NFL RIGGED? Is It Worse Than Boxing? Heavyweight Champ Speaks Out.. David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡David Nino Rodriguez speaks with a guy who used to be a professional boxer and is talking about how some people think the NFL is rigged. He says that while there can be some shady stuff happening, especially with referees and judges, the players themselves usually play their best. He also mentions a rumor about a Canadian TV station predicting the Super Bowl teams, but he thinks it’s just a mistake, not a conspiracy. He believes that players work hard to win their games, and any corruption is not their fault.
➡ This text talks about how some people think football games might be fixed. They think the teams know what each other will do and that referees might change the game’s outcome. The writer asks if you agree and wants to hear your thoughts.


What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. Let’s talk about the NFL just for a moment. A lot of people think it’s rigged and it’s getting a lot of backlash lately, a lot of hating lately, and a lot of conspiracies are coming out about the NFL. I’m here to set the record straight on what I know about professional sports. I come from probably the most corrupt and controversial sport there is, boxing, especially heavyweight boxing.

In my experience, being a professional fighter, which was a good almost 30 years, 30 years in the sport, I’ve seen a lot of shit. I’ve seen some things that will make your stomach turn your hairstyle on end. Nasty, nasty things. I’ve seen some things that you would never believe. And I’m going to probably write a book about that. I have a lot of friends that played in the NFL, some that still do.

I have friends who have kids that are in college getting ready to go into the NFL. I have a friend that’s a coach for the NFL. So I think I know what I’m talking about when it comes to this. And I’m going to say this. Yes, it is very controversial. It is very corrupt. All sports are, especially when you have betting involved. But I’m going to say this, from what I know, and especially being a professional heavyweight boxer, the fighters and the players go out there to fight and play their hearts up.

Where the corruption lies, from what I can see being on that side of the spectrum, lies in the referees and the judges, especially boxing. How many times have you seen a boxing match where, you know, one guy won it and they give it to other guy? It’s called a robbery. It’s happened many, many times in boxing. Now, there are a few instances when a fighter takes a dive for a certain amount of money or he wants to get a title shot.

The only way to do it is lose to a certain opponent. There’s so many politics involved. I could write another book on just the politics of boxing and what I’ve seen in this sport. Have I ever been approached? I’ve been approached once to take a dive and I said, I told the guy to fuck off. Not going to happen. But other than that, out of close to 40 fights, 39 fights, I chose to never leave my fights in the judge’s hands.

I always went in there with, as a calculated killer to seek out and destroy and put that guy on the canvas or in his grave. I wanted to leave, no questions unanswered, and I wanted him to be out. And I did not want my destiny going to the judges. Lately there’s been a canadian tv station stirring up a lot of controversy, a lot of conspiracy theories. Featuring the 49 ers and the Ravens Super bowl graphic for February 11 this is how I see it with the NFL.

As far as I know, these guys go out there to play their hearts out. They go out there to play their hearts out. Now, are some of the players, can some of the players be? Absolutely they can. There’s some guys that need to cover a gambling debt or have a lot of money riding on certain deals or they get their lives threatened. There’s a lot of weird stuff that can happen to a player individually.

Where I see the corruption for the most part in NFL football is the referees. I think the referees can be bought off and sway the game whichever direction they need to. Maybe a few of the officials. To me, this is just like boxing. When big money is involved, anything can happen. I’m going to go ahead and bring up this story right here, talking about this canadian tv station that has got all kinds of wild conspiracies stirred up.

Canadian tv station appears to stir up NFL scripts conspiracies with 49 ers. Ravens Super bowl graphic now as far as I know, with my experience as a professional athlete, I have never seen any boxer get in the ring and it’s completely scripted and not at the level I was at. We go in there and we go in there to seek and destroy and fight. Have certain fighters been overmatched? That’s where I see the rigging is you’ll see a guy that’s 13 and 1520 and fighting a guy that’s five and five or ten and then maybe they used to do this back then, but they’ll lie about the losing record and say it’s a winning record or something like that.

But now with the Internet, that’s virtually impossible. You can’t even do that anymore. So it’s harder and harder, especially with the Internet, to pull things like that off. But football, I think you guys need to just really leave the conspiracies where they belong to be. And that’s in the WWE. This stuff with football players purposely throwing games and this and that. Can a football player fumble or miss a pass? Yeah, he can.

But you better damn well believe the coach is going to pull him out and put someone else in there that will not fumble the ball or will catch the ball. So canadian tv station appears to stir up NFL script conspiracy with 49 Raven Super bowl graphics. So here it is, a canadian public television station has gotten NFL conspiracy theorists stirred up in a frenzy that this year’s Super bowl may be rigged in the 49 ers favor.

A photo of January eigth broadcast of CTV News Vancouver island has been making the rounds online because of a curious description of the February 11 championship game in a box placed near the bottom right corner of the screen. The depiction reads, reba McIntyre, Usher and Post Malone are slated to perform at the San Francisco 49 ER and Baltimore Ravens Super bowl matchup on February 11. Now, could they use possibly AI to predict who’s going to go to the Super bowl? Hey, that’s always in a question.

I can say that could be probable, but still, it’s not going to predict with 100% accuracy who’s going to the Super bowl, but maybe with 85% accuracy, 90% accuracy. I don’t know. AI is pretty damn good these days. Of course, the second round of the playoffs haven’t even begun when the broadcast went out, leading many social media to joke. At least we hope they’re joking, that the NFL supposed script for the playoffs had leaked.

I do not believe there’s a script for the NFL. I have friends that are coaches. I know people that play ball, and man, they put their heart on the line. This is not like the WWE, folks. It’s not exactly clear where the photograph emerged from originally, but it’s been reposted many times on Twitter TikTok and on Reddit pages about the 49 ers, Ravens and even the Eagles. The earliest post seems to be from the Eagles page, where the user claims that the screenshot came from a post on facebook.

Now, folks, can referees sway a victory a certain direction? I absolutely believe so. Just like in boxing, when judges would give it to a fighter that did not deserve the fight. So this happens all the time in would. I would imagine it also happens in an NFL. But what I’m saying here is don’t blame the players. There might be an exception to the rule here and there where a player may miss a pass or purposely fumble the ball trying to get his team in trouble.

That might happen, but he would be held accountable and lose his position. Just to be perfectly clear, this is not the NFL accidentally letting out its secret agenda for the postseason through a television station in a poor country. It’s likely a gaffe that stems from both the Niners and the Ravens being the top seeds in their respective conferences. Sure, Baltimore won their playoff game Saturday, and the Niners are favored against the packers by ten points.

But both organizations would still need to win next week to make the prediction come true. Even if that were to happen, what’s a conspiracy? That the NFL manipulated things to let the two best teams in the league into the Super bowl? That’s not exactly mkultra level stuff. Look, I think maybe AI could be at work here. They could use AI to dictate or predict what teams are going to the Super bowl.

They’re pretty good at that. AI is a phenomenal technology. Right? So we know that. But I’m going to tell you this. From what I know in my experience in boxing, and I came from the most corrupted sport on the history of this planet, I don’t even think mma is as corrupted as boxing. I damn low don’t think NFL is. I think these players really work their ass off.

Work their asses off and get out there to win. Now, is the league being pussified and emasculated? That’s a whole different show, folks. And I could bring that on. I know I talked to a lot of players and a lot of coaches that tell me just how bad that’s getting. Just how bad that’s getting. Now, I could do a whole show on that. That by itself I could talk all day about.

But the fact that the two teams are following a script and they know each other’s plays and they’re not really tackling each other. Put that to bed right now. That ain’t happening. Could referees be swaying a game? You should be open to that one. You should be open to that one. The same way judges take fights away from fighters all the time. Give me your thoughts below. Do you think the NFL’s rigged? Let me know your thoughts.

Leave a comment down below. All right, folks, I’m out of here. Later. .

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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audience thoughts on NFL game outcomes Canadian TV Super Bowl prediction rumor NFL game fixing controversies player integrity in NFL games potential corruption in football games professional boxer insights on NFL rigging public opinion on football game fixing referee influence on NFL games
  • I honestly believe that the NFL is rigged. In fact, it is very easy to rig as the players all sign non-disclosure agreements when they sign their contracts. There is evidence that players are not playing up to professional standards. For example, players attempt to tackle by going for the feet but end up getting face planted to the turf. Then there are the magnetic catches with one hand, field goal kicks that go doink, and muffed punts. Want the evidence? Check out You Tuber Jake the A**hole.

  • Absolutely. That Dallas game is case in point. The player came out to show the ref his number and that he is an eligible receiver. So he gets the ball and in for a touchdown and the ref calls it back and said he did not show him his number. But the cameras show that the player DID show him his number. The ref is either stupid or on the take.

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