Posted in: News, Patriots, The Healthy American Peggy Hall



➡ Peggy Hall discusses the Governor of California’s contest for a new state coin design, sharing some humorous submissions. She also talks about the state’s issues, such as high taxes, businesses and people leaving, crime, homelessness, and high gasoline prices. Additionally, she mentions the state’s high cost of living, particularly in San Diego and Los Angeles. Lastly, she promotes investing in gold through Noble Gold Investments, highlighting its potential for growth.
➡ The speaker expresses sadness over California’s shift towards what they perceive as a communistic lifestyle, noting its high cost of living, particularly in areas like San Francisco and Silicon Valley. They also mention their fight against perceived corruption and their ongoing lawsuit, thanking supporters and encouraging them to follow their updates on Peggy


Hey friends, Peggy Hall back with you from the On Fridays, I’d like to bring you something a little bit more lighthearted. So we’re going to talk about the Governor of California. Yes, the Gavinator, as I call him. And did you hear that he came out with a contest? You know, I have to hand it to him. He’s a huge fan of California. I’m a huge fan of California, just not the politicians and the public servants, but California itself as a state is amazing. There are so many natural resources. The people are incredible. There are so many patriots.

The state is actually red. But I’m telling you, under his leadership, if you can call it that his destruction, his totalitarian dictatorship. He has really run the state into the ground. So we’re going to take a lighthearted look at this design contest that he has for a California coin. And I would love to hear from you what you think should go on that coin. I’m going to share with you some of the images that people have submitted along with their comments. And then we actually are going to look at how California is a leader in so many ways.

And I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. Speaking of coins, why don’t we do this? We’re going to hop on over to And I want to actually tell you about this one quarter ounce gold standard coin that you could get for free. And I want you to find out all about that by giving the experts a call at noblegoldinvestments. It’s 877-646-5347. You know, gold has gone up more than 81% in the last five years. It is happening. Central banks apparently now are ditching the dollar and US treasuries are buying more gold. And the good news is that gold is predicted to rise even more.

UBS, which is an investment bank, said that gold would go up to $5,000 an ounce. Noblegold Investments’ phone has been ringing nonstop. And again, give them a call, 877-646-5347. Everyone seems to want to protect their retirement with gold. And you can do the same. And you can do it this month. So again, check that out. You’ll get this free one quarter ounce gold standard coin if you open up a qualified account. So check it out, I will have a link for you in the description box below along with the disclaimer that there’s always a risk of investment.

There’s no guarantee of any kind, but get your questions answered by the experts at Friends, have you seen this California coin? It is quite amusing to say the least. And we’re going to hop on over. Let’s hop on over to Twitter. I just refuse to call it X. So we’re going to go here and take a look at this California coin submissions after Newsom’s call for a new state coin. So here’s one. Let me see if I can increase the size a little bit. I just think this is so darn hilarious. And it has California, I guess, two ends.

I don’t know why that is. And we’ve got the encampments here for the homeless because that is one of the ways that California leads the nation. Here it is with the California in Newsom. We trust. What does that say? In evil Newsom, maybe I think it says we trust. And there’s the high gasoline prices there. And of course, there is the suffocation device on the beautiful golden state of California. And we have over here the encampment. And this one I like now leaving California. Leaving so soon? Was it something we taxed? So I think I grabbed these here, yeah, for the images.

Let me know what you would put there. Of course, California really leads the nation. It says public mocks Newsom with coin designs. And this one came from Fox News, which I don’t watch, but it was there on Twitter. And it said, welcome to Texas because so many people have been fleeing California and going to other states. And I promised we would talk about California being the leader. And let’s take a look at exactly what California is the leader in. Well, it’s the leader in taxes. All right. We’ve got personal income tax at a very high rate.

The gasoline taxes are the highest in the country. And luckily, the property taxes aren’t, but they are still going up. And there are a lot of shenanigans afoot to get rid of our Prop 13, which actually protected some of our property taxes, but also corporate taxes. This is why the businesses are fleeing. So I would say California is leading the nation in the number of businesses that are fleeing the state. I’ve done videos on this before. How about people fleeing the state? Let me know if you lived in California and you are now in exile in another state.

Let me know if you found freedom in another place. And what made you make that decision? You know, about a year or two ago, I did a video on Newsome being U-Haul’s salesman of the year because people could not even get their hands on a U-Haul trailer or moving companies because so many people were moving out of California. Of course, I would say California is probably leading the nation in crime. And that’s because the Gavinator has demanded that the sheriffs release all of the criminals. Of course, they needed to make room for people like you and me that were breathing oxygen that I guess were really a threat to society where the hardened criminals are walking free.

Definitely, it is a leader in homelessness. And it’s so ironic because the Gavinator also said that California is a model for the homeless. And I guess if he’s talking about the industry, the homeless industry, where there are billions of dollars going to this problem that still has not been solved, I have a very easy solution. What about all of these empty military bases? They’re already ready for people to live there and the individuals could actually work and keep them clean and prepare food. But that would be taking care of the problem. And that would prevent all of the crooks and cronies from lining their pockets with all of this money.

And, you know, they wouldn’t be able to get their sticky fingers all over those dollars. So, of course, that would never fly. California leads the nation in gasoline prices easily two, three, four dollars more than other states. And that’s because of the gasoline tax. California produces oil, so it’s highly ironic that we have such high gasoline prices. And the worst of all is that those gasoline taxes are supposed to go to repair the roads. And it is an undisputed fact that California has the worst condition of roads in the nation. It’s actually very dangerous where they don’t paint the stripes on the freeway and you have to just kind of figure out where you’re going.

It’s absolutely insane. I’ve covered that before. California has the highest among the highest prices for utilities. Absolutely number one in the nation in the county of San Diego, where I have a home, and that is the highest electricity prices by two thirds. That means if you’re in a state like Georgia or Florida or Arizona. Again, I’ve done the breakdown in previous videos, but let’s suffice it to say that if you’re paying per kilowatt hour in one of those states. It’s three times as high in California, and they want to ration your electricity and they want everybody to drive electric cars, because it makes no sense.

And let’s talk about home prices, shall we so I have a little graphic here for you. And this I just got it says the highest home prices in the country or the most expensive place to live. I’ll put it that way because it’s the overall score in terms of the cost of living San Diego, California, my home county is the number one most expensive place to live in the entire United States. And you know what I plucked out a handful of these, and most of them are in California. So Los Angeles is number two in the most expensive place to live, and I would say probably the least desirable place to live.

All y’all that live in Los Angeles, could you remind me why I have kind of forgotten about the charms of Los Angeles. Alright Honolulu Hawaii, number three and of course, they are number one in the green do deal from Joshy green over there who is just putting up all more of these skyscrapers and the rabbit hutches and the planned 15 minute cities, so it’s leading the nation for sure Honolulu, or Hawaii is in general, in all of the plan cities now I was actually surprised that Miami Florida made the list at number four. So we’ve got California with the top two.

And then we’ve got Honolulu Miami. And then we go back to California. Let me know if you live in Miami, is it expensive. Santa Barbara, that’s where I went to school I live there for a few years. And yes, it is an expensive place to live it’s a beautiful place to live and sad to say, it is a very communistic lefty county now and they, it kind of always was, but there were some good things that went along with it, you know, like 40 years ago, and now they completely have given themselves over to this communistic way of living and it’s very very sad one of the most shut down counties in all of California during all of the hog washing.

But that number one place was San Francisco probably the most shut down depending on the people that I helped try to breathe oxygen and keep their job so San Francisco is number six, most expensive. And we’ve got Salinas California which is near a Monterey where I also live there I did my graduate studies in Monterey California number seven most expensive and then Santa Rosa basically is the Silicon Valley area and that is number eight most expensive place to live so out of eight California’s got one, two, three I think it’s got six out of the eight.

So, how do you like them apples. It’s absolutely stunning and it’s so sad because California does have so much going for it. And I just want to thank all of my freedom fighters all of my friends my family, all of those that are standing strong against these tyrants and against this despicable new scum that’s out of those 20 people that were in favor of Newsom and the fact that he is still governor really indicates to me, the level of corruption in the state you know that I’ve been fighting it. I brought you my update to my lawsuit earlier this week, I think, all of you that supported me in that I stand before you in victory and as you know, I am marching this all the way to heaven, and I’m so grateful to have you on board.

Be sure to get my free sub stack Peggy and that’s where you get my written comments on many of the videos that I broadcast here. [tr:trw].

See more of The Healthy American Peggy Hall on their Public Channel and the MPN The Healthy American Peggy Hall channel.


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businesses leaving California California high cost of living California high taxes issue California shifting cost of living in Los Angeles cost of living in San Diego high gasoline prices in California homelessness problem in California humorous coin design submissions increasing crime in California investing in gold with Noble Gold Investments Peggy Hall California coin design contest potential growth in gold investment

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