No One Wants an EV Car
UFC has secured a sponsorship deal with Bud Light for over a hundred million dollars over six years. Meanwhile, the economy is predicted to slow down, causing businesses to cut costs and streamline operations, with Blackstone’s CEO criticising a lack of work mentality in the current remote work environment. Growing loneliness is a significant issue; social activities are encouraged. The commercial real estate industry anticipates major fallout, and high rates of home ownership and low interest rates are seen as a temporary luxury. Technology developments continue with the introduction of remote kill switches in automobiles. Employment irregularities are being reported in Los Angeles, while predictions suggest future real estate sales will drop and interest rates rise. Lastly, a company called Proficient Supply Co. is facing legal challenges after not paying workers.
The company has faced financial issues leading to the sale of inventory and non-payment to assembly line workers, suggesting they seek legal help. A woman suffered severe burns leading to high medical bills after an incident at Dunkin’ Donuts, resulting in a $3 million lawsuit settlement.
Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. You’re watching allegedly, and got a good one for you today because people are waking up to reality right now and just can’t deny what’s going on. And before I get into it, please hit the like button. Please subscribe to the channel. And today we have a sponsor, Dr. Gundry, and I will talk about him a little later, but let’s get right into it.
EV, car market, electric vehicles. Here’s the thing. The Toyota chairman and former CEO, I like how he’s chairman. He’s former CEO Akito Toyota with A-D-T-O-Y-O-D-A. He steps forward and he says, hey, wait a second. People are not going to be buying these cars the way that people thought they were going to buy in these cars and that people don’t want to change their driving habits. And we see a real problem with electric vehicles right now, and we see that people don’t get it.
They don’t want to change their driving habits. Somebody else said the same thing too. But Toyota says that they’re not going to go full bore into electric vehicles. And if you look at people like Tesla, who’s getting clobbered, who had disastrous sales last quarter, and again, remember, they lowered the price to unload all those vehicles, and Tesla took a major bath. And Elon Musk lost over $20 billion, basically after the earnings were read.
Unbelievable, guys. Huge hit in one day. But Toyota is like, no, we’re going to be hybrid. And that’s what we’re going to work on. Now, I have been in, oh my gosh, dozens of Priuses. I’ve owned a couple of Priuses. They’re great cars. What is wrong with 40 miles to the gallon? What’s wrong with that? Is that bad? And you know what? My Prius takes minutes to fill up, okay? And when you fill that thing up, you get great gas mileage.
It goes forever. And Mr. Toyota is talking about how difficult it is to have these electric vehicles and the problems that people are having. And then you have Jessica Caldwell, who is the analyst at Edmunds. Edmunds is the car company. Edmunds steps forward and says that this is a disaster because people are not ready for the adoption of the electric vehicles yet. They cannot afford it. They don’t want to change their driving habits, which is what Mr.
Toyota said, which is people don’t want to give up time. People don’t want to change their time to go out and have a 45 minutes span to charge a vehicle. No one has the time for that. And it creates nothing but problems for people with this. So people either love their Tesla or they hate their Tesla. They love their EV or they hate their EV. But Mr. Toyota was talking about how expensive these EV cars are and that people are waking up to the reality of this.
Now, I don’t know of anybody who thinks that these are inexpensive. I don’t know of any grandmother that’s driving her Tesla and thinking that it’s great. And again, the fact that you can’t drive, do a simple trip to Las Vegas and you have to stop, okay? And in the middle of your journey for 45 minutes, not have you have to take a break and charge. It’s ridiculous to do that.
Wow, look at the pelicans today out in the center. Rocks out there. That’s new out here. Man oh, man, I’ve not seen those guys out here. So now, again, waking up to reality. People are just they’re not going to live this lifestyle. It’s not going to happen. Okay? He thinks that to shove it down everybody’s throat, it was done too quickly. Now Mitsubishi, the car company, they’re pulling out of me.
Mitsubishi, the Japanese car company, is pulling out of China. We’re not going to go to China anymore. And most likely you’re going to see other car companies, nissan, Toyota, and other car companies completely pull out of Japan because Japan is doing such a heavy push for EV cars. And they think that there’s going to be a real problem with this. Mitsubishi, they’re not going to tolerate it. So again, waking up to reality.
Now it’s funny, there’s two main car companies in China, BYD and Great Wall Car Company. And I thought it was a joke. I mean, Great Wall Car Company. The Beijing beef is fantastic there. And the kung pao is even better. I mean, Great Wall Car Company. Okay, you can’t make that up. So you’re going to see more and more people finish with this and done with it. And again, they’re too expensive, okay? It’s just not there yet.
And there’s a lot of problems with this. Think about this. Here in California, there is something that is basically theft right now from people that own multi unit apartments, duplexes, things like that. Think about this. They pushed in energy green fantasy land of California and other states. They pushed, go solar, get solar. Do it right away. Now you own an apartment building. Put solar energy on the building.
What they’re doing, what the California Energy Commission is proposing, think about this. They’re going to take multi unit apartments that have solar on them, duplexes, and above that, have solar. Now let’s say your tenants are there and you say, hey, Johnny, move here because we’ll give you free electricity because we got it from the sun. No, what the state’s going to do is the state is going to buy it back from these landowners, these homeowners, and then sell it back at a profit, at more money because we’re not making enough money selling energy right now.
And too many people are going solar. Read the story below. Can you believe it? Too many people are going solar right now because you can’t make this stuff up. They want you to save money. They want you to go green. They want you to go solar. They want you to spend 2 hours charging your car every day. And again today I’m sitting there thinking about this a light day.
I throw about 60 miles before I start filming this video. And I don’t know why I’ve been keeping my little logbook lately of that, but it’s kind of stupid because it’s too much. People don’t realize that all this stuff with solar EV everything’s a joke. But imagine you own an apartment building. You were incentivized to go out and get yourself solar energy on that building and now they’re going to make you buy it back at a profit.
Okay? And you’re going to pay more for that. Is that criminal or what guys? Okay, so share your thoughts on this one. Let’s talk about our sponsor, Dr. Gundry. Dr. Gundry is a famed cardiologist who a couple decades ago was overweight. No matter what he did, he could not lose weight. So what he did was he started to investigate what caused weight gain and it came down to his gut health foods that we thought were healthy were know that ridiculous food pyramid, that fraudulent food pyramid that we were all raised on is a joke.
And what Dr. Gundry’s done is he’s gone out and he has put together a program and you can take a look at if you go to forward slash dan on how you can get your gut right. Now think about this. As we get older, we think, hey, you’re supposed to be overweight. Hey, you’re supposed to have joint pain. Hey, you’re supposed to have headaches and problems with your digestive system.
Not a chance. If you change your diet and eat healthier, you can do something about it. Take a look at Dr. Gundry’s video today. It’s fantastic but it will absolutely change your life. It’s no obligation. Use the link below gut cleanse protocol, forward slash dan and check out Dr. Gundry today. And then you get a news story and I go gosh I hope this is true. It is rumored that Sam Bankman Fried is going to take the stand in his own defense.
Okay? A fool in his know this guy’s ego is so big that he thinks he’s going to be able to talk his way out of. So when you set up your company and you actually didn’t buy the Bitcoin, you just had it in one account and told people that you’d purchased Bitcoin, what was your intention with that? I mean, come on, they will slay this guy. I mean there hope to God there’s cameras in the courtroom for that.
The pilot that tried to take out 83 people, he dropped acid that day. Well, he did psychedelic mushrooms. I’m sorry. So hey listen, this is the first time I did psychedelic mushrooms, okay? Now this guy was going to go fly a plane after that. So thank God they arrested that idiot for, you know, think about, you know, they legalized shrooms mushrooms. Hey Dan, it’s all natural. It’s from Mother Earth.
Okay. No guys, it’s not. Okay, psychedelics, guys. Psychedelics. See, here’s the thing. I don’t want my auto mechanic changing my oil on acid, okay? I don’t know about you guys, but that’s just how I feel about that. So share your thoughts on this one because I’m floored by this. So the ducks are following me. Let me know what you guys think so far. This just got announced yesterday, and that is that UFC has a new sponsor and it’s the one and only Bud Light.
Okay? I wonder if they’re going to have that dude dance around for them, but I don’t know if they will or not. But think about this. UFC is going to get, think about this, over a hundred million dollars over six years. And Dana White steps forward and said, listen, they were the first beer company to support us. I’m telling you guys, when you have an event or an event company, I went ran something that was microscopic compared to the UFC and these guys went out and signed a hundred million dollar deal to get around dudes and to get around men.
And the thinking is that this is going to turn it around. Will it work guys? Will it work for Bud Light? You tell mean, I think it’s crazy. Bill Gross, the bond king, he says it’s time to quit betting against bonds and it’s time to accept the fact that we’re going to have an economic slowdown and that people need to understand where the economy is going in 2024 and that it’s going in a negative direction right now.
Now listen guys, I’m telling you this right now. I had a meeting today with a brilliant businessman who works in manufacturing and the company has done everything to streamline every single thing they can. They’ve had to lay off people. They’ve had to cut back. They’ve had to make all these changes right now in the company to make it more profitable right now for survival. They’re going to survive, but the excess people and Carolyn accounting is great.
Let’s just keep her I just pulled that name out of thin air. You can’t just let people work for you anymore just for the sake of keeping jobs. Everybody’s got to be profitable for the company. Everybody’s got to provide a service that’s going to work. Now here’s the one thing, is that the CEO of Blackstone steps forward and he says, listen, let’s face it guys, by the way, blackstone is the largest commercial real estate holder in the world right now.
And in the United States they’re number one. They are talking about how, listen, with this changing world that we’re living in and people not wanting to work at the office, they’re lazy. That’s what the CEO said. These people don’t want to work. These people lie about their productivity and tell you that they’re doing things when they don’t. People need to put on work clothes and go to work and be in a work environment.
Now, again, we’ve talked about this. It’s funny. I remember this like it was yesterday in the 80s, there was a finance company I dealt with, and the finance company was started out of their house, literally the kitchen table, and they had a phone set up in the garage. And one thing that he insisted, the dad insisted that the two sons do was get dressed for work. You guys have got to show up and get dressed for work.
And at first, I’m like, really? He goes, yeah, this is not playtime. I want you to take it seriously, and you better be at your desk by 09:00 a. m. Answering those phones and talking to clients, and they become really successful. But it was just the work mentality, and that’s what people don’t have right now. And that’s the one negative thing with COVID is it made people not want to go in.
It made people not want to socialize. Now, study finds does a study and I talked to you guys about this in the past, but this is brand new from yesterday, and that is that one in four people say that loneliness is their biggest personal problem. Man, oh, man, I’m telling you guys, you have to get out there. You have to go out and do something social to be around other people.
It’s important. It’s important. But again, do you have interests? What are they? There are meetup groups for that. And again, talking to my friend, we talked about this exact subject, and his wife is a minister at a church, and they deal with some really heavy stuff as ministers because they deal with people that talking about their personal problems and things like that. But we talked about this months ago.
People need to have activities. People need to do what interests them. And some people ride bikes, some people walk, some people go to the movies. Some people need to go to different events and things like that. But look at places like Meetup. com, check out that because there’s a ton of different social events that you can participate in and get yourself out of there. But you need interaction with people.
Children need interaction with people. That’s why I’m just a firm believer in sports. I’m a firm believer in having your kid lose and having your kid show up and have somebody be better than him, okay? I mean, really, it’s very valuable because when they excel in life and they do better things and they get good at something, it’s like anything else. So you need to have that. So share your thoughts on this.
What do you guys think about the work ethic thing and not showing up for work? I think it’s crazy right now, I think people don’t want to work. And I cannot wait to see the absolute fallout from commercial real estate. And for the people that let’s turn them into homeless know it is insane, guys. When you have a state like California that is a complete mess and you start to see buildings being turned back to the bank, this is the end, guys.
This is the end. This is end of days for businesses and the people that write me with your anonymous hotmail account and all that stuff that you guys have that have zero credibility. Why don’t you guys sit there and put a name, address and phone number and all this stuff and talk about this? Because this is not going to affect me. It’s not. I’ve spent years trying to make myself to the point that I don’t have to worry about what happened with this.
I don’t own an office building. I don’t need to have tenants pay me rent. And you guys need to understand that the people that do get out of it. If you can sell a house right now, if you can sell it, if and now would be a good time, get out of it. Okay? There’s so many people that have two and 3% mortgages right now. Man, are you guys lucky.
You guys are so lucky right now. You really are. That article yesterday that I talked about, about how it’s going to take some people ten years to break even on their homes now, what a disaster. What an absolute disaster. We talked a little bit about cars today. One thing that’s fascinating is, you know, there’s a law that by 2026, all new manufactured cars have to have a kill switch, a remote kill switch on it.
Not just the EV cars, but even gasoline engine cars, combustible engine cars have to have a kill switch. Isn’t that wild to think about? It’s unbelievable. So get ready. Those high speed chases are fantastic, so let’s hope they don’t do them in new cars anymore. Next thing is there is a strike at a lot of the hotels here in Los Angeles county. So what are they doing? They’re taking the new remote migrants and giving them jobs at the hotels.
I thought that was illegal. I thought you had to have paperwork and a Social Security number and things like that to get a job. Is that crazy or is that just me or is that just sign of the times? Read the story below from the La. Times, okay? It’s like man, oh, man, come on, guys, it’s nuts, okay? It’s absolutely nuts. So again, yeah, just come work here.
Yeah, do this. Clean their room. Oh, don’t take anything. You know what I mean? It’s insane. Absolutely insane. Goldman Sachs, they just did a real estate guidance for 2024. Okay? Now think about this. The guidance for 2024 is off a tremendous amount. Now remember, for those of you naysayers that tell me how great real estate is going to be, read this story, because the story says that in 2024 there will be fewer houses sold than in decades in 2024.
Okay, well, isn’t that bad? Okay. Plus, you’re going to see interest rates well above 8%, which is going to dramatically affect everything for everybody, and people don’t want to accept that and have that be an issue. I think it’s going to be just a sign of the times and a real, real problem. So share your thoughts on that. Okay? Hello, ladies. I’m going to finish this one with just a couple of quick stories and some advice on the people that are not getting paid.
There is a company, proficient supply company out of Hickory, North Carolina, that workers have not been paid months, and the owners and managers are just giving people story time and still expecting people to show up. Okay? The labor board stepped in, and no, no, you can’t do this. But the owner said, listen, we had money problems, and we sold a bunch of our inventory earlier this year to an investment company out of Florida, and we’re sorry about that.
No, guys, I’m telling you, if it’s you or you have a friend or family member that’s working for a company and they’re not getting paid, get on that immediately, okay? I’m telling you this right now. Everybody that doesn’t pay, somebody thinks that they invented the store. That’s what we’ll tell them. We’ll tell them we unloaded this because of our money problems. No, I’m sure the managers are getting paid right now, but the workers on the assembly line are not getting paid.
Pass file with the labor board or contact a labor attorney in your state. Call them. They will take that phone call for free, and they do brilliant litigation for these people. Final Story dunkin Donuts Where have we heard this one before? A woman just settled with Dunkin’Donuts for having hot coffee spilled in her lap because she was in a Dunkin Donut store in 2021. They gave her that coffee with that horrible lid, and that wasn’t secured, and hot coffee spilled all over her lap.
But here’s the worst part. She had $200,000 with the medical bills. 200 grand. Okay? Get health insurance, guys. Get health insurance. Get some sort of health insurance for this. And if you get injured in a situation like that, get an attorney to make sure you’re getting your medical bills paid during that time and that the other side is going to pay it. Jeez Louise. Okay, she gets $3 million.
And again, what’s it worth? I mean, getting scalded and burnt, is that worth $3 million? It’s crazy. It was just near the anniversary of that McDonald’s suit that we all grew up caring about and thinking that the woman had pulled one over on us. When we find out that she had third degree burns on her lap and her waist area. Okay, please like the video, subscribe to the channel.
You want to send stories to me? Hello@iallegedly. com? And I appreciate everything that you guys send. Okay? Onward. And upward. I’ll see you guys very soon. .