Big Win In Sex Trafficking Fight, Is Verizon Censoring & More! April 15, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-Big Win In Sex Trafficking Fight, Is Verizon Censoring & More! April 15, 2021 Update

If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. Big Win In Sex Trafficking Fight, Is Verizon Censoring & More! April 15, 2021 Update Great day Patriot,   I hope you’re taking new actions in your life and hopefully you’re thinking differently than you were a year ago. The mainstream is using their […]

Peggy Hall Shares A WIN In Fight Against Vaccine Passports

MyPatriotsNetwork-Peggy Hall Shares A WIN In Fight Against Vaccine Passports

Patriot Peggy Hall has another uplifting update to share!  She and many others are in southern California fighting for freedom. In this video, Peggy shares a win in their recent stand against vaccine passports. As of recording this post, Peggy’s video is on Youtube here. Learn more and support Peggy’s work at  Also in […]

Is Verizon Censoring Information On Their Customers Phones Now?

MyPatriotsNetwork-Is Verizon Censoring Information On Their Customers Phones Now?

Is Verizon now censoring information from their customers? CDMedia just reported they’ve had multiple people tell them their websites have not been loading on Verizon phones. Has censorship hit cellular networks? You better believe it will get worse before it gets better! I’m telling you… This is creating a GIANT opportunity! Any real Patriots that […]

Mastercard Now Requires Age And Consent Verification On Porn Sites

MyPatriotsNetwork-Big Win In Sex Trafficking Fight, Is Verizon Censoring & More! April 15, 2021 Update

Thanks to Exoduscy on Instagram for sharing this post. According to,  “The banks will now have to ensure that sellers require “clear, unambiguous and documented consent” in adult content, the payments network said in a blog post Wednesday. The firms will also be required to ensure websites document the age and verify the identity […]

Gab CEO Explains How Trump Insiders Tried To Change His Free Speech Platform

MyPatriotsNetwork-Gab CEO Explains How Trump Insiders Tried To Change His Free Speech Platform

Reading this story on, The CEO of Gab, Andrew Torba  explains his interactions with the Jared Kushner sphere during negotiations earlier this year. “As we told Mr. Kushner’s aides, Gab has no plans to sell our business or to compromise in any way our mission to defend free speech online for all people,” Torba […]

Mike Lindell Announces He’s Launching Amazon Competitor. But Wait, There’s More!

MyPatriotsNetwork-Mike Lindell Announces He’s Launching Amazon Competitor. But Wait, There’s More!

If there’s one thing we can say for sure these days is that… “We don’t live in the world we think we do!”  With that being said, Mike Lindell announced recently that he’s launching a competitor to Amazon, for Patriots, called MyStore.  I didn’t see this until after I posted this story about Intel and […]

Bio: Stephanie Sledge | MPN

MyPatriotsNetwork-Bio: Stephanie Sledge | MPN

“If the federal government should overpass the just bounds of its authority and make a tyrannical use of its powers, the people, whose creature it is, must appeal to the standard they have formed, and take such measures to redress the injury done to the Constitution as the exigency may suggest and prudence justify.” – […]

The Plan To Make Americans Free Again & Much More! April 13, 2021 Update

MyPatriotsNetwork-The Plan To Make Americans Free Again & Much More! April 13, 2021 Update

If someone forwarded this web page to you, please Sign Up Here. The Plan To Make Americans Free Again & Much More! April 13, 2021 Update Great day Patriot,   I’ve got some great info to share with you today.  Cheers!Jared “To know and not to do is not to know.” Leo Buscaglia Tweet The Plan […]

Big Tech Company Intel Introduces AI Project ‘Bleep’ To Censor Speech

MyPatriotsNetwork-Big Tech Company Intel Introduces AI Project ‘Bleep’ To Censor Speech

Silicon Valley giant Intel has announced that it will be releasing an AI program named Bleep that is capable of censoring “offensive” and racist speech from gaming audio.  Intel claims that the AI tool will allow users to detect and remove toxic speech from their voice chat.” What could go wrong?!  You can read more […]

CLASSIC VIDEO: Discover The Globalist Agenda in 12 Minutes

MyPatriotsNetwork-CLASSIC VIDEO: Discover The Globalist Agenda in 12 Minutes

In this video that was filmed in 2007, you’ll hear from Aaron Russo about the globalist agenda.  Aaron Russo discusses his conversations with Nickolas Rockefeller concerning the Council On Foreign Relations and learns of how they want to control the population through microchips, information control & the federal reserve.  Rockefeller discusses the true reason the […]


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