New York Police Battling Venezuelan Gangs Here Illegally Migrants Terrorizing Residents Taxpayers | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels

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➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels talks about  A series of robberies targeting the logistics industry, particularly trucks carrying Nike products, is causing concern in Memphis. The robbers, who are often caught on camera, strike in broad daylight, even at traffic lights, and quickly unload the goods into their own vehicles. This trend is not isolated to Memphis, with similar incidents reported in New York involving Venezuelan migrant gangs. The police are urging citizens to report any suspicious activity they witness.


So it’s Crime Tuesdays. Robberies and crime waves. All the way to the point to where New York is basically fighting them. A migrant, illegal migrant gang over in this city. Make sure y’all hit a like for the algorithm. Subscribe to the channel and turn on your notifications. This is what’s happening across the country, y’all. First, let’s start off in Memphis. Now, right now, Memphis police officers are looking for the men on your screen. They’re responsible for one of the latest crimes targeting the logistics industry here in Memphis. Hey, they got their whole license plate on there.

How you gonna have a license? Is the truck stolen? Is the truck stolen? Because the dudes got on Jordans, Jordans joggers, a long sleeve white tee, a poo-shiesty mask, a new Ford F-150. That is a newer truck. Okay. License plate showing. Got the Memphis Grizzlies license plate. Got the baby blue Jordans on. The white and blue Jordans on. And they out here stealing out of a Nike truck. And they just so happen to be black. Investigators say that these men robbed a truck full of Nike products in the middle of the day, Monday.

Fox 30’s Jack Billiard was live at MPD headquarters right now. Jack, this happened just feet away from the destination. That’s the Nike distribution center. And then when Nike pull out, a witness told me he pulled up behind a truck that was stopped at a red light on New Allen road. And when he got close, he saw that a few men had popped open the back of that truck and were piling all the boxes they could into a pickup truck. It was the craziest thing I’d ever seen. Charles Moore says he had just dropped off a lift passenger near the Nike facility when he came across the robbery.

He says he whipped out his phone and captured these images of the criminals in action. The door of the truck was open and there, these guys running in and out, grabbing stuff out the back of the, uh, the 18 Wheeler and the driver of the 18 Wheeler had no clue. He was watching the light. You could see it. You can see those men respond. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. So you’re telling me that at a red light at a red, it can’t be real life. We are in a GTA server. Y’all somebody is playing us as video games and we don’t know that we’re being controlled.

Okay. This is what I know for sure. So wait a minute at a red light, the driver didn’t know what was going on. Either the driver is in on it or the driver is completely oblivious and people are so brazen that they just willing to pop over the back, open the back of the truck from the Nike distribution facility over in Memphis. Then people are going to be whining and complaining that, oh man, we ain’t got no jobs or everything is completely leaving. Well, people are pulling up in the F one 50 and popping over the back of the truck and throwing them in the back of the pickup truck.

They just throwing them on the ground so that when the truck takes off, eventually they just throw them into the back of the back of the pickup and just rock out. Y’all said this is normal. This is normal in Memphis. Yeah, they stay hitting Nike up here. This is becoming normal. Unfortunate. I didn’t know that. What? Really possible piling boxes in their arms and taking them out of the 18 Wheeler. Two are seen wearing masks. One isn’t more says the light turned green and the big rig pulled away. It’s driver totally unaware of what had happened until more followed him into the Nike parking lot.

I followed him so I could tell him, Hey man, you’ve been jacked. The incident was shocking for more, but it wasn’t an isolated case in August. A mob of people robbed a train car full of Nike products in November. Another mob robbed a FedEx truck. Well, it was parked at an intersection and just days after the holidays, three delivery trucks were robbed around the city in the same day. I have no use for those people. I get up at five in the morning to go to work to make my money. More says the truck driver told him he saved his job by alerting him about the robbery and he even got a personal thank you from the president of that trucking company.

His message to others is this. If you see a crime happening, do what you can to make it right. Come on. Everyone has a camera now. It’s the easiest thing to do to just take a picture or a video and you can send it in anonymously. You don’t have to give. Listen, sir, you are too much of a good citizen to still be in Memphis, man, because it’s bad out here, bro. It’s bad. I didn’t even know that Nike’s was like still popping like that. I thought that we had to stop really, really buying Nike’s a long time ago.

I got a whole lot of them in the back that you can come and get. Well, no, let me reverse that. You all can’t come and get them. I just I’m just too lazy to even take the time out to get rid of them because I just got so many shoes that I never wore before. Y’all just still in team Jordans. Y’all still in Serena Williams, Nikes. Y’all still in the Caitlyn Jenner, Wheaties, Nikes. Oh, man. And over in New York is way worse. NYPD is now in a tassel going back and forth with Venezuelan gangs, migrant gangs.

Police are trying to tackle the rapidly escalating violent crime among Venezuelan gang members in the city who have gotten into New York. Fox’s Linda Schmidt talked to the NYPD who says this crime wave is one of their greatest challenges. She joins us live from the newsroom now. Linda, what can you tell us tonight? Well, you know, basically what you just said right there, this is one of the NYPD’s biggest challenges right now. Now, the NYPD expects the migrant Venezuelan gang crimes to actually get worse in the city before it gets better.

They’re waving the guns around. Correct. Waving guns and flashing gang signs on the street. Flashing gang signs with a Vans shirt on and you’re an illegal migrant in this country. It’s diabolical, bro. You are, you are, you are illegal migrant. You’re not even supposed to be here. And y’all on social media, flashing gang signs, fam. With a Vans shirt on and a wet set. My man got a wet set. This dude right here, he got a wet set on. What’s wrong? What’s wrong? On this video, the NYPD says these are suspected members of the ruthless Venezuelan gang, Trend de Aragua, which has been infiltrating the U.S.

for the last two years. NYPD assistant chief of detectives, Jason Savino, telling me it is believed this video was made while the gang members were in Ecuador. And its purpose is to recruit new members. Then when you fast forward, you see the same individuals where? In Times Square. So that’s our concern. The NYPD says Trend de Aragua has been making it over the border with the migrant influx and is getting established in New York. What we do see is they are trying to grow. The gang has gone from petty crimes like shoplifting and stealing cell phones and jewelry to all out shootouts in the streets.

Alleged gang member Bernardo Raul Mata recently confessing to police that gang members are being instructed to shoot police officers. Mata is charged with shooting two officers after they stopped him for riding a moped the wrong way on a one-way street in Queens. In court, an assistant district attorney revealing what Mata told investigators about the gang. Trend de Aragua members are smuggling firearms into city shelters inside food delivery packages. That way they’ll have to go through the metal detector. Guns being smuggled into migrant shelters in food delivery packages that are not being screened.

The gang violence is escalating. And now drugs are coming into the picture. We’re just starting to see a drug called 2C which is a pink cocaine type substance. Not breaking bad. Not breaking bad right there in New York like y’all Walter White. It seems like this is a huge challenge. It’s as big of a challenge as we faced. The NYPD has faced difficult challenges in the past and is determined to win this fight to keep New Yorkers safe. We should have never even been in this situation in the first place ma’am. We we we’re not supposed to be in this circumstance.

Jesus Christ. Y’all realize that we this is the reason why Texas didn’t want them down there and why they was fighting the Biden administration in order to close off our borders. I do realize that right. That this is the whole logic behind a man we need to have safer borders. We don’t want people to come into this country undocumented. We want to make sure that we vet these people effectively check them against whatever videos that they was making over there in Ecuador. And then I got people arguing with me. I don’t care what bad indeed.

I’m always gonna roll with the bad administration because then Joe we trust. And Joe we trust. I had people, geezers, generation Xers, and boomers saying and Joe we trust. And then on the flip side I got young people that’s under the age of 26 years old sitting here and telling me man I don’t even care. My vote don’t count anyway. It don’t even matter man because listen I’m gonna make a shake when it’s shaking as long as I got a shake shake shake shake baby. So the young people don’t give an F.

The old people is delusional and they voting based off of whatever their dimension that they can remember left from their dimension minds. And all the rest of us is just fools because we following our women to the polls and ages voting no matter what it is because they they want to focus on whether or not they can be be zesty and get married. What the fuck? What’s going on in this country bro? The geezers is is geezing. The young people is dumb but I don’t know I just go I’m gonna make it do what it do.

The young people smoking fentanyl. The old people is on prescription medication and these dudes just coming into the country with size 12 shoes on kicking y’all in y’all back. Yeah man listen I’m gonna just make it do what it do you know I’m gonna get my photography business poppin. I’m gonna be taking me some pictures on my iPhone. I’m gonna be going in getting AI to doctor the photos up and then we just gonna make it do what it do baby. I don’t care nothing about this election ain’t nothing happening yep you know the system gonna do whatever they want to do anyway it ain’t even up to us.

Black Lives Matter. We’re having success we’re taking down networks of individuals we’re up to the task and we’ll accomplish it. Now today I also reached out to city hall about security and metal detectors at the city-run migrant shelters and I asked them why food containers are not being screened for possible weapons or drugs. Now I was told those items we just gonna put the guns under the hash browns no worries no worries hey I know where to get switches from too. We’re gonna put the guns under the hash brown this is the young people.

Man I don’t care if these migrants out here running around it ain’t like the system is for us anyway the only thing I care about is my reparations. Old people you know hey hey ace hey unc great unc why you voting for Biden? No I don’t care you know migrants is running rampant in your neighborhood and they taking over everything and your taxes is going up and the schools is absolutely under duress and social security might not be solvent because we paying all of this money in order to give them health care coverage.

I don’t care. I don’t like that trumps. I don’t like it. Did you see what they did at the Capitol? Oh did you see what happened with the policy and stuff you know what I’m saying you losing your household huh and they don’t you know you got squatters and the squatters is migrants. I don’t care. I don’t care as long as I get Joe into office but he not even he can’t even think straight he wasn’t able to answer any questions at the debate. So what? Kamala Harris said that the only thing that matters is what she said do so I know one thing Kamala looked black to me so I’m going Kamala Harris Joe Biden’s 2020.

Here let me show you this video. I don’t want to see that nonsense you little dumb whippersnappers y’all don’t know nothing no more y’all don’t know see back in my day all right I’m done with you go ahead keep it moving big dog go ahead keep it moving bro you you got it bro you got it um see see states Mabel they don’t know no better they don’t know no better can you get my medicine over there I got a pill case they have a pill case this way I got a pill case over there it got all of my prescription medication 72 pills that we got to take before 9 p.m.

today and we got to make sure that we go and get our social security check and our food stamps okay gotta take 72 pills but we definitely make sure we get over to the poll and vote for Joe and we got an NAACP meeting to go to and we got to catch the bus to go to the casino because bingo night like bro the country is on fire I only got two years left on this earth anyway I’m gonna be comfortable I don’t care who how many of y’all I just described who y’all parents is y’all parents and y’all great grandparents because you know doing slavery like uh what’s up big dog you don’t realize that it’s a it’s a problem out here in these streets neither here nor there that’s what’s happening in new york you


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daylight robberies in Memphis Memphis logistics industry robberies nationwide trend of logistics robberies New York logistics industry crimes Nike product truck thefts Nike truck theft incidents. reporting suspicious activity to police truck robberies at traffic lights unloading stolen goods into vehicles Venezuelan migrant gangs in New York

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