We go to war with that country, correct? Yeah. And here’s something about it takes the heat off the dirty politicians, correct? Yeah.

And here’s something people need to know about Iran. And this was something that, you know, good friend of mine and I covered in the discussion the other day, and he knows it well. He knows the subject matter very well. There are still people on death lists in Iran that go all the way back to the taking of the hostages. I mean, my mother in laws uncle was CIA there at the time, and, well, they got out 24 hours prior to most of that crew because you couldn’t mass evacuate everyone at one time because then the students would have just done it that day instead of the next day.

All right? But those people that they know of that were in that capacity, they’re on a shit list forever. And if it’s convenient to whack them to this day, they will do it. You’re never off their list. This is how effed up that regime is. That’s why regime change, I think, should be a massive, joint, multinational, covert op. Personally, it’s just my opinion, that’s how you should handle it. Let’s not talk about going to war. You know, they just want to ruin their nuclear capability. We could do that at the same time without having a full scale conflict again.

It would be an ass whoop. And you know that. But you don’t want. I don’t think China would want to get involved because they’re too smart for that. And Russia would probably pump plenty of arms into the fray just like we already have. So we’re looking at over there that situation here, many situations that could be everything from logistics, which is the basis of this entire society, and, you know, communications, obviously, road access, every, every, everything you can imagine, the entire power generation. Right? And well, ghost, let me ask you this. I’ve had, I’ve had the, all of this is, all of this is, all of this is poised.

I’ve had foreman Mike on my show and he has said that they’re literally in our backyard and on Ninoscorner TV, he goes into detail about how they are setting up shop right now in South America, China, Iran, even Russia in Cuba. I mean, we are essentially being surrounded. And you have said that and we all understand that we, that as the chaos kicks off in America, is that when they plan to strike us or is that when we come into a nuclear type scare, is when America is probably a nuclear night? Nuclear type scare. A strike would be the dumbest ass thing they could do.

And they know that the scare would be just our, that the threat that they’re going to, you know, cross the border, the southern border or they’re going to fire, you know, tactical, you know, intermediate range or short range tactical nukes? What about service to air missiles that they’ve supposedly, allegedly have come across into New, into New Mexico? I mean, I’m hearing that there’s a lot more than just nine. They better find them. And I’ve heard there’s a lot more than nine and so have I. I don’t know what the exact number is, but, you know, we have the best surveillance setup in the world and I’m not going to detail with that.

So I’m sure, I’m sure their whereabouts are of pretty much known. It’s just a matter of how do you strike them at the same time guaranteed to get them all. So one isn’t told. Well, they’ve got the other. So let’s just fire ours off now and screw it. But what would they do? What would the surface to air missiles target? Commercial airliners? I mean, maybe Trump’s plane. I mean, what would they target? I mean, what, what are they going to use that for? Service? There is only one use to take out of anything flying. That’s the only use it has.

Right. But I mean, what, what would they take out? What would they benefit taking out? I mean, I mean, commercial airlines, chaos, what could be anything flying at all commercial, you name it. Military, whatever I military have, you know, I’m sure they’re flying now with defensive systems all to spec. Even if they’re making just a little hop in the US, I’m sure they’re fully, you know, ready for these kind of things. But yeah, I would think, you know, you want to, if you want to terrorize people, you’re going to hit common carriers. You can take out 200, 100 and 5200, 350 people at a time depending on what size or what type of aircraft you hit.

Now if that’s what, if these missiles are in fact here and that’s what they’re here for, chances are that’s what they’re going to be used on. Or any target of opportunity that happens to be military. Again, the dumbest thing they can do, but, you know, none of it is off the table. But if these psychopaths want chaos ghost, then they’re going to go by any means necessary to accomplish this goal. I mean, bloodlines want this chaos. Hold on, don’t bring up those, don’t bring up those names on fluid. Yeah, well that’s, that’s, um, uh, that, that, no, I forgot what that means.

But anyway, you know, I just, I often say special eatery, service delivery, something like that. I think what it means, you know, a lot of bad people getting robbed. But the bottom line here is a lot of things are going to be seen like that. That may not even come into play again. It’s part of the, let’s confuse the hell out of them. Let me ask you, I said back in 2012, the future will only be more confusing. Why? That’s part of the agenda. Let me ask you, the population, you weaken them. Let me ask you something, one last question here, and then we’ll go back to Nino’s corner tv and really dig into it because this is getting pretty, pretty muddy.

But for the people out there that believe, allegedly, allegedly. That believe that it’s going to be just another election, that things are going to be just fine, nothing’s going to happen, that they’re going to just show up in droves and everything’s going to be okay. And I’ve heard this from many people. I think even Jan Halper told me, you know, it’s going to be too big to you know what, and it’s going to be a landslide victory for Mister T and all this stuff. And, and I’m in and I’ve no doubt about that. What’s your thoughts on that? Could that happen? Is that a possibility? Or do you see what, or do you, are you more on the line of, are you on the side of Juanito saying this is going to be layers of disruption, chaos, and it’s going to be highly contested on both sides and we’re not going to have a clear answer.

And it’s going to be three to six months before we even know what direction we’re going. What, where do you stand? I would give that, and I give that an equal probability as to, I give that a high, an equal probability as to, let’s say, coupled with the chaos. Okay. So there’s no way out of the game. I’d say there’s a greater than 60% chance of that happening. I wouldn’t give it 90 or 85, but I’d say about 60. I’m not saying, but again, I’m not saying it’s not, but I’m saying that’s, now he may have streams of intel that he’s dealing with, said I don’t.

And I can easily see it playing out that way because of chaos. And I mean, not just your inconvenience and your shelves in the, you know, the supermarket of bear. I’m talking lethality. I don’t want to go into, I don’t want to do, you know, break any rules here. So why don’t we finish this on Nino’s corner tv ghost I mean, we already got one of that up there where you’re talking about the mass casualties that are expected to happen, allegedly things that could happen. And I’m going to go ahead and, and let’s, let’s take it back to the corner and go into this a little deeper because I really want to know what those surface to air missiles could be used for.

And I want to know about the weapons being delivered to hotels because I’m hearing the same thing. And I, and I, uh, yeah, I just, it just seems to me like I think that this paw in my mind, in my mind, just from the guests I’ve interviewed, folks, I’m not predicting anything. I really hope it’s a landslide and everything comes off the way it does and then we can just go forward in this country and move in the right direction. But I feel, and I’m sure a lot of people, my audience here, let me know your thoughts in the comments.

I feel like this could, there’s realistically we’re looking at very murky. That’s, that’s not going to happen. No one’s just one reason they don’t want that administration in because of what will then transpire. Okay, let’s end it there. Nino’s corner tv folks, let’s talk about what happens with the next administration and when things are. What you know will happen once Mister T makes the move. Because we know he’s going to make the move. Correct, Ghost? Yeah. And I think personally, he should shave his head and grow a goatee. He would look so bad. I’ve seen pictures.

People made him up like that. He would look badass. Then nobody really wanted to mess with the United States. All right, great. That way. But, hey, that’s just me. All right, folks, see you at Ninoscorner TV. We’re going to hit it hard over there right now.

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