2 Yemeni Men Arrested by Border Patrol Identified on the FBI’s Terrorism Watch List

MyPatriotsNetwork-2 Yemeni Men Arrested by Border Patrol Identified on the FBI’s Terrorism Watch List

If you think terrorists aren’t flooding into our country right now, think again.  U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the El Centro Sector arrested two Yemeni men within the last 2 months that were identified on a terrorism watch list. You can read more about it on Breaking911.com

Depopulation War Games Exposed By Investigative Researchers

Watch Alex Jones & Investigative Researchers Expose Johns Hopkins Detailed Plan To Control & Collapse Society With Medical Bioweapons(Spoiler alert: Their ‘scenario’ is happening now!) If you’ve never heard of the SPARS 2025-2028 exercise, it is a 2017 Johns Hopkins document that details their plans for a Big Pharma global domination. Here is a link […]

Action Needed! Plus, Illuminati Secrets Revealed & COVID Demons Be Gone! April 5, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-Action Needed! Plus, Illuminati Secrets Revealed & COVID Demons Be Gone! April 5, 2021 Update

If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. Action Needed! Plus, Illuminati Secrets Revealed & COVID Demons Be Gone! April 5, 2021 Update Great day Patriot,   I hope you made the most of the weekend and invested time into planning and preparing for your future.  Each of us has to take […]

Illuminati Expert Fritz Springmeier Explains Chilling Details On How MKUltra & Mind Control Slaves Work

MyPatriotsNetwork-Illuminati Expert Fritz Springmeier Explains Chilling Details On How MKUltra & Mind Control Slaves Work

If you haven’t heard of Fritz Springmeier before, you are in for a treat. If you have, then you are aware of the significance of his information.  Fritz is one of the leading experts in the Illuminati and knows better than almost anyone else not in the illuminati, how MKUltra and trauma based mind control […]

Patriots Across The Country Must Unite To Help Restore Honest Elections! Here’s How We Can Today

MyPatriotsNetwork-Patriots Across The Country Must Unite To Help Restore Honest Elections! Here’s How We Can Today

Patrick Byrne posted on his (real) Telegram channel recently.  Here’s the message: So let’s help ensure we can get AZ to do the right thing!  If you care about freedom and liberty, please consider sending an email to the AZ Republican Senators.  Here’s a template you can work with. Please edit and customize or just […]

MOTIVATION: Classic Audio From Zig Ziglar Shares Secrets Of Success & How To Think Correctly

MyPatriotsNetwork-MOTIVATION: Classic Audio From Zig Ziglar Shares Secrets Of Success & How To Think Correctly

Enjoy this classic motivational speech from the late, great Zig Ziglar! https://youtu.be/Qe0J997dYxc Now is more important than ever to control our thinking, set goals for ourselves and take our life back!

Control Your Food & Medicine Supply! Consider These Herbal Plants For Your Survival Garden

MyPatriotsNetwork-Control Your Food & Medicine Supply! Consider These Herbal Plants For Your Survival Garden

It’s good to have a local food supply! Now more than ever. Growing your own medicine is an effective way to stay healthy when the SHTF.  When the disaster strikes and everyone is left to their own devices, you get to have peace of mind knowing that you have a survival garden filled with various […]



This may be shocking to you. Or if you’ve been researching for a while now, this might be old news to you. However, as with everything else in life, repetition helps with the learning process!  While doing a bit of research, I stumbled upon some VERY interesting information. For example, V2K Voice To Skull Technology […]

FRIDAY Update – More BOOMS Than I Can Describe!

MyPatriotsNetwork-FRIDAY Update – More BOOMS Than I Can Describe!

If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. More BOOMS Than I Can Describe! April 2, 2021 Update Great day Patriot,   What on Earth will I be talking about today?? Lol that’s the very question I asked myself this morning.  Let’s see… Cheers!Jared “Do not fear failure but rather fear not […]


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