Not Waiting On Who Wins Kamala Harris Trump Election To Make Moves To Get Rich Avoiding Broke




➡ The speaker is preparing for the upcoming year, focusing on real estate projects and content creation. They believe in proactive planning and reacting positively to life’s challenges. They emphasize the importance of being ready for opportunities and not relying on luck. They also encourage self-investment and hard work, rejecting the idea of quick success or luck-based achievements like winning the lottery.
➡ The speaker emphasizes his self-reliance and forward-thinking mentality, stating he doesn’t dwell on the past or hold grudges. He focuses on his growth and future, not caring about others’ opinions or past relationships. He values his work ethic and is always prepared for the future, not interested in revisiting old content or experiences. He encourages others to adopt a similar mindset, focusing on their own growth and future.


I’m already geared up. Everything that I do right now, I’m gearing up for next year. Everything that I do right now. All right. I see this is where we’re going today. I’m already feeling it. I’m already feeling it. Let me, let me, uh, let me get my thoughts together. Everything that I’m doing right now, I’m gearing up for next year. So of course, we’re still going to grind and hustle on what we got going on this year. But all we’re doing is executing on the things that we’ve already put in place earlier this year.

We got things that we got to finish in the real estate realm as far as building these houses. We got certain milestones that we want to hit when it comes to breaking ground. Well, ground that’s already been broken, but we have certain deadlines that we want to hit before the winter as far as the excavation and the framing because then it makes it a little bit more difficult, but we got to work through that. We have some things that we want to make sure that we hit when it comes to content creation as far as certain output that we want to do because we don’t pay attention to the numbers.

We look at the numbers afterwards and then we make adjustments. We are 100% geared in. And so as of October 14th, 2024, everything that we do from here on out is to prepare ourselves to running the 2025, swinging and killing everything. Everything that we do is in preparation of what we have going on. And so we are very proactive over here with the Bag Chasers and the Anton Daniels channel. And I know that everybody else is going to be starting to get their new year’s resolutions and all that stuff come January 1st. They’re going to party December 31st.

They’re going to let the weekend try to carry them through and then they’re going to get themselves together on Monday. By the time Monday come, every single week, by the time Monday come, my Sundays have been spent A, chilling out a little bit, B, preparation for Monday, for the next week. Everything that’s going to drop today has already been recorded and taken care of yesterday. Everything that drops today, whether it’s the Millionaire Morning Show or the Anton Daniels channel or after hours and then what we prepping for as far as what Room 9 is to become, all of that stuff is already taken care of today because we don’t wait for things to happen to us.

We proactively plan for what we want our results to be. And I think that that is a problem within our culture. That is a problem that you may lose your job and you may get laid off. I understand that there are things that happen in your life that you can’t control, but my father has always told me life is 10% of what happens to you, 90% of how you react to it. I even took that and remix it. I said life is 10% of what happens to you, 40% of how you react to it, 50% of how you plan for it.

He missed that part. That’s the part that I pass on to my daughter. Again, my father told me life is 10% what happens to you, 90% of how you react to it. I found that to be half true. And it’s just because he didn’t know, because he didn’t achieve the level of success that I’ve been able to acquire in my lifetime, which is something that I then pass on to my daughter and then you guys in the back chasers. Life is 10% of what happens to you, 40% of how you react to it, 50% of how you plan for it.

Everything that I’ve gotten, it’s not that I got lucky as a result of it, is that when the opportunity presented itself, I was ready. They see the growth this year, but the growth this year is just a continuation of the growth last year and the year before, because we don’t miss, because we operate on a calendar, because we intentional. It’s not that you’re lucky, it’s that you’re prepared for one opportunity to present itself. Some people get multiple different opportunities. Some people get one. I’m not missing the one. I’m not going to miss the one.

I can’t. I can’t afford to. That’s how I look at it. When people get on my live streams, or they get in my comments, or they try to react to what it is that I say, and they say, well, everybody can be rich. I know, but I can. I can. And it’s not that I was lucky, it’s that I took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself to me. When people finally discover me, because I’ve been cooking up for a long time. Remember, I’m not an overnight success. I’m a hustler. I’m a person that is grinding my way to the top.

I bullied my way into the game. I was never supposed to be. They said every twist and every turn, whether it was your family, whether it was your culture, whether it was your environment, whether it’s people that look like me that tried to take my life, they told me that I’m not supposed to even think this big, that I can’t put myself in the same tax bracket as people that don’t look like me. Even today, Obama is trying to divide us, and we going to get into that. They try to divide us based off of cultural norms and identity politics.

And they keep telling me that I can’t create my own privilege. I don’t believe in white privilege. I don’t believe in black privilege. I believe that you create whatever environment and whatever socioeconomic status that you want to exist in. It’s my God-given birthright to determine my own path. It’s your God-given birthright. If you’re sitting there, then there’s nothing wrong with working a regular job because I work a regular job, but I do so by choice. If you’re sitting there and your environment is telling you that you can’t do anything differently, if you’re sitting there and you’ve settled on the idea that all you can do is what you’ve been currently doing and you’re working to die.

What does that mean by working to die? It means that a lot of people, they work 30 and 40 years just so they can retire. My goal is to create life, is to live, is to create excitement. I’m not putting together, and congratulations to the people that’s even saving or pouring into their retirement, but I’m not doing that so that I could sit in a rocking chair. The environment and life that I’m creating for myself is so I can do much greater things and then pass on an inheritance to my daughter. Life is to be lived.

It’s a present. And again, when it comes to being proactively prepared for whatever comes for you, by the time that people start to discover me, and there’s going to be more people that discover me next year. There’s going to be even more people that discover me the year after. By the time people discover me because I’m not an overnight success, when they finally start to go through my algorithm and they go through my channel, when they go through and look at the type of content that I create, they can’t help but to subscribe or rock out with me or start to continue to play into or have an opinion, whether it’s negative or positive about what I say.

You know why? Because I’ve already been creating. I’ve already had the background. I’ve already had the foundation. By the time that they get there, they’re going to be like, oh, wait a minute. He’s not new. Oh, wait a minute. He’s been actually doing this longer than some of my favorite YouTubers. Oh, wait a minute. He’s not an overnight success. And it’s benefits to not be an overnight success because they can’t handle when they don’t blow up. They can’t handle when they don’t have the attention. They can’t handle the trials and the tribulations.

And so when they finally go through something, it’s, oh, my God. Oh, I don’t have my privilege. Oh, my God. My subscribers are not coming right now. I don’t have $30,000 a month. I don’t have $100,000 a month. So then they feel like somebody took their dog. No, I got that dog in me. I still got the mentality. And I work harder than people that have less than me. How is that possible? How can you let a man work harder than you that have more money than you, that have more success than you, that have more awards and accolades and all of the things that you say that you’re working towards, but you think that it’s just going to fall out of the sky.

You still playing a lottery? You played a lottery? For all of y’all that played a lottery, let me just tell you, you’re a fool. You was a fool. You could have put that same money and invested it back into yourself and then created your own, your own success. I don’t need nothing and nobody but a microphone and a computer. That’s all I need. I don’t even need a microphone. I just need one that’s built into my computer because I got myself. I depend on myself. I’m self-motivated. I seen somebody over the weekend, they said, they asked me somebody that I used to rock with.

I ain’t gonna say no names because you know, I’m a nice guy. I’ve seen somebody over the weekend and they said, what do you think about Anton Daniels? You know, I know y’all used to rock. He said, I don’t mess with him no more. And that same person predicted my downfall. They said, and I quote, let me tell you what they said. You know me, I just harbor it. I write it down in my iPad. I print it out and then I post it up on the wall so that I can see it every single day that I wake up and it can give me that motivation.

They said, yeah, man, ain’t nothing without me. They numbers ain’t gonna be as good now that I’m not there. My numbers is better than ever. My numbers is better than they ever been. I don’t depend on people. People, they accentuate, they add to what I’m already putting together. I don’t do interviews off camera. I do all of my interviews on camera. This is the Anton Daniels channel. Every channel that you see is with Anton Daniels, Millionaire Morning Show with Anton Daniels. Anton Daniels, half dollars with Anton Daniels. I’ve been rich for a long time.

What you think that I just woke up here? What is people thinking? You know what I’m saying? What is people thinking? And I don’t have no malice and no hate in my heart. I mean, listen, it was a time and it was a place for everything. I went into people on the street sometimes and they say, hey, man, you need to fix this with this person. No, I don’t. Apparently, you’re not familiar with what my content is. Let me tell you who I am. When I’m done, I’m all the way done for three lifetimes.

When I’m done, I’m done. I don’t go back, ask the people in high school. I don’t go to high school reunions. Ask the people that was my former college classmates. I don’t call them up and be like, what up, though? If I run into you in the streets, it’s good. Hey, yo, what up, what up, what up? I love you, man. How you been? Okay, cool. When I walk away, I’ve already forgotten about the last interaction. I’m on to the next. I am forward and up. When I’m done, I’m done. When it’s over, I don’t go back and check on my college girlfriends.

I don’t go back and look at them. I’m going that way. How am I going to drive forward if I’m looking backwards? I’m all gas, no brakes, no defense, no nothing. Steph Curry, KD, Draymond Green, Clay Thompson, Jordan Poole, all gas, no brakes, Golden State Warriors. I’m all gas, no brakes. I don’t care about what everybody else is doing. I don’t look in the past. Hey, man, you ever going to fix it with this person? Nope. Never, ever. Don’t mean that I got any animosity. Don’t mean that I’m not cool.

I’m never. For what? Why would I go back and fix it with that person and I got presidential candidates contacting me and calling me and asking me, can I do interviews with them? Why would I go back to the gossip blogs when I have presidential candidates that’s reaching out to me and saying, hey, man, we want to align with what you got going on because we know that you have huge influence in Michigan. I don’t want to talk about boozy. I don’t care about the latest dead rapper. That’s low hanging fruit. That’s low hanging fruit.

Why y’all keep checking for people that happen in your past? I’m not checking for that. When I’m gone, I’m gone. Can’t look behind me. Too busy looking at the person in front of me. I’m trying to catch somebody, not prevent somebody from passing me. I’m trying to catch him, not focus on him. It’s a time and a place for everything. It was fun at the time that we did it and it’s not no more. I’m not interested. I’m growing. What was fun to me at 20 is not fun to me at 25 or 30.

And what was fun to me at 30 is not fun to me at 35 or 40. And so now I’m like, you know what? Time to grow. And y’all got to get out of this mentality of thinking that y’all owe somebody something or that you have to keep it real or stay connected with people. No, it’s not that you ever have to have any animosity towards anybody, but you got to understand we are growing in two different directions. At least I am. I don’t care about what nobody else is doing. I’m not interested in reconnecting or revisiting the past.

I hate when I see people at the barbecues and they be like, remember when we was this? No, but I know what I’m about to do. I know what I’m about to do. My daughter said, hey, dad, you know, they said that the end of this, and I listen to my daughter, I listen to the people that’s around me, I listen to everybody around me because they add value into my life. She said, you know, they made the last Hellcats. They never bringing them back again. I said, well, then that means that we got to go and buy one.

She said, you serious? I said, what’s my name? She said, yeah, I see you sent them to the dealership. They’re going to go and pick it up today. That’s a fact. I don’t even plan on driving it. I don’t even plan on driving it. Maybe next year, I might pull it out just to see what I want because I do what I want to do when I want to do it. This is a whole nother level. I do what I want to do, not what people tell me I can do. And again, it’s all based off of your work ethic is based off of being proactively prepared.

And it’s based off of having a mentality that I’m never going back to the thing that y’all think that I was. I’m always going forward. If you want to see what I did in the past and go and watch my old content, it’s still up for you to go and watch. If you want to see what I did in the past, or you want to relive something, all of the content is still up. From the time that I first started blogging, you can go back and you can do a redo and you can go and check it out and you can relive the moment and you can figure out where you were when you first seen the video dropped and all of that.

Right now, we create new stuff. We focus on 2025, 2026. We’re planning for all of that. We ain’t got time to be sitting here playing no games. It’s 24 hours in a day. I got to sleep for seven or eight of them. That means that leaves me another 16, 17 hours to focus on what I got going on. I don’t have time for the nonsense. No time for the nonsense. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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